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Uniting America: Restoring the Vital Center to American Democracy (The Future of American Democracy Series) PDF

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Preview Uniting America: Restoring the Vital Center to American Democracy (The Future of American Democracy Series)

Uniting America Uniting America Restoring the Vital Center to American Democracy Edited by Norton Garfinkle and Daniel Yankelovich Yale University Press New Haven and London Copyright(cid:2)2005byNortonGarfinkleandDanielYankelovich Allrightsreserved. Thisbookmaynotbereproduced,inwholeorinpart,includingillustrations,in anyform(beyondthatcopyingpermittedbySections107and108oftheU.S. CopyrightLawandexceptbyreviewersforthepublicpress),withoutwritten permissionfromthepublishers. PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData UnitingAmerica:restoringthevitalcentertoAmericandemocracy/edited byNortonGarfinkleandDanielYankelovich. p.cm Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN0-300-10856-7(alk.paper) 1.Democracy—UnitedStates.2.UnitedStates—Politicsand government—2001–3.Politicalculture—UnitedStates.4.United States—Socialconditions—1980–5.Socialconflict—UnitedStates.6. Polarization(Socialsciences)I.Garfinkle,Norton,1931–II.Yankelovich, Daniel. JK1726.U564 2005 320.973—dc22 2005012038 AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary. Thepaperinthisbookmeetstheguidelinesforpermanenceanddurabilityofthe CommitteeonProductionGuidelinesforBookLongevityoftheCouncilon LibraryResources. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Contents Preface vii Introduction 1 PartOne.RestoringtheVitalCenter 1. Overcoming Polarization: The New Social Morality Daniel Yankelovich 17 2. Nurturing Economic Growth and the Values of American Democracy Norton Garfinkle 31 PartTwo.ReformingSocialSecurityandHealthCare 3. Social Security and Medicare Reform for the Twenty-First Century Will Marshall 49 4. The Ethics of America’s Health Care Debate Tsung-mei Cheng and Uwe E. Reinhardt 67 PartThree.DiversityandUnity 5. Religion as Unifier and Divider Alan Wolfe 93 vi Contents 6. Diversity, Community, and Government Peter H. Schuck 109 7. Immigration and Social Disorder Peter Skerry 124 PartFour.SecurityandLiberty 8. Fighting the War on Terrorism Francis Fukuyama 141 9. Constitutional Responsibility in the War on Terrorism Michael Vatis 155 PartFive.Character,Citizenship,andValues 10. Character Education and the Challenge of Raising a Moral Generation Chester E. Finn, Jr. 181 11. Citizenship, Civic Unity, and National Service William A. Galston 198 12. The Fair Society Amitai Etzioni 211 PartSix.EnvironmentalandElectoralReform 13. Toward a Sustainable Environmentalism Mark Sagoff 227 14. Is Reform of America’s Electoral System Possible? Thomas E. Mann 245 Conclusion: The Impact of Fateful Trends 265 Contributors 269 Index 271 Preface E. J. Dionne, Jr., has declared that there is a new “revolt of the middle”inAmericanpolitics—agrowingsenseamongthevastcen- trist, pragmatic majority of Americans that Washington’s ideologi- cally driven “politics of polarization” is increasingly leaving them out.Ifthereissuchaquietrevolutionafoottodayamongpolitically moderate Americans—citizens who do not feel at home with the more extreme positions taken by either side in Washington’s on- going political debates—then such citizens should find Uniting America to be a breath of fresh air. Uniting America is the first of what we hope will be a series of new books, articles, lectures, conferences, and public initiatives— all designed to recover the lost “vital center” in American politics and help Americans to build a shared, sensible, and hopeful vision of our democratic future. Our work on Uniting America inspired us to found a new non- partisan,nonprofitfoundation,TheFutureofAmericanDemocracy Foundation,tosponsorcontinuingactivitiesaimedatnurturingthis new centrist vision. vii viii Preface The Future of American Democracy Foundation is working closely with the Yale Center for International and Area Studies and YaleUniversityPress to develop a research and education agenda designed to renew and sustain the historic vision of American democracy for the future. The Foundation is enlisting some of America’s best policy minds to address the full range of domestic and foreign policy issues the United States confronts in the years ahead. The Foundation seeks to develop anew, morebalancedparadigmfor American policymaking, one that can form the basis of acentristconsensus, unitingcitizensaroundcommonaimsandpurposesthatwillgenuinelymeet the challenges before us. NortonGarfinklechairsTheFutureofAmericanDemocracyFoundation. Daniel Yankelovich chairs the Foundation’s Advisory Board. Co-Chairs of the Foundation’sExecutiveCommitteeincludeIanShapiro,HenryR.Luce, DirectoroftheYaleCenterforInternationalandAreaStudies,andJonathan Brent, Editorial Director of Yale University Press. The Foundation’s Exec- utive Director is Patrick Glynn. Please visit our Web site—www.futureof americandemocracyfoundation.org—forthelatestinformationontheFoun- dation’s activities. The editors would like to thank Amitai Etzioni for his help and support in inviting authors to contribute to this volume. The editors also wish to thank Patrick Glynn for his extensive editorial and organizational work in helping to put the book together. Our agent, Frederica Friedman, a con- summate publishing professional, workedtirelesslyonbehalfofthisvolume. And finally the editors wish to expresstheirgratitudetoJonathanBrentand his excellent editorial and production team at Yale University Pressfortheir superb job in bringing the book to fruition. Norton Garfinkle Daniel Yankelovich Uniting America

In Uniting America, some of the country’s most prominent social thinkers—among them Francis Fukuyama, Daniel Yankelovich, Amitai Etzioni, Alan Wolfe, Uwe Reinhardt, and Thomas E. Mann—reject the myth of polarization. On topics ranging from the war on terrorism, health care, economic policy, an
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