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Union Government, Weekly, 1998-01-10, Part I-Section 1, Ref. Q-11012-2-97-98-ARPU. PDF

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Preview Union Government, Weekly, 1998-01-10, Part I-Section 1, Ref. Q-11012-2-97-98-ARPU.

REGISTERED NO. DL—33001/98 The Gazette Of India PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 2] NEW DELHI. SATURDAY. JANUARY 10, 1998 (PAUSA 20, 1919) (Seperate Paging is Given to this part in order that it may be filed as a seperate compilations) 1—401 GI/97 (45) 46 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, JANUARY 10, 1998 (PAUSA 20, 1919) PART I—SEC. 1] CONTENTS PAGE PAGE PART I— SECTION l—Notifications relating to Non- PART II—SECTION 3—SUB-SEC (iii)—Authoritative Statutory Rules, Regulations, Orders texts in Hindi (other than such texts, Pub- and Resolutions issued by the Ministries lished in Section 3 or Section 4 of the of the Government of India (other than Gazette of India) of General Statutory the Ministry or Defence) and by the Roles & Statutory Orders (including Supreme Court . 45 Bye-laws of a general character) issued by the Ministries of the Government of PART I—SECTION 2—-Notiflcations regarding Ap- India (including the Ministry of Defence pointments. Promotions, Leave etc. of and by Cetral Authorities (other than Government Officers lamed by the Minis- Administration or Union Territories) • tries of the Government of India (other than the Ministry of Defence) and by the Supreme Court 27 PART II—Section 4—Statutory Rules and Orders Issued by the Ministry of Defence PART I—SECTION 3— Notifications relating to Reso- lutions and Non-Statutory Orders issued by the Ministry of Defence . • . 1 PART III—SECTION I -Notifications issued by the High Courts, the Comptroller and Audi, PART I —SECTION 4 —Notifications regarding Appoint- tor General, Union Public Service Com-, t ments. Promotions, Leave etc. of Govern- mision, the Indian Government Rail- ment Officers issued by the Ministry of ways and by Attached and Subordinate Defence 41 Offices of the Government of India PART II—SECTION 1—Acts, Ordinances and Regula- * tions PART III—SECTION 2—Notifications and Notices issued by the Patent offices, relating to PART II—SECTION 1.A— Authoritative exts in Hindi Patents and Designs . . .. 3t language of Acts Ordinances and Regu- • lations . . .. PART II SECTION 2 —Bills and Reports of the Select PART III—SECTION 3— Notifications issued by or Committee on sills * under the authority of Chief Commis- sioners PART -SECTION 3-SUB-SECTION (i)—General Statutory Rules (Including Orders, Bye- laws, etc, of general character) issued by Part III —Section 4 -Miscellaneous Notifications the Ministries of the Government of including Notifications, Orders, Advertise- India (other than the Ministry of Defence) ments and Notices issued by Statutory and by Central Authorities (other than Bodies 303 • the Administration of Union/Territories PART II SECTION 3-SUB-SECTION (ii)_ Statutory PART IV-Advertisements and Notices issued by Orders and Notifications issued by the Private Individuals and Private Bodies. 5 Ministries of the Government of India (other than the Ministry of Defence) and by Central Authorities (other than the • PART V-Supplement showing Statistics of Births Administration Union Territories) and Deaths etc both in English and Hindi. *Folios not received 47 [PART I-SECTION l] [Notifications relating to Non-Statutory Rules, Regulations, Orders and Resolutions issued by the Ministries of the Government of India (other than the Ministry of Defence) and by the Supreme Court) 48 49 PLANNING COMMISSION mission Resolution No. Q-11012/2/97 98-ARPU dated 14th july 97, with immediate effect. New Delhi-110001, the 1st December 1997 ORDER RESOLUTION Ordered that a copy of the Resolution be communicated No. Q-11012/2/97-98-ARPU.—Consequent upon appoint- to the Chairman and Members of the Planning Team, all ment of Dr. Ram Nath as Vice-Chancelloe of Chandra concerned Ministries and Departments of State Governments Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture & Technology, and Government of India. Kanpur (UP) in place of Dr. I. P. S. Yadav, Dr. Ram Nath will be the Chairman of Zonal Planning Team—V (Upper ORDERED also that the Resolution be published in the Gangetic Plains Region), constituted vide Government of Gazette of India for general information. India. Planning Commission Resolution No. Q-11012/2/97- ARVIND KUMAR ALIPURIA 98-ARPU dated 14th July, 97, with immediate effect. Dy. Secy. (Admn.) ORDER The 12th December 1997 ORDERED that a copy of the Resolution be communicated to the Chairman and Members of the Planning Team, all RESOLUTION concerned Ministries and Departments of State Governments and Government of India. No. Q-11012/2/97-98-ARPU.