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Unimodular gravity and general relativity from graviton self-interactions Carlos Barcelo´,1,∗ Rau´l Carballo-Rubio,1,† and Luis J. Garay2,3,‡ 1Instituto de Astrof´ısica de Andaluc´ıa (IAA-CSIC), Glorieta de la Astronom´ıa, 18008 Granada, Spain 2Departamento de F´ısica Te´orica II, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain 3Instituto de Estructura de la Materia (IEM-CSIC), Serrano 121, 28006 Madrid, Spain It is commonly accepted that general relativity is the only solution to the consistency problem that appears when trying to build a theory of interacting gravitons (massless spin-2 particles). Padmanabhan’s 2008 thought-provoking analysis raised some concerns that are having resonance in the community. In this work we present the self-coupling problem in detail and explicitly solve the infinite-iterations scheme associated with it for the simplest theory of a graviton field, which corresponds to an irreducible spin-2 representation of the Poincar´e group. We make explicit the 4 non-uniquenessproblem byfindinganentirefamily of solutionstotheself-coupling problem. Then 1 weshow that theonly resulting theory which implements adeformation of theoriginal gauge sym- 0 2 metry happens to have essentially the structure of unimodular gravity. This makes plausible the possibility of a natural solution to the first cosmological constant problem in theories of emergent y gravity. Lateronwechangeforthesakeofcompletenessthestartingfree-fieldtheorytoFierz-Pauli a theory, an equivalent theory but with a larger gauge symmetry. We indicate how to carry out the M infinitesummationprocedureinasimilarway. Overall,weconcludethataslongasonerequiresthe (deformed) preservation of internal gauge invariance, one naturally recovers the structure of uni- 3 modulargravityorgeneralrelativitybutinaversionthatexplicitlyshowstheunderlyingMinkowski 2 spacetime, in thespirit of Rosen’s flat-background bimetric theory. ] c PACSnumbers: 04.20.-q,04.60.-m,04.62.+v,11.30.Cp q - r I. INTRODUCTION respecttosomeflatreferencemetric,thereiswiggleroom g to reconcile both visions. [ The tight connection between general relativity and However, to make this programme come to fruition, 2 geometryis whatmakesthis theoryconceptuallybeauti- oneshouldbe ableto determine the natureofthe result- v 1 ful, but also verydifferent from the formalismdeveloped ing nonlinear theory which arises from the self-coupling 4 todescribethe otherfundamentalforcesweknowabout: of the graviton field. The first subtle point is that the 9 the standard model of particle physics. While the lat- Lagrangian density of such a theory contains, in princi- 2 terisformulatedasaquantumfieldtheoryinMinkowski ple,infinite interactiontermswhichareobtainedconsec- 1. spacetime, in general relativity there is no such a no- utively by an iterative process, so one should devise a 0 tionofpreferred,immutablearenainwhichphysicstakes way to manage them and show that this infinite series 4 place. Insteadthis environment(spacetime) isalsoa dy- converges to the Lagrangian density of general relativ- 1 namicalobjectinitsownright. Thisisarguablytheroot ity. This question was indirectly addressed in the work v: of the conceptualproblems concerning the reconciliation ofKraichnan[4]andFeynman[5],butwasfinallysettled i between general relativity and quantum mechanics. byDeser[6]. Todothat,heusedspecificvariableswhich X TryingtobridgethisgapRosen[1,2]showedthatgen- make the series finite, thus avoiding to perform the sum r eral relativity can be reinterpreted as a nonlinear field of an infinite series. a theory over Minkowski spacetime. Later Gupta [3] pro- The second source of concern is the non-uniqueness of posed that a consistent theory of self-interacting gravi- the construction as there are many and, in principle, in- tons should have precisely the structure of general rel- equivalent ways to make the graviton field self-interact. ativity. In brief, Gupta’s idea is to start with a free This was first raised by Huggins in his 1962 thesis [7]. massless spin-2 field in Minkowski spacetime, and then Thecentralpointofhisargumentisthatoneneedsmore makeitinteractwiththerestoffields. Generalconsider- informationtouniquelyfixthestress-energytensorofthe ationsshowthatthefactthatthisfieldhasspin2implies graviton field to which it couples itself. Thus there are that this can be done only if the graviton field interacts potentially many self-interacting theories and, as there with itself, making the overall theory nonlinear. Since is no control of those theories, it is not easy to conclude one can always express general relativity plus matter as whether or not they are equivalent to general relativity. a nonlinear theory for the deviations of the metric with Recently,Padmanabhanhasraisedequivalentarguments [8]. Infact, this workhasbeenmotivatedbyPadmanab- han’spaper,asubsequentfollowupbyButcheretal.[9], and the reply by Deser [10]. ∗ [email protected] In this work we start by considering the simplest the- † [email protected] ory of a graviton field, corresponding to an irreducible ‡ luisj.garay@fis.ucm.es spin-2 representation of the Poincar´e group. After de- scribingthelinearspin-2theory,wedevelopindetailthe coreofthe paper. In sectionIVwe considerthe simplest self-interacting scheme and find the (formal) sum of the theoryofagravitonfield,correspondingtoanirreducible series for the action. To the best of our knowledge, it is spin-2 representationof the Poincar´egroup. We develop the first time that an infinite series arising in the gravi- the self-interacting scheme and find the (formal) sum of ton self-coupling problem is summed. This construction the series for the action. In section V we discuss how is not unique. We present the non-uniqueness problem the condition of preservation of the maximal amount of and show that, indeed, there is a one-parameter family internal gauge invariance can eliminate the ambiguities of solutions to the self-coupling problem which were not inherent to the self-coupling procedure. We also show found in previous