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Preview Union Government, Weekly, 2006-01-28, Part IV, Ref. 440 GI/2005

2am a FAR H)-o4/0007/2003_05 ‘REGISTERED No. DL{N)}-0410007/2003-—08 Hitec a Tke Gazette of Grdia CAMIRWEEKLY soften € sept iert PUBLISHED SY AUTHORITY Way 7 fevet, uf, wamd 2e_weeil 3, 2006 (atm 8, 1927) fa,4]_ NEW DELHI, SATURDAY, JANUARY 28 FEBRUARY 3, 2006 (MAGHA, 1927) _ 8 snr fa 7s tien a ont t fied fs ae are ere wT HT TST TTS (Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may he fled as a separate completion) amy tear 1¥] Ehecentt extent she tered dena fares ae ETA [advertisements and Notices toned by Private Individuals and Private Bodies] [NOTICES IN THIS PART OF IME GAZENTE OF INDIA PERSONS NOTIFYING THE ADVERTSEMENTSIUSLIC NOMCES WILL REMAGN SOLELY RESPONGIEEE FOR THE LEGAL CONSEQUENCES AND ALSO FOR ANY CTH MISREPRESENTATION ETC, by ORDe exh of Picton senses SE iaduaaisd: shade samaliel oo aku Aunuheed nohadsehuaaktedooed ar ar a werd, eet get, ae a er Ee he Fee et ee Hk see ee eh es oh eg ena a a aR A writer tl Si kuakad re CTT A A TE 5) hiker knowa dé N. ZAFRULLA GAN sea of [Las H NASHULLA KHAN, omplayed as Seca Asst Fin de Heavy Water Plat (Dept of Atumie Cacty) “Tawa 7, ecco at 40C- 2, Dtseodhar Nagar Taicere, Teale, have chinged- cy nite fot hall Rerefier be kaowa as N, MONAMMED ANWAR is enti that I have complied wi otter lel equcenents in Dig conesion 1. ZAFRULLA KAN (Sigeatue Gi seizing old eames 1, bitherte known 36 JAGUISH PRASAD age of sn. RAM SWAROOR, raiding a E1650, Bape Neg, adam Singh Road, Karl Hagh, New Dal 116005, bse changed my name aud shall horcaftar be keown 3s DOMINIC $4100. Tk ceri tu T have complied wid othce legal eqsivenents in this concction JAGDISH PRASAD (Sigatwr Gin erlang fd name), 4 He GAZELLE OF INDIA, JANUARY 28, 26 (MAGBA 4, 1927) [Par V {ithe kuown a HONEY RAHFIA sth of Sb. UAW KAPOOR and Sil AMARJIT KAPOOR, reaing af alOP4, Sector 18, Rodin, Delhi 110088, have ‘hangod my namo and shall Rereaicr be know as HONEY KAPOOR. I: is ceaifed tha 1 have somplied with oer Hepat rkirements ins counvston HONEY RAHUIA [Signo to ovisting iM sim {Caitheno knoe #8 JASWINDER SINGH sun of St ‘RAUBER SIRT, reslng al C-M83, SI Tanah Ie, New OSH. have ehaagal my me we al wl be gow IASVINDES. SINGH DBI (1s cai! tha I have complied wi wher legal reqoremenss ia this conection. TASVINDER sINttt [Signacme (in existing old name) | hitherto known ae VISA SCHGAL wile of Late ANIL KUMAR GIILATL, sang at 11, tad Hor, Sant Nog, Esa of Kailash, Now Dethi-L O05, hive eng zag name and shall hereatter be koown as VEENA lust Ik soifed that 1 have complied wit) other egal vequvsiiens in cis conection, vitta sence ISoatators (a exising old nse dimers known a¥ SANDEEP SINGIL 7 of Sh. SATYA PAL SINGH. roadig at 8-1, Pk Sones. Sov, Rei, DePy-1T0OSS, base changed my nam: fant sll Revealer be auwr ay SANDEGD SENG fous. sm etfed thet ¥ hase complied with other logal equremeni thie conden, SANDEEF SHC [signet in exiting off nae! 1. biterta known at DEEPAK KUMAR GORART sn of Tate 1. GORART, employed as Motder Ue. I, . Bo 