EXAMS 36 Specific commentS despite this weakness, candidates still this question and this greatly affected QueStion 1 performed reasonably well on the first their ability to pass the whole paper. Question 1 was based on a scenario of part of this question. The final part of this first question a long established shoe company which The second part of the question asked candidates to advise the was suffering from lack of investment asked candidates to use an appropriate Hammond family on the importance and competition from cheap foreign framework (or frameworks) to examine of mission, values and objectives imports. The scenario presented a SWOT the alternative strategic options that in defining and communicating the analysis of the business produced by a Hammond Shoes could consider to strategy of Hammond Shoes. This was business analyst. A particular feature secure its future position. No specific satisfactorily answered, although a of the scenario was that the company framework was given, although the surprising number of candidates failed was owned by a family who held a inclusion of a SWOT analysis in the case to answer this part question at all. set of beliefs that stressed the social study scenario might have suggested a Some candidates believed that values obligations of employers. TOWS analysis to candidates. However, were about the value to the customer, The SWOT analysis was descriptive, the strategy clock, Ansoff matrix and and therefore found themselves in an and so the first part of the question Porter’s generic strategies could all inappropriate position of describing asked candidates to analyse the be successfully applied to the case value propositions, value chains and financial position of Hammond Shoes. study situation. There was no need for value networks. This was surprising Further strengths and weaknesses might answers to include all these frameworks given the emphasis on business values be driven from this analysis, as well as their application often suggests the in the case study. as evidence to support the business same strategic option. The examiner’s findings of the business analyst. This advice is to only use more than one QueStion 2 part question also asked candidates framework where a further framework This question concerned a company to evaluate the proposed investment gives an insight or provides a suggestion that had bought and implemented of $37.5m in upgrading its production that the initial framework has failed to a software package to automate its facilities. The emphasis of this part provide. Candidates who describe three production process. The package had question was on analysis and financial or four frameworks in such questions been bought by the CEO at a trade position. Too many candidates reiterated rarely score better than candidates who exhibition. However, problems arose textual information already given in the have restricted themselves to a proper when the package was implemented, scenario and so wasted valuable time. analysis based on one appropriate and these problems were described Comprehensive financial information framework. A considerable number in the scenario. The first part of the was provided in Figure 1 of the of candidates did use appropriate question asked candidates to critically scenario, with extracts from income frameworks in this question but often evaluate the decision to buy a software and financial position statements. This failed to apply them sufficiently to the package, explaining why the software figure provided sufficient information to case study scenario to gain many marks. package approach was unlikely to calculate some useful financial ratios Unfortunately, too many candidates succeed. The CEO had already accepted – ROCE, gross profit margin, net profit also tried to apply PESTEL and that ‘using a software package to margin, gearing ratio, interest cover and Porter’s Five Forces to the case study automate the production process was trade receivable days. Most candidates scenario. Both of these frameworks an inappropriate approach and that a recognised this and, as well as are more appropriate for defining bespoke in-house solution should have calculating appropriate ratios, provided strategic position rather than strategic been considered’. a good textual analysis of their results. options, and so candidates struggled The focus of the first part of the However, the quantitative analysis of to score significant marks. In fact, question was on understanding why the the proposed investment was less well their PESTEL analysis was often little software package approach was almost tackled. Some candidates ignored the more than a reiteration of information bound to fail in an application that was returns given in the scenario completely, from the case study scenario and not fully understood, in an organisation confining their analysis to the figures no strategic options were generated with immature procurement processes presented in the financial statements at all. This is unsurprising, as the and in a business environment where and trying to apply the suitability, PESTEL analysis usually precedes the the production process itself provided acceptability and feasibility criteria SWOT and, indeed, feeds into it to the company with a significant to the proposed investment. Other define the opportunities and threats competitive edge. The question asked candidates were aware that the analysis facing the organisation. As a result, candidates to critically evaluate the should be based on the cost, income many candidates wrote long answers decision made by the CEO to use a and probabilities described in the using inappropriate frameworks that