Publ. Math. Debrecen Proof-sheets for paper Ref. no.: 69/3 (2006), 291–296 7 0 0 2 n a J 0 3 Units of commutative group algebra with involution ] R By A.BOVDI (Debrecen) and A. SZAKA´CS(B´ek´escsaba) G . h t Dedicated to the memory of Dr. Edit Szabo´ a m [ Abstract. Let p be an odd prime, F the field of p elements and G a finite 1 abelian p-group with an arbitrary involutory automorphism. Extend this auto- v morphism to the group algebra FG and consider the unitary and the symmetric 1 normalizedunitsofFG. Thispaperprovidesbasesanddeterminestheinvariants 7 of the two subgroups formed by these units. 8 1 0 7 0 1. Introduction / h t a Letp beanoddprime,F thefieldof p,G afiniteabelian p-groupwith m an arbitrary automorphism η of order 2 and G = {g ∈ G | η(g) = g}. η v: Extending the automorphism η to the group algebra FG we obtain the i involution X ⊛ x= α g 7→ x = α η(g) r X g X g a g∈G g∈G of FG which we will call as η-canonical involution. In particular, if η(g) = g−1 or η(g) = g for all g ∈ G then the involution is called involutory; if η(g) = g−1 for all g ∈ G then it is called canonical and denote by ∗. Let V(FG) = { α g | α = 1} be the group of normalized g∈G g g∈G g P P units of the group algebra FG and consider the subgroups of symmetric Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 16S34, 16U60; Secondary: 20C05. Key words and phrases: group algebra, group of units, unitary unit,symmetric unit. Supportedby OTKA No. T037202 and by FAPESP Brasil (proc. 06/56203-3). 292 A. Bovdi and A. Szak´acs and unitary units ⊛ S⊛(FG) = {x ∈ V(FG) |x = x}, V⊛(FG) = {x ∈ V(FG) |x⊛= x−1} respectively. Our goal is to study the unitary subgroup V⊛(FG) and the group of symmetric units S⊛(FG). The problem of determining the invariants and the basis of V (FG) had been raised by S. P. Novikov. Its solution for the ∗ canonical involution was given in [1]; herethis result extended to arbitrary involutory involution. 2. Invariants We start with some remarks about the invariants of unitary and sym- metric subgroups to give a bases. Since V(FG) has an odd order and every u ∈ V(FG) can be written as u = (v⊛)2, so u = (v⊛v−1)(vv⊛), where v⊛v−1 is unitary and vv⊛ is a symmetric unit. But every x ∈ S⊛(FG)∩V⊛(FG) is such that x = x⊛ = x−1; since x is odd order it follows x= 1 and we have V(FG) = S⊛(FG)×V⊛(FG). (1) Define the mappings ψ1 : V(FG) → V⊛(FG), ψ2 : V(FG) → S⊛(FG) given by ψ (x) = x⊛x−1 and ψ (x) = x⊛x respectively for x ∈ V(FG). 1 2 They are epimorphisms and as corollary conclude that V⊛(FG) = {x⊛x−1 |x ∈V(FG)}, (2) ⊛ S⊛(FG) = {x x| x∈ V(FG)} and S⊛(FG)pi = S⊛(FGpi), V⊛(FG)pi = V⊛(FGpi), (3) whichuseforthedescriptionof theinvariants ofthesegroups. Thesubsets {g,η(g)} with g ∈ G\G form a partition of the set G\G and let E be η η Units of commutative group algebra with involution 293 the system of representatives of these subsets. Clearly, x ∈ S⊛(FG) can be uniquely written as x= α (g+η(g))+ β g g g X X g∈E g∈Gη with α ,β ∈ F and 2α + β = 1, so the order of the group g g Pg∈E g Pg∈Gη g of symmetric units S⊛(FG) equals p21(|G|+|Gη|−2). By (3) S⊛(FG)p = S⊛(FGp), so as before, the order of S⊛(FG)p is p12(|Gp|+|Gpη|−2). It follows thatthep-rankof thegroupS⊛(FG), that isthenumberofcomponents in thedecompositionof S⊛(FG)intoadirectproductofcyclic groups,equals 12(|G|−|Gp|+|Gη|−|Gpη|). Similarly, the p-rank of the group S⊛(FG)pi−1 equals 1(|Gpi−1|−|Gpi|+|Gpi−1|−|Gpi|). 