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UNIQUENESS IN DISCRETE TOMOGRAPHY OF PLANAR MODEL SETS 7 0 CHRISTIANHUCK 0 2 Abstra t. The problem of dΛetermining (cid:28)nite subsets of hara teristi pXlanar model sets n (mathemati alXquasi rystals) , ualled y lotomi model sets, by parallel -rays is onsid- a J ered. Here,an -rayindire tion uofa(cid:28)nitesubsetoftheplaneXgivestheΛnumberofpoints 5 in the set on ea h line parallel to . For pra ti al reasons, oΛnl−yΛ-rays in -dire tions, i.e., dire tionsparallel tonon-zeroelementsofthedi(cid:27)eren eset ,arepermitted. Inparti - ] ular, by ombining methods from algebrai nuΛmber theory and C on⊂veΛxity, it is shown that G the onvex subsets of a Λy lotomi model set , i.e., (cid:28)nite sets wΛhose onveXx hulls M ontainnonew poΛintsof ,are determined,amongall Λonvexsubsetsof , bytheir -rays infourpres ribed -dire tions,whereasanysetofthree -dire tionsdoesnotsu(cid:30) eforthis . h purpose. We also study the intera tive te hniqueof su essive deXtermination in the ase of at y lotomi model sets, in wXhi h the information from previous -rays is used in de iding m the dire tion for the nΛext -ray. In parti ular, it is shown thΛat the (cid:28)nite subsets of any y lotomi model set an be su essively determined by two -dire tions. All results are [ illustratedbymeansofwell-knownexamples,i.e., the y lotomi modelsetsasso iated with 2 the square tiling, the triangle tiling, the tiling of Ammann-Beenker, the Tübingen triangle v tiling and theshield tiling. 1 4 1 1 0 7 1. Introdu tion 0 / Dis rete tomography is on erned with the inverse problem of retrieving information about h somedis reteobje tfrom(generallynoisy)informationaboutitsin iden eswith ertainquery t a sets. A typi al example is the re onstru tion of a (cid:28)nite point set from its line sums in a small m number of dire tions. More pre isely, a (dis rete parallel) X-ray of a (cid:28)nite subset of Eu lidean : d d u d u v -spa e R indire tion gives the number of pointsin theset onea h linein R parallel to . i X Inthe la2ssi alsetting,motivatedby rystals,thepLositionsdtobededterm2inedliveonthesquSare r latdti e Z or, more generally, on aGrbitraryd latti es in R , whereS ≥S.:=(Hesre, assusb,sset Sof a ′ ′ R is said to live on a subgroup of R when its di(cid:27)eren e set − { − | ∈ } G is a subset of .) In fa t, many of the problems in dis rete tomography have been studied 2 on Z , the lassi al planar setting of dis rete tomography; see [24℄, [23℄ and [19℄. In the longer run, by also having other stru tures than perfe t rystals in mind, one has to take into a ount wider lasses of sets, or at least signi(cid:28) ant deviations from the latti e stru ture. As an intermediate step between periodi and random (or amorphous) Delone sets (de(cid:28)ned below), we onsider systems of aperiodi order, more pre isely, of so- alled model sets (or mathemati al quasi rystals), whi h are ommonly a epted as a good mathemati al model for quasi rystalline stru tures in nature [40℄. It is interesting to know whether these sets behave like latti es as far as dis rete tomography is on erned. The main motivation for our interest in the dis rete tomography of model sets omes from the physi al existen e of quasi rystals that an be des ribed as aperiodi model sets together 1 2 C.HUCK withthedemandofmaterialss ien etore onstru tthree-dimensional(quasi) rystalsorplanar layers of them from their images under quantitative high resolution transmission ele tron mi ros opy (HRTEM) in a small number of dire tions. In fa t, in [26, 37℄ a te hnique is des ribed, based on HRTEM, whi h an e(cid:27)e tively measure the number of atoms lying on lines parallel to ertain dire tions; it is alled QUANTITEM (quantitative analysis of the information oming from transmission ele tron mi ros opy). At present, the measurement of the number of atoms lying on a line an only be a hieved for some rystals; see [26, 37℄. However, it is reasonable to expe t that future developments in te hnology will improve this