jftLVªh laö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3—mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (ii) izkf/dkj ls izdkf'kr PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY la- 10] ubZ fnYyh] eaxyokj] tuojh 3] 2017@ikS"k 13] 1938 No. 10] NEW DELHI, TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 2017/PAUSA 13, 1938 पयाव(cid:6981) रण, वन और जलवाय ुप(cid:7407)रवतन(cid:6981) म(cid:7074)ं ालय ((cid:6979)(cid:7074)े ीय कायाल(cid:6981) य म(cid:6990)ु य ालय (cid:7079)भाग) अिधसचू ना नई (cid:7408)द(cid:7016)ल ी, 2 जनवरी, 2017 का.आ. 10(अ).—क(cid:7286)(cid:7076)ीय सरकार, वन (संर(cid:6979)ण) िनयम, 2003 (िजसे इसम (cid:7286) इसके प(cid:7019)च ात ् उ(cid:6989)त िनयम कहा गया ह)ै के िनयम 4क के उपिनयम (1) के अनसु रण म;(cid:7286) उसम(cid:7286) िविन(cid:7416)द(cid:7020)ट शि(cid:6989)त य(cid:7298) का (cid:7079)योग करन े और कृ(cid:7004)य (cid:7298) को करने के िलए, (cid:6979)(cid:7074)े ीय काया(cid:6981)लय, उ(cid:7004) तरी जोन,चंडीगढ म(cid:7286) (cid:6979)े(cid:7074)ीय सश(cid:6989)त सिमित (िजसे इसम (cid:7286) इसके प(cid:7019)च ात ् यथा (cid:6979)(cid:7074)े ीय सश(cid:6989)त सिमित कहा गया ह)ै पुनग(cid:6981)(cid:7407)ठत करती ह,ै िजसम(cid:7286) िन(cid:7013)न िलिखत सद(cid:7021) य समािवषट ् ह(cid:7298)गे, अथात(cid:6981) ् :— (i) अ(cid:7007) य(cid:6979) (cid:6979)े(cid:7074)ीय कायाल(cid:6981) य, उ(cid:7004) तरी जोन,चंडीगढ अ(cid:7007)य (cid:6979) (ii) मु(cid:6990)य वनपाल या वनपाल, (cid:6979)े(cid:7074)ीय काया(cid:6981)लय, उ(cid:7004)त री जोन,चंडीगढ क(cid:7409) पंि(cid:6989)त के सद(cid:7021)य अिधका(cid:7407)रय(cid:7298) म(cid:7286) से (cid:6996) ये(cid:7020) ठतम अिधकारी (iii) (cid:7088)ी वी. एन. शमा(cid:6981) अशासक(cid:7409)य सद(cid:7021) य मकान स.ं 6, से(cid:6989) टर 4, ि(cid:7074)कुटा नगर, ज(cid:7013)म ू 180012 ज(cid:7013) म ू– क(cid:7019)म ीर (ई मले –[email protected]) (iv) (cid:7088)ी गौरव गौड, सहायक आचाय,(cid:6981) स(cid:7286)टर फॉर सोशल वक(cid:6981), पंजाब िव(cid:7019)व िव(cid:7378)ालय, अशासक(cid:7409)य सद(cid:7021) य नाथ(cid:6981) के(cid:7013) पस स(cid:6989)े टर 14, चंडीगढ यूटी 160014 (ई मले – [email protected]) 18 GI/2017 (1) 2 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(ii)] (v) (cid:7088)ी कुलदीप (cid:7410)सह, अशासक(cid:7409)य सद(cid:7021) य 2704, से(cid:6989) टर 69, मोहाली 160062 पंजाब (ई मले – [email protected]) (vi) उपवनपाल, (cid:6979)े(cid:7074)ीय कायाल(cid:6981) य, उ(cid:7004)त री जोन,चंडीगढ क(cid:7409) सद(cid:7021)य सिचव पंि(cid:6989) त के अिधका(cid:7407)रय(cid:7298) म (cid:7286)स े(cid:6996)य े(cid:7020) ठतम अिधकारी 2. इसके नीच े िविन(cid:7414)(cid:7397)ट रा(cid:6996) य(cid:7298) के नीच े उि(cid:7016)लिखत अिधकारी उनके अपने अपने रा(cid:6996)य (cid:7298) म(cid:7286) वन भिू म के अपयोजन से संब(cid:7373) (cid:7079)(cid:7021) ताव(cid:7298) के परी(cid:6979)ण के िलए (cid:6979)(cid:7074)े ीय सश(cid:6989) त सिमित क(cid:7409) बैठक म(cid:7286) हािजर होने के िलए िवशेष आमंि(cid:7074)त के (cid:7271)प म(cid:7286) आमिं (cid:7074)त (cid:7408)कए जाएंगे, अथा(cid:6981)त ् :- (क) ह(cid:7407)रयाणा सरकार: (i) वनपाल (एफ सी) और नोडल अिधकारी, वन (सरं (cid:6979)ण) अिधिनयम, 1980, ह(cid:7407)रयाणा सरकार; (ii) िवशेष सिचव, ह(cid:7407)रयाणा सरकार, राज(cid:7021)व िवभाग । (ख) पजं ाब सरकार: (i) मु(cid:6990)य वनपाल (एफ सी) और नोडल अिधकारी, वन (सरं (cid:6979)ण) अिधिनयम, 1980, पंजाब सरकार ; (ii) िवशेष सिचव, ह(cid:7407)रयाणा सरकार, राज(cid:7021)व िवभाग । (ग) चंडीगढ सघं रा(cid:6996)य (cid:6979)(cid:7074)े (cid:7079)शासन: (i) वनपाल, सघं रा(cid:6996)य (cid:6979)(cid:7074)े (cid:7079)शासन, चंडीगढ ; (ii) उपायु(cid:6989)त संघ रा(cid:6996) य(cid:6979)े(cid:7074) (cid:7079)शासन, चंडीगढ । 