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United National Independence Party. Edited Resolutions of the 4th—17th National Councils of the United National Independence Party 1974 to 1982 PDF

100 Pages·1983·3.54 MB·English
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Preview United National Independence Party. Edited Resolutions of the 4th—17th National Councils of the United National Independence Party 1974 to 1982

United National Independence Party (Zambia) . National Council. Edited resolutions of the 4th - 17th National Councils . STANFORD LIBRARIES JQ 2898 U5A28E 1974-1982 L i h S E I R A S 禁 D R O F HOOVER INSTITUTION Cu War, Revolution, and Peace FOUNDEDBY HERBERT HOOVER, 1919 CONFIDENTIAL (This document is the property of the United National Independence Party) UNITED NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE PARTY EDITED RESOLUTIONS OF THE 4th - 17th NATIONAL COUNCILS OF THE UNITED NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE PARTY 1974 TO 1982 OfficeoftheSecretary-GeneraloftheParty Freedom House Lusaka 6.5m J310 883 CONFIDENTIAL A NUMBER TEOT RESOLUTIONS REMARKS 5,3 / ( 1) ELECTORALRETORM (1) The names of all intaxding candidaten Impiamente,como for the Primary Elections must be sub mitted for vetting to the Central Committee thirty days before the nomination day. (ii) In future more effort should be put in Primaries the preparation of primary voters in abolished view of the great importance attached without to voting for candidates who are put Implementation forward to the final elections. of the resolution (111) The aine nominators of candidates for the primary should come from rotere Overtaken to the primary Eleatoral College by that is, Party Officials including evants Section and village beaders, who quality to vote in the primaries but not were voters. (11 ) The 15.00 that is paid by an intending Implemented candidat towards primary and General Marti906 mpenses is inadequate . The son should be reviewed upwards to a reasonable figure but not too high to prohibit many intending candidates . (v) Only members who have been in the Party Implemented for a period of not less than three years will quality to be candidates in torydontial and General Elections . - 2 - (vi) In future election budgets 500wd t8450 Being into account provisions of transport, itementara feeding and accommodating all candidates taking part in the Primary, rrésidential and General Elections, (ii) The general registration of vorers Emplemented should take place before every Presi dential and General Elections , ( ili) The Holding of Presidential , General Being and Local Government Elections should, implemented at all costs, be held during the dry seasons, with the exception of by elections. (1x) The number of polling districts should be Implementos reduced while the number of polling stations increased so as to give an opportunity to a maximum number of voters in casting the r ballots, )(z Registered voters should be educated to Being appreciate the value of their voteu. implemented 3 (xi) The relevant parts of the Party Constitution hend should be amended to provide for a unitori to Party set of rules and regulations to guide the conduct of Ward , Branch and Section tion Elections , boon dors (si) The Presidential candidate who will be elected at Mulungushi General conference Impia will be the sole Candidate in the Presidential and General Elections . ( xii ) the Eagle and a byene symbols and the case Not of ballot papers requiring marking , two Implonented ballot boxes oe used, one carrying the purtrait of the Presidential candidate and the other carrying the letter " NO " and that the voters should merely drop their ballot papers in the box with the port rait of the President for " TES " and in the box: "NO" for 6 rejeotion vote . NC /RES/4 (2) PARLIAENTARY PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITI It has been resolved that all aeubers of Implefonted Parliament who engage themselves in activities which we in breach of the Party's disciplinary Code and who abused Parliamentary prtleges and immunities for personal. aggrandisonant or with intent to divide the nation , will be disciplined by the Party . 4 NC /RES/4 (3) PARTY ORGANISATION (i ) The procedures relating to the regi Implemented stration of branches be re - examined . (ii ) The number of Party Warus in the rural areas be increased where nece ssary. (iii) Appropriate sections of the Party Implemented Constitution should, therefore, be amended . NC /RES / 4 (4 ) INFLUENCE OF PARTY AT PLACES OF WORK (i ) The decision making by enterprises in the country be based on the Party Policies Partially Implemented and principles of collective leadership. ( 11) The Civil Servants and members of Implemented Security Forces be free to take part in the politics since we are now a One Party -State. NC /RES/4 (5 ) MANAGEMLNT AND CONTROL OF PARTY FINANCES ( i) The Party should actively participate in Being Implemented establishing projects which will be a major source of income. ( ii) A better system of accounting for Party finances be established and qualified and competent accountants be recruited . (iii) Misuse of and waste of Party funds and Being property be exposed and when the culprits Implemented are identified they should be severely punished in accordance with the Party Disciplinary Code. 5 the culprits are identified they should be severely punished in accordance with the Party Disciplinary Code. (iv) In Party organisation, emphasis be Being placed or the uso of the Forty bicycles. implemented (v) The Party should institute a system Being which will provide for greater accounta implemented bility by people responsible for raising funds through the sale of Party Cards and other fund raising Campaigns. (vi ) In order to broaden the base for Implemented contribution to Party finances, the minimum age for membership of the Party should be lowered. (vii) A Public Accounts Committee be established Being to oversee Party financial affairs. implemented NC / RES /4 (6 ) DRUNKNESS (i ) A continous campaign against excessive Being drnking be mounted by section, village. implemented branch and ward officials and the Trade Union leaders. (ii ) Ways and means of dissuading people from Being excessive drinking be found Implemented and to this effect ' • 6 the increase of recreational and Ducial facilities should be encouraged by the Party and its Government . CARBA (7) WAR ON CRIME (1) The law dealing with violent crine Implemented 04 reviewed by the government in order to provide for capital punishment on those persons convicted of aggravated robbery. (ii ) Sentences passed on persons convicted Implemented of robbery be raised by the Government from the present minimum.. (iii) Sentences passed pertaining to theft Partially by a public servant and car theft be implemented raised by the Government. (iv) The Government should take steps to Partially see that any person found guilty of implemented corruption of any kind be given the highest possible sente and that the property which is the subject of corruption be forfeited to the State. (v) in appropriate action be taken by the Implemented Central Committee in accordance with the recommendations contained in the 19 Secretary-General's Annual Report. NC /RES /4 (8) DETAINEES The Government should take steps to have Implemented the law amended 32 that an Ex-detainee should not sue the State after his release,

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