jftLVªh laö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx III—[k.M 4 PART III—Section 4 izkf/dkj ls izdkf'kr PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY la- 12] ubZ fnYyh] c`gLifrokj] tuojh 11] 2018@ikS"k 21] 1939 No. 12] NEW DELHI, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 2018/PAUSHA 21, 1939 ddddUUssUUssææææhhhh;;;; ffffoooo||||qrqrqrqr ffffooooffffuuuu;;;;kkkkeeeedddd vvvvkkkk;;;;kkkkxxssxxss vvvvffff////kkkkllllppwwppww uuuukkkk ub Z fnYyh] 14 fnlEcj] 2017 llll--aa--aa ,,,,yyyy&&&&1111@@@@44444444@@@@2222000011110000&&&&ddddffssffssooooffffoooovvvvkkkk----—dUsæh; fo|qr fofu;ked vk;kxs ] fo|qr vf/kfu;e] 2003 ¼2003 dk 36½ d s Hkkx V d s lkFk ifBr /kkjk 178 d s v/khu çnÙk 'kfDr;k sa rFkk bl fufeÙk lkeF;dZ kjh lHkh vU; 'kfDr;k sa dk ç;kxs djr s g,q ] vkSj iwo Z çdk'ku d s i'pkr]~ le;≤ ij ;Fkkl'a kkfs/kr] dUsæh; fo|qr fofu;ked vk;kxs ¼varjjkfT;d ikj"sk.k iHz kkjk sa vkSj gkfu;k as dh fgLlns kjh½ fofu;e] 2010 ¼ftl s bld s i'pkr ~ ^eyw fofu;e* dgk x;k g½S dk l'a kk/s ku dju s d s fy, fuEufyf[kr fofu;e cukrk gS] vFkkZr%~& 1111---- llllffaaffaa{{{{kkkkIIIIrrrr uuuukkkkeeee rrrrFFFFkkkkkkkk ççççkkkkjjjjHHaaHHaakkkk%%%% ¼1½ bu fofu;ek sa dk lfa{kIr uke dUsnzh; fo|qr fofu;ked vk;kxs ¼vra jjkfT;d ikj"sk.k iHz kkjk sa vkSj gkfu;k sa dh fgLlns kjh½ ¼ik¡pok l'a kk/s ku½ fofu;e] 2017 gSA ¼2½ ; s fofu;e] fofu;e 7 d s [k.M ¼1½ d s mi[k.M ¼e½ vkSj ¼;½d s flok; Hkkjr d s jkti= e sa vf/klpw uk d s çdk'ku dh rkjh[k l s çoÙ` k gkxsa s tks Øe'k% 1-7-2017 vkSj 30-9-2016 l s çoÙ` k gkxas sA 2222---- eeeeyywwyyww ffffooooffffuuuu;;;;eeee dddd ss ss ffffooooffffuuuu;;;;eeee 7777 ddddkkkk llll''aa''aa kkkkkkkk//ss//sskkkkuuuu ¼1½ eyw fofu;e d s fofu;e 7 dh [kMa d s [kMa ¼1½ e sa fuEufyf[kr ,d u;k mi[kMa ¼e½ tkMs +k tk,xk% ^^¼e½ vkb,Z lVh,l uVs od Z d s mi;kxs d s fy, fdlh idz kj dk ikj"sk.k iHz kkj vkSj gkfu;k a bl idz kj dh mRiknu ifj;kts ukvk sa d s okf.kfT;d ipz kyu dh rkjh[k l s 25 o"k Z dh vof/k d s fy, lkSj lalk/kuk sa ij vk/kkfjr mRiknu ifj;kts ukvk sa dh {kerk d s fy, lna ;s ugha gkxs h ;fn o s fuEufyf[kr 'krk saZ dks iwjk djrh gaS% (i) ,slh mRiknu {kerk ifzrLi/kkRZ ed ckys h d s ek/;e l s inz ku dh xb Z gk(s vkSj 194 GI/2018 (1) 2 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART III—SEC. 4] (ii) ,slh mRiknu {kerk 1-7-2017 vkSj 31-12-2019 d s chp okf.kfT;d ipz kyu d s v/khu ?kkfs"kr dh xb Z gk(s vkSj (iii) fo|qr Ø; djkj ¼djkjk½sa dk s mudh uohdj.kh; Ø; ck/;rk d s vuiq kyu d s fy, forj.k dia fu;k sa dk s ,ls h mRiknu {kerk l s fo|qr dh fcØh d s fy, fu"ikfnr fd;k x;k gkAs ** ¼2½ eyw fofu;e d s fofu;e 7 d s [kMa ¼1½ esa fuEufyf[kr ,d u;k mi[kMa ¼;½ tkMs k+ tk,xk% ^^¼;½ ,slh mRiknu ifj;kts ukvk sa d s okf.kfT;d ipz kyu dh rkjh[k l s 25 o"kZ dh vof/k d s fy, iou Åtk Z lalk/kuk as ij vk/kkfjr mRiknu ifj;kts ukvk sa }kjk ^vkb,Z lVh,l uVs od Z d s mi;kxs d s fy, fdlh idz kj d s ikj"sk.k iHz kkj vkSj gkfu;k a lna ;s ugha gkxs h ;fn o s fuEufyf[kr 