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Preview Union Government, Weekly, 2018-01-13, Part II-Section 3-Sub-Section(iii), Ref. ON 1 to ON 2

jftLVªh la- Mh- ,y- (,u) 04@0007@2003µ05 REGD. NO. D. L. (N) 04/0007/2003—05 izkf/dkj ls izdkf'kr PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY lkIrkfgd WEEKLY la- 1] ubZ fnYyh] tuojh 7—tuojh 13] 2018] 'kfuokj@ikS"k 17—IkkS"k 23] 1939 No. 1] NEW DELHI, JANUARY 7— JANUARY 13, 2018, SATURDAY/PAUSHA 17— PAUSHA 23, 1939 bl Hkkx esa fHkUu i`"B la[;k nh tkrh gS ftlls fd ;g i`Fkd ladyu ds :i esa j[kk tk lds Separate Paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a separate compilation Hkkx II—[k.M 3—mi&[k.M (iii) PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (iii) dsUæh; vf/dkfj;ksa (la?k jkT; {ks=k iz'kkluksa dks NksM+dj) }kjk tkjh fd, x, lk/kj.k vkns'k vkSj vf/lwpuk, a Orders and Notifications issued by the Central Authorities (Other than the Administrations of Union Territories) Hkkjr fuokZpu vk;ksx vkns'k ub Z fnYyh] 8 tuojh] 2018 vk-v- 1.—;r%, fuokpZ u vk;kxs dk lek/kku gk s x;k gS fd mRrj inz ’s k jkT; l s ykds lHkk d s fy, lkekU; fuokpZ u 2014 e sa 52&bykgkckn lalnh; fuokpZ u {ks= l s fuokZpu yMu+ s oky s vH;Fkh Z ek-s vehu vtg+ j valkjh] 385@325] d-s ,y- ekgs Eenh gkrk] [kyklh ykbu] dhMxta ] bykgkckn] mRrj inz ’s k ykds ifzrfuf/kRo vf/kfu;e] 1951 rFkk r)hu cuk, x, fu;ek sa d s v/khu viu s fuokpZ u O;;k sa dk y[s kk nkf[ky dju s esa vlQy jg s g Sa ; vkSj tcfd vH;Fkh Z ek-s vehu vtg+ j valkjh u s lE;d ~ lpw uk fn, tku s ij Hkh mDr vlQyrk d s fy, dkbs Z dkj.k vFkok Li"Vhdj.k ugh a fn;k gS vkSj fuokpZ u vk;kxs dk ;g lek/kku gk s x;k g S fd mud s ikl mDr vlQyrk d s fy, dkbs Z i;kIZr dkj.k ;k U;k;kSfpR; ugh a g S ; vr% vc] fuokpZ u vk;kxs ,rn~}kjk mDr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 10&d d s vuqlj.k e sa ek-s vehu vtg+ j valkjh dk s laln d s fdlh Hkh lnu d s ;k fdlh jkT; dh fo/kku lHkk vFkok fo/kku ifj"kn ~ d s lnL; puq s tku s vkSj gkus s d s fy, bl vkn's k dh rkjh[k l s rhu o"k Z dh dkykof/k d s fy, fujfgZr ?kksf"kr djrk gS A [l-a 76@m-i-z&yks-l-@2014] vkn's k l]s vutq t;iqfj;kj] i/z kku lfpo 7 GI/2018 (1) 2 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : JANUARY 13, 2018/PAUSHA 23, 1939 [PART II—SEC. 3(iii)] ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA ORDER New Delhi, the 8th January, 2018 O.N. 1.—Whereas, the Election Commission is satisfied that Mohd. Ameen Azhar Ansari, 385/325, K.L. Mohammadi Hata, Khalasi Line, Kydganj, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, a contesting candidate for the General Election to the Lok Sabha, 2014 from 52-Allahabad Parliamentary Constituency in the State of Uttar Pradesh has failed to lodge any account of his election expenses as required by the Representation of the People Act, 1951 and Rules and Order made thereunder; and Whereas, Mohd. Ameen Azhar Ansari has not furnished any reason or explanation for the said failure even after due notice and the Election Commission is thus satisfied that he has no good reason or justification for