3. अशासक(cid:7409)य सद(cid:7021) य(cid:7298) के िनयुि(cid:6989) त क(cid:7409) िनबंधन (cid:7286)और शत (cid:7288)उ(cid:6989)त िनयम के िनयम 4 म (cid:7286)यथािविन(cid:7416)द(cid:7020)ट होगी । [फा. सं. 6-22/2014-आरओएच(cid:6989)य ू] डॉ अिनल कुमार, अित. वन महािनदशे क (वन सरं (cid:6979)ण) MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE (Regional Offices Headquarters Division) NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 2nd January, 2017 S.O. 10(E).—In pursuance of sub-rule (1) of rule 4A of the Forest (Conservation) Rules, 2003 (hereinafter referred to as the said rules), the Central Government hereby re-constitutes the Regional Empowered Committee at Regional Office, Northern Zone, Chandigarh (hereinafter referred to as the Regional Empowered Committee) to exercise the powers and perform the functions specified therein, comprising of the following Members, namely: - (i) Head of the Regional Office, Northern Zone, Chandigarh Chairperson (ii) Senior most officer from amongst officers in the rank of Chief Member Conservator of Forests or Conservator of Forests in the Regional Office, Northern Zone, Chandigarh (iii) Shri V. N. Sharma, Non-official member House No. 6, Sector 4, Trikuta Nagar, Jammu 180012 Jammu and Kashmir (E-mail- [email protected]) (iv) Shri Gaurav Gaur, Non-official ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(ii)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 3 Assistant Professor, Centre for Social Work, member Punjab University, North Campus, Sector 14, Chandigarh UT 160014 (E-mail- [email protected]) (v) Shri Kuldip Singh, Non-official member 2704, Sector 69, Mohali 160062 Punjab (E-mail- [email protected]) (vi) Senior most officer from amongst officers in the rank of Deputy Member- Conservator of Forests in the Regional Office, Northern Zone, Secretary Chandigarh 2. The officers mentioned below of the States specified hereunder, shall be invited to attend meetings of the Regional Empowered Committee as special invitees, in the examination of the proposals pertaining to diversion of forest land in their respective States, namely:- (A) Government of Haryana: (i) Conservator of Forests (FC) and the Nodal Officer, the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980, Government of Haryana; (ii) Special Secretary to the Government of Haryana, Revenue Department. (B) Government of Punjab: (i) Chief Conservator of Forests (FC) and the Nodal Officer, the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980, Government of Punjab; (ii) Special Secretary to the Government of Punjab, Revenue Department. (C) Union Territory Administration of Chandigarh: (i) Conservator of Forests, Union Territory Administration, Chandigarh; (ii) Deputy Commissioner, Union Territory Administration, Chandigarh. 3. The terms of appointment of non-official members shall be as specified in rule 4 of the said rules. [F. No. 6-22/2014- RoHQ] DR. ANIL KUMAR, Addl. Director General of Forests (Forest Conservation) Uploaded by Dte. of Printing at Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064 and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054.