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Union Government, Extraordinary, 2017-01-10, Part II-Section 3-Sub-Section(ii), Ref. S O 77 to 78 E PDF

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Preview Union Government, Extraordinary, 2017-01-10, Part II-Section 3-Sub-Section(ii), Ref. S O 77 to 78 E

jftLVªh laö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3—mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (ii) izkf/dkj ls izdkf'kr PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY la- 68] ubZ fnYyh] eaxyokj] tuojh 10] 2017@ikS"k 20] 1938 No. 68] NEW DELHI, TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2017/PAUSA 20, 1938 llllMMMM++dd++dd iiiiffffjjjjoooogggguuuu vvvvkkkkSSjjSSjj jjjjkkkktttteeeekkkkxxxxZZ ZZ eeee==aa==aa kkkkyyyy;;;; vvvvffff////kkkkllllwwppwwppuuuukkkk ubZ fnYyh]9 tuojh] 2016 ddddkkkk----vvvvkkkk---- 77777777¼¼¼¼vvvv½½½½----&&&&dsUnzh; ljdkj] jk"Vªh; jktekxZ vf/kfu;e] 1956 ¼1956 dk 48½ ¼ftls blesa blds i'pkr~ mDr vf/kfu;e dgk x;k gSS½ dh /kkjk 3d dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ }kjk iznRr 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq,] ;g lek/kku gks tkus ds i'pkr~ fd NRrhlx<+ jkT; ds dksUMkxkao ftys esa jk"Vªh; jktekxZZZZ la[;k 43 ds fd-eh- 152$100 ls fd-eh- 180$000 rd Hkw[kaM ¼/kerjh &txnyiqj [kaM½ dk fuekZ.k ¼ pkSMk+ djus@ nks ysu isOM “kksYMj ds lkFk dk cukus] ckbiklksa ds fuek.kZ] vkfn]½] vuqj{k.k] izca/ku vkSj izpkyu ds yksd iz;kstu ds fy, og Hkwfe visf{kr gS ftldk laf{kIr o.kZu uhps vuqlwph esa fn;k x;k gS] ,slh Hkwfe dk vtZu djus ds vius vk'k; dh ?kks"k.kk djrh gS( dksbZ O;fDr] tks mDr Hkwfe esasa fgrc) gS] mDr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 3x dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ ds v/khu iow kssZDr iz;kstu ds fy, ,slh Hkwfe ds mi;ksx ij jktIk= esa bl vf/klwpuk ds izdk'ku dh rkjh[k ls bDdhl fnu ds Hkhrj vk{ksi dj ldsxk ( ,slk izR;sd vk{ksi l{ke izkf/kdkjh vFkkZr~ vvvvuuuuqqffqqffooooHHHHkkkkkkkkxxxxhhhh;;;; vvvvffff////kkkkddddkkkkjjjjhhhh ¼¼¼¼jjjjkkkkttttLLLLoooo½½½½ ,,,,ooooaa aa HHHHkkkkwwffwwffeeee vvvvttttZZuuZZuu vvvvffff////kkkkddddkkkkjjjjhhhh]]]] ddddss''ss''kkkkddddkkkkyyyy]]]] dks fyf[kr :Ik esa fd;k tk,xk vkSj mlesa mlds vk/kkj vf/kdfFkr fd, tk,axsa vkSj l{ke izkf/kdkjh] vk{ksidrkZ dks O;fDrxr :Ik esa ;k fdlh fof/k O;olk;h }kjk lqus tkus dk volj nsxk vkSj ,sls vk{ksiksa dh lquokbZ ds i'pkr~ rFkk ,slh vkSj tk¡p djus ds i'pkr~ ;fn dksbZ gks] ftls l{ke izkf/kdkjh vko';d le>s] vkns'k }kjk ;k rks vk{ksiksa dks vuqKkr dj ldsxk ;k vuuqKkr dj ldsxk( mDr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 3x dh mi/kkjk ¼2½ ds v/khu l{ke izkf/kdkjh }kjk fd;k x;k dksbZ vkns'k vafre gksxk ( vkSj bl vf/klwpuk