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Unified view of quantum amplification based on quantum transformation Meng-Jun Hu1,2 and Yong-Sheng Zhang1,2,∗ 1Key Laboratory of Quantum Information, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China 2Synergetic Innovation Center of Quantum Information and Quantum Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China (Dated: October31, 2016) A general framework of quantum state amplification using thelanguage of quantum state trans- formation isgivensystematically for thefirsttime. Theconceptofamplification ofquantumstates is defined specifically and the amplification of a set of quantum states is formulated generally as the transformation of quantum states. Three different kinds of important quantum amplifications, i.e., deterministic noisy quantum amplification, probabilistic noiseless quantum amplification, and 6 deterministic noiseless quantumamplification are identified and discussed. For deterministic quan- 1 0 tum amplification, the linearity of amplification is proven to be incompatible with the noiseless 2 amplification while it is not true for probabilistic quantum amplification. However, deterministic noiseless quantum amplification is shown physically attainable if the linearity of amplification is n given up. The connection between the gain of amplification and the successful probability is dis- a cussed for probabilistic quantum amplification. Assuming that successful probability is the same J for all quantum states to be amplified, we obtain a generally valid relation between the gain of 1 amplification and the successful probability. Particular interest is given to phase-preserving quan- 2 tum amplification of Gaussian states which has been shown of theoretical interest and of practical importanceinquantuminformation andquantumcommunicationrecently. Ourresultsofquantum ] h state amplification not only enrich the research of quantum amplification but also can be helpful p for further practical applications. - t PACSnumbers: 03.67.-a,42.50.Dv,42.50.Ex n a u q I. INTRODUCTION tainsetofcoherentstates,whichsatisfiesparticularcon- [ ditions, there always exists a specific quantum amplifier Quantum amplification (QA) is at the heart of quan- thatcanamplifycoherentstateinthatsetdeterminately 1 v tum measurement and quantum metrology. Restricted and noiselessly [10]. 2 by fundamental laws of physics, it is difficult for detec- Although various investigations are given to quantum 8 tors to measure sufficiently weak signal, especially for amplification,thereisstilllackofageneralframeworkto 5 quantum signal. Amplifying signal first and then detect discussit. Inthispaper,ageneralframeworkofquantum 5 it with proper detector thus becomes a general way for state amplification using the language of quantum state 0 signal detection. Unfortunately, the intrinsic noise ac- transformation is given systematically for the first time. . 1 companying the signal is also amplified during the pro- Thepaperisorganizedasfollows. InSec. II,theconcept 0 cess of amplificationand extra noisesmay be introduced of amplification of quantum state is definitely defined. 6 to make the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) worse. Thegeneraldiscussionofamplificationofquantumstates 1 For a linear phase-preserving quantum amplifier, using the language of quantum state transformation is : v due to the constraint of bosonic commutation relation given and three different important amplifications, i.e., Xi [a,a†] = 1, it has been shown that there is at least deterministic noisy QA, probabilistic noiseless QA and (g2 1)~ω total noise power per unit bandwidth out deterministic noiseless QA are identified and discussed. ar of it−s output-port, where g2 is the power gain [1, 2]. In Sec. III, phase-preserving QA is considered and the As quantum signal amplification is equivalent to quan- particular interest is given to the deterministic noiseless tum state amplification, it seems that a universal linear Gaussianstate amplification. An example of application phase-preservingquantumamplifierthatcanamplifyany in phase measurement using deterministic noiseless QA coherent state determinately and noiselessly is impossi- is shown and the situation of amplified states in noisy ble [3]. For the special set of coherent states, however, environmentisdiscussed. InSec. IV,wegiveasummary theprobabilisticnoiselessamplificationofcoherentstates of these results. is physically realizable [4–6] and there have been some experimental reports on the realization of noiseless am- II. AMPLIFICATION OF QUANTUM STATES plification of quantum light states [7–9]. Moreover, re- garding quantum state amplification as quantum state transformation,our recent researchshows that for a cer- Before the detail discussion of quantum state amplifi- cation,anexplicitdefinition ofamplificationofquantum state is necessary. The