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Historic, Archive Document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. fizs^n w+S UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Marketing Service Dairy Division RY NEW YORK—NEW JERSEY MILK MARKETING AREA Phone: 518/ 452-4410 Market Administrator Fax: 518/464-6468 One Columbia Circle Albany, New York 12203-5156 January 1994 Uniform Price Announcement $13.58 Weighted average butterfat test: 3.76291 6% Butterfat differential: $.052 Computation of Uniform Price per hundredweight of milk testing 3.5 percent butterfat received in bulk from farms in the 201-210 mile zone* Milk Minimum Value including Class and item pounds Percent price differentials l-A Fluid milk in federal order marketing areas 395,367,942 41.8 $15.17 $ 60,194,619.39 l-B Fluid milk outside federal order marketing areas 15,331,087 1.6 15.17 2,318,433.70 II Total Class II 139,217,023 14.7 13.25 18,463,837.72 III Total Class III 383,797,713 40.6 12.44 47,781,906.04 lll-A Total Class lll-A 11,821,017 1.3 10.25 1,213,003.34 Reported pool receipts from dairy farmers 945,534,782 100.0 $ 129,971,800.19 Add: Milk from overages— Sec. .60(d)(1) 59 36.97 Inventory reclassification— Sec. .60(d)(6) 27,179.53 Total pool milk classified 945,534,841 Value of milk classified $ 129,999,016.69 Less: Cooperative payments 436,476,624 $ 174,590.66 Reserve 807,548.23 Transportation credit 945,534,782 1 ,418,302.14 Total subtractions — 2,400,441 .03 $ 127,598,575.66 Add: Freight adjustment $ 21,183.42 Unreserved cash in producer settlement fund 783,864.32 Total additions 805,047.74 Uniform price value of 945,534,782 milk pounds $ 128,403,623.40 * Uniform price adjusted to the 1-10 mile zone is: $14.30. (Comparative Statistics on reverse side) February 14, 1994 Ronald C. Pearce Market Administrator New York-New Jersey Order No. 2 Comparative Statistics January 1992-93 change 1994 1993 Actual Percent Producer Receipts (pounds) 945,534,782 968,896,619 - 23,361,837 - 2.4 Class 1 (pounds) Class l-A 395,367,942 381,109,383 + 14,258,559 + 3.7 Class l-B 15,331,087 8,998,979 + 6,332,108 + 70.4 Total Class 1 410,699,029 390,108,362 + 20,590,667 + 5.3 % of total receipts 43.4 40.2 + 3.2 + 8.0 Class II (pounds) 139,217,023 155,658,407 - 16,441 ,384 - 10.6 % of total receipts 14.7 16.1 - 1.4 - 8.7 Class III (pounds)* 383,797,713 423,129,850 - 39,332,137 - 9.3 % of total receipts 40.6 43.7 - 3.1 - 7.1 Class lll-A (pounds)* 1 1,821 ,017 N.A. N.A. N.A. % of total receipts 1.3 N.A. N.A. N.A. Classes II, III, & lll-A (pounds) 534,835,753 578,788,257 - 43,952,504 - 7.6 % of total receipts 56.6 59.8 - 3.2 - 5.4 Number of Producers 1 1,701 12,290 - 589 - 4.8 Daily Deliveries (pounds) Per pool producer 2,607 2,543 + 64 + 2.5 Number of Handlers With producer milk 44 51 - 7 - 13.7 Without producer milk 1 3 - 2 - 66.7 Total handlers 45 54 - 9 - 16.7 Number of Plants With producer milk 0 0 0 0.0 Without producer milk 1 0 6 + 4 + 66.7 Total plants 1 0 6 + 4 + 66.7 Number of Bulk Tank