'krk Zsa dk s ijw k djrh g%Sa (i) ,slh mRiknu {kerk ifzrLi/kkRZ ed ckys h d s ek/;e l s inz ku dh xb Z gk(s vkSj (ii) bl idz kj dh mRiknu {kerk 30-9-2016 l s 31-03-2019 rd d s chp okf.kfT;d ipz kyu d s v/khu ?kksf"kr dh xb Z gk(s vkSj (iii) fo|qr Ø; djkj ¼djkjk½sa dk s mudh uohdj.kh; Ø; ck/;rk d s vuiq kyu d s fy, forj.k dia fu;k as dk s ,ls h mRiknu {kerk l s fo|qr dh fcØh d s fy, fu"ikfnr fd;k x;k gkAs ** 3333---- eeeeyywwyyww ffffooooffffuuuu;;;;eeee dddd ss ss ffffooooffffuuuu;;;;eeee dddd ss ss ffffooooffffuuuu;;;;eeee 8888 ddddkkkk llll''aa''aa kkkkkkkk//ss//sskkkkuuuu ¼1½ eyw fofu;e d s fofu;e 8 d s [k.M ¼5½ d s pkSFk s ijUrdq d s LFkku ij] fuEufyf[kr j[kk tk,xk% ^^ijUr q ;g Hkh fd nh?kdZ kfyd igpqa d s vkjHa k l ss iow ]Z LVkVvZ i Åtk Z dh fudklh dju s okyk ;k buQe Z Åtk Z var%{kfsir dju s okyk mRiknu dUsn z ekl d s nkSjku ¼lca fa/kr ekl½ buQeÅZ tk Z d s okLrfod var%{kis .k ;k LVkVvZ i Åtk Z dh fudklh dh rRLFkkuh fudklh ;k var%{kis .k iHz kkjk sa dk lna k; dju s dk nk;h gkxs k vkSj ,sl s Hkxq rku d s eí s izkIr jde dhifzrifwr Z lca fa/kr ekg d s nkSjku MhvkbZlh dh fcfyxa d s lekuiq kr e]sa fcfyxa d s ekg d s vkxkeh ekg e sa MhvkbZlh dk s dh tk,xhA** ¼2½ eyw fofu;e d s fofu;e 8 d s [kMa ¼6½ d s Ik'pkr]~ ,d u;k [kMa ¼7½ tkMs k+ tk,xk% ^^¼7½ yf{kr {ks= d s fy, nh?kdZ kfyd igpqa oky s ,sl s MhvkbZlh ftldhihvkslh nj frekgh d s fy, fu/kkfZjr ugha dh xb Z gS] yf{kr {ks= dh vkSlr ihvkslh nj ij fcy fd;k tk,xkA** 4444---- eeeeyywwyyww ffffooooffffuuuu;;;;eeee dddd ss ss ffffooooffffuuuu;;;;eeee 11111111 dddd ss ss [[[[kkkk....MMMM ¼¼¼¼5555½½½½ ddddkkkk llll''aa''aa kkkkkkkk//ss//sskkkkuuuu%%%% eyw fofu;e d s fofu;e 11 d s [k.M ¼5½ dk f}rh; ijUrdq d s LFkku ij] fuEufyf[kr j[kk tk,xk% ^^ijUr q ;g fd p;fur fgrkf/kdkfj;k sa d s fcuk ,sl s MhvkbZlh] ftud s ikl yf{kr {ks= dh nh?kdZ kfyd igpqa gS] }kjk ekl d s nkSjku fdlh {ks= d s fy, dh xb Z e/;dkfyd fuck/Z k igpqa dh ek=k inz Ùk nh?kdZ kfyd igpqa dh ek=k rd lhfer ,sl s MhvkbZlh dh nh?kdZ kfyd igpqa d s eí s lek;kfstr dh tk,xhA** 5555---- eeeeyywwyyww ffffooooffffuuuu;;;;eeee dddd ss ss ffffooooffffuuuu;;;;eeee 11111111 dddd ss ss [[[[kkkk....MMMM 6666 ddddkkkk llll''aa''aa kkkkkkkk//ss//sskkkkuuuu%%%% eyw fofu;e dfsofu;e 11 d s [k.M ¼6½ d s LFkku ij] fuEufyf[kr j[kk tk,xk% ^^fcy dk rhljk Hkkx ,QbvZ kjoh] izkRs lkgu] ikj"sk.k vkfLr;k sa dk s vkjHa k dju s dk iuq %vuqlpw hdj.k] fdlh iuq jh{k.k vkn's k e sa cdk;k n;s ]vkfn e sa fdlh fHkUUkrk dk s lek;kfstr dju s d s fy, mi;Dq r fd;k tk,xk ftl s pfwad fdlh vkb,Z lVh,l ikj"sk.k vuKq fIr/kkjh d s fy, vk;kxs }kjk vueq fr nh xb Z gSA ,slh de olyw h ;k vf/kd olyw h d s dkj.k olyw fd; s tku s oky s ;k ifzrifwr Z dh tku s okyh dyq jde lxa r ihvkslh ykx w vof/k e sa vkSlr vueq kfsnr var%{kis .k ;k vueq kfsnr fudklh iHz kkjk sa d s lekuiq kr e sa iRz ;ds MhvkbZlh dk s lhVh; w }kjk fcy dh tk,xhA fcy dk og Hkkx iwoZorh Z ihvkslh vkons u vof/k d s fy, flrEcj] fnlEcj] ekp Z vkSj tuw