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Preview Union Government, Weekly, 2006-01-14, Part IV, Ref. 420 GI/2005

PURE. dre) -O4to007-2003 05 iel a REGISTERED No, DLAN)-040007 013 05 <IsTaa The Gazette of Gndia Brenfeer WEEKLY frat St PUBLISHED BY wea AUTHORITY NUW DELH!, SATU! RY I ‘at feeett, afta, aaeit i4—mrat 20, 2006 Catt 24, 1927) Wwe (PAUISA 2 27) Fa a 4 fies qe damn ot ort & fined fe ae ore ER Son A TOT TE, (Separate paging ls glven to this Part in order that it maj be Filed as « separate compilation) Ty Past [fre-reurd caret ate ecacantt ™ tera # fears ote aE] [Advertisements nnd Notices iscued by Private Individuals and Private Bodies] Sf LERAL RESPONBERILTTY 18 accEeTEn FOR NE PUBLICATION OF AUVPEL BEM ENTSPUBLIC NOTICES IN TH PART OF THE GAZETTE OF Dia PERSONS NOTIFYING THM ADOT SEMI SCLC SSOTICHS WILL REMAN SOLELY, ESPONRTBLE POR THE SEGAL CONSEQUENCES AND ALSO KOR ANY OER SISUEINEGENTRLION ELC sv ox Conn of bein srastingr A aie aa ge fares me eH, Fmt Ms, setae, Qe The, Reet ef we ZF Schoal Contfieay BRET WAL RL A Vyroh Yodo ® Bara Kua it sr for arr # BHA re A A on wm frat ie a ear + exxeaes wy CHANGE CF NAMES 1, tiltgry dua a. 3 ASRAT RATHER don of { ANOU. GARE RATHER, a Businessman. residing at 179, 1d Flor, Lagat Nagar, New Delhi, nave charge ‘my nome and shall hesaler be kavwn ax MIPTAH GaN ss certified that 1 ve complica with eter leg fegultesents ia tls somarnen, MASRAL RATE [Sianstie Gin existing od nam 1, hitherto known us PANADA DURYDDIANA “TURBA em of Sh, TOMA, crplaped ay Mal he Con PWD, ab G.C.S, Celoes, Anwop Hal, Murobai, residing «75/254, Type Npecial, CGS. Qts, ‘Ghaskopar -W), Mumbai-400 086, have hinged ret foe and sta heroes be known as EPILL DAMBURU ‘TUMEA. le ig ecified tat 1 have complied wth other egst sagulremouts in dhia eomnceion PARADA DURYODHANA TUMBA, Seunture Ge exalt W508) TUE GAZETTE OF INDIA. AANUARY 14, 2006 Wea 8 WAUSA 24, 1927) 1 hithorts known ae PRACUT GANGWAR deyghier ui So. SAHDEV SINGH GARGWAR Wy BRANAY SIGE enloe ay Fadia Pros: Service dPobationer) Wa the Karnanks Sts Cade, teiding at H. No, 17% Sera Ha Gane 20, Nab Naga, Lackno-226020, Ue, tne changed ny nae and sll tale be cen sy BRACHL SINGH, ie ested that Chase complied wilh ae ego vequivenents in this cameo, PRACHI GARGHWAR 'Siyeoume Gn existing old none 1 hitheria sewn a8 LOKESHA son af 8h. NARAVANA POOIARY capliyedl as nortice Engineer (Train) io the Ait India Moms, permanent, residing a1 601 No. (390. Near AL FL P. Sebi, ompars Pust, Mula Vicky, Mangere Talvk and leary esding 13, Kakna Nally, Santhacnt>, Henk Muntane23, Ite elgagel ayy game and shal horsiee be know ap LOKLS NARAYAN SALIAN, ic is oseied that fae complied with olor leg ssuiemente on his enone, LOKEStA sqaure Gn existing old wams)] 1, Aitterte koewo as AIRASAHER URD ADDULGAPIAR SHAIKEL son of Sh ABBAS ISMAIL, SHAIKH, empiora os, Stnograpen Ce, tl, om the Dwideesian Mainmnve Cente, Rulhapur, ‘residing a C7, Goel, Quarters, Viehars Mal, Kawla ake, Kobiapur-426003, bese changed my ouime und stall bevao b kape te EDULGATTAR ABBAS SUAIKE, fy seed that Lave somalisd with ther legal reguierienle in this e=mtetion MURASAML URE ABDULGAMIR SHAIKEL (Signature (in exiting <td aame!] 2. tris brown ay RAM LAKEAN PRASAD a2 of Lt CHALTHI PRASAD amplaged a Daves Grin he Ort Fe Wy. BS CM, GSL, DEE Ser B, Salk. Toke Cig. Kelhate-ma8 093," riding wt AWS, CRE Cine, Hids Read, Kolkat-43, have changed my tome sul shall hereafter be known at AM LAKHAN MRASAD GND, fis soiged thar have stat wih cer Ket reouirgment iy this sont, RAM LAKIIAN PRASAD [Signature vi existing olf name] [bathers Sonn o¢ DEVINDERR SINGH son of Laie Sh. WANIWAR SINGH EGE enleyed ar Austin (G3 Ge Tin the fodian trtiule of Peieteum, Dehradoe, residing ab Volygs Mage Mad, PO. Nawada. Dehradun awe chang