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Union Government, Extraordinary, 2012-01-30, Part II-Section 3-Sub-Section(ii), Ref. 190-192(E) PDF

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Preview Union Government, Extraordinary, 2012-01-30, Part II-Section 3-Sub-Section(ii), Ref. 190-192(E)

ash ie towee 44 HLSDNO TL aime ov ot Che Gazette of Gurdia ey ricer! va aaa aR & weir : unten ovarenany ; aro Tf Favsh, ara, ead 23, 2012/1, 1958 — — 4 te or er oer died ete Bed So, ye, ‘comm welder grt na he aed aa Epona , ‘~ ” " a tar Sig 14, i vat dt dhe ‘7 ahr woe oy a fa) EIST 4 ana Be a Biiiea ane wise wares mea? iS 2% Ferg aed, ats bem sf rit esc Wm & als) ee 2012s ET pea <u tg em (tee) aS TA ee ‘fim cord ie, 20:7 (Ped one a Be mee) Peel ae eh Be a ae rhea fore mest fica et eo we AER FU ec oS SHOT AOR SRL OS THER, FR ERE HE wal ane ot or 2 Fake 3 fa Peake 148) wade fee, ae 5. a Fede ate ee, sader ford ar Ee oct FCA chan a ae 6. ste ty ts» oid. 201s aE sles win Af srr ag el 1s aot GH] AE FA Sata) 7. Pre a ma ate ets fr OFT stems wa ICT Sia oud om a oF NL ac a RTA 2 EE, 2012 ae nou aT es a oa cove “fern ey NE, 2012 ey So Sra te CTC OB A), hated i ferme of Yas et vee ein & ha su Peet rior ARE Fapiey whe Stara gp Pole arte ora Fhe a an LPH MN ah we A. alte serait i ste 23012 90 TE, se Bg a ever eats ag Pen le din diag a 2h fae aft et ates vie] 2 A afin at cere rae Cor) age Pa ol saitegfer of Big ree aia ra i ast een Fem are a ee oa age don eer AR dae SMU 8 he yo SETHE 1 som deere ania hr, aga THE GAZEYTE OF INDIA: EXTRAQH epee oi] aaa! at sic = af tet fi ‘afer eae b ardis acer eye vt aa wild of qe eon a aes at gfe Am er uaF] ats aera Fa a 8 eet Fete vie Ac A areata aT ee nes) tabu set wats ond atta Tt afin rin Fela a nm nee Wa Rea toy ee ‘sated sme at a i Resta ws Fe 1 sede fed He ra ow Soke) Se BES HRC (SU) A sree; att mre Sel sted aefen Pood 6 fr wa I se atte Ber a. abr ston a ng cara re) @ ot did eee A ad owe Aad oe agave A rh oe ee were Hi ta ert ai arma kdl oven: 33 fe a om aor a at Fed Fram aa do “arn Ook @, wed anlsand ta sto a wean eA me Pre ea ans "tt TZ ei erred, thn Pert, ease, wha robs sre fea stra ce Rt et Sin Peek ere PAT aa gat Bete “ge orm ex io per se aed 5 A Pres eH ge A aie sa eer a at 1 ara wares Renae + i agar fer Pi set a ra ates om, Ee ares ane al (Chueh 2a rd Be wig of Prigee ra ool 8 aia ar afta ot fend ter cast ow a er Sicha sin seman vterr, hi dk wort a aaa vee st tga die ee a Sa ART Ge eT TER aor meting me at aoe we a mei aPrenvsy a ae wa Fea = sisted std Fa ec ersten? Swe od rah Zest ath geet ne ee ETE & sunt, Fre of artes gran FET we Fe Sr seating de, BLM 0 a TEE act are af ahi ‘Sra ahr Pa ore read a aes rare aE AT | 22a a al eta a gH sa afte oe 4 fers we Ls na feed Soe aw eT sail hat ara 1 ee fad Sor at seo wnier Zit FE HAS ah aT ‘Se oe aera, ek fa sad pe Grr oii at saat a afer Terr ot Petre od dard weed ¢ oA ot om il Paes he oar tees Sent ren eri oD ee 23 om ety aA a stots wat Yaa oH at ort (atten 7pa; at em wn 8 eri: a, Sorere Barge 7 wall A aR era gen tare sets nee nates aioe erates 2 fee cm MPT ee are CE sa) goa, vee! toga ate teh ah Fea Ba acest Min qu eer Seg corr sere