quantum state amplification de- finedasquantumstatetransformationisthenillustrated ∗ [email protected] and three different kinds of important QA are identified 2 and discussed. in state σ and ρ respectively. The amplification is noise- less if ∆Aˆ =∆Aˆ , where ∆Aˆ = Tr(Aˆ2σ) Tr(Aˆσ)2 σ ρ σ − A. The definition of amplification of quantum state and ∆Aˆ = Tr(Aˆ2ρ) Tr(Aˆρ)2 aqre fluctuations of ob- ρ − servable Aˆ inqstate σ and ρ respectively. Supposeasysteminwhichwehaveinterestisinquan- The definition of amplification of quantum state with tum state ψ . When we measure the observable Aˆ in | i respect to two observables or more than two observables this system, the physical quantity obtained in the mea- is also valid. For example, in the case of two observables ishnψur|seAˆtma|ψteeni.tψTisheitsheexupseuexcaptllaeyctitocaantlilovenadluoqefuhaAψˆn|tAiuˆnm|ψsitsaiotgfenoa|blψ.sie,rAvtmahbapltelifiAiˆs- gAˆ2haψn|dBˆ|Bψˆ,i,wwehheareveg1hφa|nAˆd|ψg2ia=regt1hheψg|Aaˆi|nψsioafnadmhpφli|fiBˆc|aφtiio=n | i with respect to observables Aˆ and Bˆ respectively. The cation of the quantum signal means the amplification of theexpectationvalue ψ Aˆψ ,whichisequivalenttothe gainsofg1 andg2 canbeequaltoeachotherthatg1 =g2 h | | i orunequalto eachother thatg =g . The amplification amplification of state |ψi. Now suppose that the system is noiseless if and only if ∆Aˆ 1 6= ∆2Aˆ and ∆Bˆ = evolvesunder anoperationthat transformsthe state ψ |φi |ψi |φi into the another state φ . If the expectation value|oif ∆Bˆ|ψi. If ∆Aˆ|φi =∆Aˆ|ψi but ∆Bˆ|φi =∆Bˆ|ψi, then the observable Aˆ in the stat|eiφ is larger than the expecta- amplification is only noiseless with res6pect to observable tion value in state ψ , th|atiis φAˆφ > ψ Aˆψ , then Aˆ. Conversely, if ∆Aˆ|φi 6= ∆Aˆ|ψi but ∆Bˆ|φi = ∆Bˆ|ψi, | i h | | i h | | i then the amplification is only noiseless with respect to we say the quantum signal is amplified, or equivalently, the state is amplified with respect to observable Aˆ. The observable Bˆ. In all other cases, the amplification is not noiseless. processofquantumsignalamplificationisthusactuallya process of quantum state transformation. Note that QA is related with the measurement of observable. We thus give the following definition of amplification of quantum B. Quantum state amplification viewed as state. quantum state transformation Definition 1: If there exists an operation that trans- forms the state ψ of quantum system into the another According to the definition of amplification of quan- | i state φ such that φAˆφ > ψ Aˆψ , then this process tum state, the quantum state amplification is actually a | i h | | i h | | i iscalledtheamplificationofthestate ψ withrespectto quantum state transformation, thus it is natural to dis- | i observable Aˆ. The state φ is called the amplified state cuss the amplification of the quantum state using the of the state ψ with resp|ecit to observable Aˆ. language of quantum state transformation. In fact, the If φAˆφ |=i g ψ Aˆψ with g > 1, we say that the languageofquantumstatetransformationprovidesauni- h | | i h | | i fiedframeworkdescribingthequantumstatecloning,the state ψ is amplified with gain of g. If there exists a | i unambiguous discrimination of states, and the quantum setup that can amplify state ψ into the amplified state | i state amplification [11–13]. φ withthegainofg,thenwecallthatsetupaquantum | i In the quantum operation theory, any physically per- amplifier with gainofg ofthe amplification. Aquantum missiblestatetransformationofaquantumsystemcanbe amplifier is thus a physical system whose function is to determined by a completely positive (CP), linear, trace transform the input state ψ to the amplified state φ . | i | i non-increasingmap: Λ:ρ Λ(ρ)[14,15]. Thetransfor- Before the amplification, the fluctuation of observ- → mation is physically realizable in principle if such a map able Aˆ in state ψ is ∆Aˆ = ψ Aˆ2 ψ ψ Aˆψ 2. |ψi Λ mathematically exists. | i h | | i−h | | i After the amplification, the qfluctuation of observ- Thefirstrepresentationtheoremgivesthegeneralrep- able Aˆ in the amplified state φ becomes ∆Aˆ|φi = resentationof the CP, linear, trace nonincreasing map Λ | i φAˆ2 φ φAˆφ 2. Theamplificationiscallednoise- [16]. It states that any CP, linear, trace non-increasing h | | i−h | | i map Λ can be represented by an operator-sum form qless if ∆Aˆ|φi = ∆Aˆ|ψi, otherwise, the amplification is Λ(ρ) = Mˆ ρMˆ†, where Mˆ is the Kraus operator noisy. The definition of noiseless amplification of quan- k k k k that satisfies Mˆ†Mˆ Iˆ. For deterministic transfor- tum state is thus defined as below. P k k k ≤ Definition 2: The quantum amplification is called mation kMˆPk†Mˆk = Iˆ, while for probabilistic transfor- noiselessif the fluctuationof observableAˆis the same in mation Mˆ†Mˆ < Iˆ [17, 18]. The unitary evolution Pk k k the state ψ and the amplified state φ , otherwise the of a quantum