2 η η We conclude that the numberof components of order pi in the decom- position of S⊛(FG) into a direct product of cyclic groups equals fi(S⊛(FG)) = 12(|Gpi−1|−2|Gpi|+|Gpi+1|+|Gpηi−1|−2|Gpηi|+|Gηpi+1|). (4) We knownfrom[3]thattheequality V(FG)pi = V(FGpi)holdsandthep- rank of V(FG)pi−1 equals |Gpi−1|−|Gpi|. Now (1) it yields that thep-rank of V⊛(FG)pi−1 equals 21(|Gpi−1|−|Gpi|−|Gpηi−1|+|Gpηi|). It immediately follows that the number of components of order pi in the decomposition of the group V⊛(FG) into a direct product of cyclic groups is equal to fi(V⊛(FG)) = 12(|Gpi−1|−2|Gpi|+|Gpi+1|−|Gpηi−1|+2|Gpηi|−|Gηpi+1|). (5) 3. The bases We will use the following well-known generators of V(FG) (see [2]): Lemma. Let G be a finite abelian p-group, I = I(FG) the augmen- tation ideal of FG and assume that Is+1 = 0. If v +Id+1,v +Id+1,...,v +Id+1 d1 d2 drd isabasisforId/Id+1,thentheunits1+v (d = 1,2,...,s;j = 1,2,...,r ) dj d generate V(FG). 294 A. Bovdi and A. Szak´acs Let us return to the involutory automorphism η of G. Clearly, G has the decomposition G = ha i×ha i×···×ha i×···×ha i 1 2 l t suchthat theelements a ,a ,...,a inverted byη andif t > l then η leaves 1 2 l fixed a for i > l. i Let q be the order of a and the set L consisting of those t-tuples i i α = (α ,α ,...,α ) such that α ∈ {0,1,...,q −1} and at least one of 1 2 t i i α is not divisible by p ; the number of these elements |G|−|Gp|. Write j L as the disjoint union L = L ∪L ∪L , where α belongs to L , L or 0 1 2 0 1 L according to whether α +α +···+α is 0, odd or even and positive. 2 1 2 ℓ The cardinality of L is 1(|G|−|Gp|−|G |+|Gp|), and it is the p-rank 1 2 η η of V⊛(FG) and the cardinality of L0 ∪L2 is 21(|G|−|Gp|+|Gη|−|Gpη|), which is the p-rank of S⊛(FG). Put u := 1+(a −1)α1(a −1)α2...(a −1)αt for α ∈ L. α 1 2 t Theorem. Let G be a finite abelian p-group of odd order with an involutory automorphism η and F is field of p elements. Then 1. The invariants of the unitary subgroup V⊛(FG) are indicated in (5) and the set {uα⊛uα−1 | α ∈ L1} is basis for it, that is V⊛(FG) = hu ⊛u −1i. Qα∈L1 α α 2. The invariants of the group of symmetric units S⊛(FG) are indicated in (4) and the set {u⊛u | α ∈L }∪{u |α ∈ L } is basis for it, that α α 2 α 0 is ⊛ S⊛(FG) = huα uαi× huαi. Y Y α∈L2 α∈L0 Proof. Let α = (α ,α ,...,α ) with α ∈ {0,1,...,q − 1}; define 1 2 t i i d(α) = α +α +···+α and put z :=(a −1)α1(a −1)α2...