ds varxZr vkus okyh Hkwfe ds js[kkad vkSj vU; C;kSjs l{ke izkf/kdkjh ds mDr dk;kZy; esa miyC/k gSa vkSj mudk fgrc) O;fDr;ksa }kjk fujh{k.k fd;k tk ldrk gSA vvvvuuuuqlqlqlqlwwppwwpphhhh NNNNRRRRrrrrhhhhllllxxxx<<<<++ ++ jjjjkkkkTTTT;;;; ddddss ss ddddkkkkssUUssUUMMMMkkkkxxxxkkkkaoaoaoao ffffttttyyyyss ss eeeesasa sasa jjjjkkkk""""VVVVªªhhªªhh;;;; jjjjkkkktttteeeekkkkxxxxZZ ZZ llllaa--aa-- 44443333 ¼¼¼¼uuuu;;;;kkkk jjjjkkkk----jjjjkkkk---- 33330000½½½½ ddddss ss ffffdddd----eeeehhhh---- 111155552222----111100000000 llllss ss ffffdddd----eeeehhhh---- 111188880000----000000000000 ¼¼¼¼////kkkkeeeerrrrjjjjhhhh &&&&ttttxxxxnnnnyyyyiiiiqjqjqjqj [[[[kkkk....MMMM½½½½ ddddss ss ffffyyyy,,,, vvvvttttZZuuZZuu ddddhhhh ttttkkkkuuuuss ss ooookkkkyyyyhhhh lllljajajaja ppppuuuukkkk jjjjffffggggrrrr vvvvFFFFkkkkooookkkk lllljajajaja ppppuuuukkkk llllffffggggrrrr HHHHkkkkwwffwwffeeee ddddkkkk llllaaffaaff{{{{kkkkIIIIrrrr ffffoooooooojjjj....kkkk %%%% 117 GI/2017 (1) 2 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(ii)] ØØØØ---- ffffttttyyyyss ss ddddkkkk rrrrkkkkyyyyqqddqqdd ddddkkkk uuuukkkkeeee xxxxzkzkzkzkeeee ddddkkkk uuuukkkkeeee lllloooosZsZ{{sZsZ{{kkkk....kkkk llllaa[[aa[[;;;;kkkk HHHHkkkkwwffwwffeeee ddddkkkk iiiizzddzzddkkkkjjjj HHHHkkkkwwffwwffeeee ddddhhhh iiiizzddzzdd``ff``ffrrrr HHHHkkkkwwffwwffeeee ddddkkkk llll---- uuuukkkkeeee ¼¼¼¼[[[[kkkklllljjjjkkkk uuuuaa--aa--½½½½ {{{{kkkkss==s=s=QQQQyyyy ¼¼¼¼ggggssDDssDDVVVVss;;ss;;jjjj eeeessaa½½ssaa½½ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 1/20 d futh d`f"k 0.168 2 1/60 [k futh d`f"k 0.349 3 1/60 d futh d`f"k 0.680 4 1/2 V futh d`f"k 0.772 5 dks.Mkxkao ds'kdky ds'kdky 1/22 d, 115/2 futh d`f"k 0.092 6 1/61 futh d`f"k 0.530 7 1/2 M+ futh d`f"k 0.047 8 2/ <+ futh d`f"k 0.280 9 1/22 x futh d`f"k 0.030 1 1/2 ] 8@1 x futh vkoklh; 0.020 2 1/65 futh d`f"k 0.200 3 1/66 futh d`f"k 0.073 4 1/67 futh d`f"k 0.129 5 1/2, 8/1 [k futh d`f"k 0.065 6 1/2 ?k futh d`f"k 0.004 dks.Mkxkao ds'kdky cksjxkao 7 1/36 d futh d`f"k 0.016 8 1/63 d futh d`f"k 0.162 9 1/37 p futh d`f"k 0.016 10 1/37 M+ futh d`f"k 0.025 11 1/63 [k futh d`f"k 0.074 12 16/3 futh d`f"k 0.085 1 35/5 [k futh d`f"k 0.061 2 35/5 d futh d`f"k 0.140 dks.Mkxkao ds'kdky x<flfy;kjk 3 4/3 futh d`f"k 0.158 4 34/6 d futh d`f"k 0.320 4.496 [Qk-la- vkj-MCY;w@,u-,p-&37014@12@2014@,u-,p-Mh-ih&IVA] jkts”k xqIrk, mi lfpo ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(ii)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 3 MINISTRY OF ROAD TRANSPORT AND HIGHWAYS NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 9th January, 2016 S.O. 77(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 3A of the National Highways Act, 1956 (48 of 1956) (hereinafter