1155 wader Dy CME (Preduotion}IKUP, § le Reston, fending 91 2°77 epi 1 ORL Steen, Pest: Kbaaagp Disk Bvchim Midrapire (ext Rong} haps ehanged fay nae urd shall henlter be known 36 DEEPAK KUMAR (2A) sen ot Tats & GAO Ie is esti tH fave ects wi ot Sagat DEAK KUMAR GOMARE Sioratwe w exiting old same 1. Rithens known a5 SUSMITA DEB wife of De TAPAN KUMAR DAS, employed a Metical Otcer in the Army Modical Corps. residing ot Kolkua, have changed xy same and shall Rewefir be kauwa us SUSMITA DAS. 1s cect the 1 have complisd wily ether legal seqaiements in this conaetion, SUSMITA DEB ISignatew (a existing old nan 1, bins teem ge MANOHARAN. B sor of Lae 1.8. BALASUBRAMABIAN, amploed as SD.E in the argulons Teese Dine BSNL, ring ac 58, 170 ‘A Chow, Lh B Stun, Milles, Bangahce 60055, fae changed ry name an stl barealer be Ko BMANDIIAR 1 fe cen thal hive ome wi oe tel requivewort in dis conazcion MANOTIAEAN. [sugnatre fn existing ott mare 1 hitherto now ag MEFNA MONGIA wite of Dol B BHUTAN, residing at 731, Seto 1, Holisk 124001. have ohinged my aime 3 sll hereuer Be nove ws -NECTE BIIUTANL Tie orled tha 1 ave compliea wit otter gat requtements in this. avenetin, MEENA MUNGUIA, Isignaure Gn exising oft mame] | bidet kaoam as RAJINDER KAUR sate ut Si 8.8 HADKE, residing 1 E-2, Roloc, 4 Raps Row, Ci Liaes, DeBi-F100%4, have changed my tame and shal veal be kn at RAUNT HADRE, Te is cenit thE ave complica wich eter legal requirements in this wonecton, RAJINDER KAUR [Signa (in exising off name! 2, hitheeta known ap SACHIN ARORA ton of Shi RISHAN CHAND NaSA, residing M C28, Gt hoor. Way Nagar, Dan. nave changed amy mame nd shall hrafler be known a¢ SACHIN MASA, 1s cerita | have compli sik ole Segal reqvecemen's fn this met SACITIN ARORA [Signore (a exising old nan} Paes WE ‘THe GATETTE OF INDLA, JANUARY 24, 2006 (AGHA 8 1827) a 1, ithatu kiown s¢ KUNWARIEET son of S, HARIEET SINGH, reiting a 25/19, Eas Pun Bash, Rew DeneJ1G06, have changed my nam sn) shall Bstealir be known at KUNWARIEET SINGH BHAMEA. Ie is earufigd tho 1 have complied wie other legal equtomons In tis conecies, KUNWARIEEY [Sigeatare (om existing old ham) 1. kittang Kawwe af ARVINDAR SINGH son of AVIAR SINGH, residing x RZ 53/84. Steet Ne. 14, ‘uakisht Par, Park Rusd, New DIti-48, bavo changed my de and stl beens fe korn se ARVINDAR SINGH BEDI Ik is eeifiod that T have complied with omer Segal equiemens In is connection, ARVINDAR SINGH Ssigstore (in essing od mes} |. hitheng bnos 28.GOLOK CHATTOPADHYAY son ol Cale LARSHBAT NARAYAN CHATTERILE, employed 2 Mill Wright Mazer Craftanan, T No. MTCLAT,P No. (002567 ia the Gam & Shell Foci, Cosipoe, Kalki 700002, Mini oF Tefans, Ck of til, ring 1ed3, Nanda Lal Bote Laoe, Baghsar, Kate 700003, ave changed any aame and shal hector be know as ‘GOLOK CHATTERJEE, ie eetiod tat T have complied with ether egal reqsicements in tis connection, GOLOK CHATTOPADERYAY (Segnatae Gn exiting old nomed 1, hivkgrig buon as MAGHAL SINGH sox of Sui HEM SINGH, working in Markedng ia the G'S. Leptin’, GL, Block, Ja Road, Han Nagar, New Del, ronding af House Nu. WZ. 152R, Blosk-G. Jl