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Universal Control Induced by Noise Christian Arenz,1 Daniel Burgarth,1 Paolo Facchi,2,3 Vittorio Giovannetti,4 Hiromichi Nakazato,5 Saverio Pascazio,2,3 and Kazuya Yuasa5 1Institute of Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science, Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth SY23 2BZ, UK 2Dipartimento di Fisica and MECENAS, Universita` di Bari, I-70126 Bari, Italy 3INFN, Sezione di Bari, I-70126 Bari, Italy 4NEST, Scuola Normale Superiore and Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR, I-56126 Pisa, Italy 5Department of Physics, Waseda University, Tokyo 169-8555, Japan (Dated: June 8, 2016) On the basis of the quantum Zeno effect it has been recently shown [D. K. Burgarth et al., Nat. Commun. 5, 5173 (2014)] that a strong amplitude damping process applied locally on a part of a quantum system can have a beneficial effect on the dynamics of the remaining part of the system. 6 Quantumoperationsthatcannotbeimplementedwithoutthedissipationbecomeachievablebythe 1 action of the strong dissipative process. Here we generalize this idea by identifying decoherence- 0 free subspaces (DFS’s) as the subspaces in which the dynamics becomes more complex. Applying 2 methods from quantum control theory we characterize the set of reachable operations within the n DFS’s. We provide three examples which become fully controllable within the DFS’s while the u control over the original Hilbert space in the absence of dissipation is trivial. In particular, we J show that the (classical) Ising Hamiltonian is turned into a Heisenberg Hamiltonian by strong 7 collectivedecoherence,whichprovidesuniversalquantumcomputationwithintheDFS’s. Moreover we perform numerical gate optimization to study how the process fidelity scales with the noise ] strength. Asabyproductasubsystemfidelitywhichcanbeappliedinotheroptimizationproblems h for open quantum systems is developed. p - t n I. INTRODUCTION which cannot be realized without the help of the dissi- a pation. The complexity of the dynamics is enhanced by u q the noise. The interaction of a quantum system with its environ- [ Toshowthiswebuildupontherecentresultsobtained mentisusuallyconsideredtobedetrimentalforquantum inRef.[14]. OnthebasisofthequantumZenoeffect[30] 2 information processing. Quantum features one wants it was shown that frequent projective measurements can v to use for quantum information tasks are washed out enrich the dynamics steered by a set of control Hamil- 2 quickly so that the implementation of quantum gates 1 tonians. Consider two control Hamiltonians H1 and H2 becomes noisy. In the last decades, however, it has 2 which are commutative with each other, 1 been observed that sometimes noise can be beneficial. 0 Ratherthanfightingagainsttheenvironment,dissipative [H ,H ]=0. (1) 1 2 . statepreparation[1–4]anddissipativequantumcomput- 1 0 ing[5–7]turnedouttobevaluablealternativestounitary One is allowed to switch them on and off at will, but 6 gate designs. In the context of quantum control the- can induce only trivial dynamics on the system due to 1 ory state preparation and the implementation of unitary thecommutativity. Ifoneadditionallyperformsfrequent v: gatesthroughthemodulationofclassicalcontrolfieldsin projective measurements described by a Hermitian pro- i thepresenceofadissipativeenvironmenthavebeenstud- jection P during the control, the system is confined to X ied [8–11] and the set of reachable operations has been the subspace specified by the projection P due to the r analyzed [12, 13]. The environment can be used as a quantum Zeno effect (quantum Zeno subspace [30, 31]), a resourcetoincreasethesetofoperationsthatcanbeim- where the system evolves unitarily (quantum Zeno dy- plementedthroughthecontrols[14,15]. Ifthedissipative namics [30, 32]) according to the projected counterparts process admits some set of states robust against the en- of the control Hamiltonians, PH P and PH P. These 1 2 vironmentalperturbations,thefidelityfortheimplemen- projected Hamiltonians do not necessarily commute any tation of a gate within the subspaces spanned is not in- more, fluencedbythenoiseandthedynamicsthereisfreefrom decoherence. The existence of the decoherence-free sub- [PH P,PH P]=0. (2) 1 2 (cid:54) spaces (DFS’s) [16–25] and the interplay between weak coherent processes and fast relaxation processes make it The measurement forces the system to evolve within the possibletoimplementunitarygatesoverthesteady-state Zeno subspace, in which more complex operations can manifold in a noiseless manner [26–29]. Here we show be realized thanks to the noncommutativity. The same that such a noise process can even raise the fidelity for effect can be induced by an infinitely strong dissipative implementing a desired gate. The action of the strong process [28, 29]. It was shown in Ref. [14] that a strong dissipation allows the implementation of gate operations amplitude damping channel acting only locally on one 2 out of many qubits in a chain typically turns a pair of DFS (i) is spanned by ψ(i) ,..., ψ(i) char- HDFS ⊂ H {| 1 (cid:105) | di (cid:105)} commuting Hamiltonians into a pair of projected Hamil- acterized by toniansthatallowustoperformuniversalquantumcom- putation over the whole chain of qubits apart from