referred to as the said Act), the Central Government, after being satisfied that for the public purpose, the land, the brief description of which is given in the Schedule below, is required for building (widening / two lane with Paved shoulder, construction of bypasses, etc.), maintenance, management and operation of National Highway No.43 in the stretch of land from Km 152+100 to Km. 180+000 (Dhamtari - Jagdalpur Section) in the District Kondagaon in the State of Chhattisgarh, hereby declares its intention to acquire such land; Any person interested in the said land may, within twenty-one days from the date of publication of this notification in the Official Gazette, object to the use of such land for the aforesaid purpose under sub-section (1) of section 3C of the said Act. Every such objection shall be made to the competent authority, namely, the Sub Divisional Magistrate (Revenue) and Land Acquisition Officer, Keshkal, in writing and shall set out the grounds thereof and the competent authority shall give the objector an opportunity of being heard, either in person or by a legal practitioner, and may, after hearing all such objections and after making such further enquiry, if any, as the competent authority thinks necessary, by order, either allow or disallow the objections. Any order made by the competent authority under sub-section (2) of section 3C of the said Act shall be final. The land plans and other details of the land covered under this notification are available and can be inspected by the interested person at the aforesaid office of the competent authority. SCHEDULE Brief description of land to be acquired with or without structure falling within the stretch of land from km km 152.100 to km 180.000 of the National Highway No. 43 (New NH 30) in Kondagaon District in the state of Chhattisgarh. Area of Sl. Name of Name of Name of the Survey Type of Nature of Land (in No. The District the Taluk Village Number Land Land Hect.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 1/20 dddd Private Agriculture 0.168 2 1/60 [k Private Agriculture 0.349 3 1/60 d Private Agriculture 0.680 4 1/2 V Private Agriculture 0.772 5 Kondagaon Keshkal Keshkal 1/22 d, 115/2 Private Agriculture 0.092 6 1/61 Private Agriculture 0.530 7 1/2 M+ Private Agriculture 0.047 8 1/2 <+ Private Agriculture 0.280 9 1/22 x Private Agriculture 0.030 1 1/2 ] 8@1 x Private Residential 0.020 2 1/65 Private Agriculture 0.200 3 1/66 Private Agriculture 0.073 4 1/67 Private Agriculture 0.129 5 1/2, 8/1 [k Private Agriculture 0.065 6 1/2 ?k Private Agriculture 0.004 Kondagaon Keshkal Borgaon 7 1/36 d Private Agriculture 0.016 8 1/63 d Private Agriculture 0.162 9 1/37 