approaches. We analyze these result- that this outcome of the self-coupling problem is equiv- ing theories and show that requiring the preservation of alent to unimodular gravity. Section VI is devoted to gauge symmetry can be used to single out one of them, show how to apply the same programme to Fierz-Pauli which turns out to be equivalent to unimodular gravity. theory and how general relativity comes into play. We Ater the detailed analysis of the spin-2 theory, we move alsoincludeadiscussionongravitationalenergywhichis to compare this approach with the more standard that particularlyinterestinginthecaseofunimodulargravity. startswithFierz-Paulitheory. Wesketchhowtosolvein We end with a brief summary and some conclusions. an equivalent way the self-coupling problem in this case. Notation and writing style: we use the metric con- We study in a similar way the issue of uniqueness and vention ( ,+,+,+) and we will always avoid making − then, at the light of our results, we present a discussion explicit the spatiotemporal dependence of the different aimed at reconciling what seem disparate results in the fields considered in the text. No distinction is made be- recent literature [8–10]. tween Greek and Latin indices. By gravitons we mean On the one hand our results confirm the concerns of masslessspin-2particles,thoughthisnotionstillhaswig- [8] in that the self-coupling problem by itself does not gle room to permit different implementations. Here we uniquely lead to unimodular gravity (or general relativ- are considering two types of graviton fields: the spin-2 ity, depending on the starting linear theory) unless fur- and Fierz-Pauli fields. When the Minkowski metric ηab ther conditions are imposed along the process. Specif- is used, it is understood as written in a generic coordi- ically, one needs to require that the gauge structure of nate system. The d’Alembert operator in the flat metric the initial linear theory is preserved,althoughdeformed, is (cid:3). Similarly, the covariant derivative is always re- in the final outcome. This condition singles outunimod- latedtotheflatmetric,while ′ correspo∇ndstoacurved ∇ ular gravity (or general relativity) but in a version that metric. Curvature-related quantities will be defined by explicitly shows the underlying Minkowski spacetime, in followingMisner-Thorne-Wheeler’sconvention[11]. This thespiritofRosen’sflat-backgroundbimetrictheory. On workwasinitially motivated by the paper ofPadmanab- the other hand, once the gauge preservation condition is han [8] and, thus, we have decided to partially maintain applied, the entire construction can be taken to comple- his notation to facilitate the translation of the results. tion in a natural way using only flat spacetime notions, Our intention throughout the paper has been to use an position which is defended in [10]. In fact, the pres- “aseptic” writing style that avoids contamination from ence of the Minkowski background structure permits to geometric notions motivated by previous knowledge of clearly separate the internal gauge transformations from general relativity. In this way, one can see more clearly invariance under changes of coordinates. Within this bi- the different steps which are necessary to obtain general metric construction one obtains a quadratic Lagrangian relativity(orunimodulargravity)assolutionstotheself- density, invariant under changes of coordinates. How- coupling problem. ever, this quadratic Lagrangian density is not invariant under internal gauge transformations, but the action is. One could take a further leap and adopt a geometrical II. FREE GRAVITON FIELDS (single-metric) interpretation [6, 10]. From this perspec- tive the quadratic Lagrangian density is not diffeomor- The unitary representations of the Poincar´e group as phisminvariant: thesurfacetermoftheEinstein-Hilbert first classified by Wigner are determined by the value action cannot be recovered and would have to be added of the mass m and the eigenvalues of the so-called little by hand, as pointed out in [8]. Although certainly ap- group [12, 13]. For a particle with mass m=0 the little pealing, within the self-coupling problem we do not find 6 group is SO(3), so the corresponding label is the angu- a compelling reason to take this geometrization leap. lar momentum j and one has 2j+1 states in each rep- Thestructureofthepaperisthefollowing. SectionsII resentation, corresponding to polarizations which range and III are intended to be a recapitulation of the knowl- from σ = j to σ = +j jumping in units. However, − edge which can be found in different sources, concerning for a massless particle the little group is ISO(2) (the 2- thefield-theoreticaldescriptionofgravitonsandthecon- dimensional Euclidean group) and only the states with sistency problem which appears when one tries to make polarizations σ = j are left. This means that mass- ± them interact with matter. This problem leads to the less particles with integer spin carry only two indepen- consideration of a self-interacting scheme for the gravi- dent degrees of freedom. As linear representation space tons, which is developed in the next two sections, the one wouldlike to constructa tensor-fieldspace using ex- 2 clusively these degrees of freedom, but it is in this con- will representthe same physicalconfiguration,with gen- struction where gauge invariance appears inevitably in- erators verifying the conditions tertwined with Lorentz invariance. In the following, we are going to work in a covariant fashion with respect to aξa =0, (cid:3)ξa =0. (8) ∇ changesofcoordinatesinMinkowskispacetime. Thiswill Noticethattheinternalgaugetransformation(7)andthe be useful to distinguish between covariance and internal externaltransformationassociatedwithageneralchange gauge invariance in the resulting nonlinear theory. of coordinates with generators ξ˜a, Thenaturalwaytodefinesuchaspacetimetensorfield is to construct anobject hab exclusively made of the two h′ab =hab+ξ˜c hab+hac ξ˜b+hbc ξ˜a, (9) physical polarizations, which can be done for example ∇c ∇c ∇c in momentum space [14]. The problem is