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Union Government, Extraordinary, 2018-01-18, Part II-Section 3-Sub-Section(iii), Ref. ON 07 E PDF

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Preview Union Government, Extraordinary, 2018-01-18, Part II-Section 3-Sub-Section(iii), Ref. ON 07 E

jftLVªh laö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3—mi&[k.M (iii) PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (iii) izkf/dkj ls izdkf'kr PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY la- 07] ubZ fnYyh] c`gLifrokj] tuojh 18] 2018@ikS"k 28] 1939 No. 07] NEW DELHI, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 2018/PAUSHA 28, 1939 HHHHkkkkkkkkjjjjrrrr ffffuuuuooookkkkppZZppZZ uuuu vvvvkkkk;;;;kkkkxxssxxss vvvvkkkknnnn’’ss’’ss kkkk ub Z fnYyh] 18 tuojh] 2018 vvvvkkkk----vvvv---- 00007777¼¼¼¼vvvv½½½½.—1- ;r%] ykds ifzrfuf/kRo vf/kfu;e] 1951 dh /kkjk 61 e sa ;g micfa/kr gS fd fuokpZ dk sa d s ifzr:i.k dk fuokj.k dju s dh nf`”V l]s rkfd mDr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 62 d s v/khu okLrfod fuokpZ dkas dk mud s er nus s d s vf/kdkj dk s vkSj vf/kd iHzkkoh cuk;k tk ld]s mDr vf/kfu;e d s v/khu fu;ek sa }kjk ernku d s le; fuokpZ dk sa dh igpku lfquf’pr dju s d s mnn~ ’s ; l s fuokpZ dks a d s fy, fuokpZ d QkVs k s igpku Ik= d s i;z kxs gsr q fu;ek sa ds }kjk mic/akk s dk s cuk;k tk ldrk gS ( rFkk 2- ;r%] fuokpZ d jftLVªhdj.k fu;e] 1960 dk fu;e 28 fuokpZ u vk;kxs dk]s bl nf`”V ls fd fuokpZ dksa d s ifzr:i.k dk fuokj.k gk s ld s rFkk ernku ds le; mudh igpku dk s ljy cuk;k tk ldsA fuokpZ dksa dk s jkT; dh ykxr ij QkVs ks;qDr fuokpZ d QkVs k&s igpku i= tkjh dju s d s fy, fun’sZ k nsus dh ‘kfDr inz ku djrk gS ( rFkk 3- ;r%] fuokpZ uk sa dk lpa kyu fu;e] 1961 d s fu;e 49 t ¼3½ vkSj 49 V ¼2½ ¼[k½ e sa ;g vucq fa/akr gS fd tgkW fdlh fuokpZ u {ks= d s fuokpZ dks a dk s fuokpZ d jftLVªhdj.k fu;e] 1960 d s fu;e 28 d s mDr mic/akk sa d s v/khu fuokpZ d QksVks igpku&i= fn; s tkr s gaS] fuokpZ dks a dk s ernku dUsnz e sa viuk fuokpZ d QkVs ks igpku&i= fn[kkuk gkxs k rFkk mud s }kjk fuokpZ d QkVs k s igpku i=ksa dks ugh a fn[kk, tku s o vleFk Z gkus s ij mUg sa er Mkyu s dh vueq fr nus s l s bUdkj fd;k tk ldrk gS ( rFkk 4- ;r%] mDr vf/kfu;e vkSj fu;ek sa d s mi;qZDr mic/akk as dk s feykdj ,o a lketa L;i.w k Z <x+a l s mud s v/;;u l s ;g Li”V gksrk g S fd ;|fi er nus s dk vf/kdkj fuokpZ d ukekoyh e sa uke d s gkus s l s gh gksrk gS] ;g fuokpZ u vk;kxs }kjk jkT; dh ykxr ij] ernku d s le; mudh igpku lfquf’pr dju s d s mnn~ ’s ; l s iznku djok, x, fuokpZ u QkVs k s igpku Ik= ds i;z kxs ij Hkh fuHkZj djrk gS]a rFkk nksuk s dk s ,d lkFk i;z kxs djuk gksrk gS] rFkk 5- ;r%] fuokpZ u vk;ksx u s ,d le;c) dk;dZ ez d s vuqlkj lHkh fuokpZ dks dks fuokpZ d QkVs ks igpku&i= bZ-ih-vkb-Zlh- tkjh dju s dk fun’s k nsr s gq, 28 vxLr] 1993 dk s ,d vkn’s k tkjh fd;k gS ( rFkk 6- ;r%] jktLFkku ,oa if’pe cxa ky jkT;k sa d s fuokpZ dk sa dks s dkQh gn rd mPp ifzr’kr e sa fuokpZ d QkVs k s igpku Ik= tkjh fd, tk pdq s gS]a rFkk 377 GI/2018 (1) 2 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(iii)] 7- ;r%] bld s vykok] vk;kxs us ;g vkn’s k fn;k gS fd oreZ ku mi&fuokpZ uk sa dh ernku frfFk l s iwo Z ernkrkvk sa dk s *iez kf.kd QkVs k s ernkrk iphZ* ckVa h tk,xa h % 8- vr%] vc] lHkh lac+) ?kVdk sa rFkk fof/kd ,o a rF;kRed fLFkfr;k sa dk s /;ku e sa j[kr s gq,] fuokpZ u vk;kxs ] ,rn}~ kjk] ;g fun’s k nsrk gS fd 03.01.2018 dk s vf/klfwpr fd, x, jjjjkkkkttttLLLLFFFFkkkkkkkkuuuu eeee sasa sasa 8888&&&&vvvvyyyyoooojjjj llllalalalalnnnnhhhh;;;; ffffuuuuooookkkkppZZppZZ uuuu {{{{kkkks=s=s=s=, aa aa 11113333&&&&vvvvtttteeeesjsjsjsj llllalalalalnnnnhhhh;;;; ffffuuuuooookkkkppZZppZZ uuuu {{{{kkkks=s=s=s=, 111188883333&&&&eeeekkkk....MMMMyyyyxxxx<<<< ++ ++ ffffoooo////kkkkkkkkuuuu llllHHHHkkkkkkkk ffffuuuuooookkkkppZZppZZ uuuu {{{{kkkks=s=s=s= vvvvkkkkSjSjSjSj iiiiffff’’’’ppppeeee ccccxxaaxxaa kkkkyyyy eeee sasa sasa 22226666&&&&mmmmyyyyccqqccqq ffssffssjjjj;;;;kkkk llllalalalalnnnnhhhh;;;; ffffuuuuooookkkkppZZppZZ uuuu {{{{kkkks=s=s=s=, 111100007777&&&&uuuukkkkvvssvvss kkkkiiiikkkkMMMMkkkk ffffoooo////kkkkkkkkuuuu llllHHHHkkkkkkkk ffffuuuuooookkkkppZZppZZ uuuu {{{{kkkks=s=s=s=] d s oreZ ku mi&fuokpZ uk sa d s fy, lHkh ernkrk ftUg sa fuokpZ d QksVk s igpku Ik= tkjh fd, x, gS]a ernku LFky ij er Mkyu s l s igy s igpku lfquf’pr dju s gsr q viuk fuokpZ d QksVk s igpku Ik= fn[kk,xa s A ,sl s fuokpZ u tk s viuk fuokpZ d QksVk s igpku Ik= izLrqr ugh a dj ikr s gS]a mUg sa viuh igpku LFkkfir dju s d s fy, fuEufyf[kr oSdfYid QkVs k s igpku nLrkots k sa e sa l s dksb Z ,d izLrqr djuk gkxs k %& (i) IkklikVs ]Z (ii) Mªkbfoxa ykblsUl] (iii) jkT;@dUsn z ljdkj] lkotZ fud {ks= d s midez ] ifCyd fyfeVMs dEifu;ksa a }kjk viu s depZ kfj;k sa dk s tkjh fd, tku s oky s QksVk;s qDr lsok igpku&i=] (iv) cSda ks@Mkd?kjks a }kjk tkjh fd, x, QksVk;s qDr iklcdq ] (v) iSu dkM]Z (vi) vkjthvkb Z ,o a ,uihvkj }kjk tkjh fd, x, LekV Z dkM]Z (vii) eujxs k tkWc dkM]Z (viii) Je ea=ky; dh ;kts uk d s vUrxZr tkjh LokLF; chek LekV Z dkM]Z (ix) QksVk;s qDr is’a ku nLrkots ] (x) fuokpZ u ra= }kjk tkjh iez kf.kd QksVk s ernkrk iph Z A (xi) lkalnk]sa fo/kk;dksa@fo/kku ifj”kn ~ lnL;k sa dk s tkjh fd, x, ljdkjh igpku Ik= A (xii) vk/kkj dkM Z A 9- bZihvkbZlh d s lca /ak e]sa y[s ku v’kfq++)] oruZ h dh v’kfq)++ bR;kfn dk s utjvna kt dj nus k pkfg, c’kr sZ ernkrk dh igpku bZihvkbZlh l s lfquf’pr dh tk ld s A ;fn dkbs Z ernkrk QkVs k s igpku Ik= inz f’kZr djrk gS] tk s fd fdlh vU; lHkk fuokpZ u {ks= ds fuokpZ u jftLVz~hdj.k vkWfQlj }kjk tkjh fd;k x;k gS]a ,sl s biZ hvkbZlh Hkh igpku LFkkfir djus gsrq Lohdr` fd, tka,x sa c’kr sZ fuokpZ d dk uke tgk¡ og ernku dju s vk;k gS a ml ernku LFky ls lacfa/kr fuokpZ d ukekoyh esa miyC/k gkus k pkfg, A ;fn QkVs ksxzkQ bR;kfn d s ces ys gksu s d s dkj.k ernkrk dh igpku lfquf’pr djuk lHakao u gk s rc ernkrk dk s mi;qZDr iSjk 8 e sa of.kZr fdlh ,d oSdfYid QksVk s nLrkots dk s izLrqr djuk gkxs k A 10- mDr iSjk 8 e sa fdlh ckr d s gksrs gq, Hkh] izoklh fuokpZ d tk s vius ikliksV Z e sa fooj.kk sa d s vk/kkj ij ykds ifzrfuf/kRo vf/kfu;e] 1950 dh /kkjk 20d d s v/khu fuokpZ d ukekofy;k sa e as ita hd`r gS]a mUg sa ernku dUsn z e sa mud s ddddsosososoyyyy eyw iklikVs Z (fdlh vU; igpku nLrkots d s vk/kkj ij ugha) d s vk/kkj ij gh igpkuk tk,xk A [l-a 3@4@vkbZ-Mh-@bZlhvkbZ@i=@O;ogkfjd@fof/kd@,l-Mh-vkj@[k.M&I@2018] vkn’s k l]s vk- d-q ikBd] lfpo ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(iii)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 3 ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA ORDER New Delhi, the 18th January, 2018 O.N. 07(E).—1. Whereas, Section 61 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 provides that with a view to preventing impersonation of electors, so as to make the right of genuine electors to vote under section 62 of that Act more effective, provisions may be made by rules under that Act for use of Electors Photo Identity Card for electors as the means of establishing their identity at the time of polling; and 2. Whereas, Rule 28 of the Registration of Electors Rules, 1960, empowers the Election Commission to direct, with a view to preventing impersonation of electors and facilitating their identification at the time of poll, the issue of Electors Photo Identity Card to electors bearing their photographs at State cost; and 3. Whereas, Rules 49H(3) and 49K (2) (b) of the Conduct of Elections Rules, 1961, stipulate that where the electors of a constituency have been supplied with Electors Photo Identity Card under the said provisions of Rule 28 of the Registration of Electors Rules, 1960, the electors shall produce their Electors Photo Identity