sie ire ad shal elie Be om a2 TRVENDRA SINGH NEG ee geil that T have compe wth ober legal requirements in Ui comet, DEVINDRR SINGIE [Siguowure in exiting fd named] 1, hitherto kava a SHAKIRBUAL SHIKHTAYANBHAT BHORT soo of So. SHERHTAYAB, BAZLEMUSAIN BHORI employed Exattner High Skilled ‘Tel No QC CL 2 PR. Ns. HQU87 in Use Aemmuniton ictery: Kinkos, Pne-IN OR, secdiag at 10,08 Berm Kinks. Puneei)1 CR, have hanged my ewe ml shal Jotcafir he hnowe a SHARIR EAVAB NAGARWALA, 1 is ested ar 1 Uae complica! wath oie tzu esniremeais in this connection, SHA KIRSILAL SHFKCCIAYABBILAL UORE ‘Signaure (m costing oft wane)] 1, bitters Anau as GOVINDA von af Sh. KAGENDRA emplayed ws Mavon Gr, 2 ia the Si (Woke Morn Kovgpur, SB. Rly residing al Od Settlement PS. & 20.” Khirayure, Dit, Paschim, ‘YOitmapue, hace changed my name and sll Reel he Een ie 1, GOVIND, 1 fe celiied fet fuse compli with ole Leal rqurenants an tie canter om owes [Signstue (a existing old nane)] T.tihenw known as SATEESH, G. CAL. AWAD) son of Sh. GURUPADADPA, L, CHALAWADL aa student in the Basaveshuar Euginesring College. Ragattot, ruling al Sate, Chalo Gandhinage ce Grog 18] GI-S8/114, Dist Boga, Sle Kavosiha, have changed my name ond da eeu be keen SATEFSHL GURUPADA?A MBTIAG 1 is cemiligd that 2 Rave vomplied with ther Teg vegans i hi tam E ATPESH, ©. CHALAWADL [Scgnaure Ge ein, Id tame) L._hidhsxta_kmowa as SABIAN son of Late RALISTANIAR DEY employed as Helper Gh Cie the Otfce Under Sr. Sesion Tngincer (TL). Seula, a Pa IV “THe GAZETYG OF INDIA, JANUARY 14, 2006 ALISA 24, 1920) 1s 5. ly, aiding w the LSOIO, Falideopur, Nona Rolkatnc7O0082, have changed may ams abd shall Ieceafcr by known as SRI SADHAN DBY, 2 je certified tut 1 have compfied wich ote legal eyunements sn thik connection SADHAN [Signa (in exiting id nani)] 3, himerto know az DEERAMMA vaugheer of LIRGAPEA POOIARY emahiyed ae. theautvsan in Kalladka,cesiding at Neecbail af Redeshwalya Vilage antes! Talok DK. hve changed toy naroe at bill Ieceller be known as ASHA.SALDEEPA, 21 eset that T hive cored with exer lest requeemenis i lhis eonsesi DEEKAMMA ISigzonoe (in exiséng old nameyt Ierio known a MALA GARG wile of ‘sh, MITESH KUMAR GOYAL, residing tHe 303, Kohat Boole, iam Pore, O2thi- 1100S, hie ced my rune and shull ereafler be known 2¥ PRIYA GOYAT 4c ie cerified hat Fave compliod with eur Kegel requtements in thie connect, MALA GARG [Signature Gn exiting old nae)] 1. Witherto known as JAGMENDER son of Sh. JAGDISH CHANDER, residing al the 49(/17 Mahiynsali Cal, Rattvay Rosd, Rokk, hove changed ‘my name aod all lteaRer by Rava at JOGINDER VEEDMA. 1s certified that T have complied with otler legal requirement ts conocoiom JAGMENDER [Slane Ge existing ol@-pamey] 1, biter knowo 2s VINOD KUMAR AGGARWAL 00 of Sh. COA. AGARWAL, veiling al te [4-8 New Eyal Pot Cotooy, Doth-t1006! pave changed my ne fund sll beteshes be knowy as VINOD BANSAL. 1s cette tbat t ewe ewe wih other legal equrorents in this eonneedon ‘VINOD KUMAR AGGARWAL [sigpvtre (in exleing 14 naredt 1, hitherto kin a¢ DILAWAR SINGH son of [Late Sh, BALAM SINGH eampliad as Asisuat in the iniry of Delence (Seo) Seam Blavan, New Dei, residing at GL892, Saint Najae. Kew Dehit 10083 have changed my same and sll beealter be known as DILAWAR SINGH RAWAT. 