the L ψ(i) =λ(i) ψ(i) , Gψ(i) =b(i) ψ(i) projected one. The amplitude damping acting locally on j| k (cid:105) j | k (cid:105) | k (cid:105) | k (cid:105) one qubit out of many, however, is a very special type (j =1,...,d2 1; k =1,...,d ), (4) i − of noise, and the assumption that it acts only locally seems unrealistic. On the other hand, this effect, noise- with G = (cid:80)d2−1γ L†L , λ(i) complex, and b(i) = induced universal quantum computation, should arise in j=1 j j j j more general settings. (cid:80)dj=2−11γj|λ(ji)|2 [46]. Clearly if we prepare the system Inthisarticle, weshowthattheuniversalcontrollabil- in an initial state ρ S( (i) ), this state is protected ityoverthesystemcanbeachievedwiththehelpofmore fromdissipationdriv0en∈byHthDeFdSissipator in(3). Wede- general noise models, including the ones widely studied noteby the(super)projection(whichisDnotnecessarily in the context of DFS’s [16–21, 23–25, 28, 29]. DFS’s self-dualP) onto the steady-state manifold which consists will be identified as the equivalent to the quantum Zeno of all quantum states ρ satisfying (ρ) = 0. We assume subspaces. Evenifweareoriginallyabletoperformonly that the steady states are attractivDe, i.e., trivial controls by commuting control Hamiltonians, a strong amplitude damping process projects the system lim eDt = , (5) onto DFS’s, where we achieve universal controllability t→∞ P over the system. We characterize the set of reachable towhichwereferasthelong-time/strong-dampinglimit. operationswithinDFS’sandprovideexamplesforwhich In practice, the strong dissipative process quickly de- universal sets of gates can be implemented. Moreover, stroys the quantum coherence along a given set of di- we perform numerical gate optimization to study how rections. strong the dissipative process needs to be to implement such gates with high precision. As a byproduct a new fidelity function which can be applied in other optimiza- tion problems for open quantum systems is developed. B. Quantum Control Having introduced the concept of DFS’s we briefly re- II. BASIC CONCEPTS view some results from quantum control theory. Con- sider a quantum system described by a Hamiltonian H , 0 A. DFS’s whichsuffersfromdissipationdescribedbythedissipator in(3). Wetrytosteerthesystembymodulatingexter- D DFS’s can be exploited as a passive strategy for pro- nal fields f1(t),...,fm(t) to switch on and off control { } tectingquantuminformationagainstnoise[33]. Thethe- Hamiltonians H1,...,Hm . The evolution of the sys- { } oryhasbeendevelopedintermsofinteractionHamiltoni- tem is generated by ans[16–18,21,22]aswellasofquantumdynamicalsemi- groups [19, 20, 24, 25]. Many experiments, such as [34– t(ρ)= i[H(t),ρ]+ (ρ), (6) L − D 37], demonstrate the importance of DFS’s for noiseless quantumcomputation. Anexperimentalsetupinwaveg- with uide QED has also been discussed recently [38] and we m willcommentonitinSec. V. Moreoverthecombinations (cid:88) H(t)=H + f (t)H . (7) with error correcting schemes [20] and dynamical strate- 0 (cid:96) (cid:96) (cid:96)=1 gies for decoherence control [39–44] are promising possi- bilities for robust quantum information processing [45]. H isadriftHamiltonian,andwedonothaveaccesstoit. 0 ADFScanbeseenasadegeneratepointerbasis,which It is known [47] that in the absence of the dissipator , is invariant against the dissipative process. Consider a every unitary operation in the closure of the dynamicDal purelydissipativedynamicsdescribedbytheLindbladian Lie group eL can be implemented with arbitrarily high generator precision, with d2−1 (ρ)= (cid:88) γ (L†L ρ+ρL†L 2L ρL†), (3) L=Lie(iH0,iH1,...,iHm) (8) D − j j j j j − j j j=1 beingtherealLiealgebraformedbyreallinearcombina- with ρ the density operator of the system, L the tionsoftheoperatorsiH ,iH ,...,iH andoftheiriter- j 0 1 m Lindblad operators acting on the system, and γ non- atedcommutators. IfL su(d)(fortracelessoperators), j ⊇ negativeconstants. Herewerestrictourselvestoafinite- where su(d) is the special unitary algebra, the system is dimensional quantum system with Hilbert space of saidtobefullycontrollable,thatis,everyunitarycanbe H dimension d and write S( ) for the state space of . A implemented up to a global phase. H H 3 III. NOISE-INDUCED UNIVERSAL QUANTUM where we have introduced the constant g that measures COMPUTATION thestrengthofthecoherentpart = i[H, ]incompar- K − • isonwiththedissipativepart . Basedonaperturbative D Our question is the following. Suppose that expansion it has been shown [28, 29] that the Lie algebra L generated by our Hamiltonians (etL egtPKP) O(gτ ), (12) H0,H1,...,Hm is strictly smaller than su(d) and only (cid:107) − P(cid:107)≤ R { } limited unitaries are realizable by our control in the ab- whereτ−1 =min Re λ , withλ thenonvanishing sence of the dissipation . How is the set of reachable eigenvalRuesof ,hd>efi0n|es{theh}lo|ngestrehlaxationtimescale operations enlarged by thDe action of a strong dissipation τ . ThenormDistheusualoperatornormandgt=O(1). R on the system? Thanks to this, we notice that on a time scale on which D To this end we need to know how the system evolves thedissipativedynamicsismuchfasterthanthecoherent under the influence of the strong dissipation [28, 29]. dynamics, the dynamics is effectively governed by (9). D Tobeginwithweconsiderthesituationinwhichnodrift