te e300 The Gazette of India EXTIAORDRUABY er arg 5 1G PART IL-Setin.}_Sereectionsi) ie 2 TRA PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 31, RONAN 71, 1932 aay for Rew oe aE Rend 27 201: t eiahakatnaicnhnuithicaliast ianbputanasal oleae kubndlcabasbiiatcal Sa mt a a ork gee ste ee ot Ahem Carafes) ah fac sera (agetiris; wl Err, ange at, rat S fer ator we gE, Fed Ga acre oA far fae ar es Bom, Gy =A an a fk fee ey agente we or al a irae ee re Ea 1 ayers wee 0 Fe in eh fe fr ae (Sie eR Paar a et free, a9? 2) eg Aen rE A pete Bn fe. roe aes Sw (1) He Te ah rT FS eatleniesesionbbabasaeiahibshen ereahahanca aul Sa ate FT, Sh roe Pe ETT da (2) 4 eT a) eda cat gin, aber, atten ee wa, saa se at ara akon en se Hah ae ace Ba (5) ee (14) Hh S Feta, ae — 6) fe hae fren Fae tn 8, em Pea bo Su) ee i tw aie a a fara spe et fhe 8 i seta ele Re mas ean sh wa ea fr ei er at sere a dd a a 6 Ferg ae atte Ba ol ie gm ro mb ae | 6. fee oe a et ae te eh ee waa aa a a sie éxe hz fort cee a ed ah reat aes en mt ge 2 mye Fea hg a DA any aE ahs a ea Un aE, ga aR A pee Pe ea TARP eM, laa eal, 9 ee wt Brak RCo HA er aa fee zr aH aid x aaa a te ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA:EXTRAGRDINARY aril See.3cn} ae =a a wien Gna om araaem aeigeia 7 J eee oem anf ar rm fe Serr ean feter de ary eta = Gam Fr, 7a Fam 30 Bah age tami @ o @ @ amis) mat ein sum-20200 wa its Sd a a dF Gv ra a ae ae Fag aT a, itn es te ot arta, fafa ng att thes wearin Cat afar 1 LI aT oO om raat ar raat oer ai a aiitgiwanien ao nd aga, & Ai Rand Sse ar argfesanien fe are a2) ae a ae i) nba inns Raha er a Fara # setts g Wik aitea (aguiade) ae daa Roatan & rode ne era ad a ae ae Soha a a se Fafa tara #1 feu ate tenors aie da at dee sd Sh sé fag ine thee ge a, 2006 a wee ae mits a fb aba os rine tel x atte aewrra fea fw fart, Scheme Tes TE a, a 5 rete canter Feel var Da a © EAT ‘reat ora foun 2 sah afr oo ¢ eS feat om tea ander tah eh fee foe 9 oP sg test eae ot fe Fe ser we a ae te ‘pak gor ee eH, ee or Sah dee dara 8 gal dd va a at [pe are 28 re ie, ft Oe Pee Ey a, sce soem ah a as ey ee ister aah soe gE A Cara 300 SLT: aT 3 on ‘pesrdia wtiye : aa fond gira wa ate A em Ais |. songz i ea Dans et Sort Se wt faeries 8 “ai fers air ata B, zed oo Tadd aoe fa i Ae vt sso fra ae 7 i) cc) ey uluschhanbianian a ea SB fe), Prion 8 Re wt 1. ewido nye | ae 2 danits, aia fink fewer ae o oo @ @ © a ar ee ec ee ertws (00) Seat, samen ie At (cr wt 7 semnime oa wrt He wera we me fn TE anna omni tortion et wage voor S er fora) Jey woe) eat arent) sree tt ran ¥ Anim na wise a! ae oh sayeien ofr aygha wate sim aera ty . Fever :—arq sm sofia acl & frm fates wee ome 4 aes & antes a & fe frat HE aire mea wt se al rites sh a, FARE, SETI HT, ‘sien, af, am fan, Paine we eS ax, fea vie. & cake seta ea ora a i ara, au at froiae $4 a eMart wee! & fates 1 4 Lak GRZETTE OF INO:A:HRAOROINARY LPS - aR LH Ky Fae fete Pg 2a im ten et 225 she (ea ee 8 or fe sh aa # Bag ome fe ate Pca ire (emetic en agi we For (2) eo eater St erga om) eer ane lad ae (0 Sa re eg whee ata lt # ges Sa tc aggre wen Bane sonia sanford cone t 8 “eas (99 a fem gM Free