United States Air Force Schedule of Budgetary Activity FY 2015 THE AIRMAN'S CREED I AM AN AMERICAN AIRMAN. I AM A WARRIOR. I HAVE ANSWERED MY NATION'S CALL. I AM AN AMERICAN AIRMAN. MY MISSION IS TO FLY, FIGHT, AND WIN. I AM FAITHFUL TO A PROUD HERITAGE, A TRADITION OF HONOR, AND A LEGACY OF VALOR. I AM AN AMERICAN AIRMAN, GUARDIAN OF FREEDOM AND JUSTICE, MY NATION'S SWORD AND SHIELD, ITS SENTRY AND AVENGER. I DEFEND MY COUNTRY WITH MY LIFE. I AM AN AMERICAN AIRMAN: WINGMAN, LEADER, WARRIOR, I WILL NEVER LEAVE AN AIRMAN BEHIND, I WILL NEVER FALTER. AND I WILL NOT FAIL. Table of Contents Message from the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Financial Management and Comptroller ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1 Management Discussion and Analysis Air Force Heritage ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2 Air Force in Action—FY 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 Air Force Structure …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5 Air Force Resources ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10 Management Assertions …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11 Analysis of the SBA ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13 General Fund Schedule of Budgetary Activity Schedule of Budgetary Activity................................................................................................................... 16 Notes to the Schedule of Budgetary Activity.............................................................................................. 17 Report of the Independent Auditors.......................................................................................................... 22 Management's Response........................................................................................................................... 43 Page i United States Air Force November 2015 Message from the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Financial Management and Comptroller I am pleased to present the Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 Schedule of Budgetary Activity (SBA). FY 2015 was pivotal for the Air Force as we underwent our first SBA audit. As is typical for an organization of our size undergoing an initial audit, we received a disclaimer of opinion on this year’s SBA. However, the SBA audit provided an opportunity for us to validate our Financial Improvement and Audit Readiness (FIAR) strategy and the corrective actions we’ve implemented. Our auditors also identified opportunities for improvement and we are addressing these findings. Audit readiness is an enterprise-wide priority. Steady progress continues as Airmen from all functional areas are engaged. Cost-effective remediation efforts are being designed and implemented with a focus on ensuring lasting compliance. We continue to deploy the new Defense Enterprise Accounting and Management System (DEAMS) which will yield substantial long-term improvements. Accountability is a foundational precept of the Air Force. The transparency afforded by having auditable financial statements further demonstrates our commitment to responsible financial management. The FY 2015 SBA audit attests to the Air Force’s commitment to responsible financial management and accurate financial information, implementing process and system improvements, and ensuring sound leadership oversight. Our financial managers are our leaders in achieving audit readiness. We are fully committed to developing the expertise of our personnel to support decisions with credible budgetary and financial information. Over 3,000 Air Force financial managers have earned their DoD FM Certification, which provides a force multipling impact as the Air Force maximizes scarce financial resources toward audit readiness. As we look back at the many FIAR accomplishments achieved during 2015, we look forward to continued progress in 2016 as we move closer to our goal of full financial statement auditability. 1 FY 2015 Schedule of Budgetary Activity Management Discussion and Analysis Management Discussion and Analysis Air Force Heritage bombs on enemy targets, 75 percent of it against Germany and fired 459,750,000 rounds of 70th Anniversary of the Conclusion of ammunition. iii Nearly 2.4 million combat missions were flown, 1.7 million of which were flown against World War II Germany. Personnel casualties of 122,000 included 40,000 killed in action and aircraft combat losses totaled 23,000 planes. The monetary cost of this effort was $38.345 billion, over 10 percent of the total direct costs of the war.iv By the last year of the war, strategic bombing campaigns had destroyed the war economies of Germany and Japan. The war was culminated by the dropping of two atomic bombs on Japan. After the war, the Army Air Forces were demobilized and the number of personnel and aircraft were greatly reduced. In September 1947, in recognition of the prominent role air power would play in the atomic age, the Department of the Air Force was created and the Air Force became an independent service. The Air Force is observing the 70th anniversary of the conclusion of World War II. The Army Air Forces (AAF) played a