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Union Government, Extraordinary, 2006-01-14, Part II-Section 3-Sub-Section(ii), Ref. 42(E) PDF

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Preview Union Government, Extraordinary, 2006-01-14, Part II-Section 3-Sub-Section(ii), Ref. 42(E)

terse Seem 2200899 JR a The Gazette of Gudia LETRAORDTARY sare— aug 35-7 ART A_Setion }Sutreetion GI) sate & seine YUMesSIIED BY AUTHORITY, ta "SE ave Par, act 1a 2006 Aha 28,1927 ma ‘Ew SAU RDA TANUARY HBA 4, 27 ‘afar fern re feast ‘ater, 100, 2006 7 a(t) rg fra ste sa net (Pree ate cede) a= Sem, 2205 Safe sre fara cyst oat ga Pre sera, 1903 } ore -7 Ah acm (1) UT (18 ale ert (2) are eT are aa sxc cogs we son tae te weiter 3s ators ah ait grea all aa on Te ot a. tw afted ft area & Se porter fnew arated ge gee 2 at “esrea 8 sae a &t t f cea ore Pca ae ea bres A ge lrg at aia set ah ame on fe ar, gee waver 2 cre fi seas aoe BY sre are fi sre Bm goo Sem & shia} ag gees ame hot ar ange og ah Se oer 8g Fa vars “efi ara & ee, cae SAR & fiero, wee efira ash a ay Sinan atte ada side ePafS, ay mea ger, ToT ue a Ea cel, PTT Sara A, 26 er AP ag Hee «10007 wT avert THEGAZETE OF INDIA 7EAURAONDINARY [Par Su hu, ots tiem cepts afte suet, er Fey growl th reget areas raRen Gary i t) eee a rere Seihter we sae 1a afgae grewe Pre y oh ra seteraor e drPh ee Sino tw a) Raa Fe ora crite af gi ab Fe Fare emmys fiom are Saeed fe oa So ve ae ee es By ie a BF wa ie SoA Bote a ie ea. at Some 8, sia siyel Pare sar = arate ee aa ges en) ae erg Pre an ae eo ee Pay Sat ve gen op abe ana) wiviee ona an orca wed ar wh sem bit et be aig OG frics ar ws ro eRe ot if wu Seeag ay a Rawr ote pre st ae ah gear fom re hie sextet at sree TEM, a say serie Pate sad Astin an ot 3 ase Git eRe cchrees sf ty crane og at area af he 8 Sree oy derég nee dina 7 (0 gdmserag ah ane srr age sem ae age Fre he ame l 2 perf frm -o- ap eastnt rama Sd rete Seog wa Re it rege rerses og wh acre a a eH, dese er shv8 ug mr ec ere, Git es Ser rg mre et abt xe, aT OT RE seth erm ft & afte aes AS 3 Gene Be oe aT ark sk (0 Rraq ere aeh at ene edited wo afc waa soit nif e, Oya afi Os ere rege Roar omer dears etitien as eres, thy FS to ange: fone est ar seit te emne ft oega # arte Snr mt eq te Bh gure av anger afer ye a ct or wud et sons Bee 1g Se wa ae eee ae wen FET et (e280 a5 cai sik eH shed atm aq 2 Wereg min abst perm Set a afin ga whe is "TRE GARILLEOF INDIA: XTRACRONS era, a ef Pate outer am" Rang a sa iy Pare aD Pee at ase ahh of ark SPY fits fe eR ra hae ae ‘rey ae fis ahr eats a ca af tpBeer By See ars HA, TH TE Sa de oct Bu AE sa ora 5A Re TET | Sattar. Set ans i score “ater eee ei oo aed we aie seit @ frm uy Tare Tee ce et ee Sa Seg Te, ee Fah signee at ema ek ote ae ges OPH we F256e:2005 ROL end. ch are wih Capi mi ac om ai arr AD Femi = ove, sue, seer, fee, om, 197i 5 055 wa rm Beary, a, 3a. med ts eh 2001 tie Pee A DUNISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AMD FORESTS ORMCATON ‘ew eth. ae Uh sana, 206 8.0.91). —‘The following deft of the Breeding of and Experts on Animals {Central and Supervision) Amendenert Rules, 2005, which the Commie forthe Puroose of Control ane Superson of Eyperimerts cn Animals proposas {0 make, In cxercica of the omer con*erted by sub-sectians(1), (1A) and (2) of saction 17 of the Prevention of Cruetty ‘to Animals Act, 1960 (59 of 1960), are hereby published fer fermion ef all persons thely ta he affected thereby, and notice is hensty glen tnat the said draft rules shall be taken Inte consideration ater the expiry of @ period cf tity days from the date on which copies oF the Gezee of India contalning this nalfcaton are made available to the public; Any person desitous of making any suggestion ar objection in respact of the said ‘draft rules may, within she period so speciied, forward the same for consideration of the said Commitee, addressed to the Member Sexstary, Comittee for the Purgese af Cantal and Supervicen of Expesiments on Aninais, imal Welfare Division, Ministy of Envlronment and Forests, 8th Floor, Jeevan Prakash Bulding, 25, Kasturta Gandhi Marg, Few Ceth-140001, Pratt Bules 20) ‘These rules may be cilled the Bteding of and Experiments on Aimels ‘Contral and Supervisin} Amendment Ruies, 2005. Chay shall come into ferme om the date of thelr Hing publication ‘othe Cffici. capers 2 in the Breeding of and Experimenss on Animals (Control ard Superson) Rules, 1998 ‘hereloafter reer i a te sald rubs), 1m Le 2, Zar cause (@}, the Fein cause i be Suasttuted, ramely:+ Yo) “Experiment” means any programme or project involving usa of aninral for the acquisition of knewiedge of a biological, physiological, etiological, physical ‘oF chemical natures and includes the use of animal in the production af reagents and products such as antigens and antibadies, routine diagnostics, testing activity and establishment of transgenic stocks, for the purpose of saving or prolonging life or alleviating suffering or significant gains in weil being for people of the country or for conzbating any diseasa whether of human belngs or annals 3. In nuke Sot the said rues, - after clause {0}, the “allan ela.se sa be inserted, ney {ab} animals lowest on the phylogenetic scale which may give scientifically valid