(a −1)αt. 1 2 t α 1 2 t It is known from [2] that all z form a vector space basis for the aug- α mentation ideal I and the elements z +Id+1 with d(α) = d constitute a α basis for Id/Id+1 with thepropertyrequiredfor theapplication of Lemma. Therefore the elements u = 1+z generate V(FG) and from [3] follows α α that {u |α ∈ L} is a basis of V(FG). α Units of commutative group algebra with involution 295 If i ≤ l then ((a −1)+1)−1 = ((a −1)+1)⊛ = (a −1)⊛+1 and i i i from (1+(a −1))(1−(a −1)+(a −1)2−···+(a −1)qi−1) i i i i = 1+(a −1)qi = 1 i it follows that (ai−1)⊛ = −(ai−1)+(ai−1)2−···+(ai−1)qi−1. Note that for i > l the equality (a −1)⊛ = (a −1) holds. i i Let α ∈ L ∪L , d= α +α +···+α and k = α +α +···+α . The 1 2 1 2 t 1 2 l above argument ensures that z ⊛ = (−1)kz +y for a suitable y ∈ Id+1. α α It follows that if k is odd then (1+z )−1(1+z )⊛ = (1−z +z2 −...)(1−z +y) α α α α α ≡ 1−2z (mod Id+1) α and for the even k we have (1+z )(1+z )⊛ = (1+z )(1+z +y) ≡ 1+2z (mod Id+1). α α α α α Recall that u = 1+z and define α α u−1u⊛−1, if α∈ L ; α α 1 z′ = u u⊛−1, if α∈ L ; α α α 2 z , if α∈ L . α 0 As a consequence of the foregoing argument, we obtain, modulo Id+1, 2z , if α ∈ L ; α 1 z′ ≡ −2 , if α ∈ L ; α α 2 z , if α ∈ L . α 0 Now Lemma applies to the z′ , yielding that the u′ = 1+z′ with α ∈ L α α α also generate V(FG). We claim that in fact they form a basis for V(FG). To this end, it now suffices to show that the products of their orders is no larger than order V(FG). Clearly that if u′ 6= u then such u′ is α α α the image of u either under the endomorphism v 7→ v⊛v−1 or under α the endomorphism v 7→ v⊛v of V(FG) according to whether α belongs 296 A. Bovdi and A. Szak´acs : Units of commutative group... to L or L . It follows that |u′ | ≤ |u |, where |u | is the order of u . 1 2 α α α α But [3] asserts that |u | is the order of V(FG) and this gives that α∈L α Q |u′ | ≤ |V(FG)|, so {u′ | α ∈ L} is a basis. It follows from the α∈L α α Q definitionof theu′ with α∈ L thateach of themis either fixedor inverted α by the involution ⊛. Accordingly, this basis is the disjoint union of bases for the subgroups of symmetric and unitary normalized units, and these are the bases in the theorem. (cid:3) Acknowledgement. Theauthorswould like tothanktherefereefor their valuable comments and suggestions for clarifying the exposition. References [1] A. A. Bovdi andA. Szaka´cs,Unitarysubgroupofthegroupofunitsofamodular group algebra of a finiteabelian p-group,Mat. Zametki 45(6) (1989), 23–29. [2] S. A. Jennings,The structure of thegroup ring of a p-group over a modular field, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 50 (1941), 175–185. [3] R. Sandling,Unitsin themodular group algebra of a finiteabelian p-group, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 33 (1984), 337–346. ADALBERTBOVDI INSTITUTEOFMATHEMATICS UNIVERSITYOFDEBRECEN H-4010DEBRECEN,P.O.BOX12 HUNGARY E-mail: [email protected] A.SZAKA´CS DEPARTMENTOFBUSINESSMATHEMATICS TESSEDIKSAMUELCOLLEGE H-5600BE´KE´SCSABA BAJZAU.33. HUNGARY E-mail: [email protected] (Received January 4, 2006; revised September 1, 2006)