Units 132 141 - 9 - 6.4 Minimum Prices (per cwt.) Class 1 price $15.17 $14.26 + $ .91 + 6.4 Class II price $13.25 $1 1.20 + $2.05 + 18.3 Class III price $12.44 $10.92 + $1.52 + 13.9 Class lll-A price $10.25 N.A. N.A. N.A. Uniform price $13.58 $12.19 + $1.39 + 11.4 Transportation Credit Bulk milk subject to credit 945,534,782 968,896,619 - 23,361 ,837 - 2.4 Value of credit $ 1,418,302.14 $ 1,453,344.94 -$ 35,042.80 - 2.4 Value Summary Uniform price $ 128,403,623.40 $ 1 18,108,497.86 + $ 10,295,125.54 + 8.7 Butterfat differential + 1,292,693.86 + 1,530,193.93 - 237,500.07 - 15.5 Freight adj. (reversal) - 21,183.42 17,380.45 - 3,802.97 - 21.9 Gross value to farmers $ 129,675,133.84 $ 119,621,311.34 + $ 10,053,822.50 + 8.4 * Current Class lll-A was classified and priced as Class III a year earlier. N.A.: Not applicable. far/- iff? A/// UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Marketing Service Dairy Division NEW YORK—NEW JERSEY MILK MARKETING AREA Phone: 518/ 452-4410 Market Administrator Fax: 518/464-6468 One Columbia Circle Albany, New York 12203-5156 February 1994 Uniform Price Announcement $13.33 Weighted average buttenat test: 3.742674% Butterfat differential: $.052 Computation of Uniform Price per hundredweight of milk testing 3.5 percent butterfat received in bulk from farms in the 201-210 mile zone* Milk Minimum Value including Class and item pounds Percent price differentials l-A Fluid milk in federal order marketing areas 354,270,774 41.0 $14.93 $ 53,105,703.93 l-B Fluid milk outside federal order marketing areas 13,762,853 1.6 14.93 2,047,095.82 II Total Class II 135,176,562 15.6 12.26 16,591,145.57 III Total Class III 354,578,230 41.0 12.43 44,106,341 .30 111 - A Total Class lll-A 7,140,765 0.8 10.25 732,948.17 Reported pool receipts from dairy farmers 864,929,184 100.0 $ 1 16,583,234.79 Add: Milk from overages— Sec. .60(d)(1) 2,471 1 ,566.61 Inventory reclassification— Sec. .60(d)(6) 16,479.32 Total pool milk classified 864,931 ,655 Value of milk classified $ 1 1 6,601 ,280.72 Less: Cooperative payments 401 ,287,741 $ 160,515.10 Reserve 734,601.16 Transportation credit 864,929,184 1,297,393.76 Total subtractions — 2,192,510.02 $ 1 14,408,770.70 Add: Freight adjustment $ 1 1,869.85 Unreserved cash in producer settlement fund 874,419.68 Total additions 886,289.53 Uniform price value of 864,929,184 milk pounds $ 1 15,295,060.23 * Uniform price adjusted to the 1-10 mile zone is: $14.05. (Comparative Statistics on reverse side) March 14, 1994 Ronald C. Pearce Market Administrator New York-New Jersey Order No. 2 Comparative Statistics February 1992-93 chan ge 1994 1993 Actual Pe r c e n t Producer Receipts (pounds) 864,929,184 887,952,851 - 23,023,667 - 2.6 Class 1 (pounds) Class l-A 354,270,774 352,568,814 + 1,611,960 + 0.5 Class l-B 13,762,853 9,171 ,926 + 4,590,927 + 50.1 Total Class 1 368,033,627 361,830,740 + 6,202,887 + 1.7 % of total receipts 42.6 40.7 + 1.9 + 4.7 Class II (pounds) 135,176,562 137,288,052 - 2,111,490 _ 1.5 % of total receipts 