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Preview Union Government, Weekly, 2010-01-16, Part II-Section 3-Sub-Section(ii), Ref. S.O. 144 to S.O. 211

NO DL qhiUstetr nis. 6s The Bercite of Gudia tears 8 grt PUBLISHER BY ALTHOHETY arene WEEKLY ae fees, crm 10a ve, 2010, WhTaTe ae 20a 26, 1937 [NEWY DFLITL ASUARY 16—JAMUARY 16, 20K, SKTI ROAWIPAUSA 20-—PAU ‘er are © fio gee wear a aah & Pa Pe ap een ster eu Hvar we ‘Separate Paging ingiven to th Partin onde att mn be Fi! a separate cmpiltion vas) ea) PARTIE Sestan3 Subsecooni sare CR Harve (ear area Org) gar Fre Cate sain Ep, ‘Stututury Orders and Notations esol b he Mines the Government a hats (Other that Minty of Belen) om ree ft 6, wear rere Coningy cht 3 eae oft en (90 Tan aE TL ot cream anf ee 2) A in st at Te a eye tien ge ad fF ate eH oe Te tr BL YM aie Smee goad agi, ate fed ya 8 aa sre vera efratier a atziefte: Sra resminters, ye Se, se So flere, Percale ope fee ea vlc auney. (Ins) sfiton a fife 2. gfe 2 mene, gu soe, haim oad gfe a, eee a a tad orn Fa sore) sisters dices! 300 ‘TIL GAZUCTE OF INDIA: JANUARY 16, 201NPAL'SA36, 1981 eee Ses sy eae ear a, eae fee oe, earns (st EET) Sue on Hebe, aR (ae et; Roof se natin, (hen ae aia Ter ez ee ia fa ‘Sees a aiaoars Fate fod yan ae ie isa ‘sree a goumas Sea a a Pan offen sient we ea tse Se So on a @ ake specie 0 sie aba fr gore re aa erm, Ta IH) ra aich 3 afte a anfefene, ge abe, dats te fae 7, Sos (ee afantiera visti 8 ger arweitaee. a a, ste fet gfe a, rie, (50 7Er) 9. gfe ot cane. ae ey, ofl gre, erates (se ae? In xfer seared ft te a, Frere, (HE) sea sig nerd rafira PAE Terd Yow 2 i ad ‘rae wha aetna ive ed yrs ne Poti sees se ng 8 rea Fe ws fatter stem aera wciiaee, a, sit SR, ee Sa fot fens Ha oa aa fe, (97a) ‘ethan yt ahr a ea vee oe artnet o eri aan ta et I fete a7, Sarr fod Te wo eet, (ores) atin ee a ot Ue AIL 0 09-Fa stR} yee] Wa, gti, se DIRSISTRY OF HOME AFRAIRS ‘New Det he Uy Nose, 2000 SO, HA. ‘ccupims) Ast Jn oxeszve othe pstrs eon feveySeatyn of he Ble Pre "40 of L978 he Cental Goserrren: bee cppoia the Cicer meson» ean (2) Table alo, bong the teers egeivaeao the ale of Gazares Ot arposeso the ad Act, we call eee iae tke powers conferred and perform edulis ips (Esinios of tnamtorzes vam tbe ste teat oe ‘Scander he sit Actin he cl nt fhe iit reel che priest mss ean ‘id Table Sho, Designate Ofer bt promises and leat of risaiion ‘Depa inspector Genera of Pice Geoup Cone Cena: Resa Poeze nes, andar (ae) 2 Repay Ipsos Gens 9 Boise Group Cae, Cnt ere Phe Fone, Mapu (B:bar Deputy Inspeoter Gensral of Paice Group Cer, (Cena, Resers Police Foe, Pane Maharst) 4 Deputy nipeter Gener! of Bole romp Cae, Cena Resere Police Fexe, Lukes ta act a Bsarises oF land and 2st helo ne the Cal Reserve Poive Fore ander nthe Seto Puna ees of fd ind sets bolening the Cental Reserve Pac Farce ar Muzatacp se Nace of Wh remies of ad md assets