significant role in bringing about victory in both the European Theater of Operations and in the Pacific. In September 1939, when Germany commenced World War II in Europe with its invasion of Poland, the Army Air Corps had 26,000 personnel and fewer than 2,000 aircraft. In June 1941, the Department of War created the Air Force Core Missions Army Air Forces and in March 1942 the AAF became one of the three autonomous commands The mission of the United States Air Force is to fly, into which the Army was divided (The Army Ground fight and win in air, space and cyberspace. This Forces and the Services of Supply were the other mission can be divided into five responsibilities: two commands). At its peak strength in March Air and Space Superiority: Air superiority has 1944, the AAF had 2.4 million Airmen which provided our Nation with a decades-long represented 31 percent of U.S. Army forcesi. In asymmetric advantage. General Jimmy Doolittle addition, the AAF employed 422,000 civilians. AAF said, “The first lesson is that you can’t lose a war if personnel stationed overseas reached 1,224,000 in you have command of the air, and you can’t win a April 1945 with 610,000 deployed against war if you haven’t.” Air superiority allows the U.S. Germany, 440,000 against Japan and the and its allies the freedom to operate in contested remainder assigned to air transport duties at environments by protecting the Joint Forces’ ability various locations around the globeii. to attack as well as protect the Joint Forces from By V-J Day, the AAF had taken delivery of 158,880 attack. Not since April 15, 1953, has an enemy airplanes, including 51,221 bombers and 47,050 combat aircraft killed a service member in the fighters. The maximum aircraft strength at any one American ground forces. time was 79,900, which was achieved in July 1944. The combat air forces dropped 2,057,000 tons of 2 United States Air Force Space continues to be a contested environment. As The Air Force is saving lives with unprecedented more commercial and government entities take survival rates because our highly skilled advantage of space, the Air Force remains aeromedical transport teams swiftly evacuate committed to improving space situational combat casualties. The Air Force’s ability to awareness. Space superiority is critical to U.S. evacuate wounded troops promptly from the national defense. Every day over 15,000 Airmen battlefield to emergency rear-area field hospitals work to ensure space superiority. For example, the and the first-response medical aid provided en Global Positioning System (GPS) enables precision route by pararescue forces or critical care air guided munitions employment by all services transport teams have set a new standard for the minimizing collateral damage. Air Force military survival of wounded warriors. Servicemen and satellite communications systems, including women who likely would not have survived in past Advanced Extremely High Frequency and conflicts now return home to their families. Wideband Global SATCOM satellites, provide Source:http://www.af.mil/News/ArticleDisplay/tabid/223/Article/466896/ wideband and protected communications to rapid-global-mobility-delivery-on-demand.aspx: deployed forces. This provides the command and Global Strike: The Air Force’s nuclear and control needed by joint force commanders around conventional precision strike forces can credibly the world. threaten and effectively conduct global strike by Source:http://www.af.mil/News/ArticleDisplay/tabid/223/Article/466893/ holding any target on the planet at risk and, if air-and-space-superiority.aspx necessary, disabling or destroying it promptly— Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance even from bases in the continental United States. (ISR): Air Force ISR is about helping leaders make These forces possess the unique ability to achieve informed decisions to maintain deterrence, contain tactical, operational, and strategic effects all in the crises, or achieve success in battle. Through a mix course of a single combat mission. Global strike of aircraft, satellites, and other technologies that missions include a wide range of crisis response collect, exploit, and disseminate critical information, and escalation control options, such as providing Air Force ISR gives policymakers the ability to close air support to troops at risk, interdicting minimize uncertainty about our adversaries and enemy forces, inserting special operations forces, their capabilities. Air Force ISR provides and targeting an adversary’s vital centers. information to decision makers through five core capabilities: Battlespace characterization; collection Strengthening the nuclear enterprise remains the operations to find, fix and track; targeting; number one mission priority within the Air Force. production of intelligence mission data; and The Air Force continues its actions to deliver safe, intelligence support to weapon system design and secure, and effective nuclear capabilities within its acquisition. Our 34,000 ISR Airmen identify and Nuclear Deterrence Operations (NDO) portfolio. The Air Force’s intercontinental ballistic missiles assess adversary targets and vulnerabilities from