system that Λ(ρ)=UˆρUˆ† is a special case | i | i P quantum amplification is noisy. of this representation. Another more physical way to The above definition can be easily extended to mixed representthe map Λ is considering the unitary evolution state of a quantum system. Suppose that the state of on an enlarged Hilbert space. If an ancillary system is the quantumsystemisρ, ifwesendthis state to aquan- introducedtoaquantumsystem,andaunitarytransfor- tumamplifierwithgainofg andtheamplifiedstateisσ, mationis applied ontothe composite system, the mapΛ then we have Aˆ σ = g Aˆ ρ, where Aˆ σ = Tr(Aˆσ) and isrealizedwhenwemakeprojectivemeasurementonthe h i h i h i Aˆ =Tr(Aˆρ)aretheexpectationvaluesofobservableAˆ ancillary system. Mathematically, it can be expressed ρ h i 3 as Λ(ρ) = TrE′ Uˆρ ρEUˆ†Iˆ PE′ , where ρE is the where Mˆks(k = 1,2,...,M) are the Kraus operators for { } initial state of the ancillary system and PE′ is a projec- successful amplification. State ψ˜i is orthogonal to any N N | i tor in the transformed ancillary Hilbert space [15]. For state in set Ω except for state ψ and ψ˜ ψ = γ δ , i i j i ij convenience, we will use both of them optionally. where γ =0 is a constant. | i h | i i In practice, the significant case is the amplification of 6 Forthesuccessfulamplification,itcanbeseenthatfor a set of quantum states. The amplification of a specific any state ψ i state is trivial since we can always prepare the system | i in the expected quantum state. For simplicity, the am- Mˆ ψ =c φ . (6) ks i ki i plification of a set of N linear-independent pure states | i | i Π ψ with i = 1,2...N is preferred to be consid- i Though only pure state amplification is considered ≡ {| i} ered. Suppose that the set of quantum states Ξ φ i above,the extension to the case of general state amplifi- ≡{| i} isthecorrespondingamplifiedsetofquantumstateswith cation is not difficult. Suppose that the set of N linear- respect to observable Aˆ. The operator Aˆ can be a sin- independent general quantum states Π= ρ ,ρ ,...,ρ 1 2 N gle observable, or represent a set of specific observables, { } is to be amplified, and the set Ξ= σ ,σ ,...,σ is the 1 2 N which will not be mentioned below except for the case { } corresponding amplified set of quantum states. For any of necessary. For any quantum state ψ in the set Π, i stateρ insetΠ,the transformationofamplificationcan | i i thereshouldexista unitaryoperationUˆ thattransforms be formulated as: the state ψ into the correspondingamplified state φ i i | i | i withtheassistanceofanancillarysystem. Ingeneral,the Uˆρ ρ Uˆ† =p σ τ + + +(1 p )̺ υ , i E i i i i i ⊗ ⊗ ⊗| ih | − ⊗ ⊗|−ih−| transformation is probabilistic and the successful proba- (7) bility p may be varied for different states in the set Π. where + +, are pointer states, τ and υ are i i | ih | |−ih−| For an arbitrary state ψi in set Π, we thus have the statesoftheancillarysystemcorrespondingtosuccessful | i following formula of quantum state transformation: andfailureamplificationrespectively,and̺isthe failure state of the quantum system. Uˆ ψ 0 =√p φ µ + + 1 p Fail ν . (1) i i i i i i Taking the trace of the product of Eq. (7) and its | i| i | i| i| i − | i| i|−i conjugate gives Here + , are the pointerpstates that indicate the | i |−i amplification is successful or failure respectively. The Tr(ρ ρ )=p p Tr(σ σ )Tr(τ τ )+(1 p )(1 p )Tr(υ υ ), initial state of the ancillary system is simply denoted by i j i j i j i j − i − j i j (8) 0 anditisassumedthatthereisnocorrelationbetween st|htaietessysotfetmheaanndcitlhlaeryansycisltleamrycionrirteiaslplyo.nd|iµnigitaonsduc|νcieissafruel Iwnhitchheisabvoavliedfoforrmuanlay, pwaeirhoafvestaatsesusm{eρdi,ρtjh}atinρEsetisΠa. purestateandTr(̺2)isa constantthatinvolvedinterm and failure amplification respectively. Tr(υ υ ). The Kraus operator representation of success- The complex conjugate of Eq. (1) can be written as i j ful amplification now becomes h0|hψj|Uˆ† =√pjhφj|hµj|h+|+ 1−pjhFail|hνj|h−|. Mˆ ρ Mˆ† = c 2σ . (9) (2) ks i ks | ki| i p Taking the inner product of Eq. (1) and Eq. (2) gives Since a mixed state ρ can be considered as an ensem- ble of pure quantum states, the amplification of a set of hψj|ψii=√pipjhφj|φiihµj|µii+ (1−pi)(1−pj)hνj|νii. generalquantumstatesisequivalenttothe amplification q (3) of a specific set of pure quantum states. In the following Equation(3) is valid for any pair of states ψi , ψj in discussion, the QA of a set of states refers to the ampli- {| i | i} the set Π, and it can be recast as fication of pure states without pointing out it explicitly. G =G Ω+K. (4) Π Ξ ◦ Here G and G are Gram matrices of set Π and Ξ C. The classification of quantum amplification Π Ξ respectively. The Gram matrix Ω is defined as Ω = ij √pipj µj µi andtheGrammatrixK isdefinedasKij = There are mainly two different kinds of quantum am- h | i (1 p )(1 p ) ν ν . plification, i.e., deterministic QA and probabilistic QA i j j i It −is obvio−us thhat t|heimatrix Ω satisfies the following that can be obviously seen from Eq. (8). cponditions: Ω 0; diag(Ω) = p~ = (p ,p ,...,p ); and Wefirstconsiderthedeterministicamplificationofthe 1 2 N GthΠeo−reGmΞo◦fΩse≥ts≥0o.fApcucroersdtiantgesto[1q8u],anthtuemmtartarnixsfΩormcaantiobne sfuetl porfoqbuaabnitliutymosftaatmesplΠifi=cat{iρo1n,ρis2,u..n.,itρyNf}o.rTanhye ssutactceesρs-i TfahcteoarmizepdlifiacsaCtio†nCKwrhaeurseoCper=at[ocrksi]caisnabeMco×nsNtrumctaetdriaxs. irnigshett-hΠa,ntdhasitdies(pRiH=S1),o∀fρiE⊆q.