belaning the Cera Resse Poise Hine a Pine ne Sate asin Pots of Bd ed ays ekg the Ca este Mabe reed Lack trf Se lat Pradesh APU 3) sre nara srt, anno 26, 1901 io L 2 3 3 Depo inopecorGencal of Poco Group Cane, Cental ReservePalice Force, Allzhabad (Cts Praica Deputy Ispctor Genera Provision & Asoo) Cental Sector, Ceauel Reserve Police Poe, Lucknow tar Prices) epi Inepesur Gener of Pole Oras Cente, Cearal Reserve Boies ses, tops) (Madhya Prades Thuy Inopesor Cescral Police Group Cat, Cetra Resse Pais Fase. Galor (adh Prades) 9. Deputy tnspecir General a Police Croup Cen, (Cena Reser Pore Foret. Grentr ith Gt races) 10. Deputy fospecoe evra of alice Group Cente, Gamal Reserve Boies Fee lgpur «Chater 1. Deputy tospeces Gene of line Grou Cae, {Cetral Reserve Polos Foes Slebar( Asa) 12. Deputy specter Genera Porc ler Iasiegeney and Ar teers Shoal Cena Reser Police Fone, Slee (Assam) Trace of in and atoas vlonng oe Cent Reserve Police Force at Alaa inthe Sone sf ae Praces, Premises flan ard aves sehen to he Cee Reserve Police Fee ar uskete ihe Suze af Car Pract Premises of and and assis belonging 36 che Cenmal Reserve Police Fere st Boga the Sale of Ms Pract Promises of land andasstsbxtonsng to de Cental Reserve Poice Fore a Gah ine Stal of Matha Pra Precise ot lat anaes belonging oe Cen Reserve Poice Foro at mtr Nova re Sate tae Prades, ‘Prone of land aa assets belong to she Conta Reserve Police Force at isp inthe St t Chats. Pras Lr: al aes oats Cnt Reserve Pose Faves a Sila in Si of nts rerio int nls Bing te Cent Revere Poise Fersesesilekari 2 ce fsa [File No. A-0-18.06-00-AaneIMRAEE HLKAM SLAN [ANG UnlesSs, ae, te free er tre err (ron abe af Fn TE est ome oo -rron, 1s. ura een ee fn sare ig 1546 (184 fiona 28) ob srg fi om 5 Sota C1) i eT spose ce eee emer fey st seg eien 1A-R mE Wris—ee LOIRE fe aso armenia ra ory ge, (Feet ven) ana ee st ams. 2ndeae ae ace 8 ng-a7 aia Sn ar 3 rea ae sr None to09 FH (2-36-20 FT “raps x Aer ee canta, eT en ah seme orga # Ft me rm Re A [re Feet oe sey oy crn a eh “em for fra sever 3 ne eo ict aera emp Reem ec | ren ms: RR) em, are re MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GIE.VANCES AND PENSIONS ‘epartmen of Personne? ans ining) hee Det, he Sth ase S.0, 145 —trevereise ofthe poner: cor‘eoe by snteartin (11 ef Secu 5 etad with Section 6 9f “he Delhi Special PoiceEsablisimsens Act. [236AaL 0.25 fof 1946) the Ceirl Gowri lh ecu ‘State Goterimentaf Bar, Hoan{Palice) esas tise Naiicaion No. UCB, 80108409 0938s 2514 Sane, 2008, etc extends the seis at sition of | ‘the members ofthe Del Spel Pains alse the whole cf the State of Bias lor wen of one {Case No 69 dated 124-20 alten 62,120 Band !4.0f te 1aianPoval Cae, 1860 (Act Ne 4S oF 1 ands Toe Arms Ach, 1S4ALINe, So 1980) registred Pole Satign Carina (Vit Pas) aig tothe emir Sh Sate eka sate, abwenert ad oman in latin > CSuneelv ik he ove mentioned emcee wa ‘ane ffincitfeoes commit! in tr ours sane tnamgetion oe arg af he ae ice abet a CHANIIRAPRAKAN I HiicSees a Freal,9 sae, 2min 146 ata est eam Pea fete aon, rare faa, 948 ¢ ses an aE 5 Shae am vam aan wey el era (1) 3m vet areal meen ae a fro en ATE, Ty AEM FT sia al apin-s-taat-y fer 7 FR. 2010 Sr ers & ef ae, tes, seme Pe SE, 186 Sa FTIR 45) FTTH Lb, GT 201, 98. 