situation. Whether or not one has future appli ations in materials s ien e in mind, the starting point willalwaysbeaspe i(cid:28) stru turemodel. Thismeansthatthespe i(cid:28) typeofthe(quasi) rystal X isgiven (see[2, 38℄for the on ept), andone is onfronted withthe -ray data of anunknown d (cid:28)nite subset of it. This is the orre t analogue of starting with translates of Z in the lassi al setting. Here, our investigation of the dis rete tomography of systems with aperiodi order will be restri ted to the study of two-dimensional systems. Fortunately, solving the problems of dis rete tomography for two-dimensional systems with aperiodi order also lies at the heart of solving the orresponding problems in three dimensions. This is due to the fa t that model sets possess, as it is the ase for latti es, a dimensional hierar hy, meaning that any model set d d 1 in dimensions an be sli ed into model sets of dimension − . More pre isely, we onsider a well-known lass of planar model sets whi h an be des ribed in algebrai terms. It will be a ni e property of this lassof planar model setsthat it ontains, 2 asaspe ial ase,arbitrarytranslatesofthesquarelatti eZ ,whi h orrespondstothe lassi al planar setting of dis rete tomography. Let us be ome more spe i(cid:28) . By using the Minkowski representation of algebrai number n / 1,2 Λ = (cid:28)elds, we introdu e, for ∈ { }, the orresponding lass of y lotomi model sets ⊂ C∼ 2 [ζ ] ζ n ζ = e2πi/n n n n R whi hliveonZ ,where isaprimitive throotofunityinC,e.g., . TheZ- [ζ ] n (ζ ) n / 1,2,3,4,6 n n moduleZ istheringofintegersinthe th y lotomi (cid:28)eldQ ,and,for ∈ { }, Λ when viewed as a subset of the plane, is dense, whereas y lotomi model sets are Delone sets, i.e., they are uniformly dis rete and relatively dense. In fa t, model sets are even Meyer Λ Λ sets, meaning that also − is uniformly dis rete; see [29℄. It turns out that, ex ept the [ζ ] n 3,4,6 n y lotomi model sets living on Z with ∈ { } (these are exa tly the translations Λ of the square and the triangular latti e, respe tively), y lotomi model sets are aperiodi , meaning that they have no translational symmetries at all. Well-known examples are the N planar model sets with -fold y li symmetry that are asso iated with the square tiling n = N = 4 2n = N = 6 n = N = 8 ( ), the triangle tiling ( ), the Ammann-Beenker tiling ( ), 2n = N = 10 n = N = 12 the Tübingen triangle tiling ( ) and the shield tiling ( ). Note that 5,8,10 12 orders and o ur as standard y li symmetries of genuine quasi rystals [40℄, whi h are basi ally sta ks of planar aperiodi layers. In general, the re onstru tion problem of dis rete tomography an possess rather di(cid:27)erent solutions. This leads to the investigation of the orresponding uniqueness problem, i.e., the Λ X (unique) determinationof (cid:28)nite subsetsof a(cid:28)xed y lotomi model set by -rays ina small X Λ number of suitably pres ribed dire tions. For pra ti al reasons, only -rays in -dire tions, Λ Λ Λ i.e., dire tions parallel to non-zero elements of the di(cid:27)eren e set − of , are permitted. DISCRETE TOMOGRAPHY 3 Λ We say that a subset E of the set of all (cid:28)nite subsets of a (cid:28)xed y lotomi model set is X U F F ′ determined by the -rays in a (cid:28)nite set of dire tions if di(cid:27)erent sets and in E have X u U X F F ′ di(cid:27)erent -rays, i.e., ifthereisadire tion ∈ su hthatthe -raysof and indire tion u di(cid:27)er. Λ Without the restri tion to -dire tions, one an prove that the (cid:28)nite subsets of a (cid:28)xed Λ X y lotomi model set an be determined by one -ray (Proposition 7). In fa t, it turns X Λ out that any -ray in a non- -dire tion is suitable for this purpose. However, in pra ti e X Λ (HRTEM), -rays in non- -dire tions are meaningless sin e the resolution oming from su h X -rays would not be good enough to allow a quantitative analysis (cid:21) neighbouring lines are not su(cid:30) iently separated. F Proposition 9 demonstrates that the (cid:28)nite sets of ardinality less than or equal