Similarly to (10), if the system is initially prepared in term H0 is present and the dissipator can be switched a DFS, say in the ith DFS, the system evolves unitar- D onandoffarbitrarilyaswellasthecontrolHamiltonians ily within the same DFS in the limit gτ 0 with R {H1,...,Hm}. Afterwards we discuss the case in which gt = O(1), driven by the projected Hamiltoni→an PiHPi. we have no control over the dissipative part and the Again, this is intuitively clear: if the dynamics is dom- D driftHamiltonianH0,assumingthatthecontrolfieldsare inated by the fast dissipative process, the latter defines all constant. Finally this leads to the general case (6). the subspaces within which the system can evolve. The If we are allowed to control arbitrarily, we can presence of the coherent component only modifies the switch rapidly between and a Dunitary evolution that motion within each subspace. K P is generated by c = i[Hc, ] with some Hc It is now easy to treat the general case (6). In the K − • ∈ H0,H1,...,Hm and in the limit of infinitely frequent spirit of the Trotter formula, by switching among the { } switching control Hamiltonians under gτ 0 and gt = O(1), R → we can implement with arbitrarily high precision every lim ( eKct/n )n =ePKcPt . (9) n→∞ P P P Ui =eL(DiF)S in the relevant DFS, with It can be shown [28, 48] that L(i) =Lie(iP H P ,iP H P ,...,iP H P ) (13) DFS i 0 i i 1 i i m i ( )(ρ)= i[P H P ,ρ], ρ S( (i) ), (10) PKcP − i c i ∀ ∈ HDFS being the real Lie algebra generated by the drift Hamil- tonian H and the control Hamiltonians H ,...,H whereP =(cid:80)di ψ(i) ψ(i) istheHermitianprojection 0 { 1 m} i k=1| k (cid:105)(cid:104) k | projected by the projection Pi. Note that for a unital on the ith DFS. Clearly this implies that if we prepare evolution eDt the Lie algebra over the DFS’s reads the system in a DFS, say in the ith DFS, it remains there evolving unitarily with the projected Hamiltonian L =Lie(i (H ),i (H ),...,i (H )). (14) DFS 0 1 m P P P P H P . Furthermore if the evolution generated by i c i D The projection P can now be identified as the equiva- is unital, i.e., (11) = 0, the system evolves over the i D lentofthefrequentprojectivemeasurementthatprojects steadystatemanifoldaccordingto = i[ (H ), ], c c PK P − P • thesystemontothequantumZenosubspacespecifiedby andforanAbelianinteractionalgebra[49], generatedby P : the strong dissipation does the same job as the Zeno the L ’s in (3) and their conjugates, we have (H ) = i j c (cid:80) P measurement. In the strong-damping limit the system is P H P [28]. The mechanism is similar to that of the i i c i confined in the DFS’s, evolving unitarily and steered by quantum Zeno subspaces induced by other means, such the projected Hamiltonians. as frequent measurements, strong continuous couplings, AlthoughthedimensionsoftheDFS’saresmallerthan and frequent unitary kicks [30, 31, 44]. The projective thedimensionoftheoriginalHilbertspace,thedynamics measurement is effectively performed by the dissipative inducedbytheprojectedcontrolHamiltonianswithinthe process. The measurement is nonselective [50]: the tran- DFS’s can be much more complex than the one induced sitions among different subspaces are hindered and the by the original control Hamiltonians in the absence of dynamics within each subspace is governed by the pro- the dissipation, since dimL is in general larger than jected Hamiltonian P H P . DFS i c i dimL [14]. One can even achieve the universal control- Sofarwehavediscussedthecaseinwhichthedissipa- lability over the DFS’s, with the help of the strong dissi- tor as well as the control Hamiltonians H ,...,H 1 m D { } pation. can be controlled arbitrarily, in the absence of the drift Hamiltonian H . Typically one has no access to the dis- 0 sipative part in (6) that arises for example from an D IV. UNIVERSAL CONTROL IN DFS’S: interaction with the environment. If we assume that the EXAMPLES controlfieldsareallconstant,thegenerator(6)including the drift Hamiltonian H reads 0 Onthebasisoftheobservationthattheprojecteddrift =g + , (11) and control Hamiltonians do not necessarily commute L K D 4 any more, we saw in the last section that the Lie al- That is, in the strong-damping limit qubit 1 becomes gebra over the DFS’s might be larger than the Lie alge- fully controllable, i.e., every U SU(2) can be imple- ∈ bra over the original Hilbert space. In the following we mented on qubit 1. present three different examples, for which the universal Now let us replace the amplitude-damping process on controllability over the DFS’s is achieved, even though qubit 2 by a pure dephasing process generated by only “simple” operations can be implemented over the (ρ)= γ[σ(2),[σ(2),ρ]], (21) original Hilbert space in the absence of dissipation. D − z z where σ(2) =11 σ . Inthiscasethesystem isprojected z z ⊗ as [51] A. Two Qubits eDtρ=P ρP +P ρP +P ρP e−4γt+P ρP e−4γt 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 We first provide a simplest example with only two γt→∞ (ρ)=P ρP +P ρP , (22) qubits, which is essentially the same as that presented 0 0 1 1 −−−−→P inRef.[14]: oneofthetwoqubits,sayqubit2,issubject where P = 11 i i (i = 0,1). This dephasing process to a strong amplitude-damping process. We also discuss i ⊗| (cid:105)(cid:104) | admitstwoorthogonalDFS’sidentifiedbytheHermitian the same model but with a pure dephasing process on projections P and P , qubit 2, instead of the amplitude-damping process. 