that Lorentz are completely different from each other: the space of transformations do not leave this space invariant, not generators is different and so is their implementation in even the transformations that belong to the little group. the symmetry transformation. Moreover, the last trans- Assuming a tensorialcharacterfor hab we have that, un- formation affects the coordinates and the rest of fields. deraninfinitesimalLorentztransformationwhosegener- It is easy to check that the traceless and transverse ators are ξa, it transforms as ω conditions are preserved by these internal gauge trans- hab =hab+ξc hab+hac ξb +hbc ξa. (1) formations. These constraints in the definition of the ω ω∇c ∇c ω ∇c ω field hab can be thought as the elimination of the scalar The Lorentz generators ξ verify the conditions andvectorrepresentationsofthePoincar´egroup(seeap- ω pendix I in [16]). A detailed analysisshows that one can ξa =0, (cid:3)ξa =0. (2) alwaysfindavectorξa suchthatthestateswithhelicites ∇a ω ω σ = 0, 1 are gauged away or, in other words, the cor- Theproblemisthatthelasttermsinthistransformation respond±ing components h00 and h0i, i=1,2,3 are set to law do not belong to the linear space of objects of hab- zero while the remaining components are constrained so type [15], i.e. that there are two independent degrees of freedom. An- othercommonchoicetoshowthisisthelight-conegauge ξωc∇chab+hac∇cξωb +hbc∇cξωa 6=h′ab. (3) [17]. Notice that there are only two contractions of ( h)2 Thus, the transformedobject haωb does not belong to the with metric objects (η , ηab and δa) which are not∇zero linear representation space we started with (the same ab b by the tracelessand transverseconditions (5). By virtue problem appears in electrodynamics, where the gauge of this, the Lagrangiandensity should have the form fixing condition ǫ0 = 0 on the polarization vector ǫµ is not Lorentz-invariant). One can prove instead that the L :=c ηaiη η hbc hjk+c δaδiη hbc hjk. termsdrivingoneoutsidethe representationspaceareof G,0 1 bj ck∇a ∇i 2 k c bj∇a ∇i(10) the form Here c and c are real constants. The second term is 1 2 hab h′ab =ηac ξb +ηbc ξa. (4) equivalenttoatotaldivergencebecauseofthetransverse ω − ω ∇c ω ∇c ω condition in (5), so it does not affect the form of the equationsofmotion. However,itspresencecanaffectthe Tocircumventtherepresentationproblemwehavetwo definition of the source of the self-interacting equations options: insteadofusingatensorspaceasrepresentation space one could define hab as a non-tensorial object; the aswewillsee. Wecansetthenormalizationtoc1 = 1/4 − andintroduce a bit ofnotationto conveniently write the other possibility is to maintain a subsidiary tensor-field free action as: space but consider as representation space not its indi- vidual elements but equivalence classes of them related 1 by gauge transformations. We shall proceed using this AG,0 := 4Z dVηMsaibcjk(η)∇ahbc∇ihjk, (11) second approach. The minimal realization of the gauge approach is to where dV :=d4x√ η is the Minkowskivolume element η take as representation space tensorial objects hab such and the Lorentz ten−sor Mai (η) is given by: s bcjk that they are traceless and transverse, ηabhab =0, ∇bhab =0, (5) Msaibcjk(η):=shηb(jδka)δci +ηc(jδka)δbii− ηaiη η . (12) and with equation of motion − b(j k)c (cid:3)hab =0. (6) The tensorial quantity Msaibcjk(η) is symmetric under b c, j k and (a,b,c) (i,j,k), as one can check ↔ ↔ ↔ Moreover,any hab and h′ab related by an internal gauge from its definition. When used in the action we do not transformation, need to worry about these symmetries because it is con- tracted with an object, ( h)2, which already has these h′ab =hab+ηac ξb+ηbc ξa, (7) symmetries. However, to∇solve the iterative equations c c ∇ ∇ 3 of the self-coupling problem it will be necessary to use expect thatour conclusionswouldalso apply to it as the its symmetric form as it appears in (12). The param- self-coupling only occurs in the gravitationalsector, still eter s, directly proportional to c , controls the surface described by c-numbers. 2 terms we are considering in the free action. One can easily check that this action is invariant up to a surface term under the gauge transformations (7) with genera- III. COUPLING TO MATTER tors satisfying (8). In fact, the case s = 1 is special in the sense that one could drop the second condition in Inthissectionweaddressthequestion: couldwemake (8) and these transformations are still a symmetry. For aninteractingtheoryofthespin-2andmatterfields? We this reason we will always assume that this is the case have included this review section to facilitate the read- i.e. only the first condition in (8) applies when consider- ing of the paper, but its contents are well known in the ing s = 1, thus recovering the minimal theory of gravi- literature (see [20] and references therein). tonswhichwasconsideredin[18]. The readerwillnotice To couple a matter field to the spin-2 field we need that, through the calculations in section IV, we always to define a quantity T that is symmetric, traceless and ab keepusingtheobjecthab andneveritscovariantcounter- transverse on solutions. Then, we could write: part h := η η hcd. This simplifies some steps which e ab ac bd involve taking variational derivatives with respect to an (cid:3)h =λT . (14) ab ab auxiliary metric γ after the replacement η γ in ab ab ab → e the action. In the following, this traceless field will be A natural consistency condition is to impose that this called spin-2 field. equation can be obtained from an action. In fact, it can An alternative way of constructing a spacetime field be obtained as the corresponding Euler-Lagrange equa- hab is to drop the traceless and transverse conditions tionwithrespecttorestrictedvariationsofhab(suchthat in (5) while enlarging the gauge symmetry. This is the η δhab =0)aslongasweaddtotheLagrangiandensity ab well-known Fierz-Pauli theory [19], in which the funda- a term mental field is just a symmetric Lorentz tensor. We will callitFierz-Paulifield. Wearenotgoingtoenterintode- ∆L :=λhabTab, (15) tailshereabouttheconstructionoftheFierz-Pauliaction