to some k Λ k+1 X ∈ N in a (cid:28)xed y lotomi model set are determined by any set of -rays in pairwise Λ non-parallel -dire tions. However, in pra ti e, one is interested in the determination of (cid:28)nite X 3 5 sets by -rays in a small number of dire tions sin e after about to images taken by HRTEM, the obje t may be damaged or even destroyed by the radiation energy. Observing 106 109 that the typi al atomi stru tures to be determined omprise about to atoms, one realizes that the last result is not pra ti al at all. In fa t, it is also shown that any (cid:28)xed X Λ number of -rays in -dire tions is insu(cid:30) ient to determine the entire lass of (cid:28)nite subsets Λ of a (cid:28)xed y lotomi model set (Proposition 8). In view of this, it is ne essary to impose some restri tion in order to obtain positive unique- ness results. Λ As a (cid:28)rst option, we restri t the set of (cid:28)nite subsets of a (cid:28)xed y lotomi model set R > 0 Λ under onsideration, i.e., we onsider for every the lass of bounded subsets of with R Λ Λ diameter less than . Sin e is uniformly dis rete, bounded subsets of are (cid:28)nite. It is R > 0 Λ shown that, for all and for all y lotomi model sets , there are two non-parallel Λ Λ R pres ribed -dire tions su h that the bounded subsets of with diameter less than are Λ X determined, among all su h subsets of , by their -rays in these dire tions (Corollary 11). In fa t, in Theorem 13, it is shown that the orresponding result holds for arbitrary Delone Λ d d 2 Λ Λ sets ⊂ R , ≥ , of (cid:28)nite lo al omplexity, the latter meaning that the di(cid:27)eren e set − L d d 2 is losed and dis rete. Thereby, also the ase of translates of latti es in R , ≥ , is in luded (Corollary 12). Moreover, even the orresponding results for orthogonal proje tions 1 (d 1) on orthogonal omplements of -dimensional (respe tively, − -dimensional) subspa es Λ Λ L L =L generated by elements of − (resp., − ) hold; the multipli ity information oming X along with -rays is not needed. Unfortunately, these results are limited in pra ti e be ause, in general, one annot make sure that all the dire tions whi h are used yield images of high enough resolution. Λ As a se ond option, we restri t the set of (cid:28)nite subsets of a (cid:28)xed y lotomi model set Λ C Λ by onsidering the lass of onvex subsets of . They are (cid:28)nite sets ⊂ whose onvex hulls Λ C Λ C = conv(C) Λ ontain no new points of , i.e., (cid:28)nite sets ⊂ with ∩ . In Theorem 15, it is Λ shown that there are four pairwise non-parallel pres ribed -dire tions su h that the onvex Λ [ζ ] n subsets of any y lotomi model set living on Z are determined, among all onvex Λ X subsets of , by their -rays in these dire tions. It is further shown that three pairwise non- Λ parallel -dire tions never su(cid:30) e for this purpose, whereas any seven pairwise non-parallel Λ -dire tions whi h satisfy a ertain relation (see below for details) have the property that the 4 C.HUCK Λ onvex subsets of any y lotomi model set are determined, among all onvex subsets of Λ X , by their -rays in these dire tions. It is also demonstrated that, in a sense, the number seven annot be redu ed to six in the latter result. These results heavily depend on a massive Λ restri tion of the set of -dire tions. We shall also remove this restri tion and present expli it Λ results in the ase of the important sub lass of y lotomi model sets with o-dimension 2 [ζ ] n 5,8,10,12 p n , i.e., y lotomi model sets living on Z , where ∈ { }. Here, by using -adi valuations, weareabletopresentamoresuitableanalysiswhi h showsthatuniquenesswillbe Λ provided byanysetoffour -dire tionswhoseslopes(suita(bζly+orζ¯de)/red)yielda rossratiothat n n doesnotmap underthe (cid:28)eldnorm of the(cid:28)eld extension Q Q to a ertain (cid:28)nite set of rational numbers (Theorem 16)(.