REGISTERED No. DL-33001/95 The Gazette of India PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 2] NEW DELHI, SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 1995 (PAUSA 24, 1916) [Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a separate compilation] [PART III—SECTION 2] [Notifications and Notices Issued by the Patent Office relating to Patents and Designs] THE PATENT OFFICE Patent Office Branch, 61, Wallajah Road, PATENTS AND DESIGNS Madras-600002. Calcutta, the 14th January 1995 The States of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, ADDRESS AND JURISDICTION OF OFFICE OF THE Tamilnadu, and the Union Territories of Pondicherry, PATENT OFFICE Laccadive, Minicoy and Aminidivi Islands. The Patent Office has its Head Office at Calcutta and Telegraphic address "PATENTOFIS". Branch Offices at Bombay. Delhi and Madras having terri- srial Jurisdiction on a zonal basis as shown below:— Patent Office (Head Office), Patent Office Branch, Todi "NIZAM PALACE", 2nd M.S.O. Estates. III Floor. Lower Building. 5th. 6th and 7th Parel (West), Bombay-400013. Floor, 234/4, Acharya Jagadish The States of Gujarat, Maharashtra and Madhya Bose Road, Calcutta-700020. Pradesh and the Union Territories of Goa, Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli. Rest of India. Telegraphic address "PATOFFICE". Telegraphic address "PATENTS". Patent Office Branch, Unit No. 401 to 405, III Floor, All applications, notices statements or other documents Municipal Marketing Buildings, or any fees required by the Patents Act, 1970 or the Patents Saraswati Marg. Karol Bagh, Rules, 1972 will be received only at the appropriate Offices New Delhi-110005. of the Patent Office. The States of Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Fees :—The fees may either be paid in cash or may be Kashmir, Punjab, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh and the sent by Money Order or payable to the Controller at the Union territories of Chandigarh and Delhi. appropriate Offices or by bank draft or cheque. payable to the Controller drawn on a scheduled bank at the place where Telegraphic address "PATENTOFIC" the appropriate office is situated. 4l7GI/94 (19) 2» THB GAZETTE OF MDlA, JANUARY 14, 1995 (PAUSA 24, 1916) [PART Ill-SBC. 2 COiWWGEMWJl/ 913/Cal/94. Chuan-Tien Cheng, and Wu-Chen Chuang. Im- provement in the reed frame structure for weaving In the Gazet'e of India, Part-Ill, Sec. 2, dated the 11th machine having magnetically-propelled shuttle. June, 1994 page 512, Col.-2 read the application for patent 914/Cal/94. Harnischfeger Corporation. Weld Joint Con- No. 196/Bom/91 to-rtead of 109/Bom/91. tainer. APPLICATION FOR PATENT FILED AT THE HEAD 4th November 1994 OFFICE 234/4, ACHARYA JAGADISH BOSE ROAD, 915/Cal/94. Sudip Kumar Dutta. An Electrical Heating CALCUTTA-20 Device operating on electrolysis of water. The dates shown in the crecent branch are the dated claimed 916/Cal/94. MPR Associates, Inc. Method and apparatus under Section 135, of the Patent Act, 1970. for repairing boiling water reactor shrouds. 1st November 1994 917/Cal/94. Alexander Vasil'Evich Gurlnov, Vladimir Niko- layevich Kostritsa. Ipor" Vladimirovch Petrov, 908/Cal/94. Hans O*tiker Ag Maschinen-und Apparatefabrik. and Vpleryi Fvodorovich Sukhostavets. Method Earless, Stepless clamp structure. and appratus for torch working materiali. 909/Ca]/94. Siemens Aktiengcsellschaft, Gas Valve. 918/Cal/94. Commonwealth Scien'iflc and Industrial Re- search Organisation and QMC (Magnesium) Pty. 2nd November 1994 Ltd. Anhydrous Magnesium Chloride. 910/Cal/94. Hoechst Aktiengesellschaft, On-line control and analvss of industrial svnthesis and dyeincr pro- 7th November 1994 cesses uniina UV/VIS spectroscopy and multi- component analysis. *19/Cal/94. SwapBn Kumar Chattopadhyay. Novel Com- pos'tions Containng a metallic sol-gel and useful 911/CaI/94. Glitsch. nc. Process to recover Benzene from as a bonding agent. mixed Hydrocarbons. 920/CaI/94. Paque^ B.V. Method and device for the anae- 912/Cal/94. F F Seeley Nominees Pty. Ltd. Air Cooler robic fermentation of solid organic waste mate- filter pad arrangement. rials. *A»T Hi—tec. 21 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, JANUARY 14, 1995 (PAUSA 24, 1916) 21 921/00/94. Wertinghouse Electric Corporation. Improve- 942/Cal/94. Aarti Healthy Wealthy Happy Life Co. (Pvt.) ments in or relating to gas turbine vane cooling Ltd. A Novel Mattress, system. 943/Cal/94. Aarti Healthy Wealthy Happy Life Co. (Pvt) Ltd. A Novel pillow. 7th November 1994 944/Cal/94. Aarti Healthy Wealthy Happy Life C6. (Pvt.) 922/Cal/94. Westnighouse Electric Corporation. System for Ltd. A Novel Quilt. controlling combustion in a gas combustion-type Turbine. 945/Cal/94. H D Plastics Limited. Scalable bags and other containers. (Convention No. 9323375.7 doted 923/Cal/94. Westlnghouse electric Corporation. Improve- 12-11-93 in United Kingdom, Convention No. ments in or relating to gas turbine blade alloy. 9324009.1 dated 22-11-93 in United Kingdom.) 924/Cal/94. Indian Association for the Cultivation of science 946/Cal/94. Goldstar Co. Ltd. Deodorizing device for. refri- Energy Research Unt. A novel combination of plasma enhanced chemical vapour depostion and gerator. heated filament for the deposition of thin solid 947/Cal/94. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft. Method and device films. |or analysing a diagnosis of a service ability stato «25/Cal/94. Krone Aktiengesellschaft. Coupling device bet- of a technical system. ween a glass fibre and a dielectric waveguide. 948/Cal/94. Hannelore Binsmaier nee Gallin-Ast. A modular 926/Cal/94. Daewoo Electronics Co., Ltd. Thin film power station for the production prmarily of hydrozen from solar energy and a method of actuated Mirror array for use in an optical pro- .generation electric energy. jection system and method for the manufacture ' . thereof. 