201.349. 344, 362, HAST, 388, 267, 1 56,1209 hae ge) RAS? 20 “oe yl ce hens, gen af et se. (san ae aston gs) ATT 66, 127132, 191 195-8, 20,307, $a, HE, 7,346,367. 355, 407 40 son, 9 nah & ana ge mong «ta Fee 291 aig at fae Br tare fe SP, 86, ABR 45) BT Os 208,17 ne, 129-995 sede rote 7 Fortes 1 2010 Fao gen ate xe doe era RI TE Se rel, gehen she ent i ee at AL {59H feet a eee) an seer a & fe ee fern yen sare a ech fae oe este aT foes neg stor oma ote Fete sao ala I sus, oe ae New Bel the StF snc, "C10 SO, 146—nevereise ane paeers confer ey shesecia 11) of Sesto reas with Seen § of the Dei Special Pee Pateehrent Act, |9Uh et No.2 fF 1840) he Centr Gsernent we he sane of he Sie Goverment of arsans, Heme Sesetmee. sie oncom So 20-2410 31 te far, 20:9, hers ntonthe pomeranian rnanre st ike Delhi Speci Pal ee Fatale to the whee te State! Tren fa vesagaion APH Ne 37 Lata 29-17-2008 er seis 186, 187 19-95, 291, 34, S44, 37,258,599, 398, 969,471, 506 ed 12048 tthe Inconel Cee, PRD Rr Na. AB HE vente Paice Sin, Sve, Fanta, M1 fe 275 dated 28-1270 ue etoy 65,85 182.91, 1A, 21 Bineninebr cate Brie vier it Ueladia Penne, 840 (Aet No. 401860 eared 1 Paice Stati, Sau, Pun a PUR No? date HM, GAZEETR. OF INDIA AMUARY 6, OUP, OF serescien 6,197. Ikan Bat! wis a et Be 2S FA phd 5, fenciaa mal Wie Metres Sete ner PERE SS’ Sftcedesttinlung algal cleges, 2m Penal ‘ommiged athe one nthe sats arses fot he sm is Sip DER ZHIOAWD. ST CHANDA PRAK ASU Ue ee caran, 147s eer vege Sf He Spa fa 6 (1b PER 2s) as ge ied ee et ae Peet st “wa Ref Sain en say 3 gr oe fae Giifie ant f 65) sre Se ahem, 10 (ace aT fa WL 45) ANS, 6 4, HE AS a) 2 arma sth esa eae To aicepdii ube ah ores & ga il fe cy wen si set Fonp e em ee seve wie W 0, se Nes Belt $0. (4—Inosere of pasers omer Sescon 3 of aie Delhi Speci! Povce sable Isp Aa No 7861158 Mert Got re petites the ellawirg ptercrs wlee™ sat 18 be Investigzied by the Delhi Speca Pel co Ltlishvert ()_Olfenee penishle under sesizes 185 19508, Sah, 327 rl 398 he Pe Code, 186061 No 48 of 160 ad ©) Atm, shaman ara con pias flan haar in canmection setts chy Offense rentisned abe sayy ole olen or flees conte ths cain f hesne riceclam oy act PTH eal il Ay, BRL IAWD AT CHANDRA PRAKASH es Sy (ree fase) ten open ob orga a arate 16 FIER, 20s deme 01/2009. fewer TR ‘wom a8, ART aA, 1962 (0962 52) wt ar ge en 26 ah, 2008 ara Sat IE, RAED en # aE pu ae ie er we rs rE I [amore 3) sae are oni 36,2010 a, 303 Stange er c12007 A date ap ane aes ao a ara ge 4 a a, ee, ora A TP [ph reg