software package approach to automate scenario, but surprisingly few were able did not address the requirements of the production process. Unfortunately, to properly calculate expected values the question. Consequently, many too many candidates just read the and so gain the marks on offer. However, candidates scored disappointingly on first few words ‘critically evaluate the decision’ and so the focus of their unfortunately, too many candidateS alSo tried answer was on the decision itself (made without consultation, made without to apply peStel and porter’S five forceS to the understanding requirements), rather caSe Study Scenario. Both of theSe frameworkS than on the decision to follow the software package approach as a whole. are more appropriate for defining Strategic It was agreed that credit should be poSition, rather than Strategic optionS given for this alternative interpretation of the question, but it must be stressed Online ACCA tuition and revision courses A world of resources at your fingertips u Join on-campus lectures online – from anywhere u Highly experienced tutors u Full syllabus in HD recorded lectures u Access full study resources 24/7 online Register now and benefit from exclusive offers Free iPad!† Full-time Part-time Online u To access our HD recorded lectures London +44 (0) 203 535 1222 Birmingham +44 (0) 121 661 7118 www.LSBF.org.uk/Essential +44 (0) 203 535 1222 Manchester +44 (0) 161 669 4276 Toronto +1 416 800 2204 Singapore +65 6580 7700 InterActive +44 (0) 207 099 0077 † iPad offer is available to eligible students on qualifying courses while London Birmingham Manchester Worldwide stocks last. This promotion has not been endorsed by Apple Inc. iPad is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Offer expires on 31/10/2012. T&Cs apply, see website for details. ACHIEVE MORE. BECOME MORE. SA_Essential-full_page ads(195x290mm).indd 4 07/08/2012 15:59 EXAMS 38 that candidates must carefully read the It seems likely that a project initiation PaPer P4 PaSS raTe: 36% whole of the question and determine document that forces the definition of advanced financial what is required in the context of the constraints on the project would have manaGemenT scenario. As one marker commented, unearthed and documented this. It The structure of the paper was similar ‘it is as if they have read the first few might also be recommended that these to past papers with two compulsory words of the question and then dived general terms of the private/public questions in Section A, consisting of into an answer’. investment policy should be explicitly 60 marks in total, and three The second part of this question integrated into all future project 20-mark questions in Section B, of was relatively straightforward, asking initiation documents created by the local which candidates had to answer two candidates to analyse how a formal authority under this initiative. The focus for the remaining 40 marks. The process for software procurement, of the answer should be on the scenario, overall performance of the candidates evaluation and implementation not the theory. was satisfactory and better than the would have addressed the problems Part (b) asked candidates to draft previous sitting. experienced in the production process an analysis that formally categorises In Section A, Question 1 consisted project. However, as in Question 3, too and critically evaluates each of the four of 35 marks and Question 2 consisted much focus was on describing a process sets of benefit defined in the original of 25 marks. Four professional marks for software package procurement, as business case. This was not answered were allocated to Question 1. Both opposed to how it would address the particularly well. Candidates need questions required candidates to problems experienced by the company. to ensure that they are familiar with undertake computations and discussion. contemporary benefits management, In Section B, Question 5 was wholly QueStion 3 elements of which have been integrated discursive, while Questions 3 and 4 This question assessed elements of into the revised section of the Study consisted of a mixture of computational project management. The scenario Guide. Benefits management is and discursive elements. concerned the construction of a increasingly important in organisations Excellent answers were obtained community centre and the project and candidates would gain from from candidates who applied their management issues that arose during understanding its principles and the knowledge to the scenario given in the its construction. The scenario also issues it is attempting to address. question. The presentation of such included the investment appraisal that answers was good, with clear labelling supported the business case for funding QueStion 4 and structure and workings. Successful the community centre under a private/ The final question concerned the value candidates attempted all the parts of the public investment appraisal. chain at a company specialising in the questions and managed their time well Part (a) asked candidates to analyse production of bespoke sofas and chairs. between questions. how a formal terms of reference for This was a popular question and many Like the previous sittings, there the project would have helped address candidates scored high marks. was evidence in this sitting of some problems encountered in the project Part (a) asked candidates to analyse candidates employing poor time and how it would also lead to improved the existing value chain, using it to management techniques and not project management (lessons learnt) highlight areas of weakness. This was answering all the parts of a