results should be Mlrst considered for any experimental procedure and the experiment should be designed using minimum number of animals to give statistically vaiid resales at 95% degree of confidence: Provided that replacement afternatives not involving experiments on animals should be glven due and (ull consideration and sound justification must bbe provided! in case alternatives, though available, are not used (2) ste" deuse fc), the felomirg cause shel ae nseted, aamely (es) ( parsonnel using experimental animals shall be responsible for the Welfare of animal during their use in experiments; Gi) Investigators shall be responsible for the aftercare and rehabilitation of animal after experimentation, and shall not guthanise animals except in situations as defined in clause (#) (Wi) casts of aftercare and rehabilitation of animal after experimentation shall be made part of research casts and shall be scaled in positive conetation with the level of costs involved in such aftercare and rehabilitation of the ‘ny, 3) SFG 1 aot: se (iv) rehabilitation treatment of animals after experknentation shall extend ‘ill she point the animal is able to resume @ normal existence by providing a lump-sum aroun as casts for rehabilitation and care of such animal bo cover entire statistical expected life span and () the establistinent undertaking experiments oF duly leensed and authorised animal weltaré crgentzation under the control of the Committee may, ‘on payment of lump-sum amount, undertake rehabilitation of animals;”; (2) sher dause (9, the following cause shall be inserted, namely:- "(Othe following paremeters shall be donter fr apolication of euthanasia, 1) when the animat is paralyzed and is not able to perform Its natural ‘functions or it bacomes incapable of independent locomation or it can ne longer perceive the environment In.an intelligible manner, or (i) if during the coursa of experimental procedure the animal has been left with a recurring pain wherein the animal exhitits obvious signs of pain and sitfering: or i’) where the non-termiration of the life of the experimental animal will be ife tirastening to human beings ar other animals;*. 4 Tnvrufe 10 ofthe sai rules, (1) for Cause (2), the felwving dause shall be substated, namely ‘animal for experiments from repistered "€).(@) an establishment sholl ace breeders only: (8) in case of non-availability of animal from registered breeders, the animal may be procurad from alternate legal sources; (it) in case the anima! is procured from the alternate legal sources, the same shall he procured after taking written permission from the authority competent under the law for the time being in forea, ta give such permission; and THRGA7ETTE OP INDIA. FATE ORD AR Ge) the establishment procucing such animal shall maintain a record in is regard and shall produce the same before the Committee, whanever required” ; 2) Tor douse (e, the following causo shal be substnunsd, samaly:- "(e)_ In case an animal is not available fram a registered breeder or from alternate legal sources within the country, genetically defined animals may he imported with permission of Directorate General of Foreign Trade: Provided that the condition of non-availabitty within the country shall not apaly for laboratory bred rats and mice of genetically defined strains 5. Fer ie 12 ofthe sand zes, che folowing rule shall be substituced, namely “12, Contract animal experiments. - Registered establishments may undertake ‘comtract research on behalf of any other agency in accordance with the Pravantion of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 (99 of 1960) and the rules made ‘therounder.", 6. Tn rule 14 of the sais rs, for cause {a}, the flowing clause stall be suet tub, away o) “he Commitee, iF tS scbsted esth the part of the Member Suaretary or the euthorbed offer of the Commitee {made to as 2 “ett of ary inspection or formation ved or others) that 4 the “ules made 2 tarenct beng corpied with by an establishment or breeder i a Bean cf the dections of exe Comminae Fas teen coramitted by any estacistmert ‘or brecter and the Committees sirectens fe recéfy such veaton Pave not heer. complied with the 2eras se spc Pie SA sere 3) the Commitioe muy, by oder in iting, suspend or sevoke the registration of the lesbishment or breeder atx dirsct closure ofthe animal house facity for auch 2 period 5 may be specified “nthe ondeee Provided that no arder under tis dause shall ba made wehaut alving the estabishment or breader any opportune of belng heard i the matter: Provided further that no oder for suspension or revocation of registration, or cosute or 2nimal nouse facie shall be issued ina case of ror voeton. Explanation:- forthe purpases ef ts clause, “minor viaation” means an act of eommission ‘or cemissicn which does not ive ciret bearing en the bealth'of an animal which may rot lead tp attverse health effect o pin oF suffetng or death of an animal” Ip No. 2s IMS AWM SOMA DANE, Verb Sexy, (Commie forthe Purposiot Contra and Supenisine of Experinernson ATs) ‘he prnepal rake were plished inthe Gases of Tia. Estracdine,vcle ramtex $0. 1074 data 1h The 1 ad any msaded ie umber S.0, L340) dot St eb: 200 Nee ef oe-%

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