14th November 1994 927/CW94. Virintelligent (BVI) Limited and Terence Leslie Johnson. Liquid crystal display. (Convention 949/Cal/94. Hans Oetiker Ag Maschinen-und Apparatcfab- No. 9322948.2; dated 8/11/93; United Kingdom). rifc Self Tightening Clamp structure. 928/Col/94. Goldstar Co. Ltd. Device for preparation and 950/Cal/94. Alden T. Gibbs. Slate mounting assembly. supply of Hexagonal water. 951A •« irf. Tohnson Electric S.A. Fotor for a miniature •otor. (Convention No. 9323614.9 dated 16-11-93 8th November 1994 "*TBat Britain.) <>19/Oal/94. Saint-Gobaln Vitrage. Process for the produc- tion of a laminated glass glazing having metal • 15th November 1994 wires hi the intermed.ate thermoplastic layer. 952 /jfc$ jser Textilmaschinen Gesellschaft Mit Bet- 930/C&1/94. Deutsche Thomson-Brandt GmbH. Rom-Ram .inkter Haftung. External Double-jaw brake Disk. T a spinning machine. 93i/Cal/94. Applexion. Process of manufacturing crystal 953/Cal/94. Indian Jute Industries' Research Association. sugar from an aqueous sugar juice such as cane -• Spring-loaded back-rest for conven.ional jute loom. juice or sugar beet juice. 954/CaV94. Callway Golf Company. Golf Club Head*.. 9th November 1994 16th November 1994 932/OJ/94. Leo One IP.L.L.C. Optimal converage satellite system. 955/Cal/94. Daewoo Electronics Co. Ltd. Array of thin film actuated mirrors for use in an optical pro- 933/Cal/94. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft. Image Creation jection system and method for the manufacture system for a technical process, and a test method thereof. for checking such a system. 956/Cal/94. Autorobot Finland Oy. Equipment and method »34/Cal/94. Goldstar Co. Ltd. Method for Controlling Con- in veh-de alignment work. centrated Hea'.ing/Cooling operation in a inver- tible air conditioner, 957/Cal/94. Dow Corning S.A. Process for polymerisation. (Convention No. 9325342.5 dated HM2*»& in 933/Cal/94. Vishnu Kumar Kheria. New Foldable safety United Kingdom). Razor. 958/Cal/94. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial ?*- 10th November 1994 searcht Organisation. A Bidirectional ArflpHflor. (Convention No. PM2445 dated 16-11-93 in 936/Cal/94. Staedtler & UHL. Feed Comb Arrangement. Australia.) 937/Cal/94. Philips Petroleum Company, Monovinyl Aro- matic/conjugated diene copolymers and method 959/Cal/94. Om Chandra Kafley. Kafleys process for denl* of preparation. cotinising tobacco leaves for the manufacture of denicotinised cigarettes and o her items of smook*- 938/Cal/94, H D Plastics Limited. Scalable bags and ing, snuffing and chewing tobacco. other containers. (Convention Nos. 9323375.7, 9324009.1; dated 12-11-93, 22-11-93; United 17th November 1994 Kingdom). 960/Cal/94. Hydra Tools International Pic. Mining Machine 10th November 1994 etc. (Convention No. 9323945.7 dated 20-11-93 in Great Britain.) 939/Cal/94. Goldstar Co. Ltd. Device for fixing heat ex- changer of air conditioner. 961/Cal/94. Seiko Telecommunication System* Inc. Group 940/Cal/94. Goldstar Co. Ltd. Device for preventing vibra- message delivery in a time-division multiplexed tion of wind direction control blades of air con- paging system. ditioner. 962/Cal/94. GMZ Holding Company. Disposable tooth- 11th November 1994 brush having min* flavored toothpaste composi- tion bonded to bristles thereof. 941/Cal/94. OPT Limited. High-speed digital subscriber lines. (Convention No. dated 11th November, 963/Cal/94. Goldstar Co. Ltd. Thexmal liwilation material 1993 In U.K.) foam. £2 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, JANUARY 14, 1995 (I*AUSA 24, 1916) [PART HI—$EC i APPLICATIONS FOR PATENTS FILED AT THE 10ll/Mas/94. J M Huber Corporation. Cost effective dental PATENT OFFICE BRANCH, 61, WALLAJAH ROAD, compositions containing novel sodium aluminisi- MADRAS-600 002 l.cates. 17th October 1994 1012/Mas/94. BASF Aktiengesellschaft. Purification of indigo. ^l/Mas/W. Pppinangady Vardarayaaa Nayak. A safety razor particularly for razor head having single 1013/Mas/94. Exergy Inc. Method and apparatus for con- edged blade/s. verting heat from Geothcrmal liquid and Geother- mal steam to electric power. »92/Mas/94. The Central Institute of Fisheries Technology. Production of fine grade absorbable surgical 1014/Mas/94, Eastland Technology Australia Pty. Ltd. gu.urcs from fish gut collagen. Syringe or liek parenteral device. (October 26, 1993 Australia.) 993 /Mas/94. WM, Wringlcy Jr. Company. Continuous gum base manufacture using sequential mixers. 20th October 1994 994/Mas/94. BASF Akticnjgesellschaft. Vat dyes, 10t5/Mas/94L Anita Do Ravindranath and Dr. U. S. Sarma. s Reducing the period of rott ng of coconut husks 995/Mas/94. Societe Des Produits Nestle S.A. A process for and upgrading the quality of unrcttcd green husk the production of instant black tea. diotr fibre. 996/Mas/94. Wm Wrigley Jr. Company. Continuous gum 1016/Mas/94. A, K. Technical Laboratory, Inc. Method for base manufacture double patidle mixing. injection stretch blow molding of polyethylene. 997/Mas/94. Akzo Nobel M.V. and Fina Research S.A. 1017/Maa/94.l Alpha Research Laboratories (P) Ltd. and Hydrocracking and hycirodewaxmg process. Kaemia Industries Ltd. Novel Speaker System, $98/Mas/94. The.Dow Chemical Company, Process for producing a high molecular wngnt epoxy resin. 21st October 1994 999/Mas/94. Lnpunow, Michael Grigorjewitsch, Abramow, 1008/Mas /94. Chellamma Gnanapurakasam Johnrose and Waleric Iwanowi.scn ana ooiiimeuUd. Process Kamalabai Russel Rajeev. Johnrose and Rajeev's Law of energy creation. for producing petrol of high octane number by- catalytic rcforniing and also a reactor carrying 1019/Mas/94.; Institute Francias Du Petrolc. Fluid aging out the process. mon toring device. 