err ot ae 94 dal 2 1a 8 ae at gg a ered oe wees Heyl we gd Pn ae Sead ET ee ola inl Bast 8 aM ER TT eontd tae a iyi Sac ular Pedy Ti ae ae Hie, He ater ga te star (fed Foie te Bete Se Soe caine there eT Fo cr fe ste Ase eer FT 2 eR erat ae wad au ame Tete er ni her Sata ol edetag HE ri Pagal 22 ong, anes Has Eo erste ser 4 Pr neal 00 =r eh ar Wie, a EMRE SCS Le SET se TTT: su a Prukibe hunk Geutunaaatind arent $e i ara ere, ne nt soe te a ea oe ae a ee Fa tafe 1 Wedel shemale Sh) URL TVG Oop ea ERT A Zo nia ue ay gh ae ah EE SS vir ateates Rohr #e gis au Sastat ROTM 3m of seems a eae ase em MINISERY OF FINANCR (Deyartent uf Primo Mie) (BUDGET DIMI) OTUEKATION ow Debi the 2 uly, 2012 Action fo Sate (Heiss) “07 per reat ‘Govevioncit Sinks 2017-Iuly No, A65}W & M2012 —Governmerc of Indie lanier oie sae sro 807 per en Govemmese ‘Stock 201 7-Iuy”thersnater called the See Fv a agregite snout ef Rs. 4,00 crore (eamioa), Te sale TSH be shjec: Io the terra and eendtiens spe au thus noteation (ellos “seciic NowCear am’ ar io the terms and conditions specified in the Geneel Noliiation F. Na. 4{13}-W & 4200, gard Aeon DE isued by Cevemment oF Jad 2 Meet ee Tae Soak willbe sod tira sg ResencBiksfind, Muni Oar, Fet, Mamba ty she mane a reeribed in pngraph $10 the General Resifesion Tee 4(12. de 2008, cated October, 20 by arice bese sli esing oniorm price cutie relbod 5. Anat: Noncum site ler The Goverament Slock tp 15% af to ascited unt a he le le Had gil navi sr lions ay pet the enclosed Seteme fer Non pte Hiding Fae inthe tctons ol Goverme: Braise ‘The atction will be conducted by Reserae Bont of nd, Sambo Gee, Fost Mumbab<n0 207 a6 Jat 27, 2012. te vetien ult ewe ecient oath Noein Dealing Ste :NDS Jule Zi, 20:2. The now compeive fe sould be sabiuiel else 1D.3D aa al 190 am ata the ceinpecive hile shuld he subui:tel bowser Tnatane and [200 nm, 5. We usd Tring The Steck wile egle oe shen Iu ring i sceurntce wile andes issued by dhe Reserve Baro di tenure The Stock ill 220 xecynrtrere commence fro Jaye 3, ZOI2 The Sk wll be rsa por OF ay 301, Late uf tue Papraca forthe Sack ‘he sl We atin tall Be ely dy om Reserve Lik ef Hala is For. Mane Citic suly 47 70°, payin by sunsets wl be 10930, 201, Leese oF m8, ma ar the Steck wl nf cared ete maul ifthe xk ted thesuein Remhecuea! aga inact uly 3, 201240 Bly 28, 20-3. A tones Tunes at cal 88 percent jer wna it seseie on the nonin! val ft stock om he de vig sn new bo al half aes on fan 3 and hie By Cdr Moi af ia, DERALAT SIAKGAYS, A See AMER ‘Sete forSon-rompe eve ining act the Auctions of GoveeaetSerurties 1. Scape : Wick @ view wo cnewnrag.ng wer Pulcization ders heling af Cerne sects fs prupoced to oc parteletin an "noe rameter bass in aeet auton: oF werent ein Galt serustes. Accorcigh, uowsnmpeliv by ap 3 pet {raf he acocdenouncvl he creer whe ates sheate ect, Theveaewel tinny wilt gs ML nigipiteg: Patiipaioe 24a nr-eontsitwe Satis 'w the sto et ied Gel secures wil ee [0 este wh inf he Blow ng 1. dons inten Gere Account Ct Subsidies {Gere det ( Stl jasc wih he Reserve Bank tle Excepuons. egora Rua aks (RRB and Cee pers Bana shall overseas Soe Beier oer toy iain 22 mike single bid for