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Union Government, Extraordinary, 2015-01-06, Part II-Section 3-Sub-Section(i), Ref. G.S.R. 10 (E) PDF

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Preview Union Government, Extraordinary, 2015-01-06, Part II-Section 3-Sub-Section(i), Ref. G.S.R. 10 (E)

jftLVªh laö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3—mi&[k.M (i) PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (i) izkf/dkj ls idz kf'kr PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY la- 10] ubZ fnYyh] eaxyokj] tuojh 6] 2015@ikS"k 16] 1936 No. 10] NEW DELHI, TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 2015/PAUSA 16, 1936 Ñf"k ea=ky; ¼Ñf"k vkSj lgdkfjrk foHkkx½ vf/klwpuk ub Z fnYyh] 5 tuojh] 2015 lk-dk-fu-10¼v½-&dfri; fu;ek sa d s fuEufyf[kr ikz:i dk]s ftudk s dUsnhz; ljdkj Ñf"k mit ¼J.s khdj.k vkjS fpgu~ kda u½ vf/kfu;e] 1937 ¼1937 dk 1½ dh /kkjk 3 }kjk inz Rr 'kfDr;k as dk i;z kxs djr s g,q ] bZlcxkys Hkwlh J.s khdj.k vkSj fpgu~~ kda u fu;e] 1982 dk]s mu ckrk sa d s flok; vf/kØe.k djr s g,q ] ftUg sa ,sl s vf/kØe.k l s igy s fd;k x;k gS ;k fd, tku s dk ykis fd;k x;k g]S cuku s dk izLrko djrh gS] mDr /kkjk dh vi{s kkuqlkj ,sl s lHkh O;fDr;k sa dh tkudkjh d s fy,] ftud s mll s iHzkkfor gkus s dh lHakkouk gS] idz kf’kr fd;k tkrk gS vkSj ;g lpw uk nh tkrh gS fd mDr izk:i fu;ek sa ij ml rkjh[k l s ftldk s Hkkjr d s jkti= dh ifzr;k a ftle sa ;g vf/klpw uk gS turk dk s miyC/k djk nh tkrh gS] iSarkyhl fnu dh vof/k d s volku d s i'pkr fopkj fd;k tk,xk( mij fofufn"ZV vof/k d s volku l s iwo Z mDr ikz:i fu;ek as d s lca /ak e as fdlh O;fDr l s izkIr gkus s oky s vk{kis k sa ;k l>q kok as ij dUsnzh; ljdkj }kjk fopkj fd;k tk,xkA vk{kis ;k l>q ko] ;fn dkbs Z gk]s Ñf"k foi.ku lykgdkj] Hkkjr ljdkj] foi.ku vkSj fujh{k.k fun’s kky;] i/zkku dk;kyZ ;] lh-th-vk-s dkEiyDS l] ,u-,p-&4] Qjhnkckn ¼gfj;k.kk½ 121001 d s ir s ij fn, tk,Aa izk:i fu;e 1 laf{kIr uke] ykxw gksuk vkSj izkjEHk% ¼1½ bu fu;ek as dk lfa{kIr uke blZ cxkys Hkwlh J.s khdj.k vkSj fpgu~ kda u fu;e] 2014 gSA ¼2½ ; s fu;e IykVa kxk s vksokrk QksLd Z ¼Qke- IykVa kftufsl;k½ l s ikzIr blZ cxkys Hkwlh ij ykx w gkxas As ¼3½ ; s jkti= e sas vfare idz k’ku dh rkjh[k l s ioz R`r gkxas As 2 ifjHkk"kk,%a ¼1½ bu fu;ek sa e]sa tc rd fd lna Hk Z l s vU;Fkk vifs{kr u gk s % ¼d½ Þdf`"k foi.ku lykgdkjÞ l s Hkkjr ljdkj dk df`"k foi.ku lykgdkj vfHkizsr g(S ¼[k½ izkf/kd`r iSdjÞ l s ,slk O;fDr ;k O;fDr;k as dk fudk; vfHkirsz g S ftl s bu fu;ek sa d s v/khu J.s kh ekudk as vkSj fofgr ifzd;z k d s vuqlkj bZlcxkys Hkwlh dk J.s khdj.k vkSj mUg as fpgu~ kda u dju s d s fy, izkf/kdkj iez k.k&i= vunq Rr fd;k x;k g(S+ 89 GI/2015 2 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] ¼x½ Þizkf/kdkj iez k.k i=Þ l s fdlh O;fDr ;k O;fDr;k as d s fdlh fudk; dk s bZlcxkys Hkwlh dk J.s khdj.k vkSj fpgu~ kda u dju s vkSj mu ij J.s kh vfHk/kku fpgu~ yxku s d s fy, ikzf/kdr` djr s g,q lk/kkj.k J.s khdj.k vkSj fpgu~ kda u fu;e] 1988 d s mic/akk ssa d s v/khu tkjh fd;k x;k iez k.k i= vfHkirsz gS( ¼?k½ Þlk/kkj.k J.s khdj.k vkSj fpgu~ kda u fu;eß l s df`"k mit ¼J.s khdj.k vkSj fpgu~ kda u½ vf/kfu;e] 1937 ¼1937 dk 1½ dh /kkjk 3 d s v/khu cuk, x, lk/kkj.k J.s khdj.k vkSj fpgu~ kda u fu;e] 1988 vfHkizsr gS(a ¼M½ ÞJ.s kh vfHk/kku fpgu~ ß l s fu;e 5 e sa fofufn"ZV ,xekd Z vf/kfpgu~ vfHkirsz gS( ¼p½ Þvuqlpw hß l s bu fu;ek sa d s lkFk lya Xu vulq pw h vfHkirsz gSA ¼2½ mu 'kCnk sa vkSj ink s da ]s tk s bu fu;ek as e as i;z Dq r gS a vkSj ifjHkkf"kr ugh a g Sa fdUr q df`"k mit ¼J.s khdj.k vkSj fpgu~ kda u½ vf/kfu;e] 1937 ¼1937 dk 1½ e sa ifjHkkf"kr gaS] d s vFk Z og gkxas s tk s ml vf/kfu;e vkSj mDr fu;ek sa esa gASa ‘3- Js.kh vfHk/kku % bZlcxkys Hkwlh dk s nf’kZr dju s d s fy, J.s kh vfHk/kku vulq pw h 2 d s rkfydk d s LrEHk 1 e as ;Fkk fofufn"ZV d s vuqlkj gkxsa As 4- DokfyVh% bu fu;ek sa d s i;z kts uk sa d s fy, blZ cxkys Hkwlh dh DokfyVh vulq pw h 2 e sa ;Fkk fofufn"ZV d s vulq kj gkxas hAs 5- Js.kh vfHk/kku fpg~~u% J.s kh vfHk/kku fpgu~ e as ikzf/kdkj iez k.k i= dh l[a ;k] ^^,xekd^Z^ 'kCn] oLr q dk uke vkSj vuqlpw h 1 eas of.kZr fMtkbu d s l–'k J.s kh vfHk/kku dk s lfEefyr dju s oky s fMtkbu l s feydj cuk ^^,xekd Z vf/kfpgu~~ ^^ gkxs kA 6- iSfdax djus dh i)fr%¼1½bZlcxkys Hkwlh dh iSfdxa u;]s lkQ vkSj 'k"qd tVw d s FkSyk]as diM +s d s FkyS k]as dkxt d s FkSyk as vkSj dkM Z ckMs Z d s dkVuZw k sa ftudh vkarfjd ykbfuxa QMw xMsz inkFk Z dh gk]s mPp l?kurk ikWyhfFkyhu l s yes hufsVM iis j d s FkSyk]as QMw xMzs IykfLVd vk/kkuk sa ;k 'kh’k s dh cksryk sa e sa ;k tk s df``"k foi.ku lykgdkj }kjk ;k lk/kkj.k J.s khdj.k vkSj fpgu~ kda u fu;ek as d s fu;e 11 d s vuqlkj mudh vksj l s izkf/kd``r fdlh vf/kdkjh }kjk vueq kfsnr fdlh vU; idz kj d s vk/kkuk sa e sa iSd fd;k tkk,xkA ¼2½ iSfdxa lkexzh dhVk sa ;k QQnwa lna "wk.k l s eDq r gkxs h vkSj vU; fo"kSy s inkFk Z ;k vokNa uh; x/ak ;k mRikn d s loq kl l s eDq r gkxs hA ¼3½ bZlcxkys Hkwlh dh iSfdxa fof/kd eki foKku vf/kfu;e] 2009 ¼2010 dk 1½ dh /kkjk 52 dh mi/kkjk ¼2½ d s [kMa ¼´½ vkSj ¼Fk½ d s lkFk ifBr mi[kMa ¼1½ d s varxZr cuk, x, fof/kd eki foKku ¼iSd dh xb Z oLr,q ½a fu;e] 2011 d s vulq kj idS vkdkjk as e as ;k df``"k foi.ku lykgdkj }kjk le;&le; ij tkjh fd, x, vunq ’s kk as d s vulq kj dh tk,xh A ¼4½ leku ykWV ;k cSp d s NkVs s iSd vkdkjk sa dh J.s khdr`` lkexhz vkSj J.s kh dk s J.s kh vfHk/kku fpgu~ d s lkFk mld s lEi.w k Z C;kSjk as d s lkFk ekLVj vk/kku e sa iSd fd;k tk,xkA ¼5½ iRz;ds iSdts e sa leku idz kj dh vkSj leku J.s kh vfHk/kku dh blZ cxkys Hkwlh gkxs hA ¼6½ iRz;ds iSdts mfpr :i l s lqjf{kr :i l s cna vkSj egq jcna fd;k tk,xkA 7. fpg~~ukadu dh i)fr% ¼1½ J.s kh vfHk/kku fpgu~ iRz;ds idS ts ij df``"k foi.ku lykgdkj ;k lk/kkj.k J.s khdj.k vkSj fpgu~ kda u fu;e d s fu;e 11 d s vuqlkj bl fufeRr mld s }kjk ikzf/kdr`` fdlh vf/kdkjh }kjk vueq kfsnr jhfr l s lqjf{kr :i l s fpidk;k tk,xk ;k efqnzr fd;k tk,xkA ¼2½ iRz;ds iSdts ij J.s kh vfHk/kku fpgu~ d s vfrfjDr fuEufyf[kr fof’kf"V;k a Li"Vr% igpku s tku s ;kXs ; :i e sa fpgu~ kfadr dh tk,xa h]a vFkkZr%& ¼d½ oLr q dk uke( ¼[k½ mnxe dk n’s k( ¼x½ J.s kh( ¼?k½ fdLe ;k O;kikj uke ¼oSdfYid½( ¼M-½ ykWV ;k cSp l[a ;k( ¼p½ iSfdxa