ζ(I+t wζ¯il)l turn ount that these ross ratio(ζs a)re indeed elements n n n of the maximal real sub(cid:28)eld Q of the th y lotomi (cid:28)eld Q .) It is also shown that, by the same analysis, similar results an be obtained for arbitrary y lotomi model sets 2 (Theorem 17). In the ase of y lotomi model sets with o-dimension , we shall be able Λ to present sets of four -dire tions whi h provide uniqueness and yield images of rather high resolutioninthequantitative HRTEMofthe orresponding (aperiodi ) y lotomi modelsets, the latter making these results look promising. U A major task in a hieving the above results involves examining so- alled -polygons in y- Λ U lotomi model sets , whi h exhibit a weak sort of regularity. In the ontext of -polygons, the question for a(cid:30)nely regular polygons in the plane with all their verti es in a (cid:28)xed y- Λ lotomi model set arises rather naturally. Chrestenson [12℄ has shown that any (planar) d d 2 3,4 6 regular polygon whose verti es are ontained in Z for some ≥ must have or verti es. More generally, Gardner and Gritzmann [17℄ have hara terized the a(cid:30)nely regular latti e polygons, i.e., images of non-degenerate regular polygons under a non-singular a(cid:30)ne transfor- 2 2 2 mation R −→ R whose verti es are ontained in Z . It turned out that these are pre isely the a(cid:30)nely regular triangles, parallelograms and hexagons. Clearly, their result remains valid 2 [ζ ] 3 when one repla es the square latti e Z by the triangular latti e Z , sin e the latter is the image of the (cid:28)rst under an invertible linear transformation of the plane. Observing that both [ζ ] n the square and triangular latti e are examples of rings of integers Z in y lotomi (cid:28)elds (ζ ) n Q , one an ask for a generalization of the above result to all these obje ts, viewed as Z-modules in the plane. Using standard results from algebra and algebrai number theory, we provide a hara terization in terms of a simple divisibility ondition (Theorem 6). Moreover, we show that our hara terization of a(cid:30)nely regular polygons remains valid when restri ted Λ to the orresponding lass of y lotomi model sets (Corollary 7). As a third option, we onsider the intera tive te hnique of su essive determination, in- X trodu ed by Edelsbrunner and Skiena [14℄ for ontinuous -rays, in the ase of aperiodi X y lotomi model sets, in whi h the information from previous -rays may be used in de id- X ingthe dire tion for the next -ray. Here, itisshown thatthe (cid:28)nite subsetsof any y lotomi Λ X Λ model set an be su essively determined by -rays in two non-parallel -dire tions. In n / 1,2 [ζ ] n fa t, it is shown that, for ∈ { }, the (cid:28)nite subsets of the ring of y lotomi integers Z X [ζ ] n an be su essively determined by -rays in two non-parallel Z -dire tions, i.e., dire tions [ζ ] n parallel to a non-zero element of Z (Theorem 20). Again, the orresponding results do 1 even hold for orthogonal proje tions on orthogonal omplements of -dimensional subspa es Λ Λ X generated by elements of − ; the multipli ity information oming alsong with -rays is DISCRETE TOMOGRAPHY 5 again not needed. Unfortunately, these results are again limited in pra ti e be ause, in gen- eral, one annot make sure that all the dire tions whi h are used yield images of high enough resolution. Previous studies have fo ussed on the `an hored' ase that the underlying ground set is X lo ated in a linear spa e, i.e., in a spa e with a spe i(cid:28)ed lo ation of the origin. The -ray data is then taken with respe t to this lo alization. Note that the rotational orientation of a (quasi) rystalline probe in an ele tron mi ros ope an rather easily be done in the di(cid:27)ra - tion mode, prior to taking images in the high-resolution mode, though, in general, a natural hoi e of a translational origin is not possible. This problem has its origin in the pra ti e of X quantitative HRTEM sin e, in general, the -ray information does not allow us to lo ate the examined sets. We believe that, in order to obtain appli able results, one has to deal with this `non-an hored' ase. In dis ussing inverse problems, it is important to distinguish between determination and