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Unifying Themes in Complex Systems: Overview Volume IIIA Proceedings from the Third International Conference on Complex Systems PDF

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Preview Unifying Themes in Complex Systems: Overview Volume IIIA Proceedings from the Third International Conference on Complex Systems

Unifying Themes in Complex Systems Volume IIIA Overview Springer Complexity springer Complexity is a publication program, cutting across all traditional disciplines of sciences as well as engineering, economics, medicine, psychology and computer sciences, which is aimed at researchers, students and practitioners working in the field of complex systems. Complex Systems are systems that comprise many interacting parts with the ability to generate a new quality of macro scopic collective behavior through self-organization, e.g., the spontaneous formation of temporal, spatial or functional structures. This recognition, that the collective behavior of the whole system cannot be simply inferred from the understanding of the behavior of the individual components, has led to various new concepts and sophisticated tools of complexity. The main concepts and tools - with sometimes overlapping contents and methodologies - are the theories of self-organization, complex systems, synergetics, dynamical systems, turbulence, catastrophes, instabilities, nonlinear- ity, stochastic processes, chaos, neural networks, cellular automata, adaptive systems, and genetic algorithms. The topics treated within Springer Complexity are as diverse as lasers or fluids in physics, machine cutting phenomena of workpieces or electric circuits with feedback in engineering, growth of crystals or pattern formation in chemistry, morphogenesis in biology, brain function in neurology, behavior of stock exchange rates in economics, or the formation of public opinion in sociology. All these seemingly quite different kinds of structure formation have a number of important features and underlying structures in common. These deep structural similarities can be exploited to transfer analytical methods and understanding from one field to another. The Springer Complexity program therefore seeks to foster cross-fertilization between the disciplines and a dialogue between theo reticians and experimentalists for a deeper understanding of the general structure and behavior of complex systems. The program consists of individual books, books series such as "Springer Series in Synerget ics", "Institute of Nonlinear Science", "Physics of Neural Networks", and "Understanding Complex Systems", as well as various journals. New England Complex Systems Institute President Yaneer Bar-Yam New England Complex Systems Institute 24 Mt. Auburn St. NECSI Cambridge, MA 02138, USA For over 10 years, The New England Complex Systems Institute (NECSI) has been instrumental in the development of complex systems science and its applications. NECSI conducts research, education, know-ledge dissemination, and community development around the world for the promotion of the study of complex systems and its application for the betterment of society. NECSI was founded by faculty of New England area academic institutions in 1996 to further international research and understanding of complex systems. Complex systems is a growing field of science that aims to understand how parts of a system give rise to the system's collective behaviors, and how it interacts with its environment. These questions can be studied in general, and they are also relevant to all traditional fields of science. Social systems formed (in part) out of people, the brain formed out of neurons, molecules formed out of atoms, and the weather formed from air flows are all examples of complex systems. The field of complex systems intersects all traditional disciplines of physical, biological and social sciences, as well as engineering, management, and medicine. Advanced education in complex systems attracts professionals, as complex systems science provides practical approaches to health care, social networks, ethnic violence, marketing, military conflict, education, systems engineering, international development and terrorism. The study of complex systems is about understanding indirect effects. Problems we find difficult to solve have causes and effects that are not obviously related. Pushing on a complex system "here" often has effects "over there" because the parts are interdependent. This has become more and more apparent in our efforts to solve societal problems or avoid ecological disasters caused by our own actions. The field of complex systems provides a number of sophisticated tools, some of them conceptual helping us think about these systems, some of them analytical for studying these systems in greater depth, and some of them computer based for describing, modeling or simulating them. NECSI research develops basic concepts and formal approaches as well as their applications to real world problems. Contributions of NECSI researchers include studies of networks, agent-based modeling, multiscale analysis and complexity, chaos and predictability, evolution, ecology, biodiversity, altruism, systems biology, cellular response, health care, systems engineering, negotiation, military conflict, ethnic violence, and international development. NECSI uses many modes of education to further the investigation of complex systems. Throughout the year, classes, seminars, conferences and other programs assist students and professionals alike in their understanding of complex systems. Courses have been taught all over the world: Australia, Canada, China, Colombia, France, Italy, Japan, Korea, Portugal, Russia and many states of the U.S. NECSI also sponsors postdoctoral fellows, provides research resources, and hosts the International Conference on Complex Systems, discussion groups and web resources. New England Complex Systems Institute Book Series Series Editor Dan Braha NECSI New England Complex Systems Institute 24 Mt. Auburn St. Cambridge, MA 02138, USA New England Complex Systems Institute Book Series The world around is full of the wonderful interplay of relationships and emergent behaviors. The beautiful and mysterious way that atoms form biological and social systems inspires us to new efforts in science. As our society becomes more concerned with how people are connected to each other than how they work independently, so science has become interested in the nature of relationships and relatedness. Through relationships elements act together to become systems, and systems achieve function and purpose. The study of complex systems is remarkable in the closeness of basic ideas and practical implications. Advances in our understanding of complex systems give new opportunities for insight in science and improvement of society. This is manifest in the relevance to engineering, medicine, management and education. We devote this book series to the communication of recent advances and reviews of revolutionary ideas and their application to practical concerns. Unifying Tiiemes in Complex Systems Overview Volume IIIA Proceedings from the Third International Conference on Complex Systems Edited by Ali Minai and Yaneer Bar-Yam Ali A. Minai Univeristy of Cincuniiati Departniont of Eloctrical and Computer Enginooriiig, and Coniputor Science P.O. Box 210030, RlKxles Hall 814 Cincinnati, OH 45221-0030 USA Email: Ali-MinaK^^^ucedu Yaneer Bar-Yam New England Complex Systems Institute 24 Mt. Aubm-n St. Cambridge, MA 02138-3008 USA Email : [email protected] This volume is part of the New England Complex Systems Institute Series on Complexity ISBN-3-540-35870-6 Springer BerUn Heidelberg New York Library of Congress Control Number: 200()928841 This work is subject to copyiight. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, six^cifically the rights of translation, rei)rinting, reuse of ihiLstratioiLS, recitation, broadcasting, reprcxiuction on microfilm or in any other way, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or i)aits thereof is permitted only mider the provisions of the German Copyright Law of September 9, 1965, in its current version. Violations are liable for prosecution under the German Copyi'ight Law. Springer is a part of Springer Science+Bushiess M(Hlia spriiiger.com © NECSI Cambridge, Ma.ssacliiisetts 2000 Printed in the USA The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trculeiiiarks, etc. in this [Miblication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. CONTENTS Introduction ix Organization and Program xi TRANSCRIPTS 1 Pedagogical Session Complexity: Past and Future - George Cohen 3 Physics and the Complexity Revolution - Michel 4 Baranger 9 Unifying Principles - Atlee Jackson 18 Dynamical Systems - Ronnie Mainieri 29 Panel Discussion - Dan Braha, AH Minai, Helen Harte, David Meyer, Yaneer Bar- Yam, Daniel Miller , 40 Biomedicine - Don Ingber 50 2 Reception Session 69 Edward Lorenz 3 Emergence 91 Herbert A. Simon Award Lecture - Stuart Kauffman . . 91 Correlations and Dynamics - Eugene Stanley 103 Ecology and Evolution of Communities - Simon Levin . 116 Emergent Dynamics of the Internet - David Clark . . .131 4 Description and Modeling 145 Fundamentals of Mathematics - Greg Chaitin 145 Agents in Societies - Kathleen Carley 155 5 Self-Organization 169 Complex Chemical Systems - George Whitesides . . . .170 From Nonlinear Chemistry to Biology - Irv Epstein. . .186 Artificial Life - Chris Adami 196 Small World Networks - Duncan Watts 212 Complex Engineered Systems 227 Complexity and Design Engineering - Nam Suh . . .. 228 Product Development Complexity - Steven Eppinger. . . 238 Scale Decomposition of Production - Michael Caramanis 253 Complex Systems Integration - Dan Frey 263 Banquet Session 273 Kenneth Arrow Pedagogical Sessions 295 Biocomplexity - Temple Smith 295 Complex Biological Systems - Leroy Hood 298 The Bacterial Nanobrain - Jeff Stock 311 Biodiversity and the Construction of Ecosystems - Stuart Pimm 325 Multiple Timescales in Complex Ecosocial Systems - Jay Lemke 336 Medical Complexity 347 The Virtual Human - Clay Easterly 349 Theory of the Immune System - Alan Perelson 360 Dynamics in Multiscale Biology - Jim Collins 376 Multiorgan Failure - Timothy Buchman 392 Fractal Mechanisms and Complex Dynamics in Health, Aging, and Disease - Ary Goldberger 301 Medical Errors - Stephen Small 418 INTRODUCTION The mysteries of highly complex systems that have puzzled scientists for years are finally beginning to unravel thanks to new analytical and simulation methods. Better understanding of concepts like complexity, emergence, evolution, adaptation and self-organization have shown that seemingly unrelated disciplines have more in common than we thought. These fundamental insights require interdisciplinary collaboration that usually does not occur between academic departments. This was the vision behind the first International Conference on Complex Systems in 1997; not just to present research, but to introduce new perspectives and foster collaborations that would yield research in the future. As more and more scientists began to realize the importance of exploring the unifying principles that govern all complex systems, the Third ICCS attracted a diverse group of participants representing a wide variety of disciplines. Topics ranged from economics to ecology, particle physics to psychology, and business to biology. Through pedagogical, breakout and poster sessions, conference attendees shared discoveries that were significant both to their particular field of interest, as well as the general study of complex systems. These volumes contain the proceedings from that conference. Even with the third ICCS, the science of complex systems is still in its infancy. In order for complex systems science to fulfill its potential to provide a unifying framework for various disciplines, it is essential to establish a standard set of conventions to facilitate communication. This is another valuable function of the conference; it allowed an opportunity to develop a common foundation and language for the study of complex systems. These efforts have produced a variety of new analytic and simulation techniques that have proven invaluable in the study of physical, biological and social systems. New methods of statistical analysis led to better understanding of polymer formation and complex fluid dynamics; further development of these methods has deepened our understanding of patterns and networks. The application of simulation techniques such as agent-based models, cellular automata, and Monte Carlo simulations to complex systems has increased our ability to understand or even predict behavior of systems that once seemed completely unpredictable. The concepts and tools of complex systems are of interest not only to scientists, but to corporate managers, doctors, political scientists and policy makers. The same rules that govern neural networks apply to social or corporate networks, and professionals have started to realize how valuable these concepts are to their individual fields. The ICCS conferences have provided the opportunity for professionals to learn the basics of complex systems and share their real-world experience in applying these concepts.

In recent years, scientists have applied the principles of complex systems science to increasingly diverse fields. The results have been nothing short of remarkable: their novel approaches have provided answers to long-standing questions in biology, ecology, physics, engineering, computer science, e
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