0 1 The drift Hamiltonian reads (0) =span 0 0 , 1 0 , (23a) HDSF {| (cid:105)⊗| (cid:105) | (cid:105)⊗| (cid:105)} H =σ (σ +σ ), (15a) (1) =span 0 1 , 1 1 . (23b) 0 x⊗ x z HDFS {| (cid:105)⊗| (cid:105) | (cid:105)⊗| (cid:105)} Since the evolution generated by (21) is unital, in the while we have a control Hamiltonian strong-dephasing limit our Hamiltonians are projected H =σ (σ σ ), (15b) to 1 y x z ⊗ − (H )=σ σ , (24a) whereσα (α=x,y,z)arethePaulioperators. Notethat P 0 x⊗ z theseHamiltonianscommutewitheachother,[H0,H1]= P(H1)=−σy⊗σz, (24b) 0. Therefore in the absence of noise the Lie algebra and the Lie algebra over the DFS’s L = L = Lie(iH ,iH ) is spanned just by iH ,iH and DFS 0 1 { 0 1} Lie(i (H ),i (H ))isspannedby σ σ ,σ σ ,σ hence is only two dimensional, dimL = 2. We now add P 0 P 1 { x⊗ z y⊗ z z⊗ 11 : its dimension is dimL =3 and is increased from amplitude-damping on qubit 2, generated by } DFS dimL=2 by the action of the strong pure dephasing on D(ρ)=−γ(σ+(2)σ−(2)ρ+ρσ+(2)σ−(2)−2σ−(2)ρσ+(2)), (16) q(iu=bit02o.rI1n)ptahretiLcuielaarl,giefbqruaboivte2rstthaertisthfrDomFSthreeasdtaste |i(cid:105) wopitehraσto±(2rs) a=cti11ng⊗n(oσnxtr±iviiaσlyly)/o2ntlyheonraqisuibnigt 2a.ndItlporwoejreicntgs L(Di)FS =Lie(iPiH0Pi,iPiH1Pi)=su(2)⊗|i(cid:105)(cid:104)i|, (25) the system as [51] andqubit1isfullycontrollable. Althoughinthiscasewe donothavethefullcontrollabilityoverallDFS’s,univer- eDtρ=(P +Qe−γt)ρ(P +Qe−γt)+(1 e−2γt)LρL† sal quantum computation is possible on qubit 1 within − γt→∞ (ρ)=PρP +LρL†, (17) either of the two DFS’s. We see that using the frame- −−−−→P workofDFS’sthepreviousresultsonamplitudedamping channels extend naturally to other types of noise. where P = 11 0 0, Q = 11 1 1, and L = σ(2) = ⊗| (cid:105)(cid:104) | ⊗| (cid:105)(cid:104) | − 11 0 1 with 0 and 1 being the eigenstates of σ z ⊗| (cid:105)(cid:104) | | (cid:105) | (cid:105) belonging to the eigenvalues 1 and +1, respectively. B. N-Level Atom with an Unstable Level − Thedissipator(16)admitsasingleDFSidentifiedbythe Hermitian projection P onto Thenextexampleinvolvesanatomwithenergyeigen- states 1 ,..., N plus a higher lying unstable state =span 0 0 , 1 0 . (18) | (cid:105) | (cid:105) HDFS {| (cid:105)⊗| (cid:105) | (cid:105)⊗| (cid:105)} e that decays to the lower lying states with rates | (cid:105) γ ,...,γ , as schematically represented in Fig. 1. We In the strong-damping limit our Hamiltonians are pro- 1 N assume that N 2. A similar level structure manifests jected to ≥ for example in a Rydberg atom, for which the quantum Zenodynamicshasrecentlybeendemonstratedinanim- PH P = σ 0 0, (19a) 0 x − ⊗| (cid:105)(cid:104) | pressive way [52]. PH P =σ 0 0, (19b) 1 y⊗| (cid:105)(cid:104) | We will consider a decay process described by and the Lie algebra over the DFS is given by N (cid:88) (ρ)= γ (L†L ρ+ρL†L 2L ρL†) (26) L =Lie(iPH P,iPH P)=su(2) 0 0. (20) D − j j j j j − j j DFS 0 1 j=1 ⊗| (cid:105)(cid:104) | 5 e asinthepreviousexample. TheseHamiltoniansarepro- | i jected by the strong dissipation (27) to N−1 (cid:88) � � � � PH P = (j j+1 + j+1 j ), (30a) 1 2 3 N 0 | (cid:105)(cid:104) | | (cid:105)(cid:104) | N j=1 | i PH P = 1 1. (30b) 1 | (cid:105)(cid:104) | 3 This pair of Hamiltonians is known to generate the full 2 | i unitary algebra u(N) (see e.g. [54]). We get 1 | i | i L =Lie(iPH P,iPH P)=u(N)P. (31) DFS 0 1 FIG. 1. Schematic representation of an N-level atom with a higher lying unstable level |e(cid:105) that decays with rates Its dimension is dimLDFS =N2, while dimL=2 in the γ ,...,γ to the lower lying levels |1(cid:105),...,|N(cid:105) spanning a absence of the dissipation. Compared to the previous 1 N DFS. two-qubit example we observe here a more dramatic in- crease of the complexity in the dynamics over the DFS through projection. with L = j e (j =1,...,N). The system is projected j | (cid:105)(cid:104) | as [51] C. Ising Chain of N Qubits under Collective eDtρ=(P +Qe−Γt)ρ(P +Qe−Γt) Decoherence N 1 (cid:88) + (1 e−2Γt) γ L ρL† The third example is a chain of N qubits interact- Γ − j j j ing with each other via nearest-neighbor Ising-type cou- j=1 plings, N Γt→∞ (ρ)=PρP + 1 (cid:88)γ L ρL†, (27) −−−−→P Γ j j j N(cid:88)−1 j=1 H = σ(n)σ(n+1), (32a) 0 z z n=1 where P =11 e e, Q= e e, and Γ=(cid:80)N γ . The dissipator(26−)a|d(cid:105)m(cid:104)it|saDF|S(cid:105)i(cid:104)de|ntifiedbythej=H1erjmitian whereσα(n) =11 11 σα 11 11(α=x,y,z)are ⊗···⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗···⊗ projection P, namely, spanned by the lower lying levels the Pauli operators acting on the nth qubit. We assume that N 3. In addition we are allowed to switch on and ≥ =span 1 ,..., N . (28) off the coupling between the first two qubits, DFS H {| (cid:105) | (cid:105)} H =σ(1)σ(2). (32b) Now we are going to introduce a drift Hamiltonian 1 z z and a control Hamiltonian. We take an example from These Hamiltonians trivially commute with each other, Ref. [53], for which the universal control is achieved [H ,H ]=0, and our control over the chain of qubits is 0 1 through frequent projective measurements described by very poor. Suppose then that this system undergoes a a Hermitian projection P. Note that here P