question, or in future projects. Most candidates relatively well done, although many in a minority of cases not answering a were able to describe the structure candidates started to suggest ways of question at all. There was evidence that and contents of a project initiation overcoming these weaknesses, which some candidates spent too long on one document, and many did so at was really the focus of the second or some questions, then had to rush length – but this was not the question part of the question. This meant that through the other questions. A number requirement. Some answers contained candidates wasted time by covering the of such candidates failed marginally only theory and made no reference to same ground twice. even though the questions they had the scenario at all; many candidates did Part (b) asked for an evaluation answered fully were of a pass standard. not score highly in this part, although of how technology could be used in It is important to make a reasonable they may have written a lot. both the upstream and downstream attempt at each question and each part Candidates need to carefully consider supply chain to address the problems of each question. their approach to such questions. uncovered in the first part of the It is imperative that candidates learn It might be better to start with the question. Again, this was relatively to manage their time effectively through problem or issue from the scenario and well answered, although too many practising past exam questions under then to reflect on how (in this case) a candidates forgot to focus their timed and exam style conditions. It project initiation document would have answer on technology and strayed into was also evident that well-structured addressed this problem. For example, organisational responses (outsourcing, answers enabled candidates to manage in the scenario it emerges that ‘80% restructuring) which were not part of the their time more effectively. For example, of the timber used in the building requirement. Unlike Question 3, virtually Questions 1 and 2 were long and must come from sustainable forests’. all answers focused on the case study complex, and good time management The construction company did not scenario and avoided generalities. This supported by clear presentation and know this at the start of the project. is to be commended. structure to the answers resulted in high marks being achieved. Some candidates were poorly prepared unlike QueStion 3, virtually all anSwerS for the exam in terms of their knowledge focuSed on the caSe Study Scenario and and application. This was especially evident in Questions 1(ii), 2(a), 2(b), 3(a), avoided generalitieS. thiS iS to Be commended 3(b), 4(c) and 5(b). Candidates need to Student AccountAnt | ESSENTIAL EXAM GUIDE | 10/12 be aware that having a comprehensive it iS very important to plan and Structure grasp of the entire Paper P4 syllabus is essential. They need to know the syllabus anSwerS properly. good, clear handwriting iS well in order to apply knowledge from it eSSential. adopting theSe good practiceS will to the question scenario. A consistent, sustained study approach supported by alSo enaBle candidateS to get the majority of question practice and reading around the profeSSional markS availaBle the subject is much more likely to achieve success. It is highly unlikely that a strategy based on a last-minute holders and the predator company’s Responses to Part (iv) were mixed. intense study approach and attempting equity holders based on synergies, Some good answers covered all the to question spot will be successful. This a modified PE ratio and different requirements and scored the majority has been proven to be the case in every payment methods (Part (ii)); and work of the marks, even if the discussion Paper P4 exam so far. out the value of a follow-on real option centred on incorrect numerical answers. Poor performance was also evident (Part (iii)). The discussion part required However, not all candidates considered where candidates did not read the candidates to discuss the values and the impact on both companies’ content and requirements of the gains with and without the project to equity holders. Many responses only questions fully. Equally, answers need both sets of equity holders, and the considered the impact on Nente Co’s to be directed at the scenario in the assumptions made (Part (iv)). This equity holders and/or did not consider question; general answers do not gain question contained four professional the impact of the option. Fewer marks many marks. marks available for well-structured were given to these responses. In summary, a number of common answers presented in a report format. issues arose in candidates’ answers: Generally, this question was done QueStion 2 ¤ A lack of knowledge of the entire adequately. Many candidates made Question 2, Part (a), revolved around syllabus, including Section G, which good attempts at all the parts and, the impact of changes in financing requires knowledge and understanding apart from Part (ii), gained reasonable of a company and how the impact of of current issues. This can be put right marks. The presentation of the answers changing financial structure affected for future exams through a strategy of was varied, with some answers given the financial position, earnings per sustained study, instead of last-minute in report style, but many candidates share and the gearing of the company. intensive preparation and trying to answering the question without paying Answers to this part tended to be varied. spot questions and/or topic areas. A due attention to what a report should Candidates who presented the changed good knowledge of