hideouts to bunkers to mobile launchers with and heavy bombers provide two legs of the greater accuracy than ever seen in the history of Nation’s nuclear triad. Dual-capable fighters and warfare. bombers extend deterrence and provide assurance to allies and partners. The Air Force continues its Source:http://www.af.mil/News/ArticleDisplay/tabid/223/Article/466894/i efforts to further the skills and leadership of its ntelligence-surveillance-and-reconnaissance.aspx NDO-Airmen, institutionalize improvements and Rapid Global Mobility: The Air Force’s air mobility capitalize on gains made since the Air Force began Airmen provide swift deployment and the ability to reinvigorating the nuclear enterprise in 2008. sustain operations by delivering essential equipment and personnel for missions ranging from Source:http://www.af.mil/News/ArticleDisplay/tabid/223/Article/466897/ global-strike-any-target-any-time.aspx major combat to humanitarian relief operations around the world. Airlifters provide the capability to Command and Control: The Air Force provides deploy American armed forces anywhere in the access to reliable communications and information world and keep them supplied. Air refuelers are the networks so that the joint team can operate globally lifeline of global reach, increasing range, payloads at a high tempo and level of intensity. Air Force and flexibility. Air Force tankers can also refuel command and control systems give commanders Navy, Marine and NATO aircraft and have an the ability to conduct highly coordinated joint inherent cargo-carrying capability. operations on an unequaled scale using centralized 3 FY 2015 Schedule of Budgetary Activity Management Discussion and Analysis command, distributed control, and decentralized AFGSC officers, civilians, and joint officers will execution. complete a master’s degree in operations management from the Air Force Institute of The capability to deliver airpower is intimately Technology. Students will also take classes in dependent on the ability to operate effectively in research design, operations management, cyberspace, a domain in and through which we leadership, and weapons effects. The curriculum is conduct all of our core missions and which is critical designed to increase nuclear deterrence and to many of our command and control systems. assurance skills. Operations in cyberspace can magnify military effects by increasing the efficiency and Airmen Diversity effectiveness of air and space operations and by In March of this year, Secretary James outlined helping to integrate capabilities across all domains. nine proposals to increase opportunities for women, Source:http://www.af.mil/News/ArticleDisplay/tabid/223/Article/466932/ minorities and enlisted Airmen. The junior enlisted command-and-control-total-flexibility.aspx force is diverse but the percentage of women and Air Force in Action--FY 2015 minorities in senior noncommissioned officer ranks has declined. Officers and civilians also have Operational Tempo declining representation of women and minorities in the senior ranks and women leave the service at The Air Force is active in the fight against the twice the rate of men during the middle of their Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). We careers.viii executed nearly 70 percent of the air strikes and flew more than 48,000 sorties supporting The Secretary plans to change the Air Force's rules operations in Iraq and Syriav. The U.S. is now one so new mothers will have a full 12 months at home year into Operation Inherent Resolve. The Air before being deployed. The Post-Pregnancy Force is committed to a multi-year fight requiring Deployment Deferment is now six months. political, economic, and military actions. We’ve Commanders have the ability to increase the six- made good progress with our strategy of deny, month deferment on a case-by-case basis; disrupt, and ultimately defeat. American airpower however, the Secretary is advocating for a standard has denied ISIL advances and has completely 12-month period. The Secretary is also calling for disrupted their tactics, techniques, and procedures. increased Officer Training School slots for enlisted personnel and the waiver of height restrictions for During the last year, the Air Force responded to an flight training candidates. Ebola outbreak in West Africa, provided humanitarian relief in Nepal, and maintained Cybersecurity ongoing commitments in Afghanistan and in the In March 2015, Air Force Chief of Staff General Pacific. The Air Force announced an upcoming Mark Welch established the Task Force Cyber training exercise that will involve an F-22 Raptor Secure. The task force functions to protect the Air deployment to Europe giving allies the opportunity Force and those organizations that support the Air to train and operate in multiple types of scenarios. Force from cyber-attack. The task force has three Nuclear Enterprise Management principle objectives: Proper management of the nuclear enterprise Identify cyber threats that could undermine remains the Air Force’s top priority. The Air Force core Air Force missions recently elevated the Air Force Global Strike Develop plans to mitigate cyber threats