an amour aor mere ths eso same fac vl per tar sch ei bid ince aug ay one Banko PD oeerng thie zekeme, Bsceplns:Hegionl Rural Wars (RRB) abd Co reteset enna SUL. Aes Ane Chi Ae wilh serve eo si hl belgie 1p that heir non-cnmpeisve B UL, Coverage Susje: th eri sat mn above, paeintin ee "eer -coeptiive” Base re bran person cling is compari, compas beds, Frtatone rood ance, mowed any een sey be precerbed 2, RU Teri aan Tt ling will be Ke, 10,00 (ace value) al eres a solar Re. 1.000 as ithe es etd teks [Re Other Operational Gaiesines "re real invest desirous 2f pantcpatng rm the auction under the Selene woeld be required (0 Tianna Coratuent Scbeidiry General Ledger {CRG aseourl with evankor PD trough stom, they wish 0. panicipute. Leder dhe Scher a Inver car-make ony a scaled ia an auton of A dated sour, Ar ursraking >the ees hat Dh isesor is tmkingny single il Le ‘bined and ket om eco oy he bier PD. Ewsbank or PD an te sii ookes eve fom thet constituents wily submits single scorsolidued nowecompetiis bid om half ete “oneeuert ie cocenie Lomas on th: Regained Dealing Systm (NDS) Except in extroreinary citeuinoos sack es serra fire ofthe NDS system, romcompeetive bid in physial Kem wl rot he seeped Aitbavencunderthe noncompetitive segments tho bunk o PD wil be at che weights avecuge rie oF ekrioe thor wllemerge nthe aun onthe bis fhe eampeiive bidding The stcuies wil be esi co te Bank or PD agarsc paxmen cn fe Aer reir pet we wie Mana PDD hasiecivepiyaent om hi iets Incase agregate anourt ahi sce dum the reserved amour (3% ef rclied amon, pra2e2 tMotmentwouldbe made. incase aural tormen fel be the responsi of re ban we PI aeprprincl llocie sec 1 the cans in tunsparen manne dn sae he ngprgate o of Bl is ss ee reserved amount, the sora will be Ion te compe ive paron Securigy woul Defame nly 801 ery fH RE ould crestetherthe mein SL gcountor 1x8 CCSCL aesouet athe baie ar PD aa adie hy tiem. Tae Geil for ford weit fein SEH acount St tr Te aay gorpose af sericing Snvesore wh are ne her sotlownts That Te, Usb or #1 woul ie onde lense line a eer dence mid te ars (eval) edited a hoi SCL econ ad ke CSGL arcrurt. Detter in physieal fans ro he main Sci. accor emi athe Jnnnoe of the inves ubeoqaeaty. lesil bese responsi ofthe bank 2 ne PD ts fists Fecurce io ther elit, Exespe in xuaorr ary cicumsants, thelrrster ol sour ta heclirtstallte cxmleted within Bve working ays fn the deo sue THE GAZLUUL OF INDIA: LXTRACRDINARY _[Pagrl—See 4 the sank’ or FL can secever up 193i pase pet 2s. :00as boksregeteonenis acre sey Fendeving this ave ta bie clea. Su may be built ino the sale pie cl réeavered ‘Sporatel fi the slots iene the tana crus s offered aubsequer "sue dae of the secur the consideration ara ptable hy the Sent ro the Dash 0 PU? sl cle secre ner fr he dae of Modalities rata ing payin nln oar ‘ost of ee securitien,aseruedtrigsenerever applicable and broketageteauminsontsers ce ‘args my towered outs drank or Pas por greet wih de len, W nay vet free cones sul: ay fin ens cul he Isl asthe price er teensered fim ele. Ye fans and PADS wil Be recurs to Cares nfm lating to eperation- wn Soe ir Reserve Ren af Tad (ah) 4s aye aed fr Fo tev nid ee Cane pes bythe Dk, VL Tie sfnsil elie ae subject 1 review by the Bank and acrordngl. if and chen conde secesiry.