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Union Government, Extraordinary, 2018-01-12, Part II-Section 3-Sub-Section(ii), Ref. S O 190 E PDF

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Preview Union Government, Extraordinary, 2018-01-12, Part II-Section 3-Sub-Section(ii), Ref. S O 190 E

jftLVªh laö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3—mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (ii) izkf/dkj ls izdkf'kr PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY la- 165] ubZ fnYyh] 'kqØokj] tuojh 12] 2018@ikS"k 22] 1939 No. 165] NEW DELHI, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 2018/PAUSHA 22, 1939 llllMMMM++dd++dd iiiiffffjjjjoooogggguuuu vvvvkkkkSSjjSSjj jjjjkkkktttteeeekkkkxxxxZZ ZZ eeeea=a=a=a=kkkkyyyy;;;; vvvvffff////kkkkllllwwppwwppuuuukkkk ubZ fnYyh] 12 tuojh] 2018 ddddkkkk----vvvvkkkk---- 111199990000¼¼¼¼vvvv½½½½----—dsUnzh; ljdkj us] jk"Vªh; jktekxZ vf/kfu;e] 1956 ¼1956 dk 48½ ¼ftls blesa blds i’pkr~ mDr vf/kfu;e dgk x;k gS½ dh /kkjk 3d dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ ds v/khu tkjh dh xbZ Hkkjr ljdkj ds lM++d ifjogu vkSj jktekxZ ea=ky; dh vf/klwpuk la[;k dk-vk- 2231 ¼v½] rkjh[k 14 tqykbZ] 2017] tks Hkkjr ds jkti=] vlk/kkj.k] Hkkx II] [k.M 3] mi[kaM ¼ii½ esa izdkf’kr dh xbZ Fkh] }kjk egkjk"Vª jkT; ds mLekukckn ftys esa jk"Vªh; jktekxZ la[;k 9 ¼vc u;k jk"Vªh; jktekxZ la[;k 65½ ds 269@800 fd-eh- ls 348@800 fd-eh- ¼egkjk"Vª lsD’ku½ rd ds Hkw[k.M ds fuekZ.k ¼pkSM+k djus@pkj ysu dk cukus] vkfn½] vuqj{k.k] izca/k vkSj izpkyu ds fy, ml vf/klwpuk ls mikc) vuqlwph esa fofufnZ"V Hkwfe dk vtZu djus ds vius vk’k; dh ?kks"k.kk dh Fkh ; vkSj mDr vf/klwpuk dk lkj mDr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 3d dh mi/kkjk ¼3½ ds v/khu rkjh[k 10 vxLr] 2017 dks nSfud ^^ldky** ¼ejkBh½ vkSj nSfud ^^fn VkbEl vkWQ bf.M;k** ¼vaxzsth½ nksuksa esa izdkf’kr fd;k x;k Fkk ; vkSj l{ke izkf/kdkjh dks fdlh O;fDr ls dksbZ vk{ksi izkIr ugha gq, gaS ; vkSj l{ke izkf/kdkjh us mDr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 3?k dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ ds vuqlj.k esa] dsUnzh; ljdkj dks viuh fjiksVZ ns nh gS ; vr% vc] dsUnzh; ljdkj] l{ke izkf/kdkjh dh mDr fjiksVZ izkIr gks tkus ij vkSj mDr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 3?k dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ }kjk iznRr 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq,] ;g ?kks"k.kk djrh gS fd mDr vuqlwph esa fofufnZ"V Hkwfe dk iwoksZDr iz;kstu ds fy, vtZu fd;k tkuk pkfg, ; vkSj vc] dsUnzh; ljdkj] mDr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 3?k dh mi/kkjk ¼2½ ds vuqlj.k esa ;g ?kks"k.kk djrh gS fd bl vf/klwpuk ds jkti= esa izdk’ku ij] mDr vuqlwph esa fofufnZ"V Hkwfe lHkh foYyaxeksa ls eqDr gksdj vkR;fUrd :i ls dsUnzh; ljdkj esa fufgr gks tk,xh A 244 GI/2018 (1) 2 