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Uniqueness of the maximum likelihood k estimator for -monotone densities 0 Arseni Seregin∗ 1 0 Department of Statistics, Box 354322 2 University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195-4322 n e-mail: [email protected] a J Abstract: Weproveuniquenessofthemaximumlikelihoodestimatorfor theclassofk−monotonedensities. 2 1 AMS 2000 subject classifications:Primary62G07. Keywordsand phrases:uniqueness,k–monotonedensity,mixturemod- ] els, density estimation, maximum likelihood, nonparametric estimation, T shapeconstraints. S . h t 1. Introduction a m The family M of k-monotone densities on R is a mixture model defined by k + [ the basic density g0(x)≡k(1−x)+k−1. That means that every density f ∈Mk 1 is a multiplicative convolution of some mixing probability distribution G and v g : 0 2 +∞ 1 x 8 f(x)= g dG(y). 0 y y 7 Z0 (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 This class generalizes classes of monotone (1−monotone) and convex decreas- . 1 ing (2-monotone)densities on R . As k increases,the classes M decrease and + k 0 the class of completely monotone densities lies in the intersection of all M . k 0 Balabdaoui and Wellner [2009]provesconsistency andBalabdaoui and Wellner 1 [2007] gives asymptotic limit theory for the MLE of a k−monotone density. : v For k = 1 the uniqueness of the MLE follows from a well known character- i X ization of the Grenander estimator, for k = 2 the uniqueness was proved in r Groeneboom et al. [2001] and for k = 3 in Balabdaoui [2004]. In Jewell [1982] a the uniqueness and weak consistency was proved for the MLE of a completely monotone density. In Lindsay and Roeder [1993] a general method was devel- oped which allows to prove uniqueness of the MLE in mixture models defined by strictly totally positive kernelssuchas the exponentialkernelfor completely monotonedensities.However,fork−monotonedensitiesthekernelisnotstrictly totally positive as follows fromSchoenberg and Whitney [1953] and uniqueness of the MLE for k > 3 has not been investigated before. Below, we answer this question proving the following theorem: ∗ResearchsupportedinpartbyNSFgrantDMS-0804587 1 imsart-generic ver. 2009/08/13 file: Uniqueness-of-k-monotone-MLE.tex date: January 12, 2010 Arseni Seregin/Uniqueness of the k-monotone MLE 2 Theorem 1.1. Let k ≥2 be a positive integer and X ,...,X be i.i.d. random 1 n variables with k-monotone density f ∈M . With probability 1 the MLE fˆ is 0 k n uniquelydefinedbysomediscretemixingprobabilitymeasureGˆ .Thecardinality n of the support set supp(Gˆ ) is less or equal than n. If supp(Gˆ ) consists of n n points Y < ··· < Y , m < n then there exists a subset of order statistics 1 m X <···<X such that: (i1) (im) X <Y <X , (ij) j (ij+k) where we assume X =+∞ for l>m. Also we have Y >X . (il) m (n) 2. Proof With probability 1 we have that the order statistics are distinct: 0<X <···<X . (1) (n) We assume that X =+∞ for l>n. (l) Theproofconsistsofseverallemmas.Firstlemmaprovidesatoolforcounting zeroes of a function. Lemma 2.1. Let A⊆R be an interval. Consider a function f ∈Ck(A). Then the following inequality is true for the number of zeroes N(f,A) of f counted with multiplicities: N(f(k),A)≥N(f,A)−k. Here the multiplicity of zero x of the function f ∈ Ck(A), k ≥ 0, x ∈ A is an integer n≤k+1 such that: f(y)=···=f(n−1)(y)=0 and either n=k+1 or f(n)(y)6=0. Proof. Let x , 1≤i≤m be zeroes of f on A and n be its multiplicities. Then