*he Scene wllbemiodiied ste 1 Feet, 21 gem, 2012 ‘as ahamre ward ex, 2022 a faa Carob) Ray ert we As)- aay Ws EN IOI a) OT Ts 40a) ee ME (afoot EA TS Is ie Mew eben! (RE an a ea 9) BE aa on a, Gi agp a ier stig! erat) Safes ae ae sre meen gaat aera SS Ae ACIS) sore RHA, Re x mT, Moe A ibe mS wai: 2 Pi aE Fate aahet ofa aria teed de, tes aE sed sete, i gand deat at rere Ser aka, 2008 6114 alist alan AC) SL ne emg Pe 5 galls a oo tad ot om ar ae aap aren Ara eT sect 8. aufee etefieait armen ‘westh ofyfe at et of antec et i yfn i ers wa Cami: i area fa siigher aie 3 stem Fs EC Tr TH SH sie meas al an Fa tee SRT ae : 4, Pen rr eH alr se bor rata trae fa, pal ari, oe FPF came mF aa ap 2 Far oF rE Phen wa 27 TPE, 7 a aay st a infront sear ig nay oA GE aed eae aft alaust ra eats gn 288 oe Ron TA da sent a ste 5a frit ert satay: mnie Pet (sere) aC aa Sale ot arom gaat 8 phoma a anion fe sre 1 Sb ve ang em (STR IT Anes, af Ca gr SRT Ge 1 Sim Ten sain oe fed UR tea were fee mG fed) eT TSH 04 Hh saree ale, scan od Se wa ee ent Sa Sora Sere car sin as see a 1 ant Aone oe Seen RRR IRE 3 na! gs Tee 7 ts ae ei fey, fee or orci tert Be ea ah feng ion 3 rg 20,2 ae | sre iit ye pan & 99 SFE 29.2 ap Pg ata ETL 8a 2 ae fie ot ater dee a see eB 8s Ftd 2irmieas (siete) erat An of amin ford Se eae ie Ary, sara 7g? 2 TL athens] ofsre wa na aR ae FH a 8 Utena Ia "AST seo we, petted, fila leat, wer, ute ci ral he rie ford Bee aetna ao wha feck mie a fee ment ER Bah ae FR aT nan rE oa) a suet a Ia on Sana SH Ra re ae Festa aS es we venerareer Fer ae ne # aera Se ev atte ces Fed ean a or Paar Ea es eer reve avi oc (SHURA) eed SOR she aie Re fae Ale dau diye de 2 BR Rae oR at eA srg gE at 8 LS la sig ano : sas wits Amc CEE Tid 5 arent uate a ar omen et ‘en wats a Ehcal fig a fost ge D1 Bt seu aoe He fie bat oe Se bet, he ser wee da gra em so a tone a A BH So eat ao et ort arth seat SY SRS Goel SHE aT eee AM om ore IM Hy way 2 Sues Aw he Be AH Pnites a cfiet ater ate) 3" aye sm Tapa al ea eh, a He Ie ELT, Relea ay Rei a aaa TIN OTP eae aniseed iio ate ot BEE 1 “gf fr hela eb 1 2D ape nn cee ot alee atayia i viol ay > Fd 2 Raced urs feof aaP at ar 1a rei Fad a 6) ot, ter en cere sen Shand AS UH 9484 Et ja-> F tte Sas oe F ane AL it 3. tie een aline AER Paar a serie Firemisting = ze fee es «c A obverse 4. caer tom er one Fe ae Su Ba oe Fe ree att! ol ed @ germ ae we Pe ah a Bea ol pT OR i site de at peel a ngs 2 2 arise od ok: sein tar fen 5 ORE: ofke. & ong aio fa al 4 ren afte ei Sea, a ae oe aati lel a anteCs Som ar a inher a stan ance Ua neat tt Src ae a af aR ae 2 9 i hse on of Boa Sm 1 audin fr So we a en unlie BaR SBA eng ord ae fee i ame at, erie ae Fea Te Se UH pad 1S ewsten TA Fo te yf seis an Fiduad 3 an & gebrad # st ore Sem ash 2 ants de we ara and centres ital at Fe 2A a or GUT vat aie desiugs or 2 a get ast et (ei uu) Bt ere oT 2 ei Po a Bue oe eye Gan cate od ain era ai at rd A swe matte Se a1 ante eg ing Fes 2 eae sl otgea, apatite” afer Fra 5 ice satire ra gu Foe 3. So gear Soe a ce she STE fore aa a ore eto ea