is realized strong collective decoherence described by the Lindbla- through the strong-damping limit of the completely pos- dian generator itiveandtrace-preserving(CPTP)mapthatisgenerated (cid:88) by the dissipator (26). The drift Hamiltonian (ρ)= γ (S2ρ+ρS2 2S ρS ), (33) D − α α α− α α α=x,y,z N−1 (cid:88) H = e 2 + 2 e + (j j+1 + j+1 j ) (29a) that is unital, where 0 | (cid:105)(cid:104) | | (cid:105)(cid:104) | | (cid:105)(cid:104) | | (cid:105)(cid:104) | j=1 N 1 (cid:88) S = σ(n) (α=x,y,z) (34) consists of the interactions among the lower lying levels α 2 α 1 ,..., N and additional driving terms stimulating n=1 {| (cid:105) | (cid:105)} the transitions between e and 2 . The control Hamil- arethecollectivespinoperators. Thisnoisemodeliswell | (cid:105) | (cid:105) tonian, on the other hand, reads studied in the context of DFS’s, and is known to admit multiple DFS’s labeled by the total spin J of the whole H1 = e e + 1 1 (e 1 + 1 e). (29b) chain [i.e., J gives the total spin angular momentum of | (cid:105)(cid:104) | | (cid:105)(cid:104) |− | (cid:105)(cid:104) | | (cid:105)(cid:104) | the chain by S2 =(cid:80) S2 =J(J +1)] [22, 24, 28]. α=x,y,z α Again, these Hamiltonians commute with each other, The dimensions of the DFS’s are given by [55] [H ,H ] = 0. Therefore in the absence of the noise 0 1 D the Lie algebra L = Lie(iH ,iH ) is spanned just by (2J +1)N! 0 1 d = , (35) iH0,iH1 andhenceisonlytwodimensional,dimL=2, J,N (N/2+J +1)!(N/2 J)! { } − 6 and are listed in Table I for small numbers of qubits N. defined by Tr AΛ (ρ) =Tr Λ(cid:63)(A)ρ , (36) { t } { t } for an arbitrary observable A and state ρ, and note that ToseehowourHamiltoniansH0 andH1 areprojected D(cid:63) =D in this case, since Sα in the generator D in (33) by the collective decoherence Λ = eDt in the strong- are Hermitian. By this channel, each component of our t damping limit, let us look at its dual channel Λ(cid:63) =eD(cid:63)t Hamiltonians σ(n)σ(n+1) evolves according to t z z σx(n)σx(n+1) γy+γz γz γy σx(n)σx(n+1) Dσy(n)σy(n+1)=−2 −γz γz−+γx −−γx σy(n)σy(n+1), (37) σ(n)σ(n+1) γy γx γx+γy σ(n)σ(n+1) z z − − z z andinthestrong-dampinglimittheoperatorsσ(n)σ(n+1) In Ref. [24], it is proved that any SU transformations α α (α=x,y,z) are projected to on the DFS’s induced by the strong collective decoher- ence (33) can be realized if we are able to apply swap interactions between any pair of qubits. Note that the     σx(n)σx(n+1) σx(n)σx(n+1) swapHamiltonianscanbeconstructedfromtherotation- Λtσσy((nn))σσy((nn++11))−γ¯−t−→−∞→Pσσy((nn))σσy((nn++11)) athlleysswymapmoeptreircattowroS-bmondyswoappepraintgortshHe mstnat=esσof(mqu)b·iσts(nm): z z z z andnisgivenbyS =(1+σ(m) σ(n))/2. Sincewehave σ(n) σ(n+1) mn · 1 · proveninAppendixAthatalltherotationallysymmetric = σ(n) σ(n+1), (38) two-body operators H =σ(m) σ(n) can be generated 3 σ(n)·σ(n+1) by the projected Hammilntonians ·(H ) and (H ), the · swap Hamiltonians S betweenPany0pair ofPqub1its can mn where γ¯ is a characteristic timescale of the decoherence, beapplied,andbythetheoremprovedinRef.[24]allthe e.g., the smaller nonvanishing eigenvalue of the matrix generators of (cid:76) su(d ) can be constructed. Namely, J J,N in (37). The operators become rotationally symmetric (cid:77) by the projection. In particular, our Hamiltonians H0 LDFS =Lie(i (H0),i (H1)) su(dJ,N). (42) and H are projected to P P ⊃ 1 J N−1 This means that we are able to perform universal quan- 1 (cid:88) (H )= σ(n) σ(n+1), (39a) tumcomputationoverallDFS’sbytheprojectedHamil- 0 P 3 · n=1 tonians (H0) and (H1). P P 1 Notice, however, that the full unitary algebra (H )= σ(1) σ(2). (39b) (cid:76) P 1 3 · Ju(dJ,N) over the DFS’s is not attainable. For in- The Ising chain (32) thus becomes the Heisenberg chain (39) by the projection . The projected Hamil- tonians are not commutative aPnymore with each other. TABLEI.ThedimensionsdJ,N oftheDFS’s,andthedimen- sionoftheLiealgebraL =Lie(iP(H ),iP(H ))compared DFS 0 1 Now we look at the Lie algebra withthedimensionsoftheuandsualgebrasovertheDFS’s, for small numbers of qubits N. L =Lie(i (H ),i (H )) (40) DFS 0 1 P P N =1 N =2 N =3 N =4 N =5 N =6 generated by the projected Hamiltonians (H ) and J =0 1 2 5 0 P (H1). Recall that the projected Hamiltonians in (39) J = 1 1 2 5 P 2 arerotationallysymmetric,reflectingthecharacterofthe J =1 1 3 9 decoherence model (33). Commutators preserve this ro- J = 3 1 4 tational symmetry, as we will see below. Then, all the 2 J =2 1 5 elements of the Lie algebra L are rotationally sym- DFS J = 5 1 metric,andaregivenintermsofthetwo-andthree-body 2 operators (see Appendix A for details) J =3 1 dimL 0 1 4 12 40 129 DFS H =σ(m) σ(n), H =σ(i) (σ(j) σ(k)) (cid:80) dimsu(d ) 0 0 3 11 39 128 mn · ijk · × (cid:80)J J,N (m<n; i<j <k; m,n,i,j,k =1,...,N). (41) Jdimu(dJ,N) 1 2 5 14 42 132 7 stance, not all the rotationally symmetric four-body op- imize the gate error erators(σ(i) σ(j))(σ(k) σ((cid:96)))=H H canbegenerated. ij k(cid:96) Combination·s of them·can be generated by the rotation- ε1 =(cid:107)ET −EG(cid:107)2HS, (45) ally symmetric two- and three-body operators through where is the Hilbert-Schmidt norm with HS G (cid:107) • (cid:107) E i[Hij,Hjk(cid:96)]=2(HikHj(cid:96)−Hi(cid:96)Hjk), (43) athned rEoTw-bveeicntgortizraeatitoend oafs dth2e×dde2nsmityatroipceesraotbortaionfeda