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Universal Burdens : Stories of (Un)Freedom from the Unitarian Universalist Association, The MOVE Organization, and Taqwacore Fiscella, Anthony 2015 Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Fiscella, A. (2015). Universal Burdens : Stories of (Un)Freedom from the Unitarian Universalist Association, The MOVE Organization, and Taqwacore. [Doctoral Thesis (monograph), History of Religions and Religious Behavioural Science]. Lund University. 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LUND UNIVERSITY PO Box 117 221 00 Lund +46 46-222 00 00 A T IO C N U D D E E - - E L C A U C ATION over design by Zenna Fiscella NTHONY T. FISCELLA N ODI IIBTEAR D D T O E E - - U A N DE LIB niv ZI D N ER ersa NOLOC - E O TA l B u I I r T O d A N en ZI D s NOLOC - E The Burdens of All There are Zen students who are in chains when they go to a teacher, and the Universal Burdens: teacher adds another chain. The students are delighted, unable to discern one thing from another. This is called a guest looking at a guest. -Linji Stories of (Un)Freedom from the Unitarian Universalist Association, What do Zen master Linji, Muslim scholar ‘Abb(cid:407)d ibn Sulaym(cid:407)n, and Comanche The MOVE Organization, and Taqwacore thinker Parra-Wa-Samen have in common? Among many other things, they share the fact that they are all excluded from the reigning conversations within ANTHONY T. FISCELLA academia about what “freedom” is, how it can be understood, and how it ought to be applied in the world. They share that place of exclusion with the CENTRE FOR THEOLOGY AND RELIGIOUS STUDIES | LUND UNIVERSITY 2015 vast majority of the world. The sword of colonialism continues to strike today from the oil fields of the Middle East to the literature on our shelves. This dissertation aims to begin a conversation about that exclusion and how we might begin to undo some of the massive violence that much of the world is subject to every day. The burdens will always be heavy, The sunshine fade into night, Till mercy and justice shall cement The black, the brown and the white. -Frances Ellen Watkins Harper 7 Centre for Theology and 55 3 Religious studies 3 8 Lund University 7 8 ISBN 978-91-87833-55-7 91 8 ISSN 1103-4882 7 36 9 Universal Burdens 1 Universal Burdens: Stories of (Un)Freedom from the Unitarian Universalist Association, The MOVE Organization, and Taqwacore Anthony T. Fiscella 5 Copyright Anthony T. Fiscella Centre for Theology and Religious Studies Lund University ISBN 978-91-87833-55-7 ISSN 1103-4882 Printed in Sweden by Media-Tryck, Lund University Lund 2015 6 To the River and the Earth 7 Table of Contents Acknowledgements 11 Prologue: Where This Story Begins 15 “Free as a Bird” 15 Collage Education: A Dead Brother, Punk Rock, and a Communist Dad 20 Racial Histories: From Dick Gregory to MOVE 25 On Kecoughtan Land: Joining the Unitarian Universalists 34 Paxcore: Catholic Workers, Islamic Anarchists, and Taqwacore 39 The Problem for this Thesis: Fjord of the Lies 41 We’re All in This Together 46 1. Introduction 53 Aims, Locations, Materials, and Methods 60 Structure of the Thesis 108 A Few Words About Language 109 Ethical Concerns 116 2. yin Exclusivity, Inclusivity, and Ambiguity in Language and Conversations 129 A Few More Words about Language 130 “The Blessing of Freedom” 139 Histories of “Freedom” and “Unfreedom” 150 Violence, Exclusion, and the “State of Nature” 175 Toward Alter/Native Conversations 192 Beyond the Berlin Wall: Expressing (Un)Freedom 228 8 3. yang Practice: Words and the Lives that Color Them 277 Stories of “Freedom” in Three Texts and Contexts 277 Unitarian Universalist Association Central Texts 278 Secondary UUA Texts and Interviews 284 Livings Words in the UUA 300 The MOVE Organization Central Text 315 Secondary MOVE Texts and Interviews 327 Living Words in the MOVE