1000/ Mas/94. The South Ind.a Textile Research Associa- 1020/Mas/94.; Tulip Bay Pty. Ltd. Monitoring apparatus. tion and M/s. Jayalakshmi Engineering Manulac- turers (.P) Limited. Draw frame for sandwich bienuing of fibres, method of sandwich blending ALTERATION OF DATE UNDER SECTION 16 and drawing fibres therewith and fibres drawn thereby. 174599 (374/Cal/92) antedated to 29th January, 1991. 18th October 1994 1001/Mas<'94. Maschinenfabrik Rieter AG. Web Guide 174600. device, disposed in a combing machine between (376/Cal/92) antedated to 29th January, 1991. a pair of detaching rollers and a pair of deliver rollers. PRINTED SPECIFICATION PUBLISHED J,0Q2/M$s/94. ELF Atochem SA- Process for the purification of 1, 1, 1 2-tetrafluoroethane. A limited number of printed copies of the undcrnotetl 10O3/Mas/94. Sollac. Machine for removing burrs from specification ate available for sale from the Patent Office, Calcutta, and its branches at Bombay, Madras and Delhi at slabs issuing from a continuous casting installa- two rupees per copy :— tion and rotor employed in th.s type of burr- removing machine. 1 (D 1004/Mas/94. Zimmermann & Jansen GMBH. A double 162541 162542 162543 162544 162545 162546 162547 disk wedge valve. [Divided out of No. 276/Mas/1 162548 162549 162550 162551 162552 162553 162554 91, Anti-dated to 8-4-91.] 162555 162556 162557 162558 162559 162560 162561 lQQS/Ma»/94. Lilly London, Inc. Ammonia-free deposition 162563 162564 162565 162566 162567 162568 162569 of copper by disproportionatton. 162570 162571 162572 162573 162574 162576 162577 162578 162579 162580 162581 162582 162583 162584 \006/Mas/94. Institut Francais Du Petrols. Process for the 162585 162586 162587 162588 162589 162590 improved production of middle distillates jointly with the production of high viscosity oils with (2) high viscosity indices from heavy petroleum cuts. 162591 162592 162593 162594 162595 162596 162597 [007/Mas/94. Hoechst Aktiengescllschaft. Aqueous disper- 162598 162599 162600 162601 162602 162603 162604 sion of fluoropolymers, its preparation and use 162605 162606 162607 162608 162609 162610 162611 for coatings. 162612 162613 162614 162615 162616 162617 162618 162619 1626210 162621 162622 162623 162624 162625 1008/Mas/94. Kabushiki Kaisha Kobe Seiko Sho. Lubricant and method of manufacturing briquette using the 162626 162637 162628 162629 162630 162631 162632 same. 162633 16263(4 162635 162636 162637 162638 162639 162640 162641 162642 162642 162643 162644 l0O9/Mas/94. BiocUor (Proprietary) Limited. The meter- ing of liquids. (3) 162645 1626416 162647 162648 162649 162650 162651 19th October 1994 162652 162653 162654.162655 162656 162657 162658 162660 162661 162662 162663 162664 162<S65 162666 1010/Mas/94. Cudjbury Schweppe§ Pic. Process for manu- facture of reduced fat and reduced calorie cho- 162667 162668 162669 1762670 162671 162672- 182673 colate, (October 20. 1993 Great Britain! 162674 162675 162676 162677 .162678, 162679 162680 PAIT UV-SBP. 3] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, JANUARY 14, 1995 (PAUSA 24, 1916) 23 -COMPLETE SPECIFICATION ACCEPTED Ind. Cl. : 172 C4 174571 Int. Cl.* : D 01 H 5/18. Notice is hereby givan (bat any person interested in oppos- A DRAFTING DEVICE FOR SPINNING MACHINE. ing the grant of patents un any of the Applications concern- ed, may, at any time within four months of the date of this Applicant : MASCHINENFABRIK RIETER AG, A issue or within such further period not exceeding one month BODY CORPORATE ORGANISED UNDER THE LAWS OF SWITZERLAND, OF WINTERTHUR, SWITZERLAND. •applied for on Ferm-14 proscribed under the Patents Rules, 1972' before the expiry of the said period of four months, Inventor ; RUDOLF WEHRLI. given notice to the Conlroller of Patents at the appropriate Application No. 433/Mas/89 filed on 1st June 1989. office on the prescribed Form-15, of such opposition. The written statement of opposition should be filed alongwith the Appropriate Office for Opposition Proceedings (Rule 4, said notice or within one month of its date as prescribed in Patents Rules, 1972), Patent Office, Madras Branch. ttttl* 36 <rf (be Patepts Rulw, 1972. 5 Claims The ctauifications given below in respect of each specifica- A drafting device for a spinning machine comprising a tion are according to Indian Classification and International delivery roller pair defining a converging space, a roller and apron unit preceding said delivery roller pair in the direction Classification. of flow of fibres and a fibre guiding element disposed bet- ween the delivery roller pair and the roller and apron unit Typed or photo coptos of the specifications together with (Compl. Specn. 15 pages; Drwg. 5 sheets.) photo copies of the drawings, if any, can be supplied by the Patent Office, Calcutta or the appropriate Branch Office on payment of the prescribed copying charges which may be ascertained on application to that office. Photo copying charges may be calculated by adding the number of pages in Ind. Cl. : 114-F 174572 the specification and drawing sheets mentioned below against Int. CV : C 14 C 15/00. each accepted specification and multiplying the same by two to get the charges as the copying charges per paie are APPARATUS FOR TREATING A HIDE WITH A CHEr MICAL TREATMENT FLUID. R*. 2/-. Applicant: TANNING TECHNOLOGIES PTY. LTD., INCORPORATED IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA, OF 6, MONTROSE PLACE, BEAUMONT. 5066, SOUTH AUS- TRALIA, AUSTRALIA. Inventor : COLIN CHARLES ANDERSON. Application No. 467/Mas/89 filed June 14, 198*. Convention date ; June 15, 1988; (No. PI 8722; Australia). Appropriate Office for Opposition Proceedings (Rule 4, Patents Rules, 1972), Patent Office, Madras Branch. 