dh rkjh[k( ¼N½ 'k)q Hkkj( ¼t½ vf/kdre [knq jk eYw ; ¼lHkh djk sa lfgr½( ¼>½ izkf/kd``r iSdj dk uke vkSj irk( ¼´½ rkjh[k------------------------ekl------------------------o"k-Z------------------l s iwo Z mi;kxs d s fy, lokRZsre( ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3 (i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 3 ¼V½ fof/kd eki foKku vf/kfu;e] 2009 ¼2010 dk 1½ dh /kkjk 52 dh mi/kkjk ¼2½ d s [kMa ¼´½ vkSj ¼Fk½ d s lkFk ifBr mi/kkjk ¼1½ d s varxZr cuk, x, fof/kd eki foKku ¼iSd dh xb Z oLr,q ½a fu;e] 2011] [kk| lqj{kk vkSj ekud vf/kfu;e] 2006 ¼2006 dk 34½] izoR``r fdlh vU; dkuuw d s varxrZ ;k df``"k foi.ku lykgdkj }kjk ;k lk/kkj.k J.s khdj.k vkSj fpgu~ kda u fu;ek sa d s vuqlkj mldh vkjs l s ikzf/kdr`` fdlh vf/kdkjh }kjk tkjh vunq ’s kk sa d s varxZr fofufn"ZV dkbs Z vU; fooj.kA ¼3½ iSdts k sa ij fpgu~ kda u d s fy, i;z Dq r L;kgh ,slh gkxs h tk s blZ cxkys Hkwlh dk s lna fw"kr u dj ldAs ¼4½ izkf/kd``r iSdj] df``"k foi.ku lykgdkj ;k bl fufeRr lk/kkj.k J.s khdj.k vkSj fpgu~ kda u fu;ek sa d s fu;e 11 d s vuqlkj mld s }kjk izkf/kd``r fdlh vf/kdkjh l s iwo Z vueq kns u vfHkikzIr dju s d s i’pkr] J.s khd``r iSdts k sa ij viuk futh O;kikj fpgu~ ;k O;kikj czkMa fpgu~ kfadr djxs kA ijUr q og bu fu;ek sa d s vulq kj J.s khdr`` iSdts kas ij yxk, x, J.s kh vfHk/kku fpgu~ }kjk minf’kZr DokfyVh l s fHkUu DokfyVh minf’kZr u djrk gkAs 8- izkf/kdkj izek.k i= dh fo’ks"k 'krsZa% ¼1½ lk/kkj.k J.s khdj.k vkSj fpgu~ kda u fu;e d s fu;e 3 d s mifu;e ¼8½ e sa fofufn"ZV 'krk Zas d s vfrfjDr iRz;ds izkf/kd``r iSdj df``"k foi.ku lykgdkj }kjk le;&le; ij fofufn"ZV vU; lHkh vunq ’s kk sa dk ikyu djxs k( ¼2½ izkf/kd``r iSdj bZlcxkys Hkwlh dh DokfkyVh dk ijh{k.k dju s d s fy, lk/kkj.k J.s khdj.k vkSj fpgu~ kda u fu;e d s fu;e 9 d s vuqlkj df``"k foi.ku lykgdkj ;k bl fufeRr mld s }kjk ikzf/kd``r fdlh vf/kdkjh }kjk vueq kfsnr ;kXs ; jlk;uK }kjk icz /ak dh tk jgh viuh Lo; a dh i;z kxs ’kkyk LFkkfir djxs k ;k fdlh vueq kfsnr jkT; J.s khdj.k i;z kxs ’kkyk ;k lgdkjh ;k lg;kts u i;z kxs ’kkyk ;k futh okf.kfT;d i;z kxs ’kkyk d s lkFk lEid Z djxs k( ¼3½ ifjljk sa dk s LokLFkinz vkSj LoPNrk dh n’kkvk as d s lkFk mfpr laokru vkSj vPN s idz k’k O;oLFkk e sa j[kk tk,xkA bu lfad;z kvk as e as yx s dkfedZ k sa dk vPNk LokLFk gkxs k vkSj o s fdlh lpa kjh] lalxh Z ;k lØa ked jkxs l s eDq r gkxsa (s ¼4½ ifjljk sa e sa iDd s Q’k Z okyh LokLFkinz HkMa kj.k lfqo/kk, a gkxas h vkSj o s dU``rd vkSj dhVk sa d s mRihMu+ l s eDq r gkxsa (s ¼5½ izkf/kd``r iSdj vkSj iwokDsZ r vueq kfsnr jlk;uK] ijh{k.k] J.s khdj.k] iSfdxa ] fpgu~ kda u] lhycna vkSj vfHky[s kk sa d s vuqj{k.k lca /akh df``"k foi.ku lykgdkj ;k mld s }kjk izkf/kd``r vU; dkbs Z vf/kdkjh d s }kjk lk/kkj.k J.s khdj.k vkSj fpgu~ kda u fu;e d s vuqlkj bl fufeRr le;&le; ij tkjh lHkh vunq ’s kk sa dk vuiq kyu djxas As vuqlwph&1 ¼fu;e 5 n[s k½as ¼,xekd Z vf/kfpgu~ dk fMtkbu½a N o. A C oLr q dk uke------------------------------------------------------------- J.s kh------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] vuqlwph&2 ¼fu;e 3 vkSj 4 n[s k½as bZlcxkys