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Preview Universal behavior of the BEC critical temperature for a multislab ideal Bose gas

Noname manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) O. A. Rodr´ıguez · M. A. Sol´ıs Universal behavior of the BEC critical temperature for a multislab ideal Bose gas 6 1 0 2 n Received: date / Accepted: date a J 7 Abstract For an ideal Bose-gas within a multi-slab periodic structure, we discuss the effect of the spatial distribution of the gas on its Bose-Einstein ] condensation critical temperature T , as well as on the origin of its dimen- s c a sional crossover observed in the specific heat. The multi-slabs structure is g generated by applying a Kronig-Penney potential to the gas in the perpen- - t diculardirectiontotheslabsofwidthbandseparatedbyadistancea,andal- n lowingtheparticlestomovefreelyintheothertwodirections.Wefoundthat a T decreasescontinuouslyasthepotentialbarrierheightincreases,becoming u c q inverselyproportionaltothesquarerootofthebarrierheightwhenitislarge . enough.Thisbehaviorisuniversalasitisindependentofthewidthandspac- t a ing of the barriers. The specific heat at constant volume shows a crossover m from3Dto2Dwhentheheightofthepotentialorthebarrierwidthincrease, - inadditiontothewellknownpeakrelatedtotheBose-Einsteincondensation. d These features are due to the trapping of the bosons by the potential bar- n riers, and can be characterized by the energy difference between the energy o bands below the potential height. c [ Keywords Bose gas · multi-slabs · critical temperature 1 v 2 1 Introduction 6 3 Quantum fluids within periodic structures have been subject of study from 1 0 some decades ago. Important examples of this kind of systems are electron . gas in layered cuprate superconductors [1], cold atomic gases in periodic 1 structures constructed from laser beams known as optical lattices [2], the 0 6 1 O. A. Rodr´ıguez Lo´pez Posgrado en Ciencias F´ısicas, UNAM, E-mail: oarodriguez@fisica.unam.mx : v M. A. Sol´ıs i X Instituto de F´ısica, UNAM, E-mail: masolis@fisica.unam.mx r a 2 wellknownliquidheliumfourorthreeinanydimension[3],electonsorholes in semiconductor superlattices [4] or Cooper pairs in tube bundle supercon- ductors[5].Thephysicalpropertiesofaconstrainedquantumgascomefrom the effects of the external potentials and the interactions between particles. Here we are giving a detailed description of the effects of the constraints on the Bose gas properties before to address a more complete description including interactions. Let us consider a 3D ideal Bose gas (IBG) within a lattice composed by multiple slabs. The bosons are free to move in the x an y directions. The lattice is modeled through a Kronig-Penney potential in the z direction, with potential barriers of width b separated a distance a, so the potential period, or the lattice period, is a+b. We solve the Schr¨odinger equationbyseparationofvariables.Theenergyoftheparticleswithmassm is ε=ε +ε +ε , where ε =(cid:126)2k2/2m, ε =(cid:126)2k2/2m, being (cid:126)k and (cid:126)k x y z x x y y x y the momentum of free bosons in the x and y directions respectively, while ε is found by solving the Schr¨odinger equation in the z coordinate with the z Kronig-Penney potential ∞ (cid:88) U(z)=V Θ[z−(n−1)(a+b)−a]Θ[n(a+b)−z], (1) 0 n=−∞ whereΘ(z)istheHeavisidestepfunctionandV istheheightofthepotential 0 barriers. The allowed energies for a particle in the z-direction are given by [6] V −2ε 0 z sinh(κb)sin(αa)+cosh(κb)cos(αa)=cos[k (a+b)], (2) (cid:112) z 2 ε (V −ε ) z 0 z where (cid:126)κ=(cid:112)2m(V −ε ) and (cid:126)α=√2mε . 0 z z Theenergyspectrumconsistofaseriesofallowedenergybandsseparated by forbidden regions, where the positive side of the j-th band extends from k (a+b)=(j−1)π tojπ withj =1,2,3,....TheFig.1inRef.