i i byRolle’stheoremthederivativef′ ∈Ck−1(A)hasm−1zeroesbetweenpoints x withmultiplicitiesatleast1andalsozeroesx withmultiplicitiesn −1.Thus: i i i m m ′ N(f ,A)≥m−1+ (n −1)=−1+ n =N(f,A)−1. i i i=1 i=1 X X Applying this inequality k times we obtain the result. Proof of the second lemma builds the necessary tools for the main result. Note, that discreteness of the mixing measure Gˆ actually follows from gen- n eral results about the MLE for mixture models proved in Lindsay [1983a]. We repeat a part of that argument to make our proof self-contained and also to provide referencesto the classic convexanalysis textbook Rockafellar[1970] for an interested reader. imsart-generic ver. 2009/08/13 file: Uniqueness-of-k-monotone-MLE.tex date: January 12, 2010 Arseni Seregin/Uniqueness of the k-monotone MLE 3 Lemma 2.2. There exists a set Y of points Y < ··· < Y , m ≤ n such that 1 m k−monotone density fˆ defined by a mixing probability measure Gˆ is the MLE n n if and only if supp(Gˆ )⊆Y. In other words, any MLE has the form: n m k(Y −x)k−1 fˆ (x)= a j + , (2.1) n j Yk j=1 j X where a ≥ 0, a = 1 and Y > X . Moreover, the vector (fˆ (X ))n is j j j (j) n (i) i=1 unique. P Proof. Following Lindsay [1983a, 1995] we define a curve Γ parameterized by y ∈R as: + 1 x n k(y−X )k−1 n Γ(y)= g = (i) + . y 0 y yk (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19)i=1 !i=1 Sinceg (x/y)asafunctionofyisboundedandequalszeroat0and+∞wehave 0 thatΓiscompact.Supposethatf ∈M withcorrespondingmixingprobability k measure G. Then the vector (f(X ))n belongs to the set Γ¯ =cl(conv(Γ)): (i) i=1 +∞ (f(X ))n = Γ(y)dG(y) (i) i=1 Z0 Since Γ is compact it follows that Γ¯ is also compact and Γ¯ = conv(Γ) by n (Rockafellar [1970], Theorem 17.2). Therefore, the continuous function z i=1 i attains its maximum on Γ¯, where z are the coordinates in the space Rn. Let us denote S ≡argmax n z . i Q+ Γ¯ i=1 i Since the intersection of Γ and the interior ri(Rn) of Rn is not empty we have S ⊂ ri(Rn). The fuQnction n z is strictly co+ncave, t+herefore S consists + i=1 i of a single point b = (b )n > 0. Therefore for any MLE fˆ it follows that the i i=1 Q n vector (fˆ (X ))n is equal to b and unique. The gradient of n z at b is n (i) i=1 i=1 i proportional to 1/b≡(1/b )n . We have dim(Γ¯)=n. Inidie=e1d if we consider n points t ∈(X Q,X ) then i (i) (i+1) the vectors Γ(t ) are linearly independent (Schoenberg and Whitney [1953] or i directobservation).By(Rockafellar[1970],Theorem27.4)thevector1/bbelongs to the normal cone of Γ¯ at b. Since 1/b > 0 we have b ∈ ∂Γ¯ and the plane α defined by the equation n z /b = n is a support plane of Γ¯ at b. Thus for i=1 i i v =k/nb we have: i i P n p(y)≡yk− v (y−X )k−1 ≥0, i (i) + i=1 X for all y ≥0 and p(y)=0 if and only if y =0 or Γ(y)∈α. Let us denote by Y the set of y such that Γ(y)∈α i.e. Γ(Y)=α∩Γ. The intersection α∩Γ¯ is an exposed face (Rockafellar [1970], p.162) of Γ¯. By Theorem 18.3 from Rockafellar [1970] we have α∩Γ¯ = conv(Γ(Y)) and by Theorem 18.1 we have supp(Gˆ )⊆Y. n imsart-generic ver. 2009/08/13 file: Uniqueness-of-k-monotone-MLE.tex date: January 12, 2010 Arseni Seregin/Uniqueness of the k-monotone MLE 4 Thefunctionp(y)belongstoC(k−2)(R );aty =0ithasazeroofmultiplicity + k−1andateachy ∈Y ithas a zeroofmultiplicity greateror equalthan 2.By Lemma 2.1 we have: N(p(k−2),[0,X ])≥N(p,[0,X ])−(k−2)≥2#(Y ∩[0,X ])+1. (j) (j) (j) The function p(k−2)(y) is piecewise quadratic and therefore on each interval [X ,X ] it may