High ae sey READ.NO,DI-M53 The Gazette of Gudia EXTRAORDINARY eran 1 PARIT Section sficer # sth {PUULISHED BY AUTHORITY vo eect, eon, wat 19, 2007p 25, 1928 INEW_ DELI, FRIDAY, JANCARY 19, 07/PAUSA 23, 1928 fee cee al (me re) egw Eno 9 emt, 2007 : ‘a9 ar ef he 2020 a Cate) a fg ert 2 C6) neg C8 TUE Ht tor Ta 5.0 Ba HRT A 7. ae har Ret sw “eh, ar & A el Gh) ‘af al ag Pt v8 REET (fra “ee agra wee Te OH vieioe et & weae omaere © arena ey were ee ot ee eT om 48} mHEENyz000 BET «ME 2007 4 Rc EL fate 8 2. See cor a faked Sade ert fon, Wig febsonont # AEM a Rene pag A ger: beg , dart afabeeyinyzon0 or oH PoP SRS ais get Ahh AE aN we ge ae aay tod ga at et . sft SpferaRh ware 5 ac aft he rhea ehh 28 after ar ei (ope) RE A A Dg ah 9 om re ee ie fe rH aT Ft TT | Sov at wr tte 7 Trad Re, ed acer, I Yebanyonn er 5 We, 2007 3A so ae RE Fy oy aos 25 weet, e007 WP see 12:30 a ea re A a Re Prin eae men Fk ee cor sore Rm 46 ue 2m wats Feit aye Pee be #7 ai ; a, zo08 Hm ce elo oa A A A eC we” is A Rone an a Hp ve oth ’ ser anne? a __THE GARY MOU INDLA- EXTRAORDINARY _ L__pryest—se Siete se # Be ge = re Fak 2 a ad WA ed eran * 28 SAR, 207 BE feort ae URN 20 Wh ows ely the Ths ee TI Ee 8 As a So at oft gre res # ae # awh, sow 2005) ade a a tah salen err afte sree a4 Be ey as sion wees ot | RAE SM sed Waal a Age afte edt flan eae Lomfin deed sagt certo ahs gee eT 2 RE esaie od PRT Pala ol ca Aa 8 opr eRM sore om ane a eT HUA, Perle aruda of ail Ta aT ae wear a) nA CB a ate EH arte fer acy wS lu A Pe a ae, 2097 fF ae ores asa 2 one’, fs a, sige af age st fe aera Paya 3% or ave a9 a 1 sre ar erry at Reha staal oft ea one ak ww Be Peta 28 Ray wt gil oo ot atte a at ot adi 48 Greet ohe re Bey reat <8 ot rs pul ide SRP omar (ems mn esti. de a F WER Ge Te oi, TH A Eo well S fe 1 PL A ab alow oie! Bt Baran Se te Soa WET AA ge Cee cue A ON er ah fh ar Ce WI, ewe: Safes eal Bone pend orem te ol, 2a, hay Pm eee, fhe ta, aed are nate AE ae goa ai Pale Ss sor ae fee ar 324 Dr Sem Te a6.000 4 Gm, a thes apa Hah Cerne vo Hatea a @ fe Bi LY. eu saree Ste fe RE PR aa es fa BH 8 wera aS Sitgtce} Se Te Baa (uae 8 ere ser rete Shae ai were ad def ari 2 se ene Bore as ors & omc ew ds ae rt Shey # ait 3 10,006 ved & oon ast, ae [pee ta 36 PST OTT aE padiee 3 oR ca aE ART | re Te ory mM) wr oo red a ss Se = ET _ 3 “ine ie er a ae eg Ber onl as anew pet oP am a Ree Cw Goa eh weer Herre meat or ath ae ste ate aA, ell & angie & soa age fp ETT 3d en ane ha at sata ds & svi ora werner 7 hey cere oh eet ata 8 at are ean ageA ace, am mE fre fam Pe as con is ee 909 sre gS may fear B 2a wa Pte 2 oner @) guere arg ane dw adhe Sem wal ch oA 4 RR md ii oe at ot a unite oe Geli aD 5 ae) alte IN odcs Por Geil Stew etter ANE A me 4s ect after lad eres Sor AS eg 9 STEP PGP io eP STAST He TERT HED Bahl 8 Reet oe Pe wR ea uh a oe a, ah at RENT wT So OI 8 wy a wath Re de deiner ERT! or a Sear oroUT ate fi fot aw Fe sua ames SA 2 Te a aun dot a insta oe aR Rea ta Tar 81 gee eevee aid Ham Re fer GET Tr Rael #90 fae fe vie nem aH Slat ante mei ed saferadh a ost Ue AO a SM Candie Tat aly nator ta eT srt afta Gils age) Bes oe a aah Gal aye Fee Faye oe ToT ater ee ate wa ag gp lad AL 7 de ore To Ser mE Tele & A ac acer at afeyfear eect at aeaerer CRS ot GET age at ayo! ot Yew fala al Aa The feret & flag siya 8 de get wiathe thay oti al ch as aa At & fim oe AA a at uy ow series ore TEE eye we wNE taa Bet gee faa eh stead 8 ER & orT 8 atga sacar AL om el ag RT aT tue bap of Fri fl ae oer Sea, de we ame Alea em ae ee TS URN Prin Ie & anita ery fhe ein 8. set A rn, eee amr ae Ht ary B, wer anfaAenes et oy EP hn, sok at absprat ror atthe See oa Tee ea ef we aryate dere TON mg Sea Ry ME Se ete, cay ee eng aH ST sul & fcr iin aR ara aa ad A a al Viet ate mates are at net Rad (de) rw reser tft of ao & oR are a se gon Sa ana oe als fo ot age wet OAL Visa oats Rati tm ant her & str ate oR oe a ee a og ster _ THE GATETTBOF INDIA: EXTRAURDINARY [par t—See [MINISTRY OF FINANCE, (Prpuremet of ana: An) WUDGET orsINN) Avedon tr Sule esos) of 7.94 pe cant Baveroment Stock, 202 F- Ro Si6p8M20K.