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Union Government, Extraordinary, 2007-01-22, Part II-Section 3-Sub-Section(i), Ref. 39-40(E) PDF

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Preview Union Government, Extraordinary, 2007-01-22, Part II-Section 3-Sub-Section(i), Ref. 39-40(E)

Begin drupe eG .N0.0.. 1A JKRd = The Gazette of Gudia PEXTHADRDINARY amy. Ue 3 TEE 3) PARTU_Sertive $_Seh.setn where & vanfra PURTINGED BY AUIHORIIY af eee, iva, woe 22, 2007/00 2, 1928 NEW, DELHL, MONDAY, JAN:AIEY 22 AKTALAGTIA 2, 1908 cen fer ere creer stage ae thee, 22 wR, 2007 3 42907 See waaift 30m gitar rere Henge BPA see (sue ec 62h wave 2m a fib ge mee sitet ein wet A oe SAT we aR Ee a sages & Tm Tere # Pa SRE Gr ery alegre eecomestERE THE 1 re, 2002, FORTE 498 a). a Te, aca W Shea ate me we $ ats se afapT 8 arent ~ @ & Ta) © @ 0% [Saas ahaa | ge Se od ape iO & seg He aA awe = notices a. atte saves baa ahs oe ds i est Sart; om eters Sa Dy esi se GR awe 3 ake ot fe aR A ava, Rusia ae ae watt So an wa a Tia a z re od ei Tyra eat Hike : fed) as ae gan SHR a AL ae SPT a RR a; pol) ea Yo ane 2 Sm Gm gy RRR I Row ARE wh oT, (eye wD aoe ER (a) RAR aE wo es AD ea er ivy oe ko ae ERE (a) AR oe rn ee Ee oN; (8) aro 20g afte THE wha wR weer Pre alteg wlem st ec a me 7 a Sane [Tad ara mT 78% : (vk) se ig 497 EH Su (a) SN A er Ue hae A ore ear PRP nn (a) A AREF UT Ee” AAR eh Tt apa, Prev fue sae ar eae (sil) 3 ae aera ah OH wae, wt ti” ~ a5 [9 6 | 2a o8 BS TS 10 nw Bais on | Tw [Fam] 40, 814 WO 10, 8434 ZO 20 Ada 54 40, O414 ot! 22 aate S! 00 84M 9D, ane SC 12 4 9 30. 8418, REG 19S, BANU 21 CO, 6428 20 Ot ! | seen 20 00, 410 on ah n4t8 09-90, aevy 97 40 “peng °9 10, aaty e1, 8419 90 40, 8421 21 20. i sege 41 on, maz my, 262840 28, ARE 60 “C as 11-9122 9 6G, BAED 4 90, BABE 12 om, Hain) 1928, GEG 60 10, 2 OL, BE" 39 19, t weed 1h ey a0 46, 48 “0 F028 | ase on ao a8 3472 99 10 Meee} TULOATATIEOR IS 8 DUROTAR poe Si [any He ga He TT eq 28a 8 area AnTsfer sR su asa yet won 213, ote ae oF emer 3a aR oer aye Wu ee C8} ab oor aay afr a ud eater ae FEIT WYjteL oes os) asa ot PR, ne ea Ra rae aR oh 39 ie (oom —ane3091 agave: aT ‘New Delhi he 2d annus, 205 Ne 6207-Castons GAQL MED In exercise oft prem vumfercd hy sub-section (1) of section 25 of the Customs “Ast, 1962 (52 of 1963), the Cental Ciavennact, on hsing sated tha tix necessary m tbe pul interest sot do, vei rakes the flowing fsrher urazudatets inthe nefiticaton oF tho Gimvernment of Lidia in the Minis of Finace (Department of Revenue}, No. 24/2002-Curtnms, fied the [ Marsh, 2002 which was published in the Garete of India, Fstmerdium. vide umber G.S.R.118 (2), dated the 1" March, 2002, aay: Inthe wd notiication,- (8) inthe Table 13) afler SNb.60 aud the entries relating thereto, the following entries shal be inserted, <i QT G3 eo SIA 2523 29 Atl good Sil - i) after S.50.77A. und the camias relating theres, che following entries shal be inserted, amely= a ee) rs} ig FPR SRT co OE AR goods Bs ‘Hi aginst §.No.207, forthe eaty in column (8, the waty "5%" shall he substiated: (hy) Far SNo. 441 auc the ents relating svete, the Gellowing erties shall be substituted, namely OR GMAETTEGF INDIA: Wy) against ia 4K, oe) salam eater ems ged at in coum (3 the ent ‘35° shall ne vest Ib, eres my an sete £4, ating som Fed) a 2m, the eng all 3 cebssted: fi) agains A385, Foe Me wary i vauu {8} Ae eng "24" sla he substi (yl agains § No. 157, fo the en incon 3, che cary “Ea chal bo eat {elll) ator SNe. 153 sie the emn-eaelanig thea Flee ny crise stall 9s sane aa ul fa “i SA, 35 i) uae SNS, orcs ere is cola fs the etry all subtle fa} alia Se. 