bdy- but we realize that we can generate only differences of dimensional system. In general, for two CPTP maps four-body operators. The other commutators such as Φ1 and Φ2, the Hilbert-Schmidt norm of the difference between their corresponding matrices provides an upper i[Hijk,HijHk(cid:96)]=4(Hj(cid:96)−Hi(cid:96))+2(Hi(cid:96)Hjk−HikHj(cid:96)), bound(cid:107)Φ1−Φ2(cid:107)(cid:5) ≤d(cid:107)Φ1−Φ2(cid:107)HS onthediamondnorm (44) (cid:5). The diamond norm [57] takes its maximal value 2 (cid:107)•(cid:107) donothelptobreakthedifferencestogetasinglepieceof whenthetwoquantumchannelsΦ1 andΦ2 areperfectly four-body operator. This is because commutators yield distinguishable. The minimization of (45) is done by a something antisymmetric with respect to some of the gradient-based algorithm [58] dividing the total time T qubits involved in the operators. In order to single out intoequidistanttimeintervals,onwhichthecontrolfields eachpieceoffour-bodyoperatorfromthedifferences, we are piecewise constant. need a sum of four-body operators, but it is not avail- We are actually interested in the reduced dynamics of able or provided through commutators. We thus cannot system 1, i.e., in the map (1)(ρ ) = Tr (ρ ρ ) ET 1 2{ET 1 ⊗ 2 } generate the full algebra over the DFS’s. with ρ and ρ the initial states of systems 1 and 2, 1 2 See Table I, where the dimension of the Lie algebra respectively, and Tr the partial trace over system 2. 2 b(cid:80)badlruigmaJteb(cid:80)dLisriDmaJFsddmuSii(mmaidslJlLsce,NuorDm()FdtoSphJv,aaiNesrnre)idnt(cid:80)ahdnweeJdieDtddthFihmltSaah’truseg.(oeddfTrJitm,thhNheeea)nd.nfsuimi(cid:80)loAlneunJnnoysdfiiwtoitmaanhryeyos,ufsat(tulhdhgeJaee,lbNLgdrei)iae--, WgUeovonGeeasrly,w∈usditnseeShipmtUaet(rno2dyd:)so.mepvaatelOipsnmouEiirfzoG(e1nm)(Eh1e=T)aoswcUusouGritenchhcweoidifttcehhhesaarUtwrnoGniErte(Th(ρl1εs))t1hE=beiTnegcUaoo(Gnma4dρl5eU)usE,Gn†Gsihtoaoaamnwrcdyet- mension of the Lie algebra is greatly enhanced from ET adsimesLtim=at2e,daisndAimppLenDdFiSx(cid:39)B.4NN−3/2/√π for large N, EanG(1d)o=urUmGe,atshueretootfaelrrmorapεs1 EcaTnabnednEoGnvcaannishbiengd.iffIneraendt- Insummary,westartedwithtwocommutingHamilto- dition, the reduced map (1) depends on the initial state ET nians H and H in (32), which are projected to (H ) ofsystem2. Wenotice,ontheotherhand,thatsincethe 0 1 0 P and (H ) in (39), respectively, by the strong collective goal operation on system 1 is unitary the total goal 1 G decohPerence(33). Asaconsequence, theIsingchain(32) operationmustfactorize = ˜wUith ˜anarbitrary G G E U ⊗E E is changed into the Heisenberg chain (39), and our pro- CPTPmapactingonsystem2. Whatismorerelevantis jected Hamiltonians (H0) and (H1) are not commu- how close the reduced channel (1) is to the goal unitary tative anymore withPeach other.PThey generate the full . Therefore it would be morEeTappropriate to perform algebra of (cid:76)Jsu(dJ,N) on the DFS’s. Remarkably the UanGadditional minimization of ε1 in (45) over ˜. To ob- noiseisturningtheIsingchain(classical)intotheHeisen- tain the subsystem fidelity for purely unitaryEchannels bergchain(quantum), andweareabletoperformauni- thisminimizationcanbecarriedoutanalytically[59,60] versal quantum computation over the DFS’s. but unfortunately for arbitrary CPTP channels this is a challenging task. Instead we use the normalized Choi representationJ( )ofaquantumchannel [61]toderive E E V. GATE OPTIMIZATION AND SUBSYSTEM a lower bound of ε , 1 FIDELITY ε /d2 = J( ) S(J( ) J(˜))S 2 1 (cid:107) ET − UG ⊗ E (cid:107)HS In this section we analyze how the process fidelity Tr J2( )(11 S(J( ) 11 )S) ε , (46) T G 2 2 ≥ { E − U ⊗ }≡ scales with the noise strength. To this end we resort to the numerical gate optimization using the quantum wheretheswapoperatorSbetweensystems1and2isin- control package implemented in QuTip [56]. We study troduced because in general for two CPTP maps Φ and 1 the two-qubit example discussed in Sec. IVA, with the Φ , J(Φ Φ )=S(J(Φ ) J(Φ ))S. For details of the 2 1 2 1 2 ⊗ ⊗ amplitudedamping(16)fordifferentvaluesofγ. Forthe derivation of the lower bound (46) we refer to Appendix sake of simplicity the drift Hamiltonian (15a) is treated C. Clearly the minimization over ˜on the left-hand side E as a control Hamiltonian as well. of (46)isnowlowerboundedbyε ,whichisindependent 2 We wish to optimize the control fields f(cid:96)(t) [recall (7)] of ˜and is zero if and only if the goal unitary operation to implement some goal operation G. Denote by T = onEsystem 1 is reached. Thus the lower bound becomes Texp[(cid:82)T dt(cid:48) (t(cid:48))] the CPTP map aEt time T, whereE (t) tighter and tighter when factorizes into the goal uni- is the 0LiouvLillian given in (6) and T indicates tiLme- tary on system 1 andETsome arbitrary ˜ on system G U E ordered product. The optimization is performed to min- 2. 