Card at the polling station and failure or refusal on their part to produce those Electors Photo Identity Card may result in the denial of permission to vote; and 4. Whereas, a combined and harmonious reading of the aforesaid provisions of the said Act and the Rules, makes it clear that although the right to vote arises by the existence of the name in the electoral roll, it is also dependent upon the use of the Electors Photo Identity Card, where provided by the Election Commission at State cost, as the means of establishing their identity at the time of polling and that both are to be used together; and 5. Whereas, the Election Commission made an Order on the 28th August, 1993, directing the issue of Electors Photo Identity Card (EPIC) to all electors, according to a time bound programme; and 6. Whereas, Electors Photo Identity Card have been issued to a substantially large number of electors in the States of Rajasthan and West Bengal; and 7. Whereas, in addition the Commission has directed that ‘Authenticated Photo Voters Slip’ shall be distributed to the electors before the date of poll for the current bye Elections; 8. Now, therefore, after taking into account all relevant factors and the legal and factual position, the Election Commission hereby directs that for current bye elections from 8-Alwar Parliamentary Constituency, 13-Ajmer Parliamentary Constituency, 183-Mandalgarh Assembly Constituency in Rajasthan and 26-Uluberia Parliamentary Constituency, 107-Noapara Assembly Constituency in West Bengal, which have been notified on 03-01-2018(WED) all electors who have been issued EPIC shall produce the EPIC for their identification at the polling station before casting their votes. Those electors who are not able to produce the EPIC shall produce one of the following alternative photo identity documents for establishing their identity: — (i) Passport; (ii) Driving License; (iii) Service Identity Cards with photograph issued to employees by Central/State Govt. PSUs/Public Limited Companies; (iv) Passbooks with photograph issued by Bank/Post Office; (v) PAN Card; (vi) Smart Card issued by RGI under NPR; (vii) MNREGA Job Card; (viii) Health Insurance Smart Card issued under the scheme of Ministry of Labour; 4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(iii)] (ix) Pension document with photograph, (x) Authenticated Photo Voter Slip issued by the election machinery; and (xi) Official identity cards issued to MPs/MLAs/MLCs (xii) Aadhaar Card. 9. In the case of EPIC, clerical errors, spelling mistakes, etc. should be ignored provided the identity of the elector can be established by the EPIC. If an elector produces an Electors Photo Identity Card, which has been issued by the Electoral Registration Officer of another Assembly Constituency, such EPICs shall also be accepted for identification provided the name of that elector finds place in the electoral roll pertaining to the polling station where the elector has turned up for voting. If it is not possible to establish the identity of the elector on account of mismatch of photograph, etc. the elector shall have to produce one of the alternative photo documents mentioned in para 8 above. 10. Notwithstanding anything in Para 8 above, overseas electors who are registered in the electoral rolls under Section 20A of the Representation of the People Act, 1950, based on the particulars in their Passport, shall be identified on the basis of their original passport only (and no other identity document) in the polling station. [No. 3/4/ID/ECI/LET/FUNC/JUD/SDR/VOL.I/2018] By Order, A. K. PATHAK, Secy. Uploaded by Dte. of Printing at Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064 and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054.

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