13 Claims Apparatus for treating a hide (10) with a chemical twat- ment fluid which is applied to the hide, the hide when spread out to lie in a plane having a longitudinal dlqiAntion and a transverse dimension and a centre line (3&) extending along the length thereof in said longitudinal dimciuwMt ^the apparatus comprising : Stretching means (11) for stretching tha hid* (10) »° as to simultaneously extend the hide in both the longitu-' dinal dimension and the transverse dimension and thifce- by render the hide in a stretched condition, the hide in said streched condition being extended in both the longitudinal and transverse dimentions to an extent sufficient to open the hide structure ,and promote penqtra- tlon of said chemical treatment fluid into th* hwe- t» a result of the opening of the bide structure, said stretching means comprising engagement moans (14, 15, 40, 41) to engage the hide at a pluwLtjF of engagement points having multiple engagement points spaced apart and located on opposite tramvem si<M« of said centre line (20) and multiple engagement paints which are spaced apart in the longitudinal dimeacton, said multiple engagement points being dispersed through- out the entire surface area of the hide, said stretching means being operative to apply stretching forces to the hide at said engagement points, the stretching forces com- prising stretching forces applied in both th* liniftnthint dimension and the transverse dimension so as to there- by simultaneously stretch the hide (10) in both Aese dlmeniicms and thereby open the hide structure thrpugh- out said surface are« of (he hWe, «nd 24 IHE OAZET1E OF INDIA, JANUAftY 14, 1995 (PAUSA 24, 1916) IPAW HI—S«. 2 fluid applying means (30, 35) operative to apply said Applicant : BATTELLE MOMORIAL INSTITUTE, A chemical trcarment riu'd lo the hide where the hide is CORPORATION ORGANISED UNDER THE LAWS OF in said stretched condition in both the longitudinal THE STATE OF DELAWARE, U.S.A., Oh 505 KINO dimension and the transverse dimension so that the fluid AVENUE, COLUMBUS, OHIO 43201, U.S.A. penetrates in^o the opened structure, Inventors ; (1) RICHARD G. SINCLAIR, (Compl. Specn. 23 pages; Drwgs. 2 sheets.) (2) JOSEPH R. PRESTON. Application No. 610/Mas/89 filed on August 16, 1989. Appropriate Office for Opposition Proceeding (Rule 4, Ind. Cl. : 172-D 174573 4 Patents Kules, 1972), Patent Office, Madras Branch. Int. Cl.': D 01 H 13/16, 13/1K. 6 Claims AN APPARATUS FOR STOPPING FIBRE-MATERIAL A process for producing a biodegradable plastic composi- FEED TO A PAIR. OF ROLLS. tion comprising tnc steps of polymerising monomers oi L Applicant : MASCHINENFABRIK RIETER AG., A BODV and / or u lactide or mixtures thereof in the presence of a kno- CORPORATE ORGANISED UNDER THE LAWS OF wn polymerisation catalyst, monitoring the polymerisation re- SWITZERLAND OF WINTERTHUR, SWITZERLAND. action and collecting the polylactic acid, dispersing predeter- mined quantity ot me unreacueu monomers, n present in the Inventor : WERNER OEGGERLI. reaction mixture, intimately with uhe polylactic acid as a Application No. 4Sl/Mas/89 filed on June 20, 1989. pJa-sticizer and Optionally adding a plasticizer selected from L/ lactide, D- lactide, meso O, L-lactide, lactic acid, oligomers Appropriate Office for Opposition Proceedings (Rule 4, ot iacude, oligdmcrs of lactic acid and mixtures thereof and Patents Rules, 1972), Patent Orhce, Madras Branch. intimately dispersing the said plasticizer with the polylactic acid. 6 Claims An apparatus for stopping fibre-material leal to a pair of (Compl. Specn. 89 pages; Drwgs. 11 sheets.) rolls comprising a first dnveable roll and u second roll defin- ing a nip line, said second roll being driveable by contact with said first driveable roll, said apparatus comprising Ind. Cl. : 172 Cl. 174576 claimping means for defining a hOre-macciiai clamping loca- Int. Cl.1 : D 01 G 15/78. tion with sadi second roll; said clamping means having a stand-by position and an operative position; said A REVOLVING FLAT ARRANGEMENT FOR A position defining a fibre-material retaining position; means CARUING MACHINE. for moving said clamping means approximately radially with Applicant: MASLHINENFABRIK RIETER AG, of CH- respect to said second roll between said siand-oy position and 840b WiNjfcR*±iUrt, SWITZERLAND, A BODY COR- said fibre-material retaining position; said clamping means PORA IE OKuAiNOED UNlJJiR THE LAWS OF SWIT- comprising a ftore-jnatenal guide elemenc Having at least one ZERLAND. edge portion; and libre-material guide element serving lo guide the fibre-material into the nip line of said pair of rolls; Inventor : HEjINZ NITSCHKE, WERNER HAUSCHILD. means for mounting said fibre-material guide element tor pivotable movement between said stand-by position and said Application No. 721/Mas/89 filed on 27th September 1989. iibre-material retaining position; and said fibre-material guide Appropriate Office for Opposition Proceeding (Rule 4, element comprising a hore-matenaJ condenser naving a con- Patents Kules, 19/z), Patent Onlce, Madras Branch. verging guide passage. 13 Claims (Compl. Specn. 24 pages; Drwgs. 3 sheets.) A revolving flat arrangement for a carding machine com- prising an endless loop of flats for disposition over a carding cylinder; and a Ruction tube within and extending across the Ind. Cl. : 173 A 174574 width or' said Joqp ai one end of said loop, said suction tub© having a slot extending across inc width oi said flats to dehne Int. Cl. : B 05 D 5/00, 1/16, 1/36. a supply ctiannel directed langentially of said tube for draw- A METHOD OF PRODUCING A PATTERNED FLOCK- ing a now of air there into and an outlet opening at one ED WEB OF MATERIAL. end for exhaust ot the drawn—in air. Applicant : UNIROYAL ENGLEBERT TEXTILCORD' (Compl. Specn. 