Hkwlh dk J.s kh vfHk/kku vkSj DokfyVh 1- bZlcxkys Hkwlh IykVa kxk s vksokVk QksLd Z ¼Qke- IykVa kftufsl;k½ d s chtk as d s l[w kh cht dh mijh lrg d s :i e as ekuo miHkkxs d s i;z kts u d s fy, gkxs k] tk s foukbs xa }kjk Hkwlh dk s vyx dj vkSj chtk sa dk s elydj vfHkizkIr fd;k tk,xkA 2- U;uw re vi{s kk, a % ¼i½aaaa bZlcxkys Hkwlh& ¼d½ lQns l s gYd s lQns jxa dh gkxs h( ¼[k½ x/akjfgr vkSj 2 l s 3 fe-fe- yca k vkSj 0-5 l s 1-00 fe0fe0 pkSM+h iryh uko dh vkdf``r d s Lo:i e as gkxas h( ¼x½ uje vkSj Lokn xknsa d s gkxsa (s ¼?k½ dhV ;k QQnwa l s dhMk + iMu+ k vkSj [kehjh] QQnwa kj ;k nwlj s vkifRrtud x/akk as l s eDq r gkxas (s ¼M-½ ckg;~ n’`` ;eku inkFk Z l s eDq r gkxas (s ¼ii½ ?kjys w O;kikj d s fy, [kk| lqj{kk vkSj ekud vf/kfu;e] 2006 ¼2006 dk 34½aaaa d s varxZr cuk, x, [kk| ljq {kk vkSj ekud ¼lna "wkd] fo"kSy s inkFk Z vkSj vo’k"sk½ fofu;e] 2011 vkSj [kk| ljq {kk vkSj ekud ¼[kk| mRikn ekud vkSj [kk| ;kts d½ fofu;e] 2011 e sa ;Fkk fufn"ZV vuqlkj /kkfRod lna "wkdk as d s vo’k"skh Lrjk]sa dhVuk’kd vkSj uk’khtho uk’kd vo’k"skk]as thok.k q lca /akh vi{s kkvk]sa Qly lna "wkdk]sa izkdf``rd :i l s mRiUu gkus s oky s fo"kSy s inkFkk aZs rFkk vU; [kk| ljq {kk lca /akh vi{s kkvk as d s ekey s e sa ifzrc/akk sa dk vuiq kyu gkxs kA ¼iii½ Hkkjh /kkrvq k]sa uk’khtho nokvk ssa d s vo’k"skh lhekvk as vkSj dkMs Ds l ,yheVsa fsj;l deh’ku }kjk ;Fkk fu/kZkfjr [kk| lqj{kk vi{s kkvk sa vkSj fu;kZr d s fy, vk;krd n’s kk as dh vi{s kkvk as dk vuiq kyu gkxs kA 3- J.s kh vfHk/kku d s fy, ekinMa % rkfydk J.s kh DokfyVh vfHk/kku fo'k"sk vfHky{k.k ¼ek=k }kjk ifzr’kr½ vknzrk ‘’k"qd vk/kkj ij ’k"qd vk/kkj ij vEy e as dkcfZud ckg;~ dyq HkLe v?kyq u’khy HkLe inkFk Z ¼vf/kdre½ ¼vf/kdre½ ¼vf/kdre½ ¼vf/kdre½ 1 2 3 4 5 fo'k"sk 10-0 2-0 0-1 0-5 ekud 11-0 2-5 0-2 1-0 lk/kkj.k 11-5 2-9 0-3 2-0 Li"Vhdj.k% ¼i½ dkcfZud ckg;~ inkFk Z e sa [kfaMr ;k lepw Hk.wz k] ,aMkLs ie Z d s v’a k vFkok blZ cxkys Qly l s lca fa/kr Qyk as dh s dSIlyw j fHkfRr 'kkfey gSA ¼ii½ ckg;~ inkFk Z dk vFk Z gS] ckg;~ eyw d s v’k)q inkFk Z tSl s fd feVV~ h] /kyw d.k ;k vU; inkFk Z tk s bZlcxkys dh Qly l s lca /ak ugh a gASa ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3 (i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 5 4- vU; vi{s kk,%a ¼i½ igpku ijh{k.k% ¼d½ ‘ ’kkFs k ijh{k.k% 1 xzke liSa y dk s 100 fe-fy- d s LVkis M Z flyMsa j ftle as 90 fe-fy- ty gk]s e as V~kz~la Qj dj]as bl feJ.k dk s 30 lds Msa rd vPNh rjg fgyk, a vkSj ml s 24 ?kVa s rd fLFkj jgu s n]sa bl vof/k d s nkSjku rhu ckj ml s /khj&s /khj s fgyk,Aa 100 fe-yh- cuku s d s fy, i;kIZr ek=k e as ty feyk,]a ml s 30 lds Ma rd /khj&s /khj s fefJr dj sa vkSj gok dk s ioz ’s k u dju s n]as 5 ?kVa s d s fy, j[kas rFkk E;wlhyts dk vk;ru eki as vkSj bl ifzd;z k dk s rhu ckj nkgs jk,Aa tkj ifzd;z kvk as dk vkSlr 40 fe0yh0 l s de ugh a gkxs kA ¼[k½ l{w en’kh Z tkpa % lkexzh fuEufyf[kr fooj.k d s vu:q i gkxs h%& QyS h gbq Z ikys hxkus y dkfs’kdk,]a 90 l s 120 ekbdzkus yEch] 18 l s 27 ekbdkzus pkSM+h] lYs ;yw kts okYM] lds Mas jh fMikftV }kjk l?ku gkAs ¼ii½ bZlcxkys dh n’kk ,slh gkxs h ftll