15.6 15.5 + 0.1 + 0.6 Class III (pounds)* 354,578,230 388,834,059 - 34,255,829 _ 8.8 % of total receipts 41.0 43.8 - 2.8 - 6.4 Class lll-A (pounds)* 7,140,765 N.A. N.A. N.A. % of total receipts 0.8 N.A. N.A. N.A. Classes II, III, & lll-A (pounds) 496,895,557 526,122,1 1 1 - 29,226,554 - 5.6 % of total receipts 57.4 59.3 - 1.9 - 3.2 Number of Producers 1 1,644 12,319 - 675 - 5.5 Daily Deliveries (pounds) Per pool producer 2,653 2,574 + 79 + 3.1 Number of Handlers With producer milk 44 51 - 7 - 13.7 Without producer milk 3 4 - 1 - 25.0 Total handlers 47 55 - 8 - 14.5 Number of Plants With producer milk 0 0 0 0.0 Without producer milk 1 4 1 0 + 4 + 40.0 Total plants 1 4 1 0 + 4 + 40.0 Number of Bulk Tank Units 127 145 - 1 8 - 12.4 Minimum Prices (per cwt.) Class 1 price $14.93 $13.76 + $1.17 + 8.5 Class II price $12.26 $1 1.23 + $1.03 + 9.2 Class III price $12.43 $10.76 + $1.67 + 15.5 Class lll-A price $10.25 N.A. N.A. N.A. Uniform price $13.33 $1 1.93 + $1.40 + 11.7 Transportation Credit Bulk milk subject to credit 864,929,184 887,952,851 - 23,023,667 - 2.6 Value of credit $ 1,297,393.76 $ 1,331,929.28 -$ 34,535.52 - 2.6 Value Summary Uniform price $ 1 15,295,060.23 $ 105,932,775.12 + $ 9,362,285.1 1 + 8.8 Butterfat differential + 1,091,456.87 + 1,546,633.97 - 455,177.10 - 29.4 Freight adj. (reversal) - 1 1,869.85 8,791.80 - 3,078.05 - 35.0 Gross value to farmers $ 1 16,374,647.25 $ 107,470,617.29 + $ 8,904,029.96 + 8.3 * Current Class 111-A was classified and priced as Class III a year earlier. N.A.: Not applicable. </> o Nit UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Marketing Service Dairy Division NEW YORK—NEW JERSEY MILK MARKETING AREA Phone: 518/ 452-4410 Market Administrator Fax: 518/464-6468 One Columbia Circle Albany, New York 12203-5156 March 1994 Uniform Price Announcement $13.39 Weighted average butterfat test: 3.73 1 282% Butterfat di ifferential: $.053 Computation of Uniform Price per hundredweight of milk testing 3.5 percent butterfat received in bulk from farms in the 201-210 mile zone* Milk Minimum Value including Class and item pounds Percent price differentials l-A Fluid milk in federal order marketing areas 393,891,530 39.9 $14.83 $ 58,640,166.97 l-B Fluid milk outside federal o order marketing areas 14,027,265 1.4 14.83 2,067,040.55 II Total Class II 159,156,879 16.1 12.61 20,090,517.97 III Total Class III 406,565,268 41.1 12.72 §51,753,915.24 111 - A Total Class 11 l-A 14,631,818 1.5 10.27 •: 1,504,992.09 Reported pool receipts from dairy rn farmers 988,272,760 100.0 h: $ 31 34,056,632.82 o ££ > Add: Milk from overages— -C o CO Sec. .60(d)(1) 7,919 2^,538.22 Inventory reclassification— Sec. .60(d)(6) 40,658.96 Total pool milk classified 988,280,679 Value of milk classified $ 134,099,830.00 Less: Cooperative payments 459,822 863 $ 183,929.14 Reserve 872,725.83 Transportation credit 988,272,760 1 ,482,409.15 Total subtractions — 2,539,064.12 $ 131 ,560,765.88 Add: Freight adjustment $ 29,234.33 Unreserved cash in producer settlement fund 739,722.35 Total additions 768,956.68 Uniform price value of 988,272,760 milk pounds $ 132,329,722.56 * Uniform price adjusted to the 1-10 mile zone is: $14.11. (Comparative Statistics .