have at most two zeroes and on [0,X ) it has only one (i) (i+1) (1) zero at zero. Thus: 1+2(j−1)≥N(p(k−2),[0,X ])≥2#(Y ∩[0,X ])+1 (j) (j) orequivalentlythesetY hasnomorethanj−1pointson[0,X ].Inparticular, (j) the set Y contains no more than n points. Let Y < ··· < Y be the points of 1 m Y. Then we have Y >X . j (j) This implies that for any MLE fˆ the support of the corresponding mixing n measure Gˆ is a subset of Y and thus any MLE fˆ has the form: n n m k(Y −x)k−1 fˆ (x)= a j + , n j Yk j=1 j X where a ≥0, a =1. j j The last lemPma proves uniqueness of the MLE. Lemma2.3. ThediscretemixingprobabilitymeasureGˆ whichdefinesanMLE n is unique. Proof. Suppose there exist two different MLEs fˆ1 and fˆ2. Then by Lemma 2.2 n n we have: m k(Y −x)k−1 fˆl(x)= al j + n j Yk j=1 j X and therefore the function q(x) defined by: m k(Y −x)k−1 q(x)=fˆ1(x)−fˆ2(x)= s j + , n n j Yk j=1 j X where s = a1 −a2, admits at least n zeroes X and not all s are equal to j j j (i) j zero. Therefore, by Lemma 2.1: N(q(k−2),[0,X ))≥N(q,[0,X ))−(k−2)≥i−1−(k−2). i i Thefunctionq(k−2)ispiecewiselinearwithknotsatY .Therefore,N(q(k−2),[0,X ))≤ j i #{Y ∩[0,X )}+1 and: (i) #{Y ∩[0,X )}≥i−k. (i) This implies: Yi−k <X(i), imsart-generic ver. 2009/08/13 file: Uniqueness-of-k-monotone-MLE.tex date: January 12, 2010 Arseni Seregin/Uniqueness of the k-monotone MLE 5 and by Lemma 2.2 Yi−k <X(i) <Yi. Now,byCorollary1ofSchoenberg and Whitney[1953]wehavedet((Y −X )k)m > i (j) + i,j=1 0. Thus the vectors Γ(Y ), 1≤i≤m are independent and all s =0. This con- i i tradiction completes the proof. Note, that from Lemma 2.2 it follows that any mixing probability measure onafinitesetY ={Y }definesMLE.Lemma2.3showsthattheMLEisunique j andhencethevectorsΓ(Y )areindependent.Inparticular,thereexistsasubset j of order statistics X <···<X such that: (i1) (im) det (Y −X )k−1 m >0. j (il) + j,l=1 (cid:0) (cid:1) Therefore, by Corollary 1 of Schoenberg and Whitney [1953] we obtain Yj−k < X <Y . (ij) j The equality (2.1) also implies that for any MLE Y >X since otherwise m (n) the last coordinate of all vectors Γ(Y ) is equal to zero and fˆ (X ) = 0 and j n (n) this completes the proof of Theorem 1.1. Acknowledgments Iwouldliketo thankmy advisor,ProfessorJonA.Wellner,forintroducingthis problem to me and for helpful comments and suggestions. References Balabdaoui, F. (2004). Nonparametric estimation of k-monotone density: A new asymptotic distribution theory. Ph.D. thesis, University of Washington, Department of Statistics. Balabdaoui, F. and Wellner, J. (2009). Estimation of a k-monotone den- sity:characterizations,consistencyandminimaxlowerbounds. Statist.Neerl. to appear. Balabdaoui, F. and Wellner, J. A. (2007). Estimation of a k-monotone density: limit distribution theory and the spline connection. Ann. Statist. 35 2536–2564. URLhttp://dx.doi.org.offcampus.lib.washington.edu/10.1214/009053607000000262 Groeneboom, P., Jongbloed, G. and Wellner, J. A. (2001). 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PrincetonMathematicalSeries, No. 28, Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J. Schoenberg, I. J. and Whitney, A. (1953). On Po´lya frequence functions. III. The positivity of translation determinants with an application to the interpolationproblembysplinecurves. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.74246–259. imsart-generic ver. 2009/08/13 file: Uniqueness-of-k-monotone-MLE.tex date: January 12, 2010

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