8 waveguides [62], optical fibers [63], and superconduct- ing circuits [64]. For further details regarding waveguide QED we refer to [38] and references therein. In particu- lar,insuchsystemsthepresenceofcollectivedecoherence described by a Lindbladian of the form (33) gives rise to DFS’s and moreover the high density of modes of the waveguide yields regions in which large decay rates are achieved. Recently, the ability to implement universal gatesinsuchsystemsoveraDFSwasstudiedindetailin [38]. While in this study weak driving fields with a con- stant envelope were used to implement a target unitary gate, we remark that there is no fundamental restriction of using time-dependent controls to implement the ideas that are proposed here similarly. Indeed, it was shown that as long as the distance between the quantum emit- FIG. 2. (Colour online) Numerical gate optimization for ters in the waveguide is small, the gate error ε for imple- the two-qubit model in Sec. IVA with the amplitude damp- ing (16) for different values of γ. The gate error between the mentingaspecificgateovertheDFSscalesasε 1/√F reduced dynamics E(1) and the Hadamard gate on qubit 1 [38]. Here F = γ/γ∗ is the Purcell factor given∝by the T obtained from the numerical minimizations of ε (green tri- ratioofthedecayrateγ intotheDFSandthedecayrate 1 angles)andε (bluepoints)fordifferentvaluesofγ withgate γ∗ of other noise channels, such that a unitary gate can 2 timeT =1. Qubit2isinitiallypreparedinthetotallymixed accurately be implemented if the Purcell factor is rea- state,andforε1,E˜ischosentobethesuperprojectionP that sonably large. Together with the ability to individually brings qubit 2 into the ground state |0(cid:105). To reduce the effect address transitions of the embedded quantum emitters of local minima in the minimum value 100 randomly chosen waveguide QED systems provide therefore a promising initial pulses are taken. platform for noise-induced universal quantum computa- tion. The strategy to study the convergence of the map to the goal operation as γ is increased can now be sum- VI. CONCLUSIONS marized as follows. We implement ε and its gradient 2 with respect to the control fields on QuTip, and min- We showed that every dissipative process exhibiting a imize ε1 and ε2 for different values of γ. For ε1, ˜ is DFS can enlarge the set of unitary operations that can E chosen to be the superprojection in (17) that brings be implemented by means of classical control fields. We P qubit 2 into the ground state 0 . On the basis of the providedthreeexamplesforwhichauniversalsetofgates | (cid:105) minimizations of ε1 and ε2 we evaluated in Fig. 2 the canbeimplementedoveraDFSwhereasovertheoriginal gate error (1) 2 by specifying the initial state Hilbert space only “simple” operations are possible. In (cid:107)ET −UG(cid:107)HS of qubit 2 in the totally mixed state and tracing out the particularweshowedthatarealisticnoisemodelcanmap auxiliary degrees of freedom. The target unitary opera- a commutative classical system into a universal quan- tionU onqubit1waschosentobetheHadamardgate. tum one. Numerical gate optimization was performed G We observe that despite the enhanced freedom in ε the to study how strong the dissipative process needs to be 2 curves based on the minimizations of ε and ε are simi- to implement some unitary gate over the DFS with high 1 2 lar to each other. For noise strengths above γ 10T−1 precision. Asaresultasubsystemfidelityforopenquan- gate errors below 10−1 can be reached, correspo≈nding to tumsystemswasdeveloped. Ourresultspavethewayto the upper bound 0.2 for the diamond norm. It demon- experimental feasibility studies in noisy systems such as stratesthatwithintermediatenoisestrengthsreasonable quantum emitters in a waveguide. fidelity can be reached. Besides being fundamentally interesting we now want to discuss in more detail the experimental feasibility of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS this observation. Together with controlling commuting interactions, the main ingredient of the observed behav- WethankThomas-SchulteHerbru¨ggenforfruitfuldis- ior is a strong dissipative process and the emergence of cussions, HPC Wales for providing a high performance DFS’s. Thus, in practice, we need a system containing computer cluster on which the numerical simulations a subset of states that are stable on an appropriate time weredone, andAlexanderJamesPitchfordforadvicere- scale and a dissipative process decaying into this subset, gardingthenumericalsimulationsanddevelopingQuTip. while being much faster than other noise processes. An CA acknowledges financial support from a HPC Wales attractive platform that provides such a noise process is bursary and the Aberystwyth Doctoral Career Develop- waveguideQED,i.e.,theinteractionofquantumemitters ment Scholarship. DB acknowledges support from the with the modes of a waveguide, such as photonic crystal EPSRC grant EP/M01634X/1. KY is supported by the 9 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (No. 26400406) 2. By commuting H with the newly generated (n−1)n from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science H twice, we have (n−1)n(n+1) (JSPS) and by the Waseda University Grants for Spe- i[H ,H ]=4(H H ), cial Research Projects (No. 2015K-202 and No. 2016K- (n−1)n (n−1)n(n+1) (n−1)(n+1) n(n+1) − 215). This work was also supported by the Top Global (A5a) University Project from the Ministry of Education, Cul- i[i[H ,H ],H ] (n−1)n (n−1)n(n+1) (n−1)n(n+1) ture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan, =16(H +H 2H ), (A5b) by the Italian National Group of Mathematical Physics (n−1)(n+1) n(n+1)− (n−1)n (GNFM-INdAM),byINFNthroughtheproject“QUAN- from which we gain H and H . (n−1)(n+1) n(n+1) TUM,” and by PRIN Grant No. 2010LLKJBX “Collec- tive quantum phenomena: from strongly correlated sys- 3. Then, iterate the following steps for m = n 2,n − − tems to quantum simulators.” 