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Union Government, Extraordinary, 2004-01-28, Part II-Section 3-Sub-Section(i), Ref. 81-82(E) PDF

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Preview Union Government, Extraordinary, 2004-01-28, Part II-Section 3-Sub-Section(i), Ref. 81-82(E)

sea reese REGD.NO, D.L. 120699 a weave fer oat The Gazette of Judia, wer TE G) kn— Seo \ ‘PART IL—Sevsen3_Subr tection) = CPR —Aae . _PUBLBBED BY AUTHORITY zy aaa ah Tee, eee, waa 2a, 2004S, 1925, a 44] NEW DELHT, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, OW/MAGHAS, 125 erst comeafor) sting en, a re 2004 0/2004 ES te. 0(ath— Siar Es aera, 196211962 am 62) arene 25 aft wert (1) BAT aT “AG ao vel ave oe, Spe wane ae waIRT a Te ww Ps be wer whe # gree Baie mh Be ARERT MRE ke OT Ue Hew Ree, we, GER, set, kd gen eter hie ete ak eye a eae seam, 1975 (1976 a $1 ) Bi weet ney & er ere segs hr er APTN BE eB, a GE Pret greens & 3 one fsa re () Sea eee ae feed er weer or fied ae co dr ot se ser eT AAT ‘seria roe; ‘ak einer ate aces avec rte ag Abe eT; ) -—aotapr eel greet; iv) iar ere | Wy) Rhos Rrar te segetarr att Fore ee" (wi) dog won wr Regt oe Beane oT Piet He eros Sat ar Rog wirtter eT gee sea angaites Ga a; vi) See Seok an eek coe ear art te re Pod ena er oT Menfera site Fever ret aE (wil) oem were, dh cys Weare aI TO dar aE ET | ves ai01 ” “TRB CAZEL Te OF bud -FoCTRACRODIALY Pascil—ser. 36 ead fs aren ane & are, sea HT, Te Bo OA a, Bea A wh eT voip Ser try ar nee sen sia soem fen & aa eReader are mers ume We afin cata, geftaie, were der ae gee ar on TaN TET at fia i a sorcerer ate Ba one arn geht & fee sect Fer ain she sae are at wer 3B wae Baier Bat af are} she, genta, sae eT are a, eee BH epee oe ee Rap, were, TF, sere, See-wect ar 3a ge ast per re a or ak ee ae oS chr arbre ar Rs agar ar Sha ew INS TTI rr agfigs sere we ge am at gar ol A Re fire Na we Roe Fe GR rr apaftagr vet fer can, Prborae weearé | are fis Tat ra we ee etfs ren Afiog ag thee eon, Fi eT EN aT ‘eet He wea da a geri See aT Hea oa, cence, de eer S weg flea oT “Behe co TOR ara ass Sa mew, Hear AF aren at, wT am Rear er Tomer gage apt Pret eg sar er is se ee ROE aT FT RT AOE A TT 8 a esr per aren me eg as mM ee ET | Toa soansacaty, Gg)) 4.3, renee ‘MINSTRY OF FINANCE, Department dt Rea) ‘NOTIRCATION ew et te 2 aan, 204 Na. 302000-CUSTOMS 5810) In excise ofthe powets conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 ‘of tho CRESS Act, 962 (5? of 1982), the, Cantal Governect, being satisfied thar xecessry inthe public Hnteret so vo do, and in superssion of te totfieaion ofthe ‘Govemmncat of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue) No, 18/1990. CUSTOMS, deed the Lith Fetruay, 1999, published in tho Caste of India, Extraordinary vide. G..R. No. 99(E), dated the 11" February, 1999, hereby exerapts fecond tani compuicrs. and compter periherals ictuding pez ply, seams, lon keybonr ant ore unit tora the wae yun ational dy of estore evible thereon under the Fast Schedule ofthe Cvatoms Tart? Act, 1975 (61 of 1975) ‘when reived as donation by — 2 Schoo! min by the Central Government of, Goverament ofa State of, a Union tertitory 0f, alocat body; i on Educational Instibution mun on nor-cormmercial basis by any oryanizations «i iv) aPoblic Library: 1 Registered Charitable Hospital, (Ure to) un = KIO (@) Public Funded Research and Development Establishment (6) a Community Infieesstion Contre run by, the Central Government or, Goverament