sl, Hiss Rape, Nw DelbS8, hase changed my wae and-shall rete be known a8 MEGHEAL SINGH 1s certified dat have somptied witb vibe Segal equirerenls in thie comection MAGPAL SINGH [Sigamas (existing old name 1 faiterty Roowa_as SUNITA JAIN site of SARYANSH KUMAR IAIN, rosding at F-59, Kamla Negar, Delhi, bave changed my mame and shall eratice be known a ANITA JAMW. is eonifed that have compliod with other lege requicemenis ia this omaceton SUNITA SAIN Isignaioe Gn existing old mare} 1: hitherta_knowa! as DAKSHU auyghier of sa, NARESH KUMAR KANOMA, rcding 163, DBA Flas, Dekshin Pott Janta, South Baclave, Nes Deli 11062, uve sbunged ny name and all Wereuter be awn as DAKSHU KANOITA is ceiid eat Uwe complied wits che fen! seqaitemones in i conaeston DaKsHU {Signamre Gi existing old naa} 1, hitherto known ae BENEDICTA MENEZES wite of SUSHIL CHANDER RATRA, a Houoewife, residing #2 ‘AVIS, Ganesh Nagar, New Debi-O01S, have changed ‘my name und shal real: be Koown, as BENSDICTA, ‘GRACY RATRA, Te is ooeied ha T have complied with other legal equement in. this connection BENEDICTA MENEZES SSignawre Ga existing ofd eames | bitheto known as SUCHETA CHAWLA wife af ‘Sha SARUN MAHAIAN, residing a1 10 Road 37, West Punjabi Bath, New Dalhi-110026, have changed soy same end shall heeator be Raown at Mrs. PRETIKA MAHAIAN, (cis coved tha [ have complied wth other legal requbeneni in this cennsetion SUCHETA CHAWLA [Signawe Gn exiving «ld same] 1, hitherts knowa as MANID BALA wife of ‘Sh. SURESH JINDAL. resiling a1 C91, Laz Koo, lot No. 6, Sevior-13, Rohini, Deli 1UIKRS. have changes iy woe aod sal berate be gwen as WNDU IND Is ceed inat C have complied with other legal seanisemenis fa this connceion. MANIU BALA, [signutore Gn exising okt numer 1, hitherto known as DURGA DEVL wife of Shei MURARI LAL RAJA, cesidieg at 36, Kristi Apaciment, Sector 13, Robiai, Delli110085, have hanged my nace end shall healer be huowa a SHEMA BAIA * THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, JANUARY 24, 2006 (AGHA 8, 927) (ace IV [ee sented that 1 have complied with oer gut guvsinen in dh conto DURGA DEV ISignotire fin exiting ol me {hits know ab MEHAR. KANDHARI site of Shui PUNERT CHOPRA, » Houtewife,rsing 2 GP-33, Maurya achive, ite Para, DethicE 00K. have ‘hanged my mame and sol hereafter be known a5 SARSHI CHOPRA, fas centted 1 ave complivd with oer legal -squkciment inthis conection MEHAX KANDHARL Lsinnacae fn existing old mtn] | hitteno know as SCASHIE GANDUT dauyhor of DHARAM 'CHAND GANDHI, residing &t EC-14%, Tagore ‘ane, New Lett 0021, hase changed my me wl shall hieafe: e Boowa aa SULLTAL GULAT. 1 ie exe tha 1 howe cumple ah ter legal royuicemens in ths connection SHASHI CANDE ISigestare (in existing old eae 1, tens keown a BHOPAL SINGH son of | ate CUOHAL SINGH, captased as DLD.G. in the olce ul ‘he Asst, Une! Asvouutenl MC, Sahare-Noet Zone Delt 10082, ending at IX240. Eust Gokalpur, Mit Neg, Delhi 10084. have changed my name and shal heater by known ae BHOPAL SINGH DHENGHYA. eo cored tha 1 ave coped th alr egal sequiements in this eoanestion HOFAL SINGH [Sogeatre (exiting old