Sante erate # sel frend ast at cine aR ee Er yon Rk FNS HT 1 C8) a flea ere ps a iene dre = (i) se era fend arn oe re usremtonsrr em a wal tt, 135 98 sages seh aah ee SFT at Calon Oa ae oe {8 ie a 9 ep wa te ag gee Ser Aer Sot fr peer ls Sisasmrs fer diviaws @ 7 oR . at awl a an 7 Fag Rear sinh i ot Reser amar ree aa 1 ea le ed gem 2 Smite, iar feed efor aR pales 10 SUT AA; SENT a @ GP a a & om Siwew us we ants, a ened omgatedt 2010) Maina, (stot-20aK) Etat am ee ed Same oats noe! wade ten Gane) araen by of 25 a4 Sa (eda rar Ee am & wd fou Ty sata’ a oer S agen oer de 3 fig are eel ser tate ad ae af ae ake safer carat om age rea ¢ seat em 2 feta eH facia a oa aad) ferent sq at ara. ei Pa Amis ite 3 heft 2 ores aa wad fir fem oe ate wire wa Fe eatin aes ewe, serra wea. frau, stg, aE, fiyu, fahaan, aaah at es me. rasta earch at eff Fei wa 3a fae TT gree, aa ate ata ae a wage sree iy afer mer ow wD Ti ed art a a Prva & 1002 weg ‘anal it ster set Gp gaat os) sh er pe ar fee Tf a) ea pr aha ee fee ME Ts (0) ag eed fre eet Cay a ie et af Re va Fe ate tf fe, saree fre shes a Porn 8 re aitah af a 10500 31 (aki fed ie go = feb & eT (3) gee Rg See EET TAT 4 TIL GAZETTE OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY, sari 3) ih (iy sae a Pes eT a aE cage aA $3) anes are Perret te = Co Fad canter Rid hoes alate ns AAR stagger tat é seal fae sine ae Tee Sack ane OE MD, 162A i) we Fen BRL tts FRR Aa, arpefan rath anche fr iin ws mea en ea nica are en ameTe WA, a rT #1 A Si) ort Pasa are ot se aig abe 3 ATA 1 eat sett & few = i) a eve Fo sary i Se Be ta rinengertgmnahre oe sea 3, ss oh hh agai ‘ria a are Fen ainfs oe in gor de oe pe aE Aaa iy ser Fabre mere one ae ong SER | a) Forme, yea ate often teh fer gears AE ma 6 ate a 62 Rd Hen Be G9 an 7 eae te od oF a Tai Fed you mat ohea Ror ne Ge (Gi) aa ste Fewer a Fr wien ol nt a afar 8 Cae es se ered sd ar dankverststarattdte 2) tenet oe arse oi 8 Conte eat abe ater 0 abr Sar wea yh Te frre OH rn (4) ns a on fe a ‘i a es cn TE, Brera TRL ng 0 faurta abr ati, Rata 8 Fama wh a rr qo soos, at td ea ae ay 2 aesten, seh feed etn a me mw mw @ : ae wa emp at aaa inter any; ee, let rms) capt egret ane wertiat 44 2am) et Meal Rear Core) ama? fm nas 300] wg aT = a we o an era eer ‘orca ae re a) 7 oF am wae afer wl ay Aa idee (cod) 42 ra oh a fa af Pra Mav at ¢ at Fare oe tele mee a er oh gum a sein ¢ 1 em wath a cage wie Aa seo aa fg fest heen? a | ST aon ees) or TH TR ‘Feo wb abe na anda Rete we span guia “SSeU ay face Fe wer, (tin ane tif arn, ene [Fh Pasta oe one Festa eer ga ert aéenentwct | prem 2: sere fre cea 6 aH, AeA are a ‘wa argh coh veh Fg ran Pot at rt a ‘ster afer wa 2 af Por fs ST weg 7a TH eet gr af tet fa ae Sa, sie de oa Br Bout ated wh ged ela gn wa ote a BA ara art ts, fre ead oer are Ba ah oe oem seh A a 3 ft oe ist sate mmemeie go CET | ai ai Fag Ranta Fate ae Ga Re Hare ct ‘er raT ia Bf), at Preven Fret 1 Serre amar, ae fe yrs om 2 ane oe ee eet 3 apres fees area * we Ta. onc BOSQD MAR, sie TT Re, Hea CSTR? MIYISTRY OF HOME AFFATRS NOTIFICATION _, New Det dhe 27h amury 2001 GSA, SHI. fneceriaepf ti ser cond ly Section IS ofthe Central Renee Polis Fae Act. 1965 of 1945) an in superesion of the Cental Reserve Police Fore Cebatied Asisant Sub lespeclr (Steno) and Head Constable (MiceserthKesrvient Rules, 2002, exeat as espect things done oF ume to be doa Before sch fuprcesion the CevpalGovermenerby maResttefllewng rules regulating he met ofecxlento the Group “Cmte pos nthe Catal Reserve Polve Bure unde che Ministry of Here ATi, sey — | Shor tio! enavencement.