So sev mg ar ad BP ala fe ye i vie st arard facet dare ‘want ma ie ia Fre oe 1 frie Fic hee vee ela ol, Pos wR Sere ew se Ae snes ar a Sn fe Seanad See a sma, eu ae ag! A AMS SRSA ann € OER A Ee aa stad rad, 4 ee ate ga seme ad aes @ sara at ore sree 2 fe i oe rm, a fee or Saya = aig oF fem orn tg 1 uel ‘oop nl Feu SAAS Veiga SETA ere Bele Ge) Berg Mit ag rem = arr Trae 2 eh ge Pain a eer ae ye a ll iar eatn Habits de gest atest sia meg, Fa ME Ee PM, TT aT ILE GAZETTE OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY (Pue}_Se. NOTIFICATION Now Deli te 28 te 20° Auction for Sty {Rerbour) WC 15 per cont Ep. 45).W & MOTD GD, Government of tele ey mois ae rea F315 or on ier est (acrsinahor called ihe Sc’) fier famouse of € 6.000 crore tn inl The ‘si by subjor os fers and onions pel cat fs netifiadoe (ald "Spectic Nacieton) as che tbs tews and corditions speeied in the Gene al [Noieation No 4-8 MEDINS, teed Deter 2008 ised by Goverment of fd 2.Methodat sue ‘Tre Scie old evoagh Noses Benkot nds, ‘una Off, For, Murmbab400001 eth anne ‘srcat bed in oaragnph 5.1 the Gena oe No. 4213}. @ M2008, dated Ocuber 2008 ries tased nation using uit pie uci red 4. Alloent eoNon-compattive Bidders he Goveremen Stok pt of He ete otf hese lied yl nei fo inwthiows 8 per Ine enclosed Sela fox Nae ‘epee dang Facily inthe asronsul Govenvacat Securtes(Ammes) A.Phocanddsicef Aue The auction wil be conducted hy fheserse Dancer India Mumbai Oe, Pr. MumbaistD 0m {ly 27, 2012 Bidston ation shoal beste “veroniefrmiton ne Neglne Daalrg nse (DS) fon uly 27, 2012, The non-compete bah ada'd be submited between 14.50 sum ad 1130 wad ‘omen biel ox esate ewer 1089 1 ‘1200p, When faand Trading TheStack vil beetigible free ona 2 vs aecardance wt the guldeines ued by he Kote Fro" Ie tye Stosk wil Fe of tenor tenure commencing, From uve 413812, Ihe Sik wil ead st pa oF she 1, 2002. 1Livateof sued Paymcat forthe Sek The rg to Uae etn aa be paged bythe Aeserve han of Taina it Furl Mun occ Jule Sy. 22 3. she pay nent by soeeistl bidders wll Be cm Infy 58,3012 Le, Wedeteodro-eae, The paver ote ‘Shek vil ince ecru eres oth inl Yi tha Soc allomed fe aaction fam Ih ete of orga subi. hae 1,202 1 Fay 29.22, Sinan Inert at the ete of B15 per en: per eum wi aera o9 the sonvna al oft Stock em te sao vil sue and We pa a yrarly on Detenbe 1 sn Tene By Onder of-e President orig De RAIAT DILARISAVE, See, ANNE heme fr Nenurmpetitve Hadling aye Ausions of Covcenment ruritee 1. Seope : With ¢ view to eauraging wider parkpatio and renilhuicingoGovemvae scents Is stooncedo allow parison of nor corti bois sleeiaucir sof dated Coveramea lea 8) sours, doverdingyson-sampelce bids vp © pet Seite te weed amor wi bs cer ir ecto State series Th reserved avo wil kena oid 20 1, Yugibtty = Vasietowina on 2 von-comestive Tusa hea del iol secur wil he ves ee ln 1 st sins Coast Acs ( Cen Suny ‘enero aa (ST asst Rese Ban, ExeptomsRagival Raa! Rarke (R46 28 Co Uopemive nls dsr ee Be SER mr tew a airy ligation riske 4 singe bil for ar aun rot more chan Fevtsocrve na lc tt 5. ub thar bid indtety rough ar ore Bankr POotrinatirs iene ceptions: Region © Bors Ray (RRAS] ane operand Dodlks t