current issues is contain. Answers that gave a report financial position and calculated the also essential. title, but then did not structure the changes in earnings for each proposal, ¤ Failing to read the question answer appropriately, gained few which were then incorporated into requirement carefully and, therefore, professional marks. the calculations of EPS and gearing, providing irrelevant answers that Part (i) was generally done gained the majority of marks. However, score few, if any, marks. Question adequately. A significant number of overall, this part of the question was not requirements and the information in candidates calculated the growth rate, done well. the scenario need to be read with care. although some misread the question, Many responses tended to discuss ¤ Poor time management between and read the growth rate information or try to explain the changes and, questions – some candidates spent far as: ‘by 25%’ instead of ‘to 25%’. In a therefore, gained fewer marks. Many too long on some questions and this number of responses, when calculating responses did not consider the impact put them under time pressure to finish the free cash flow to firm, errors were on interest of increased or reduced the remaining questions. Proper time made such as including interest and debt financing and, therefore, did not management between questions and when calculating the tax impact. Many incorporate the impact into the profit parts of questions is essential. candidates did not deduct the debt after tax and the financial position. ¤ Not learning lessons from earlier value from the free cash flow to get to In a notable minority of responses, examiner’s reports and, thus, making the value per share. Some candidates candidates did not calculate the EPS the same mistakes. Many of the same did not divide the total value by the and gearing correctly. Such responses comments are made repeatedly in the number of shares to get a share price. gained few marks. examiner’s reports. A significant number of candidates Question 2, Part (b), tested what ¤ Illegible handwriting and poor layout found difficulty with Part (ii) and, securitisation was and the key of answers. It is very important to plan especially, with obtaining a value for the barriers to Ennea Co undertaking the and structure answers properly. Good, combined company based on combined process. This part was done poorly clear handwriting is essential. Adopting company earnings, which included by most candidates. Few responses these good practices will also enable synergies and a modified PE ratio. This gave an adequate explanation of the candidates to get the majority of the is a fairly standard method of obtaining securitisation process, often confusing it professional marks available. the value of the combined company, and with what leasing was and/or assuming it was expected that most candidates securitisation meant providing asset Specific commentS should have been able to do these security or collateral for a loan. Very few QueStion 1 computations at Paper P4 level. responses considered the barriers to Question 1 required candidates to Although a few numerical errors were Ennea Co in any detail. It was evident provide a value per share of an unlisted made, which gave an incorrect answer that many candidates adopt a revision company (Part (i)); estimate the gains for the option, in most cases high strategy where they try to spot questions to the target unlisted company’s equity marks were achieved for Part (iii). or topics which would be asked in an EXAMS 40 PaPer P5 PaSS raTe: 35% QueStion 3 waS By far the leaSt popular and the advanced Performance leSS well anSwered of the option QueStionS manaGemenT In this report, my aim is to indicate exam, and considered securitisation as and debt weightings, and where this areas of good and poor performance a relatively minor topic that was unlikely was done correctly, appropriate credit with the specific additional purpose of to be examined. Candidates should was given. Many responses did not give helping future candidates assess what is avoid such a strategy, as any part of reasons for the approach taken and, required of them. the Syllabus and Study Guide can be thereby, did not achieve some relatively The exam paper comprised two examined. Question 2, Part (b), was not easy marks. sections, A and B. Section A consisted a difficult question, and knowledge of Part (b) required the candidates to of two compulsory questions for 66 securitisation, and the ability to apply compute the internal rate of return (IRR) marks in total. Section B consisted that knowledge to the question, would and modified internal rate of return of three optional questions for 17 have gained the majority of the marks. (MIRR) of one project and compare these marks each from which candidates with the given figures for another project, were required to answer two questions. QueStion 3 in order to recommend which project (The slight change in weighting in Question 3 was by far the least popular to select. Most candidates did this part marks in Sections A and B in the June and the less well answered of the well, and even where both IRR and MIRR 2012 sitting reflected the questions option questions. Part (a) required the gave the same answer due to earlier written and the time required for their candidates to calculate the variable errors, reasonable explanations were answers.) This is in line with the broad amounts received and the fixed amounts given. However, a significant minority of plan for the allocation of marks on this paid by Sembilan Co to Ratus Bank responses did not calculate IRR correctly paper and there is no absolute rule that based on forward rates. A number of and/or gave incorrect explanations, which there will be 60 marks in Section A and candidates incorrectly included the 60 would not be expected at Paper P4 level. 