mame] 1. Sita kaon at AIANA KUMAR MAURYA on of Si RUDAL PRASAD MAURYA, employed ss SO in SECILKAIGA <Kiratks, residing at Vl Suhopor {Bhiseds 1 PO : Wham, Dis, Doria (CP) have changes Ipsum unt shall becller be Keown as AIAY KUMAR SAUNA 1 canted thar 1 hase complied wait ther legal squires iv hi connection AIAVA REMAR MAURYA, Isiguatane Co exiting of pare 1, hithena Koon gs MURALL KRISHNA. GEDELA on of GEDELA SURYA HAGL enpayed as UPG. Track ot me wher of SGP. WayyRalaght in che $000 Litem liinay, Rlansgpur Division, sesiding Baily Qutekes Nov 11 20 Ura No 9 at Shaan, PO. Be Garten, Dust, Howarh (WB)-71U008, have changed may netor end shall hereafter be Known a5 GHDULA MURAL KRISHNA. 1 m eretisd a1 hive compl wah olbr gal requirements in this comeechor. MURALI ERISHNA GEOCLA Signature tin crating ld. 0¥)] 1, baherle kaown a& SONU GOEL ite of AV] GUPTA Howsewita in Ca tome, resiing at C-26 Madel fear, New Delhi-110009, have chnoged my name und shall herenter be kn oe SORIA. GUPTA, (iy ceaitod that 1 ye sompied with ote legal reguiremens in WER sung SONU GOEL [Signston: Gn exiting old name} 1, hithecto known as KELNA DANG wife of (Me_ KISHORE DANG, bel Prost) i he Os. Roem ‘Aut. 2evling 31 ACTOT. Und Floor, Lajpat Noga New Beihc24, have chav ged ms name ane shall relat be brown ae RLUENA TIAKAR, 1 is erie tas 1 ave coy adh her Kop Feira ahi enaesian REENA DANG FSigastue fin exiting old rare 1 hie Kem as MBE daoginer of Late SOM [NATH wie Ste RAITSIE KUMAR MALTE, rsiing at ‘A130-134, Subbash Nagar. Neve Dei 110027, ove shanged my rome sad shall hereafter be knava as SUMAN MALIK, fis cenied tt I ve complied will ober ly equtements thir onaceton wa, (Sigeture Gn existing oll mine) 1. ktharts known as GAURAY son of Shri R. K [BALWANT, ai 2 Stent in thal The Indian Bist of Planning an) Menapsncit xt B 27. Cota tnsiaanal ‘Ares Now PLRGTIO016. residing af 1542, st oer, ‘1d Rainder Bagar, Kew Deby I1OOKO, have changed ny narbe and shall Hereiter be known 36 GAURAY BALHARL Par V1 ‘THE GAZETTE OF INIA, IANUARY 28, 2005 (MAGHA 8, 1927) * 1 le cond thar T have complied with other legs! requires jn tis connection, caurav [Signatae Gn ening off ne) 1, hithesto Keown as INDU SINGH wife’ of ‘Shi SATENDRA DAMADUR SINCE, Seltemployed at USGL, FF Jen Fas New Deli St, sing ot B56), Fira floor. Tanah Puri, New Dei-1 1005, hive changed ‘my name and all Rereifer be known a6 TSDU TRA SikaHL (eis eri thst ase compliod with oder egal eqviconenis In thle conoeeson, INDU SIG [Signawe Gn existing Md stm] hitterlo known a5 HINDU VOHRA wife of Stal KAMAL SABHARWAL, siding at E607. Second Foe. Gl, New Dethint 1OD88, have changed my nam a all Recafer be known a: SEEMA SABHARWAL. 