Π(.7)Thvaensieschoensdfotrertmhisinctahsee and Eq. (8) becomes c Mˆ = ki φ ψ˜ , (5) ks Xi hψ˜i|ψii| iih i| Tr(ρiρj)=Tr(σiσj)Tr(τiτj). (10) 4 Since the overlap of any two states is less than unity, Considering the term in the RHS of Eq.(15), we have we have Tr(ρ ρ ) = Tr(σ σ )Tr(τ τ ) Tr(σ σ ) for any i j i j i j i j ≤ states ρi,ρj ⊆ Π, which implies that the overlap be- Tr{Aˆ2(σi−ρi)}= a2fhaf|(σi−ρi)|afi tween any two states to be amplified is no more than f (16) X the overlap between two corresponding amplified states <a (g 1)Tr(Aˆρ ), for deterministic amplification. From the point of view max − i of information, the distinguishability of any two states where a is the maximum eigenvalue of observable Aˆ. to be amplified does not increase after the deterministic max Substituting Eq.(16) into Eq. (15) gives QA. The underlying physics of this consequence is that a quantum system will dissipate some of its information (g2 1)Tr(Aˆρ )2 <a (g 1)Tr(Aˆρ ), (17) to the environment because of the interaction between − i max − i them. Infact,foranyquantumoperationLonthe setof which is obviously not hold in general. statesΠ, thedistinguishabilityofanytwostatesρ ,ρ in i j It is obvious from Eq. (14) that ∆Aˆ =∆Aˆ except the set does not increase after operation, which means σi 6 ρi for g = 1, which means there is no amplification at all. We thus conclude that a deterministic linear quantum D(ρ ,ρ ) D(Lρ ,Lρ ), (11) i j i j ≥ amplifier with fixed gain g can not be noiseless. whereD(ρi,ρj)representsthedistinguishabilityofstates Tr(ρiρj) is equal to the overlap of two distribution of ρi,ρj. The distinguishability does not increase after am- ρi and ρj in the representation of Aˆ, since plificationprovidesus anessentialtoolto investigatede- terministic QA further. Tr(ρ ρ )= a ρ a a ρ a . (18) i j f i g g j f Suppose that the amplification is noiseless, which h | | ih | | i f,g means that the fluctuation of observable Aˆ in any state X ρi Πandits correspondingamplifiedstateσi Ξstay The sum should be replacedby an integralif Aˆ is a con- unc⊆hanged, i.e., ∆Aˆρi = ∆Aˆσi. For a linear q⊆uantum tinuous observable amplifierwithfixedgaing ofamplification,whichmeans Tr(Aˆσ ) = gTr(Aˆρ ) for any state ρ Π, we will show i i i ⊆ Tr(ρiρj)= dxdy xρi y y ρj x . (19) that the linearity of quantum amplifier is incompatible h | | ih | | i Z with the noiseless amplification. Suppose that the eigenvaluesof observableAˆare a Theaddednoisetotheamplifiedstatesmustensurethat f andthecorrespondingeigenstatesare a sothat{Aˆ=} the overlap between amplified states larger than corre- f {| i} spondinginitialstates. Itiseasytounderstandjustwith a a a . The expectation of observable Aˆ in any f f| fih f| this added noise the distinguishability of any two ampli- quantum state ρ now can be expressed as fied quantum states does not increase. P Although the deterministic amplification can not be Tr(Aˆρ)= a a ρa . (12) fh f| | fi noiseless for a linear quantum amplifier, the determin- Xf istic noiseless amplification is attainable if the gain of For a linear quantum amplifier with gain g, Tr(Aˆρ ) = amplification can be state-dependent, i.e., the quantum i amplifier is nonlinear [10]. Here, we assume that the gTr(Aˆσ )holds for any state ρ Π andthe correspond- ing ampilified state σ Ξ. i ⊆ gain of amplification of state ρi is gi, i.e., Tr(Aˆσi) = In the representatiio⊆n of observable Aˆ, the fluctuation giTr(Aˆρi). For noiseless amplification, the overlap be- of Aˆ in quantum state ρ reads tween any two states ρi,ρj Π can be less than the i ⊆ overlapbetweentwocorrespondingamplifiedstates,that ∆Aˆ2ρi =Tr(Aˆ2ρi)−Tr(Aˆρi)2 meaeraqnusaTnrt(uρmiρaj)m6pliTfire(rσ.iσTjh)e, wdihsitcinhgiusiismhapboislsitibyloeffoarnyatlwino- = a2fhaf|ρi|afi−( afhaf|ρi|afi)2. (13) states ρi,ρj ⊆ Π does not increase for a deterministic f f noiselessamplificationmeansD(ρ ,ρ )>D(σ ,σ )isthe X X i j i j only physical requirement. For the set of states Π to be In the amplified state σi, the fluctuation of observableAˆ amplified and the noiseless amplified set of states Ξ, if is D(ρ ,ρ ) > D(σ ,σ ) for any two states ρ ,ρ and their i j i j i j correspondingnoiselessamplifiedstatesσ ,σ issatisfied, ∆Aˆ2 = a2 a σ a ( a a σ a )2 i j σi fh f| i| fi− fh f| i| fi then such deterministic noiseless quantum amplifier al- Xf Xf (14) ways can be constructed physically. = a2 