11s comifiod tha 1 have complied with exer Segal quirements in this onpotction TALAWWAR SINGH [Stenatre (in exilng old marte)] 1, hitherty Haown us NAVEEN KUMAK sun of Si.'AYODHYA PRASAD Proprcier io the fon Xper Engwees Gadi, rembing at tbe 204, RES. Colony. Matangie, New Dol-10062, have changed the name fof minor daughter VADY2 age Thre Years md Nine ‘Mouihe and she shall bereater be Kaovm as YADVL KANGILA, les comiid chat have complied with other legal eapirements Jn thie connection. NAVEEN UMAR (Signatice oF Guardian) 1, bithero knoe. as PARVEEN SHARMA wife of RAS KUMAR SHARMA, reiding atthe 405 Ning Colony, Ashok Vihar, Phase-IV, DeThi-1 GOS? have hinged my nate an shall hereufer be Faown a ‘VEENA RAJ SHARMA. Te ie coifid that have compli with oer Legal requirements inthis evonection PAIVEEN SHARMA [Sigaarwe (i exiang ofl ame)] | hithawe nau ay KRISHAN KUMAR son of Ete Sk RAM CHANDER employed as Asst Financial [Advisor in tho Nonbere Kalhwny, residing atthe (-A ‘agaipos Mandolt Road, Sheba, Delb-110093, have ‘hangea my name sd shall toreafier be koawn as KRISHAN KUMAR CHATNPURIA. ee ceed that 1 have complied with ute fel requitemems inthis camersion KRISHAN KUMAR [Siensture Go existing olf care] 5. thats Kasia a¢ SEIAL KANAERAL GODA ‘Win Sh. VIPUE PRAVIN CHANDRA GANDHI at aasewife Ria F178 did Ploor, Kaka, DD.A, Fly, Delhi-110019, ave changed my wame and shall hewafer be known ae SEIAL VIFUL GANDHI 16 “IME GAZLTTC UF INDIA, IANEARY 14, 2006 :Pausas 2 1 12F, [eee Te is ceticd tat T ove compliod with othe legal voguncients a this scan, SEIAL KANAKRAL 20DA Isipnauze (Gn evistng old nami 1 hifore anw af BARDIK CHORDARY sua of Sh. SHAMSHEW SINGH, residing a 40, Yusat Sars alas, Non ati, ae je service have change nae and shall herealier be kwon #e HARDIE DHARKAKD, 1 cet Te sompliod with oto fal ‘exuinanents a thi chance, BARDIK CBOADARY {Signore Gi existe ol aoe 4, nthe known ay TARLOK ATH con of Sh ROSHAN LAL Bio 154-4, Visbwas Park, Near ‘Iz: Freon. Ulam Rig, thi have lange sy name wd all hevefer be encom 3 TARLOK SSINL 1 contiod at 1 ve sampled wth ober legal requirements inthis conection, TTARLOK NATH {Suge (a enstng «ld ennui 1, bueno kaon as NAGAR MAMAIA HANARSS: LAL Rio Sh, ANURAU PANDYA re ing X31, Amapart Agoramens. Coat Agun Nagy, 4 COD. Shahews, Dal ow, ave changed my sume and shall tensor be bresn 38 MAMTA PANDY 1s cated tat 1 have sompld th othe Legal NAGAR MAMATA BANARAS! Li igutun. Cin exiving Maes] 2, hithoro sna us SARC? BALA Win Sh. GIIAN SHAM DASS KAUSHAT. Bla 8.7%, Tork Vie dts. [Now Inder Encins, Kew Delt 10067, beve changed ny name snd shal Meeatier be kaon as PRATIBHA, RAUSHAL, 1 cetiol that hive womplied fh es Segal seauivemeote on this eumecton, SAROT HALA iSigeoure Gn existing fd same)] 1, hithorty awn a8 TAXAMT AVI Bia. Sh. SURINDER KUMAR, Rls CSS, Seciot 7, Kekim, Dede 95, tas sd ay name wl bl oer he kngiey 36 INDU JINDAL. 1 fe setified ac 1 hase complied wrt ote fel LAXAMT AVL FSigasute ti esting ol wae 1, Kins tounen ak AIA son of Sh, SAMAY LAL CHOURASIA resdig at ths G-2UN13T, Sate, Robt, [Doli {0085 Mave chergea ny natoe and shall Renae be kiown ae AIAY KUMAR CHOLRASIA, ie eetiicd ht T ave comple wih other iyat reawivenents in hip set, , aay Isignaces fie eating old name? itenskrewn ae MITESH KUMAR SINGH son of Sh SATVA PAL, SINGH isang at the A? GES Palleypuram, Phassee Mocrut 2MILTE, U.P), base = chgged my come aid sball Nerealer be Koa as ‘MITESH ROY, is cote Dat 1 hae complied wh other, legit requirements i this sommection, MATESH KUMAR SINGH, Signe Gn exiting old name) 4, bitono known, ye AMIT KUMAR SINGH so of Shu'SP SINGH msidug a ihe A-2 (SPS), Pallas, Pho, We-26f i (LT), hare compat yams nd soll teller 32 Rows ay AMT REY 1 eel dt 1 we coma eather Leal eauizements 9 tie ese, AMIT KUMAR SINGH iS gates om weisung oll come] 1 tuterig knoin ¢ RAINEESH RANA so of Sh. ZARNATL SINGH iesiling of the T-Biock, FoI Kishae Vitsr Debi hate banged any matte i salt feveater > heen gs ROMIT RANA, is cenified hat + acve enna wilh ter teal reguireers i tls nna, BATNEESH RANA [seguir (eisng old came)] 1, hiheus known sy TARINT KUMAR WADHATEAN son of Sh, PREMCS GAR WADHAWAA sssding ot the 2M, Gals Aponients, Vikwpon, M. Debi have hanged me moms sai sho herent be known at TARLN SINGH, Paar 1 ‘THR GAZETTE OF INDIA, IANUARY 14, 2006 (RAUSA 24 1977) n 1 wy censhed thal 1 have compli with etber legal requucinentc a conten, ‘TARIIN KUMAR HADBAWAN {sSigriare dn evsting old name) 1. hithors known as Sh. AIAY KUMAR SETH. MEENA residing at wife of RMA, Eajsndor Nagar, Seccor?, Sabibabad, Dist, Ghaiabad, 1 i oeniea th T have somplicd with other Te requirements this connection, MEENA [Signatore fin ising old naene)] 1. hitherto hnowa x3 TALBIR son of Sh, MUNSHI RAM emluyel as diver in the ONC. residing w MOOT, Bhan Cebay Bofak (a) Ihave lunged my tate il lal hess be Row 93 JAIBIR DABIYA, 1 iy eeried that | bave complied with ofr legal sexireent in hit cobnecton ste [Signatiio Gn isting old nancy] 1. bitnerto known af VIPIN SONI son of Su VINOD SONL, nailing at Ag-S40 Shalimar fxg, Dali, have changed ray name and shall scaler be ‘enon as MONTEL SON 1 is cone tha E Nowe compli ith other es requreonems tis convection VIPIN sont [Snare (ia exiting 033 same] hitter inoen a2 SHRUTL LAMBA daughter oF Sie SATISH KUMAR LAMBA, rasp at T1908, Upper Ridge Reus. Karol Boh, New Deshi-130005. orseathy 31 D6, Seca, Noida (LCP), have chasged my same St Si Henafer be Kagan g¢ SHRUVAL LAMBA. His cemied tat E heve coupled wih eter Teal reguinanents im this canaoction SHRUTI LAMBA [Signaiare, Gm sxiting old vame)] 1, hsherw known as SONIA TERESA davalter uf [DBVINDER SINGH, as Sekt i the Delhi Universit, raving at H, No, 8 Goradware Mil, Set Nias Pu Ihow Dei, have changed yy name and shall heeafer te known as SONIA CHAUHAN. is cote hat T ave complied with other lel requirement is connection SONIA TERESA, 1Sigmmore Gin exing oh! mame 1. hither kaawp ap RAIN TERESA daughies of Sh. DBVINDER SINGH, st Student in the Delhs Universtiy, residing a 11, No, & Gerudwor MRL Si ‘Novas Pu. New Deli, have changed ony nape and shall bereafer be Kagem ay RADNE SINGH, 1 ia cet that I have complied with oer legal requikemens in this conection. RAIN. TERESA [Signe (in arkeg old name) 1. bnbero knw a SHATLENDRA. KUMAR 10 of 1M. RAJINDER KUMAR, employed as Managing Dues fa the Penasy Tess & Thurs PVC Tid, residing ok 257, Greage Kalas, New Dethe110048, have cbangsd ‘he nue of miner daughter Ms. TANISHA, PUN aged "Thee years aad she sl Bereatkr be How ay Ms RAAMYA PDN. Te ie cei that L have compfiod ith ocr load reqeremons ia this connection. SHATLENDBA KUMAR {Shenae of Cusine] 1, hilerto koawn as SANJAY THUREIA son of Sh M. L, TSIURBIA, Propricge in Apoils Cable fuhoities, S828, te Flag, Ram Gall, Vistas Nagar, Shafvars, Debit (O92, wcsdiag at 236A, Poskat C. ‘Mayor Vina, Phase JC, Doi 10691, have changed my ‘ume nd shall herealer Ne Keown at SANJAY C. CTHUREIA. 1 cetifed Ut have complied with ether beg sequicements in (hs connection SANIAY THUREIA iSignatare’ 6a exiting od ne] |, hithecte known a+ SANTOSH GUPTA wite of Sh, NARLSIT GUPTA, « Howevifa, joing C-196, Secodd bor, MIG Flas, C8 Ama, Mayan. Reus ‘ade, New Deli 10068, have chinged ray oar? ac shall herafes be kovwn at NEHA GUPTA, 18 Js verti shat Fave covliod with othr legal eqexments nthe connection SANTOSH GUPTA, sigue tin crining ob care 2” ME GAZETTE OF INDIA, JANUARY (4, 2006 (PAUS 24,1977) [esd |. hides known as MERNAKSHT nite of Sk. SUSE. KUMAR, House wi, esiding at 18, LOA. Ta Packer], Seed, Dwdtin, New Deli, Rave chong fay puis and shall heveaftar he kaowa ax MEENA KUMAR, 1 ening that Cee compli ah other Ing vowiremante fn thie sonnet MEENAKSIL [Signaure Gn existing off sams, 4, kiteais kouwn ax FYOTT CHFADRA wife of Sh SANDEEP UPPAL. as Hoost ito, sosding, at 147 Siddhartha Enelve, New Deli-1 OLA have changed ‘my rome ard shall keeafer be known as KOMAL CPPaAL, Wis aiid that Fave compa wit oes eit requiromens In ths eouncetion, INDI CHNABRA Isigasion Gn exiting 03 nem { hithens known as CUREREET SINGH son of Sh DUAGWANY SINGH, residing a 8.21. Bathelned