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(ii)] vvvvuuuullqqllqq wwppwwpphhhh eeeeggggkkkkjjjjkkkk""""VVVVªª ªª jjjjkkkkTTTT;;;; eeeesasa sasa jjjjkkkk""""VVVVªªhhªªhh;;;; jjjjkkkktttteeeekkkkxxxxZZ ZZ llllaa aa 9999 ¼¼¼¼vvvvcccc uuuu;;;;kkkk jjjjkkkk""""VVVVªªhhªªhh;;;; jjjjkkkktttteeeekkkkxxxxZZ ZZ llllaa aa 66665555½½½½ ddddss ss 222266669999@@@@888800000000 ffffdddd---- eeeehhhh---- llllss ss 333344448888@@@@888800000000 ffffdddd---- eeeehhhh---- ¼¼¼¼eeeeggggkkkkjjjjkkkk""""VVVVªª ªª &&&& llllssDDssDD''''kkkkuuuu½½½½ rrrrdddd ddddss ss ffffyyyy,,,, vvvvttttZZuuZZuu ddddhhhh ttttkkkkuuuuss ss ooookkkkyyyyhhhh llllajajajajppppuuuukkkk llllffffggggrrrr vvvvFFFFkkkkooookkkk llllajajajajppppuuuukkkk jjjjffffggggrrrr HHHHkkkkwwffwwffeeee ddddkkkk llllffff{{{{kkkkIIIIrrrr ffffoooooooojjjj....kkkk!!!! 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brj 349 futh d`"kh 400.00 ijrqvIik clo.kIik mVxs 369 futh d`"kh 14.50 ckcq mQZ xqqjIik xaqMIik lqirxkos 369 futh d`"kh 167.00 y{ehckbZ larks"k fn{khr 369 futh d`"kh 167.00 ckykth fouk;d lkaGqds ddddqqyyqqyy 1458.50 6666---- rrrryyyyeeeekkkkssMMssMM 633 futh fuoklh 8.87 Jhjax fyackth lqxhjs 635 futh fuoklh 11.60 gjhck xqMka lqxhjs ] iaMhr xaqMk lqxhjs Jhjax] fuo`Rrh] RkkR;kjko] 627 futh fuoklh 14.00 ljq s'kjko ] ek#rh fyckath lqxhjs 616 futh fuoklh 43.75 flnkze xkasfon xk;dokM 615 futh fuoklh 18.37 vacqckbZ fyack xk;dokM 610] 611 futh fuoklh 7.81 flnkze xkasfon xk;dokM] ikaMjq ax egknk xk;dokM 609 futh fuoklh 0.45 egknk ikaMk] flnkze xksfoan xk;dokM 607 futh fuoklh 21.75 lqxhzo dq".kkth xk;dokM 606 futh fuoklh 6.80 dk'khukFk g.kaerk xk;dokM 604 futh fuoklh 0.75 'ksVhck xksfoan xk;dokM] dkf'kck xksfoan xk;dokM 602 futh fuoklh 0.12 Yk{eh nos LFkku 599 futh fuoklh 1.14 rqdkjke vtqZu dkacGs 48 futh d`"kh 2500.16 nos rkckbZ ukxs'k eksjs 49 futh d`"kh 500.00 dkyhnkl fo'oukFk eksjs ijrqvIik flnkze dy'ksV~Vh 67 futh d`"kh 3785.00 ikMwjax fyack ekjs s ddddqqyyqqyy 6920.57 7777---- rrrrqjqjqjqjkkkksjsjsjsjhhhh xkoBk.k futh fuoklh 22.57 'kkyqckbZ panzdkar dSdkMh xkoBk.k futh fuoklh 22.59 vfjfoan xkaasfon tk/ko xkoBk.k ljdkjh vd`"kh 133.00 jLrk 173 futh fuoklh 78.34 Jhfuokl dMkth eksjs 172 futh fuoklh 82.92 HkkxhjFkhckbZ nkrksck xhjh 171 futh fuoklh 75.00 x.kirjko eqdaqnjko [kferdj 170 futh fuoklh 94.50 izdk'k ekf.kdjko tk/ko 167 futh fuoklh 37.69 vIikjko dkf'kck yoVs 168 futh fuoklh 21.23 ekf.kd laIkw dksGh y{e.k laiw dksGh 169 futh fuoklh 188.20 ikMwjax laHkkth tk/ko xkoBk.k ljdkjh vd`"kh 37.69 jLrk 51 futh fuoklh 23.39 ikMwjax laHkkth tk/ko 51 futh fuoklh 24.41 foBBk~sck fnxacj djkGs 51 futh fuoklh 42.00 irz ki ikMjaq x tk/ko 50 futh fuoklh 72.60 Jhirh foBksck ekGsxkos 4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(ii)] 49 futh fuoklh 34.50 foBB~y jke teknkj 48 futh fuoklh 53.00 v'kksd g.ke¸;k oklxh 55 futh fuoklh 87.41 foBB~y fnaxcaj tk/ko eaxy O;daV tk/ko 47 futh 