a σ a g2( a a ρ a )2. Thelinearquantumamplifierwithgaingcanbenoise- fh f| i| fi− fh f| i| fi f f less if we do not demand the amplification is determin- X X istic, and in this case the only physical requirement is Ifthe amplificationisnoiseless,then∆Aˆ2 =∆Aˆ2 gives that Eq. (8) must be hold. The probabilistic noiseless ρi σi linear quantum amplifier is thus physically allowed. The (g2 1)Tr(Aˆρ )2 =Tr Aˆ2(σ ρ ) . (15) relationbetweenthegaingandthesuccessfulprobability i i i − { − } 5 Quantum Amplification Linear Noiseless Amplification Amplification Deterministic Probabilistic Deterministic Noisy Noiseless Noiseless Amplification Amplification Amplification (a) (b) (c) FIG. 1. The relation of three different kinds of typical quantum amplification. For deterministic amplification, the linear amplificationisincompatiblewiththenoiselessamplification. Deterministicnoiselessamplificationisonlypossiblefornonlinear quantum amplifier and linear deterministic amplification must be noisy. However, the linear amplification can be noiseless if theamplificationisprobabilistic. Amongthethreekindsofquantumamplification,(b)and(c)belongtonoiselessamplification and (a) and (b) belong to linear amplification. p can also be obtained from Eq. (8) since for noiseless As a summary, three different kinds of important QA, i amplification Tr(ρ ρ ) = f (g)Tr(σ σ ), where f(g) is i.e., linear deterministic noisy QA, nonlinear determin- i j ij i j proportionalto g and depends on the states ρ andρ to istic noiseless QA and linear probabilistic noiseless QA i j beamplified. Theformoff (g)reliesonthespecificcase are identified and discussed in detail. For deterministic ij weconsider,forinstance,inthenoiselessamplificationof QA, the linearity of the amplifier is incompatible with coherent states, fij(g) = e(g2−1)|αi−αj|2, where αi and the noiseless amplification, while it is not a problem for | i α are coherent states to be amplified. The Eq. (8) probabilistic QA. The clear relation between this three j | i thus becomes differentkindsofquantumamplificationis showninFig. 1. Tr(υ υ ) i j f (g)=p p Tr(τ τ )+(1 p )(1 p ) . (20) ij i j i j i j − − Tr(σ σ ) i j III. PHASE-PRESERVING AMPLIFICATION Assuming that the successful probability is the same for OF QUANTUM STATES all states ρ Π , then we have i ⊆ f (g)=C p2+V (1 p)2, (21) Phase-preserving QA is of theoretical interest and of ij i,j i,j − practical importance [1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 21–23], especially for the phase-preservingquantum amplification of Gaussian Tr(υ υ ) i j where Ci,j Tr(τiτj) and Vi,j . Eq. (21) is states in phase space. ≡ ≡ Tr(σ σ ) i j validforanypairofstatesρ ,ρ Π. Weemphasizethat i j ⊆ this kind of probabilistic noiseless QA is totally different A. Definition of phase-preserving quantum from the classic-like noiseless QA that analogous to the amplification classicalamplifierworksbasedontheunambiguousiden- tification of input states and the preparation of desired amplified states [19, 20]. Though the successful proba- Thephase-preservingQAisthe amplificationofstates bility islimited byidentificationofinputstates,the gain with respect to two canonical observables Xˆ1 and Xˆ2, of classic-like quantum amplifier can be arbitrary high e.g., position Qˆ and momentum Pˆ. For any state which is not the case for our probabilistic quantum am- ρi Π, the phase-preserving quantum amplifier ampli- ⊆ plifier. fies the state ρi into the corresponding amplified state The probabilistic linear amplification of course can be σi Ξ with Tr(Xˆ1σi) = giTr(Xˆ1ρi) and Tr(Xˆ2σi) = ⊆ noisy or noiseless when the probabilistic amplification is g Tr(Xˆ ρ ). Ifg is the same for anystate ρ ,then it is a i 2 i i i nonlinear,butweusuallydonotconsiderthemsincethey linear phase-preserving quantum amplifier, otherwise it are practically trivial. is non-linear. 6 case of Xˆ = Qˆ and Xˆ = Pˆ. The distribution of quan- 1 2 tum state ρ is described by the Wigner function defined (cid:11)(cid:69)(cid:12) (cid:11)(cid:68)(cid:12) as [24] (cid:59)(cid:21) (cid:59)(cid:21) 1 +∞ i 1 1 (cid:74)(cid:85) W (q,p)= dξexp( pξ) q+ ξ ρx ξ . (cid:55)(cid:85)(cid:11)(cid:59)(cid:21)(cid:545)(cid:12) ρ 2π~ −~ h 2 | | − 2 i Z−∞ (23) For any two states ρ ,ρ , their overlap is equal to (cid:85) { i j} the overlapof their corresponding distributions in phase (cid:85) space [25] (cid:1319) (cid:1319) +∞ +∞ (cid:19) (cid:55)(cid:85)(cid:11)(cid:59)(cid:20)(cid:545)(cid:12) (cid:59)(cid:20) (cid:19) (cid:59)(cid:20) Tr(ρiρj)=2π~ dq dpWρi(q,p)Wρj(q,p). Z−∞ Z−∞ (24) FIG.2. (ColorOnline)Illustrationofthedistributionofquan- tum state ρ in (Xˆ1,Xˆ2) space and phase-preserving quantum B. Phase-preserving quantum amplification of amplification. (a) The distribution of quantum state ρ in Gaussian states (Xˆ1,Xˆ2) space. For the simplicity of figure, we assume here thatthedistributionisGaussian. Thepositionofdistribution Gaussian