p Private Agriculture 0.016 10 1/37 M+ Private Agriculture 0.025 11 1/63 [k Private Agriculture 0.074 12 16/3 Private Agriculture 0.085 4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(ii)] 1 35/5 [k Private Agriculture 0.061 2 35/5 d Private Agriculture 0.140 Kondagaon Keshkal Gardhsiliyari 3 4/3 Private Agriculture 0.158 4 34/6 d Private Agriculture 0.320 Total 4.496 [F. No. RW/NH-37014/12/2014/NHDP-IVA] RAJESH GUPTA, Dy. Secy. vvvvffff////kkkkllllwwppwwppuuuukkkk ubZ fnYyh] 9 tuojh] 2016 ddddkkkk----vvvvkkkk---- 77778888¼¼¼¼vvvv½½½½----&&&&dsUnzh; ljdkj] jk"Vªh; jktekxZ vf/kfu;e] 1956 ¼1956 dk 48½ ¼ftls blesa blds i'pkr~ mDr vf/kfu;e dgk x;k gSS½ dh /kkjk 3d dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ }kjk iznRr 'kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq,] ;g lek/kku gks tkus ds i'pkr~ fd NRrhlx<+ jkT; ds dkadsj ftys es jk"Vªh; jktekxZZZZ la[;k 43 ds fd-eh- 105$000 ls fd-eh- 152$100 ¼/kerjh&txnyiqj [kaM½ rd Hkw[kaM pkSM+k djus@ nks ysu isOM “kksYMj ds lkFk dk cukus] ] ckbiklksa ds fuek.kZ] vkfn ½] vuqj{k.k] izca/ku vkSj izpkyu ds yksd iz;kstu ds fy, og Hkwfe visf{kr gS ftldk laf{kIr o.kZu uhps vuqlwph esa fn;k x;k gS] ,slh Hkwfe dk vtZu djus ds vius vk'k; dh ?kks"k.kk djrh gS( dksbZ O;fDr] tks mDr Hkwfe esasa fgrc) gS] mDr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 3x dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ ds v/khu iow kssZDr iz;kstu ds fy, ,slh Hkwfe ds mi;ksx ij jktIk= esa bl vf/klwpuk ds izdk'ku dh rkjh[k ls bDdhl fnu ds Hkhrj vk{ksi dj ldsxk ( ,slk izR;sd vk{ksi l{ke izkf/kdkjh vFkkZr~ vuqfoHkkxh; vf/kdkjh ¼jktLo½ ,oa Hkwfe vtZu vf/kdkjh] dkadsj] dks fyf[kr :Ik esa fd;k tk,xk vkSj mlesa mlds vk/kkj vf/kdfFkr fd, tk,axs vkSj l{ke izkf/kdkjh] vk{ksidrkZ dks O;fDrxr :Ik esa ;k fdlh fof/k O;olk;h }kjk lqus tkus dk volj nsxk vkSj ,sls vk{ksiksa dh lquokbZ ds i'pkr~ rFkk ,slh vkSj tk¡p djus ds i'pkr~] ;fn dksbZ gks] ftls l{ke izkf/kdkjh vko';d le>s] vkns'k }kjk ;k rks vk{ksiksa dks vuqKkr dj ldsxk ;k vuuqKkr dj ldsxk( mDr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 3x dh mi/kkjk ¼2½ ds v/khu l{ke izkf/kdkjh }kjk fd;k x;k dksbZ vkns'k vafre gksxk ( vkSj bl vf/klwpuk ds varxZr vkus okyh Hkwfe ds js[kkad vkSj vU; C;kSjs l{ke izkf/kdkjh ds mDr dk;kZy; esa miyC/k gSa vkSj mudk fgrc) O;fDr;ksa }kjk fujh{k.k fd;k tk ldrk gSA vvvvuuuuqlqlqlqlwwppwwpphhhh NNNNRRRRrrrrhhhhllllxxxx<<<<++ ++ jjjjkkkkTTTT;;;; ddddss ss ddddkkkkaaddaaddsjsjsjsj ffffttttyyyyss ss eeeesasa sasa jjjjkkkk""""VVVVªªªhªhhh;;;; jjjjkkkktttteeeekkkkxxxxZZ ZZ llllaa--aa-- 44443333 ¼¼¼¼uuuu;;;;kkkk jjjjkkkk----jjjjkkkk---- 33330000½½½½ ddddss ss ffffdddd----eeeehhhh---- 111100005555----000000000000 llllss ss ffffdddd----eeeehhhh---- 