Ay BH, Bleek, Vikagpuri, Kew Boh, have chuaged iny wate and shail hereafer be Angin ae GUEPREET SINGH DHINGRA. Tis eet thal | we somo wl ole feel requtioenns 1 ths eyemeton CURPRER SiNGH (Segre tn existing old maT A, hitcts Kron ns SAVER [ALN son of Sri RAM KUMAR JAIN. siding se A-2!0 Sector 5. Robin, Detki-!:UiK5, have changed Ge paie of ny minor 308 ABHIARY JAIN nged Le years an hs shall Recah ‘be havira ae HARSIE TAB 1s cetied hat 1 Seve complied with oer tgs! requnemenrs 10 dis connects, SATBRRR JAIN [Sigoarure af Gusedian] 1. bthero Known ss PRAVEEN KUBAR GUPTA wo , lo Shvt LAKSURIAS PRASAD, residing at 62, Sl" Kooheru Colony. Ghuzinbd, have olaoged my wate sad ‘ull herender fe knosn ne PRAVEEN UMA 1s cersied that have compli wth vlnr tegat regina I thie cacti PRAVEEN KUMAR GUPTA we in extn ofl nace ie 1, hikes hoon ay RAYNOR SINGLE em of Sh NOGIKDEN SINC. a Rusnessman, residing 38 A, 2s Sie Apparat. C7, Wes! tcl, Porn Par, Dell as chanvad ray sane and dl Aseeier be rosin a RAVINIA SINGH BASL: (is cerifiod that have complied with othr legal regoremes in this eonnestion, RAVINDER SINGH [ignatue fn wing ol ane] [hiro krown as BENDER SINGLE SHARMA son of Shui KANHIYS LAL SHARMA, sessing a 19, [Ashutosh agar, Dist. Dehtsdun. Cectaucha have changed my name and shall heecaier fe Revo BUENDLR KUMAR SHARMA, (ie sein? an Chane woplied ih wher lak requirements sn this cena, UENDER SINGH SHARMA ‘Signotuw Ga exiting ufd name) biker ker as DEEPA KURDIA, doaulter of Sh. TN RUNDEA, tositiny as C250, Adbuh Vike, Phase, Dot’ IG, have chamgot ny eam Sat hereafter be know ae Mov. ANSHE GULSTL 1s cetial s8ar 1 base eociplied with other legal rexniebeenty 21 his eomageion, DERI KENDICA [Sigsme fin eitng lt ame) I, bitharo kawtn uf CLETA SHARMA daughter of Shut ASHOK KUMALL, nedig af Af, Old Govimlpir Paswaba Road, Dale T0061, Aue chan’ ey me and sll hereliet be keowa 9p ULLTU, 1 in eetified tot 1 hive conpied wth ole legal raygivatents in this snare GELEIA SUARMA, [Ssgnmuie Gi existing lM name)] 5, itera nye ay ABDRUT PAL. SINC con of Sede TOCINDIR SINGH, residing a! £29, Orevter Keech Faetavr, Parl, Now Doth have changed he name ty aur aun rors ALIS HAL SING fy LATELY PAL SICA lor at popes leat covtod thal T have mpi with ether leg reyiremenis in this eonncetisn, AMRIT TAL SINGH (Sigeaiue of Gouna Par M1 ‘TAR GAZETTE GF INDIA, IANDARY 14, 2006 (PAUSA 24, 1927) 8 1, hitherts koost ay SANTOSH ite of AKTAM ALAM, residing «1 87-52 A, Und Floor, Madhys Marg. ‘Toghlaabad, New Osi UNIS, have changed ey oar snd shall Reeser Be knoum a6 TASMEEN ALAM, 1 ie erie that 1 baew eoeptind wih ener Le ecurements this soonest, SANTOSH ISigaunoe dia rising old ane)] f, hitherto koown a2 SURESH KUMAR son of ‘Shel SATYA. SHARMA, residing a1 RAO, Saco I7A, ‘Gurpaon, Horyans, have changed my atacand sll bereiier be Inown se SURUSHT KUMAR KAUSHIK. 1 is eetiied Mat T hase complied with other Ia ‘equiemans in this comnecdon, SURESH KUMAR. {signamce Gn ering old name) 1, bites kaoen ac ANKE MENTA daughier af BHARAT KUMAR MEHTA, « student of MA. (Geonomize, Jamin Mila lumi University, Okhla. Boe Doli, ceeding a M-9S, Saket, New Delb-110017, have hanged myname ap shall teat he Known a6 ‘AANKOO MENIA Fis orig thar J have complies wh ether legal requirements in this coneeton, ANKU MEHTA (Signmuce Cin esting of mane) 1, hiderta brown of BALAWANTH son of SUCHET YADAV, employed a Shunian in the OMtice of Aly Sttion Managee, Bamackpore, resilng at Bly. Or. 22! , Rarrackpore, Dist, North 24, Parganae P.O. Bacrnckpors, Kotkate-70U120, West Weogal, have changed! my name and shall kereafor be Known 3s ALAWANT YADAN. Ue ett thar T have commited with cer teal squroments in this connestion, be AnANTS [Signaure fin axisiug oid samey] 1. bers tnown ns SHO MUNI SAHU GOND son of Late JAGANNATH