40 in Section B. basis points, which is part of the original Few responses calculated the annual loan contract but would not be part and five-year value-at-risk figures general commentS of the swap; and some answers used in Part (c), and very few provided In general, it was encouraging to the spot rates instead of the forward explanations of the values obtained. see some candidates applying good rates. It is surprising that the responses Like Question 2, Part (b), it seems that analytical reasoning and making use of contained basic errors following the candidates are not studying parts of the detail provided in the scenario. Most recent publication of a technical article the syllabus that they consider to be exams require a balance of memory in Student Accountant on how a swap relatively small parts and unlikely to work and evaluation/analysis. As one contract can be valued based on forward be tested. As stated above, given that goes through the levels, this balance rates and a fixed rate. Few candidates questions will cover a range of areas changes from pure memory to more could explain why the fixed rate was within the entire syllabus, adopting such analysis. Good candidates distinguish lower than the four-year spot rate. a strategy is not recommended. themselves by being aware that if they In Part (b), many responses come to this exam expecting to repeat gave explanations, rather than a QueStion 5 memorised material, they will probably demonstration, that the payment This question was also a popular choice score only between 20% and 30%. liability did not change. Many of the from the option questions. Part (a) of The basis of this exam is analysis explanations lacked adequate detail. the question, which asked candidates and application. Candidates will need The requirement ‘demonstrate’ means to discuss the key risks and issues of a foundation in the techniques of the that the candidates should show, by setting up an international subsidiary, syllabus, but should focus more on examples or otherwise, that the payment was done well and many candidates evaluation of these techniques and does not change whether interest rates gained high marks for this part. consideration of their usefulness to increase or decrease. Few managed to However, answers scored relatively fewer the given scenario. This is not difficult do this with any clarity. marks for the mitigation of the risks to revise as it is a mindset that can Part (c) was generally done well, with and issues. Nevertheless, generally high easily be encouraged by considering many candidates achieving high marks marks were achieved in Part (a). past papers as an integral part of the for the discussion, making a variety of On the other hand, few responses revision process. Candidates need to be theoretical and practical points. were able to provide adequate responses aware that performance management to Part (b). The first requirement of is an area which, at an advanced QueStion 4 Part (b) asking for an explanation of level, is dependent upon situation and This question was the most popular dark pool trading systems was relatively environment. A good, professional-level of the option questions. In Part (a), easy and, again, similar to Question 2, answer will go beyond the mere the question required candidates to Part (b) and Question 4, Part (c), it repetition of how a technique works determine an appropriate cost of capital seems that candidates are not studying and focus on relating it to the entity’s for two projects in a new industry. parts of the syllabus that they consider specific environment. It was very clear Most candidates made a reasonably to be relatively minor and at the fringes to the marking team at this sitting that, good attempt at determining the cost of the syllabus. As stated above, given typically, those candidates who had of capital, although few candidates that questions will cover a range of grasped the need for this went on to were able to calculate the asset beta areas within the entire syllabus, such a pass the paper with ease. of other activities and, therefore, the strategy is not recommended. Very few The overall quality of the numerical component asset beta. A small number responses correctly identified how dark working and the commentary on the of candidates used an average of equity pool systems may affect Kilenc Co. results remains an area of concern. Discover our Global Campus™ ACCA courses in Europe, Singapore & North America* u Highly experienced tutors City centre locations u u Global networking opportunities u Work experience programme** Gain a globally recognised qualification, and an international business perspective – study at our campuses around the world.