111155552222----111100000000 ¼¼¼¼////kkkkeeeerrrrjjjjhhhh &&&&ttttxxxxnnnnyyyyiiiiqjqjqjqj [[[[kkkk....MMMM½½½½ rrrrdddd ddddss ss ffffyyyy,,,, vvvvttttZZuuZZuu ddddhhhh ttttkkkkuuuuss ss ooookkkkyyyyhhhh lllljajajaja ppppuuuukkkk jjjjffffggggrrrr vvvvFFFFkkkkooookkkk lllljajajaja ppppuuuukkkk llllffffggggrrrr HHHHkkkkffffwweewwee ddddkkkk llllaaffaaff{{{{kkkkIIIIrrrr ffffoooooooojjjj....kkkk %%%% ØØØØ---- HHHHkkkkwwffwwffeeee ddddkkkk ffffttttyyyyss ss ddddkkkk lllloooosZsZ{{sZsZ{{kkkk....kkkk llllaa[[aa[[;;;;kkkk HHHHkkkkwwffwwffeeee ddddhhhh llll---- rrrrkkkkyyyyqqddqqdd ddddkkkk uuuukkkkeeee xxxxzkzkzkzkeeee ddddkkkk uuuukkkkeeee HHHHkkkkwwffwwffeeee ddddkkkk iiiizzddzzddkkkkjjjj {{{{kkkks=s=s=s=QQQQyyyy uuuukkkkeeee iiiizzddzzdd``ff``ffrrrr ¼¼¼¼ggggssDDssDDVVVVss;;ss;;jjjj eeeessaa½½ssaa½½ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 dkadsj pkjkek [kSj[ksM+k 842@2 futh d`f"k 0.020 2 dkadsj pkjkek dkukiksM+ 100@3 futh d`f"k 0.003 3 149@13 futh d`f"k 0.020 4 151@2 futh d`f"k 0.014 5 151@13 futh d`f"k 0.003 6 dkadsj pkjkek y[kuiqjh 433@2 futh d`f"k 0.008 7 433@3 futh d`f"k 0.015 8 450@13 futh d`f"k 0.006 9 555@17 futh d`f"k 0.003 10 dkadsj dkadsj xkSjxkao 354 futh d`f"k 0.002 11 364 futh d`f"k 0.030 12 dkadsj dkadsj ukfFk;kuokxkao 702/1 futh d`f"k 0.018 13 702/2 futh d`f"k 0.017 ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(ii)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 14 702/3 futh d`f"k 0.018 15 dkadsj dkadsj ekdM+h[kwuk 60/3 futh d`f"k 0.030 16 153/1 futh d`f"k 0.008 17 164/6 futh d`f"k 0.020 18 166/2 futh d`f"k 0.010 19 421/4 futh d`f"k 0.006 20 48/1 futh d`f"k 0.004 21 48/2 futh d`f"k 0.004 22 159/1 futh d`f"k 0.240 23 159/3 futh d`f"k 0.140 24 dkadsj dkadsj ukanuekjk 279 futh futh d`f"k 0.090 25 243 futh futh d`f"k 0.210 26 dkadsj dkadsj BsydkcksM+ ½ futh xHkkj 0.380 27 ¼ futh xHkkj 0.300 28 2 futh eky 0.180 29 3 futh eky 0.210 30 4 futh eky 0.090 31 5/3 futh xHkkj 0.240 32 5/4 futh xHkkj 0.100 33 8 futh xHkkj 0.380 34 7/1, 7/4 futh xHkkj 0.620 35 35/2 futh xHkkj 0.280 36 166/14 futh dUgkj xHkkj 0.300 37 7/2 futh eky 0.230 38 40/2 d futh eky dUgkj 0.210 39 9/4 futh fVdjk dUgkj 0.170 40 42/4 futh xHkkj 0.520 41 42/3 futh xHkkj 0.070 42 42/12 futh xHkkj 0.200 43 42/30 futh xHkkj 0.180 35/1 u 44 futh eky dUgkj 0.600 35@1 g 45 35/1i futh eky dUgkj 0.370 46 35/1 d@12 futh eky dUgkj 0.030 47 35/1 d@10 futh eky dUgkj 0.300 48 35/1 d@5 futh eky dUgkj 0.110 49 35/1 d /11 futh dUgkj eky 0.080 50 35/1 ; futh dUgkj eky 0.120 51 35/1 d@8 futh dUgkj eky 0.070 52 35/1 >@d futh dUgkj xHkkj 0.100 53 35/1 >@[k futh dUgkj xHkkj 0.040 54 35/1 p futh dUgkj xHkkj 0.090 55 40/2 [k futh eky dUgkj 0.400 6 