Λ re onstru tion. The problem of re onstru ting (cid:28)nite subsets of y lotomi model sets given X Λ -rays in two -dire tions is treated in [4℄. There, it is shown that, for a large lass of y lotomi model sets, this problem an be solved in polynomial time in the real RAM-model of omputation. For orresponding results in the latti e ase, see [19℄. Note that this work provides a generalization of well-known results, obtained by Gardner L d d 2 and Gritzmann [17℄ for the `an hored' ase of (cid:28)xed translates of latti es in R , ≥ , to the lass of y lotomi model sets. Additionally, we shall present results whi h deal with the `non-an hored' ase des ribed above. Several of our proofs are only a slight modi(cid:28) ation of the proofs from [17℄. The key role in this text is played by Lemma 21, whi h rests on a p result from the theory of Pisot-Vijayaraghavan numbers [34℄, and -adi valuations. For more details, other settings, and the histori al ba kground of the above uniqueness problems, we would like to refer the reader to [17℄ and referen es therein. 2. Algebrai Ba kground, Definitions and Notation = 1,2,3,... Natural numbers are always assumed to be positive, i.e., N { }. Throughout the text, wde use the donvention that the symbol ⊂ idn ludes equality.SdW1e denote the norm in − Eu lidean -spa e R by k·k. The unit sphere in R is denoted by , i.e., Sd 1 = x d x = 1 . − ∈R k k n (cid:12) o Sd 1 (cid:12) x x − (cid:12) Moreover, the elements of are also alled dire tions. If ∈ R, then ⌊ ⌋ denotes the x r > 0 x d B (x) r greatest integer less than or equal to . For and ∈ R , is the open ball of r x k,l (k,l) [k,l] radius about . If ∈ N, then and denote their greatest ommon divisor and least ommon multiple, respe tively. There should be no onfusion with the usual notation of S d k R > 0 open (resp., losed) and bounded real intervals. For a subset ⊂ R , ∈ N and , we card(S) (S) (S) (S) S S ∂S S S S conv(S) diam(S) k <R ◦ denote by , F , F≤ , D , , , , h iZ, h iQ, h iR, , S S and 1 the ardinality, the setof (cid:28)nite subsets, the setof (cid:28)nite subsets of having ardinality k S R less than or equal to , the set of subsets of with diameter less than , interior, losure, boundary, Z-linear hull, Q-linear hull, R-linear hull, onvex hull, diameter and hara teristi S fun tion of , respe tively. The notation of the losure operator should not be onfused with S the usual notation of omplex onjugation. The dimension of is the dimension of its a(cid:30)ne 6 C.HUCK aff(S) dim(S) T d S hull , and is denoted by . Further, a linear subspa e of R is alled an - S S := s s s,s S ′ ′ subspa e iuf it Sisdg1enerated by elSements of the di(cid:27)eren e set − { − | S∈ }S. A − dire tion ∈ is alled an -dire tion if it is parallel to a non-zero element of − . If T d x d T is a linear subspa e of R , we denote the orthogonal proje tion of an element of R on xT S d T S T by | . Moreover, we denote the orthogonal proje tion of a subset of R on by | . The T T ⊥ orthogonal omplement of is denoted by . If we use this notation with respe t to other d than the anoni al inner produ t on R , we shall say so expli itly. The symmetri di(cid:27)eren e A B A B := (A B) (B A) S d of two sets and is de(cid:28)ned as △ \ ∪ \ . A subset of R is said to G d S S G live on a subgroup of R when its di(cid:27)eren e set − is a subset of . Obviously, this is t d S t+G equivalent to the existen e of a suitable ∈ R su h that ⊂ . Finally, the entroid of F ( d) ( f)/card(F) an element ∈ F R is de(cid:28)ned as f∈F . d F P ( d) u Sd 1 − De(cid:28)nition 1. Let ∈ N and let ∈ F R . Furthermore, let ∈ be a dire tion and u d F u let L be the set of lines in dire tion in R . Then, the (dis rete parallel) X-ray of in u X F : := 0 u u 0 dire tion is the fun tion L −→ N N∪{ }, de(cid:28)ned by X F(ℓ) := card(F ℓ) = (x). u F ∩ 1 x ℓ X∈ X F u u Moreover, the support of , i.e., the set of lines in L whi h passthrough at least one point F supp(X F) z d ℓz of , is denoted by u . For ∈R , we denote by u the element of Lu whi