[8]showsthe z energyspectrum,andtheallowedenergybands,intermsofthedimensionless parameters u = (2m(a+b)2/(cid:126)2)V , ε¯ = (2m(a+b)2/(cid:126)2)ε and r = b/a, 0 0 z z for r = 1. Pi squared times our energy unit (cid:126)2/2m(a + b)2 is equivalent to the recoil energy of an 1D optical lattice formed by the interference of two counter-propagating light beams of wavelength equal to 2(a+b). The parameteru representsthelatticeheight(ordepth)inourenergyunit,and 0 the quotient r indicates how wide are the barriers with respect to the lattice period. It also indicates if a lattice is square (r =1) or rectangular (r (cid:54)=1). 2 Universal behavior of the critical temperature We obtain the thermodynamic properties of the Bose gas from the Grand Potential Ω = U − TS − µN. In order to find the Bose-Einstein critical temperature T we use the number equation, N = N +N , where N is c 0 e 0 the number of bosons occupying the ground state, and N is the number of e bosons distributed over excited states. At T = T , µ(T ) = µ = ε is the c c 0 0 3 energy of the ground state of the system, and all the bosons are distributed over the excited states, N ≈N . The number equation becomes e mV 1 (cid:90) ∞ N =− dk ln(1−e−βc(εz−µ0)), (3) (2π)2(cid:126)2β z c −∞ with β =1/k T . From the last Eq. (3) we obtain the critical temperature c B c T in an implicit way, which is numerically calculated. Our system size is c infinite, and it has an infinite number of bosons, but the average particle density η = N/V is a constant. An infinite IBG with the same average b density but with no external potential has a critical temperature given by T =(2π(cid:126)2/mk )[η /ζ(3/2)]2/3, where ζ(3/2)(cid:39)2.612 is the Riemann Zeta 0 B b function of argument 3/2. It turns out that T is a good reference parameter 0 √ for temperatures as well as the thermal wavelength λ =h/ 2πmk T is a 0 B 0 good reference parameter for lengths, in particular for the critical tempera- ture T and the potential spatial period a+b, respectively. c Wepreviouslyfound[8]that,whenu ≡(2m(a+b)2/(cid:126)2)V (cid:29)1thecriti- 0 0 caltemperatureisinverselyproportionaltothesquarerootofthisparameter. However, in order to observe separately the effects of the spatial period vari- ationaswellastheincreasingofthepotentialheightonthecriticaltempera- ture,inthisSectionwefinditconvenienttoreplaceu byu˜ ≡(2mλ2/(cid:126)2)V 0 0 0 0 whichisperiodindependentanditdependsexclusivelyonchangesofthepo- tential magnitude V . The behavior of the critical temperature as a function 0 ofu˜ (insteadofu )isshowninFig.1,forr =1,i.e.,thewidthofthebarri- 0 0 ersisequaltotheseparationbetweenthem.Inthesamefigureeachcurveof T /T correspondstoaparticularvalueoftheperiodofthepotential.Wecan c 0 seethatT isamonotonicallydecreasingfunctionofu˜ :whenthemagnitude c 0 of the potential barriers is small T is approximately T , then it falls as u˜ c 0 0 increases,andfor sufficientlyhighpotentialbarriers thecriticaltemperature −1/2 is proportional to u˜ . In addition, for (a+b)/λ < 1 we clearly see that 0 0 r = 1 100 (a+b)/λ = 0 0.01 0 T 0.0316 / 10 1 Tc − 0.1 Fig. 1: (Color 0.316 online)T /T as c 0 1 afunctionofu˜ . 0 10 The solid, thin 100 line indicates 10−1200 101 102 103 104 105 the behavior given by (6). u˜ 0 4 T is very close to T , even for very high potential barriers. This behavior c 0 is due to the fact that, when the potential period becomes very small with respect to λ , the energy spectrum of the bosons approaches more and more 0 to that of a free particle, so T tends to T . It seems as if the thin potential c 0 wells are unable to capture bosons and all of them have energies above V 0 behaving as a free IBG. √ In the other hand, we found that when [(a+b)/λ ]r u˜ /(1+r) (cid:29) 1, 0 0 the energy bands whose energies are less than u˜ are very narrow, and they 0 resemble the energy levels of a particle in a box of width a. In this case we can approximate the energies of the first band through a Taylor series up to second order derivatives of ε (k ) around k =0, z z z 1 ε ≈ε + k2D2 ε | . (4) z 0 2 z kz z kz=0 Thelineartermonk iszerobecauseε (0)=ε isaminimumoftheenergy. z z 0 Usingthisapproximation,andtakingtheconditionthat(a+b)/λ (cid:29)1,the 0 behavior of T /T is given by the relation c 0 1/2 (cid:18) (cid:19)3/2 ru˜ T 1 T 0 c + c −1=0, (5) (1+r)ζ(3/2)T 1+r T 0 0 which is potential period independent, therefore T /T depends only on u˜ √ c 0 0 and r. When r u˜ /(1+r) (cid:29) 1 the second term of (5) becomes negligible, 0 and we obtain the concrete dependence of the critical temperature shown in Fig. 1 as a solid thin line, T 1+r c −1/2 = ζ(3/2)u˜ . (6) T r 0 0 r = 1 1 0.9 0.8 0 T u˜ = / 0 Tc 0.7 1 3.16 0.6 10 0.5 31.6 100 Fig. 2: (Color 0.4 online) Tc/T0 as 10−3 10−2 10−1 100 101 102 103 a function of the (a+b)/λ 0 potential period. 