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(ii)] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 56 39/3 futh eky dUgkj 0.020 57 66/2 futh dUgkj xHkkj 0.320 58 66/1 futh dUgkj xHkkj 0.320 59 35/1 r futh dUgkj eky 0.540 60 69/3 futh dUgkj xHkkj 0.030 61 66/3 futh eky dUgkj 0.020 62 35/1 B] 35/1 <+ futh eky dUgkj 0.310 63 69/2 futh dUgkj xHkkj 0.280 64 172/9 futh dUgkj xHkkj 0.270 172/1 d 65 futh dUgkj xHkkj 0.610 172/6 66 172/7/2 futh dUgkj eky 0.030 67 172/7/1 futh dUgkj eky 0.030 68 165/2 futh dUgkj eky 0.003 69 172/3 d futh dUgkj xHkkj 0.070 70 172/1 [k futh dUgkj xHkkj 0.425 71 171/1 futh dUgkj xHkkj 0.120 171/2, 72 futh dUgkj xHkkj 0.230 171/5 73 170/1, 170/2 futh dUgkj xHkkj 0.150 74 168/2/ d futh vkoklh; 0.010 172/5, 75 futh dUgkj eky 0.030 172/10 76 166/2 futh dUgkj xHkkj 0.140 77 166/13 futh dUgkj xHkkj 0.100 78 166/15 futh dUgkj xHkkj 0.130 79 166/16 futh dUgkj xHkkj 0.280 80 166/18 futh vkoklh; 0.020 81 166/1 futh d`f"k 0.101 82 166/17 futh vkoklh; 0.029 vkoklh; 83 166/19 futh 0.020 Hkwfe- ifj- vkoklh; 84 168/3 d futh 0.030 Hkwfe- ifj- vkoklh; 85 168/3 [k futh 0.020 Hkwfe- ifj- vkoklh; 86 168/1 futh 0.050 ifj- iDdh 87 168/2 M+ futh 0.029 edku ifj- 88 190/1 futh d`f"k 0.330 89 190/4 futh vkoklh; 0.061 90 190/2 futh vkoklh; 0.020 91 190/3 futh vkoklh; 0.041 vkoklh; 92 190/8 futh 0.057 Hkfe- ifj- 93 190/11/1 futh vkoklh; 0.010 ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(ii)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Hkfe- ifj- vkoklh; 94 190/11/2 futh 0.010 Hkfe- ifj- NksVs NkM ds 95 169 ljdkjh 0.230 taxy 96 175/1 ljdkjh lMd 0.190 97 176 ljdkjh lMd 0.070 98 180/1 ljdkjh lMd 0.100 dkadsj dkadsj euds'kjh d`f"k 99 83@4 futh 0.680 eq[; ekxZ 100 83@6 futh d`f"k 0.020 101 83@7 futh d`f"k 0.270 102 dkadsj dkadsj dksMs+tqxk 223/770 futh dUgkj fVdjk 0.015 103 211/2 futh d`f"k 0.300 104 dkadsj dkadsj x<+fiNokM+h 138 futh ifjofrZr 0.240 105 dkadsj dkadsj flaxkjHkkV 8@2 futh d`f"k iM+r 0.096 106 138@6 futh d`f"k 0.062 vkoklh; 107 138@3d@2 futh 0.048 ifjofrZr 108 138@3 [k futh d`f"k 0.009 13] 14] 15] 109 futh vkoklh; 0.012 69@1 p@4 13] 14] 15] 110 futh vkoklh; 0.036 69@1 p@6 111 dkadsj dkadsj iRFkjhZ 175/7 futh futh iM+r 0.010 112 295/8 futh futh iM+r 0.057 113 301/1 futh futh iM+r 0.010 114 dkadsj dkadsj vkrqjxkao 167/6 futh futh ?kj 0.004 115 dkadsj dkadsj dqyxkao 164/1 futh futh d`f"k 0.060 116 164/2 futh futh d`f"k 0.055 117 165/2 futh futh d`f"k 0.020 118 328 futh futh d`f"k 0.130 119 128 futh futh d`f"k 0.054 ;;;;kkkkssxxssxx%%%%&&&& 15.983 [Qk-- la- vkj-MCY;w@,u-,p-&37014@12@2014@,u-,p-Mh-ih&IVA] jkts”k xqIrk,mi lfpo NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 9th January, 2016 S.O. 78(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 