16 pages; Drwgs. 3 sheets.) S.A., STE1NFORT LUXEMBOURG. A COMPAN V OR- GANISED UNDER THE LAWS OF LUXEMBOURG, Inventor : HERR GERHARD LENARDS. Ind. Cl. : 172-q, 174577 Application No. 486/Mas/89 filed on 21 June 1989, Jnt. Cl.1 : D01 G 9/08. A CLEANING MACHINE FOR TEXTILE FIBRES Appropriate Office for Opposition Proceeding (Rule 4, Patents Rules, 1972), Patent Office, Madras Branch. CONVEYED IN A CURRENT OF DELIVERY AIR. Applicant : MASCHINENFABRIK RIETER AG., A 5 Claims BOD if CORPORATE ORGANISED UNDER THE LAWS A method of producing a patterned flocked web of mate- OF SWI'IZERLAND, OF CH-8406 WINTERTHUR, SWIT- rial comprising using a carrier web in the form of a textile ZERLAND. web, the surface of which is provided with a printed pattern, Inventor ; RENE SCHMID. applying a layer of a transparent adhesive completely cover- ing the said patterned surface, covering said adhesive layer Appl.cation No. 914/ Mas/89 filed on December 11, 1989- with light, flock having at least one color to a predetermined Appropriate Office for Opposition Proceeding (Rule 4, extent by an electrostatic flock process followed uy drying Patents Rules, 1972), Patent Office, Madras Branch. and fixing and removing excess flock to obtain a patterned flocked web of material with the pattern of the web standing 25 Claims out from the background ni a muted and softened manner. A cleaning machine for textile fibres conveyed in a current (Compl. Specn 12 pages: Drwgs. 3 sheets.) of delivery air, the machine comprising a casing, a horizon- tal roller rotataibly supported in the casting and fitted with beater elements, id least one bar grate on the underside of the roller, an inlejt for passing a current of delivery a-r and Ind. Q.: 152-E 174575 textile fibres into i a space surrounding the roller located at Int Cl.1: C 08 C 59/00. one end of the roller, an outlet located at the other end of ihe roller, and transfer chambers located between the inlet A PROCESS FOR PRODUCING A BIODEGRADABLE and the outlet, the transfer chambers being defined by deflec- PLASTIC COMPOSITION. for plates which form an acute ascending angle with a plane Pan *H—tea 2A THE GAZETTE Of INDIA, JANUARY 14, 1995 (PAUSA 24, 1916) 25 vhfch-lflperpendicular to an axis of rotation of the.roller, Application No. 201/Mas/90 filed on Much, 19,19*0. I ho transfer chambers also being denned by spaced-apart side vails and at least one covering wall there-be'ween, each of Appropriate Office for Opposition £roce*dii]g (Hole he transfer chambers deflect ng the delivery air passing Patents Rules, 1972), Patent Office, Madras Branch. iround the roller a distance in an axial direction parallel to he. roller axis, die deflector plates comprising at least four Jeflector plates which define at least three of said transfer 6 Claims ;h&mibeT9, A M sheet suitable for making packing devices in en ins- (Compl. Specn. 14 pages; Drwg. 1 sheet.) tallation for bringing a liquid and a gas into contact in counterflow the said fill sheet comprising an alternating scries of basic corrguated zone (ZB) and transitional zones (ZT) provided with projections (2) for bracing and fastening to- fad. a. : 34-A 174578 gcther the sheets, the basic zones (Z1B) havJog two type* of cornjguaLions, namely primary oomigations with a stnu»ol- Int. Cl> : H 01 F 10/00. dal waveform, the peak lines of which extend in the vertical A COMPOSITE POLYESTER FILM AND PROCESS direction as defined above, the primary corrguations of one FOR OBTAINING THE SAME. basic zone (ZB) being offset each tune by half a wavelength relative to those of the neighbouring basic zone, arid »ecpn~ Applicant : RHONE-POULENC FILMS, A FRENCH dary corrugations with a much smaller wavelength than the BODY CORPORATE, OF 25, QUAI PAUL DOUMER, primary coriusations on which they are superposed inter- 92408 COURBEVOIE. FRANCH. sectingly, the above mentioned projections (2) being arranged Inventors : (1) IEAN-FRANCOIS FIARD. aligned with the peaks of the prlmray corrguationB, protrud- ina alternately from either side of the sheet along mter- (2) ETIENNE FLEURY. 7onal lines arranged horizontally when the sheet Is In service. (3) DOMINIQUE GERWIG. (4) SYLVIANNE TRAVERSIER. (5) LOUIS VOVELLE. Application No. 935/Mas/89 filed on December 20, 1989. Appropriate Office for Opposition Proceeding (Rule 4, Patents Rules, 1972), Patent Office, Madras Branch. 23 Claims A composite polvester flint capable of beinn emolovd par- ticularly as a substrate or all magnetic coating, constating of an oHent^d polvrster film with roughness R» loww 'b«n or equal to 0.01 j*m, free from Inorganic particles and having smooth faces and coated on at least one face with a coating of fta'ckness lower than or equal to 40 jim, intended to impart flood slip and aood albraslon resistance, consisting of a modi- fled polymer optionally containing from 0.1 to 15% bv weljtht of at least one cross Hnkine aeent which is a plvnoiformal- dehvde resin or an amine-formaldehyde resin up to 8% by v^iaftf of sutatentfoflv soheriol polymeric filler with a mean diameter of less than 0.2 pn the said modified polymer being an aqueous-phase radical polymerization product ,of at least one acrylic monomer optionally combined with at least one cro*slinkinn monomer in the presence of at Ifast 5% ut> to 60% of 'a water-dispersiible polyester by weight of the dis- pereible polymer/acrvlic (co) polymer total, containing a plurality, of units derived from at least one aliphatic diol and a plujalitv of unite derived from, at least two carboxvlk acids one of which contains at least one sulphonyloxy group per molecule of formula : f-SOj-)»M (I) in which :—n is 1 or 2, and — M denotes a hvdro«wi atom, an alkali or p1V»1ine e*nh metal catfiVvr, an ammonium cation or a quaternary amm- onium cation. 