PRASAD, conployed as Brarine™ ‘Master Crista, Soeen-QC (She), T No, 268, F Nr (061380 wo he Gun de Shell Facey, Cosipom, Kelis ‘o00n2, Minivay of Detonee, Govt of India, rsd 3 2, Prya Nah Mulerio Read. Kolkas-700002, bave hanged ny name and hal retin be Aousrn 3¢ $HIO- ‘MNT GOND. 1 is eetlied that L hove sompied with oter feud requirements in this connection Si MUNI SAU COND [Signature (in exiting okt wane) 3, Ridherto_Enows af BRAMAMPAL sun of Late BIUTHAR, resHling at VO. Kapashera, Nos! Dolhit10037, fave changed my name aed stall hele ‘be knows as BILTD alin BRAHAMPAL 1s sented tac T have conpled with oie legal requirments in this conection, BRATAMPAL ‘Signamre cin exiing ok nave) 1, Kites» known oe Met. MEENA XAHUL aif of Shei VIAY KUMAR, residing at 2-7 Re 1, Sefdrung [Bclive, Now Dethi-110009, hyve changed ny aame and shall heveafar be brown ap Mis, PRABHA CHITIBEER, 1 i eemfed that T-beve complied with other eget sequgemen in iis eonsectlon Dire MEENA KASOL [Sigastore (in existing old nemedT 1, hitherto Keown a¢ MILRED BARRY wife of Mi. RAHUL PARASHAR,tesiding at sbop Plot No. 6, Pandey Nagar, Opp. Motber Dury, iat Moor. Del: 110082, have changed my mare and shell becca be kigoon as) MILI BARASHAR 1s cenifed tht { bave complied with other legal regurceomts in thie conoeetion ‘MILRED BARRY [Sigastue Gin exising of8. ame] 1, Micro known ay BHUPINDER SIDHU con of Styi SADE SINGH, residing 1 280, A-A. Tak Por, [New Delh-1100SR, heve changed roy name and stall, hesfer be known xs BHUFENDRA SIDDHU. 1 ix coaied that T havo complied wid eter legal requirements ia his coonceion BHUPDIDER SIDHU [Sigoanre do existing old name) [.Witeno known as VINOD KAPOOR sou of She B. 2, KAPOOR, employed a¥ Accoontam ia the D. V. Tbternational, 4-58, C. T. Kara Road, nll. Ata, Deli-T1U033, residing 7/40, Subhash Nay. Now ‘Defi10027, nave changed my rane and tall heros he krown as VINGD KAPOOR, » HLL GAZETTE CUE INDIA, YANUAKY |e, 3006 (PAUSA 24, “95 Tram 1 a cerbhed that have complied woth othr legal exutmemente a his someon ‘VINO? KAPOOR Isigeaune Gn existing ore rare) (haters kaewo at MOKINDER BASSIN son uf ‘Sh, AIIT RAL BASSIN residing a1 228. Seu, Pep “Yikar, New Delt IGGL? hase shongal the nore of my runor son fom MANAS BASSIN ry PRAANAY BASIN fa a purposes Ie iy Song that T have eennliee will thor legal oquiemens ia thie sourostion, MOIUNDER. BASIN Wignawre of Gxadioa huherd> brown se SUIASAL PRAMOD EPIL sow of Tate SHIRSAT PETER DANIEL. erploye! ‘Mampe-Ramp inthe Ae [aa nied, TOA T. 2. New DRti-tHU O52, residing cl 22-72, Gai No LAS, Sadk [agar dla Colony, Nee Dae 1h O23, Maso change the aime of ry miner dsogher PRIVANEA PRAMO! SHIRSST age 16 venne and she shall heresies he brown STINE PEER, Ie is eecfiad at T have complete with oboe legal sogetemen’s ia this connsctien, AIIRSKT-PRAMON PETER {1Siguaure of Cuarcian 1, bitumen ps PARMARAND TANIA. se Sb. GURDAYAT. TANRIA enaplased ae Salevnon hop at Soin Nagar, Raitng ab 18D, Dhaka Vas, Den 1000 have cg my same a shal eal be knsin #9 PARDEDP TANLIA. 11 fe outed pot F baw complies tle ler bai seqnivemens in this eynncction FARMANARID TARLTA [Signsture (i existing le name] 1, bilesia Yagwe aie MUNISTT AN se of Lace AMABENDKA SUMAR JAIN 3 Busines ia Dek, rosiing «1% Jind Flow, Pustpaniali. Det-L008, Ihave ctangsd my mame st stall hetnfiar he kwon MAMISH KUMAR JAIN. 1 is ext cha tise comptisd deter lege ssquiremens (a fie cunneoion MGNISEE JAIN [signatre fp exiag oid nares] 1 hitherty Ensen ay BORBY GOEL sm af Sh ISHVAR CHAND GOB. a Businzsemen in Dat residing at C4152, Yanune Soha Doll MOSS, baw ‘Guanged my oasne ued shall hetefer be Rowen 38 IISHANT GOL, Tr ix seid thar T tone complicg wi caer Ise quire in tie connection BORRY GOEL. [signature Ge exons oi ame, 1, hi:kenia known as ANHOK KOMAR suf