states play an important role in quantum totally determined by amplitude r and phase θ. (b) Phase- information and quantum communication [26–28]. The preserving amplification of quantum state ρ. The amplitude phase-preservingQAofGaussianstatesisnotonlyofthe- is amplified by g-fold while thephase staysunchanged. oretical interest [1, 10] but also of practical importance [29–33]. We can construct an operator aˆ = Xˆ +iXˆ which is AGaussianstateisdefinedassuchastatethatitschar- 1 2 acteristicfunction,orequivalentlyitsWignerfunction,is notHermitian. Thoughaˆisnotanobservable,thephase- preserving amplification with respect to observables Xˆ Gaussian. The vacuum state, coherent states, squeezed and Xˆ can be regarded as amplification with respec1t states, and thermal states are typical Gaussian states. 2 The Gaussianstate is fully characterizedby its first mo- to aˆ since Tr(aˆσ ) = g Tr(aˆρ ). Analogous to phase space based on piositioniQˆ andimomentum Pˆ, the gen- mentd~andsecondmoment~γ [27,28]. Forasingle-mode eral phase space based on canonical observables Xˆ and Gaussianstateρ,thefirstmomentd~=(d1,d2)isdefined 1 Xˆ can be defined. Any quantum state ρ can be repre- as 2 sentedby its distributionin(Xˆ ,Xˆ )spacethatdenoted 1 2 d =Tr(Xˆ ρ), (25) by G (x ,x ). The marginal distribution of G (x ,x ) i i ρ 1 2 ρ 1 2 can be given in the form where Xˆ represent quadrature operators Qˆ and Pˆ. The i second moment ~γ, which forms the so-called covariance dx G (x ,x )=G (x ), 2 ρ 1 2 ρ 1 matrix~γ =(γ )(i,j =1,2), is given by ij Z (22) dx1Gρ(x1,x2)=Gρ(x2), γ =Tr( Xˆ ,Xˆ ρ) 2d d , (26) ij i j i j Z { } − where we have assumed that Xˆ and Xˆ are continuous where Xˆ ,Xˆ Xˆ Xˆ +Xˆ Xˆ is the anti-commutator 1 2 i j i j j i { }≡ observablesandGρ(x1)≡hx1|ρ|x1i, Gρ(x2)≡hx2|ρ|x2i of Xˆi and Xˆj. For simplicity and convenience, only are distribution of ρ in the representation of Xˆ , Xˆ re- single-mode Gaussian states are considered here. Re- 1 2 spectively. When Xˆ = Qˆ and Xˆ = Pˆ, the distribution sultsaboutphase-preservingQAofsingle-modeGaussian 1 2 G (x ,x ) is just the Wigner function W (q,p) in phase states can be easily extended into multi-mode case. ρ 1 2 ρ space. The phase-preserving amplification of quantum We consider the phase-preserving QA of a set of N state ρ canbe restatedas the amplitude ofρ in(Xˆ1,Xˆ2) single-mode Gaussian states Π = ρ1,ρ2,...,ρN here. { } space being amplified while the phase being unchanged. Note that all Gaussian states in set Π should be in the The phase staysunchangedafter the amplificationis the same single-mode, otherwise different Gaussian states reasonthat we call it phase-preservingamplification. As can be identified because of mode identification. The itcanbeseenfromFig. 2,theamplitudeofρin(Xˆ1,Xˆ2) corresponding set of N amplified Gaussian states is de- space is defined as r = Tr(Xˆ1ρ)2+Tr(Xˆ2ρ)2 and the noted by Ξ={σ1,σ2,...,σN}. For any state ρi ⊆Π, the phase-preservingQAmeansthe amplificationofthe first q Tr(Xˆ2ρ) moment phase is determined by θ =arctan[ ]. Tr(Xˆ ρ) 1 In practice, the particular focus is givento the spacial d~ =g d~ , (27) σi i ρi 7 whered~ representsthefirstmomentofGaussianstateρ. df(g) ρ =0. The g is thus determined by min If the gain g is the same for all states ρ Π, then the dp i i ⊆ phase-preserving QA of Gaussian states is linear, oth- erwise it is nonlinear. For noiseless amplification, the f(g )= Cp2+V(1 p )2. (32) min 0 − 0 second moments should stay unchanged q For the case of QA of coherent states, f(g) = ~γσi =~γρi,∀ρi ⊆Π, (28) e(g2−1)D(ρ1,ρ2) and we have whTerhee~γdρisrteinpgreusieshnatsbitlhiteysoefcoanndymtwoomGenatuossfiastnatsetaρt.es can gmin = 1ln[Cp20lnV(1−p0)2] +1. (33) s2 D(ρ1,ρ2) be measured by their distance in phase space. The dis- tance between any two Gaussianstates ρ and σ in phase Theexistenceofminimumgainofamplificationg can min space can be written as be easily understood since the amplified state σ should i be distinguished from the initial state ρ . To distinguish i D(ρ,σ)=(d~ρ d~σ)2. (29) thetwoGaussianstatesrequiresthedistinguishabilityor − the distance of two Gaussian states is larger or equal to The distinguishability of two states ρ and σ that is in- a threshold value ǫ below which the two Gaussian states versely proportional to overlap Tr(ρσ) is also propor- can not be distinguished from each other. The thresh- tionaltotheirdistanceD(ρ,σ)inphasespace. Thelarger oldvalueǫdeterminestheminimumgainofamplification the distance between two Gaussian states, the more the g . Thedistancebetweenstateρ andthecorrespond- min i distinguishability of these two states and vice versa. ingamplifiedstateσ dependonthefirstmomentofstate i For a deterministic quantum amplifier, it has been ρ and the gain g of amplification since i shownabovethat the linearity ofamplificationis incom- patiblewithnoiselessamplification. Thelineardetermin- D(σi,ρi)=[(g−1)d~ρi]2. (34) istic