Organization 343 Taqwacore Primary Text 349 Secondary Taqwacore Texts and Interviews 356 Living Words in Taqwacore 372 Summary 379 4. other Ecologies of (Un)Freedom 381 Varieties of (Un)Freedom 384 (Un)freedom 1: Negotiating the Limits of Language 386 (Un)freedom 2: Shouldering Incalculable Responsibility in Relationship 389 (Un)freedom 3: Feeling an Obligation to Challenge Injustice 392 Concluding Thoughts 395 5. Concluding Thoughts: Toward Critical Inquiries of “Freedom” 401 Epilogue 405 A Grain of Sand 405 Audre, Lorde of the Guys? 410 Free Will, Will-Free, or Get Free? 414 Taqwacore 2.0, Violence 0.01, and University Logo 101 416 Of Burning Men and Women 420 De-liberation Movement 427 Bibliography 431 Unitarian Universalist References 431 MOVE References 434 Taqwacore References 441 General References 445 Appendix 1: UUA-related texts 470 9 10 Acknowledgements “Knowledge” = “know [your] ledge.” To recognize and respect limits. A dissertation that‘s done is not necessarily finished. Time’s up. Here it is. Done and unfinished. Finished and incomplete. So many words and so much unsaid. Both a work in progress and a part of dialogue. This project started in 2010. Lives too have finished during this time. Recalling a few of them connected to this project/me in some way: Samiya Abdullah Jamal, Phil Africa, Makhfee Ahmed, Hazel Dickens, Marianne Joan Elliot-Said/Poly Styrene, Clark Fiscella, Florence Fiscella, Nan Fiscella, Frank Guida, Maximilian Heine, Fred Ho, Gustaf Kjellvander, Lauren Matyis/Ari Said, Ibrahim Mothana, Tord Olsson, Edith Piazza, Jeanne Russo, Jean Slezak, Ann- Louise Svensson, Enomie Tibbs, Ari Up, Don Van Vliet, Michael Moses Ward, Adam Yauch, Howard Zinn. So many factors and forces have directly or indirectly enabled this process. Intestinal bacteria, nematoda (microscopic roundworms in the soil), washing machine engineers, soybean harvesters, the first microorganisms that learned to photosynthesize, the first NYC kids who taught themselves to beatbox. Crashing waves and cricket sounds, misty moonlight and melancholic Malmö winters. I remain in debt to more people, beings, and forces than I can count. Writers I’ve cited, writers I didn’t (but whose impact still shines through). So many people who patiently spoke with me: I greatly appreciate each talk (even though I cited no more than a few interviews for this project). The photographers, artists, librarians, musicians, printing press workers, and office administrators— I am indebted to their labor. The incredible support, timely assistance, invaluable advice, thoughtful tips, vital feedback, and other types of aid from friends, family, and colleagues made this very much a collaborative effort. Indeed, this thesis is a collage of that labor. Some of them are: my advisors: Olle Qvarnström, Ruth Kinna, and Mattias Gardell; my reader Johan Modée; colleagues, professors, and administrators: Lory Dance, Alexandre Christoyannopoulos, Ingvar Bolmsten, Ulla Rönbeck, Catharina Raudvere, Jonas Otterbeck, Jonas Palm, Leif Stenberg, Curt Dahlgren, Tord Olsson, Jan Hermansson, Johan Åberg, Francis Stewart, Fredrik Lindström, Alf Hornborg, Ann-Christine Hornborg, Magdalena Nordin, Dan-Erik Andersson, Lena Halldenius, Martin Lund, Aron Engberg, Anders Ackfeldt, Erik Hannerz, Erica Li Lindqvist, Philip Halldén, Ervik Cejvan, Simon Stjernholm, Sara Gehlin, Stefan Arvidsson, Johan Cato, Nina Jakku, David Heith-Stade, Rickard Lagervall, Alexander Maurits, Jesper Olsson, Samuel Byrskog, Jan Hjärpe, Mika Vähäkangas, Marcus Lecaros, Anna Kring, Barzoo 11

Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal . (who amazingly earned her doctorate at 80 years old), and my dear Fiscella, Confederate Dead, Slang Louse, Sun Ra, Hopsin, DJ Shadow, Jeremy . Less than five percent of the selections were written by an author.
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