1e ie cari init Ehave ‘complied with ober heal rogpitements io wis connie. ‘BIND VOHRA (Gignature (in exisong old same] { hittet Enown ax MIKRSH IAIN zon of Sti S.C, JAIN, resting ot House No, AaB, Vivek Vir Pass, Delti-L 10055, have caned ray name and hal eter be hewn as NIRRSH PORWAL. Wis cetfied that [nfwe complica wi ater pal oqurerents in this comments NKESH JAIN [Signamare (in existing old same |. hidhorto known at HUKAM SINGH sea of Shi BRIT MOHAN, residing a 5.23, Pandaw Nagi, Delh-82, have changed my name and thal] hereafter 66 Known as ITESH SAWN 1 is cetified that Ihave complied wit otber Jem requirements in this cometion HUKAM SINGH. [sigomice Go existing old name) 1, hitherto known us AJTTPAL: SINGH son af 5, HAREHAIAN SINGH MALHOTRA, sof eoployee, ssiing 9 W7-IS¥2, Hat No. 22 Fst Hoo, Gal No, 2, ‘Vices Nagar, New! Dek, eve ghangod my name and shall nercafter te kaows a5 AIITPAL, SINGH. MALHOTRA 1s cetified Gat T havo complicd with other gal regiments # thi omection AAITPAL, SINGH [Signace Gig existing old nae)] 1, hideria tngva as SHIWANY KHOLY wife of Suri IRA LAL, revding 90 SB/48, NLT. Taridabad Gayena), have changed my name nd sll horeafice he knawn as hs. ANU WADEWA, Wie certfid hat I ave complied with bee ep requlremens in this conection, SHIWANY EHOLY [Signore Gn c¥iing ld eam} 1, hidherio known a¢ HARPREET SINGH ose of ‘Sh, HARBHALAN SINGH. resdg at ¥. No. 874, Sectr- LSA, Faridabad, heve changed roy name and shall tgreafer be igen HARPREET SINGH BUTIAR. es cetiied tt £ hare complied with ober lest ravitefen in his comecion, HARPREET SINGH, [Sigaatar (mn exiing off came) | hiro nome of BARBARA SINGH bon of Late ‘Sh. ATMA SINGH, residing aH. No. AS, Suinik Cony. Sect 49, Prdabud- 121001, Haryac, hee changed ny ‘ame aad shall bereafcr be Known a2 DARBARA SINGH MUNDAY. is etifed thst I have complied wit other Segal requireserts inthis exhicsion PARDARA SINCE [Signature (i arising old oie}] 1, hither known a8 VINOD RELIA son of Shei SEV LLAly setdlng a BO/S0-A, Malviya Nagar, New Debi- 110017, have chnged te name’ of my micron from [UDIT RELTA aped 17 yes 19 UDTT VINOD RELA snd ‘al heresar fe known as UDIT VINOD RELIA. is cert that have complied with other gat spires in hip sonnet ‘VINOD RELIA (Signe of Guardian) * ‘THE GAZETT OF INDIA, TANUARY 28, 2006 (MAGHA 8, 1871) Par t¥ 4. hitters known NEERU OTRDHAR site of DMafusGE GULATH, riding at 22, Lajput Nagar, Now Delhi, ve changed my sare and all hereto be baw as RADETKA GULATL eis coin tat 1 have complcd sith eter lege regewment this connection [NEERU GIRDHAR {Signaave fin exiting old rane] 1, hither keowa a6 SOHAN LAL aon of Late ‘tut GHRDHART LAL TUGRAN, snployed a+ Assist Direetor (OL), in Une Miniry Defence, New Debi, residing C316, Albert Siuare, Cole Markot, New DetN-tLOODE, have changed yuan and cal eicaler be known as SOHAN LAL JUGRAN, Tt ie cote that have gomphad with other leg requiem in tis connection, SOBAN TAL [Signature (in exiting insta) |, fisher known os Sm. ISHANL CHAKRAVORTY ugh of Ski RAMENDRA NATH CHAKRAVGRTY, tesiing at E-¥6A. Greater Kailas, New Delh-110068, have changed the nave of minor daughter Kamari [RANMI CHAKRAVORTY SHARMA aged Id year and ‘he shall hereafier be known st Kumari DRAM (CHAKRAVORTY. Weis ected that Lave complied wth ober leat vequitemons in his connection Sou ISHAM CHAKEAVORTY. [Sigaanve of Guardia] 1. hilere knoe as MINI wife! PARMERT SINGH HORA, reciditg ot 15489 WEA Karol Bagh, New Delb-11UUUS, rave changed my mane and shall herafer be known as