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Uniformly Flat Semimodules∗ Jawad Y. Abuhlail† 2 1 Department of Mathematics and Statistics 0 King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals 2 [email protected] n a J 3 Abstract ] A We revisit the notion of flatness for semimodules over semirings. In particular, we R introduce and study a new notion of uniformly flat semimodules based on the exactness . h of the tensor functor. We also investigate the relations between this notion and other t notions of flatness for semimodules in the literature. a m [ Introduction 1 v The homological classification of monoids, suggested by L. A. Skornjakov [Sko1969a, 1 9 Sko1969b], is still an ongoing project attracting the attention of many experts in Semigroup 5 Theory and Universal Algebra. Many papers were devoted to study the category Act of S 0 right S-acts over a monoid S (a right S-act is a set A with a map µ : A× S −→ A such . 1 that a(st) = (as)t and a1 = a for all a ∈ A and s,t ∈ S); for more information see the 0 S 2 encyclopedic manuscript of Kilp et al. [KKM2000]. The philosophy in several of these papers 1 is to model the theory of modules over rings (e.g. [AF1974], [Wis1991]) by studying the : v interplay between the (categorical) properties of Act and the (algebraic) properties of S. S i X Another approach to study Abelian monoids is to consider them as semimodules over r the semiring N0 of nonnegative integers [Gol1999a]. This provides us with a richer struc- a ture, motivates a non-additive version of the theory of modules over rings and opens the door for developing non-Abelian homological algebra [Ina1997]. It is worth mentioning that this approach is supported by the important role that semirings and semimodules play in emerging areas of research like idempotent analysis, tropical geometry and several aspects of theoretical physics [LM2005], [KM1997] in addition to many applications in several branches of mathematics and computer science (e.g. [GM2008], [Gol1999a], [HW1998]). Although somenotions of flatness which aredifferent for S-acts (e.g. [KKM2000, Chapter III], [B-F2009] and the papers cited there) coincide for semimodules as shown by Katsov [Kat2004a], several notions of flatness which turn out to be the same for modules are in fact different for semimodules (e.g. flatness and mono-flatness [KN2011]). This results in a rich theory of flatness for semimodules. In this manuscript, we revisit some of these notions and introduce a new notion of uniformly flat semimodules based on the exactness of the tensor product functor simulating the classical notion of flat modules over rings. ∗MSC2010: 16Y60 Keywords: Semirings, Semimodules, Flat Semimodules, Tensor Products, Exact Sequences †TheauthorwouldliketoacknowledgethesupportprovidedbytheDeanshipofScientificResearch(DSR)at KingFahdUniversityofPetroleum&Minerals(KFUPM)forfundingthisworkthroughprojectNo. FT100004. 