wind 3 CISA The Gazette of Sudia ‘ert aE PART Graton a baad PUBLISAED AY AUTTHOMITY = el ad fare Seva, BOR 91, DTT IT, 1882 No 18) MANY DELE, MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 2OLUMAGHA.D, 1952 saretta gate ferme weft serge a eh, 31 rat, 2011 “gptare anftrfeaes aor zeiranr array (te iter) Fates, 2071 (aon wot) vat at 905-17 /2010-weates— arta Fea fares sft, 1997 (1997 wr 24) 9 wo ct FR (1) Swe Ca) F TRE Cv) Ta Gs CT) re var oT 36 & ints satire at ere a as seh retry ae Fares thse tar af sree atime aie ahem avian atten tafe, 2010" Want ashes wet fire ea Freafafan fafa wae, sag, — 1.) fate a gata ear air et aor Gate afaie) fiom, 2011 Fe rem C2) ere ne A ere a ner A BA 2. geen fies wer osha ifort, 2010 Ce gee erg se rm women 3) & fafa 1 a fafa (2) A (8) fs (9) eer oy, Pratfien ats whreanttn form sem, ret, — © Cay fatima & PPT 3, 4, 5,4,7,8, 9. 10 a 21, 10H, ZONE WT AAA CO) eH eer vireorfie ais C1) Wen Frefefan aie sfreatfts fee orem, aah — “ca fae Para 12, 1, £9, 20, 21 oe 22, 1 are, 2001 at eg AE "1 vex cvzou 0 GAZEPTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [awe Ht Si. 4) 3. wr RiPrarh <b faPramr a7 A Ge) RE eet (14) & was we PeaRaa vs ftearte Rea cng, safer | “(r) voter wate cen, ecard ah wed a oer Pg ay qatar GaN St 25 Wee, 201 Ga a TUT” 4. ma PAPE Ae 25 a (@) Gs 1) & em oy, Prafeftd we petenfie fen cen, aerfe— “@) GaN saity artisan vider fafa, 2007 Gor qT 4) & Pier 3.45, 6. 7.8. 9, 10 ate 11 A ataite See 9 wee, 2011 f arp ger WB", €@) ee we Hen sO) gear, Prefer eas went rar | ae, a “() GeraR arte afters wien fay, 2007 (007 wT 4) F | fae 12, 16, 47 of v0 HF sinter 28 wea, 2011 TH AT i 3p. &, ontee, i fer LUT ate sr ect 9 er fae ee ob TH, aT, Ts 4 TPE Teer, 20:0 0 vam Ge emo 2 aera ep ten 306-1ar0In sere ein a ed ee ar IHL repr, am us, i 4H Pee 1a Fee, 2010 ai we He 2 | : ‘eorolt 9:95 fairs at tirgeer wor 305-17:20/0-e4ate gh Fs Hee Capa we) fe oe en rea aes, sree, ma, Fe 4 Fea 28 ese, 2010 a eT HR a feumth «surement fine tee she ara Cae leben) Fe, 2001 (2001 aga of are ete rE ose, (Ca mares] Wo RE STITT master aT arda gear fate wid 7 sata afte dent o Paan & fay we meh ta or code wel & fore Gaia afhfsas whet aorta sitrt fafa, 2010 Goro ar 6) fear 1 RAR zoe WTA fe ay fafront @ fafa 13, 14, 15, 16 ate 17,15 fee, 2010 8 fear fer aM orifira 3, crafas PAPI 3, 4, 6, 67,89, 10, 11. 42, 18, 19, 20, 21 ae 22,1 UPR, 2011 Beer Rog or arena at] 2 on fifiat @ stor 3 fay qa A ot a tame F ger desta aggal con et he arash ara 8 ey RR APES MET A aE ames of fe oder fee e Srarcen & faq artal a qottalta fan a Tae, Eee aT ‘ior wate afters Pm, 2010 Gore aT 6) aie 1 RTRR 200 F faite 1 ofa @) wie Cw) ate ais C7) Ter Tafa 25 He Ce) i (7) HL 14 feewaR 2010 a cer 26 ReeAR, 2010 wea Ren ta Bh 3a Sei & orang, PPiat PAPO. 9, 14, 19, 16 ate 27 15 TTA, ot 3 fata fry oT oat 3 rafts PAT 9, 4, 6. 6 7, 8 8.10, 11, 12, 4a, 19, 20, 21 at 22, 4 OFT, note Smite fare I aber a 3. Wea fear F ox vo 10-5 /2000-eem / (rE) /@) / 1124 Reale se1az011 & ager, eetaraier water # fae 70° dae F aa et are ter gas aay shee ardfas Fag. 21 ge aan wt gate Aas eT greed ee et 21 fy fray ar an! Gee, rt oe Be Te 1 cent,“ qyeiare finn 3 Wo ses /2000-WeR /(@e 1) feate 34 Gad, 2011 ERY Gai Ta oe fear & fort wer rar @ fe ‘70 A oer SA ach aay see AM te GT ae Ss aqhes V eaheed F fay Alage Tea oq ora ‘140° atey Saree EM aE We Aer aaa arate fare war 2) andes fey me daa dag erga Ft wage Gail di faq 81 gear Rear at atrggrar 8 argue ware eater eel a war ePareh ee Hlager dart, ato Re SE oar a ag 81 gerd dewalt } Are see afro Bari ah wat ext ge Sater marerat fare eros age & er ee fey or & yea orafer fog Ut! ae ag afar wit wes Sa Tame at ehrice at