* London +44 (0) 203 535 1222 Birmingham +44 (0) 121 661 7118 www.LSBF.org.uk/Essential +44 (0) 203 535 1222 Manchester +44 (0) 161 669 4276 Toronto +1 416 800 2204 Singapore +65 6580 7700 InterActive +44 (0) 207 099 0077 *T&Cs apply, call for details. Global Campus is not a registered trademark in London Birmingham Manchester Worldwide Singapore. See website for details. **Canadian work experience programme available at the Toronto campus. This programme does not form part of ACCA’s practical experience requirement. ACHIEVE MORE. BECOME MORE. SA_Essential-full_page ads(195x290mm).indd 3 07/08/2012 15:59 EXAMS 42 The ability to accurately calculate Finally, in the style of presentation simple but a little more obscure – those performance measures and then cogently of answers, candidates should avoid who assumed that the cost of capital discuss the results in a way that a the unexplained use of jargon. It (12.5%) applied to both the return and business will find useful is lacking in is possibly due to the candidates’ investment phases gained some credit many candidates. This is a basic skill and lack of confidence in applying their but could not score full marks as the it is very disappointing that candidates knowledge that there is a tendency to question made clear the different rate have reached this level without grasping simply put down lists of jargon phrases for the return phase. The work on more this. A simple illustration of this point and hope for marks. As in previous standard profit-based measures was on accurate calculation and presentation sittings, better presented answers generally done well. of numerical information is the sloppy that demonstrate neat layout, logical Part (iii) required candidates to approach taken to rounding numbers, structure and a readable style offer consider the impact of performance and if a candidate is preparing a table an easier opportunity for markers to measurement on activity within the of data then all the rounding should be understand, and so credit the points organisation. It was clear that many consistent – either to a certain number being made. This is something that will candidates had not considered this of significant figures or decimal places. always remain an important point for issue, which is a central problem for The accountant is often expected to candidates preparing for Paper P5. managers of performance. There were be the expert on numerical issues several examples of these issues given in a business situation and this sort Specific commentS specifically within the scenario for of obvious carelessness dents that Section a candidates to use as illustrations. Many reputation. On commenting on numerical QueStion 1 candidates chose to simply repeat work, there were numerous examples The question concerned the their points from Part (i), which was of scripts that limited themselves to performance reporting and management insufficient to address their use in basically putting into sentences the at a restaurant. This question strikes illustrating the quote in the question numbers calculated – for example, ‘Amal at the core of the skills of a strategic requirement. However, it was pleasing to has a higher profit margin than either performance adviser – assessing see some good effort being made to try Kayland or Cheapo’. This is inadequate and improving existing performance to reason through to the answer using and gained no credit. This has been reporting, calculating and evaluating the the scenario information. commented on in many previous reports use of certain performance measures Finally, there were four marks for the and, disappointingly, there has been and considering how measurement and professionalism demonstrated in the no significant improvement over recent reporting impact on management. The style, structure and clarity of the report sittings of Paper P5 in this aspect of question was generally poorly done with requested. Candidates showed good candidates’ performance. many candidates lacking the analytical ability in this area, which is generally In advising those who will review this and critical skills needed to produce a gained through practising writing paper in the future, I must give some good answer. answers during revision. well-worn suggestions. First, some Part (i) required candidates to assess candidates are not spending sufficient and suggest improvements to the QueStion 2 time on reading the question and existing (poor) board report in terms of The question concerned an airline understanding its requirements. I wrote its content and presentation. Generally, (Amal) and began by describing the an article on this point that has appeared this part was done well as candidates company and the business issues that on the ACCA website but the lessons still used the report given to make specific it faced, and then gave details of its do not appear to have been learned. For criticisms and suggestions for competitors. Overall, the question example, markers frequently commented improvements of format and content was reasonably attempted with those on answers to Question 1(i) which, in a straightforward and practical way. who attended to the issues facing instead of reviewing the performance However, as in previous sittings, a Amal (need for cost cutting, problems report of the company, reviewed number of candidates chose to answer a with the workforce, redesign of the the performance of the company in different question (‘critically assess the website, investment in better aircraft) the scenario. performance of Metis’) and, sadly, this scoring well. Second, there was evidence that the scored few marks. Part (a) required candidates to use syllabus is being only partially studied. Part (ii) required candidates to the data provided to select appropriate I am afraid that I can offer no words calculate and evaluate the use of NPV, performance indicators and analyse of encouragement to those candidates MIRR, EVATM and other profit-based the three airlines. The quality of answers who insist on playing this risky game performance measures. Candidates’ to this part was mixed. Some candidates with their exams. There was evidence on performance in this part was scored highly by selecting appropriate Question 2(b) on the performance prism, disappointing with many simple marks indicators for Amal (focusing on its Question 3(a) on six sigma and Question for NPV and EVATM calculations going problems: profits, fuel costs) and