with T symmetric, transverse on solutions, and with astheprocedureisequivalent(butalittlemoreinvolved) ab constant trace. An object with these characteristics is to the one we have followed for the spin-2 field. The de- precisely the stress-energy momentum tensor, where the tails can be found e.g. in [8], and we will mention part transverse condition amounts to its conservation. We of them in section VI. Notice that the transverse and commentontheconditionofconstancyofthetraceatthe traceless conditions can be imposed on the Fierz-Pauli endofthesection;fornowletusjustrequireconservation fieldonlywithinthe spaceofsolutionsofthe freetheory. of T . That is, the so-called transverse-traceless gauge can be ab applied only for fields hab verifying the condition One inmediately realizes that one cannot use the stress-energytensorofthefreemattertheory: forconsis- hab =η (cid:3)hab, (13) tency one must use the total stress-energy tensor of the a b ab ∇ ∇ interactingtheory. Hadwe startedtentativelyby adding which is precisely the trace of the Fierz-Paulidynamical a term λhabTM to the Lagrangian density of the matter ab equations [20]. sector,withTM thefreematterstress-energytensor,this ab To develop the self-coupling scheme, we are going to very term would have changed the matter stress-energy treatthesetheoriesasclassicalfieldtheories. Ourconclu- tensor making necessary to add new energetic contribu- sions are applicable then to the long wavelength limit of tions to the Lagrangiandensity. This iterative processis theories in which a graviton propagates over Minkowski the one we are going to follow in the next section. space in interaction with matter, independently of the Thisisageneralpropertyofthecouplingwithmatter: ultraviolet completion of the theory.1 From the point of as the coupling is done through the stress-energytensor, viewoftheclassicalequationsofmotion,whicharewhat the transverse condition for the spin-2 field implies that weareinterestedin,surfacetermsintheresultingaction the total matter traceless stress-energy tensor should be of the self-interacting theory are irrelevant. Notice that, divergenceless.2 However, this would not be the case if there is a regime in the theory in which gravity func- when interaction is switched on, as the matter fields no tions classically but the matter fields behave quantum- longer behave as an isolated system, being the energy mechanically (semiclassical gravity), it is reasonable to transferred between them and the spin-2 field. The nat- uralway to remedy this is to realize that the spin-2 field 1 In particular, the notion of a Minkowski preferred background could be emergent in the sense of being applicable only below 2 Itcanbeseenthatwhenthetransverseconditionisrelaxed,itis somecharacteristicenergyscale,insteadofafundamentalstruc- the resulting gauge invariance of the theory the responsible for turepresentinallregimes[21]. thisfeature[20]. 4 must also act as a source of itself (the charge/source of use this quantity as the right-hand side of our equations thegravitonfieldistheenergyandgravitonsshouldpos- of motion for hab, the theory will naturally verify the sessenergy),whichleadsustotheissueofthespin-2field condition obtained by Weinberg [25, 26] as a necessary self-coupling. Therefore, the iterative procedure has to one if we want to have a Lorentz-invariant theory: the act also in the spin-2 sector. coupling between the spin-2 field to matter and to itself An important problem shows up when thinking about must be governed by the same coupling constant. the stress-energy tensor of the spin-2 sector: there is no However, direct use of this quantity is not possible: wayofconstructinganon-trivialconservedstress-energy in general, the fully covariant or contravariant counter- tensor for the spin-2 field that is invariant under the parts of (16) are not symmetric. But we can exploit the gauge transformations (7) [22, 23]. By non-trivial we ambiguity in the addition of identically conserved ten- mean that it is not exactly zero for any solution. An in- sors, the so-called Belinfante-Rosenfeld terms, to obtain direct way of realizing it could be the Weinberg-Witten asymmetricstress-energytensorwhichleadstothesame theorem [13, 24], which explicitly forbids this possibil- conserved quantities. This symmetric stress-energy ten- ity. Thus, one cannot associate a local notion of energy sor is not unique: one can still add identically conserved with the physicalconfigurationsin the free theory.3 One tensorskeepingthe symmetric character. All the manip- can live with this fact if the theory is non-interacting, ulations that follow can be performed by directly using so that there is no operational way to define what it is the symmetrized versions of the canonical stress-energy energy-momentum. Within aninteractionscheme this is tensor. Therefore,thesemanipulationsinnowayinvolve untenable. any curved spacetime notion. However,as shown by Be- As mentionedbefore,strictly speakingthe consistency linfante and Rosenfeld [27, 28], these symmetric stress- of a complete nonlinear spin-2 theory will need that the energytensorscanbeequivalentlyobtainedbythesimple transverse condition applies to the traceless object T , Hilbert prescription, ab independently of that of Tab. When the trace of ethe 1 δA0 stress-energytensoris a constantthe conservationofT T := lim , (17) ab ab −γ→η√ γδγab implies the conservation of Tab. On this respect, notice − that the trace of the stress-energy tensor of a single lin- where the flat metric η in A has been replaced by an e ab 0 ear matter sector (e.g. a single scalar field) is always a auxiliary (generally curved) metric γ , being γab its in- ab constant as there are no sources that can cause an inho- verse. Recall that the two steps one needs to follow are: mogeneity in the system, and hence in the trace. When write the action in curvilinear coordinates in flat space, putting together the spin-2 and matter sectors with all andthengeneralizeittocurvedspace. Itisinthissecond its nonlinear interactions, we do not know a priori