phase-preserving QA of Gaussian states can not be The threshold value ǫ should be proportional to noiseless. This can be seen by calculating the distance the minimum distance that defined as D of two noiseless amplified Gaussian states. Suppose that min ≡ min D(σ ,ρ ), ρ Π , that is the amplification is noiseless, the distance between any i i i { ∀ ⊆ } two amplified Gaussian states σ ,σ Ξ is i j ⊆ ǫ=κDmin, (35) D(σi,σj)=(d~σi −d~σj)2 =g2D(ρi,ρj), (30) whereκisaconstantfactorforadefinitesetofGaussian states Π. The minimum gain of amplification can be where D(ρ ,ρ ) = (d~ d~ )2 and Eq. (27) is used in calculated as i j ρi − ρj the last step above. Obviously, for g > 1, D(σ ,σ ) > i j ǫ dDis(tρiin,gρuj)is,hwabhliechafitmerpdlieestetrhmaitniGstaicusQsiAan, wsthaicthesisardeirmecotrlye gmin =sκ(d~ρ,min)2 +1, (36) conflictedwiththe physicalfactthatthe distinguishabil- ity of any two states in the set Π does not increase after where d~ min d~ , ρ Π is the minimum first ρi,min ≡ { ρi ∀ i ⊆ } deterministic QA. moment of states ρ in set Π. In general,the situation is i Ofcourse,thelinearprobabilisticphase-preservingQA more complicated so that we have to consider the set of of Gaussian states can be noiseless. The gain of amplifi- equations in the form of Eq.(21). cationg andthesuccessfulprobabilitypislimitedbyEq. The deterministic phase-preserving QA of Gaussian (20). Furthermore, Eq. (21) is satisfied if the successful states can be noiseless if the requirement of linearity of probability p is the same for all states ρ Π. Consider amplificationis relaxed. Suppose that the gainof ampli- i ⊆ the linear probabilistic QA of set of two Gaussian states ficationisdependentondifferentGaussianstatesρ Π, i ρ ,ρ and its corresponding amplified set of coherent that is Tr(aˆσ )=g Tr(aˆρ ) with aˆ =Qˆ+iPˆ. Accor⊆ding 1 2 i i i { } statesis σ ,σ withgaingofQA.IftheQAisnoiseless to Eq. (10), the distinguishability of any two Gaussian 1 2 { } then Eq.(21) becomes states does not increase after deterministic QA. In other words, the distance does not increase after deterministic f(g)=Cp2+V(1 p)2, (31) noiseless QA, i.e., − where C Tr(τ τ ) and V Tr(υ1υ2) are constants in D(ρi,ρj)≥D(σi,σj). (37) 1 2 ≡ ≡ Tr(σ σ ) 1 2 Using the definition of distance, the simple calculation this case and f(g) is proportional to g. The minimum gives d2f(g) gain of QA g exists since = 2(C +V) > 0. min dp2 (g2 1)(g2 1) V i − j − We obtain the minimum point p0 = V +C by setting cosϑij ≥ q gigj 1 , (38) − 8 where ϑ is the relative phase of states ρ and ρ in determined by ij i j phase space. For a deterministic noiseless QA, the set ofGaussianstatesΠandgainofamplification gi must nˆd = i(ˆb†cˆ cˆ†ˆb), (40) { } − − satisfy Eq. (38). On the other hand, if Eq. (38) is sat- isfied, we can always construct a deterministic noiseless where nˆ is the number difference operator and ˆb,cˆare d phase-preserving quantum amplifier that amplifies any annihilation operators [34]. A large amplitude coherent Gaussian state ρi Π to the corresponding amplified state c with fixed phase is used in one input port as Gaussian state σi ⊆ Ξ physically. We thus obtain the referen|cie. When a coherentstate b is sent into another following theorem ⊆about deterministic noiseless phase- input port, the mean measured sig|nial at the output is preserving QA of Gaussian states. Theorem: Suppose the set of N Gaussian states nˆ =2b csinδ, (41) d h i | |·| | Π= ρ ,ρ ,...,ρ istobeamplifiedanditscorrespond- 1 2 N { } ing phase-preservingamplified set is Ξ= σ ,σ ,...,σ where δ is the relative phase between coherent states b 1 2 N { } | i with d~ = g d~ and ~γ = ~γ for any Gaussian state and c . The variance of signal is calculated as ρi i σi σi ρi | i ρ Π. The deterministic noiseless phase-preserving i ⊆ quantum amplifier that amplifies the state ρ randomly ∆nˆ = b2+ c2. (42) i d | | | | chosenfromsetΠ into the correspondingamplified state p σ inthesetΞexistsifandonlyifthestatesinsetΠand Thesensitivityofthemeasuredphase,accordingtoerror i the gain of amplification satisfy the condition cosϑ transfer formula, becomes ij ≥ (g2 1)(g2 1) i − j − ∆nˆ 1+(c/b)2 for any two states ρ ,ρ Π, where d q g g 1 i j ⊆ ∆δ = = | | | | . (43) i j ∂ nˆ /∂δ 2ccosδ ϑ isther−elativephasebetweenstatesρ andρ inphase | h di | p | | ij i j space. Suppose that the input coherent state b is randomly There exists a special case that all the final amplified chosen from a definite set of coherent st|aites. A prob- states have the same amplitude in phase space. In this abilistic noiseless quantum amplifier can be applied to case, d~2σi = d~2σj for any two states σi,σj ⊆ Ξ, which amplify input coherent state |bi before detection. Ac- implies that g2d~2 =g2d~2 . Combining this requirement cording to Eq. (41) and Eq. (43), not only the mean i ρi j ρj output signal is enhanced but also the precision of mea- with Eq. (38) finally gives