MANVEEN HORA. eis ened that {hase complied wih ote tga) requinanvens this ecnacetion MINE [Signawe Go esisiag ld eam 1, tidheno known se KAMLESH ASUDANI wife of SURESH KUMAU IDNAN, residing wt B-3/47 Janak Puri, New Diet 1005%, have shatged my name and shal Reraficr be known ay POQMA, IDR 1 fe cei thy T have eel vith other Inga requirements i this eanacction RAMESH ASUDANT ISignauxe (in exising cht nave] 1. hitherto known as NEELAM BUATE wife of SANDEEP KUMAR, noting at 3-306€ Suaet No. 13, Mofenarn Eaclova, Rrawal Nagas, DeT-11O03, have changed my Tame and shall bercafer be knva as NEELAM SINGH 1s caida Chane eomspliad with other Joga requirements in dhs comecéan, eELAM BHAT [signi Gn exising old mare) |, Nitherto Keown 32 HONEY SODHI son of Shit PARAMIEET SODE, employed as Vice-President ile Impens Technofegies, Deval Nagar, New his fSsiding at BUSI, Sector 1, HK. Asha Marg, Now Telnet, have changed my tame and shall beter be rowa is TAVINDER SODEL es cvtiiod thst L have complied with other eat equremans i this conection, HONEY SODHE [Signature Gn exiting old nam) 1, huiens kaon at PRAVEEN KUMAR son of sh. HAA SINGH, raking af A/G, Cali2, Mihinie ne. Palm, Dabs, New Delt have changed my nie und shaw hewesfier be Imowe as PRAVEEN KUMAR LOcHAR {ein cersiod thus L have complied with otter legal reguromons i this conection, PRAVEEN KUMAR [Sinratore Ga oxsting old ame , biderto known ap NEELAM KUMARI wife of ‘Shc KASH WAT reid a foase No. W2-762, Rishi [Nagar Rani Bagh, New Debt 110036,bave changed ny rte sid abl ceuler be Kawa REKHA. 1 is eet! thal [base complied with ber lege reqsicemens ip his canncetion NEELAM KUMAR! [Signause Gn existing old ramet] 1 bitter known a NARENDE® MALHOTLA son of Lae Shri DARSIIAN RAM MALHOTRA, tesidig at ewe No. 37, Secor? Pashp Vis, Nest Dele? fave chinyel my we and shall hereatee be known 35 ‘VIKRAM DEY MALLIOTRA. (es coreg tha # have souplied ith other legal repuiremanis in this connesin, [NARENDER MALHOTRA, [Signaiore Gn ening old mame} Pas IVI ‘THR GAZETTE OF INDIA, JANUARY 28, 2006 (MAGHA 8, 1927) 1, hits nae as SARVAGYA ANTHBAL son af ‘Sha DHIRENDRA MOHAN SHARMA, sudying in Tneia fora Degree cour, riding a G31 Ridgenood: Este DOLE Phase TX Gurgaon, Haryans, have changed my narc ad shal pera be Eno ao SARNAGYA ANTEWAAT. SHARMA, Wis ceed that T hase oompliod wih oukteTegsh sequnenents In this connective SARVAGYA ANTHWAL [Stgnarwe Gia existing old nae) 2, hitherto knven ex RAMASAN GTHEYORH son of OTHEYOR KUNTH RAMAN, employed as Manager in the [OC India (P) Lily edn at DARGE, Hart Nagar, [Now Dell-110064, Rive changed ray nate and shall Trvaller be hrawn 8 RAMESHAN OTHEYOTH. 