d s iFz ke dk;fZnol ij fd;k tk,xkA** 6666---- eeeeyywwyyww ffffooooffffuuuu;;;;eeee dddd ss ss ffffooooffffuuuu;;;;eeee 11111111 dddd ss ss [[[[kkkk....MMMM ¼¼¼¼9999½½½½ ddddkkkk llll''aa''aa kkkkkkkk//ss//sskkkkuuuu vvvvkkkkSSjjSSjj [[[[kkkk....MMMM ¼¼¼¼11110000½½½½ ddddkkkk ss ss ttttkkkkMMssMMss +k+k+k+k ttttkkkkuuuukkkk%%%% eyw fofu;e dfsofu;e 11 d s [k.M ¼9½ d s v/khu ijUrdq kdsa s LFkku fuEufyf[kr u;k [k.M ¼10½ j[kk tk,xkA ^^¼10½ nh?kdZ kfyd igpqa d s v/khu iHz kkj lna ;s dju s oky s MhvkbZlh d s fy, vYidkfyd fuck/Zk igpqa d s fy, vkWQlVs fuEukuqlkj gkxs k% ¹Hkkx IIIµ[k.M 4º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 3 ¼d½ ;fn dkbs Z ,slk MhvkbZlh ftld s ikl p;fur fgrkf/kdkfj;k sa d s fcuk yf{kr {ks= d s fy, nh?kdZ kfyd igpqa gk s vkSj nh?kdZ kfyd igpqa d s fy, vra %{kis .k iHz kkj inz k; dj jgk gk]s fdlh {k=s d s fy, vYidkfyd fuck/Z k igpqa izkIr djrk gS% (i) vYidkfyd fuck/Z k igpqa dh ek=k d s fy, iHz kkj nh?kdZ kfyd igpqa dh inz Ùk ek=k d s fy, lhfer ,ls s MhvkbZlh dh nh?kdZ kfyd igpqa d s fy, iHz kkjk sa d s eí s vkxkeh ekg e sa lek;kfstr fd;k tk,xkA (ii) ;g vkWQlVs ek=k dh lhek rd lhfer gkxs k ftld s fy, MhvkbZlh u s nh?kdZ kfyd igpqa d s fy, ikj"sk.k iHz kkj lna Ùk fd;k gAS ¼[k½ fo|qr dh ek=k] ftld s fy, MhvkbZlh dk s vYidkfyd fuck/Z k igpqa inz ku dh xb Z gk]s vueq kfsnr fudklh d s fy, vkQlVs fd;k tk,xk ftld s fy, fudklh ihvkslh iHz kkj lca fa/kr MhvkbZlh }kjk lna Ùk fd, x, gkAsa ;g vkQlVs vk/kkj ekey s e sa fopkj fd, x, vueq kfsnr fudklh vkSj dyq fudklh ¼Hkkj ?kVk futh var%{kis .k½ d s chp varj rd lhfer gkxs k] ;fn vueq kfsnr fudklh dyq fudklh l s de gSA ¼x½ MhvkbZlh fudklh d s fy,] ;g lek;kts u MhvkbZlh }kjk vYidkfyd fuck/Z k igpqa lOa;ogkj d s fy, gh fd;k tk,xk] vkSj jkT; usVod Z e sa lfUufgrvra %jkfT;d dia fu;k sa vkSj vYidkfyd fuck/Z k igpqa izkIr dju s okyk sa dk s ykxw ugh a gkxs kA ¼?k½ ,sl s MhvkbvZ kjlh ftld s ikl p;fur fgrkf/kdkfj;k sa d s fcuk yf{kr {ks= e sa nh?kdZ kfyd igpqa gk]s }kjk izkIr vYidkfyd fuck/Z k igpqa dk lek;kts u lca fa/kr MhvkbZlh }kjk fd, x, lkefwgd lOa;ogkjk as d s ekey s e sa Hkh ykx w gkxs kA ,sl s ekeyk sa e]sa vra %{kis .k MhvkbZlh dk s vra %{kis .k iHz kkjk sa d s rRLFkkuh lek;kts u fd;k tk,xk vkSj fudklh MhvkbZlh dk s fudklh iHz kkjk sa d s rRLFkkuh lek;kts u fn;k tk,xkA ¼³½ nh?kdZ kfyd igpqa d s eí s vYidkfyd fuck/Z k igpqa dk lek;kts u ,sl s fdlh O;kikj vuKq fIr/kkjh }kjk fd, x, lkefwgd lOa;ogkjk sa vkSj f}i{kh; lOa;ogkjk sa d s fy, ykx w ugh a gkxs k ftld s ikl ml jkT; e sa mRikndk sa dk ikVs QZ kfsy;k s g S ftld s fy, nh?kdZ kfyd igpqa dk s yf{kr {ks= d s fy, O;kikj vuKq fIr/kkjh }kjk izkIr fd;k x;k FkkA** lukts deq kj >k] lfpo [िव(cid:3)ापन-III /4/असा. /380/17] ffffVVVVIIIIiiii....kkkk: dUsæh; fo|qr fofu;ked vk;kxs ¼vUrjjkfT;d ikj"sk.k iHz kkjk sa vkSj gkfu;k sa dh Hkkxhnkjh½ fofu;e] 2010 Hkkjr d s jkti= ¼vlk/kkj.k½ Hkkx&III] [k.M 4] l[a ;k 162 }kjk rkjh[k 16-6-2010 dk s vf/klfwpr fd, x, rFkk mudk