UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID FACULTAD DE DERECHO TESIS DOCTORAL Fundamentos del derecho de la información en México MEMORIA PARA OPTAR AL GRADO DE DOCTOR PRESENTADA POR Gabriela Ponce Báez Directora Pilar Cousido González Madrid, 2015 © Gabriela Ponce Báez, 2015 UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID TESIS PARA OBTENER EL GRADO DE DOCTOR EN DERECHO “FUNDAMENTOS DEL DERECHO DE LA INFORMACIÓN EN MÉXICO” QUE PRESENTA: Gabriela Ponce Báez DIRECTORA DE TESIS: Dra. Pilar Cousido González Morelia, Michoacán, México, Septiembre de 2014. ÍNDICE ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ 1 INTRODUCCIÓN ............................................................................................... 6 CAPÍTULO PRIMERO FUNDAMENTOS TEÓRICO-CONCEPTUALES DEL DERECHO DE LA INFORMACIÓN EN MÉXICO ........................................................................... 19 1.1 Breve análisis del estado de la cuestión en torno al derecho a la información en México .................................................................................. 21 1.2 Estado de la cuestión sobre el Derecho de la Información en México .... 38 1.3 Derecho a la información y Derecho de la Información desde la perspectiva de José María Desantes ............................................................ 43 1.3.1 El derecho a la información definido por José María Desantes ........ 44 1.3.2 El Derecho de la Información en el pensamiento de José María Desantes .................................................................................................... 47 1.4 Conclusiones........................................................................................... 49 CAPÍTULO SEGUNDO FUNDAMENTOS HISTÓRICOS DEL DERECHO DE LA INFORMACIÓN EN MÉXICO ........................................................................................................... 55 2.1 El ejercicio de las libertades tradicionales de pensamiento, expresión e imprenta en los siglos XVI al XVIII. ............................................................... 55 2.1.1 Legislación colonial relacionada con las libertades de expresión, imprenta y pensamiento. ............................................................................ 65 2.3 Siglo XIX al XX. La configuración de los derechos del hombre en el México independiente y posrevolucionario ................................................... 91 2.2.1 La primera experiencia constitucional en México: la Constitución de Apatzingán y los Sentimientos de la Nación de José María Morelos y Pavón ................................................................................................................. 107 2.2.2 Primeros textos constitucionales del México Independiente y sus elementos de Derecho de la Información. ............................................... 112 2.2.3 La Constitución de 1857. ................................................................ 116 2.2.4 Constitución de 1917, el matiz social de los derechos humanos .... 129 2.3 Esbozo de la configuración del derecho a la información en México .... 133 1 CAPÍTULO TERCERO FUNDAMENTOS FILOSÓFICOS DEL DERECHO DE LA INFORMACIÓN EN MÉXICO ......................................................................................................... 160 3.1 Pensamiento filosófico en los años de vida colonial. ............................ 161 3.2 Pensamiento filosófico del siglo XIX. Liberalismo y positivismo ............ 202 3.3 La filosofía en el siglo XX. ..................................................................... 235 3.4 La filosofía en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. ....................................... 246 CAPÍTULO CUARTO FUNDAMENTOS JURÍDICOS DEL DERECHO DE LA INFORMACIÓN EN MÉXICO ......................................................................................................... 271 4.1 Fundamento constitucional del derecho a la información en México. ... 272 4.2 Fundamento jurídico internacional del derecho a la información aplicable en México. ................................................................................................... 310 4.2.1 Jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos sobre derecho a la información ................................................................ 322 4.3 Legislación secundaria que conforma el marco jurídico del Derecho de la Información en México. ............................................................................... 326 4.3.1 Ley sobre delitos de imprenta de 17 de abril de 1917 .................... 326 4.3.2 Ley del impuesto al Valor Agregado, de 29 de diciembre de 1978 . 329 4.3.3 Ley del Diario Oficial de la Federación y Gacetas Gubernamentales, de 24 de diciembre de 1986. ................................................................... 330 4.3.5 Ley Federal de Radio y Televisión, de 19 de enero de 1960 .......... 331 4.3.6 Ley de Ciencia y Tecnología, de 5 de junio de 2002 ...................... 334 4.3.7 Ley de Fiscalización y Rendición de Cuentas de la Federación, de 29 de mayo de 2009 ..................................................................................... 335 4.3.9 Ley de la Propiedad Industrial de 27 de junio de 1991 ................... 337 4.3.10 Ley del Sistema Nacional de Información Estadística y Geográfica, de 16 de abril de 2008 ............................................................................. 338 4.3.11 Ley Federal de Archivos, de 23 de enero de 2012 ....................... 340 4.3.12 Ley Federal de Cinematografía, de 29 de diciembre de 1992 ...... 344 4.3.13 Ley Federal del Consumidor, de 24 de diciembre de 1992 ........... 346 4.3.14 Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares, de 5 de julio de 2010 ........................................................... 349 4.3.15 Ley Federal de Telecomunicaciones, de 7 de junio de 1995 ........ 352 2 4.3.16 Ley Federal de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información Pública Gubernamental de 11 de junio de 2002 ................................................... 355 4.3.17 Ley Federal del Derecho de Autor, de 24 de diciembre de 1996 .. 360 4.3.18 Ley Federal sobre Monumentos y Zonas Arqueológicos, Artísticos e Históricos, de 6 de mayo de 1972 ........................................................... 362 4.3.19 Ley General de Bibliotecas, de 21 de enero de 1988 ................... 363 4.3.20 Ley General de Salud, de 7 de febrero de 1984 ........................... 365 4.3.21 Código Federal de Instituciones y Procedimientos Electorales, de 14 de enero de 2008 ..................................................................................... 368 4.3.22 Ley para la Protección de Personas Defensoras de Derechos Humanos y Periodistas, de 25 de junio de 2012 ...................................... 370 4.3.23 Ley que crea la Agencia de Noticias del Estado Mexicano, de 2 de junio de 2006 ........................................................................................... 373 4.3.24 Otras leyes en materia de derecho a la información ..................... 375 4.4 Criterios jurisprudenciales ..................................................................... 