Sh CTIAMAN TAL, emtoyee Tooriiee Ader in the Mis Newyork Fnsurarea Chispary. Var hast, Hasan seontng ut She BMS, Sst "h ea Beles iy {E0U83, have cbawsed rap ne sd al eee tet Lnoom ae ASTIGK KUMAR ALORA, 1 is somifiatshet | base empath ob kal ASHOK Kidane {Siznotue Gin iting san? © 1, hulkeris haute vs LBLAAK AUMAR on of sh RANT SRRAN, song WA-UZMB, Phin Co, Now Dh HONG oye chanel re nae aul sal lhwafar he nest ab DEEPAK DHINGRA 1 fe cette ig L Too. complied with eller fal sesinemems #9 Js coneeeion DEEPAK KUMAR, iSipratue Gn esting, ld na] 1. bitin kuch a8 SURINDER SINGH) san of St HAM SINGH, sing Vilage & Pest Oise Goeth Dia. Thaza, Hoagie, have chan ene 169 shall Bowen be kin ee AHLAWAT SURINDER SINGH, 1 cual at T tae corte with othe Teg require In ils ronceston, SURINDER SINGH ‘Sigsaune Cin esting ale ml 1 thes known 36 STASI BALLABH sor af St, GUNA NARD MAMCATR engl 48 UDC. ie Ministry fa Jinan, Depi, of Revenue, New Del siding at G-380, Nua Wagst, Mow Dethi, he hanged te tame and sbail 1ercsley be known = SHASIP. BALLAST MAMGAIA, Tes gti a Eve compo with other Legal ssquivements SHASIO BALLABHL [Signature io existing ole ae!) THE GAPETTR Or INDIA, JANUARY 14, 2006 (PAUA 24, 1927) a Par 5, Mithedy knows wx ARIALA GOYAL wife of Mc SUNIL GARG 2% House wife, residing =! 4298, Tatskper. Now Deli! 10058, have changed gy nace nd shall hares be known ae AND GARG. 1 is cerded thar 1 have commplid wih other Ica equieements 12 this connection. ANIALE GOYAL [Signawre (in exsing td nee) [clit known 9¢ BASUKEE NATH MISHRA soa of Sh LEELA KANT MISHRA emploved at Bled in ‘Avuiksh Apanments Croup Housing Soe, Soew-18, Extension, Rohmi, Delt J10085 resizing a House No 522, Hanjra Call, Hederpur, Delhi, have chowgod my ‘ame and shall heeafer be own a5 RAKLSH KUMAR. 1t is cericd that I bave complicd with ofc legel rextements in Dis connection. DASUKEE NATH MISHRA, ISiguatue: Ga exiting old say) 3, Nierio kuosty at ANURADHA daugbler of Sh RAJPAL, residing ae VP 159 B, Phampurs, Dehi- 10036, have changed my name and sll Reeser Be owas as ANURADHA PA 1 iy sete that 1 fave complied with exer logal requiem ty conection ANURADIIA [Signature xiang old nomet] 1, tatherio known as GAYNERI SHARMA wife of Sh, RAVI SHANKAR KAUSHIK, residing at Hat No, 63, Ciniv Apartment, Plot No. [6,-Sector 13, Rahis Dele 110085, have changed my nore and shall heratice Ine howe ae HEN! LATA KAUSHLE iis cerfied that I hose complied with exer leg requirements this connection GAYATRI SHARMA ISigoature Gn existing ol rare irte unown az SUNEETA KUMARI one of Sh.” AHLAWAT SURINDER SINGH, residing ax Vilage te Pose Oifise-Gochhi, Taail : Resi, Din, bajar lryans;, Rave changad myname sod shsll beteaRer bo ktewit at AHLAWAT SUNERTA KOMARI 1 ie cersifiea that T have complied with uber kgal raqutcoety im Ohi conection SUNHBUA KEAMAR [Signance Gin existing old ae)] |. bickerto known 32 DEVKIT HANDA sen of Sh SURENDER MOHAN MANDA, residing at 1532, cons end Xhsnna Cimns Pahargeay New Delhi L055, have chacged my meme and shall hereafier be koown as DEY HANDA. eis cond that T haw comptied ith or legs roquirewents inthis comestion, DEVKIY KANDA [Signarue G0, exiting old wns) 1, Sitherio known at LAXMI KHATWAN) wife uf Mr. SUNIL RIRPLANE, residing at A-4253, Paschim Vikas, New Deli-ILOUE3, have changed mj ane and stall brewer be kien 4 ASHIMIA, KIRPLAM 1k cet’ tnt 1 ave eximpliod with ater Isat reyocewents in this connection, LAXMI MAT WANT ISignmare fir ecistng olf uam)] 1. hers kaye as MANNAN KEAN soa of Sh AZIZ, KHAN, residing st 8-3/1. Chanakye Pare, Pathe Bond, New Balki-116038. bave chnnged wy cone and shal orper be knvet a8 MANNAN AHBIED. 