fuEukuqlkj l'a kk/s ku fd;k x;k Fkk& (d) iFz ke l'a kk/s ku fofu;e] 2011 rkjh[k 25-11-2011 dk s Hkkjr d s jkti= ¼vlk/kkj.k½ d s Hkkx&III [k.M 4] l[a ;k 229 e sa idz kf'kr fd, x,A ([k) f}rh; l'a kk/s ku fofu;e] 2012 rkjh[k 29-3-2012 dk s Hkkjr d s jkti= ¼vlk/kkj.k½ Hkkx& III [k.M 4] Øe l[a ;k 76 e sa idz kf'kr fd, x,A (x) r`rh; l'a kk/s ku fofu;e] 2015 rkjh[k 7-4-2015 dk s Hkkjr d s jkti= ¼vlk/kkj.k½ Hkkx& III [k.M 4] Øe l[a ;k 118 e sa idz kf'kr fd, x,A (?k) prFq k Z l'a kk/s ku fofu;e] 2015 rkjh[k 8-7-2015 dk s Hkkjr d s jkti= ¼vlk/kkj.k½ Hkkx& III [k.M 4] Øe l[a ;k 239 idz kf'kr fd, x,A 4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART III—SEC. 4] CENTRAL ELECTRICITY REGULATORY COMMISSION NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 14th December, 2017 No. L-1/44/2010-CERC.—In exercise of the powers conferred under section 178 read with Part V of the Electricity Act, 2003 (36 of 2003), and all other powers enabling it in this behalf, and after previous publication, the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission makes the following regulations to amend Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Sharing of Inter-State Transmission Charges & Losses) Regulations, 2010 as amended from time to time (hereinafter referred to as “The Principal Regulations”), namely: 1. Short Title and Commencement : (1) These regulations may be called the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Sharing of Inter State Transmission Charges and Losses) (Fifth Amendment) Regulations, 2017. (2) These regulations shall come into force from the date of publication of notification in the Gazette of India except in case of sub-clauses (y) and (z) of Clause (1) of Regulation 7 which shall come into effect from 1.7.2017 and 30.9.2016 respectively. 2. Amendment to Regulation 7 of the Principal Regulations: (1) A New Sub clause (y) to Clause (1) to Regulation 7 of Principal Regulations shall be added as under: "(y) No transmission charges and losses for the use of ISTS network shall be payable for the capacity of the generation projects based on solar resources for a period of 25 years from the date of commercial operation of the such generation projects if they fulfill the following conditions: (i) Such generation capacity has been awarded through competitive bidding; and (ii) Such generation capacity has been declared under commercial operation between 1.7.2017 and 31.12.2019; and (iii) Power Purchase Agreement(s) have been executed for sale of power from such generation capacity to the Distribution Companies for compliance of their renewable purchase obligation. (2) A New Sub clause (z) to Clause (1) to Regulation 7 of Principal Regulations shall be added as under: "(z) No transmission charges and losses for the use of ISTS network shall be payable for the generation based on wind power resources for a period of 25 years from the date of