9nct» tar t*taJnlng oommosi+e oolvester film according to ft"V (*• rrf f'ufmn 1 to IT wWffc mmw-V) rv-otfnn at learn one fan* of an oiriemitcd polvester substrate film wUh an aaiieous comnosition of modified polymer and removing the water by known means. fCo»pl. 44 Claims) I End. Cl. : 143-D 174579 4 Int. O.*: F 28 F 25/00. A FILL SHEET SUTTABLE POR MAKING PACKING DEVICES.TNT AN INSTAT.T ATTON FOR RRTNrriTNn A LfOHfO AND A GAS INTO CONTACT IN COUNTER- FLOW. Armlicant : WAMON-WVRFT CO S A. A BFT ^TATSJ rv-»Vf iPAW. OF RUE CAFOUJLLET, 50—58, B-1060, BRUS- SELfy,BELGIUM. Twentor: MICHEL WILLY JEAN PAUL RENE MON- JCMiEi (Compl.. Sjecp. ,18 pages; Drwgns, 7 8b«»s)r r 26 Tllli GAZETXIi 01 INDIA, JANUARY 14, 1995 (^A|USA 24, 1916) [PART III—SEC. 2 Ind, Q.- : 55-F . 174580 Ind. CI. : 32-E 174582 Int. C1.4 : A 61 K 35/14 Int. Cl.* : C 08 JF 220/06 AN IMPROVED METHOD AND A DEVICE FOR PROCESSING A PLATELET-CONTAINING BIOLOGI- A PROCESS FOR PREPARING A COPOLYMER, CAL FLUID TO OBTAIN PLATELET RICH FRACTION Applicut : MINNESOTA MINING AND MANUFAC- Applicant : PALL CORPORATION, A CORPORATION TURING COMPANY, A CORPORATION OF THE STATE UNDER THE STATE OF NEW YORK, U.S.A., OF 2200 OF DELAWARE, U.S.A., OF 3M CENTER, SAINT NORTHERN BOULEVARD FAST HILLS NEW YORK PAUL, MINNESOTA 551/44-1000, U.S.A. 11548, U.S.A. Inventors : (1) MILTON HENRY ANDURS, JR. (2) Inventors : (1) DAVID B. PALL (2) THOMAS C. ROGER ALAN OLSEN (3) MAHFUZA BEG AM ALL GSELL Application No. 494/Mas/89 filed on 26th June 1989, Application No. 155/MAS/93 filed on 2nd March, 1993. Appropriate Office for Opposition Proceedings (Rule 4, Appropriate Office for Opposition Proceedings (Rule 4, Patent Rules, 1912), Patent Office, Madras Branch. Patent Rules, 197£), Patent Office, Madras Branch. 19 Claims 6 Claims An improved method of processing a platelet containing biological fluid, such as blood, to obtain platelet rich frac- A, method of making a copolymer comprising the steps : tion, comprising die steps of : separating the biological fluid (a) mixing (1) an iniferter represented by the general for- into a supernatant layer and a sediment layer by differential mula I(T) capable upon being subjected to an appropriate sedimentation such as oentrifugat:oa; and passing the super- energy sounrce of forming free radicals !(.)„ and nT. wheTein natant layer through a porous filter medium having zones of n is an integer of at least 2, I, is a highly reactive free ra- different density, till the filter is Hooked, to remove red cells dical capable of initiating free radical polymerization, and T therefrom to obtain the platelet rich fraction. us a less reactive Tree radical which is generally much less A device for processing a platelet-t-ontalning biological leasable of initiating free radical polymerization then I. but fluid, such as blood, to obtain platelet rich fraction accor- will rejoin with I(.) or a free radical polymer segment free ra- ding to the method us claimed in any one of the preceding dically polymerized with I(.),, upon termination of «ay ener- claims, comprising means for separating the biological fluid jy source and (2) a first monomer chartrc selected from the into a supernatant layer and a sediment layer and a porous ifroup consisting ol (i) acrvl'c monomer polvmerizable to filter medium having zones of different density to block, red 'orm an acrylic polymer block having a glass transition cells while allowing the platelets to pass through. emporature of less than 0°C and fiil monomer polymeri- lahle to form a tb ormoplasfric polymer block having a glass Comp. speon, 36 pages; Drwg. 2 sheets ramition temperature of at least 50"C which is free radi- cally polymerizablc in the presence of If.),, to form a first jwlymer block; Iod. Cl. : 32 E 174581 I (b) exposing the mixture of (a) to an energy source capa- tle of forming free radicals I(.) and nT; Int. Q.* : C 08 F 8/00 n A METHOD OF PRODUCING STABILIZED OXY- (c) maintaining the exposure of (b) until said first mo- MENTHYLENE COPOLYMER. nomer charge polymerizes with I(.)n to form a free radical jolymer segment represented by the formula (IB.) wherein Applicant : UBE INDUSTRIES LIMITED 12-32, NI- D II renresent's said first polymer block formed of said first SHIMCNMACHI 1-CHOME, UBE^SHLL YAMAGUCHI, i lonomer charge; JAPAN AND HITACHI LIMITED 4-6. KANiDA-SURU- GADAI, CHIYODA-KU-TOKYO, JAPAN, BOTH JAPA- (d) terminating siid exposure wherebv to caiifc I(B.),, and NESS CORPORATION. r P. to combine to form a polymer represented by the for- Inventors : (1) TADAMI INABA, (2) E1YOAKI TO- mula KBTV, KUNAGA. (3) CHOJI SEKT. fe> mix'ng TfBT) with a second acrvlic monomer charjtte r Application No. 409/Mas/89 filed on 23rd May, 1989. 'which is the memlberi of the group consiVirtB of monomer (i) aid monomer HO which ww not selected PI snid first mono- Appropriate Office for Opposition Proceedings (Rule 4, ner comjpr:«ing monomer whiah ii free radically polyrmeriza- Patent Rules, 1972), Patent Office, Madras Branch. be in the presence I(B.) to a second polymer block; n 10 Claims (f) exposinu I(BT),, to un energy source capable of for- A method of producing stabilised oxymathylene copolymer nlng free radicals I(B.)n and nT.; comprising the stops of feeding oxymethylene copolymer (ig) maintaining iBhje exposure of (f) until sa'd seoond wo- with the unstabflised end portions to a degassing apparatus niiracr charw nolvmerizes <vith I(B.1 *o form a free radi- heating the same to a temporature not higher than 275°C and cal block copojymcr1 9»f»m«nt represnented by the formula »t a pressure of 0.1 to 760 mm Hg in the presence of a ] BA.) wherein A represents said second polymer block thermal stabiliser consisting u blend containing 0.001 to 2 n fdrmed of said second monomer charge; and parts by weight each of an alkali metal salt or an alkali eaiith metal salt of nifcrotriaoetic acid or ethylenedlaniMie* (h) terminating the exposure of ff) whereby I(BA.) tetraacetic acid, a phenol antioxidant, a hydroxide of an and nT. combine to form a block copolymer represented byn alkali earth metal and a trivalent organic phosphorus com- thfe formula I(BAT). pound per 100 parts by weight of said oxymethylene copoly- n mer with the unstabilised end portion, wherein the retention C^mp. specin. 