Command (AFGSC) position from a three-star Make recommendations for investment general position to a four-star general position. In priorities to counter cyber threats addition, the billet of Assistant Chief of Staff for The task force will work to synchronize and strategic deterrence and nuclear integration will be maximize resources at the corporate level in order increased from a two-star billet to a three-star billet. to establish a foundational, consistent enterprise- The Air Force is increasing manning levels by wide approach in the futureix 1,100 Airmen to provide more stable schedules for those Airmen performing alert duty.vi During FY 2015, the AFGSC established the School for Advanced Nuclear Studies (SANDS).vii 4 United States Air Force Acquisition Excellence The Air Force continues to prioritize three acquisition programs: the F-35 Lightning, the KC- 46A Pegasus, and the long-range strike bomber. The Air Force is focused on reducing the per unit cost of the F-35. The deployment of the F-35 has been somewhat difficult because the aircraft was simultaneously designed and built and has 24 million lines of software code.x Despite these challenges, the F-35 has met many milestones. The F-35 has flown over 30,000 flight hours and completed 65 percent of its test program. Two hundred pilots and 1,800 maintainers have been trained. The F-35 program supports 129,000 jobs in 45 states and Puerto Rico.xi The Air Force will soon award the contract for the Long-Range Strike Bomber. The average age of Major Command Structure the bomber force is now 39 years. The Long- Most units of the Air Force are assigned to a Range Strike Bomber will replace the B-52 and the specific major command (MAJCOM), led by a B-1. The B-52 was designed in the late 1940s and general officer. MAJCOMs have extensive first built in the early 1960s. The B-1 was deployed functional responsibilities as will be shown on the in the 1980s. “The idea that we would run a following pages. They may be subdivided into Formula One or a NASCAR race with a car built in Numbered Air Forces (NAF) with each responsible 1962 is ridiculous, but we're going to war with for one or more wings or independent groups. airplanes built in 1962,” Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh said “We have got to modernize Wings are the primary units of the working Air the Air Force. The bomber will be deployed in the Force and are responsible for maintaining an Air mid-2020s”.xii Force base or carrying out a specific mission. Wings may be commanded by a general officer or a Boeing is obligated to deliver 18 KC-46A Pegasus colonel. A wing may have several squadrons in aircraft by August 2017. The Pegasus is primarily more than one dependent group. Wings typically designed to conduct mid-air refueling, but can also contain an operations group, a maintenance group, transport passengers, patients, and cargo. The a mission support group and a medical group. aircraft is designed to not only refuel U.S. aircraft, but coalition aircraft as well. xiiiThese advanced The majority of individual officers and Airmen are aircraft will help the U.S. maintain air superiority, assigned to a squadron, which may be composed perform precision strike missions, and extend of several flights. Additionally, there are other global reach for many years to come. types of organizations in the Air Force structure such as centers, field operating agencies and direct Air Force Structure reporting units. The command line of the Air Force flows from the President and the National Command Authority to the Secretary of Defense and the Department of the Air Force. The Air Force is headed by the Secretary of the Air Force (SECAF), with the Chief of Staff reporting to the Secretary (see Figure 1). Immediately subordinate to the departmental headquarters are the Major Commands (MAJCOMs), Field Operating Agencies (FOAs), Direct Reporting Units (DRUs), and the Auxiliary. Paratroopers jump from a C-130 5 FY 2015 Schedule of Budgetary Activity Management Discussion and Analysis Air Education and Training Command (AETC) Mission: Recruit, train and educate Airmen to deliver airpower for America. Responsibilities: With a Vision of forging innovative Airmen to power the world’s greatest Air Force, the command recruits, trains, and educates Airmen from over 1,200 locations worldwide to sustain the combat capability of the Air Force and the Combatant Commanders. The command must effectively develop Airmen through basic military training, technical and flying training, officer and reserve officer training, graduate and professional An F-22 Raptor flies over Alaska continuing education, and professional military Air Combat Command (ACC) education. AETC’s role makes it the First Command to touch the life of every Airman. Mission: Air Combat Command is the primary provider of combat forces to Command Personnel: 62,000 America’s warfighting commanders. Source:http://www.aetc.af.mil/About/FactSheets/Display/tabid/140/Artic Responsibilities: To support global le/261000/air-education-and-training-command.aspx implementation of national security strategy, ACC Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC) operates