5 The numerical results plotted in Fig. 1 supports that Eq. (6) is an excellent limit relation when u˜ is very large in comparison with [(a+b)/λ ]−2, even 0 0 when(a+b)/λ issmallerthanunity.ThebehaviorofT asafunctionofthe 0 c potential period can be seen in Fig. 2, where we note that T approximates c toT whenthepotentialperiodissmall,thenitfallsastheperiodincreases, 0 andfinallyitgoestoacertainvaluethatisu˜ andr dependent,butbecomes 0 (a+b)/λ independent. This constant value is given by solving (5). 0 It is interesting to see how the critical temperature does not necessarily approaches to T again as the potential period keeps increasing, unlike the 0 case of a Dirac comb potential [7]. Even when the empty space between barriers becomes larger (as well as the barriers width), the distribution of the bosons over the bands is very different to that of the free Bose gas. The dependenceonu˜ andr thatappearsonthefirsttermof (5)comesfromthe 0 distribution of the bosons over the first energy band. The dependence on r in the second term of (5) comes from the boson distribution over the rest of the bands. Only in the case when r =0 the critical temperature is T . This 0 is expected because r = 0 means no barriers, i.e., b = 0, or a → ∞ while b remains constant. In both cases it is clear why we recover the behavior of the free Bose gas. 3 Dimensional crossover and energy spectrum We have calculated the specific heat at constant volume for several combi- nations of the parameters (see Fig. 4 of Ref. [8]). The specific heat has a peak due to the Bose-Einstein condensation of the confined IBG at a critical temperature T ≤ T . Above T the specific heat has a complex structure, c 0 c and for some combinations of the parameters of the system it shows a di- mensional crossover within an interval of temperatures where it falls to a minimum approximately equal to unity; in this interval the system behaves u = 100, r = 1 0 1000 2.5 2.25 100 2 1.75 10 1.5 B 0 k T N 1.25 / / T 1 1 V C 0.75 Fig. 3: (Color 0.1 0.5 online) CV/NkB contours as a 0.25 function of the 0.01 0 potential pe- 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 riod and the (a+b)/λ 0 temperature. 6 as a 2D gas, trapped by the potential in one direction but remaining free in the other two. The minimum, which is a consequence of the trapping effects imposedbythepotentialbarrierscouldbecomeaplateauwhenthepotential magnitude is increased. In addition to the minimum, the specific heat has two maxima. The maximum at the lower temperature marks the crossover from the 3D behavior of the gas to a 2D behavior. The maximum at higher temperature represents the return of the system to its three-dimensional be- havior or it may be seen as the superior limit of the temperature interval where the crossover occurs. In order to give a explanation about the meaning and position of the specific heat maxima in terms of the energy spectrum characteristics, we realized a contour plot of C /Nk as a function of (a+b)/λ and T/T , for V B 0 0 asystemwithu =100andr =1(seeFig.3)wherethemaximumpositions 0 are highlighted with bright yellow. When we associate the temperature of the maxima T with a yet un- max known energy chunk ∆ε characteristic of the energy spectrum such that z ∆ε =k T , we found that both lower and higher maxima temperatures z B max follow the relation (cid:18) (cid:19)−2 T 1 a+b max = ∆ε¯ , (7) z T 4π λ 0 0 where ∆ε¯ , the energy chunk given in recoil energy unit divided by π2, has