h passes z through . supp(X F) u Remark 1. InthesituationofDe(cid:28)nition1, is(cid:28)niteand,moreover, the ardinality F X of is impli it in the -ray, sin e one has X F(ℓ)= card(F). u ℓ∈supXp(XuF) d u Sd 1 F,F ( d) − ′ Lemma 1. Let ∈N and let ∈ be a dire tion. If ∈ F R , one has: X F =X F card(F) = card(F ) u u ′ ′ (a) implies . X F = X F F F u u u ′ ′ (b) If , the entroids of and lie on the same line parallel to . (cid:3) Proof. See [17, Lemma 5.1 and Lemma 5.4℄. d 2 ( d) m U De(cid:28)nition 2. Let ≥ , let E ⊂ F R , and let ∈ N. Further, let be a (cid:28)nite set of 1 T d dire tions and let T be a (cid:28)nite set of -dimensional subspa es of R . X U F,F ′ (a) We say that E is determined by the -rays in the dire tions of if, for all ∈ E, one has (X F = X F u U) = F = F . u u ′ ′ ∀ ∈ ⇒ (b) We say that E is determined by the (orthogonal) proje tions on the othogonal om- T T F,F ⊥ ′ plements of the subspa es of T if, for all ∈ E, one has (F T = F T T ) = F = F . ⊥ ′ ⊥ ′ | | ∀ ∈ T ⇒ X U ( ) We say that E is su essively determined by the -rays in the dire tions of , say U = u ,...,u F 1 m { }, if, for a given ∈ E, these an be hosen indu tively (i.e., the u X F k 1,...,j 1 F hoi e of j depending on all uk with ∈ { − }) su h that, for all ′ ∈ E, one has (X F = X F u U) = F = F . u ′ u ′ ∀ ∈ ⇒ DISCRETE TOMOGRAPHY 7 (d) We say that E is su essively determined by the (orthogonal) proje tions on the othog- T T = T ,...,T ⊥ 1 m onal omplements of the subspa es of T , say T { }, if, for a given F T F T ∈ E, these an be hosen indu tively (i.e., the hoi e of j depending on all | k⊥ k 1,...,j 1 F ′ with ∈ { − }) su h that, for all ∈ E, one has (F T = F T T ) = F = F . ⊥ ′ ⊥ ′ | | ∀ ∈ T ⇒ m X (e) We say that E is determined (resp., su essively determined) by -rays if there U m is a set of pairwise non-parallel dire tions su h that E is determined (resp., X U su essively determined) by the -rays in the dire tions of . m (f) We say that E is determined (resp., su essively determined) by (orthogonal) pro- 1 m je tions on orthogonal omplements of -dimensional subspa es if there isaset T of 1 d pairwise non-parallel -dimensional subspa es of R su h that E is determined (resp., su essively determined) by the (orthogonal) proje tions on the othogonal omple- T T ⊥ ments of the subspa es of T. ( d) X Remark 2. Let E ⊂ F R . Note that if E is determined by a set of -rays (resp., proje - X tions), then E is su essively determined by the same -rays (resp., proje tions). 2 De(cid:28)nition 3. Consider the Eu lidean plane, R . Ψ : 2 2 (a) A linear transformation (resp., a(cid:30)ne transformation) R −→ R is given by z Az z Az +t A 2 2 t 2 7−→ (resp., 7−→ ), where is a real × matrix and ∈ R . In both Ψ det(A) = 0 det(A) = 0 ases, is alled singular (resp., non-singular) when (resp., 6 ). h: 2 2 z λz +t λ (b) A homothety R −→ R is given by 7−→ , where ∈ R is positive and t 2 t = 0 ∈ R . A homothety is alled a dilatation if . Further, we all a homothety λ> 1 expansive if . S 2 De(cid:28)nition 4. Let ⊂ R . 2 (a) A onvex polygon is the onvex hull of a (cid:28)nite set of points in R . S S (b) A polygon in is a onvex polygon with all verti es in . C S S ( ) A (cid:28)nite subset of is alled a onvex set in if its onvex hull ontains no new S C = conv(C) S S points of , i.e., if ∩ . Moreover, the set of all onvex sets in is (S) denoted by C . (d) A regular polygon is always assumed to be planar, non-degenerate and onvex. An a(cid:30)nely regular polygon is a non-singular a(cid:30)ne image of a regular polygon. In parti - 3 ular,Uit mSu1st have at least verti es. P (e) Let ⊂ be a (cid:28)nite set of dire tions. We all a non-degenerate onvex polygon a U v P u U -polygon if it has the property that whenever is a vertex of and ∈ , the line ℓv u v v u ′ in the plane in dire tion whi h passes through also meets another vertex of P . U Remark 3. Note that -polygons have an even number of verti es. Moreover, an a(cid:30)nely U regular polygon with an even number of verti es is a -polygon if and