3,...,1, i[H ,H ]=2H , (A6a) m(m+1) (m+1)(n+1) m(m+1)(n+1) Appendix A: Characterization of LDFS for the Qubit i[Hm(m+1),Hm(m+1)(n+1)]=4(Hm(n+1)−H(m+1)(n+1)), Chain Model (A6b) to get H (m = 1,...,n 2). All the two-body We prove the following lemma: m(n+1) − operators involving the (n+1)th qubit are thus in our hands. Lemma 1. The Lie algebra L generated by the two DFS projected Hamiltonians (H ) and (H ) in (39) in- P 0 P 1 4. Combining the two-body operators, we can generate cludes all the rotationally symmetric two- and three-body any three-body operators involving the (n+1)th qubit, operators, H = σ(m) σ(n) and H = σ(i) (σ(j) mn ijk · · × σ(k)) (m<n; i<j <k; m,n,i,j,k =1,...,N) defined i[H ,H ]=2H in (41), for any number of qubits N 3. m1m2 m2(n+1) m1m2(n+1) ≥ (m ,m =1,...,n; m <m n). (A7) 1 2 1 2 ≤ Proof. Let us introduce Inthisway,alltherotationallysymmetrictwo-andthree- H˜0 = (H0), H˜1 = (H1). (A1) body operators for the first n+1 qubits are generated. P P Then, by induction, we can generate all the rotationally The first commutator reads symmetrictwo-andthree-bodyoperatorsforanynumber of qubits N. i[H˜ ,H˜ ]=2H . (A2) 0 1 123 Then,bycommutingH˜1 =H12withthenewlygenerated Appendix B: Asymptotic Dimension of the Lie H twice, we have Algebra L for the Qubit Chain Model 123 DFS i[H ,H ]=4(H H ), (A3a) 12 123 13 23 Let us estimate the asymptotic dimension for a large − i[i[H ,H ],H ]=16(H +H 2H ), (A3b) N of the Lie algebra L in (42) generated by the pro- 12 123 123 13 23 12 DFS − jected Hamiltonians (H ) and (H ) for the chain of 0 1 P P from which we gain H and H . All the rotationally N qubits discussed in Sec. IVC. As commented in Sec. 13 23 symmetric operators up to the third qubit (three two- IVC, the dimension of L is bounded by the dimen- DFS (cid:76) (cid:76) bodyoperatorsH ,H ,H andathree-bodyoperator sion of su(d ) and the dimension of u(d ), 12 23 13 J J,N J J,N H ) are in our hands. i.e., 123 For N 4, we proceed by induction. Suppose that (cid:88) (cid:88) all the rot≥ationally symmetric two- and three-body op- (d2J,N −1)<dimLDFS < d2J,N. (B1) erators for the first n qubits are at our disposal. It is J J actually the case for n = 3, as we saw above. Then, we Aswewill see, the lower boundisdominated bythe first are able to extend one qubit further, generating all the contribution (cid:80) d2 for large N, and the difference be- J J,N two- and three-body operators involving the (n + 1)th tween the lower and upper bounds becomes relatively qubit by the following procedure. negligible in the asymptotic regime. Observe also that the dimensions d of the DFS’s given in (35) can be J,N 1. CommuteH withH˜ toextendtothe(n+1)th cast as (n−1)n 0 qubit, (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:32) (cid:33) 2K N +1 d = 1 i[H(n−1)n,H˜0]= 2(H(n−2)(n−1)n H(n−1)n(n+1)). J,N − N +1 K − − (A4) (K =N/2 J =0,1,..., N ), (B2) We acquire H(n−1)n(n+1). − (cid:98)2(cid:99) 10 where x denotesthelargestintegernotgreaterthanx. where Tr denotes the partial trace over the second sys- 2 (cid:98) (cid:99) Approximating the binomial coefficient by tem and the properties of the normalized Choi state J wereused,i.e.,J† =J,Tr J =1,andJ2 =J forauni- (cid:32) (cid:33) { } n 2n tary map. The third term of the right-hand side of (C1) = e−2n(k/n−1/2)2[1+O(1/√n)], (B3) (cid:112) can be rewritten as k πn/2 the dimension of the Lie algebra is estimated as Tr SJ( )S(J( ) J(˜)) T G { E U ⊗ E } dimLDFS ∼(cid:88)J d2J,N =TTrr{SSJJ(2E(TT)S)S(J(J(U(GG)⊗111122))()J1(/U2GT)r⊗2 JJ(2E(˜)˜))}1/2 ≤ { E U ⊗ } { E } (cid:98)N(cid:88)/2(cid:99)(cid:18) 2K (cid:19)2(cid:32)N +1(cid:33)2 1(cid:16)Tr J2( )S(J( ) 11 )S +Tr J2(˜) (cid:17), = 1 T G 2 2 ≤ 2 { E U ⊗ } { E } − N +1 K K=0 (C2) N +1(cid:90) 1 4N+1 dxx2 e−(N+1)x2 ∼ 2 0 π(N +1)/2 where from the second line to the third the Cauchy- 4N Schwarz inequality and from the third line to the fourth , (B4) the inequality between the arithmetic and the geomet- ∼ √πN3/2 ric means have been used. Combining (C1) and (C2) we where the continuum limit is taken through x = 1 arrive at − 2K/(N +1). J( ) S(J( ) J(˜))S 2 (cid:107) ET − UG ⊗ E (cid:107)HS Appendix C: Derivation of the Lower Bound ε2 ≥Tr{J2(ET)}+Tr2{J2(E˜)} Tr J2( )S(J( ) 11 )S Tr J2(˜) T G 2 2 Herewederivethelowerbound(46). Usingthedefini- − { E U ⊗ }− { E } =Tr J2( )(11 S(J( ) 11 )S) , (C3) tion of the Hilbert-Schmidt norm A 2 =Tr A†A for { ET − UG ⊗ 2 } a matrix A we can rewrite the left(cid:107)-ha(cid:107)nHdSside o{f (46)}, which is the desired result. Note that for pure unitary maps = the lower bound simplifies further T T E U J( ) S(J( ) J(˜))S 2 (cid:107) ET − UG ⊗ E (cid:107)HS =Tr J2( ) +Tr J2(˜) ε =1 Tr J( )S(J( ) 11 )S . (C4) { ET } 2{ E } 2 − { UT UG ⊗ 2 } 2Tr SJ( )S(J( ) J(˜)) , (C1) T G − { E U ⊗ E } [1] J.F.Poyatos,J.I.Cirac,andP.Zoller,Phys.Rev.Lett. [11] M.H.Goerz,D.M.Reich,andC.P.Koch,NewJ.Phys. 77, 4728 (1996). 16, 055012 (2014). [2] S. F. Huelga and M. B. Plenio, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, [12] C. O’Meara, G. Dirr, and T. Schulte-Herbru¨ggen, IEEE 170601 (2007). Trans. Autom. Control 57, 2050 (2012). 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