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Union Government, Extraordinary, 2013-01-10, Part IV, Ref. F.No. 7(33)/Rev.Dept./GA br./Rev.P./SDM/2012/2947 PDF

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Preview Union Government, Extraordinary, 2013-01-10, Part IV, Ref. F.No. 7(33)/Rev.Dept./GA br./Rev.P./SDM/2012/2947

(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9) T-rARI R. tIa- 33002/99 4-T117 HI It REGISTERED No. D.L.-33002/99 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ow/aRim i)clhi Gazette aRTIVITOT EXTRAORDINARY 12TiialT A sictial PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY (cid:9) #. 6](cid:9) fkSt, 1649 acut, 'n'iq 10, 2013/11iftt 20, 1934 [11##.0.1q. #. 239 No 6](cid:9) DELHI, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 2013/PAUSA 20, 1934(cid:9) N.C.T.D. No. 239 1#11— IV PART—IV 1141, 7TMET14 7T#T T, f494 t41ctot GOVERNMENT OF THE NATIONAL CAPITAL TERRITORY OF DELHI totter frArTT 2. -0VRttTT 41 e1 x •Rc-cil u NiTifiTifift-ff d m -Sti-tT arrtripmr 9(mict witifitm, 1901 (1901 wtr 3Tftif9-40 +ittqr 3) WI Wu 223 *'BIT ufaa Wu 15 hl fsreil, 10 Tn-at, 2013 37-t1171 ( I ) gltf siqd 71-1W W1WI -7W1ti T. It 7( 33.)/rr,flum. Trtntm.(cid:9) Tit/ Tri,t zr tip WrT141 rscrcil• * d4Th 141rr 1 Ickgi(1 2012/2947.-4cIr Nwn, fsevii +04)it * 31T OT R. 548 TT W kl,TINT91 4q. fccril A' 3ft T3fr t dit 1, octi 14-91W 12-10-2012 W IT- 14 T1 4.131-11 (cid:9) 7 2.1Wfitw4 '‘TfaScf 1 dad 3TRTF-9-407(cid:9) 3T-0(-40(cid:9) *-11-104 doh frit* 1-11-2012 (S) (cid:9) -cu-cfwit, ÷(14q, srRN am H61441 ftt-WA(cid:9) lafi, fAcrarcfkraT-T4 wr <4,149TR -41-Tr@ f -Err wr4t T2T1 317 +14 041 W-4-4:?t ailirft qicaITRIT(cid:9) 312.117 Otril xirct661 31-9-4 It-Trw-4 i frfq 41 kcf 1. Trt71717%1T91 ei fvrrtT zr2.0 im,f7r41-1-(0H4 zi4 UT ae ti‘riesi ttim -4 aLK-Ls01g 344f1-714,1887 (1887 TIT LIAM aTfttiwT Ht(cid:9) q( 7-4 litiTt T(cid:9) TR(cid:9) TIT aTir(cid:9) Ira, 17) WI WV 27 WI34-IiTir (1) ifRr1-4-ff YTf'ct t41 t -TO t, si-cs ch(a Th-Rt(cid:9) 1TV-7 (halale fcc-41 so( d(cid:9) 3#1Tr9TITI 31cTIff TrItTI 3. (^(1 1-1 (kik-4 3iNfTCP:1, 1954 (1954 'WI therft eta ftictil 5ft Taft(cid:9) iivi, -ffcti 3TRIM717 k4.(.9.4f 12) WI EMI 76 W1:112T-crfaff 91-0 wi Big 4H-f4 au tffiltia, wN- trt WTI 55111if 7 "WI 3V-WIT (1) 5.10 N411 TVW171 Wr .,1114ci4l(cid:9) aTtr-4 4,144-TR Titire4(cid:9) Thin A g4 WCk -g,(cid:9) r r\srtwil(cid:9) fszvil* d4tlu-441(1 •qq.uw 4 (bilkci tliTri ii dy-susoll-cutftwth -ffc2f -rf9-4,Er 4t 311 Witt d; TTa Tr{- wrzfit tri aTTM aTrtvr cih +1616h(cid:9) 31271 Off ant 4.01kci H614 t TT6- 4 t,(cid:9) m-T4 f-i-p0(cid:9) -021-r sill er-i-cFr (cid:9) 167 DG/2013 (I) (cid:9) DELHI GAZETTE: EXTRAORDINARY [PART IV csicvid 3Ff TrIPT Tffi•(cid:9) 1:4 Yircta 7* 414 (cid:9) 01 faAm 4 d4+i.5o 3x9'4 (cid:9) few 7"4 Ta Ut wg wmfwvrft *(cid:9) *Km to 3T2T* aRT9 *Br (otter NTT' dmmu.solq 7-4rfw*R1 *TR TT 9.41 TK-4 e ,Aif%rfcl 4“at aRr4 aTrOrff*794(cid:9) TO TlIttt TRI1T91%(cid:9) fketiT* S411.-4441C1 * *Br 727 -a9*- BrA TR, 4. (Pik Ira* klq Recii 14 TM(cid:9) dTII ITTIO% *7717 ffrg- (cid:9) , fw*RAF-9w ((IA(cid:9) )/svis(cid:9) r (t(9)-noq) 7117 TRU TR 'riceleI 31f417m, 1873 (1873 *1 REVENUE DEPARTMENT 311/Tr7714 1:1*71 2)(cid:9) 3 * 1.996 6 * RI* Tirdff ter 4 IMIT77 7Tr-4777 *1 WT17T 'td NOTIFICATION ti(cid:9) TRW* k%)7f(cid:9)r CrB * (cid:9) dad Delhi, the 10th January, 2013 aifirfiTA * afFfu malty Ant kW f-K91 F. No. 7(33)/Rev. Dept./GA br./Rev. P./SDM/2012/ etet*,(cid:9) *WO 727 4,4 *1 (cid:9)cfit 4 am* 2947.