— Government of Ila heey notifies sale (esate) of 7.94 pez cont Ciovernmant Stok. 2021" Qseremaster ealed "the Stock’? for an aggregate amount gf Rs, 5.0K erore (oon). The sae Wl he (o dhe terms aud conditions spe: ont inthis notification foaled ‘Soci Notlicatioh) and as alo th tems and ‘oadivansspeciieé ia the General Notfiestion F No (9>-WaeM/2000. dad May ‘of iniaasurended fra time ote ‘Method nf Tsu 2. The Stuck wif he sold through Reserve Bank of fra, Musbai Office, Hom, Mu fas presaribed in paragraph 1 uf the Cieneral Natifiztion F No.t 19} WAEM/2U00, (sed auction using nlp price auction sui, Allotment to Non-comspettive filders 3. Guvernment Stock up tn 3 % of Ue wified amount uf the sale Wl be ellie insitatioos as por Pe eawlosed Scheme for Non-comapeliive Bidding Paeilty in Secures (Ane, Plagg end date uf wuction 4. The auction willbe eenducted hy Raserve Dunk of India, Mumbai Office, Pos. 25. 2007. The aplication fore duly Ged io with the bids should he sbi? wn 2 35,2007, by 12:40 PM, When Joned Trading 2002 issued by Goverament ubat 400 O01 inthe mazar led 6 May 2602 by a price 1 eligible inviduals and fe Auctions of Govarnment eb 400 001 on January afotesail afice 0 Tanvaty 5, The Sook wil be eligible for "Wha Ieed” wading i uccoance withthe gnielines isl by the Reseave ‘annk of faiain ve sisculoe NecRHE20N6-07 178 dated Noverner Ii, 2006, Tenwre 5 The Stock wil be of ifizenyeer teoure commencing fam May 24, 2006. The ‘May 24, 2001 of ie aul payment forthe Stock 7. Th result of the muctiou shall be displayed by the Reserve Bank of India at January 25, 2017, The paytvent hy speccsstl hidders will be an Janney 29. 20 ell be repaid al pur on 8 Fort, Mumbai eifce on j ica the date of rrissue ‘The payment (ar the Stock will include accrued interest on the norainal value qf dhe Stock allaued in the he Ismary 28,2007, ‘auoiion Sgom: the las coupon payment dale ofthe sock, c., November 24, 2606 Interest 5. Ifrist ot the rate 7.94 per zent por anun will ace 6 the nominal wl esupon payntnl date ofthe stock sid will he pid ball yeaily ot May 24 aad Never Ww of the Stuck from the fast 2, rer fie Preset ni LM. VAS 1. Seep. Dm we 1) Su ee STU, 5 ANNEX Sa ia th ot Government, J, Seotie: With a view io encouraging wider participation und retail holding of Goveiment scurties itis proposed to allow participation on “nox-competisive” basis in select auctions af dated Government of India (GOD securities. Accordingly, non-competitive bids up zo 5 per cent ofthe notified amount vill be accepted inthe auctions of dated securities. The reserved amount will be within fhe notified amount FT. Migibiity: Varicipetion on a non-compevitive basis in the auctions of dated (201 Securities will he ‘open to investors wo setisy the foltowing: 4 do mot maintain current account (CA) ur Subsidiary General Ledgcr (SCI,) account with the Reserve Bank of India. . Exceptions; Regional Real Banks (RRBs) and Co-operative Banks sball be covered under this Scheme in view of their statutory abijzations, 2 ‘ake a single bid for an amount not more then Rs. wu crore (fe value} per auction, 3. sufunit hte bid indirecry through any oné bank or PD offering this scheme: Exceptions: Regional Rural Banks (RAs) and. Co-operative Banks thal maintain SCL account and ccuend account with ihe Reserve bank of tndia shall be eligible to submit theit non competitive bids directly UL. Coverage: Subject to the conditious mentioned