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futh d`"kh 122.00 jkejko t;arjko tk/ko 78 futh d`"kh 30.00 'kadj xkassfonjko tkens 78 futh d`"kh 152.00 jes'k la?k;k xkSj'ksVVh~ 78 futh d`"kh 152.00 lR;izdk'k ek#rh f'kan s 78 futh d`"kh 300.00 foBB~y ejq yh tk/ko 76 futh d`"kh 300.00 ckykth Jhirh tk/ko 73 futh d`"kh 120.00 isek ds'ko jkBksM 73 futh d`"kh 120.00 fot; O;adaV tk/ko 67 futh d`"kh 300.00 izz'kkar dkyhnkl ikVhy 217 futh d`"kh 100.00 'kadj xksfoanjko tkseMs ddddqqyyqqyy 5831.75 8888---- eeeeqqGGqqGGtttt 189 futh d`"kh 60.00 iaqMfyd g.kear Hkksxhy s 189 futh d`"kh 209.00 f'ko'kadj rqdkjke ekGh ddddqqyyqqyy 269.00 9999---- mmmmeeeejjjjxxxxkkkk 311 futh d`"kh 200.00 vfuy ;knojko lq;oZ a'kh ¼¼¼¼xxxxzkzkzkzkeeeehhhh....kkkk 154 futh d`"kh 2300.00 foBB~y ikMwjax ljq ols ddddqqyyqqyy 2500.00 11110000---- ttttddddssddssddqjqjqjqj 418 futh fuoklh 26.00 jke ckiw dksGh 420 futh fuoklh 32.80 f=cad laHkkth pOgk.k 6 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(ii)] 421 futh fuoklh 64.44 O;daV vkuanjko ikVhy 422 futh fuoklh 24.22 x.kir ;'koar pOgk.k 153.11 nRrk=; flnkze culksMs 423 futh fuoklh flnkze f'kojke culksMs 35.64 ednqe esgcqc bukenkj 425 futh fuoklh othj esgcqc bukenkj 427 futh fuoklh 12.53 foBB~y izYgkn ikVhy 428 futh fuoklh 2.60 vIikjko egknos lekus 429 futh fuoklh 42.56 iafMr 'kkejko fcjktnkj 80.25 clIik 'kadj dy'ksV~Vh 431 futh fuoklh ckcq 'kadj dy'ksV~Vh 441 futh fuoklh 116.28 ukxukFk ,dukFk okxGs 319 futh fuoklh 28.32 l;nq ujflax tk/ko 318 futh fuoklh 12.08 ukenos foBB~y dne 317 futh fuoklh 24.49 flnkze ujflax tk/ko 17.31 f'kokth jktkjke rsayax 'kadj jktkjke rsayax olar jktkjke rsayax 315 futh fuoklh panzdkr jktkjke rsayax vkRekjke jktkjke rsayax fdlu jktkjke rsayax 294 futh fuoklh 6.49 Hkkuqnkl y{e.k rsayax 293 futh fuoklh 292.42 ft- i- 'kkGk mLekukckn 378 0.80 jkuck lknq dkacGs ykMIik jktq dkacGs futh fuoklh egknq] iaMq] lknq] y{e.k] jke] jk.kck ykyck dkacGs 288 futh fuoklh 9.54 y{kq bLZ ekbZy 'ks[k 287 futh fuoklh 4.52 oSthukFk clq dksGh xkoBk.k futh fuoklh 20.90 jatuk fnyhi dkacGs 382 futh fuoklh 0.70 ykMIik jktq dkacGs 380 futh fuoklh 8.40 jkuck jktq dkacGs 374 futh fuoklh 1.70 ckS/n eafnj 132.10 eaxykckbZ ekf.kd dkacGs dLrjq ckbZ ejq yh/kj dkacGs vaxn efgirh dkacGs 320] 325 futh fuoklh ek/ko vaxn dkacGs vtqZu laHkk lksudkacGs banzftr fHke lksudkacGs flrkckbZ 75 futh d`"kh 300 'kkgqckbZ xk;dokM 78 futh d`"kh 300 foBB~y pUuIIk fyackGs 128 futh d`"kh 513 e/kqdj jkejko fcjktnkj 128 futh d`"kh 100 foBB~y jktkjke nq/kHkkrs 700 fo".kq xfguhukFk ikVhy 250 futh d`"kh ccu xfguhukFk ikVhy ddddqqyyqqyy 3063.20 2222---- 1111----HHHHkkkkkkkkslslslslxxxxkkkk 137 futh d`"kh 200.00 lqxykckbZ y{e.k Vaxays yyyykkkkssggssggkkkkjjjjkkkk 138 futh d`"kh 800.00 fHkek'kadja 'kdjIik fpyksck ddddqqyyqqyy 1000.00 2222---- nnnnLLLLrrrrkkkkiiiiwjwjwjwj 54 futh d`"kh 1700.00 xq#fl/n fl/n;k Lokeh xjq ¸;k