—In pursuance of the Services Department's order aiRiemlb-z4*RN aft(cid:9) -nig, -get Tf-i-4A No. 548 dated 12-10-2012, Shri Surinder Narang, Adhoc DANICS has joined as Sub-Divisional Magistrate (Defence *t aTT ATP; WW **RIa1 -eaa>r1 w1 3194 Colony), Distt. South-East on 1-11-2012 (F/N). Now, 1:47T4 WI few A 74 Tw ?rw al (NR4 therefore, faART d yiusol<4 wzrzTfw*TA *17 IR *-14I7 I. In exercise of the powers conferred by t* &IAA arrkA u*-B9T1A 71sT1Trg-9B1, sIght sub-section (1) of Section 27 of the Punjab Land wtfie Revenue Act, 1887 (PunjabAct No. XVII of 18817) as enforced in the National Capital Territory of 5. ?Mit lc VTR aftlf7714, 1954 ( 1954 * Delhi, the Lt. Governor of National Capital airtafiqw TOW 8 )(cid:9) tITII 3 * (cid:9) 197* 6111 Territory of Delhi hereby confers upon srcff ewe Tr scwW a-,(4 Attw flat Shri Surinder Narang,Adhoc DANICS the power *661(1‘neilc•f defil (cid:9) aTIIS I of Assistant Collector, 1st Class under the said 9(cid:9) el TY 017 outket +161€44)*4)141*1 fTqt -9- Act within the National Capital Territory of Delhi, w.e.1 date of assumption of charge and so long *tA*197 aft 13fct (cid:9) wc fraA *1 BA as he holds the Post of Sub-Divisional AAA uw tiwor) *-9-4z{ -Pm OBIm vrfa?r* Magistrate in the Revenue Department or till ail 3794 wrzfilrf BiAr94 *9- few A 74 7-4 doh further orders whichever is earlier. AT. (141t4 fEMPT SLIHuSTlitf 4u5114Wit *Trc 2. In exercise of the powers conferred by 1114tdt TIE *Tr* A-RA(cid:9) 171 .B1 Al sub-section (I) of Section 15 read with 223 of the Uttar Pradesh Land Revenue Act, 1901 (Act 4401 tr, f No. III of 1901) as extended to the National 6. le tt7PI(cid:9) (Wdt I2T feitss-r trw*A) Capital Territory of Delhi, the Lt. Governor of arc 1948 (1948 *T Taff Tt-AT4 afw-fi-RA National Capital Territory of Delhi hereby appoidts Shri Surinder Narang, Adhoc DANICS FLFfr 50) *i% WIT 20 *I% 37--t.77 (1)(cid:9) 777 as Assistant Collector, 1st Class under the said 17F-470(cid:9) Vz77 4,(a(cid:9) Trozi Tmut Act within the National Capital Territory of Delhi, rsztier* d'ItIv.141C1 7i 1w 717%791" and confers upon him all the powers of Collector MR sit szirt.css Brt7,cTGQt Tr9-474 *I BA fimq under the said Act within the National Capital q-slatcr aftr ((cid:9) w*tql) a'-FE-4r ar0 Territory of Delhi, w.e.f. date of assumption of (cid:9) Awer4m4 f aa fw A 7-4 7W at IIAI-cf charge and so long as he holds the Post of Sub-Divisional Magistrate in the Revenue 14wm TY 341,16014 Tr‘riii-a*TK TR *RilB Department or till further orders whichever is earlier. f -Eft wr-A aTrke *14 A a1 111Trz-9 3. In exercise of the powers conferred by taBB mA1 f I sub-section (1) of Section 7 read with 76 of the 7.lf-if3* (SIT4t) aitlf9TrA, 1960 (1966 Delhi Land Revenue Act, 1954 (Act No. 12 of 1954) the Lt. Governor of National Capital afweITA A. 24) *1 to 2 *I:fg% 7 gin .579 Territory of Delhi, hereby appoints Shri Surinder TIMRIY a1 wilst 'td(cid:9) T7t9 TrBwril Narang, Adhoc DANICS as Assistant Collector, f;1** ltIt41c1 34Tr 3TN-19TR* at-4u BA 1st Class