Semi ander S of faentaa Ft urh aiftia 81 ea veers & fae Bet wernt gra Sa wo A ferent aad ee ae ag een an ween dh fae oe UAE vert fet art a mera EPA | THE GAZETTE OF INIA : EXTRAORDINARY ace in. 4 4 Pao a7 oP as onde fae Ura argEE, oatE serena a Ret Setiiey wy MES ET amaie oe ay AWA SRA a 15 ROO, 2001 Tm MTU aaa By MRA v7, 18 Gera, 2011 WGA a er Econ tn seal fT APT S gan ae Wa arate oe fee BH cat, 29 Beat Souda quia sates aae we eT, 207 oor a4) awh wate I ard, 201 aw wn we, fied Fe Rdadied 3 fa adhe gen Ae ae EA aU we) oe fae a7 usta (44) A meepere Gehry Fran Tar & ; ‘TELEOOM REGULATORY ALTHIDRITY OF INDIA. NOTIFICATION ‘Now Delhi hes January, 201 ‘hoTelecom Cinaercial Commurisatvns Catone Prference(ThirdAmenden'} Rgulonions 2011 @of20) Fe, 18.a7010-48— In exercise of powers conferred by section 36, read with sub-clause (y) at’ clause (b} and clause (c) of sub-section (1) vf section 1] of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act, 1997 (24 of 1997), the Telecom Regufalory Authority of India hereby makes the following tegulations further to amend “The Telecom Commerciat Communications Customer Preference Regulations, 2010, namely:- : 1. (21) These regulations may be called the Telecom Commercial Communications Customer Preference (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2011. (2} They shall come into forve from the date of their publication in the official Gazette, 2. In sub-regulation (2) of regulation 1 of the Telecom Commercial Communications Customer Preference Regulations, 2010 (hereinafter referred to as the principal regulations),— (@) for clause (c), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:- “(o) Regulations 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. of these regulations shall come into force on 10” day of the February. 2011;” (b) _ailer clause (c), so substituted, the following clause shall be inserted, namely: ar 41 re FE: TTT “(@) Regulations 12, 18, 19, 20,21 and 22 of these regulations shall come into force on the 1" day of March, 2011.” 3. Insegulation 17 of the principal regulations, -—— (@) for subregulation (11), the following sub-regulation shall be substituted, namely:- “(11) Every Access provider shall withdraw the nelecom resources already allotted to a telemarketer trem 28" February 2011." 4. Trregulation 25 of the principal regulations, ——- () _torclanse (0), the following cisuse shall be substituted, namely:~ (¢) the provisions contained in regulations 3, 4, 5. 6, 7, 8 9, 10. and 11 of the Telecom Unsolicited Commendial Communications Regulations, 2007 (4 of 2007) shall remain in effect till the 9" day of February, 2011; (b) after clause (0), so substituted, the following clause shall be inseited, namely:~ “(q) the provisions contained in regulations 12, 16, 17 and 18 of the Telecom Unsolicited Commercial Communications Regulations, 2007 (4 0f 2007) shail remain in effect till the 28" day of Feburary, 2011.” R. K, ARNOLD, Sey IADVTULWL-2DBa| ‘Note: ‘The principal regulations were published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part IIT, Section 4 vide riotification No. 305-17/2010-QoS December, 2010. ‘ote2: The principal regulations were amended vide notification No. 30S- 17/2610:Q08 and published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part U1, Section 4 dated 14" December, 2010. Notes The principal regulations were further amended (second amenditient) vide notification No. 305-17/2010-Qo8 and published in the Gazette of India, Extriordinary, Part UI, Section 4 dated 28" Decombcr, 2010. R22 GIf/ m2 Ee GAZETTE OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY IParn tf $1. 