27 pafi«s. time maintained in the degassing apparatus 1.1 at least one miniute. I • • mil. Cl. : 205G 174583 ln|. a* : B 62 D 5;5/18 A GROUND ENtJAGING MEANS SUCH AS A WJIEEL OR AN ENDLESS TRACK FOR A VEHICLE im-t'-V-nt • ATTRA^K TT^fTTE^> A rOTUPANY TN CCRPORATED TN THE STATE OF WESTERN AUS- TKATTA. 97 OTTTRAM STRFET. WEST PERTH. IN THE ST \TE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA, COMMONWEALTH OI AUSTRALIA. nventor : PHILLIP JOHN ROLLINSON. Comp. SpNo. 27 pages; Dr* 3 ihcrts fj^m^Stc. 2] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, JAMJA&Y 14, 1995 (PAl&A 24, \&$6) , W , Application No. 539/Mas/89 fll«d on 18th July, 1989 Inventors : (1) JOHN 8DWIH MA*U<1O (2L*°HN Convection dated 19-7*88 No. PI 9369 Australia. ARTHUR THOEN (3) MICHAEL A P. QANSDW Aipropriale Office for Opposition Proceedings (Rule 4, Application No. 553/Mns/S^ filed On ^6th Sflify Wtt1. ^atetft Rules, mi), Patent Office, Madras Branch. Appropr'atc Office tor Opposition Proceeddna) (Rule . 4, Patent Rules, 1972), Patent Office. Madrid BrSnch. 18 Claims 5 aahns A ground engaging means such as a wheel or an endless A process for preparing a polyol from a condentation ijrack for a vehicle comprising a bise find a plurality of produc obtained by condensing an amino-subltituted »-trla» ground engaging elements mounted in side-by-side relation- ship on the base, each element being resiliency deformabl© iine, represented, by Sh* struotulre : i|n use by the load imposed thereon and comprising an inner portion bearing on the base to transmit ground-engaging toads to the base, an outer portion having an outer surface for engaing the ground, the outer portion being positioned ih da'outward direction away from the base atid in facing Spaced relationship to the inner portion, deformable side ijvalls positioned in fadne spaced relationship to each other tod extending between the inner and outer port:ons, and a *Tvlty inclMrd between the inner °nd oyter element por~ |cms B"H +h" _fiid» walK *ht eftvttv bflin<r;npcn *o Mmosnbere, Characterised in 'hM the definable side wills of enrh. ele- ment "re construe**^ for deformation in d:recf*Qi?s 'aterally jautwnrdiv of the csvitv nnd fyrthwr, oh<T°cter;sod in that iV eVm<"n+* are mu*uaily supportive during pround enwa- 'ement. er"imd cn"npem'Tif loads on one elemetr being ••"-ilicntly transmitted outwardry of its cavity to neighbouring elements. i ' wheTftfn R is jrid*t»ndenfly hydrogen, ifle«tty •ub«W«ted Comp. Specn. 15 pages; , Drg. 4 sheets aryl or unsubstituted or inertly stbatitjted' altyi and each *L is independently TrR", hydrogen or unsubsttaitea Or HhfrtlK substituted alkyk with 0.9 to 3.5 mol of formaldehyHe ana from Q.75 to 1.5 qiol of at.least one alkanolamine oer mol j[nd. a. : 32-E ' ' 174584 6f formaldehyde, SHtftXyiating the iald condeniate tfy Mftg- tlng the same at a temperature in the range of 50 to IStTC ^nt. CW : C O'ft O 14/00 with 0.5 to 2.5 mois of alkylene oxide per hydcoxyl;^Moup j A PROCESS FOR PREPARING A POLYOL of the condensate wherein the alkylene oxide is emylfne oxide, propylene 6*ide, bUtylene oXfcfo or UMxtUfe* thereof. Applicant : THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY, A COR- PORATION ORGANIZED AND EXISTING UNDER Comp. specn, 29 pages' O•"PVE 2T0 3A0W 1? DOOTTW mq CENC TTARTE" , OAP BBD OE TLTA WRAOREA D, U MSID.A,LAND, MICHIGAN 48640, U.9A. Ind. Cl. : 40 B 17*5*6 v&mimA'Wt&m-^ MARUGG (2) MICHAEL A.P. Int. &.4 i 8 01 J 29/04 ^ANSOW (31 JOHN A. THOEN A HYDROCRACKING PROCESS. Application No, 552/Mas/S9 filed on 26th July I9«9. Applicant : CHEVRON RESEARCH AhH? teOffl*^,Ok Appropriate Office for Opposition Proceedings (Rule 4, GY COMPANY A CORPORATION OF.TWffi ST»OT[ 6^ Patent Rules, 1972), Patent Office, Msdras Branch. PENNSYLVANIA, U.S.A. 6* 555 MAWKir STftJeET SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA 94120^141 tS&k. 7 Claims Inventors : (1) RJCHARD D BEZMAH (2) O&NNI& A process for preparina a polyol comprising reacting a R CASH. Mannich condensate with 0.5 to 5 moles of an alkalene oxide Application No. 565/Mas/89 filed en 31st July 1M91.' jper hydroxyl group of the said condensate, the said alka- llene oxide selected from ethylene ojdde, propylene oxide Approplate Office for Opposition Proceedlns (Rule 4, and mixtures thereof; wherein th© said Mannich condensate Patent Rulel, 1972), Patent Office, Madras Branch. is prepared by reacting at a temperature 6f from 30 to 5 dalmi lttOX:, (a) .a pibpn<A or an inertly- (Substituted phenol, (b) 'formaMehyde, and (c) an amine reactant characterized _ in A hydrocracklng process comprising contacting a hydro* I that the amine reactant is a mixture of (i) diethanolamme cartJott with hydrogen In the presence of a catalyst compri- land (H) at least ano'tor «ikano)«i»ine- which is not a dietha- sing an inorganic oxide comnonent selected from Bltanftia, nolaMtne, wherein tho weiwit rfttia of dietfcanolamine to the silica, magnesia zirconia, bervliia. titanih," or a ntlxtiffe of other alkunolamine being from 1 \ 1? to 19 : 1, and Whe- two or more of these), a Y zpoiite comppnent and. ..Jiydro- rein comjwnents (a) and (b) ar6 present in a molar ratio genati'on component such && herein desdiMa,, VheMn the of ftom 1 : 0.9 to 1 : 3.5 and components (b) and (c) said Y zeolite component has a ndmber aVerifg'e cryltil s!ie are present in a molar ratio of 1 : 0,75 to 1 : 1.5. of less than about 0.5 micron. Comp. specn. 