and Revenue Assistant in the National tiRtcf kW *197 (cid:9) quiL4-11 I1*197 TRA Capital Territory of Delhi and confers upon him Triftrwth T1 cbiti *(cid:9) *4 t(cid:9) NI(cid:9) •11+1, all the powers of Collector under the said Act BO(cid:9) ml al* chi4AR Acr94 1- few A within the National Capital Territory of Delhi, a — PART IV](cid:9) DELHI GAZE11E : EXTRAORDINARY(cid:9) 3 w..e f. date of assumption of charge and so long 6. In exercise of the powers conferred by as he holds the Post of Sub-Divisional sub-section (1) of Section 20 of East Punjab Magistrate in the Revenue Department or till Holdings (Consolidation & Prevention of further orders whichever is earlier. Fragmentation)Act, 1948 (Act No. 50 of 1948) 4. In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 4 as enforced in the National Capital Territory of read with clause 6 of Section 3 of the Northern Delhi, the Lt. Governor of National Capital India Canal & Drainage Act, 1873 (Act No. 2 of Territory of Delhi is pleased to appoints 1873) as enforced in the National Capital Territory Shri Surinder Narang, Adhoc DANICS as of Delhi, the Lt. Governor of National Capital Settlement Officer (Consolidation) for National Territory of Delhi, hereby appoints Shri Surinder Capital Territory of Delhi,w.e.f. date of Narang, Adhoc DANICS as Collector, to exercise assumption of charge and so long as he holds or perform the duties conferred or imposed under the Post of Sub-Divisional Magistrate in the the said Act within the National Capital Territory Revenue Department or till further orders of Delhi, w.e.f. date of assumption of charge and whichever is earlier. so long as he holds the Post of Sub-Divisional 7. In exercise of the powers conferred by clause Magistrate in the Revenue Department or till (c) of the Section 2 of the Delhi Land Holding further orders whichever is earlier. (Ceiling) Act, 1960 (Act No. 24 of 1960) the Lt. Governor National Capital Territory of Delhi, 5. In exercise of powers conferred by clause 19-A is pleased to authorize Shri Surinder Narang, of Section 3 of the Delhi Land Reforms Act, 1954 Adhoc DANICS to perform the function of the (Act No. 8 of 1954) the Lt. Governor of National Competent Authority under the said Act within Capital Territory of Delhi, hereby empowers the whole areas to which the provision of the Shri Surinder Narang, Adhoc DANICS as said act are applicable w.e.f. date of assumption Assistant Collector, 1st class to perform the of charge and so long as he holds the Post of function of Revenue Assistant described in the Sub-Divisional Magistrate in the Revenue Schedule I as appended to the said Act within Department or till further orders whichever is the National Capital Territory of Delhi, w.e.f. date earlier. of assumption of charge and so long as he holds the Post of Sub-Divisional Magistrate in the By Order and in the Name of the Lt. Governor Revenue Department or till further orders of National Capital Territory of Delhi, whichever is earlier. KULDEEP SINGH GANGAR, Spl. Secy. (Revenue) Dy. Commissioner (HQ) Printed by the Manager, Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064 and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-I 10054.

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