1's cated hat have complied euth other legsh replsemonts fa his omnes. RAMASAN OTHEVOTE, [Signee fn exting old came | hihets known os KUBIA, RAJBANCISHT danger ut Lalo SAMAR RATBANGSH, crployed ae ‘Hanlth [Asst i the Ofce of AM Todi tte of Hygine & Poblic Heal. 110, Chiternjan Avenue, Kolkata 73, ios Bengal, rand at Saoensitla, PO. Singur, Dist ‘oophiy West Bengal, Pin 712408, have changed ay fume dnd shall hereafler be known e¢ KARUNA SENGUFIA, 1 i ceried that T ava complied 0h oshst egal requiements 3m Zs connection, KUBIA RATBANGSEN {Sigeaure (io existing old name) 4, manent “known. as PIVUSH deugheer of SATISH KUMAR MANCHANDA, a tusiness women, residing at E-44Grester Kish Pa Il New Delle fODSR, a hinged my aime and shall hereafter be known MUSKAN, te certifi’ chat have complied with other legal requicerents 0 tt connection prvustt [Signatwe (ut ering of name] 4, tnberto knoe as RAMCHAND GHOSI son of ue KoWULAL CHOSE employed in Yehite Factory Jbalpur ML.) inthe Bsominer Master Crafinan T. No. 7756697 ‘QAR, retcing at 262, New Ramuagar Aries Ibalpur QED. how changes my name and tall heteaRer be known ay RAMCHAND YADAV. 1k ie sonified that L ave complied «ith ole text sequrements In tis conection, RAMCHAND GHOSE [Signature (in existing old nar) ty itera fao¥n 2 VIRENDRA KUMAR son of Shei SHRT IRISHAN, saying in the Univesiy Schoo! ‘of Ioforioation ‘Techoology, "Cure Gobind Singh Indrapasta Unter. Kashmere Gate, Deth-110002, tesiding a Pucke-b, Pll No, 25D, Dilshad Conlen, Defhi-L(O00S, have changed ny nem and sha ere ‘be Known as VARUN GOEL, Wis comiod dat I have complied with otter lege reqalrerent in shin conection. VIRENDER KUMAR [Sigantre Gn exising oid sume) 1; Niherto kgon as PERVEEN KUMAR son of Shel AMAR HATS SHARMA, empiayed in Pr. Servite in Gongoon, ring at A-3OL, Wgyan Viber, Pct No (GH-19, Secor 56. Gurgion (Haryan), bave changed ty ‘tne and shal erat be hrc as PERVEEN KUMAR SHARMA, 1s eanlfad day have complied wits other tgat requirements in this conection PERVEEN KUMAR [signanve Gn exiting fd namey} Navini CGHS, Plot No, St, Ides Pras Extersion, ‘DewI-110092, hve changed oy nae ap shall hereto bee known as'Misa RICHA GUPTA. 1 w csuid Dot That complied with other egal requitemenis in (contin RBECHA GUPTA [Signanue Go exiing olf name) 1, hithene known as UPENDRA SHARMA son of She DEVENDER NATH, Proper in tbe Woes tose business, residing at 3DIO8 NLT, Faridabad, Haryana lve changed my came and all hereafer be Known a UPENNDRA SHARMA. 1s ceed thal I have compli with thee ees! equcemcaia in his ene, ‘UPENDRA SHARMA, [Signature (is existing old name) 4, Wire known 48 SARLA KUMAR wife of Me SUDIP KUMAR, rsiing at 229, Area Apa, ‘Alskranda, New Tethid HOT, lave emangad. my Rar fet shall howafter be Known a8 SAILA. KUMAR. 1 ie cen that I have compli ih other requtemont in his conection 1 SARLA KUMAR ISignure Gn exiving old nae] [THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, JANCARY 28, 2006 (MACHA 1927) Dev awe wie pardat ate gfear fees: ; ad aaonet ent ee Raut b oeMEKLS ee aM Sat ane Sy Ofer oudey at et ah og ato es att Rear aT warts Boer oemaxi seam 1a oP are (a) Bare Preaerr cre iter are) sae Ree eat, oft ae Gag sais al 8 gen wa rad Fat afeeR a ots 23 $ ote ore mer we Rim peg wb Poke 89 @ By setae an ft RETA Te eae efi oy aT a arta ak OE ANAT AH aun Big ie apd Aoeret eater arti ait gar Pads &. 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Ravichandran Director (Fal) &.Company Secretary yes wee. cere meme a! ca] ets atm

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