3A of the National Highways Act, 1956 (48 of 1956) (hereinafter referred to as the said Act), the Central Government, after being satisfied that for the public purpose, the land, the brief description of which is given in the Schedule below, is required for building (widening / two lane with Paved shoulder, construction of bypasses, etc.,), maintenance, management and operation of National Highway No.43 in the stretch of land from Km 105+000 to Km. 152+100 (Dhamtari - Jagdalpur Section) in the District Kanker in the State of Chhattisgarh, hereby declares its intention to acquire such land; 8 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(ii)] Any person interested in the said land may, within twenty-one days from the date of publication of this notification in the Official Gazette, object to the use of such land for the aforesaid purpose under sub-section (1) of section 3C of the said Act. Every such objection shall be made to the competent authority, namely, the Sub Divisional Magistrate (Revenue) and Land Acquisition Officer, Kanker, in writing and shall set out the grounds there of and the competent authority shall give the objector an opportunity of being heard, either in person or by a legal practitioner, and may, after hearing all such objections and after making such further enquiry, if any, as the competent authority thinks necessary, by order, either allow or disallow the objections. Any order made by the competent authority under sub-section (2) of section 3C of the said Act shall be final. The land plans and other details of the land covered under this notification are available and can be inspected by the interested person at the aforesaid office of the competent authority. SCHEDULE Brief description of land to be acquired with or without structure falling within the stretch of land from km 105.000 to km 152.100 (Dhamtari-Jagdalpur Section) of the National Highway No. 43 (New NH 30) in Kanker District in the state of Chhattisgarh. Area of Sl. Name of Name of Name of the Survey Type of Nature of Land (in No. The District the Taluk Village Number Land Land Hect.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Kanker Charama Khairkhada 842@2 Private Agriculture 0.020 2 Kanker Charama Kanapord 100@3 Private Agriculture 0.003 3 149@13 Private Agriculture 0.020 4 151@2 Private Agriculture 0.014 5 151@13 Private Agriculture 0.003 6 Kanker Charama Lakhanpuri 433@2 Private Agriculture 0.008 7 433@3 Private Agriculture 0.015 8 450@13 Private Agriculture 0.006 9 555@17 Private Agriculture 0.003 10 Kanker Kanker Gaurgaon 354 Private Agriculture 0.002 11 364 Private Agriculture 0.030 12 Kanker Kanker Nathiya 702/1 Private