22 pttige&\ CMi- i <ft«*t Comp. specn. 26 pages. Ind. Cl. : 201-'C 1T4587 Ind. Cl. : 32-E 174'85 Int. Cl.< : £ 02 F 1/68 Int. Cl.* : C 08 O 14/00 " A PROCESS FOR REMOVING HYDROXYLAMUO- A PROCESS FOR PREPARING A POI-YOL N1UM SALTS FROM WASTEWATER CONTAINING HYDROXYLAMMONIUM SAiLTS. Auniic^ : THE DOW CHEMXCAL COMPANY, A AnrtHcint HA°P AKTTBNrtBTETJ *C™AVT A G1"*- r^povKT'ovi ORHANT^Er) A^n EX^tK'^ UNDER ; •"•-jp'tAW0 O" Ttriq STTATE ;OF DELAV^ARE. U.S.A., EVTS'rrNO TTNTT^PR TtiB ^AWi O^ TWF nijrjcBAL 7E- dP 1^0 »0W CB*tfTEit,l ABftOTf ROAD MlDi^AND, PUBLIC OF GERMANY f>P. r;7oo , LUDWidSHAf EN, MICHIGAN 48640, U.S.A. FEDERAL RErtTBLlC O^ CSR^ANY. 28 THE GAZETTE OF 1NDTA, JANUARY 14, 1995 (PAUSA 24, 1916) [PART III—SEC. 2 Invniluis ; (ll HUGO II'CHS C) DAVID \G \K. salt of an alkaline eaith inttal and a mixtures thereof, the Apirlic;Uii"in No. 6l>7 Mas Nl> filed on 2'Hh Soplcnihcr total amount of such metal is) being from 15 to 10'i ynili- moles per 100 y of alumina the said proccs.s compiling the setp of impicgnliting an alumina having a specific surface of Appropriate Office for Opposition Proceeding's (Rule 4, atltast M)ma 'g With a solution containing the swid compound Patent Rules. 1472), Patent Oilice, Madras Branch. iliying' the impreKnated alumina and subsequently heating the dried alumina unclei known conditions for stabilizing surface. 5 C laims fom.p Spccn. 10 pages; No Dig A process foi lemoving hvilrow'anunouium salts fiom wastewater containing hyL!ro\yl:inimoniurn sails, compil- ing the steps nf trea'ing a wastewater containing hydroNyl- ammonium salts v\ ith not less than 0.5 mule of manganese (IV) oxides per mole of hvdiosyiammonhim sail, calcula- ted as hydrotylamine at a pH of liom I lo 4 anil at Irom 10 to I(K)"C to obtain water fiec "I hulrowlamnioiiium Int. ( lass : 55-D! 174 500 .salt. Int. CI '-A (II N 47 00 Comp. .specn. ') piiL'm. A PROCFSS FOR PRJPARING A S1ABI.F W VI PR SOI UD1 F \N'I 1MICROHTM, COMPOSITION. Tnlil. CI. ; 172-D., 17 15KN Applicani • I HI GR1FN CROSS CORPOU VI ION A IAPANFSF COMPANY OF 3-3. ITvfABASHl 1-CH0MI-, Int CI.' ; B 65 H 54/22 ( HLKi-KU. OSAKA-SHf. OSAKA 541 JNPAN. Al.'TOM YI'IC WINDING MACHINF Imentors (I) ASAMI TAKATA Applicant : MASCHINKNI -M-iRIk Kl I FK ACl.. A BODY (2) YU1CIII MI/.UKAMI CORPORATE ORGANISED UNDFR I Ml-1 I \WS OF SWITZERLAND OF CH-H40h WINTERTHUK. SWIT- i}) S1IOKO NUMATA ZERLAND. (4| YASIISHI SFKIYAMA Inventois • (ll PETER BUSFNIIART i2) FIEJNZ |5) MAS^TO TAKAHASHI MUTTER Applicatiqn No. 70")/Mas/KlJ filed on 25th Septemhei 1 yKLJ. Aprliwtion No. 127 \fas,93 filed on l^th February lr<f).1. Appropriate Office for Opposition l*ioceoilincs ( Kuli* 4, Appi'opi'iiite Ollice for Opposition Proceeding-^ (Rule -I. Patent Rules, l'J72), Patent Oiliee, Madras Hranch. Paknts Rules. ll)72), Patent Office Madras Branth. l) Claims (j Claims Automatic winding machine with at least two chucks can- A piuCess lof pieparing a stable watej solublt; anlimicio- thever mounted on a revohei and v\ith a means for intKnliic- bial composition with increased water dissolution >peed, tion of the thread into the catchei slot of an empty hubhin tube compiising adm|xirig 1 part by weight of ulkyl isothiocyanale during the clianuinu operation fiorn the full hohhtn to an with 1 to 100 part1-- t, eight of polyhydiic alcohol optio- empty bohhin and with a liimle for the lorniation of nally containing an aldev hyvdic group or ;) telonic group. a ridge on the surface oi the full bobbin, chai acleri/ed by a mnvuble thread deOector 121) for movemt'iit into the path of the thread between the empty lube (11) and the romp. s|vui. 27 pages: Dn:, 1 .shed full bobbin I 13) with a recess (271 sind a thread diverter (31) arranged laterally relative to the recess and movable to cause axial movement of the thread (17) alont: a curve (2lM of the recess (27 I over the catcher slot (14) in 1he empty tube (111 with the sinuilUnmus retention of the thread on the full bobbin (1;). CI. 172 D; 3-1 A- 1715'M Camp, specn. 11 paces; Hrif. 4 ^h<vh fnt CI.' D 01 J") 5 Ofi PROCESS FTOR PRFPARTNC. Fll 'WIFNTS FROM \ SOLUTION OF PO1 YMF.R. Ind. Class. 40 F , 174JR9 Tnt. Class.4 B 01 T 20 '00 Applicant : FT. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COM- PANY OF WILMINGTON DELAWARE, UNHID A PROCFSS FOR THH PRODUCTION OF AN AlU- STATFS Ol AMI RICA. M1NA-BASUD ADSORBENT. Aprlicanl : RHONF-POUI HN( C. HIM1IH A FIU-NCH Tnventor DAVID WILSON LUCKBY. HODY CORPORATE OF" 25 (JUAI PAUL DOUMI K Application No. d92/C al /1H4K tiled on 24rh AiiL'uts, 4240H C. OURBEVO'IC I RANCF. I'tM'J. ln\entnrs I LRIC GARCIN. 2. C1AU1M" HFRNNRO C ARTIIR, 3 P.RIC QLIFMFR1 . Appiopiiate office for opposition Proceedings (Rule •!, Patent rule ll)72) Patent Office. Cnlcuttn. Application No. lil5/Mas H4 filol on 1 Itb lJt-CLiubei 10 Claims Appropriate OlVice for Opposition Puicccdhms ( RIIIL- t. Patent Rules. 1972), Patent Office. Madrs H|-anch. A piocess for pieparing filaments from a solution of poly- 10 Claims mer hy eMrudiing the solution through linearly arranged npcj- turps in a spinneret lo form a vertical warp of hlaments tra- \ rroce^s for the production of an alumina—bas^d adsor- velling at a first valocity downwardly through an air gap. jet- IT nt Uir nlfltn purification containing at |r;isi one coiupti'jnd ling opposed ?ht'cts of coagulating liquid at a, second velo- seV.'l.'rl fiivni an i^TiiU", -i livliiividi*, salt n[ mi 4lkalt m^tal, city flora c,\iih bidi: of said warp af an aaple witli said \i3tp