above, participation on "non-competiGve” basis is open to nay parson inching firms, companies, enporate bodies, institutions, provident funds, rusts, aud tury other enfity as may be prescribed by RBL The evinimum emount for bidding wll be Re. 10,000 (Suce ‘alue) snd thereafter in multiptes in Ks. 10,00 as bitherus for dated siocks. TV. Other Operational Guidelines: 1 wl mat be mandatory forthe retsil investor to maintain 1 coustituens subsidiary general ledger (CAGE) account wid the bank or PD through whom they wish to participate.” However, on investor cat, snake ony a single bid under this scheme. An undertaking fe the effect thatthe investor iy making only a single hid wil have w be obtained and kept on record by the Bank or PD, 2. _Ench hank or PD on the basiy of firm orders received from thelr constituents may submit application -wlye bids through NDS. The firm arders recefvedl from ofhera (Le. non-constltueats) say be submitted in physicel epplicetion forms to the PDO. The plysical application may be single Pid for the sggregate amount of all éhe customere. Particulars of individual custower viz ‘name.and amount shall be provided as an Annex ¢o the bid, Te if SUL GATETTBOR TIA -EXTRACRDINARY bese 43, Allorment unger the nor-eompetitive segmten 0 the bani PLD wa he ae weighted average rate ai yildipee chr all eenrge in the auction the basi of the compete Lding. The secures wit fe tasued tn the bank of PD against payment on the dale of snus itrespestive of whether che ban Gr PID thas eoucives payment Fors their clents 4 Jo cave the agergacs amount of bid is more Wan the zesereat Antount 4S of aotifed amvany fo rae aligumect evuld e made, Taos of patel etonmonts it le the regal f the bak ot BD te appruprstely allociee sect wo er eliems in lensporent tae. S$. Inease the aggreyate aunnunt uf bids isles than the eserves smut, tho shat WT be taken 10 ‘competitive portion. 6. Security wna be issued only in SC. Yoem by RBS, RDB would vied eltape te2 main SGD, acoourt ve die SCT. aeveunt of ze beak of PD as indicated by thom. “The fetty for affording ott the maka SSGL necaunt ra or tie sole prpose af servicing, iavestors who are ao: their efctuenes, Theredore the bank or PD weald hive :o indicate cJearly atthe une of teal the non-vornpeticive bids the amounts (faee valu} so bo crated to their SGL accom wal the CSCI aecaunl, DeLiedy im physi! form Bore the min SGL acerurl 5 permissible athe instance of the Favestor sun 7. drwill be the nespensihitty of the bark othe PD to pass on fae securities fo their cies, 4xvent in extmordinary efrirnstatces the teanefer a secursis tothe elieats shal. ne completed xin five working slays Lrom the date af se. The hank os PID cun recover ups x pris peF Wat 0 as broerayeeSmmpssvensorviee charges Jr Rendering the socize 1 thor clea, Sngh wats may be ult sme che sale pase ot recovered seperately horn the clien. Zn case Ihe iransfer of setsiies 18 etfecle’ subsequent 1 the }ssue date of she sosuity the eansiden on amount payztle by the efieat i she hank oF PD wou also ines accrte inlerest fom ‘he date of issue 9, Modafites for obtaining payment form cflents Iowins cost of the speucties, mzeued interest ceherevee agplisinle nd brosersgeveorerccien’se-vive charger ay be workel|vut ti the bak o: PD os Ter agceanen: wits the ciest, I. ay be uate thet to her wists such a» fufing costs should be il {nl the price or recaveres row tae eva Ye Banks and PDs wil: ke veouired t finnish infoemation lating w uperaieuf unde tho Scheate to the Reserve Rutt of lieu (Haake) as may by exlled or fam ime ro time whim Sh vnc arte prescribed by the Bank, YL The alacessi| gardelinos are subpe necessary the Sebetne wil! se mauiiod to review by the Bank and usoorltngly, if and shen considered