Agriculture 0.018 Nawagaon 13 702/2 Private Agriculture 0.017 14 702/3 Private Agriculture 0.018 15 Kanker Kanker Makarikhuna 60/3 Private Agriculture 0.030 16 153/1 Private Agriculture 0.008 17 164/6 Private Agriculture 0.020 18 166/2 Private Agriculture 0.010 19 421/4 Private Agriculture 0.006 20 48/1 Private Agriculture 0.004 ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(ii)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 21 48/2 Private Agriculture 0.004 22 159/1 Private Agriculture 0.240 23 159/3 Private Agriculture 0.140 24 Kanker Kanker Nadanmara 279 Private Agriculture 0.090 25 243 Private Agriculture 0.210 26 Kanker Kanker Thelkabod ½ Private Gabhar 0.380 27 ¼ Private Gabhar 0.300 28 2 Private Mall 0.180 29 3 Private Mall 0.210 30 4 Private Mall 0.090 31 5/3 Private Gabhar 0.240 32 5/4 Private Gabhar 0.100 33 8 Private Gabhar 0.380 34 7/1, 7/4 Private Gabhar 0.620 35 35/2 Private Gabhar 0.280 Private Kanhar 36 166/14 0.300 Gabhar 37 7/2 Private Mall 0.230 38 40/2 d Private Mal Kanhar 0.210 39 9/4 Private Tikara Kanhar 0.170 40 42/4 Private Gabhar 0.520 41 42/3 Private Gabhar 0.070 42 42/12 Private Gabhar 0.200 43 42/30 Private Gabhar 0.180 35/1 u Private 44 Mal Kanhar 0.600 35@1 g 45 35/1i Private Mal Kanhar 0.370 46 35/1 d@12 Private Mal Kanhar 0.030 47 35/1 d@10 Private Mal Kanhar 0.300 48 35/1 d@5 Private Mal Kanhar 0.110 49 35/1 d /11 Private Mal Kanhar 0.080 50 35/1 ; Private Mal Kanhar 0.120 51 35/1 d@8 Private Mal Kanhar 0.070 52 35/1 >@d Private Mal Kanhar 0.100 10 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(ii)] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 53 35/1 >@[k Private Mal Kanhar 0.040 54 35/1 p Private Mal Kanhar 0.090 55 40/2 [k Private Mal Kanhar 0.400 56 39/3 Private Mal Kanhar 0.020 57 66/2 Private Mal Kanhar 0.320 58 66/1 Private Mal Kanhar 0.320 59 35/1 r Private Mal Kanhar 0.540 60 69/3 Private Mal Kanhar 0.030 61 66/3 Private Mal Kanhar 0.020 62 35/1 B] 35/1 <+ Private Mal Kanhar 0.310 Private Kanhar 63 69/2 0.280 Gabhar Private Kanhar 64 172/9 0.270 Gabhar Private Kanhar 65 172/1 d 172/6 0.610 Gabhar 66 172/7/2 Private Mal Kanhar 0.030 67 172/7/1 Private Mal Kanhar 0.030 68 165/2 Private Mal Kanhar 0.003 Private Kanhar 69 172/3 d 0.070 Gabhar Private Kanhar 70 172/1 [k 0.425 Gabhar Private Kanhar 71 171/1 0.120 Gabhar 171/2, Private Kanhar 72 0.230 171/5 Gabhar Private Kanhar 73 170/1, 170/2 0.150 Gabhar 74 168/2/ d Private Residential 0.010 75 172/5, 172/10 Private Mal Kanhar 0.030 Private Kanhar 76 166/2 0.140 Gabhar Private Kanhar 77 166/13 0.100 Gabhar Private Kanhar 78 166/15 0.130 Gabhar Private Kanhar 79 166/16 0.280 Gabhar

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