1 Themotivationforintroducinganewnotionofflatnessforsemimodulescanbeunderstood in light of the following observations: the notions of flat and k-flat semimodules introduced in [Alt2004] use Takahashi’s tensor products of semimodules [Tak1982a] which are not the natural tensor products. Among the mains disadvantages of such tensor products is that the category of semimodules over a commutative semiring is not monoidal and that the tensor functor is not left adjoint to the hom functor as one would expect. In fact, Takahashi’s tensor products solve the universal problem related to such structures in the subcategory of cancellative semimodules, but they fail to provide a universal solution in the whole category of semimodules (see Section 2 for more details). Moreover, several results use Takahashi’s notion of exact sequences of semimodules [Tak1981] (see also [Gol1999a]), which we believe is not natural as well; for more details see the recent manuscript [Abu]. On the other hand, while the notion of flat semimodules introduced in [Kat2004a] is quite natural, it does not provide a notion of relative flatness w.r.t. a given family of semimodules which showed to be important in studying several notions related to pure exact sequences of modules over rings (e.g. [Wis1991]). This motivated us to introduce a new notion of flatness, namely that of uniformly flat semimodules, using the natural tensor products of semimodules [Kat1997] and what we believe is a more appropriate notion of exact sequences of semimodules introduced recently in [Abu]. This paper is organized as follows. In Section one, we recall some preliminaries about semirings, semimodules and exact sequences of semimodules. In Section two, we recall the construction of the natural tensor products of semimodules over semirings, clarify their con- nection with Takahashi’s tensor productsand studysome of their properties. InSection 3, we introduce the notion of uniformly flat semimodules and investigate its connection with other notions of flatness in theliterature. We also generalize several results known for modules over rings to semimodules over semirings. 1 Preliminaries As pointed out in [KN2011]: “when investigating semirings and their representations, one should undoubtedly use methods and techniques of both ring and lattice theory as well as diverse techniques and methods of categorical and universal algebra.” For the convenience of the readers who might have different backgrounds, and to make this manuscript as much self-contained as possible, we collect in this section some definitions, remarks and results that will be used in the sequel. For unexplained terminology, our main references are [Mac1998] for Category Theory, [Gra2008] for Universal Algebra and [Wis1991] for Ring and Module Theory. Semirings and Semimodules Semirings (semimodules) are roughly speaking, rings (modules) without subtraction. Recall that a semigroup (S,∗) is said to be cancellative iff for any s ,s ,s ∈S we have 1 2 [s ∗s = s ∗s =⇒ s = s ] and [s∗s = s∗s =⇒ s = s ]. 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Definition 1.1. A semiring is an algebraic structure (S,+,·,0,1) consisting of a non-empty set S with two binary operations “+” (addition) and “·” (multiplication) satisfying the fol- lowing conditions: 1. (S,+,0) is an Abelian monoid with neutral element 0 ; S 2 2. (S,·,1) is a monoid with neutral element 1; 3. x·(y+z) = x·y+x·z and (y+z)·x = y·x+z·x for all x,y,z ∈S; 4. 0·s = 0 = s·0 for every s ∈ S (i.e. 0 is absorbing). 1.2. Let S,S′ be semirings. A map f : S → S′ is said to be a morphism of semirings iff for all s ,s ∈ S : 1 2 f(s +s ) =f(s )+f(s ), f(s s ) = f(s )f(s ), f(0 ) = 0 and f(1 )= 1 . 