what stepwheretheambiguitiesshowupinHilbert’sprescrip- could happen. All in all one is left with the expectation tion. In practice, the ambiguities in the stress-energy that when applying a consistent self-interacting scheme tensor appear now as the addition of non-minimal cou- some meaningful result would show up for all the stand- plings of the physical fields to the auxiliary metric γ , ab ing problems. We will come back to this issue after find- and they are added to the one-parameter family of sur- ing the solutions to the self-coupling problem. face terms we are considering in the free action (11). In fact,aswewillseelaterthesenon-minimalcouplingscan beunderstoodassurfacetermsintheoriginalfreeaction, IV. SELF-COUPLING though different from the one-parameter family we have beenconsideringuptonow. Wewillshowthatthesedif- The first question to answer when considering a self- ferent choices of stress-energy tensor as the source lead interactingschemeis: whatisthe objecttowhichweare to different solutions to the self-coupling problem. Let going to couple the spin-2 field in a first stage? A nat- us stress againthat here we use Hilbert’s prescriptionas ural candidate to consider is the canonical stress-energy a mere calculational device and insist in that no curved tensor, that is, a conserved quantity of any field theory spacetime notion is used throughout the calculations. which is Poincar´e invariant, associated with invariance Now that we have discussed the relevant properties under translations: of the stress-energy tensor, we would like to derive the self-interacting equations of motion from an action. The δL Θa :=L δa 0 ψµ, Θa =0. (16) couplingconstantisdenotedbyλ. Thiscanbedoneifwe b 0 b − δ( aψµ)∇b ∇a b add a term λA of order O(λ) in the action, such that: ∇ 1 HereL0isthefreeLagrangiandensityofbothspin-2and δA1 δA0 matterfields,collectivelydenotedbyψµ. Ifwemanageto δhab =γli→mηδγab. (18) Here A has two terms: the free action for the spin-2 0 field given by (11) and the matter content one wants to 3 Somethingequivalenthappensinnon-abelianYang-Millstheory: consider, A0 =AG,0+AM,0. one cannot find a Lorentz covariant conserved current which is As noticed by Gupta [3], this additional term of order atthesametimegaugeinvariant. O(λ) in the action would modify the definition of the 5 source by a term of order O(λ2), which implies that we of the equation trivial. The resulting action is obtained need to contemplate a term λ2A in the action. This is as a Taylor series which can be summed. The formal 2 the iterative procedure we would want to solve for. It result of this sum is the free matter action expressed in will generate an action of the form4 termsofacurvedmetric, A (g)withgab :=ηab+λhab M,0 [6, 8]. Notice that non-minimal couplings to matter are ∞ not ruled out by any consistency condition, so minimal A = λnA , (19) n coupling to the physical metric in the resulting matter X n=0 action is not a necessity in this approach. It is the grav- where the set ofpartialactions A ∞ must verify the itational self-interacting part of the iterative procedure iterative equations { n}n=1 whichhastobehandledcarefully,andthisisthepartwe are going to work with in the rest of the text. δAn δAn−1 Concerningthis self-interactingpart,onecouldexpect = lim , n 1. (20) δhab γ→η δγab ≥ that the resulting theory exhibits a nonlinear deforma- tion of the original gauge invariance, which is broken at In more detail, let us write the resulting action of the each stage of the iterative procedure. The search for self-coupling procedure as this symmetry has been a commonly used route to ar- A :=A +A , (21) gue that general relativity should be the only consistent 0 I self-interactingtheoryoftheFierz-Paulifield,astheonly where the free part A is already defined and A is the nonlinear deformation of such linear symmetry is diffeo- 0 I self-interactingpartwe aregoingto solvefor. Giventhis morphism invariance [16, 29, 30] (see also the related action,onewouldbe able toobtainits stress-energyten- discussion in [20]). However, here we would like to un- sor. A is then fixed by the requeriment of leading to derstand the interplay between the preservation of this I thisstress-energytensorasthesourceoftheequationsof symmetry and the iterative self-coupling procedure, in- motion: stead of taking its existence as an assumption from the beginning. δAI δ(A0+AI) In the rest of the section we are going to solve the =λ lim . (22) δhab γ→η δγab iterative equations (20) step by step. First we are going to solve these equations in the simplest case in which OnejustneedstoexpandA = ∞ λnA andcompare I n=1 n there are no non-minimal couplings. We show then that different orders in the couplingPconstant λ to obtain the there is a unique solution of these iterative equations, set of iterative equations (20). whichcorrespondsto a selectionofa certainvalue ofthe Recall that we started with traceless equations of mo- parametersin(12). Thenwedevotethenextsubsection tion. Thismeansthat,tokeepthesamenumberofequa- to understand the role of non-minimal couplings. Their tions of motion in the iterative procedure, the field hab inclusion will permit us to obtain the generalsolutionto mustbeconstrainedinsomeway. Oneoptionistomain- the self-coupling problem. tain the traceless condition with respect to the original Minkowskimetric. In any case, the set of equations (20) is generalenoughto permit the imposition of this condi- A. Explicit integration and summation of the tion, as well as other possible scalar constraints over the series field hab, after finding its solution. So we postpone this discussiontosectionV,althoughwewillkeepinmindthe In this section we are going to see how to manage the existence of this constraint which, at least at the lowest infinite setofiterativeequations(20)fotthe spin-2field. order, must be equivalent to the traceless condition. Let us start with the first-order iterative equation (18). The integrationof the iterative equations for the mat- To do that, we are going to evaluate the right-hand side ter part is straightforward, as the