fl/n;k Lokeh 98 futh d`"kh 14.34 vIikjko ikaMjq ax ikVhy ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(ii)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 7 98 futh d`"kh 14.26 ikaMwjax /kkasMhck Mkojs 98 futh d`"kh 23.40 Hkkypanz nkek xk;dokM 98 futh d`"kh 25.42 dkUgksik=k egknos dkacaGs 98 futh d`"kh 33.82 egknos 'kkejko Mkojs 98 futh d`"kh 18.45 ukxjckbZ >qcaj ikjMs 98 futh d`"kh 12.30 ckth ek#rh dkacGs 98 futh d`"kh 12.32 fyaackckbZ flnkze xk;dokM 98 futh d`"kh 11.60 jkuck] jke xk;dkokM 98 futh d`"kh 934.09 vf/kdkj vfHkys[kk izek.ks ddddqqyyqqyy 2800.00 3333---- rrrrqqyyqqyyttttkkkkiiiiwjwjwjwj 1111---- ttttGGGGddddkkkkssVVssVV larks"k dkf'kukFk njsdj 538 futh d`"kh 1797.00 egs'k dkf'kukFk njsdj fot;dqekj dkf'kukFk njsdj ddddqqyyqqyy 1797.00 2222---- vvvv....kkkknnnnqjqjqjqj 90 futh d`"kh 1500.00 foykl jkenkl yksa<s laxhrk foykl yksa<s 90 futh d`"kh 1100.00 lqfurk ckcq fgIijxs 112 futh d`"kh 700.00 vjfoan fdrhZdqekj Hkrq Mk 112 futh d`"kh 550.00 egknos fo'oukFk cksaxjxs 112 futh d`"kh 529.00 lkrfyax fo'oukFk cksaxjxs 518 futh d`"kh 24.00 f'kokuan fl/nIik eS=h ddddqqyyqqyy 4403.00 ddddqqyyqqyy;;;;kkkkssxxssxx 36120.77 [Qk- la- NHAI/LA/11013/Mah/Solapur/2016] jkts'k xqIrk] mi lfpo MINISTRY OF ROAD TRANSPORT AND HIGHWAYS NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 12th January, 2018 S.O. 190(E).— Whereas by the Notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways number S.O. 2231 (E) dated the 14th July 2017, published in Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (ii) issued under sub-section (1) of Section 3A of the National Highways Act, 1956 (48 of 1956) (hereinafter referred to as the said Act), the Central Government declared its intention to acquire the land specified in the Schedule annexed to the said Notification for building (widening/four laning etc.), maintenance, management and operation of National Highway No. 9 (Now New National Highway No. 65) on the stretch of land from Km 269/800 to Km 348/800 (Maharashtra Section) in the district Osmanabad in the State of Maharashtra. And whereas, the substance of the said Notification has been published in Daily “Sakal” (Marathi) and Daily “Times of India” (English) both dated the 10 August 2017, under sub-section (3) of Section 3A of the said Act; And whereas no objection has been received from any person by the competent authority; And whereas, in pursuance of sub-section (1) of Section 3D of the said Act, the competent authority has submitted its report to the Central Government; Now, therefore, upon receipt of the said report of the competent authority and in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 3D of the said Act, the Central Government hereby declares that the land specified in the said Schedule should be acquired for the aforesaid purpose; And further, in pursuance of sub-section (2) of Section 3D of the said Act, the Central Government hereby declares that on publication of this notification in the Official Gazette, the land specified in the said Schedule shall vest absolutely in the Central Government, free from all encumbrances. 