commercial operation of such generation if they fulfill the following conditions: (i) Such generation capacity has been awarded through competitive bidding; and (ii) Such generation capacity has been declared under commercial operation between 30.9.2016 till 31.3.2019; and (iii) Power Purchase Agreement(s) have been executed for sale of such generation capacity to the Distribution Companies for compliance of their renewable purchase obligations. ¹Hkkx IIIµ[k.M 4º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 5 3. Amendment to Regulation 8 of the Principal Regulations: (1) Fourth proviso to Clause (5) to Regulation 8 of Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: "Provided also that a generating station drawing start-up power or injecting infirm power before commencement of LTA shall be liable to pay the withdrawal or injection charges corresponding to the actual injection of infirm power or withdrawal start-up power during a month (concerned month) and the amount received on account of such payments shall be reimbursed to the DICs in the month following the month of billing, in proportion to the billing of the DICs during the concerned month." (2) A new Clause (7) shall be added after Clause (6) to Regulation 8 of Principal Regulations: “(7) DIC with LTA to target region whose POC rate has not been determined for the quarter, shall be billed at Average PoC rate of the target region.” 4. Amendment to Clause (5) to Regulation 11 of the Principal Regulations: Second proviso to clause (5) of Regulation 11 of the Principal Regulations shall be ubstituted as under: “Provided further that the quantum of Medium Term Open Access to any region availed during a month by a DIC having Long Term Access to a target region without identified beneficiaries shall be adjusted against the Long-term Access of such DIC limited to the granted quantum of Long Term Access:” 5. Amendment to Clause (6) to Regulation 11 of the Principal Regulations: Clause (6) of Regulation 11 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under: "The third part of the bill shall be used to adjust any variations in FERV, Incentive, rescheduling of commissioning of transmission assets, arrears due to any revision Order etc. as allowed by the Commission for any ISTS Transmission Licensee. Total amount to be recovered or reimbursed on account of such under-recovery or over-recovery shall be billed by the CTU to each DIC in proportion of its average Approved Injection or Approved Withdrawal Charges over the relevant PoC application period. This part of the bill shall be raised on first working day of September, December, March and June for the previous PoC application period." 