>n reverse side) April 14, 1994 Ronald C. Pearce Market Administrator New York-New Jersey Order No. 2 Comparative Statistics March 1992-93 chan ge 1994 1993 Actual Percent Producer Receipts (pounds) 988,272,760 997,707,571 - 9,434,81 1 - 0.9 Class 1 (pounds) Class l-A 393,891,530 401,991,019 - 8,099,489 - 2.0 Class l-B 14,027,265 9,949,940 + 4,077,325 + 41.0 Total Class 1 407,918,795 41 1,940,959 - 4,022,164 -1.0 % of total receipts 41.3 41.3 0 0.0 Class II (pounds) 159,156,879 155,018,480 + 4,138,399 + 2.7 % of total receipts 16.1 15.5 + 0.6 + 3.9 Class III (pounds)* 406,565,268 430,748,132 - 24,182,864 - 5.6 % of total receipts 41.1 43.2 - 2.1 - 4.9 Class lll-A (pounds)* 14,631,818 N.A. N.A. N.A. % of total receipts 1.5 N.A. N.A. N.A. Classes II, III, & lll-A (pounds) 580,353,965 585,766,612 - 5,412,647 - 0.9 % of total receipts 58.7 58.7 Number of Producers 1 1,622 12,317 - 695 - 5.6 Daily Deliveries (pounds) Per pool producer 2,743 2,613 + 130 + 5.0 Number of Handlers With producer milk 44 51 - 7 - 13.7 Without producer milk 4 5 - 1 - 20.0 Total handlers 48 56 - 8 - 14.3 Number of Plants With producer milk 0 0 0 0.0 Without producer milk 1 5 1 4 + 1 + 7.1 Total plants 1 5 1 4 + 1 + 7.1 Number of Bulk Tank Units 129 147 - 1 8 - 12.2 Minimum Prices (per cwt.) Class 1 price $14.83 $13.31 + $1.52 + 11.4 Class II price $12.61 $10.78 + $1 .83 + 17.0 Class III price $12.72 $10.97 + $1.75 + 16.0 Class lll-A price $10.27 N.A. N.A. N.A. Uniform price $13.39 $1 1.77 + $1.62 + 13.8 Transportation Credit Bulk milk subject to credit 988,272,760 997,707,571 - 9,434,81 1 - 0.9 Value of credit $ 1,482,409.15 $ 1,496,561.39 , -$ 14,152.24 - 0.9 Value Summary Uniform price $ 132,329,722.56 $ 117,430,181.1 1 + $ 14,899,541.45 + 12.7 Butterfat differential + 1,21 1,412.27 + 1,803,021.60 - 591,609.33 - 32.8 Freight adj. (reversal) - 29,234.33 18,612.83 - 10,621.50 - 57.1 Gross value to farmers $ 133,51 1,900.50 $ 1 19,214,589.88 + S 14,297,310.62 + 12.0 * Current Class lll-A was classified and priced as Class III a year earlier. N.A.: Not applicable. ' rfHl UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Marketing Service Dairy Division NEW YORK—NEW JERSEY MILK MARKETING AREA Phone: 518/ 452-4410 Market Administrator Fax: 518/464-6468 One Columbia Circle Albany, New York 12203-5156 April 1994 Uniform Price Announcement $13.50 Weighted average butterfat test: 3.689424% Butterfat differential: $.053 Computation of Uniform Price per hundredweight of milk testing 3.5 percent butterfat received in bulk from farms in the 201-210 mile zone* Milk Minimum Value including Class and item pounds Percent price differentials l-A Fluid milk in federal order marketing areas 375,472,446 38.0 $14.83 $ 55,920,208.36 l-B Fluid milk outside federal order marketing areas 12,132,371 1.2 14.83 1,788,109.12 II Total