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Union Government, Extraordinary, 2005-01-12, Part III-Section 4, Ref. TAMP/4/2004-Genl. PDF

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Preview Union Government, Extraordinary, 2005-01-12, Part III-Section 4, Ref. TAMP/4/2004-Genl.

scien & wee PUHUSHED sy AUISORIEY ay fet, quar, set 12, 2005/2, 1908 Nast NEW DELIM, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, SPAUSA2 1996 mer ESR art anger ‘fat torre, 200s weet Aremt4/2905-enaTor ame (rot 2005 54 Fer in) 2a Hae & fis dat An der Weed a dee ee Fg ada A ae ae at Baths a rh coe al ge eh ecrec | aay ree | Fae baa 2S en eS enh eH re ee aA 6 aad ng PA ry errs BR yee ae ar! ede eT AR Ges Pte Bei Pee a P a9 ouster o 2 [THE GA/ETTROF INDIA EXTRAOROMARY wan $6.4] 2 RS Ss wR fe ome Bae a PRT ceo se na ea gee FH a ee Res Sean Fe an or we fe a ae FS ER HET eR pon banda este gee atte wT A HATA E sy eka gata Pe AH THAT alee LET Ree ee cae abet 4 EMER, SET BU [Te NT TIT Serer Pein seo sba 8 a em tae ere ear 1S ‘pean en ee Fores a soe gee SH | ig md HO mB Arce eae OHNE ae ATOUET ARTA AT revered aA Safa gow pests 2a 8ST | aaah aeene ot ae IHC HE : See oe) re eer TE TO TAT gear he EE FemeroeT2A | se rR a a REAR EA a ST SEE Fa gore Sse pea TTT AT | ER Te TT See genera Re ah ae! 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In case of corialasralaied charges, tie concesion fs epplcette or compost box Tate. “Whore itemized charges are knied, Ine concussion Wi te om all Te nen, Ena fr ship-share transis, and tenofor rom avay lavom olorage yord oe von [3s wharfage on cevgo and eentalnere 5 The charges for coastal cargelsontainertaaaels shall be denominated an colectad in naian Free 6. any of the existing rate andor cendticnalty preriogd in the Scale of Rates ls found eee lne wih te potcy drecton ofthe Government, toy shol ster mouried wees ne ‘onctionallespreseshed above, carceh eng charges in Indian Rupee on which the orasarbed concessien shoul be Owe oe coastal vessalscontainess 72. The existing rales for coasta’ vessala shall not undergo any ipward revision fmryecately due io mplementson cf the policy direction, euch rats ar shendy leas Perea lemegnegoing vesse' rates. 4 Al tha mor pert buste and pnvala terme operators are dliected te amene thor ‘Scale of Rates aecardingly. 8 Resoognising me lead tine recuired fo: implementation by porte | tenninale, tie rnd provisions for coastal cary /vesse cartiner oriored heroin above afl certs a athey fio February 2005, A. BONGIFWAR, Charman (ADM, avitesrz00aEy) inal nae Gon' a a ig Wf SES waco’

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