z a different value depending on whether we are describing the maximum at lower or higher temperature. Themaximumthatoccursatthehighertemperatureisreproducedusing an energy ∆ε¯ given by the difference between the bottom edge of the first z energy band and the bottom edge of the second energy band. In the Fig. 3 this is shown with white circles. The maximum at the lower temperature occurs when ∆ε¯ is approximately equal to 1/4 of the width of the first z energy band. In the Fig. 3 this relation is shown with white diamonds. u = 500, r = 1 0 1000 2.5 2.25 100 2 1.75 10 1.5 B 0 k T N 1.25 / / T 1 1 V C Fig. 4: (Color 0.75 online) CV/NkB 0.1 0.5 contours as a 0.25 function of the 0.01 0 potential pe- 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 riod and the (a+b)/λ 0 temperature. 7 Asamoregeneralresult,itisfoundthatasthemagnitudeofu increases 0 the energy chunk needed to reproduce the T of the maximum at higher max temperatures, eventually corresponds to the energy difference between the bottom edges of the first and the third, fourth or subsequent bands of the confined Bose gas energy spectrum. An example of this behavior is show in Fig. 4 for the system with u =500 and r =1, where the energy chunk ∆ε¯ 0 z associated to the maximum at the higher temperature corresponds to the difference between the bottom edges of the third and first band. However, the dependence of the energy chunk on u and r is not trivial to find, and 0 currently we have no analytical expression to determine it. It is noticeable that,toreproducethemaximumatlowertemperaturewithexpression(7)we alwaysuse∆ε¯ approximatelyto1/4ofthewidthofthefirstenergybandof z the spectrum, i.e., in this case ∆ε¯ value is potential strength independent. z 4 Conclusions Insummary,weanalyzedthebehavioroftheBECcriticaltemperatureofan IBGconfinedbyaninfinitestackofslabsaswellastheeffectsoftheexternal periodic potential on the dimensional crossover, the specific heat maximum positions and their relation with the distribution of allowed and forbidden bands in the energy spectrum. We found that the critical temperature T c decreases continuously as the potential barrier height increases, and it be- comesproportionaltou˜−1/2 whenu˜ ismuchlargerthan[(a+b)/λ ]−2.Itis 0 0 0 found that this behavior is universal as it does not depends on the potential period, the barrier width nor the barrier separation. In addition, we found thatastheperiodincreasestheT becomesaconstantvaluegivenbyEq.(5) c which is spatial period independent. On the other hand, the specific heat at constant volume shows a dimensional crossover within a certain interval of temperatures where it behaves like a 2D gas due to the trapping by the po- tentialbarriers.Theregionwherethedimensionalcrossoveroccursaswellas the specific heat maximum positions depend directly on the forbidden and allowed bands distribution in the energy spectrum. We were able to find a relation between the maximum positions and characteristic energies of the energy spectrum. Although the specific heat maximum position, at higher temperature, is reproduced using the Eq. (7) with ∆ε¯ the energy difference z betweenthebottomedgesofthesecondandfirstbands,or,dependingonthe potential strength, the difference between the bottom edges of the third and first, the bottom edges of the fourth and first and so on, we highlight that the specific heat maximum position at the lower temperature is reproduced using the Eq. (7) with ∆ε¯ being potential strength independent and equal z to 1/4 of the width of the first band. Acknowledgements.WeacknowledgepartialsupportfromgrantsPAPIIT- DGAPA-UNAM IN-105011 and IN-111613, CONACyT 221030 and PAEP UNAM. 8 References 1. J.G.BednorzandK.A.Mu¨ller,Z.Phys.BCondensedMatter64,189(1986); M. R. Norman and C. P´epin, Rep. Prog. Phys. 66, 1547 (2003). 2. M. Greiner, O. Mandel, T. Esslinger, T. Ha¨nsch, W. Theodor, and I. Bloch, Nature 415, 39 (2002). 3. H. J. Lauter, H. Godfrin, V. L. P. Frank, P. Leiderer, Phys. Rev. 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