s og ;krk;kr vkSj gSMa fyxa dk s lg ld s vkSj viu s xarO; LFkku ij lra k"skinz <xa l s igpqa ldAs ¼iii½ bZlcxkys Hkwlh dk HkMa kj.k BMa s vkSj 'k"qd LFkku ij fd;k tk,xk vkSj mldk s LoPN vkSj lkQ&lQkb Z l s mldk j[k&j[kko fd;k tk,xkA [Qk-la- 18011@2@2013&,e&II] vk’kh"k d-s HkVw kuh] l;a Dq r lfpo ¼foi.ku½ MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (Department of Agriculture and Co-operation) NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 5th January, 2015 G.S.R. 10 (E).- The following draft of certain rules, which the Central Government proposes to make in exercise of the powers conferred by section 3 of the Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) Act, 1937 (1 of 1937) and in supersession of the Isubgol Husk Grading and Marking Rules, 1982, except as respects things done or omitted to be done before such supersession, is hereby published, as required by the said section for information of all persons likely to be affected thereby; and notice is hereby given that the said draft rules shall be taken into consideration after the expiry of a period of forty-five days from the date on which the copies of the Gazette of India containing this notification are made available to the public. Objections or suggestions which may be received from any person with respect to the said draft rules before the expiry of the aforesaid period shall be taken into consideration by the Central Government. Objection or suggestion, if any, may be addressed to the Agricultural Marketing Adviser to the Government of India, Directorate of Marketing and Inspection, Head Office, CGO Complex, NH-IV, Faridabad (Haryana)- 121001. Draft Rules 1. Short title, application and commencement.- (1) These rules may be called the Isabgol Husk Grading and Marking Rules, 2014. (2) They shall apply to Isabgol Husk obtained from Plantago ovata Forsk (Fam. Plantaginaceae). (3) They shall come into force on the date of their final publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Definitions.- (1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,- (a) "Agricultural Marketing Adviser" means the Agricultural Marketing Adviser to the Government of India; 6 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] (b) "Authorised packer" means a person or a body of persons who has been granted Certificate of Authorisation to grade and mark Isabgol Husk in accordance with the grade standards and procedure provided under these rules; (c) "Certificate of Authorization" means a certificate issued under the General Grading and Marking Rules, 1988, authorizing a person or a body of persons to grade and mark Isabgol Husk with the grade designation mark; (d) "General Grading and Marking Rules" means the General Grading and Marking Rules, 1988 made under section 3 of the Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) Act, 1937 (1 of 1937); (e) "grade designation mark" means the Agmark insignia referred to in rule 5; (f) "Schedule" means a Schedule appended to these rules. (2) Words and expressions used in these rules and not defined but defined in the Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) Act, 1937 (1 of 1937) and the General Grading and Marking Rules shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the said Act and the said rules. 