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Union Government, Extraordinary, 2013-01-10, Part II-Section 3-Sub-Section(ii), Ref. S.O. 126(E) PDF

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Preview Union Government, Extraordinary, 2013-01-10, Part II-Section 3-Sub-Section(ii), Ref. S.O. 126(E)

a eo ate osseous AUG NOD L SHON Aitd a The Gazette of Sudia ‘EXTRAORDINARY sr Fate 3-8) PART It-eten 3-Subaoton satire 2 vant _ EVBLISHED BY AUTHORITY =u) Sa Re, apa, weal 10, S0ia/e 20, 1988 Ye119]_—__ NEW DELHs, THURSDAY, JANVANY 10, 2015PACSA 20,1996 _— “pa eft afte raat ier aig ae fet warrant area, 1262), aha rt APD, 1956 (1956 Tae) Mt m3 eC) ge we ae Tab sme "ae Se an es (2) H afters atone a ea ge are EH Sr ar 8, eer Pe Te aN FAO Fics, 00 a RA MD oo Ge wis WA Ctgerescrrtag ther a @ Se Pa aA), egy, weer Tare fee 360 TN RT (4), E55 deo Pa 2) A FR ae Be, ays, Ye ee woe eine ge 8 ws (2) Sapte fhe he adn rg at & ir aa Rt TE A fee ee WH HS swe a afega sat #1 fee 4 Tee ae cea Cf SIF PE ck Ed aa a 7 z a * 3 7 Le er Cg ad Tie ace 2 (ft fe 2a ta) 5340 eat a meter an © [Poe sh—See. 30) a a aoe [aa | . Mer eR aeter | ter gee [tga wiaete | a3600 8 3 a | Ret atte, | 84000 00 0 3) re 1 SET i (_stere ee tL 2 7 [s,s = . po | 2geter area : i ghee ! | agetbar wear I . Syer a 3 Pea sheer iecologmitel 9] BH FE, TAF 4 THE GAZETIE OF PADIA : EXTRAORDINARY [eas se Gy MINISTRY OF ROAD TRANSPORT AND BIGHWAYS NOTHOCATION New Dethi thee many 2013 126{B)-— Io exercise oP the powers conferred by clause (a) of section 3 of the ational Highvugs Act, 1956 (48 oF £956), che Cotcal Goverment hereby authorises che afficers mentioned in colina (2) of ths Schetice ancexed heveiD as the earmpetem apthortios lo perfor: che functions of acca scthociies under the seid Act wil cffect from the date of ‘publicotion of chs nocfication in the (ficad Gavcte, ia respoet of ac sieich ef land sporified inthe enrresponding entry in colnran (31 vl Lac sa Schedule relaung to distracts. taluk, police sation and villages meotioned in co.v.nm IZ), (St, (6) and (7) respectively ofthe suid Sehedule Fr building (widening / upgradation’ 2 Lane with pe management and operscon of Puruia-Bankere Sestion of Natione} iighvory No. 6G fram km 8,90 0 km 84.00 in the state of West Bengal SCHEDULE Land acquisition on Nationa! Highway No, 60A ir, the Sate of Wes! Bengal SE Competent [Sireteb * Bisiniet Police station | Nameof village authori offand | —_ 2 fasion ke [Rens nia [Parkas Tks District ae 2._Dulalpur || Mage SE eh thn | t rewintin | | ‘ “Rooke é | fees ! amar naan , Sangre 3 7 z U3. Katpatar na Para! (on rear 360) UR Te: eT C7 Content tbo Bueteh | Distlet of laud Talsie Pole ataiion ‘Name of lage 1 2 4 r Titer ete 1B. Kens Nahin fees 2 Blin 23, Gobindupur Hees] 2. Chana 2 Chiratna 3 Indpar 25 lamb | aca 3. aug 28 eldny Bi amedy 30, Utara SE Sandi —] Te Nyasa 2 | Additonal Diariet Magiseate (land Aequition + Puralia Km. | Poralia Liture 1. Hoe [25 Pacsive 34. Rekyare 35, Majldanga 36. spar 37. Kunard 38. Sharmakgoriva 39. Paknaria 40, use 44 Maipue 42, Mangoraalpar “EAhagatand | 44 Chaat 5. Kopaogora | 46. Machuban 2. Kalgace a8 lakh Fag, Lakshanpur | [50 Gorda vee cans = {IIb GAZETTE OL INDIS: FXTRAOROMAIY [a DS, 36 Si, Competent [Stretch | Disvter “Tala ] Policestation —} “Nameofiiige ] Ne_anthorigy | oflind | re aa 5 7 F TS Ladonka 32, Sand 2Porulla Mefinwal 4. Rundheta alias | | Bhawanipur Tiara 36. Sidpur 27 Bhangra | ' er ae j j 82, Biteici || | = H “S.Parale Fowea 66. athanay [F.No. RW-N1K-12013/11/5/2010/9P(BI6)P-91 MAVA PRAKASH, Dy. Secy. TPRSE WN Mee sme: f “nie, ap auras Rew ets

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