only if ea h dire tion U of is parallel to one of its edges. The following property is straight-forward. h: 2 2 U S1 Lemma 2. Let R −→ R be a homothety and let ⊂ be a (cid:28)nite set of dire tions. Then, one has: 8 C.HUCK P U h[P] P h U (a) If is a -polygon, the image of under is again a -polygon. F F ( 2) X U 1 2 (b) If ha[Fnd] arhe[Fele]ments of F R withXthe same -rays in the diUre tions of , th(cid:3)e 1 2 sets and also have the same -rays in the dire tions of . n ζ n ζ =e2πi/n (ζ ) n n n Forall ∈ N,and a(cid:28)xed primitive throot of unit(yζ (e+.gζ¯.,) ), letQ bethe n n orresponding y lotomi (cid:28)eld. It is well known that Q is the maximal real sub(cid:28)eld (ζ ) n of Q ; see [41℄. Throughout this paper, we shall use the notation = (ζ ), = (ζ +ζ¯ ), = [ζ ], = [ζ +ζ¯ ], n n n n n n n n n n K Q k Q O Z O Z φ while denotes Euler's phi-fun tion (often also alled Euler's totient fun tion), i.e., φ(n) = card k 1 k n (k,n) = 1 . ∈ N| ≤ ≤ and (cid:0)(cid:8) 2 (cid:9)(cid:1) O asionally, we shall identify C with R . Moreover, we denote the set of primes by P and p 2p+1 its subset of Sophie Germain prime numbers (i.e., primes for whi h the number is SG prime as well) by P . p p SG Remark 4. Sophie Germain prime numbers ∈ P are the primes su h that the equation φ(n) = 2p has solutions. It is not known whether there are in(cid:28)nitely many Sophie Germain primes. The (cid:28)rst few are 2,3,5,11,23,29,41,53,83,89,113,131,173, { 179,191,233,239,251,281,293,359,419,... , } see entry A005384 of [39℄ for further details. n 3 Lemma 3. For ≥ , one has: 2 = + ζ 1,ζ n n n n n n n (a) O is an O -module of rank . More pre isely, O O O , and { } is an n n O -basis of O . 2 = + ζ 1,ζ n n n n n n n (b) K is a k -ve tor spa e of dimension . More pre isely, K k k , and { } n n is a k -basis of K . 1,ζ n n Proof. First, we show (a). The linear independen e of { } over O is lear (sin e by our n 3 1,ζ n assumption ≥ , { } is even linearly independent over R). It su(cid:30) es to prove that all ζm ζm = α+βζ α,β non-negative integral powζ2er=s αn+saβtζisfy n α,nβfor suitable ∈On. Usiζ¯ng=indζu 1tion, we are done iζf2w=e sh1ow+(ζn +ζ 1)ζ n for suitable ∈On. To this end, note n n− an(cid:3)d observe that n − n n− n. Claim (b) follows from the same argument. 2 N n Remark 5. Seen as a point set of R , O has -fold y li symmetry, where N = N(n):= [n,2]. (1) n 1,2 = = 1 2 Ex eptfortheone-dimensional ase( ∈ { }, whereO O Z)andthe rystallographi n 3,6 = n = 4 3 6 4 ases ( ∈ { } (triangular latti e O O ) and (square latti e O ), see Figure 1), 2 n O is dense in R ; see [4, Remark 1℄. Proposition 1 (Gauÿ). [Kn :Q] = φ(n), hen e the set {1,ζn,ζn2,...,ζnφ(n)−1} is a Q-basis of / G( / ) = n n n ∼ K . The (cid:28)eld extension K Q is a Galois extension with Abelian Galois group K Q ( /n ) a( n) ζ ζa Z Z ×, where mod orresponds to the automorphism given by n 7−→ n. (cid:3) Proof. See [41, Theorem 2.5℄. DISCRETE TOMOGRAPHY 9 ( /n ) = a( n) (a,n) = 1 × Remark 6. Note the identity Z Z { mod | } and see [3, Table 3℄ for G( / ) n examples of the expli it stru ture of K Q . This referen e also ontains further material n and referen es on the role of O in the ontext of model sets. E/F/K Lemma 4 (Degree formula). Let be an extension of (cid:28)elds. Then [E : K]= [E :F][F :K]. (cid:3) Proof. See [28, Ch. V.1, Proposition 1.2℄. n 3 [ : ] = φ(n)/2 n n Cor1o,l(laζry+1ζ¯.)I,f(ζ +≥ζ¯,)2o,n.e..h,a(sζ k+ζ¯ )Qφ(n)/2 1 . It follows/that a Q-basis of k is given n n n n n n − n by { }. Moreover, k Q is a Galois extension with G( / ) = ( /n ) / 1( n) Abelian Galois group kn Q ∼ Z Z × {± mod }. Proof. This is an immediate onsequen e of Lemma 3(b), Lemma 4, Proposition 1 and Galo(cid:3)is theory. Remark 7. The dimension statement of Corollary 1 also follows via Galois theory from n n Lemma 4 in onne tion with the fa t that k is the (cid:28)xed (cid:28)eld of K with respe t to the id,¯. G( / ) ¯. n subgroup { } of K Q , where denotes omplex onjugation, i.e., the automorphism ζ ζ 1 given by n 7−→ n− (re all that kn is