miarsn SGL Acco ne ond {hv ctr wa He Kesewe Ranket dial te eligi ar samt Thee encom de freely (51, Coverage: Sebjesti the cortisone soe, zamenpaiton en "nonsompelki” bis super som aun ling tt cope, corporat Bos, trav iden fare, ie and wry A= eile ering pseried by BL The ini smount for Filing wl be Re. 19.000 (cs vate) a roa rallies Re, He whiten cee ook IN. Omer Operativnal Guidlines Tae rll ier sia of papi im be suction uneer the Scere 9c he aeysied to ‘vine 3 Contaent Subsiiny Goneal Ledge FeSGL} pervert nee PP cu sham they wish lw parcina Undo: fe Sehwme. ine a kp sgl i na 0 Sib socn fs. am underking we effet at Te investors making ory st pe hid wl Ra20 dina kept on record Ey be Eek oP ach inkoc 1 or the bys of fiencdereceoed foam racir causliventy will gobi a siege ‘conssliftednon-cirmp@tlvehidabebal Fal onsets in cvcirowie fun a he Negled ali Syste (NDS, Lxepl in etaondiary slreumessnaet such panel are oF he NOS EISEN, Romonpet ve hel in-ear mot be seesed = Allen ence the non-umpeyitgrterrothe bask or wl be ate woah avenge rat dietrice itil emerges te asta tie curstitie bidding. The scares Wil rssued to the bank or PD agains says snr gziimespecte onal tw shox hysmceived payment rs ter clon Ie tte ngqenas sea of bili murether He arse anol (of roles MOU jeu allsioae souls berses, eel palm, i ile the vesponseay a: the tank of FE 10 appropri lloate secarkiesc0 thi clents 2 Unrspatert ore Insasente aggrgti: anna fate less athe reservee amour, ke shall wll be ison t competive pore. Sevuriy si ae iesuedly in SGL fm 2 RE [bb eau wed ertherramn S-accoentor AS CESGI suum of Ie bank se PD edie by Thary ‘he Geter acer recs the ei GL aecour: ig far the ue prpose of arene tavetne win a ithe seine 5 Theaine Tugba or PD would lave dulce cht he fina 0° landeving fe nnn corgeinise We the derounis (ase vlc) a hs eral te SC Aeceunbur de CSG assent Bliss inghyssa fern the sain SC. esac pemveileatke insance ol the ime subscc ucts Heil ete espa ity of neha ge tne PB pats rhe Sacre Vp iit lent cen Etvlngy artis, as twlbecllens shal b complied wri ho working ‘gst the da of ieee “he bank oF PD eam reeoset unto ss rsa per Te 1902s srokarayaioomasowsare charge fr string the vse toe ede Su 8 vey ke hull icy she gals vive 01 tecnvered Sepa fan the sles In eased arson of Seutnos i esi 1 eoqpne oe sue cate fe gs, the Sundeaion amoupsasle By e-em! The benk wr 91 wou ale la cere nea rorm thd af se ‘Meus rotting paren Ramet tants Sout of Me secures, neue ates rte x ‘THE GAZETTE_OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY applicable and briceragetscimm isionsservice caress maybe worked ou by ti ban ae): par teresmene with the ele, Ie may be note tha fer e025 such as funding sos shoulé be built into price recovesé Rom the len ¥. 