atop oh ath 3 few, 2 ae me Ca PE hs we I Seve fe con pm eens RY aT | ‘ gee sr 92 3 es it A ee a we TE TT sage ar ser ee ce AP wa aw ad Hon was feiss da PRGA crear |e oe od el Hea BE stvst gun siad st gh Tou 8 Ving Lent este or He, MINISTRY OF FOGANCE spacrmentef Reverse) (OFFICE OF "hs COMMISSIONER OF THE CLSTOWS Pane. Lh November 309 Sn DLMONT-CUSTOMS SO. 14s. —lieseris ete pamerscorimed puri u'dr Section of te Customs et 4252 f 962) andr oftinuatisg of notifeation Ne-8!2005 NT-Custome dt 26-h Ap, 2008 oiiaian Na, |2984-NT-Casioms hd fanny 2006 youl oniiaion No. 2AT-NT Cert Merch 3007.0 Shi R Sekar Crise as Fhe lrebs approve the place speifice inca. 3 ofthe ect-wle tix wotiiation,Lestod in he notre Dol the si schedule to bo the Carts Area Rr unonding of coc as speiied real ate sal she “The above deslorstow ate ule! to ret cbuerance of avd otovsiors of te Cuan ct 1967 are ths inceveom oad iy Gnvemment a nia re cate fa He pursuance theo SHU S.No. NameatPort — bevciag Pave ‘Cussomns Atea Lists peep ees : 7 RavperPor’TwoProate lies ofM's, Finoiey Main de over Danension Cas somone vi estos 1 Tu ners Oa af tsdes othe 0 jes dae iste Fo ae, ste 9 eles IF. No VC 88-HTEDRAT| K-SLRAR, Conus coreter, a oan, dea STE FIRE eS. fae ae, 6] srusenie eu ew st reece, 21 FE, 200 wag 4 02/2009-2010 Hier RR CH. #7 erm Wet Sf 2009 1 ‘arn, 149,—aher ges HAT, 1862 1 sais ae, Ge oR Se ares (9) Bea ant rea errr, a, TT OFFICE. OF IKK CHIRE COMBISSIDNER OF oe So a sting a 9a why ChE) Re CENTRAL EXC'SI 1 ene, 964 eae er we CEPT 18 NT Ahmedabad the 2s1 Devorrher 2a So) fect ar, 2002 WEES eT No, 2/2009-2019 Customs 8-123 vet ry, se eee a Eas 5.0, 148. ered ve ocr a, eR eer Aer FEAT, 1962 BH TT Nogsaion No oR ota yaw ma # ahr ogi, ata theo 94st tr Minot l Finanes, Deparen (a Sa 20 IE GAZETTE OF INDTA: ANUARY 16, 201044164 26,1952 ef Revewae, New Deh. under Cense (a Section If de Cusams Ac, 902, read wih Noietion No. 15:202 Cis. INT | dated 7h Mate 2002. armsnd Ajit Kumar, Chiet Comnnsnir of Cental Fei, ‘etabad Zone, heros derane Willege Pads, of TedsibGhishom, Pret Kah inte Sie ot, tu tea Waeerousing Station under Secon @ nf the Ces LO [F No, vou istevorreeh 2008) AIT KUMER, Chis Coming em we gare rine 4 See, 2) Ae, 299 1. Sot ¥, Sui Choisy 2, Shri M. Menor Reddy 3, Se Sapna 4 Sie Rea 5. Sh Romie sha Vijay Acad 6 Sim K Wivodita Goer Red 7 Sma D iio kati Ie Siaopa.2un6- AMITAISL. UMA. Diese 1 fet 29 Fore 2 Bon, 150, se seo 3 Fei (0-1) 2000 Tan ss TE Fee O11 Ie ere atime as dam ata (a) frog, owen athe Sam rag oe Cr) 3 8 Frow 7 Og a ofan WSs 19aR a Ream 2 ed ob sm ter i EER, 1952 Clogs ug) wh arn s at eam C1) gee aa (1952 8 STN SB Rr) SR arin ez e eed ie eg = Sr adh ety a Pay se a FA, sera vi at ore $ Se anew ns EN FA eal at om wet Fed w oh oe wh a From mn Wd Set Paex denn ae egererd # cen ey Ts fp er? = 1 ed ad ge a Lestat 2 a Ee? 2 eh set 3 ana sar a Sipe se ore recat 