corresponding part of of this equation and then integrate the functional form the stress-energytensor does not containthe spin-2 field to obtain the corresponding left-hand side. explicitly. Thatis,thematterpartoftheright-handside The first step is to apply Hilbert’s prescription to ob- of (18)isindependentofhab atthelowestorder,linearat tain the source of the equations of motion. To do that firstorder,andsoon,makingtheintegrationofthispart we have to extend the action (11) to a general curved metric.5 Adopting a minimal prescription we can write: 1 A [γ]= dV Mai (γ) ′hbc ′hjk, (23) 4 Noticethat thereisnoreasontoexpect, inprinciple,thisseries 0 4Z γ s bcjk ∇a ∇i to be infinite. There are two examples in the literature of this kind of series: the first one is the trivial one, in the sense that one does not consider self-interactions of the graviton field (see paragraphbelow). Thisseriesisinfinite. Theonlyexampleofa 5 It is in this step where the ambiguities in the addition of non- self-interacting series is the one constructed by Deser [6] which minimal coupling terms can arise. We will deal with this am- isfinite,withonlyA16=0. Inthisworkwearegoingtoconsider biguity in the following section, thus making here the simplest alwaysinfiniteseries. choice. 6 where we have dropped the G subindex. Here ′ is we integrate by parts, the contribution of these terms the covariant derivative with respect to γ and dV∇ := equals to ab γ d4x√ γ the correspondingvolume element. Notice that − 1 wehavechangedthemetricintheargumentofthetensor d4xδγ γe(bDµνρ Mai [hc)d hjk]= Mai (η) defined in (12). −2Z νρ aed s bcjk∇µ ∇i s bcjk Weobtainthestress-energytensorbyperformingvari- = 1 d4xδγpqγ γ γdeDaνρ Mµi (hbc hjk). ations on this metric, and then taking the limit back 2Z pν qρ µe(b s c)djk∇a ∇i to flat space. Under such a variation, the action (23) (28) changes as: The corresponding source then takes the form: 1 δA0[γ]= 41Z d4xδ[√−γMsaibcjk(γ)]∇′ahbc∇′ihjk+ Tpq :=−14 δMδsγaipbqcjk(cid:12)(cid:12) ∇ahbc∇ihjk− +2Z d4x√−γMsaibcjk(γ)δ[∇′ahbc]∇′ihjk. (cid:12)(cid:12)γ→η (24) −21ηpνηqρηdeDaνρµe(bMsµi(cid:12)c)djk∇a(hbc∇ihjk). (29) The first term gives two contributions, one coming from Notice that this expression contains second derivatives the variation of the determinant and the other from the of the spin-2 field. It is important to notice also that variation of Msaibcjk(γ). There are two possible ways of it naturally splits into two kinds of terms, proportional dealingwiththeformer. Thefirstoneistonoticethatthe to ( h)2 and (h h), respectively. As it stands, it is first-order equation must be traceless so the correspond- sym∇metric und∇er th∇e exchanges p q and b c. ingtermisnotgoingtocontribute. Thisobservationcan The objective now is to find a te↔rm in the↔action λA 1 be extended to all orders with the following recipe: do whose variation with respect to hab gives the desired not change the measure in the partial actions An when source term. The most general expression which con- writing them in terms of the auxiliary metric γab. Al- tainsnomorethantwoderivativesofthe spin-2fieldcan though a departure from Hilbert’s prescription, this al- be always written as: ternative procedure leads to a sensible source to be used in the self-coupling procedure when the constraints on 1 dV Nai (η)hpq hbc hjk. (30) the field hab are taken into account. We shall follow this 4Z η bcjkpq ∇a ∇i approach in this section. A second option is to proceed withnopreviousknowledgeoftherestrictionsonhab and Thentakingthefunctionalderivativewithrespecttohab integrate the contribution coming from the variation of we obtain the determinant. The iterative equations (20) are linear, 1 so we only need to add the corresponding contribution 4Z dVη Naibcjkpq(η)∇ahbc∇ihjk− obtainedthis wayto the resultofthe calculationsofthis (cid:2) section. We will show in the next section what is the −2Naipqjkbc(η)∇a(hbc∇ihjk) δhpq. (31) result of this procedure. Of course, this is only an oper- (cid:3) Wegettwoequationscomingfromthecomparisonofthe ational choice which does not affect the physical results coefficientsaccompanyingthetwoindependentcombina- at the end of the day, when the constraints on the field hab are considered. tions (∇h)2 and ∇(h∇h) in both eqs. (29) and (31): Letusnowdealwiththesecondtermof(24). Therewe δMai (γ) hataevdewthitehdγifferaenndceγof+twδoγL,evrei-scpievcittaivceolyn.nTechtiisodnisffaesrseonccie- Naibcjkpq(η)= sδγbpcjqk (cid:12)(cid:12) , (32) ab ab ab (cid:12)γ→η is characterized by the tensor (cid:12) (cid:12) and 1 C′b := (γbe+δγbe) ′ (γ +δγ )Dµνρ , (25) ad 2 ∇µ νρ νρ aed −Naibcjkpq(η)=ηpνηqρηdeDaνρµe(bMsµic)djk(η). (33) where The first equation provides the form of the first-order action (30). The second equation then becomes a con- Dµνρ :=δµδ(νδρ)+δµδ(νδρ) δµδ(ρδν), (26) aed a d e d a e − e a d sistency condition that must be satisfied for the whole procedure to be well-defined: (see e.g. [31]). Then one can see that the variation δ[ ′hbc] is given, at first order, by: ∇a δC′(bhc)d =γe(bhc)d ′ δγ Dµνρ . (27) −δMsaδiγpbqcjk(γ)(cid:12)(cid:12) =ηpνηqρηdeDaνρµe(bMsµic)djk(η). ad ∇µ νρ aed (cid:12)(cid:12)γ→η (34) (cid:12) The notation δC′a here means that we only take the It is this equation which imposes restrictions to the so- bc terms in (25) which are linear in the variations δγ . If lutions of the iterative equations which, in fact, select ab 7 s = 1. To obtain this condition on s, let us notice that and apply the iterative equations (20) to this sequence, the right-hand side of (34) can be written as finding the consistency condition: ηpbMsaiqcjk(η−)η+pbδηbaqµηηpµaMdMsµsµiqicdjckj(kη(η)−), (35) nηpνηqρηdeDaνρµe(b δn−1Mδγ1µsti.c).d.jk(γ)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)γ→η = δnMai (γ(cid:12)) where we must impose a symmetrization under the ex- 1 pqjk = (cid:12) . (42) change of indices p q and b c. It is useful to write − δγbcδγst... (cid:12) ↔ ↔ (cid:12)γ→η this expression explicitly by using (12), (cid:12) (cid:12) Noticethesymmetrizationofthepair(b,c). Toworkbet- sη η δa δi +η δa δi η ηaiη η + terwith this expression,we