8 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(ii)] SCHEDULE Brief description of the land to be acquired with or without structure, falling whithin stretch of land from km.269/800 To 348/800 (Maharashtra Section) the National Highway No.9 (Now New National Highway No.65) in the State of Maharashtra Sr. Name of Gat Area in Name of the C.T.S. Type of Nature of No the Village Name no/S (Squre Name of Land Owners District No. Land Land . Taluka y no Meters) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1.Osmanabad 1.Umerga 1.Jagdalwadi 26 Private Agriculture 400 Revan Siddhmalayya Guttedar Total 400 2.Dalimb 454 Private Residential 39.22 Baburao Shankarao Tikambare 459 Private Residential 78.40 Malaya Bandaya Mathpati 479 Private Residential 4.70 Makbul Sikandar Silar 481 Private Residential 15.71 Imam Alisaheb Mugale 335 Private Residential 1.98 Karim Sikandar Silar 334 Private Residential 23.65 Amir Hamaja 331 Private Residential 2.90 Amir Hamaja 478 Private Residential 3.84 Gafur Alisaheb Mugale 493 Private Residential 12.24 Walchand Ambadas Dongare 315 Private Residential 18.36 Bhimrao Eknath Gaikwad 325 Private Residential 30.97 Babu Martanda Gaikwad 326 Private Residential 18.56 Babu Martanda Gaikwad 641 Private Agriculture 200 Shivaji Banappa Sarane 642 Private Agriculture 400 Shivaji Banappa Sarane 1246 Private Agriculture 300 SahebKhan Sajankhan Pathan 1245 Private Agriculture 400 Kasim Mahamad Kamal 1319 Government Government 300 Government land Total 1850.53 3.Yeli 375 Private Agriculture 600 Manubai Kashinath Koli Arvind Vishambar Pawar Pratap Vishambar Pawar 180 Private Agriculture 200 Vishwanath Hanmant Mane Total 800 4.Yenegur 67 Private Residential 16.44 Datta Laxman Gaikwad 54 Private Residential 23.72 Laxmibai Sugriv Gaikwad 51 Private Residential 0.88 Rahul Shivram Kamble 601 Private Residential 10.37 Samabai Ram Kamble 603 Private Residential 15.20 Vishnu Mukinda Gaikwad 505 Private Residential 9.00 Shankar Vishwanath, Sachin Suresh Dudhbhate 866 Private Residential 93.50 Tanaji Khulas Lohar 604 Private Residential 6.11 Balasaheb Shankar Gaikwad 604 Private Residential 6.12 Shrimant Shankar Gaikwad 565 Private Residential 22.12 Mahadeo Subhana Bansode 563 Private Residential 19.14 Shesherao Subhana Bansode 559 Private Residential 3.61 Nagnath Maruti Bansode 557 Private Residential 1.49 Shamrao Tukaram Sonkatale 556 Private Residential 3.27 Gahininath Bali Gadekar 507 Private Residential 0.40 Sidram Subhana Sonkatale 508 Private Residential 11.54 Limbaji Sadhu Dudhbhate 491, Private Residential 74.22 Shankar Sadashiv