5. al aid) gen feng sore 8 ath ae rt a 0 ia 6 se 3 ran mans oe 2 shes 3 Fase ee fmt a amssanay-teay] SEM aM, HOR (OI MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND. HROADFCASTING Peo Bel the Zt Deve, 2009 $0, 180 —Incontinaton of une Nentiten en mer set 1021-2000 and exer ofthe owes cance hy suhecaeion ) f Seton $ oF tes ‘inemmograph Act £952 (27 f 1953) na seth leg? a # fe semsongraghy *Canictin} Res, 1082 Ie Cera! Goveriase aie ai he ilo iepersunsasrertbersul he eoerbad Advisory panel a ns Conna} Boars of Fin Cour eaon ih eaneite se” lies pti? of 200 years oF unt Father est, esieeeriseair [on 8 graeme) St ae, FER Fee New Dela se 29 Dace, 5 $.0, 181.9 continuation of ths htievery’= Sovieaon of teen munis tes 1070 gat xen Ihe powers confer ty suhsecvn (2) Section Sethe Cnercioprapa Act 7072 0 19RD ssl rales? and 8 of che Ceensiogrph (Cerfeainn Fetes. 1983, heCarasltonermcrt plese earch the Following sersons a8 heaters nt the Blume! ‘vise panel if ths Cente Here tn Centos ‘sth izndite eMac for 3 ver of seo yoat oti leaker nde whichever ie eaor 1. Gr Yogesh Dube 2, Stride Asgar Sade 5 Ue Yamin 8, Dasa tnd me Lalas 3683) sem a ae SH 16, 20LUI 26, 13T 0s 5. St Usa Matar Pre 6 Stvidrua (F Nose tay. SRATTABH KUMAR Drees “ffs, 30 fone, 2009 Rn, 15g TE & Pee 10-209 eres fea sa ea eo CET) fo, 195 9 Ror ta a fe ae ER, 357 (952137) eons oboe een) A a sien we TUS Ta Roa ae eT srg 3s theo hse rr ace a, HHT Gd nee, Sia oc ems ed & nt crarrer oa Pag at 0) Asati or 2, FET THR Pew seek seen FT TH, HEC, Fro 053 2) a we tM, wo, 6 ‘wtoe, er , sop, “te | are bee woo rane] cafe ae, Preece Cee |New Defi. she Me Desemer, 2009 5.0, 182.—{n continuation of this Ministrs"s [Nauifator. of even muraber, dite 10-11-2008 arin txercise uf th powers conferred by subseeion (1 of Sestn Sette Ciemaleutap Ach. 1892 97 0 952; ea sith ries? and fof the Cinenatearag {Certeatont Rules, 1983, the Cental Govcenment is please’ to sppoicthe fllowing persons as members ofthe Mus: Advisory pana ofthe Corral BourdoF Fm Czntieasor. ‘with immedi effect fr a period af tes soars or ur aber order, whichever ec, €)Shn Aeneas, he Nes 12,2 ne, Rr Proend Secret, Opp. Arnon: Hepa Por Bang Anson ¢W, Mumba 00 033. (0) Rig Sarak 89, et Shaping, Gorplex soreness Pa Ie. esa ANITADEL KUMAR, Ditelor Films: vi free 21 facet, 2009 ggg ne 2 ea aes eas SAB, 2 (agse or a9) as as ora UL) Tree et [srr ani geo ee Pe er SI ikpieiateabonaad [PR ote es few see ae anne er wee Pee FP sat fe 2 Samra 4 Aafia ape este bal lat at oeszay-crcet soi ae, Fader (FH) ‘New Delhi the?Lst Decent, 2309 S.O, 158—tn continuation of this Ministey"s \Notieron of even ramber, diced “0-11-2508 and in cxecise ofthe sowers conferred by si>-secion (L) of Section S ofthe Ciematograph Ac, 952 (37911952 rag ‘with rules 7 and § of the Chensesriph Ceniistion? Bales, 1983, the Ceri Goverment peice le opin troollowing pesos us members