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No. a2 and the eves reoting Uncm, the following wuts shall be Inserted. marl i @ a io a i SwaA AF ocepl asic GR AT goods Te 8£02 20 i, 8508 1100, 850s 32:00, $504 40 10, 508 40-40, 8505, 8507, "8508, B50, 8510, BSL2 Lom, $872 20 40, 8512 2026, 8812 39 Lo, #812 4000, 8417 10.20, 8516, 8518. 8510, 8521, B522, 8525, B55 5050, R525 80, $527, 8524, 3520 10 19,8520 1029, 8529 19 98, 8529 90 90, #531, 8536 1U 10, 8536.41 10, 8506 61, B536 69, 8538, 540 and 8548) HR GRTETTROK NE EXTRADRDINAICY Powell S058] ex) alle $. No. 506 aint the ener relamg there he following enires shad he fnsente, a nel= an m a os eT SGeA” Wuraiee 0 igo ot Sm 0, vot 4 ab 3 1 961g yore. 84 vig, 9426 wnt 0022, 9023, aes [1 ore 10 2,22 HO, 38 20 one 29 10) froaib against NP.E1, force wre in eon) Te cnene MHP aha he subst (inthe ANNTXUIR, eens Sn Ol sell be eso or S.BADN oder Sos. wie: ‘The poinspa. sat cation way pn shed it, he Careve of ade, “atrasinayy, vee puanie GSK. TIS), exon che. Wiech 2062 ard. was lt emencod by notes eLTE82606 Customs. deta he A" Nevers HGR which ses pablistad bs Pe Ginette of India, Extanedinass du sumer G.8 R28HT eates the 30" Pe stoner AnH mek soe; ta wa Segre A aft ars a cod pet 4 ie sen ne nh aks aa SHH OE wh By Str nl Fre wom cab ge det ee Bove Bt abe DQ lumen pram ad oe rd Seto or By caren Faz A afogie oe fe ge Mi oe Stal venk da irs “bra RSET eo easea HoH, tbe oo eR, ee SNOT ot 2H, 1300] 4 OME aA HT Se ag ; PENA “eR it ete afte “ap AATETT A, FH Hp 34 lhe UE aldiea Re Fy, AR aD, see alae ei Lieser Ere eg. oa, ae few: 9 -¥itpET Ho Aajeoctaren, arte 25 Geng ws BE Mee A EA UH, seamth to cot Ga). abe 22 etd to9e wa bata we ag oP ate Tae aia et cafBqget at aspancs AIRE, aE 2a AE 2000 , [MARTA so ooo (Of, EE 24 AE, 2Oce] ae ent SOTIAATION “Nes Dethi the 22 Fae, 207 os TOT ss y suite (6) of Beading 4H oF {81 of 1951 the Cental Gisernmen, ccunry, hewk setifis aunt GS. 40h eservise af the aeweers com fhe birt Seluedule the Customs Tavitf ct, 12 wivirg resand ta the eeaneic develyace of th deveccpmest pruiee's ane “weir il srejoets a6 paojee’s fue the panos oF 4880 Under the sxié Seading and toe lia scrpae mises the Sllewang feeb ametedznens in the andfiction wf the Governmean vl lal 20 the Minish of Binance {Desatinent al Revenues, No 42M6-Caacens atl the 23rl Tuly, 1996 {6.8 & 294003 dated the 33n1 Hl. $996, ues | mwuker $4 and the erunes releang thetsta, se In the ssad resin, eller se sand the entcies taf! headed, mney TF.N “sla7-1t S RAIA, UnterSeoy 18 wes Us cated the Tan brandy pes in the Gare DO" July, SHUG and we: last ured vide neviicaton Ne SAY Mig. 26 [USB 3O9Gh dosed the 24 My, 2006 M4 @TPI=F Piel ie tag icf Tats a Re Magan Non DBE WEE Cet

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