Patil 494 492, Private Residential 160.09 Annarao Sadashiv Patil 493 182 Private Agriculture 800 Shivaraj Sadashiv Birajdar 330 Private Agriculture 900 Vishwanath Mahadappa Sonkatale 631 Private Agriculture 550 Ram Maruti Mahanoor 188 Private Agriculture 300 Kashinath Mahadev Birajdar Total 3027.22 5.Maha- 16 Private Agriculture 400 Shilvantabai Vitthal lingraywadi Dudhbhate ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(ii)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 9 16 Private Agriculture 100 Mahesh Digambar Suryawanshi 16 Private Agriculture 10 Bhajappa Kallappa Mali 342 Private Agriculture 200 Shrikant Sambhaji Patil & Others 349 Private Agriculture 400 Parutappa Baswanappa Udge 369 Private Agriculture 14.50 Babu @ Gurappa Gundappa Supatgave 369 Private Agriculture 167 Laxmibai Santhosh Dixit 369 Private Agriculture 167 Balaji Vinayak Salunke Total 1458.50 6.Talmod 633 Private Residential 8.87 Shrirang Limbaji Sugure 635 Private Residential 11.60 Hariba Gunda Sugure, Pandit Gunda Sugure 627 Private Residential 14 Shrirang, Nivaratu,, Tatyarao,Shesherao,Maruti Limbaji Sugure 616 Private Residential 43.75 Sidram Govind Gaikwad 615 Private Residential 18.37 Ambubai Limba Gaikwad 610, Private Residential 7.81 Sidram Govind Gaikwad, 611 Pandurang Mahada Gaikwad 609 Private Residential 0.45 Mahanda Panda, Sidram Govind Gaikwad 607 Private Residential 21.75 Sugriv Krashanaji Gaikwad 606 Private Residential 6.80 Kashinath Hanamanta Gaikwad 604 Private Residential 0.75 Shetiba Govind Gaikwad, Kashiba Govind Gaikwad 602 Private Residential 0.12 Laxmi Devstan 599 Private Residential 1.14 Tukaram Arjun Kambale 48 Private Agriculture 2500.16 Devatabai Nagesh More 49 Private Agriculture 500 Kalidas vishwanath More Partuappa Sidramappa Kalshetti 67 Private Agriculture 3785 Pandurang Limbaji More Total 6920.57 7.Turori Gaothan Private Residential 22.57 Shalubai Chandrakant Kaikadi Gaothan Private Residential 22.59 Arvind Govind Jadhav Gaothan Government N.A 133 Road 173 Private Residential 78.34 Shrinivas Kadaji More 172 Private Residential 82.92 Bhagrtibai Datoba Giri 171 Private Residential 75.00 Ganpatrao Mukundrao Khamitkar 170 Private Residential 94.50 Prakash Manikrao Jadhav 167 Private Residential 37.69 Apparao Kashiba Lavate 168 Private Residential 21.23 Manki Sampu Koli, Laxman Sampu Koli 169 Private Residential 188.20 Pandurang Sambhaji Jadhav Gaothan Government N.A 37.69 Road 51 Private Residential 23.39 Pandurang Sambhaji Jadhav Private Residential 24.41 Vithoba Digambar Karale Private Residential 42.00 Pratap Pandurang Jadhav 50 Private Residential 72.60 Shripati Vithoba Malegave 49 Private Residential 34.50 Vitthal Ram Jamadar 48 Private Residential 53.00 Ashok Hanmaya Wasgi 55 Private Residential 87.41 Vitthal Digambar Jadhav, Mangal Venkat Jadhav 47 Private Residential 41.20 