41 Nets The Explanatory Memorandum explains the objects and reasons of Telgcom Commercial Communications Customer Preference (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2011 (1 of 2011). Explanatory Memorandum The ‘Telecom Regulatory Authority of India issued the ‘Telecom Commerciat Communications Customer Preference Regulation, 2010 (6 of 2010) dated the 1" Decesnber, 2010 to provide an effective mechanism for curbing unsolicited commercial communications. Regulation 13, 14, 15. 16 and 17 of the regulations were required to be implemented with effect from ‘the 15" day of December, 2010, while regulation 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9, 10, Lt. 12, 18, J9, 20, 21 and 22 were requited to be implemented with effect from the F* day of January, 2011. 2, Having regurd to the aspect of security audit of the website to be Created for the purpose of these regulations and the other processes involved, the ‘Telecom Regulatory Authority of India has found it necessary to re- devermine the dates for implementation of the aforesaid regulations, Accordingly, clause (b} and clause: (c) of sub-regulation (2) of regulation £ and clause (b) and clause (¢) of regulation 25 of the Telecom Commercial Comraunications Customer Preference Regulations, 2010 (6 of 2010) dated the 17 December, 2010 have heen amended on 14! December, 2010 and on 28" Necember, 2010, After these amendments, Regulation 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 of the regulations were required to be implemented with effect from the 15° day of January, 201 1, while regulation 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 9, 10, 11, 12, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 were required to be implemented with effect ftom the 1" day of February, 2011. 3. As per the DoT letter No. 16-5/2009-ASqIV(pt}3Y1124 dated 18.10.2010, @ separate number series starting with “70° level has been allocated for telemarketing purpose, This series was to be used for both mobile as well as basic service. Accordingly provisions has been made in the regulations. However, DoT tas issued a letter vide No, 16-5/2009- AS.IMVol. 1V) dated 31st Jattuary. 2011 stating thet in order to have better utilization of number series starting with ‘70°, new level starting with digits *140" has been allocated now for mobile network for telemarkters. The Jevels allocated are only for mobile services of the licenses, Same numbering schetne can not be nsed for both for basic and mobile services as per the notification of DoT. Levels for basic services will be allocated after resolving the issue of CLI for telemarketing operations using basic services, “This new series will be required to be implemented by all access service providers before allocation off resources to telemarketer. Hor this purpose (su ma 4] wa St: FTA time will be required by access providers io change the configuration in their system and testing of new series. . 4. As per the existing provisions under sub-regulation 11 of regulation 17, Access providers have to withdraw the telecom resources already allotted to a telemarketer by 15" February, 2011 Regulation 17 has come into force from 15” January, 2011 and secviee providers may have allotted the new resources aa per the provisions of these regulation, However, various provisions of ‘Telecom Unsolicited Commercial Communications Regulations, 2007 (4 of 2007) have been contined upto 1* March 2011 under these regulations, for which, telemarketer.may required the existing resources to comply with it. Therefore, sub-regulation 11 wf regulation 17 has been amended aceordingly, TET Waa CORRE Ta EL DRT intel tye Comte af Palawan, Gohe TH,