st he Del ALS sory panel of he Central Beard of Fm Cersetion wth ieomediate eectiorapercdof io vers ural lather cade, whichever sea 1. Ms. ie Singh 2 Shri Sagara Did 5. Shou mar Khe 4, Stes Relesh Gupta Te Na gio MET AMITABH RUMAR Decor (Fins) 7S fers, 20 SoHE, omy mor, 1688 HR Pee oH L1- 2009 caioae sia a a ae seh OE A, 1993 Fea 7a ae tm Tesa MEE 95? (950 #1 995 81 em Sw aT (1 ad Eee ea sieht oat AU Fe FER A a Te, aT wa &, rah, THE AL 105, FHP See, Hare a, Sarr, Perer-sih es TA IA ET Sas for ween sea SAAT TER 2 bbe Seen wre ef & dees near Bi Serie wae | Now Delhi, te 3th Decener, 2008 S10) ae —u jaunAtaanieenstitiany's Suet eation of eve nhc, te 1G lin “THE GAPFUTE. OF PSDIA. JANUARY 16, 2010PALSA26, 1951 Iai S02) exercise of te powers conferred by subseeion (2) of| Section 5 ef the Coematozcrh Ae, 1952 (37 of 1982) rend dh eles? and of he ineratograph Cots ‘its Rules, 1993, the Cena Government is plese (0 appoir Sai Shak Shajaan, C0 SK. Vali Piet Bo 165, ‘Murad Rstat, Nizamape= Road, Kulatpally, Hsseabas S042 asa mater ofthe Hiderabad Astor panel of the Costes Roar oF Film Conication wiimote fee fora perod of ov yes or ntl arto ndash svar ise, [po 087 208 HCH AMITABH KUMAR, Breer zs PE See 31 fa, 2009 4. Ws. Suparne Baneree 5. Ms. nama Sen 6, Ms Ssmia Gash 2. Sin K Sin IF.no.sosactes te ARIILAIE KEIR, Decne Fins) 1 Fee, 21 es, 2009 mat, 156 Fa BT fe ALI 209 tere sfeaen aaH aee sata CSTE Logs a Fe 2 aes fn ao aa, (952 Case a3 ems oa C1) Teer ae an 185, FTE ED TH 209% gee ee Ee, SE We Se Ke swerrs singe a ca PTS COM) FER, ho maa aS eT Fe ST MS EA, gs 3 Fro 7a es PH sina. 10S ine ae hard cos ee a seam (1) RE Tee Spr sat grabs Fern Sais fer TT spore nr) aa Fr se re eS a, pata oh twa pete fee ge LS een Ta aT PgR TE 2 gies Aga shee apt araen ay 6 ga gia ein 2 alta fe (tak sossizonsaecet] hes Dae, these December, 2009 ot Minty s Nace on? of tte Urremstagrpi: Ae, 1652 27 of 152) ad wit rs? nL nthe Clematis (Centon) Ru, LOR, lhe Cantal Govesbnat i leased te azpoin the lle ine puns moe he Keka Avia se 3F re Cera our’ Fine Cetin nt iia fee tors per of ten years out Rater ces, 1 ie Maat She 2M act oh 5s Kei alr aoe eee torment ect a Ri BOOS ECA] seme a foie (An) ‘Now Deli, the 21st esener, 2609 8.0, 186 —19 cominunton of this Minisiny's [Nacicaton af sven numer. ites 1-1-2108 ia ‘rscise ofthe powers conte by ses 11 6F ‘Seaton Softhe Cincnatograph Act. 1852 OTF MSCiveal states? and 8 af the Ciromasesraph (Ceticaon) ele, 982, ths Conga Goverzmem ssusias Wez ‘Se estab Caondra Rout ss member he Catach ‘Advisory pans at ne Cena Bese 9 neti oe ‘wih uate effet Fora pen! 9 we 985 or Urol further oder, waiebever seri Wane soso ASITTABH KLMALe Dae (ily a het, ‘se, 209 Seer ahigan Sarg dove esha (ET = nay 3 fe 7g een a PM, 82 (usen 3y ome sa zt go ve ee? aren ae gts ur fresion eal are Spr 08 at rats $f rar sa wr oe. pe ah ot wea Hees Sen ae a wets to an