canavoidatfirstto evaluate pbh q(j k) c c(j k) qi− pb q(j k)c it in the limit γ η, working thus with the equation +sδa η η δi +η η δi δaη η δi → bh p(j k)q c p(j k)c qi− b q(j k)c p− δn−1Mµi (γ) δnMai (γ) nγ γ γdeDaνρ 1 c)djk = 1 pqjk , −shηaiηpbηq(jηk)c+ηpbηq(jδka)δcii+δqiδ(ajηpbηk)c, (36) pν qρ µe(b δγst... − δγbcδγst... (43) and symmetrize this equation with respect to p q, so which can be viewed as a differential equation with an ↔ it can be simplified to: initialconditionimposedinflatspace. Infact,ifwedrop the indices we can write it schematically as s η η δa δi +η η δa δi +δaδiη η h pb c(j k) q qb c(j k) pi b c p(j k)q− ∂n−1M(γ) ∂nM(γ) nΘ(γ) = , (44) s+1ηai η η η +η η η + ∂γn−1 − ∂γn − 2 h pb c(j k)q qb p(j k)ci s 1 with Θ (γ)−1. Up to now, we have shown that (34) is + −2 δbahηp(jηk)cδqi +ηq(jηk)cδpii. (37) valid, w∼hich in this simplified notation becomes ∂M(γ) This equation must be comparedwith the left-hand side Θ(γ)M(γ)= . (45) of (34) i.e. with − ∂γ Thustoshowbyinductionthat(40)isinfactthesolution δMai (γ) − δγpqbcjk (cid:12)(cid:12) =shηpbηc(jδka)δqi +ηqbηc(jδka)δpii+ tporotvheedittehraattiivtehporlodbslfeomrnwe=o1n,lytonsehedow,atshwaethΘa(vγe)avlerreiafideys (cid:12)γ→η (cid:12) the differential equation: +δaδiη(cid:12) η ηai η η η +η η η , b c p(j k)q − h pb c(j k)q qb p(j k)(c3i8) ∂Θ(γ) = Θ2(γ), (46) ∂γ − whichmustbestillsymmetrizedundertheexchangeb as it is indeed the case. Coming back to the full equa- ↔ c. A direct comparison of these equations tells us that tions, one has: the only solution of (34) is given by s=1. In this way, we have shown how to integrate the first- δn+1M1aipqjk(γ) =nγ γ γdeDaνρ δnM1µic)djk(γ)+ order iterative equation (18). The result is: −δγuvδγbcδγst... pν qρ µe(b δγuvδγst... A0+λA1+O(λ2)= +nDaνρ δn−1M1µic)djk(γ) δ γ γ γde + 1 µe(b δγst... δγuv pν qρ = dV Mai (η+λh) hbc hjk+O(λ2). (39) (cid:0) (cid:1) 4Z η 1 bcjk ∇a ∇i + (u,v) (b,c) . { ↔ } (47) Now that we have worked out the first order in detail, the objective is to show that the result which can be Then the consistency condition with the induction can anticipated from this order is in fact the correct result. be read as: That is, that the total action is: δn−1Mµi (γ) δ Daνρ 1 c)djk γ γ γde + 1 µe(b δγst... δγuv pν qρ A = dV Mai (η+λh) hbc hjk. (40) (cid:0) (cid:1) 4Z η 1 bcjk ∇a ∇i δn−1Mµi (γ) δ +Daνρ 1 v)djk γ γ γde = Sowedecomposethisansatz(40)inpartialactions,A = µe(u δγst... δγbc pν qρ (cid:0) (cid:1) ∞n=0λnAn, with 1 δnMµi (γ) P = γ γ γdeDaνρ 1 c)djk + 1 δnMai (γ) n pν qρ µe(b δγuvδγst... An = 4n!Z d4x δγpq1δγbcsjtk... (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)γ→η∇ahbc∇ihjkhpqh(4s1t)..., +n1γpνγqργdeDaνρµe(uδnδMγb1µcδiγv)sdtj.k.(.γ). (48) (cid:12) 8 Because of the symmetrization, we can take only one of Non-minimalcouplingsaredefinedasscalarquantities thetermsineachsideofthelastequation,thusobtaining whichcanbewrittenintermsofthe auxiliarymetricγ ab the equation: in the procedure above and the spin-2 field, and which vanish in the flat-space limit. The most general form of δn−1Mµi (γ) δ these terms, asthey wouldbe addedto (23), is givenby: Daνρ 1 c)djk γ γ γde = µe(b δγst... δγuv pν qρ (cid:0) (cid:1) = n1γpνγqργdeDaνρµe(uδnδMγb1µcδiγv)sdtj.k.(.γ) = Z dVγ(cid:2)Aibcjk(γ,∇γ)hbc∇ihjk+Bbcjk(γ,∇γ)hbchj(k5(cid:3)3.) = γ γ γdeDaνρ γ γ γγδDµαβ δn−1M1θi c)γjk(γ). pTrhoeportifiornsatl tfuonctionγ, Awihbciljek(γ,t∇heγ) secmounsdt obnee − pν qρ µe(u dα v)β θδ(b δγst B (γ, γ) to ( γ∇)2 or 2γ. Using the flat co- bcjk (49) ∇ ∇ ∇ variant derivative guarantees that these terms vanish ∇ intheflat-spacelimit. Wehavealsorestrictedthemwith In the last line we have used (43). So we arrive at the the condition of leading to contributions to the stress- equation: energy tensor which are quadratic in the derivatives δ of the spin-2 field. These contributions are obtained Daνρ γ γ γde = µebδγst pν qρ by varying this expression with respect to γab (after (cid:0) (cid:1) integrating by parts) and then taking the flat-space = γ γ γγeDaνρ γ γ γdδDθαβ , (50) − pν qρ θe(s γα t)β µδb limit. The reader could find strange the form (53) we asso- wherewehavechangedthefreeindicestoavoidpotential ciatewithnon-minimalcouplings. Whiletheusualrepre- confusions. This is the equation represented schemati- sentationuses curvature-relatedtensor quantities,as the cally by (46). The reader can find in appendix A the Riemann tensor, constructed from specific combinations demonstration that this algebraic relation is indeed true of the auxiliary metric and its ordinary derivatives ∂γ, and, therefore, the induction proof is finished. in (53) we are using arbitraryscalar combinations of the Notice that, as the construction of the iterative series metric and its covariant derivatives γ. To do that we relies ultimately in the solution of a system of ordinary ∇ are exploiting the fact that we have a Minkowski refer- differential equations schematically represented by (45), ence metric, which permits us to easily construct scalar with aninitial conditionposed inflat space,the solution is unique. The solution A is then quantities which contain the (η-covariant) derivatives of the auxiliary metric. Let us consider as an example the 1 ∞ λn δnMai Riemanntensor: givenagenericdecompositionofamet- 4nX=0 n! Z dVη δγpqδ1γstbc.j.k.