“ales Data Tke Gazette of Gudia XTRAORDINARY wo. ES 3 TATE (i PARI Section Satractvn il) mfr & entire ‘PubLis!iH BY AUEBORITY an) Eee, dite, a a diz Ate, Toi Ne ou [NEW DELIG; MONDAY, JANUARY 2, 20.0AUS4 12, (938, sar fre act aterm fot, 2 ar, 2917 amt Oe, RS CT, ie fae Farm, 195) © 981 oss oA a 12 ae a srr 209 Sr A yaaa REE TT TT sone mn ar Ht aR A eRe 2s tial) 2002 9 a Rig aeaR ear Ea me Te RTT a he ATE leg ocd a 9 a Be ge Te Raber ny, 9, 58 Aer AS wr 23 aM 28. gee A Te a ei eT» tay sain cit fy on ate a st ter Cp am tan a os ae we 2G 1) Gy baa ae ah et 18.200 eT 0) AR mnt Freeh ae ome Ga ee — vo aR, m3 oR 1) seated ae LT 25 ach, 2019 FRO fis 200 FA Aa un ts arenes ew CH, Pa da rma fre du ara wf 9, Foray fy a Plates aber ai Ea at guaa feast 3 ane AL XCHERS CONTVORRION OF TNOTA NORELCALION Soweto 2 dan, 2002 O.K,10h),.Whonany dosYesiden ofa ky, nae rnon aeununder Soci 1 othe Rapesntton a Pooper 192 8 1581) and pabliened ate Cet vig Zar, 201 sen plese calle Pe lected menbencolisi exh ative Aaenbly ote Nail Capt Teriiry oF ulbe slest an memae tose [Sines fe vacacer ye! Hoe nlosaneed das the eerie Fe Kan Stngh 779 oe, 21 Za Lae spirometer oftoc, 2 UIE GAZETTE <a ANDIA: EXTRAORDINARY, ae Br 3) "Novy terete inpuruane of > ins) ofartog 2 rl Soin ce sil Ac le Fstion Commision nds (A) supine seep tbe aides — GQ) el Lracny 2012 Maney, as tela date for waking nominauens, (0) toe HO aun, 20/2 fs) dae Gar the sriny of the aeons: (6) te 1a anna, 2012 (Tay), whe a date or the wil of tnd (© the Jot Jomnary2882C hardy), 9 e dats on which apo sal, iEuseesnry anand (@) We 2rd Janney. 2017¢Monday), ate at lore which Ge secon bas cate 68) Gaea Getoars inven 9.00A.AC to 4.0 EM, ass bone during wich pl alice be ken tte dive spc howe Fore eli . Ie.stetes oL20020)) ByOxdes, KN HAR, afeqre Ab apeh, 2, 27 a. 269. te, TEL Tea, i MPa a, 1951 (4991 94 43) 4 ema IT ar ae er 2 ara 2042 rea eH wei arg aR Ta a feet el aw Ht ‘hae ter BT Fe 27 eA, 212 Oa ee ee are eo Here ae ea wo a ee ee enh ee ra oe Fa ata, ar ae 4 Eee (1) ate me 6 aE: Ae Peet tn EAT pa a te (om) a Fab et it rt seid, 072 Ghee (ea) 3 Petr St eth tes ~ oar, 212 (ree) (a) stent sone ot te 1a RH 2012 C40) te ee, Fa a sew a a ST vw ral ere () en) we ae, far er eer ae — 2a seh, 2002 Grima Fea wary te (C3) 9.00 aa ashe 40 TTC EBT, BO es PETA Pret aT e Ea St ate same tL fran fc RE sw aS a sisi -Restoni20 | ata, Awe ernie ert hea fa 2012 (8.218. Wray hese es hy netgear Seton le Hepetet of Atovesi ey 11 tor 31) and pale nie ont fii one aay, 202 Beep pon Be Standen of tel eta Asan oft shes aT of Debit oe ae merer whe Conc Fine ol an rerenp ints Romeo ened ett of i and Deron 7h eta 2072 ShecoptaomotastermatTe notte pres fw cin) scion 29 and Seon Soft Ac con Cio oftabshetr (appr ite infos don (2) co envy 201 (ow a et i er making sonny (0) meth nary (tote (©) Be 120 Fanaa. 