fighter, bomber, reconnaissance, battle- Mission: Develop and provide combat- management, and electronic-combat aircraft. It ready forces for nuclear deterrence and also provides command, control, communications global strike operations ... Safe, and intelligence systems, and conducts global Secure, Effective, to support the information operations. President of the United States and combatant commanders. As a force provider and Combat Air Forces lead agent, ACC organizes, trains, equips and maintains Responsibilities: Organize, train and equip the Air combat-ready forces for rapid deployment and Force’s three intercontinental ballistic missile wings, employment while ensuring strategic air defense the Air Force’s entire bomber force, to include B-52, forces are ready to meet the challenges of B-1 and B-2 wings, the Long Range Strike Bomber peacetime air sovereignty and wartime air defense. program, and operational and maintenance support Additionally, ACC develops strategy, doctrine, to organizations within the nuclear enterprise. concepts, tactics, and procedures for air and Command Personnel: 31,000 space-power employment. The command provides conventional and information warfare forces to all Source:http://www.af.mil/AboutUs/FactSheets/Display/tabid/224/Article /104462/air-force-global-strike-command.aspx unified commands to ensure air, space and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) information superiority for warfighters and national decision-makers. The Command also has Mission: Deliver and support agile responsibility for inland search and rescue war-winning capabilities. operations in the 48 contiguous states. ACC Responsibilities: AFMC delivers war- numbered air forces provide the air component to winning expeditionary capabilities to the Central, Southern and Northern Combatant the warfighter through development and transition Commands. ACC also augments forces to the of technology, professional acquisition European, Pacific, and Strategic Combatant management, exacting test and evaluation, and Commands. world-class sustainment of all Air Force weapon Command Personnel: 143,000 systems. From cradle-to-grave, AFMC provides Source: http://www.acc.af.mil/library/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=2361 the work force and infrastructure necessary to ensure the United States remains the world’s most respected Air and Space Force. Command Personnel: 80,000 6 United States Air Force Source:http://www.af.mil/AboutUs/FactSheets/Display/tabid/224/Article cyberspace, manages a global network of satellites, /104481/air-force-materiel-command.aspx and is responsible for space system development Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) and acquisition. It executes spacelift operations to Mission: To provide combat ready launch satellites with a variety of expendable forces to fly, fight, and win. launch systems and operates to provide space capabilities in support of combatant commanders. Responsibilities: The AFRC AFSPC provides positioning, navigation, timing, augments the active component. The communications, missile warning, weather and AFRC is extremely cost effective, intelligence warfighting support. AFSPC operates providing approximately 14% of the total force for sensors that provide direct attack warning and about 4% of the manpower budget, and retains assessment to U.S. Strategic Command and North valuable military expertise and mission continuity American Aerospace Defense Command. on a ready-now, but called-up as needed basis. Reservists support nuclear deterrence operations, Command Personnel: 38,000 air, space and cyberspace superiority, command Source:http://www.afspc.af.mil/library/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=364 and control, global integrated intelligence 9 surveillance reconnaissance, global precision attack, special operations, rapid global mobility and personnel recovery. They also perform space operations, aircraft flight testing, aerial port operations, civil engineering, security forces, military training, communications, mobility support, transportation and services missions. Command Personnel: 67,100 Source:http://www.afrc.af.mil/AboutUs/FactSheets/Display/tabi d/140/Article/155999/air-force-reserve-command.aspx A C-130 flown by an Air Force Reserve crew flies over Charleston, SC Air Force Space Command (AFSPC) Mission: Provide resilient and An Atlas V rocket carrying a GPS satellite is launched from Cape affordable space and cyberspace Canaveral capabilities for the Joint Force and Air Mobility Command (AMC) the Nation. Mission: Provide global air mobility Responsibilities: Organizing, ... right effects, right place, right time. equipping, training and maintaining mission-ready Responsibilities: AMC Airmen — space and cyberspace forces and capabilities for active duty, Air National Guard, Air North American Aerospace Defense Command, Force Reserve and civilians — provide airlift and U.S. Strategic Command and other combatant aerial refueling for all of America’s armed forces. commands worldwide. AFSPC oversees Air Force They also provide aeromedical evacuation and network operations to provide capabilities in Global Reach laydown. The command has many 7