the maximal real sub(cid:28)eld of Kn). m,n = m n (m,n) Lemma 5. If ∈ N, then K ∩K K . (m,n)= Proof. Theassertionfollowsfromsimilarargumentsasintheproofofthespe ial ase 1 (ζ ,ζ ) = = m n m n ; ompare [28, Ch. VI.3, Corollary 3.2℄. Here, one has to observe Q K K [m,n] K and then to employ the identity φ(m)φ(n) = φ([m,n])φ((m,n)) (2) φ (cid:3) instead of merely using the multipli ativity of the arithmeti fun tion . m,n Lemma 6. Let ∈ N. The following statements are equivalent: m n (i) K ⊂ K . m n m 2 (mod4) m 2n (ii) | , or ≡ and | . m n Proof. For dire tion (ii) ⇒ (i), suppose(cid:28)rst | . This learly implies the assertion. Se ondly, m 2 (mod4) m = 2o o m 2n o n if ≡ , say for a suitable odd number , and | , then K ⊂ K (due on = o 2o m to | ). However, Proposition 1 shows that the in lusion of (cid:28)elds K ⊂ K K annot be φ φ(m) = φ(2o) = φ(o) proper sin e we have, by means of the multipli ativity of , . This gives m n K ⊂ K . m n For dire tion (i) ⇒ (ii), suppose the in lusion of (cid:28)elds K ⊂ K . Then, Lemma 5 implies = m (m,n) K K , hen e φ(m) = φ((m,n)); (3) φ φ(pj) = pj 1(p 1) − see Proposition 1 again. Using the multipli ativity of together with − p j (m,n) < m for ∈ P and ∈ N, we see that, given the ase , (3) an only be ful(cid:28)lled if m 2 (mod4) m 2n (m,n) = m m n≡ and | . The remaining ase is equivalent to the relatio(cid:3)n | . The following onsequen e is immediate. 10 C.HUCK m,n Corollary 2. Let ∈ N. The following statements are equivalent: = m n (i) mK= nK .m n = 2m n m = 2n (cid:3) (ii) , or is odd and , or is odd and . m,n 2 (mod4) = m n Remark 8. Corollary 2 implies that, for 6≡ , one has the identity K K m = n if and only if . m,n m,n 3 Lemma 7. Let ∈ N with ≥ . Then, one has: = = m,n 3,4,6 . m n m n (a) k k ⇐⇒ K K or ∈ { } m 3,4,6 . m n m n (b) k ⊂ k ⇐⇒ K ⊂ K or ∈ { } = =: m n Proof. For laim (a), let us suppose k k k (cid:28)rst. Then, Proposition 1 and Corollary 1 [ : ] = [ : ] = 2 = m n m n (m,n) imply that K k K k . Note that K ∩ K K is a y lotomi (cid:28)eld = = = m n (m,n) m n ontaining k. It follows from Lemma 4 that either K ∩ K K K K or = = = = = m n (m,n) m n K ∩ K K k and hen e k k k Q, sin e the latter is the only real m,n 3,4,6 y lotomi (cid:28)eld. Now, this implies ∈ { }; see also Lemma 8(a) below. The othe(cid:3)r dire tion is obvious. Claim (b) follows immediately from the part (a). φ n n 2 (mod4) Lemma 8. Consider on { ∈ N| 6≡ }. Then, one has: φ(n)/2 = 1 n 3,4 (a) if and only if ∈ { }. These are the rystallographi ases of the plane. φ(n)/2 n := 8,9,12 2p+1 p SG (b) ∈ P if and only if ∈ S { }∪{ | ∈ P }. φ Pφ(rpojo)f.=Thpej e1q(upival1en) es fpollow fromjthe multipli ativity of in onjun tion with the identit(cid:3)y − − for ∈ P and ∈ N. n 2 (mod4) / n Remark 9. Let 6≡ . By Corollary 1, k Q is a Galois extension with Abelian G( / ) φ(n)/2 G( / ) n n Galoisgroup k Q oforder . Now, itfollowsfromLemma 8that k Q istrivial n 1,3,4 n if and only if ∈ { }, and simple if and only if ∈ S. n Proposition 2. For ∈ N, one has: n n (a) O is the ring of y lotomi integers in K , and hen e its maximal order. n n (b) O is the ring of integers of k , and hen e its maximal order. (cid:3) Proof. See [41, Theorem 2.6 and Proposition 2.16℄. n Remark 10. It follows from Proposition 2(a) and Proposition 1 that O is a Z-module of rank φ(n) with Z-basis {1,ζn,ζn2,...,φζ(nφn(n))/−21}. Likewise, P1r,o(pζos+itioζ¯n),2((ζb)+anζ¯d)2C,o.r.o.l,l(aζry+1 n n n n n n iζ¯m)pφl(yn)t/h2at1 O is a Z-module of rank with Z-basis { n − }. λ De(cid:28)nition 5. Let be a real algebrai integer. λ λ> 1 (a) We all aPisot-Vijayaraghavannumber(PV-number)if whileallits(algebrai ) 1 onjugates have moduli stri tly less than . λ λ (b) We all a Pisot-Vijayaraghavan unit (PV-unit) if is a PV-number and is also a 1/λ unit, i.e., if is an algebrai integer as well. n 1,2 ( ) φ(n)/2 n Lemma 9. If ∈ N\{ }, then there is a PV-number of full degree in O . (cid:3) Proof. This follows immediately from [34, Ch. I, Theorem 2℄.

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