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 S S′ S S′ 1.3. Let (S,+,·) be a semiring. We say that S is cancellative iff the additive semigroup (S,+) is cancellative; commutative iff the multiplicative semigroup (S,·) is commutative; semifield iff (S\{0},·,1) is a commutative group. Examples 1.4. Rings areindeed semirings. Thefirstnaturalexample of a commutative semir- ing is (N ,+,·), the set of nonnegative integers. The semirings (R+,+,·) and (Q+,+,·) are 0 0 0 indeed semifields. Moreover, for any ring R we have a semiring structure (,+,·) on the set Ideal(R) of ideals of R with the usual addition and multiplication of ideals of R. For more examples, the reader may refer to [Gol1999a]. Definition 1.5. Let S be a semiring. A right S-semimodule is an algebraic structure (M,+,0 ) consisting of a non-empty set M, a binary operation “+” along with a right M S-action M ×S −→ M, (m,s)7→ ms, such that: 1. (M,+,0 ) is an Abelian monoid with neutral element 0 ; M M 2. (ms)s′ = m(ss′), (m+m′)s = ms+m′s and m(s+s′)= ms+ms′ for all s,s′ ∈S and m,m′ ∈ M; 3. m1 = m and m0 = 0 = 0 s for all m ∈ M and s ∈ S. S S M M 1.6. 1. Let M and M′ be right S-semimodules. A map f : M → M′ is said to be a morphism of S-semimodules (or S-linear) iff for all m ,m ∈M and s∈ S : 1 2 f(m +m ) = f(m )+f(m ) and f(ms)= f(m)s. 1 2 1 2 The set Hom (M,M′) of S-linear maps from M to M′ is clearly an Abelian monoid S under addition. The category of right S-semimodules is denoted by S . Analogously, S one can define the category S of left S-semimodules. A right S-semimodule M is S S said to be cancellative iff the semigroup (M,+) is cancellative. With CS ⊆ S (resp. S S CS⊆ S) we denote the full subcategory of cancellative right (left) S-semimodules. S S 1.7. Let S be a semiring and M a right S-semimodule. A non-empty subset L ⊆ M is said to be an S-subsemimodule, and we write L ≤ M, iff L is closed under “+ ” and ls ∈ L for S M all l ∈ L and s ∈ S. Example 1.8. Every Abelian monoid (M,+,0 ) is an N -semimodule in the obvious way. M 0 Moreover,thecategoriesAbMonofAbelianmonoidsandthecategoryS ofN -semimodules N0 0 are isomorphic. 3 1.9. Let S,T be semirings, M a left S-semimodule and a right T-semimodule. We say that M is an (S,T)-bisemimodule iff (sm)t = s(mt) for all s ∈ S, m ∈ M and t ∈ T. For (S,T)- bisemimodules M, M′, we call an S-linear T-linear map f : M → N′ a morphism of (S,T)- bisemimodules (or (S,T)-bilinear). The set Hom (M,M′) of (S,T)-bilinear maps from M (S,T) to M′ is clearly an Abelian monoid under addition. The category of (S,T)-bisemimodules will be denoted by S . S T Throughout, and unless otherwise explicitly specified, S is an associative semiring with 1 6= 0 . We mean by an S-semimodule a right S-semimodule unless something different is S S mentioned explicitly. 1.10. Let M be an S-semimodule. An equivalent relation ≡ on M is said to be an S- congruence iff for any m,m′,m ,m′,m ,m′ ∈ M and s ∈ S we have 1 1 2 2 [(m ≡ m′ ∧ m ≡ m′) ⇒ m +m ≡ m′ +m′] and [m ≡ m′ ⇒ ms≡ m′s]. 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 Every S-subsemimodule L ≤ M induces two S-congruences on M given by S m ≡ m ⇔ m +l = m +l for some l ,l ∈ L; 1 L 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 m ≡ m ⇐⇒ m +l +m′′ = m +l +m′′ for some l ,l ∈ L and m′′ ∈ M. 2 [L] 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 We call the S-semimodule M/L := M/ the quotient (factor) semimodule of M by L. If ≡L M is cancellative, then L and M/L are cancellative. On the other hand, M/ is obviously ≡ [L] cancellative. 