- 1) These eulcsnay beealld the Cenal Reserve Poli Fore (Combutss! Group Mme pos) Roemer les 2010. {Q) They shall come nt ce onedote of ir publiatinn inthe Otc Gaete 2. Applizatlan,—These rales Sl ply othe pots specie ia colar (1) af the Schedule seve these 4. Number of prs catsestan, pay band al weary oF pay seale—The member fhe id ost thet aysiotion pay band va gle gah pay ale alice evel al Beas specie in cba (2}c0 (4 of themone ‘sit Schell “THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY Ports 36] 4. Mehod of recruvent agen, qulifeaton rte —Themetiod of eran, agi, qualms other matress rating othe sid post all ea pete in cols (5) (o(|4) of the aloreseid Schade 5. Disqualifiatons —Nopersn- (a) who has eneed ino or contacted a mariage wil a pemon having 2 spouse living; oF 0) wha, heving sew living. beeen or conmacte 2 aarge wih en Peso, tle eliibie for appotment othe sa poet Provided iat the Cena Goverment may. sated shat ach marge i permissible under the petal aw fpplicble osc person and he aber party othe marrige and that there ae ther rounds R20 doing, exe ay etm fom the operation ofthis 6, Power ra rela. Whar the Cental Goverment sf the opinion haiti necessity rexsedion soda it may bores, for reasons i be ecorded in Weg, lat my athe provisions of hee rok dh rect wy lass oF ‘lego oF persons 7, Saving —Nething in these cules hall alec eseretion, relaxation of agt-limi and ether soneesians required ca be provided forte Ssheduled Cases, the Scheduled Hes, Other Backoard Claes, Ex-stvetnen and ‘her special ategores of persona in aordance wth he odes sued bythe Canta] Govesnment rat tek mem theseger ScHEDULE Haine? Nunberef Clasifetion vay Hand Whether Wbatber beneficof Apelasifaaine ergo ponte sed Grade “election adel yearct vie rxrake Fay Pay post or admissible onder Sele "non Rule30afthe Comal stlection Civil Serieoe post €Peesion) Ruse 1972 0, e ® 6 @ i. assis 259" General Cental" Pa Hani, Seleton Noapliuic Not aplcable Sub-nwpector 01) Service, Group (Rs. 520 (Mineral) Sibjectto CNet venation Gated, Grea epending Ministerial) Rs. 2800 cota Ficalonal wdether qualifestions Whether age and educational qualficanons Period af webu ifory reir dre crits pretend for div cue il app in the eee of promerees @ o or Wetapolabie ot apie ‘Sorappiabic (Method of reeruitaent: Whether by direct TW cu of recruitment by promotion we depwhapen or ayerpion reritoeacer ty pramotion ary deputation ayades fromm whi promotion sepetano 1 ahsare Dr absorption and petccnage of he canes be made robe ile by arias mathads a a ~ (Seven ive par cent proton, ‘romation Low aon! Hl Censtle (niin) wh Rave iy Ten ive percent by depart rendered no tha ive or regula ti he ak Ihe ‘ennai akg which by promaton (Cena Reserve Police oat! omic ty STAPL- howe Forte purpose cfsampuny emir asus vs for prometon the Service nesses un rel ban ast pice [of anuay, 2008 athe date rm hich ee iy compe Le ues 3) a ‘artnet x Cell Pay Commie eevee 1as bor tended, sal be stent be service rendered in the corresponding grade pay or pay scale extended based oo the ‘eeommentins of ae Commis, Note 2 + Where sins who be eumpletd Ui qualiGing or itil service are being roadie for promotion, tc seniors Sula be censored provide hy wc" shert fhe sequsite eighty sevice ry more than at such qualifying co eligibility serve or two years whichever is Is, aad have sucessful completed thei prbauon pesod er proton the esther grace along wt ther json eave tes orld sub galing oli service. Deptrtsntalicambvein Caro Carnal Ramee oe Force having three yeics uf rege servis in the pol uf teed Conable (nist inthe Py ans, 5200-202 ib rae PayfRs. 2400 ‘fa Departoentl Promotion Commies exits, hut ts composition Cisanaanceain-which Unien Public ‘Service Commision tobe eonaed ‘snag w - oO ‘wy © Dearne oe Cia i ing Tapia ponuisceroninget 1 Deu lnpet Cowl of Polls CalRaene | —Can Poker 2. TauCoomardiea, CartReenetaiceFoct Mees my ao @ 2 Asdatant 188" ‘General Ceatral Puy Buaul-], Not ‘Wotapplicable Between 18 an 25 years iablnproe Ot) SeeGmap ES pia Bmabe or cote conniaak tera aa trata a wetlin” Genes, ate Saltwe soe Toenee Mishel) fk en Papen anion Sanat fo Fie yo ithe en of rates belong t0 the Sehaduled Cats at (he Sede Tes in accordance with the fr ordcrs iasuod by the Central Govera: rent fon timc ime), Nole:—Tleemedate fr eter Uw ae ical be casing dite for reveipl vf applications fom candidate in nc (end fol the closing date reserbed fr hace ia Asean, Mesbsleye, BU ED Hg 1. “THE GAZETTR OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY. (Ws Sx. i) a ‘Arunachal Pradezb, Mizotam, Mavipur, Nagaland, Triputs, Skin, Laibh Dis Janay aad Kachiz Sie, Labusl and Spt (strict and Pangi St division of Chamhe District of Himachal Pradesh, the Union Terrtory of the ‘Andanan and Nieshar Islands ot tbe Uaion rerntory Talaladh ® (Pain 1012 or equivalnc oversea frm engi ard ce Uoivenio s Stites: (jy Dieaion Forte mites at eihty wont porn (hyTrantation: Pity minutes Yor English end sty five minute for a. (Stal el sabe conducted on compute only) (@)Piysien and node standard as por dota below (a) Pipe Send Fe ide candle (ihe: 165 ae er Geer Bnkvard Che Sill Cage aides and 1625 ems for Seheled The candhstes tli, ‘vgs ofall StateeUnio ror. (0) Chest: Ursapanded 57 ons Expanded ens For Scheduled ibe candidat inlnding Adivasivafal Ses"Uion TercuresUaesponded 76ensmd i emseapanded. (i Weigh: Proprtonate to eighand age as per medical standart ‘Bor female sandiates — obigne 15Scaafor Genel ther Backward Clans Seholod Cae Including Gerke! Gmbalie/ Kumaoarse/Dogras and Matar and 14 em for Scheduled Tribe candidates including AdWash ‘adden oFall Stes Union Teptores ‘69 Weigh: Peopotonsts to elghc and ae a por mia standard (Fy Vinal Sundar ieol tanner lem em so 8 igh eye GE epee 89 Bethe with pbica devi, a Setappicale ayy eo yrs of