2012 hind ana eo wit ek tet Fy 20107 ah eon which pl sa ey bs ub: (©) te2hddamry 2012 Boone) ede tw ec lal bs opt a 5 Sa arg a + RTE, s hy fie Bes fam 908M to 4.00 PO. a8 eae diag wick te alll asco be on the cate porte above Un eetion, [so.s1ReS pLanizgy By Onley KW. BIIA Sec sh fee, 23a, 2612 Sak 390, a, we Re, Se WA FEM, 295; (145-3142) abo 12 onl sab ed 2 i me Cot we Hare TRA TON Aa Hee A fet ware lon ‘Reagan & fn 7 sera aot ah a Uh aa Ko aE wore AT FA a 18h oh Pfc Feet Te A at or RIE te ea a: Sm, ta, ca itn rn 39-30 (1) ae om 6 Fue Aare Per aoa RE (31) sm faker de a CW Beare aR fer rrr 2012 (ois) ca) an Ferd a ert mee 1 ATR, 20:2 CAR) Ca) anata eR TE Re ala ere, 2002 Cees Ce) ap iba, el a ara gan ate a, 15 FE, 2012 (gee) SF) av aid, Ret pf rake eH a en ET 23 orth, ene (aime ‘Prov we oi 9m) 3.00 85 yo 3.00 A are ara a 3 ga Fn a Fa a Aahe deca fabite Hee mR Tn 1 (i seesra fee 203) oer a, Sums Yommcxron ow Delhi Nae lars, 2012 UN,3(E) Wheres, tha Preslem| flnd as, by minted ser Section 12 of th Moresesation of “pePeople ct, 19 (23 F195 al publ nthe eat of dion dnd Paaary 22, bee lease calla lestednember of he Tepisltive Assmtly cf he Natal Capi: Toni ¥ Delhi elevtocemembe ce Coors oF Sat Be vases dtu io Be cxesed dass he ein Sh Parse Rashad. 201 "re ntpaabon of lis roof, ‘a heer in prtounnoe cb ovtin (1 of Secon SV undeston Sot abi A te coo Gmmicen oftadatcebs (8) appoiam wih eapet othe ylation Ya} th Sh Jamcy 2012 Mindy} ae has du: fr abaya nations 48) the Ue Fomuare, 2072 Tasca) antes Cor te seri of the sonia, (2 the 12k Jeauory 2042 hun) ashe ast dts fe be wile of cand tre: tke Lt Jatoary, 2012 Uap a the dat wcll half pees be ako: nd 1) the 23rd ur, 2012 (Manda) Ue date lore which bee econ shal bea 9s tram 9.00 A 4.0 1M. 9¢ he ors dag ech ol bal asa be ha rife Pv won a Ins ste be0180 ByOrde, KN BHAR Sy, al Rel, 2-H, 2012 ‘ani, 20) ai sis ate, 5] (353 3045) At arg BOTA (1) BETTER a TT Spek ag i att bara agar 3 ene ear aris eR ae a eet Tra RET ec ph, 20:28 er Fare Perm Meine RET SyTOT TET A AACA a es Pet 2 sar, “THE GA7ET HF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [tl Sie Sas onan ara i (4) A Fae er) eR anew os Aries ey E pore bs £2) aie al A LAN sire ah Fr af rea eT carro eProp ge wo 3 fg aT ‘aot fn mites Sk Es ae Ene Teth aired oT hige stew to. oy Jie eT Tat aR (a0, fae fee a4 oP, ‘a fear eo anne ese nee EH Tra sient, etiq0n20431 win Pom the NonFHCstION Mort he 2 Tae 2012 ON. 4019, epatnnoe oF Seetin21 sl inexerete of hepsi conte aby ab-wecton pot Stn 22 tho Reprscnation fhe Pale Ao 195. (4 of 1951), hs Flecon Cemmsrn of Enda, srt wih (oe ‘Gower tbe somal Cage ary oe beh {P deignues Gc oeer pif shaun (pute TABL) below the Rema: i, {iv anime th fees, ecified nha (2) of sai'Tale, ube she Asstt tring OU Ar Sin he etuming Otho inteeperinwanoe of farms su the Coan Sates, be eld fr the sad Sato aia Ter ary of Beth eet ofl ue Janay 2012 sn eat the ew ‘prance of the Commis: Neificaions, publah in TABLE Dias esata Retoreny Ofcer ie Appin Assan Remar Teor @ @ Seman, 7. Deputy Sececary tn), dh Tetishtve Asem oe eilatve Acszally 2 Coder Seer, Pet Leste eb 2. Tepaiy Sect, ai Leys sem VNR SULA yee, A NBHAR Sixx