the said failure; Now, therefore, in pursuance of Section 10A of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, the Election Commission hereby declares the said Mohd. Ameen Azhar Ansari to be disqualified for being chosen as, and for being, a member of either House of the Parliament or of the Legislative Assembly or Legislative Council of a State for a period of three years from the date of this order. [No. 76/UP-HP/2014] By Order, ANUJ JAIPURIAR, Principal Secy. आआआआददददेशेशेशेश नई (cid:4)द(cid:6)ली, 8 जनवरी, 2018 आआआआ....अअअअ.... 2222....————जब(cid:4)क, भारत िनवा(cid:19)चन आयोग का समाधान हो गया ह ै (cid:4)क नीचे क(cid:31) सारणी के !त"भ (2) म& यथािविन(द)(cid:19) उ+र ,दशे रा.य क(cid:31) िवधान सभा के साधारण िनवा(cid:19)चन, 2017 के िलए, जो !त"भ (3) म& िविन(द)(cid:19) िनवा(cid:19)चन 4े5 से 6आ है, !त"भ (4) म& उसके सामने िविन(द(cid:19)) िनवा(cid:19)चन लड़ने वाला ,9येक अ;यथ<, लोक ,ितिनिध9व अिधिनयम, 1951 तथा त?ीन बनाए गए िनयम@ Aारा अपेि4त उC सारणी के !त"भ (5) म& यथादDश(cid:19)त अपने िनवा(cid:19)चन Eय@ का लेखा दािखल करने म& असफल रह ेह;H और जब(cid:4)क, उC अ;यDथ(cid:19)य@ ने स"यक् सूचना (cid:4)दए जाने पर भी उC असफलता के िलए या तो कोई कारण अथवा !प)ीकरण नहK (cid:4)दया ह ैया उनके Aारा (cid:4)दए गए अ;यावेदन@ पर, य(cid:4)द कोई हो, िवचार करने के पLात् िनवा(cid:19)चन आयोग का यह समाधान हो गया ह ै(cid:4)क उनके पास उC असफलता के िलए कोई पया(cid:19)M कारण या Nयायौिच9य नहK ह;ै अत: अब, िनवा(cid:19)चन आयोग एतPारा उC अिधिनयम क(cid:31) धारा 10-क के अनुसरण म& नीचे क(cid:31) सारणी के !त"भ (4) म& िविन(द)(cid:19) EिCय@ को संसद के (cid:4)कसी भी सदन के या (cid:4)कसी रा.य/संघ रा.य 4े5 क(cid:31) िवधान सभा अथवा िवधान पUरषद ्के सद!य चुने जाने और सद!य होने के िलए इस आदशे क(cid:31) तारीख से तीन वष(cid:19) क(cid:31) कालाविध के िलए िनरDहत(cid:19) घोिषत करता ह ै:— lkj.kh Yम सं. िनवा(cid:19)चन 4े5 का िववरण िनवा(cid:19)चन 4े5 क(cid:31) Yम िनवा(cid:19)चन लड़ने वाले अ;यथ< िनरहत(cid:19) ा का कारण संZया एवं नाम का नाम व पता 1 2 3 4 5 1. उ+र ,दशे रा.य से 25-कांठ रामर4पाल, िनवा(cid:19)चन Eय@ का लेखा दािखल िवधान सभा के िलए पाकबडा, करने म& असफल रह े। सामाNय िनवा(cid:19)चन, 2017 तहसील मुरादाबाद, उ+र ,देश । 2. उ+र ,दशे रा.य से 74-छरा(cid:19) धम(cid:19) \संह, िनवा(cid:19)चन Eय@ का लेखा दािखल िवधान सभा के िलए ]ाम व पो०-धनीपुर, थाना – करने म& असफल रह े। सामाNय िनवा(cid:19)चन, 2017 गांधीपाक(cid:19), िजला – अलीगढ़, उ+र ,देश । ¹Hkkx II—[k.M 3(iii)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % tuojh 13] 2018@IkkS"k 23] 1939 3 3. उ+र ,दशे रा.य से 77-इगलास (अ०जा०) िवजय कुमार, िनवा(cid:19)चन Eय@ का लेखा दािखल िवधान सभा के िलए 1/182 नौरंगाबाद, छावनी, करने म& असफल रह े। सामाNय िनवा(cid:19)चन, 2017 अलीगढ़, उ+र ,देश । 4. उ+र ,दशे रा.य से 88-आगरा दि4ण अतुल कुमार, िनवा(cid:19)चन Eय@ का लेखा दािखल िवधान सभा के िलए बी० 107, केदार नगर, करने म& असफल रह े। सामाNय िनवा(cid:19)चन, 2017 शाहगंज, आगरा, उ+र ,दशे । 5. उ+र ,दशे रा.य से 385-अजगरा (अ०जा०) महNे^ ,ताप गौतम, िनवा(cid:19)चन Eय@ का लेखा दािखल िवधान सभा के िलए ]ाम-बहादरु पुर, करने म& असफल रह े। सामाNय िनवा(cid:19)चन, 2017 पो० व थाना चौबेपुर, िजला वाराणसी, उ+र ,देश । [सं. 76/उ.,.-िव.