(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)γ→η∇ahbc∇ihjkhpqhst···= ritiscRγaibeminanthnetefonrsmor,γRabib=cjq(γab),+asǫab, one can always write 1 (cid:12) = 4Z dVηM1ai bcjk(η+λh)∇ahbc∇ihjk = Ribcj(γ)=Ribcj(q)+2∇¯[cC¯ji]b+2C¯di[cC¯jd]b. (54) 1 = 4λ2 Z dVηM1ai bcjk(g)∇agbc∇igjk =A, In this expression, C¯bac is the tensor which characterizes the difference between covariantderivatives with respect (51) tothetwometricsγ andq ,respectivelydenotedby ′ ab ab where we have defined the field and ¯ (see for example [31], Eq. D7 adaptedto our si∇gn ∇ conventions). Nowonecanconsiderthe specialsituation gab :=ηab+λhab. (52) in which q =η to realize that the Riemann tensor of ab ab γ can be written as a particular case of the integrand Remember that is the covariantderivative compatible ab ∇ in the expression (53). with η . ab With this definition of the possible non-minimal cou- plings, it is not difficult to realize that the same effect can be reproduced by adding a generalcovariantsurface B. Non-minimal couplings and surface terms term instead. This term would have the following form, after writing the originalactionin terms ofthe auxiliary In this section we shall deal with the effect of allow- metric (i.e. it would be added to (23)): ingcontributionstothestress-energytensorcomingfrom non-minimalcouplingsor,whatisequivalentinthiscase, dV ′ Sia (γ)hbc ′hjk . (55) covariant surface terms. These terms fully parametrize Z γ∇a bcjk ∇i (cid:0) (cid:1) the ambiguity inherent to the definition of the source in theequationsofmotion. Theymustbeconsideredforthe As in the case of non-minimal couplings, this is the sake of completeness when the free action in flat space most general possible expression containing two covari- is generalized to a general metric space in terms of the ant derivatives of the spin-2 field. Recall that ′ is the ∇ auxiliary metric γ , remember e.g. (23). covariantderivative associated with γ . ab ab 9 Whether surface terms contribute or notto the stress- Then, the complete iterativeprocedure willgiveplace to energy tensor is a matter of choice. If we first substitute the complete Taylor series in complete analogy with the the bulk integral by an integral in the boundary, and minimal coupling case (51). thenperformvariationsofγabbutmaintainingitfixedon Let us consider now the issue of the variation of the this boundary, one would obtain nothing from this vari- volumeelementdV or,inotherwords,ofthefactor√ γ γ ation. If instead one first performs this same variation, in the partial actions A [γ]. The only difference in t−he n one obtainsa localcontributionto the stress-energyten- integrationofthefirst-orderiterativeequationisthatthe sor inside the boundary, which does not change the val- variation of the determinant δ√ γ must be taken into − ues of global charges. Which stress-energy tensor is the accountin(24). Thisimpliesthatthe measurein(59)as appropriate one can only be distinguished precisely by wellasinthefinalactionwouldbegivenbydV :=dV κ g η gravitational experiments. Without further knowledge with κ := √ g/√ η instead of dV . But the effect of η − − this is anambiguity inthe definition ofthe stress-energy this volume element at each order can be absorbed by tensor (it is equivalent to the ambiguity exploited in the non-minimal couplings as we did to obtain the solutions Belinfante-Rosenfeld prescription). (59)withvaluesoftheparameters=1. Thismeansthat 6 The question now is whether the results we have ob- the generalsolutionto the self-couplingproblemis given tainedintheprevioussectioncouldchangebecauseofthe by: introduction of non-minimal couplings. In other words, 1 we want to know whether there exists a different func- A = dV κ′Mai (η+λh) hbc hjk = 4Z η s bcjk ∇a ∇i tional 1 = dV κ′Mai (g) gbc gjk . (60) A′ := 1 dV Oai (η)hpq hbc hjk, (56) 4λ2 Z η s bcjk ∇a ∇i 1 4Z η bcjkpq ∇a ∇i This form (specially the fact that only the combination solutionuptoorderO(λ)oftheiterativeprocedurewhen gab =ηab+λhabappears)wasnotalogicalnecessityfrom certain additional terms in the stress-energy tensor are the beginning, but the analysis shows that it is actually taken into account. the result. The factor κ′ is either κ′ = 1 or κ′ = κ The effect of these surface terms or non-minimal cou- depending on the prescription we follow to obtain the plings would be to add some terms of the form (h h) sourceatdifferentorders. Byexpandingthisactionwith tothestress-energytensor. Thus,theiterativeeq∇uat∇ions respect to gab = ηab+λhab in the formalism of [9], one give us two conditions, analogous to (32) and (33): the canalternativelysee that it indeed leads to a solutionto first one is directly theself-couplingproblemwiththeappropriatequadratic (zerothorder)formforeachvalueoftheparameters,and δMai evaluate the necessary surface terms in a different way. Oaibcjkpq = δsγpbqcjk(cid:12)(cid:12) , (57) What at the linear level is a surface term, in the final (cid:12)γ→η theory is no longer reducible to a surface term, giving (cid:12) (cid:12) placetoacompletes-parameterfamilyofsolutionstothe asintheminimalcouplingcase,whilethesecondonewill problem. Before ending this section,let us recallthatall notice the effect of the surface terms, as it is changed to the solutions we have found are constructed as bimetric theories. Althoughthefinaltheoriesallexhibitthetensor −Oaibcjkpq = gab in their coupling to matter, the flat metric ηab forms =η η ηdeDaνρ Mµi +∆ai , (58) also part of the construction. We will discuss later what pν qρ µe(b s c)djk bcjkpq happens if one decides to eliminate ηab to make contact with the standard general relativistic formulations. wheretheterm∆ai isthecontributioncomingfrom bcjkpq the surface term. The second equation must be now understood as the V. THE FULL ACTION: RELATION WITH condition which permits us to know what surface term UNIMODULAR GRAVITY weneedinordertomaketheself-couplingprocedurecon- sistent for different values of the parameter s. That is, In this section we briefly analyze the resulting non- the addition of surface terms allows us to find solutions linear theories which we have obtained as solutions to to the problem for s = 1. Now the first equation (57) 6 the self-coupling problem. In particular, we investigate implies that the solution, if it exists, will be expressable theinternalgaugesymmetryofthesetheories,andargue as the first term of a Taylor expansion in λ of the free that this feature can be used to distinguish between the action displaced to ηab+λhab, for any value of s. That different possibilities. is, Summarizing, we have found a family of theories (60) A +λA +O(λ2)= which depend on a real parameter s and are expressed 0 1 in terms of the variable gab = ηab + λhab. Moreover, = 1 dV Mai (η+λh) hbc hjk+O(λ2). (59) this field gab is constrained by a finite version of a (pos- 4Z η s bcjk ∇a ∇i sibly) nonlinear equation of the form f δgab = 0. This ab 10

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