1.11. Let M be an S-semimodule and recall the S-congruence relation ≡ on M defined by [0] m ≡ m′ ⇐⇒ m+m′′ = m′+m′′ for some m′′ ∈ M. [0] The quotient S-semimodule M/ ∼ is indeed cancellative and we have a canonical surjection c :M −→ c(M) with M Ker(c ) = {m ∈ M |m+m′′ = m′′ for some m′′ ∈ M}. M The class of cancellative right S-semimodules is a reflective subcategory of S in the sense S that the functor c: S −→ CS , M 7→ M/ ≡ S S [0] isleftadjointtotheembeddingfunctorCS ֒→ S ,i.e. foranyS-semimoduleM andanycan- S S cellative S-semimoduleN wehaveanaturalisomorphismofAbelianmonoidsHom (c(M),N) ≃ S Hom (M,N) [Tak1981, Page 517]. S Proposition 1.12. The category S and its full subcategory CS have kernels and cokernels, S S where for any morphism of S-semimodules f : M → N we have Ker(f)= {m ∈ M |f(m)= 0} and Coker(f)= N/f(M). 1.13. We call a subset Y ⊆ N subtractive iff Y = Y, the subtractive closure of Y, where Y = {n ∈ N | n+y = y for some y ,y ∈ Y}. 1 2 1 2 An S-semimodule M is said to be completely subtractive iff every S-subsemimodule of M is subtractive. 4 We call a morphism of S-semimodules γ : M −→ N : k-uniform iff for any m ,m ∈M : 1 2 γ(m )= γ(m ) =⇒ ∃ k ,k ∈Ker(γ) s.t. m +k = m +k ; (1) 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 i-uniform iff γ(M) = γ(M); uniform iff γ is k-uniform and i-uniform. Remark 1.14. The uniform (k-uniform, i-uniform) morphisms of semimodules were called regular (k-regular, i-regular) by Takahashi [Tak1982c]. We think that our terminology avoids confusionsinearegularmonomorphism(regularepimorphism)hasadifferentwell-established meaning in the language of Category Theory. 1.15. Let M be an S-semimodule, L ≤ M an S-subsemimodule and consider the factor S semimodule M/L. Then we have a surjective uniform morphism of S-semimodules π := M → M/L, m 7→ [m] L with Ker(π ) = {m ∈ M |m+l = l for some l ,l ∈ L} = L; L 1 2 1 2 in particular, L = Ker(π ) if and only if L ⊆ M is subtractive. L In[Abu]weintroducedanewnotionofexact sequences ofsemimodules. Takahashi’sexact sequences [Tak1981] shall be called semi-exact in the sequel: Definition 1.16. We call a sequence of S-semimodules f g L −→ M −→ N (2) exact iff f(L)= Ker(g) and g is k-uniform. An exact sequence f g 0−→ L −→ M −→ N −→ 0 (3) is called a short exact sequence. f g 1.17. ([Abu]) We call a sequence of S-semimodules L → M → N : proper-exact iff f(L)= Ker(g); semi-exact iff f(L)= Ker(g); quasi-exact iff f(L)= Ker(g) and g is k-uniform. 1.18. We call a (possibly infinite) sequence of S-semimodules ··· → M f→i−1 M →fi M f→i+1 M → ··· (4) i−1 i i+1 i+2 chain complex iff f ◦f = 0 for every j; j+1 j exact (resp. proper-exact, semi-exact, quasi-exact) iff each partial sequence with three terms M →fj M f→j+1 M is exact (resp. proper-exact, semi-exact, quasi-exact); j j+1 j+2 5 1.19. An S-semimodule N is said to be a retract of an S-semimodule M iff there exist a (surjective)S-linearmapθ : M −→ N andan(injective) S-linearmapψ :N −→ M suchthat θ◦ψ = id (equivalently, N ≃ α(M) for some idempotent endomorphism α ∈ End(M )). On N S the other hand, N is a direct summand of M (i.e. M = N ⊕N′ for some S-subsemimodule N′ of M) if and only if there exists α ∈ Comp(End(M )) s.t. α(M) = N where for any S semiring T we set Comp(T) = {t ∈T | ∃ t ∈ T with t+t = id and tt = 0 = tt}. T T e e e e Indeed, every direct summand of M is a retract of M; the converse is not true in general (cf. [Gol1999a, Proposition 16.6]). Lemma 1.20. ([Abu, Proposition 3.10, Corollary 3.11]) Let A,B and C be S-semimodules. f 1. 