suredphaseisimprovedinthiscase. Moreover,ifthisset of coherent states satisfy the condition of deterministic cosϑ gi2d~2ρi −d~2ρj . (39) noiseless QA, a deterministic noiseless quantum ampli- ij ≥vuu(gi2−1)d~2ρid~2ρj fineoriseclaenssblyeadnedsigdneetedrmtoinaamtepllyi.fy the input coherent state t Corollary: The deterministic noiseless phase- preserving quantum amplifier that amplifies the Gaus- D. Deterministic amplification in noisy sian state ρ randomly chosen from set Π to correspond- i circumstance ing amplified Gaussian state σ in the set Ξ with all the i same amplitude in phase space exists if and only if the Gaussian states in set Π and the gain of amplification The distinguishabilty of two quantum states decreases ingeneralafterdeterministicQA.However,thesituation g2d~2 d~2 satisfy the condition cosϑ i ρi − ρj for any maybedifferentinnoisycircumstance. Thedistinguisha- ij ≥ v(g2 1)d~2 d~2 bility of two amplified states through the noisy channel uu i − ρi ρj maybelargerthanthetwostatesthroughthesamenoisy two states ρi,ρj Π, where tϑij is the relative phase ⊆ channel without amplification. between states ρ and ρ in phase space. i j Inordertoseeitexplicitly,supposethatthetwostates ρ ,ρ are to be amplified and σ ,σ are the two corre- 1 2 1 2 sponding amplified states. The noisy channel can be de- C. The phase measurement with phase-preserving scribedbysuperoperatorVˆ(t)sothatthestateevolution amplification of quantum system in noisy channel is ρ(t) = Vˆ(t)[ρ(0)] [35]. In general, the distance of two states decreases After phase-preserving QA, the phase of Gaussian monotonously in noisy channel because of the informa- states stays unchanged. This property can be exploited tion dissipation of quantum system D(ρ (t),ρ (t)) 1 2 to improve the precision of phase measurement, for in- ≤ D(ρ (0),ρ (0)). The decay rate of distance can de de- 1 2 stance, the phase measurement of coherent states using fined as [36] a balanced homodyne detector. The difference of two photo-detector measurements is d obtainedinhomodynedetectionandthe outputsignalis χ(ρ1(t),ρ2(t))= D(ρ1(t),ρ2(t)). (44) dt 9 χ(ρ (t),ρ (t)) 0 implies the distinguishability of two is not a problem for probabilistic QA. For probabilistic 1 2 ≤ states decreaseswith time innoisychannelwhile in non- noiseless QA, we discussed the connection between the Markovian channel χ(ρ (t),ρ (t)) > 0 [37, 38]. The de- gain of amplification and the successful probability. We 1 2 cay rate of two amplified quantum states in the same obtaina generallyvalidrelationbetweenthe gainof am- noisy channel can be defined similarly. The decay rate plification and the successful probability for the case in of distance depends on the initial states which means which successful probability is the same for all quantum the possible different decay rate for states and amplified states to be amplified. Particular interest is focused on states. It is thus possible that the distinguishability of phase-preserving QA of Gaussian states that has been two amplified states may be larger than the states with- shownoftheoreticalinterestandofpracticalimportance out amplification through the same noisy channel. in quantum information and quantum communication. Besides,thedetectorisnottrulyidealinpractice. The Using the concept of distance between Gaussian states, unavoidablenoises in detector will lowerour precisionof the theorem of deterministic noiseless QA of Gaussian distinguish quantum states. For an imperfect detector, stateswithexplicitformulaisobtainedforthe firsttime. the amplified states may be more distinguishable than Also, the application of noiseless QA in phase measure- states without amplification. mentisgivenanddeterministicQAinnoisycircumstance is discussed. Though the distinguishability of two quan- tum states decreases after deterministic amplification in general, the situation may be very different in noisy cir- IV. SUMMARY cumstance. Our discussion of quantum state amplifica- tion viewed as quantum state transformation provides In this paper, using the language of quantum state a general framework to discuss quantum amplification. transformation, we give a general framework of quan- The results of quantum state amplification we obtained tum state amplification systematically for the first time. notonlyenrichtheresearchofquantumamplificationbut Based on explicit definition of amplification of quantum also may be helpful for further applications of quantum states, we formulate the amplification of set of quantum amplification. states as transformation of quantum states. Three dif- Acknowledgements ferent kinds of important QA, i.e., deterministic noisy The authors thank Sheng Liu for helpful discussions. QA, probabilistic noiseless QA, and deterministic noise- This work is supported by National Natural Science lessQA,areidentifiedanddiscussedindetail. 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