of State of, a Lion letitory of, local bodys sn Adult ducation Centre run hy the Cental Government os, Government of a State 6, Union territory ar, cal body, oF (iti) an organisation of the Central Government of, a Government af a Ste or, « aion, tetritory, from 9 donor oviside ludia, subject 10 th condition that the said organisation undestakes to observe the procedure prescribed by she Depany Commissioner of Customs fo Assistant Commisyioner of Custonis having juradiction, for transport of the seid goods thom the Port or Aitport ar Larel Custom Station or Inland Container Depot to its premises and such goods shall not be used for any commercial purposes, ani shall not be sok, diposed of, gifted, loancd, exchanged or parted with, wikhout the permission of the sa Depniy Commissioner or Assistant Commissinner of Customs, within a period of five ‘years ftom the date aC receipt of the said goods and during the suid period of five years, the Jusisdictional Depoty Conmissioner of Customs ar Assistant Commissioner of Customs may jnepect these organisations on random basis, tn ensure thatthe computers are actually ‘there and have not been diverted or pot co nauthorized us: Provided that where ihe imports are auade by at niganismon but wot run by the Centml Geverament, Government. of a State or Union territory or a local body. the importer hall frrnish a certificate ismued by the relevant Department of the Cantal ‘Government or the concerned Stace Government ar the Government of the Unioa tetory, fas the case cy be, cbrifying thax the sai. organisation is recognised by the Comtra) ‘Goverument cr the seid State Goveramcot or the Government of the Uinn teritory and is run on a ub-commercial basis (eo, 29/10908-CUSTT , KEZO, Unt Sa stg “a Re, 25,2008 3.312006 TES ah ana) — aigfa Ow, Soot yew fifa, 1962 (1.982 1 $2) A an 25 at peer (i) wt tee wee ear web anc Be, TE wa at oP we fs chatter A en aT sree &, sen wear Pt sere (aares ea), 6 ger et, 52/2008-shg. eee 31 ard, 2008 8 Rsira eer eset &, eter aerate, de 9 3 Pr, Preaek ferent Roar sum, sae 19) gat afeguen 4 siafe: Rea ae & Ot gat, see ofafthe ye aiegee otk ate fier Farah Sianfs tex eee, wb, aeftee, Babs, what afc aS fae’ fad Garg are gas sera ger ofare oes oh a ata as saat & gerd fat am oe aed oT Pea 4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA /ETRAGROINARY, Basrtt—$r,36) @ Ra wR or fea coe cone or Pet a Co aa on st et eT TT vara frm; (Re etree mer A ates omer ier akg artes eee ; (i) taegeree arr: iv) arse qe, (tras eerie gate th Feet eae (i) Sa areas an fit coe wear or Piet a co a or Rh eta ee RT “eer gates ara; (vi) See wee an Batt coe wee or ed aoe a a ind eon er wT ears she fret = a (vil) eee, og cer weer ar we ae de era ine | aed fi ‘aor sa ofiear dno wer wy, ah see me aE CT} wow Boe Soe wT fhe Beh & fre ae & vee ow after wed ant, cents, wee or ar STRAT TT Shonen sega et Per at one ; erg wef abe Oa mr an ana eat fe sec 8 Rava ore oe a art arate 3B sy St ta & wie ak aH orale 3B the, wea, ea ar eg ga Het Ager, TH, a, Se, eee a FBT 5& fiom som 2 via af a gen ora Seater Seaton or aes eT oho gow “BER STAR BRT HGP HATE aR a eto arch we soe Teg Te S oe a get wel Fan siege wet a sar ne, Frere wears | - aed fas agi aren oss west ear ae Sz em, five Toe eee or Roch a Toe on eats den are deitia a a, ate Ca, oo THOR & atte flea or dalfia Ios HOR TT Wasa a a WER, Ser A sree BY, aT ane Ree er waneRe Ege ast Paret agatr far sre BR ga ines Sox SATE OT Say TT ENE a TT Bea RO ET AT pres & ae ag te-aaftnSeras sere ae weaften aH at&t tad saa ah cdi] Rie, en earn :— a ater aa row, sear Ht aftreeen w. 52/2003-eh-, Farias 97 af, 2003 far. an. fi. 274 (a), Resa 31 wed 2008 } A venta ath ag eh NOATEECATION ‘New Beli e268 January, 2004 Ne SLI CUSTOMS ‘GERNIQO— In exercise ofthe powers conferred by sub-section (|) of ction 25 of the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962), the Central Goverment, being saisiied that i Devestary in the public interest so 10 do, berchy makes the following amendments in the notification of the Govermnent of India i the Ministry’ of Finance (Department of Revenue) No. 52/2003-CUSTOMS, dated the 31” March, 2003, namely ty Se sapien, fir seagagh 9. te owing pases ‘substituted, namiety:- , Showing 7 a te sig) wa oT: TTT “B. Notwithstanding anything contained in this notification, the exemption contained herein chal! sko apply 10 computers and computer pecipherala including printer, plotter, canner. monitor, keyboard and storage unt, when donated by the unk tw yeuts after their import or procurement and use by the unit to - (Bu School run by the Central Government o1, Goverment of a State of, a Union texrtory or, local body: (i) an Educational Institution run on non-commercial hay by any organization: (Gi a Registered Charitable Hospital; (Gv) a Public Library: (a Public Funded Research and Development Establishment; (si) a Commmnity Information Cemre run by, the Central Government or, Government of a State or, Union tecitory ar, loes! body: (vif) an Adak Education Centre oun by the Central Government ar, Government of a State of, 4 Union terstory or, a local body, oF (i) an organisation of the Central Goverment of, a Goverment of. State o7, a Union territory, subject to the condition that the donor mit undertakes ta observe the procedure prescribed by the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or Assistant Commissioner of Castors having jurisdiction over the donor unit, for rineport ofthe said goods fiom the <donoe unit o the premises ofthe donee and such goods sll aot be used by the dono for any commercil purposes and shall aot he sold, disposed of gifted, Joanrd, exchanged or pted with, without the permision of the said Deputy Commissioner or Assistant Commissioner of Customs, wii 2 period of five yeas ffom the date of reorpt ofthe said ‘goods nod during the ssid petiod of five years, the juriditiona! Deputy Comeaissionce of Customs of Assistant Commissioner of Customs may inspect those organisitions on zandom basis to ensue tht the compuers are aetually there and have rot heen diverted or ‘putto unauthorized we: Provided that where the doce is en organisation fut not run by the Cectral Government, Government of a Sate or « Union tevtory or a loca} body, the donor unit shall furnish a cerivaleiasued by the relovant Departnet ofthe Central Gvernmett or, the concerned Sate Goverament oF, the Governmon! of the Union ventory, aa the case aay be, cetiying that the said organization is recognised by the Central Governert or the said State Government or the Goveramcat of the Union werritory and is nem on a non corral bas IFN, S28SMOLODSTO , KEZO, Under Soy ‘Note:The Principal notification was publishod in the Gazette of lida, Extraordinary, ‘ide potfication No.52/2008-CiISTOMS, dated the 31° March, 2003 [G.5.&. 274(8), dated the 31° March, 2008] vil by Se Naga io Tai ne i ola De DOR ODER ns nd Wyse Canaan eS

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