377 CAPÍTULO QUINTO FUNDAMENTOS DE LA EDUCACIÓN DEL DERECHO DE LA INFORMACIÓN EN MÉXICO ......................................................................... 390 5.1 Rasgos generales que debe contener la enseñanza del Derecho de la Información ................................................................................................. 391 5.1.1 Rasgos generales que debe contener la enseñanza del Derecho de la Información desde el pensamiento de José María Desantes .................. 391 5.1.2 Posibles rasgos de una enseñanza del Derecho de la Información en otros autores ............................................................................................ 409 5.2 Breve reseña de la enseñanza del Derecho de la Información en México .................................................................................................................... 419 5.3 Maestría en Derecho de la Información de la Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo ............................................................................... 428 5.4 Hacia un conocimiento crítico y solidario del derecho a la información 448 CONCLUSIONES .......................................................................................... 451 FUENTES CONSULTADAS .......................................................................... 465 3 ABSTRACT The Foundations of The Right to Information in Mexico (Los fundamentos del Derecho de la Información en México) is a research to earn a degree as phd, whose principal objective is to contribute to establish some theoretical bases for the Right to Information (Derecho de la Información) due to the fact that it is a young academic discipline which is still under construction. In order to lay those foundations, series of headlines were ascertained by applying the theory developed –during decades- by José María Desantes Guanter for the Spanish cause. His work, Foundations of the Right to Information, in particular, was the base and inspiration for this research, especially to organize and systematize the information, giving order and coherence on the discipline of law. The fifth thematic lines on which it was decided to work were: theoretical-conceptual foundations, historical bases, philosophical foundations, legal bases, and foundations of education. These five core orderly cover the amount of contents that are related to the area of knowledge on which this research is focused. To develop each one of these thematic lines, it was needed to identify the predominant elements in Mexico in order to show that even though it is not possible to talk about the Right to Information as it is nowadays conceived, there have been some aspects that make one 1 consider that this discipline has been under construction during each legislation, and according to each legal framework. Likewise, the right to information was gradually given recognition as a human right. Hence, the significance of this thesis lies in ordering, identifying and classifying those elements which are undefined, vague and not clear. Having clarified these aspects, it is time to briefly explain each one of the thematic lines that have been developed to theoretically organize the Right to Information in Mexico. The first thematic line, which was developed in the first chapter, discussed some brief theoretical-conceptual ideas about the Right to Information and the freedom of information (derecho a la información) in Mexico. In essence It is a concise state of the art, whose main goal is to permit one to identify the authors that have been focused on this discipline of Law, the works that have been produced in the country, and the quality of them; works that constitute what can be called the bibliographic production on the Right to Information in Mexico. The intention of this chapter was to make an unbiased study of all tendencies and schools of thought according to a personal classification –whose academic purpose was to make the state of the art understandable. And to provide a base to determine which authors can be read for those who are initiating into the Right to Information. It is important to say that this is the shortest chapter because the amount of theoretical works is not yet significant. 2 As far as the second thematic line is concerned, the Historical Bases of the Right to Information in Mexico, it provides the panorama of rights and freedoms that, during Mexican history, have given a framework for the current law discipline. In essence, a diversity of social processes and their principal historical figures were analyzed, particularly those that have structured the Mexico of the 20st Century. To illustrate, historical periods such as the Colonial Mexico - Novohispanic period- were discussed in this chapter, showing how complex was to exercise basic rights such as the freedom of thought, to express oneself, and the right to publish one’s views. This situation was the result of the political and religious restrictions imposed by the government. However, the Humanism permitted the criticism of the status quo, whose results were the independence processes in Latin America, and consequently, the first constitutional exercises which were mainly influenced by liberalism. It is important to show how rights and freedoms related to the right to information were considered and conceived, and how that conception was transformed through years due to social movements and political processes that were approaching a modern conceptualization, eventually positivist, nationalistic and finally neoliberal. As a result of this analysis, it is possible to say that the freedom of information was not formed by spontaneous generation. As a matter of fact, it was the outcome of a long social and political battle, the 3 result of what Desantes calls “precipitado histórico” (historical momentum). The main goal of this battle was the institutional and political recognition of this human right by the State, but mainly, the social acknowledgment in order to make people feel that they own a right –apart from other human rights- that is important for their individual and social development. The third thematic line, Philosophical Foundations of the Right to Information, is related to the second one due to the fact that it examines the evolution of ideas. In other words, it analyzes the History of Philosophy of the Right to Information and its protection. Thus, the analysis of Mexican philosophers, who have worked on topics related to the rights and freedoms that comprises the right to information, was done according to each period of the Mexican History. Even though it is considered that the legislation in this issue is restricted, it is possible to say that the current body of laws is considerable once a work of classification and organization is done. Therefore, the fourth thematic line, which corresponds to the fourth chapter, refers to the Legal Foundations of the Right to Information. In addition, it was necessary to study the case-law framework in order to understand what vision jurists have had of the right to information, and how they have applied the body of laws in specific court cases through history, taking into consideration international criteria that, nowadays, can be considered of compulsory application in the country. 4