0 −→ A−→ B is exact if and only if f is injective. g 2. B −→ C −→ 0 is exact if and only if g is surjective. f g 3. 0 −→ A−→ B −→ C is semi-exact and f is uniform if and only if A= Ker(g). f g 4. A −→ B −→ C −→ 0 is semi-exact and g is uniform if and only if C = Coker(f). f g 5. 0 −→ A−→ B −→ C −→ 0 is exact if and only if A= Ker(g) and C = Coker(f). The following technical result follows immediately from the definitions and [Tak1983, Lemmas 1.11, 1.15]. Lemma 1.21. 1. Consider a commutative diagram of S-semimodules with π◦ι = id and N π′◦ι′ = id : N′ N γ˜ // N′ ι ι′ (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) M γ //M′ π π′ (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) N γ˜ // N′ If γ is uniform (resp. k-uniform, i-uniform), then γ is uniform (resp. k-uniform, i-uniform). e 2. Consider a commutative diagram of S-semimodules with π◦i = id , π′◦i′ = id and N N′ π′′◦i′′ = id : N′′ N f˜ //N′ g˜ //N′′ ι ι′ ι′′ (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) M f //M′ g //M′′ π π′ π′′ (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) N f˜ // N′ g˜ //N′′ If M −f→ M′ −g→ M′′ is exact (resp. proper-exact, semi-exact, quasi-exact), then N −f→e N′ −eg→ N′′ is exact (resp. proper-exact, semi-exact, quasi-exact). 6 Some redundant assumptions in [Abu, Lemma 4.5] do not hold in some situations which we will handle in this paper. A slight adjustment of the proof of the above mentioned result yields Lemma 1.22. Consider the following commutative diagram of S-semimodules L f1 // M g1 // N 1 1 1 α1 α2 α3 (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) L f2 //M g2 // N 2 2 2 1. Let the second sequence be quasi-exact (i.e. f (L ) = Ker(g ) and g is k-uniform) and 2 2 2 2 g , α be surjective. 1 1 (a) Let g ◦f = 0. If α is injective, then α is injective. 1 1 2 3 (b) If α is surjective (and α is i-uniform), then α is a semi-epimorphism (surjec- 3 2 2 tive). 2. Let the first row be semi-exact (i.e. f (L ) = Ker(g )) and f be injective. 1 1 1 2 (a) Let f , α be cancellative and g be k-uniform. If α , α are injective, then α is 1 2 1 1 3 2 injective. (b) Let g ◦f = 0. If Ker(α ) = 0, and α issurjective, then α isa semi-epimorphism. 2 2 3 2 1 If moreover, α or f is i-uniform, then α is surjective. 1 1 1 2 Tensor products of semimodules TensorproductsofsemimoduleswereintroducedandinvestigatedbyTakahashi[Tak1981]. However, they did not provide a solution to the universal problem related to such structures in the whole category of semimodules. On the other hand, Katsov [Kat1997] considered a different tensor product in the category of semimodules (over a commutative semiring) which solved several of the problems that Takahashi’s tensor products had. It is worth mentioning, as Katsov pointed out, that his construction of the tensor productand the elementary results related to it seem to be folklore (e.g. Grillet [Gril1969] gave an explicit construction of a non-associative tensor product in the variety Sgr of semigroups and suggested that the same construction works for all algebraic varieties of Universal Algebra). Varieties in which the tensor products behave nicely were considered by F. Linton [Lin1966] (see also [Bor1994b, Theorem 3.10.3]). Construction of tensor products As before, S denotes an associative semiring with 1 6= 0 . With S and S we denoted S S S S the categories of left