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OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY Pa this mtevoy cael “Specie Ntitiadn’) 5 aso the terms and conditions spewsie# im the Genes otlfealion No. A(17} & M200, deed Oktober 3. D8 sce by Goverment of Inia 2. Meteo The Stck wl he sold aig Resets Wank af Tn Mutat es, Fr. mta-s0000 in nance ss wesroed in pezagrapi 1 Othe Gea Nolibcaion No. 415; 95.882209, dated Och MN pice based ation wing enim wc ation wad 4 Allotment ta Nv-cupeliive Bids The Gnorament Stook ap to £% ofthe naif! sith fh ele il be alone lige ndvials sed Saati ev tie enclesed Scheme te Nene nnpaive Biding Pactltyinthe Auction af Goveemat Secures (Anes 4 Placeaul date cfucton The auctive sill be conducted ty Reserve Pack uns, Mums Mis, Pot Mieic100 Do Joly 27,2002. ulin ection seuld beset in leew Er umthe Negtist Dein inten (NDS) de. July 22,2412 he ron-corpetitve ids Fouad be subninel Yehsesn 20:30am. and 111 aan sd He Somatic F'Seshoul be sbined batwaun 1038 am nd 12.0, hen ued Trang The Suid be gb for“Whem te” rang in acon val the guidelines isuc by the Kegerst Berar scTenure The Sioch wilt be af sneteenevearteamre canmene ng rev Decombor 5, 211, The Sovk will be remtapuren December 5,202, Datcof tae Mayme forthe Stock ‘Therese ot he auctian ale displayed by he Daserte Hank af india at ie Port, Mumbal Oftice an uly 25,2012 The paymane 3 succes il baller rl be en Jal, 203, xe the dat ots The payee fete Stock wtlachateceirpediniesestor te mail yl of "he Sreks lu inthe wiction fee esate it agen paymomtie Dane Os, 201200 aly 29,2012, ‘totrest ner he rate of 8.87 at eat pee mem esrae ee nest vale af he Stack fr thefts Tas cqupan payment an wil ne sth hal yearly erie ashe OS By Oulu ut neider of tek, De RAJAT BHARGAVA, I Secy ANN Scheme for Noncompetitive Hid Auctions Ch sieyinthe ramet Soeur, 1, Seupe + With &. view tw encoaroging wid poration aruleil kng af Cverenct ocr is raped to allow sarcpction "mn competi ‘asin inseectausows af ut Government fa at) scmlies Acecnlingl, nares n Bids 9109 get canto. senate anoune Wile weeped heaton fied secures The reserved aun wl 3m ie solid mount * 1, tgintny: Perssipati on a mesa Ions in teauctnds nf led Got secession lo invests wa ssf ce ftkewng 1. dose nina Cuca Aewnk (CAS Sbsiny GGoreal ase SS jacenunt hte Ravers Har ali Bxcaptons:Kgional url ars WRN and C= ope ative Hac shal 9 aver urcershie Sohne inves of Ii saat aging 2 imeke a siagle bid for er ama ma mee tha Rs. a exo ive val) pr sce 3, cul ibid inde hrwgl any oe bak o PD tering hs seme Ecceptons: Reson Ral Bars (R49 Co- fepotative Banks thal mina Sxl. aezoa sr tat secoune withthe Reser: rk of Id sal be eligible tora thei non-stmtine ids areety, UL, Coverage: Suse! othe ois erie uve. piipauen on "ren-compecive™ Race open wan pes lade Bes or pany, tebe. ination. provident Sumi: I, sr aby aie ets a maybe prescribe RI, The enim ra ae bari Re. 1000 tine vlc aul healer i un’ plesia Rs. 1,000 nSsore Tn deed ks IN. thther Operations) Guidelines 1. he re igsesto. desir of piping he auchow under the Scheme wou be routes Ws ‘natin Cnatven Subilory Creel Ledge, (CSCI, acount wh ha bro PU teu boy sh 40 parcpat, Iver the Stheme, 3 inet en make oy aie Bi nr ation of dah security AD uxdoraing “the ec the ‘he nest aking nd gained il have Gat an bet on espn by Isak er PD. ech tank orb ane bes uff mercer recived ftars thee consauents ill sunt ¢ ticgle orslidetsd nan eons dor arte Constituents in cenunic feral ate ested Dbeting Syste {NDS}, Except hn eatendinars

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