ager Seat Sa 2 ewer 2 mee am 4 Bon. Seer [oars 50nd ares Ta Fr |6, 21026, 1931 ao 2 tat an, oT sat treat 21 Fame, 20 ed an, 158, FE SATE a fein Oo! TY 8 Smeg trie on a atemde ah Sd) = 1, at Fre he toe ston erent M4 a Re otaet mH Sosy HAAN shan a, Fare (Fes) New th, he? secret, 2008 $.0,157,_ Insovtinatie of ht Meiey's Note fiescien afeverramber de 10-11-2008 and erercise se power crore by sub-set} Secon So he Cindy a A, 1952 37 a 1932) nent ahs? ane Sole Cisemategaphs (Contato) Rules, 198. ‘he Cental Govemracit is pleas tu apa de tye Inept OF te Bangalore Sv sy Ft i ie-eaal ara of Fim Certcton i mene fect tora per of ism years ot unl farther ae, Shichorsrecetie 1 Sn Cin Pa 2, Sb SLR ian Pa ‘has Prana Kamar A. Shy BS Marja Ree So Sim Sansa 8 Bumae Shri Pradsop Kear Ste Prasid Abban [Shi Shantanu Soivashanstsppa Canes 9 Situs ato 19, Sint Xamon 1. Se Vasant Shia 2, Sh RK. Raj 15, St Navagarasvams 14, Sho Chae Gola Iv. no s2009 FIC ANT ABH KUMAR, Director tiles Cems eg fT A Ten a CEE HoH gp fray gS eer aha af, bs 192597 RoR ae OS ATT Se haakah hacia acai ead a Aa EAT a & fe area ene ES? a, a oh aed vba Pees sare eT ema Fe ere gan ee 1 rin orem 2 Heh wer 2 adm ag aie 5 mt Come er AL et 8 WER aie ste 2 aa are ER ate arte 2 Pye a ba 4 Se to ed aL somcamieRcoPy crews pin, hes FR) NovrDuthithe2Is1 Decent. 2069 8.0, 155.—1 espinutian o£ Mir's Nest tin of ven rebar io 1-11-2009 ane exis of the ers conte by subsceien pot Sex: a $ of thes emaiourat Acs, 9S2¢372F 952} real wales fas 6 ofthe Cinestaragny Cente) Aan 98 the Conta Government plessde aepvnt ie Foe in. tse as members ofthe Trinusanethapa sty pne ofthe tel Board Fir Ceci inmost eect or pennd aft Yeas at. ends, wichover <8 . 1 Mrs. Thanks Die 2 DrsSts) sale aca 4. St PS. tay 4. Si BBall De (Mts) Cots Nair Si KP, Sauna than ux {THE GAZETTE OF INDIA:JANUAEY *h 201MPALSA2 1911 St Noozzah Jha EK, OF VA. Auntie Sao AM Dileep Kom 10. SHER Keenan |e. Sh Rast Varma 12, Shri A Sajoevan Te xy micas 3] AMITABH LMA Devon ina a feret SF, 2009 aan, 198, we, ro (eT FTE sib = rg main) re, 904 frm 1g ob 3a fe (ay & arpeen 8 geet ater Cpa oe seen) = Prtoe aesieen Sica Fa a0. fi mig 4 GA ee To RTA A tgs 1 ge oe a, ae 2 yer see ates eat, gets ae be ete, | ee ae ol gt, as sO 3 FRc acrafe die, cris 8 gtr er afin gee tere aon | 2 Rts anata er | 8 te oe ey ses, 9 prea rer afi rae | i Rte ree ae Pet, (env) | 1 gets ager #5, b,c Fen ws Fein, ee 1 ge are afr zee, am Fe ee ren 1s, gents en afin in, =A | el Fo en aes fh TE | 1a Ses see ar ae, ae 1 pe wer fi er AT tei unr62010-@) seme Hine cee) Nev Deh he oy. 2010 $0. 149.—Ie pieson-e of Sub Rule) oF Rule ofthe Dtvial Languages efor Ocal Perpose of Us Vain) Rel, 1996, che Cental Goveruse Dovey hots he lng oices under Diretarate Gea af oorcarhsntMinisay of egrmnton se Prd), one Teh ROK af the ec het ve aegis ‘worked i 1. 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