6. Amendment to Clause (9) and addition of Clause (10) to Regulation 11 of the Principal Regulations: Provisos under Clause (9) of Regulation 11 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted with new Clause (10) as under: “(10) The offset for STOA for a DIC paying charges under LTA shall be as follows: (a) If a DIC, having LTA to a target region without identified beneficiaries and paying injection charges for Long Term Access, avails Short Term Open Access to any region: (i) The charges for the quantum of Short Term Open Access shall be adjusted in the following month against the charges for Long Term Access of such DIC limited to the granted quantum of Long Term Access. 6 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART III—SEC. 4] (ii) This offset shall be limited to the extent of the quantum for which DIC has paid transmission charges towards long term access. (b) The quantum of power for which a DIC is granted STOA shall be offset against the Approved withdrawal for which Withdrawal PoC charges are paid by the concerned DIC. This offset shall be limited to difference between Approved Withdrawal and Net withdrawal (load minus own injection) considered in base case, if Approved withdrawal is less than the Net Withdrawal: (c) For Withdrawal DIC, this adjustment shall be given only for STOA transaction by DIC, and shall not be applicable to intra-State entities embedded in State network and availing STOA: (d) The adjustment for STOA availed by a DIC having LTA to target region without identified beneficiaries shall also be applicable in case of collective transactions undertaken by concerned DIC. In such cases, Injection DICs shall be given adjustment corresponding to injection charges and withdrawal DICs shall be given adjustment corresponding to withdrawal charges: (e) The adjustment of STOA against LTA shall not be applicable for collective transactions and bilateral transactions undertaken by a trading licensee, who has a portfolio of generators in a State for which LTA was obtained by the trading licensee to a target region." SANOJ KUMAR JHA, Secy. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./380/17] Note: The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Sharing of inter-State Transmission Charges and Losses) Regulations, 2010 were notified in Part III, Section 4, No. 162 of the Gazette of India (Extraordinary) dated 16.6.2010 and amended vide – (a) First Amendment Regulations, 2011 published in Part III, Section 4 No. 229 of the Gazette of India (Extraordinary) dated 25.11.2011. (b) Second Amendment Regulations, 2012 published in Part III, Section 4, No. 76 of the Gazette of India (Extraordinary) dated 29.3.2012. (c) Third Amendment Regulations, 2015 published in Part III, Section 4, No. 118 of the Gazette of India (Extraordinary) dated 7.04.2015. (d) Fourth Amendment Regulations, 2015 published in Part III, Section 4, No. 239 of the Gazette of India (Extraordinary) dated 8.07.2015. Uploaded by Dte. of Printing at Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064 and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054.