Class II 148,444,196 15.1 13.19 19,600,523.07 III Total Class III 415,323,689 42.1 12.90 53,613,375.84 lll-A Total Class lll-A 35,767,603 3.6 10.25 3,671,213.55 Reported pool receipts from dairy farmers 987,140,305 100.0 $ 134,593,429.94 Add: Milk from overages— to \ Sec. .60(d)(1) 5,229 1 ,647.1 1 Inventory reclassification— Sec. .60(d)(6) 82,709.45 > '■ £3 IP Total pool milk classified 987,145,534 Value of milk classified $ 134,677,786.50 Less: Cooperative payments 462,533,275 $ 185,013.31 Reserve 833,677.15 Transportation credit 987,140,305 1 ,480,710.46 Total subtractions — 2,499,400.92 $ 132,178,385.58 Add: Freight adjustment $ 34,227.77 4 Unreserved cash in producer settlement fund 1,051,327.83 Total additions 1 ,085,555.60 Uniform price value of 987,140,305 milk pounds $ 133,263,941.18 * Uniform price adjusted to the 1-10 mile zone is: $14.22. (Comparative Statistics on reverse side) May 13, 1994 Ronald C. Pearce Market Administrator New York-New Jersey Order No. 2 Comparative Statistics April 1993-94 change 1994 1993 Actual Pe r c e n t Producer Receipts (pounds) 987,140,305 992,100,669 - 4,960,364 - 0.5 Class 1 (pounds) Class l-A 375,472,446 372,644,971 + 2,827,475 + 0.8 Class l-B 12,132,371 9,801,342 + 2,331,029 + 23.8 Total Class 1 387,604,817 382,446,313 + 5,1 58,504 + 1.3 % of total receipts 39.2 38.5 + 0.7 + 1.8 Class II (pounds) 148,444,196 163,447,674 - 15,003,478 - 9.2 % of total receipts 15.1 16.5 - 1.4 - 8.5 Class III (pounds)* 415,323,689 446,206,682 - 30,882,993 - 6.9 % of total receipts 42.1 45.0 - 2.9 - 6.4 Class lll-A (pounds)* 35,767,603 N.A. N.A. N.A. % of total receipts 3.6 N.A. N.A. N.A. Classes II, III, & lll-A (pounds) 599,535,488 609,654,356 - 10,1 18,868 - 1.7 % of total receipts 60.8 61.5 - 0.7 - 1.1 Number of Producers 1 1,647 12,298 - 651 - 5.3 Daily Deliveries (pounds) Per pool producer 2,825 2,689 + 1 36 + 5.1 Number of Handlers With producer milk 45 51 - 6 - 1 1.8 Without producer milk 9 7 + 2 + 28.6 Total handlers 54 58 - 4 - 6.9 Number of Plants With producer milk 0 0 0 0.0 Without producer milk 23 1 8 + 5 + 27.8 Total plants 23 1 8 + 5 + 27.8 Number of Bulk Tank Units 129 143 - 1 4 - 9.8 Minimum Prices (per cwt.) Class 1 price $14.83 $13.16 + $1.67 + 12.7 Class II price $13.19 $10.99 + $2.20 + 20.0 Class III price $12.90 $12.06 + $ .84 + 7.0 Class lll-A price $10.25 N.A. N.A. N.A. Uniform price $13.50 $12.19 + $1.31 + 10.7 Transportation Credit Bulk milk subject to credit 987,140,305 992,100,669 - 4,960,364 - 0.5 Value of credit $ 1,480,710.46 $ 1,488,151.03 -$ 7,440.57 - 0.5 Value Summary Uniform price $ 133,263,941.18 $ 120,937,071.55 + $ 12,326,869.63 + 10.2 Butterfat differential + 991,033.25 + 1,349,562.08 - 358,528.83 - 26.6 Freight adj. (reversal) - 34,227.77 - 32,070.51 - 2,1 57.26 - 6.7 Gross value to farmers $ 134,220,746.66 $ 122,254,563.12 + $ 11,966,183.54 + 9.8 * Current Class lll-A was classified and priced as Class III a year earlier. N.A.: Not applicable.

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