स./2017] आदेश से, अनुज जयपUुरयार, ,धान सिचव ORDER New Delhi, the 8th January, 2018 O.N. 2.—Whereas, the Election Commission of India is satisfied that each of the contesting candidate specified in column (4) of the table below at the General Election to the Legislative Assembly, 2017 from the State of Uttar Pradesh as specified in column (2) held from the Constituency specified in column (3) against his/her name has failed to lodge the account of his/her election expenses as shown in column (5) of the said table as required by the Representation of the People Act, 1951 and the rules made thereunder; And, whereas, the said candidates have either not furnished any reason or explanation for the said failure even after due notices of the Election Commission or after considering the representation made by them, if any, the Election Commission is satisfied that they have no good reason or justification for the said failure; Now, therefore, in pursuance of section 10A of the said Act, the Election Commission hereby declares the persons specified in column (4) of the table below to be disqualified for being chosen as and for being a member of either House of the Parliament or of the Legislative Assembly or Legislative Council of a State/Union Territory for a period of three years from the date of this order :— TABLE Sl. No. Particular of Election Sl.No. & Name Name & Address of Contesting Reason of of Constituency Candidates Disqualification 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. General Election to the 25-Kanth Ramrakshpal, Failed to lodge Legislative Assembly of Pakbada, account of the State of his/her election Tahsil Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, 2017. expenses. Uttar Pradesh 2. General Election to the 74-Chharra Dharam Singh, Failed to lodge Legislative Assembly of Vill. Dhanipur, Post Dhanipur, account of the State of P. S. Gandhipark, his/her election Uttar Pradesh, 2017. District- Aligarh, expenses. Uttar Pradesh. 4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : JANUARY 13, 2018/PAUSHA 23, 1939 [PART II—SEC. 3(iii)] 3. General Election to the 77-Iglas (SC) Vijay Kumar, Failed to lodge Legislative Assembly of 1/182, Naurangabad, Chhawani, account of the State of Aligarh, his/her election Uttar Pradesh, 2017. Uttar Pradesh. expenses. 4. General Election to the 88-Agra South Atul Kumar, Failed to lodge Legislative Assembly of B-107, Kedar Nagar, Shahganj, account of the State of Agra, his/her election Uttar Pradesh, 2017. Uttar Pradesh. expenses. 5. General Election to the 385-Ajagara (SC) Mahendra Pratap Gautam, Failed to lodge Legislative Assembly of Vill. Bahadurpur, account of the State of his/her election Post & P.S. Chaubeypur, Uttar Pradesh, 2017. expenses. Distt. Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. [No. 76/UP-LA/2017] By Order, ANUJ JAIPURIAR, Principal Secy. Uploaded by Dte. of Printing at Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064 and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054.

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