Gyanoba Ram Bhusare 54 Private Residential 94.80 Ram Gayanoba Bhusare, Dattu Gayanoba Bhusare, Madhukar Gayanoba Bhusare, Shivaji Gayanoba Bhusare, Prakash Gayanoba Bhusare 46 Private Residential 48.30 Khandu Krashnaji Thore Gaothan Government N.A 45.00 Road 10 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(ii)] 45 Private Residential 35.10 Vitthal Krashnaji Thore 44 Private Residential 64.30 Shantabai Dattu Thore, Madhukar Dattu Thore, Sudhakar Thore 43 Private Residential 53.40 Prakash Digambar Sathe 42 Private Residential 6.28 Vitthal Krashnaji Thore, Babu Krashnaji Thore, Vitthal Namdeo Gurav, Pandit Mahadu Gogave & Digambar, Bhagwan, Hanmant, Ganpat, Fulchand Mahade Ghodake 41 Private Residential 53.40 Mahdav Narayan Ghodake 30 Private Residential 6.06 Babu Krashnaji Thore 31 Private Residential 6.32 Vithoba Namdeo Gurav Gaothan Government N.A 95.78 Road 34 Private Residential 1.93 Digambar Bhagwan Ghodake 35 Private Residential 6.32 Digambar Bhagwan Ghodake 40 Private Residential 62.00 Devidas Digambar Sathe, Prakash Digambar Sathe, Chandrakant Digambar Sathe 38 Private Residential 185.50 Pandit Mahadu Wanegave 39 Private Residential 70.40 Godavari Rajendra Survawanshi, Dipak Rjendra Survanshi, Lata Sunil Chaudhari, Amol Rajendra Suryawanshi 1183 Private Residential 171.30 Devidas Digambar Sathe, Prakash Digambar Sathe, Chandrakant Digambar Sathe Gaothan Government N.A 15.68 Road 1175 Private Residential 99.51 Venkat Dattatrya Dhanore 1174 Private Residential 45.02 Alisher Daudsaheb Bagwan 1173 Private Residential 71.59 Shivaji Maruti Dudhbhate 1172 Private Residential 113.28 Dastgir Fatrusab, Umer Fatrusab, Rasul Fatrusab 1170 Private Residential 5.10 Dargaha 1169 Private Residential 28.00 Mansur Mahebub Mujawar 1168 Private Residential 29.45 Mukutum Suleman Shaikh 1171 Private Residential 28.30 Gram panchayat 1166, Private Residential 38.80 Mahemubali Mainuddin 1167 Bedage, Gafur Hanif Mujawar Gaothan Government Road 70.28 Road Gaothan Government Road 48.37 Road 953 Private Residential 170.94 Masjd Ahletulla Muslim Comiti 34 Private Agriculture 60 Anganwadi/Samaj Mandir/ Gram Panchayat 78 Private Agriculture 60 Machindra Vithoba Jadhav 78 Private Agriculture 30 Tukaram Manik Patil 78 Private Agriculture 30 Ram Bali Korale 78 Private Agriculture 30 Rajendra Gajappa Jogdand 78 Private Agriculture 30 Tulshiram Manikrao Balsure 78 Private Agriculture 30 Lata Chandrakant Suryawanshi, Chandrakant Nagnath Suryawanshi, Sadashiv Nagnath Suryawanshi 78 Private Agriculture 30 Sheshabai Shripati Jadhav 78 Private Agriculture 78 Satish Shripati Tapsale 78 Private Agriculture 65 Baburao Venkat Tapsale 78 Private Agriculture 56 Rajkumar venkat Manikwar 78 Private Agriculture 28 Shivamma Piraya Guttedar 78 Private Agriculture 56 Archana Wamanrao

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