and right S-semimodule, respectively. For the convention of the reader, we recall the construction of tensor products of semimodules and some of its properties (e.g. [Kat1997], [Kat2004a], [KN2011]): 2.1. Let M be a right S-semimodule and N a left S-semimodule. An S-balanced map S S g :M×N → G,whereGisanAbelianmonoid,isabilinearmapsuchthatg(ms,n) = g(m,sn) for all m ∈ M, s ∈ S and n ∈ N. Let F be the free Abelian monoid with basis M × N. 7 Every element of F can be written uniquely as a linear combination of elements of the set {δ | (m,n) ∈ M ×N} where δ is the Kronecker delta function. Let σ ⊆ F ×F be (m,n) (m,n) the congruence relation generated by the set of all ordered pairs {(δ ,δ +δ ),(δ ,δ +δ ),(δ ,δ )}, (m1+m2,n) (m1,n) (m2,n) (m,n1+n2) (m,n1) (m,n2) (ms,n) (m,sn) where m ,m ,m ∈ M, n ,n ,n ∈ N, s ∈S and consider canonical maps 1 2 1 2 π : F −→ F/σ and τ := π ◦ι: M ×N → F/σ. σ σ Let G be an Abelian monoid and β : M ×N → G an S-balanced map. Since F is free over M ×N, the map β induces a unique map β′ : F → G. Since Ker(π ) = σ ⊆ Ker(g), there σ exists a unique map γ : F/σ → G such that γ ◦π = β′ (given by γ(f) = β′(f), for every σ f ∈F) and so γ◦τ = γ◦π ◦ι= β′◦ι = β : σ M ×(cid:127)✺_N M ×✼N (cid:3)(cid:3) zz✉✉✉τ✉✉π✉σ✉✉✉✉F(cid:15)(cid:15)ι✺●✺●✺●✺β✺●✺′●✺✺●✺β●✺●✺✺●✺●✺✺##(cid:26)(cid:26) M ⊗ (cid:127)(cid:127)⑧N⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧τ⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧⑧ ✼✼✼✼✼✼✼✼β✼✼✼✼✼//(cid:27)(cid:27)G (5) F/σ //G S γ γ So, M ⊗ N := (F/σ,τ) is solution for the following universal problem: For every Abelian S monoid G with an S-balanced map β : M × N → G, there exists a unique morphism of monoids γ : M ⊗ N → G that completes the right triangle in (5) commutatively. S 2.2. Let M a right S-semimodule, N a left S-semimodule and F the free Abelian monoid S S with basis M ×N. Let N(M) ⊆ F ×F be the symmetric S-subsemimodule generated by the set of elements of the form (δ ,δ +δ ), (δ +δ ,δ ), (m1+m2,n) (m1,n) (m2,n) (m1,n) (m2,n) (m1+m2,n) (δ ,δ +δ ), (δ +δ ,δ ), (m,n1+n2) (m,n1) (m,n2) (m,n1) (m,n2) (m,n1+n2) (δ ,δ ), (δ ,δ ), (ms,n) (m,sn) (m,sn) (ms,n) and consider the S-congruence relation on F defined by fρg ⇐⇒ f +h = g+h′ for some (h,h′) ∈N(M). Takahashi’s tensor product of M and N is defined as M⊠ N = F/ρ. Notice that there is an S S-balanced map τ : M ×N −→ M ⊠ N, (m,n) 7→ m⊠ n := (m,n)/ρ S S e with the following universal property [Tak1982a]: for every cancellative Abelian monoid G e and every S-balanced map β : M × N −→ G there exists a unique morphism of monoids γ : M ⊠ N −→ G such thateγ◦τ = G. e S e Theabove meentioned propeertyemeaensthat −⊠ − plays therole of atensor product w.r.t. S cancellative semimodules. On the other hand, notice that for every Abelian monoid G, we 8 have a commutative diagram M ×N (6) xxqqqqτqqqqqq ●●●●●β●●●●## M ⊗ N // G S γ ❈ cww♣M♣♣⊗♣S♣N♣♣♣♣♣♣ ❈❈❈❈❈cG❈❈!! c(M ⊗ N) // c(G) S c(γ) which suggests that c(−⊗ −) plays the same role. S Theabove observations motivates thefollowing connection between thebifunctors−⊗ − S and −⊠ −, where CAbMon is the category of cancellative Abelian monoids: S Theorem 2.3. We have an equivalence of functors −⊠ − ≈c(−)◦(−⊗ −): S × S−→ CAbMon. S S S S In particular, for every right S-semimodule M and every left S-semimodule N, we have a S S natural isomorphism of Abelian monoids M ⊠ N ≃ c(M ⊗ N). S S Proof. Let M be a right S-semimodule, N a left