3. Grade designations.- The grade designations to indicate the quality of Isabgol Husk shall be as specified in column 1 of the Table in Schedule II . 4. Quality.- For the purposes of these rules, the quality of Isabgol Husk shall be as specified in Schedule II. 5. Grade designation mark.- The grade designation mark shall consist of “AGMARK insignia” consisting of a design incorporating the Certificate of Authorisation number, the word "AGMARK", name of commodity and grade designation resembling the design as specified in Schedule I. 6. Method of packing.- (1) Isabgol Husk shall be packed in new, clean and dry jute bags, cloth bags, paper bags and card board cartons with inner lining of food grade material, food grade High Density Polyethylene laminated paper bags, food grade plastic containers or in glass bottles or such other type of containers as may be approved by the Agricultural Marketing Adviser or an officer authorised by him in this behalf in accordance with rule 11 of the General Grading and Marking Rules. (2) The packing material shall be free from insect or fungal infestation and should not impart any toxic substance or undesirable odour or flavour to the product. (3) Isabgol Husk shall be packed in pack sizes as per provisions of the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011 made under sub-section (1), read with clauses (j) and (q) of sub-section (2) of section 52 of the Legal Metrology Act, 2009 (1of 2010) or as per the instructions issued by Agricultural Marketing Adviser from time to time. (4) Graded material of small pack sizes of the same lot or batch and grade shall be packed in a master container with complete details thereon along with grade designation mark. (5) Each package shall contain Isabgol Husk of the same type and of the same grade designation. (6) Each package shall be properly and securely closed and sealed. 7. Method of marking.- (1) The grade designation mark shall be securely affixed to or printed on each package in a manner approved by the Agricultural Marketing Adviser or an officer authorised by him in this behalf in accordance with rule 11 of the General Grading and Marking Rules. (2) In addition to the grade designation mark, following particulars shall be clearly and indelibly marked on each package, namely :— (a) name of the commodity; (b) country of origin; (c) grade; (d) variety or trade name (optional); (e) lot or batch number; (f) date of packing; ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3 (i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 7 (g) net weight; (h) maximum retail price (inclusive of all taxes); (i) name and address of the authorised packer; (j) best before______date______month______year; (k) any other particulars as may be specified under