1 ie certifi chat 1 hav sermpled with ther fegat requirements in this connection MANNAN KHAN Isignaiore (in existing old em) [hither koown 3¢ ANTDW seul Sted NARENDER OMAR, residing at R-296, New Rojonder Nowa, New Delb-110080, have changed my name and sll eae be known at ANITA DOAN, 1 bs cried that buss complied with Str Legal sequremects in his comection ANITA {Sigustare Gin sisting ob mae] 1, hitherto kavwn as DEEPAK KUMAR son of Sh, SHIY KUMAR VERMA, sing 2.21/30, Fin Hoos, ‘hras Vir, Lajpst Nag l¥, Nei Diet 7002, bane changed my cane il tal Hereafter be known te OIPAK VERMA, 1 te cami a # Rave ebmplied with her legal equiresents fn this connection DREPAK KUMAR (Sipuature Gu exstng old mare] 1, ho ncn os THAN SINGH som f Lae Sh BAM SINGH CHIAUDIIARY. employed 25 Cowecamin in te “CMIVIBN Neva Carmel, eid dng a 32 J, Poke, 2 THE GAZRITE OF INDIA, JANUARY 14, 2006 (PAUSA 24 wry rear ‘Nom Kendal, Mayur hur, Pate, Dee 19196, hve cchangud ry namie and aba‘l hergster be kavwn # SHIRAI SINGH CHAUDHARY. Tas seid hat J ae complied th other legal ruiteren 8 eonneaan, Han SINGH [Signaure Gn exisorg el care)] 1st oon 8D: SINGH en of a Shs BACHAN SINGH, onpliyed 14 Sower Avian the Tad Oi Gorpenition Lid. 18, BT DSO, resting at € 1/21, ‘Yarnina Vihar, DORLIWSS, have chanead aoe cont sal Ievfler fe know 26 LEV SINGH RANS, 1 is equi) that | hase commied with oder Legal requceners i tis wonton ay stent iSignoune Gn exiting oI rine 1. hithato knowe ae CRANDFT. SHPKHER soo ot Shui CAL SINGH CITAIBBLM. eesdug at No, 6172, Athol Nigie, Now Del 10018, bv sharp wy 2ame fed shall Foreafter be knuwa as CIVANDES SHEKHAR. CHENBBER. 8 cerafiod thal Tove eompliad vith other Legal equine in this «onecti, CHANDEK SHEKHAR Sigostae Gin ecisig S18 wa) 1 tetera ou s¢ SALOCHNA FEIRANE davghcr of Shn NANAK RAN. peding a! 282, SES Masel ol Nib, Beth] DE, ave chinges ay wane ed nD fevelin Se hiooe e SONIA PEIRANL iris seriou sta 1 save samp wily ether Joye requis ow this eanmcetion, SALUCHISA VEIRANT iSignatoe Gn exiting 'U rama 1. hihsre kaon af RAMIBIK, a ot Sh, CLTARDLR SINGH, ciployad a Sorvioos in tbo Peli. sng a Hogs ti, 8. Nha Ioan Meham, Roe, Wary) hese changed uy fe aa all Retcaor fe kone RANBIR KHATR, 1m cai! hat C have samplied with ober lesa enna [Sinai Gis ening Md wane} 1. bithers: known as BLLDIP SINGH son of Su SURIAN SINCTL, employed a5 Sot, Hepleya ia 374086-81, Reghse Pura. Karol Bagh, New eth 1000S. veiling af 7A, Fit Mont, rol Sis, WEA, ‘aro Bagh, Kew Deli-LLO005, hne changed rey asme fant aball hered!ier be howe as KULDIP SINGH, RANDHAWA, fe watied that T have complied wth her Srzat rmgoiremnts ins eemetin SULDP sta Isiguatee tn existing old camel] J. hiro know at ANTU GOSAD wife of RAJAN COSA, reiting ADC, Lewranee Road, Deth38, fuse clined the wane af minor san "PRATEEK SHARMA’ aged 6th yore an stall been be Foo ts PRATEEK GOSAL 1 cetifiod that Fhe sompied wt eter Legal reqirmonn i is ceunecon, ARIU GOSAT Signacee af Gonaius] 1, hiesio kno ai SHAKILA KAPIOK wite of SORA HAM KAWAOU, a Hownife eidvg at IS-BI Bick, Pte Piz Della, ve china my ume sak slat teat bs Kowa 9 SUNTIA. KAPOOR, Tem cof that have complied with ihe egal revives fn thee vores SARHILA KAPOOK ‘Signature uo exising ald tame] 1. hire emu ag SURRSLL KUMAR yon of Fate ‘i, UARAS RAM, ewzleyot of Sub. Di. Eagneee the Dap uf Mabanagar Hepions Nigua LM. Office of G A lobe). Delhi, esiemg 9h H, Mo. 6 Risser 16, Second, Bu, Defi OOS, bave changed my name and shall hetea:er be snow oe SUKESIE KUMAR Barra 18 ees Mar have mpi oth other egal roeieant in his semece.an, SURESH KUNA (Signatwe fn existing old noms] 5, hiker kwtrn ae SWONDER SINGH son ut SaecJARNALL SINGEE emmloyed as Machinst a0 the Mis. Naspres Eagansormg Works, ab Mayapui. Neve Dei, reaiing £1 822837100, Gall Bu. 4 Mado Cali, Visnw Gorcen, New Dee /I0018, nave changed try ig and shell hoger be hauwra #6 SURINDER, SINGH BUTIAN,

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