S-semimodule and consider the Abelian S S monoids (M ⊗ N;τ), (M ⊠ N;τ) along with the canonical morphisms of monoids S S e c :M ⊗ N −→ c(M ⊗ N) and c(γ) :c(M ⊗ N) −→ M ⊠ N. M⊗SN S S S S Since G = c(M ⊗ N) is cancellative and β := c ◦ τ : M × N −→ c(M ⊗ N) is S- S M⊗SN balanceed, there exists a unique morphism ofemonoids γ : M ⊠ N −→ c(M ⊗ N) such that S S γ◦τ = β = c ◦τ.Onotherhand,forG = M⊠ Ne,themapβ := τ : M×N −→ M⊠ N M⊗SN S S ies Se-baleanced and so there exists a unique morphism of monoids γ :eM ⊗ N −→ M ⊠ N S S such that γ◦τ = β = τ. Consider the morphisms of monoids e ϕ : M ⊠ N −eγ→ c(M ⊗ N) −c(→γ) M ⊠ N; S S S θ : M ⊗ N cM−⊗→SN c(M ⊗ N)−c(→γ) M ⊠ N −γe→ c(M ⊗ N). S S S S Notice that ϕ◦τ = c(γ)◦γ ◦τ = c(γ)◦β = c(γ)◦c ◦τ = γ◦τ = τ. M⊗SN e e e e e Since idM⊠SN : M ⊠S N −→ M ⊠S N is the unique morphism of monoids satisfying this property, we conclude that c(γ)◦γ = idM⊠SN. On the other hand, we have e θ◦τ = γ ◦c(γ)◦c ◦τ = γ ◦γ ◦τ = γ◦τ = c ◦τ. M⊗SN M⊗SN e e e e Although τ is not an epimorphism (in general), τ(M × N) is a generating set for M ⊗ S N, whence θ = cM⊗SN and so γ ◦ c(γ) ◦ cM⊗SN = idc(M⊗SN) ◦ cM⊗SN. Since cM⊗SN is an epimorphism, we conclude theat γ ◦ c(γ) = idc(M⊗SN). One can easily check that this isomorphism is natural in M and Ne.(cid:4) S S 9 Remarks 2.4. Let S and T be semirings. 1. For every right S-semimodule M and left S-semimodule N we have canonical isomor- S ϑr ϑl phisms of Abelian monoids M ≃M M ⊗ S and N ≃M S ⊗ N, whence S S M ⊠ S ≃ c(M ⊗ S) ≃c(M) and S ⊠ N ≃ c(S ⊗ N) ≃ c(N). S S S S 2. IfM isarightS-semimodule,N isan(S,T)-bisemimoduleandX isaleftT-semimodule, then we have a canonical isomorphism of Abelian monoids (M ⊗ N)⊗ X ≃ M ⊗ (N ⊗ X). S T S T Proposition 2.5. (cf. [KN2011])Let M be a right S-semimodule and N a left S-semimodule. 1. If M is a (T,S)-bisemimodule, then M⊗ − : S −→ S is left adjoint to Hom (M,−) : S S T T S −→ S, i.e. for every left S-semimodule X and every left T-semimodule Y, we have T S a canonical isomorphism of Abelian monoids that is natural in X and Y : S T ςl Hom (M ⊗ X,Y) ≃ Hom (X,Hom (M,Y)). T S S T 2. If N isan(S,T)- bisemimodule, then−⊗ N :S −→ S isleftadjoint toHom (N,−) : S S T T S −→ S , i.e. for every right S-semimodule X and every right T-semimodule Y we T S have a canonical isomorphism of Abelian monoids that is natural in X and Y : S T ςr Hom (X ⊗ N,Y) ≃ Hom (X,Hom (N,Y)). T S S T As a consequence of Lemma 2.3 and Proposition 2.5 we recover [Tak1982c, Corollary 4.5]: Corollary 2.6. Let M be a right S-semimodule and N a left S-semimodule. 1. If M is a (T,S)-bisemimodule, X a left S-semimodule and Y ∈ CS a canecllative left S T T-semimodule, then we have a canonical isomorphism Hom (M ⊠ X,Y) ≃ Hom (X,Hom (M,Y)). T S S T 2. If N is an (S,T)- bisemimodule, X is a right S-semimodule and Y ∈ CS a cancellative T right T-semimodule, then we have a canonical isomorphism Hom (X ⊠ N,Y) ≃ςr Hom (X,Hom (N,Y)). T S S T Proof. We prove “1”. The proof of “2” is similar. The required isomorphism is given by Hom (M ⊠ X,Y) = Hom (c(M ⊗ X),Y) T S T S ≃ Hom (M ⊗ X,Y) T S ≃ Hom (X,Hom (M,Y)).(cid:4) S T Definition 2.7. A category C is said to be (finitely) complete iff every functor F :D −→ C, with D a small (finite) category, has a limit. Dually, C is said to be (finitely) cocomplete iff every functor F : D −→ C with D a small (finite) category has a colimit. 10

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