~Consequent upon appoint- ment of Dr. K, Pradhan as Vice-Chancellor of Rajasthan ORDERED also that the Resolution be published in the Agricultural University, Bikaner in place of Dr. R. K. Patel, Gazette of India for general information. Dr. K. Pradhan will be the Chairman of Zonal Planning Team-XIV (Western Dry Region), constituted vide Govern- ARVIND KUMAR ALIPURIA ment of India, Planning Commission Resolution No. Q- Dy. Secy. (Admn.) 11012/2/97-98-ARPU dated 14th July, 97, with immediate effect, . ORDER ORDERED that a copy .of the Resolution be communicated 10 the Chairman and Members of the Planning Team, all RESOLUTION concerned Ministries and Departments of State Governments and Government of India, No. Q-11012/2/97-98 ARPU.— Consequent upon appoint- ment of Shri R. K. Bhujabal us Vice-Chancellor of Orissa, ORDERED also that the Resolution be published in the University of Agriculture & Technology, Bhubaneswar in Gazette of India for general information. place of Dr K. Pradhan, Shri Bhujabal will be the Chairman of Zonal Planning Team-VII (Eastern Plateau and Hill(Re- ARVIND KUMAR ALIPURIA gion). constituted vide Government of India. Planning Com- Dy. Secy. (Admn.) 50 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, JANUARY 10, 1998 (PAUSA 20, 1919) [PART I-SEC. l] MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (V) Representatives from Insurance company, (DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE & COOPERATION) 1. M/S. Oriental Insurance Company, New Delhi. New Delhi, the 19th December 1997 (VI) Representative of State Labour Cooperatives Federations RESOLUTION 1, Chairman/Chief Executive Maharashtra Forest No. N-11013/5/97-CWS.—In continuation of this De- Federations, Nagpur. partments resolution No. N-11013/12/94 CWS dated 18 th Maharashtra, May, 1995 it has been decided to reconstitute the National Advisory Council on Labour Cooperatives (NACLC) for all 2, Chairman/Chief Executive period of two years. The composition of the Council will Delhi State Labour be as follows : Federations, New Delhi. 3. Chairman/Chief. Executive. Chairman) Andhra Pradesh State Union Agriculture Minister Labour Federation, Hyderabad. Vice-Chairman (VII) Non-Officials Union, Minister of Slate for Agriculture 1. Shri Jagat Narain Singh. Members Khopa, Jhanjharpur, Madhubani, Bihar. (1) Union Government 1. Shri Chandrika Prasad Singh At & PO : Katona, Via : 1. Secretary, Ministry of Labour Warsaliganj, Distt. Nawada 2, Secretary, Ministry of Bihar . Urban Development (VIII) Member-Secretary 3. Secretary, Ministry of Rural Joint Secretary, Cooperation Areas &- Employment Division. Department of 4. Additional Secretary, Deptt. Agriculture & Cooperation, of Agriculture & Cooperation I'he terms of references of the Council, are :— {II) Representatives from the States, (1) To review the progress of the working of Labour Co- 1. Minister (Cooperation) "Govt. operatives. of Maharashtra, Mumbai 12) To suggest measures for enlisting active participation 2. Minister (Cooperation/Forest) of workers in the programme and promoting initia- Govt. of Bihar, Patna. tive and leadership among them. 3. Secretary (Cooperation/Forest ) (3) To suggest guidelines for reservation of skilled and Govt. of West Bengal, unskilled works by work awarding agencies in Calcutta. favour of cooperatives. (III) Representatives from State/National Level Institutions. (4) To advise on policy, administration, financial and • technical support to labour cooperatives, 1. Chairman National Federation of Labour Cooperatives Ltd., (5) To advise on the formulation of programme relating (NFLC) New Delhi, to development of the members or these cooperatives, and 2. Managing Director, Tribal Cooperative Marketing (6) To advise on such measures as are relevant to the Development Federation of terms of reference of the council. India (TRIFED), 3 Siri Institutional Area, The council may, whenever considered necessary, appoint Khel Gaon Marg, New Delhi. committee to deal with different aspects of the programme of labour 'cooperatives. Such committees may co-opt for speci- 3. Managing Director, Minor fic purpose, persons having expert knowledge of the related Forest Produce Cooperation. problems or having appropriate field experience. Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. 4. Managing Director, No. TA/DA will be paid to the Government representatives Cooperative Union, Assam, and other members representing various cooperative interests. Guwahati, The organisations which they represent, would meet the costs of TA/DA etc. Persons not representing any organisa- 5. Chief Executive, National tion are requested to attend the meetings of the council and Federation of Urban its committees, will be. paid TA/DA admissible to grade-I Cooperative Banks and Officers of the Government of India. Credit Societies Ltd. (NAFCUB), B-14, third Floor ORDER A Block. Shopping Complex, Naraina Vihar, ORDERED that a copy of the Resolution bo communicated Ring Road, New Delhi-1100028. to all concerned. (IV) Representatives of International Labour O r g a n i s a t i o ns ORDERED also that the resolution be published in the 1 Shri G. K. Sharma, ICA, Gazette of India for general information. New Delhi. PAUL JOSEPH 2. Representative of ILO, Jt. Secy New Delhi. Printed by the Manager, Govt of India Press, Faridabad and Published by the. Controller of Publications, Delhi. 1998

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