the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011 made under sub-section (1), read with clauses (j) and (q) of sub-section (2) of section 52 of the Legal Metrology Act, 2009 (1 of 2010), the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 (34 of 2006), any other law for the time being in force or instructions issued by the Agricultural Marketing Adviser or an officer authorised by him in this behalf in accordance with the General Grading and Marking Rules. (3) The ink used for marking on packages shall not contaminate the Isabgol Husk. (4) The authorised packer, may, after obtaining prior approval of the Agricultural Marketing Adviser or an officer authorised by him in this behalf in accordance with rule 11 of the General Grading and Marking Rules, mark his private trade mark or trade brand on the graded packages which do not indicate quality other than that indicated by the grade designation mark affixed to the graded packages in accordance with these rules. 8. Special conditions of Certificate of Authorisation.- (1) In addition to the conditions specified in the sub-rule (8) of rule 3 of the General Grading and Marking Rules, every authorised packer shall follow all instructions specified by the Agricultural Marketing Adviser from time to time. (2) The authorised packer shall either set up his own laboratory or have access to an approved State Grading Laboratory or cooperative or association laboratory or a private commercial laboratory manned by a qualified chemist approved by the Agricultural Marketing Adviser or an officer authorised by him in this behalf in accordance with rule 9 of the General Grading and Marking Rules for testing the quality of Isabgol Husk. (3) The premises shall be maintained in hygienic and sanitary conditions with proper ventilations and well lighted arrangement and the personnel engaged in these operations should be in sound health and free from any infectious, contagious or communicable diseases. (4) The premises shall have hygienic storage facilities with pucca floor and free from rodent and insect infestation. (5) The authorised packer and the aforesaid approved chemist shall comply with all instructions regarding testing, grading, packing, marking, sealing and maintenance of records which may be issued by the Agricultural Marketing Adviser or an officer authorised by him in this behalf in accordance with the General Grading and Marking Rules from time to time. SCHEDULE I (See rule 5) (Design of Agmark insignia) N o. A C Name of the commodity……………………………………… Grade……………………………………………………………. 8 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] SCHEDULE II (See rules 3 and 4) Grade designation and quality of Isabgol Husk 1. Isabgol Husk shall consist of dry seed coats of the seeds of Plantago ovata Forsk (Fam. Plantaginaceae) meant for human consumption which is obtained by crushing the seeds and separating the husks by winnowing. 2. Minimum requirements: (i) Isabgol Husk shall - (a) be white to offwhite in colour; (b) be odourless and have thin boat shaped structures, 2 to 3 mm long and 0.5 to 1 mm wide; (c) have bland and mucilaginous taste; (d) be free from insect or fungus infestation and from fermented, musty or other objectionable odours; (e) be free from any added colours, flavours and harmful foreign materials; (f) be free from visible extraneous matter. (ii) It shall comply with the restrictions in regard to the limits for metallic contaminants, crop contaminants, naturally occurring toxic substances, insecticides and pesticides residues, microbial requirements and other food safety requirements as specified under the Food Safety and Standards (Contaminants, Toxins and Residues) Regulations, 2011 and the Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011, made under the Food Sefety and Standards Act, 2006 (34 of 2006) for domestic trade. (iii) It shall comply with the residual limits of heavy metals, pesticides and other food safety requirements as laid down by the Codex Alimentarius Commission, or importing countries requirement for exports. 2. Criteria for grade designation TABLE Grade Quality designation Special characteristics (per cent by mass) Moisture Total ash on dry Acid insoluble ash on dry Organic extraneous matter basis basis (Maximum) (Maximum) (Maximum) (Maximum) 1 2 3 4 5 Special 10.0 2.0 0.1 0.5 Standard 11.0 2.5 0.2 1.0 General 11.5 2.9 0.3 2.0 Explanation:- (i) Organic extraneous matter includes broken or entire embryo, fragments of endosperm or capsular wall of fruits belonging to Isabgol crop. (ii) Extraneous matter means impurities of extraneous origin like sand, dirt or others which do not belong to the Isabgol crop. ¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3 (i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 9 4. Other requirements: (i) Identification test : (a) Swelling test: Transfer 1 gm sample to a 100-ml stoppered cylinder containing 90 ml of water, shake well for 30 seconds and allow to stand for 24 hours, shaking gently on three occasions during this period. Add sufficient water to produce 100 ml, mix gently for 30 seconds, avoiding the entrainment of air. Allow to stand for 5 hours and measure the volume of mucilage. Repeat the determination three more times. The average of the four determinations shall not be less than 40 ml. (b) Microscopic examination: The material shall conform to the following description:- Elongated polygonal cells, 90 to 120 micron long, 18 to 27 micron wide, cellulose walled, thickened by secondary deposit. (ii) The condition of the Isabgol Husk shall be such so as to enable it to withstand transport and handling and to arrive in satisfactory condition at the place of destination. (iii) Isabgol Husk shall be stored in cool and dry place, maintained in a clean and hygienic condition. [F. No.18011/2/2013-M-II] ASHISH K. BHUTANI, Jt. Secy. (Marketing) Printed by the Manager, Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064 and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054.

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