the 4 on benchmarking that these areas begging. This probably demonstrated a key drivers of such an industry (for had been only superficially covered by lack of question practice in preparation example, utilisation of seats). They candidates in their studies. for the exam. The MIRR calculation was then provided a commentary that there waS evidence that the SyllaBuS iS Being only partially Studied. i am afraid that i can offer no wordS of encouragement to thoSe candidateS who inSiSt on playing thiS riSky game with their examS Student AccountAnt | ESSENTIAL EXAM GUIDE | 10/12 showed how the indicators linked to QueStion 4 – the difficulties of measuring and the strategies of the three companies The question concerned a university managing home-working employees and and also the issues mentioned. Poor (Ganymede) that was in the process strategic outsourcing partners. answers simply created measures by of undertaking a benchmarking apparently going down the list of data exercise with two other universities in PaPer P6 PaSS raTe: 42% given in the question creating random its country. This was easily the most advanced TaxaTion (uk) ratios. These were then often followed popular question in Section B. Overall, The performance in the June 2012 by comments that lacked any further answers were disappointing to what exam was an improvement on that in commercial value such as ‘Amal’s ought to be a straightforward question December 2011, but not as strong operating margin is higher than the in a Paper P5 exam. as in previous sittings. There were other companies’. Good answers used Part (a) required candidates many good, concise scripts with their numerical work as an opportunity to assess the progress of the some candidates demonstrating to show that they had understood the benchmarking exercise. This required a strong, broad knowledge of the scenario by commenting further – for knowledge of the steps involved in such syllabus. The majority of candidates example, ‘this is not surprising as Amal an exercise and an ability to see what attempted virtually all of the parts of is a “premium” airline’. had and had not been completed in four questions. Part (b) required candidates to apply the scenario example. Answers were Although there were, as always, the performance prism to Amal and generally unstructured, with those various areas of technical weakness, the suggest improvements in performance, that laid out a set of steps in the most significant issues related to poor performance management and benchmarking process scoring best. exam technique as set out below. performance measures. This part was Nevertheless, a general understanding either done well or badly depending of the method was present but this had general commentS on whether the candidate knew the to be combined with suitable comments The exam was divided into Section A performance prism. Most candidates about Ganymede’s current progress in and Section B. Section A consisted of knew the model and were successful order to gain a pass mark. two compulsory questions for a total in applying it to the scenario, so they Part (b) required candidates to of 64 marks. In Section B, candidates scored highly. evaluate Ganymede’s benchmarked were required to answer two of the position. This should have been a three questions worth 18 marks each. Section B straightforward analysis of the data table In Section B, Question 4 was the most QueStion 3 given. However, as mentioned earlier, popular and Questions 3 and 5 were The question concerned a mobile candidates displayed a disappointing equally popular. telephone network provider (Thebe) lack of judgment over what constitutes Candidates’ performance in this exam that was planning a six sigma, quality useful advice in this scenario and illustrated three common failings as improvement programme centred failed to use the indicated drivers in regards exam technique. These failings on improved customer billing. This order to calculate suitable relative are referred to in detail below in respect question was fairly popular. Candidates measures. Also, as in Question 2(a), the of each question, but it is useful to who knew what the acronym DMAIC commentary was often restricted to the summarise them here. stands for realised that they could at unnecessary writing out in a sentence the First, candidates must read the least score well in Part (b). output of the table – for example, ‘GU questions carefully and identify all of Part (a) required candidates to discuss has the highest research contract value’, the relevant information. For example: the general ways in which six sigma with no value-adding (and mark scoring) could help to improve quality at Thebe. comments attached. Question 1 The importance of the This was poorly answered, with much Double Tax Agreement evidence of candidates trying to use QueStion 5 information. DMAIC as a template for an answer when The question concerned an e-tailer Question 2 The acquisition of the the question was asking about the six (Callisto) with a complex business subsidiaries part-way sigma method (in general) and not a structure. This was the least popular through the accounting specific implementation method. This was question in Section B, probably as it did period. possibly caused by not reading the whole not follow some pre-ordained method. Question 5 The short accounting question before starting to answer Part However, those candidates who used period and Mr Quinn’s (a). Nevertheless, it was possible to score the information in the scenario to good ownership of other some marks with this approach, although effect were usually able to gather the companies. the themes of Pande and Holpp were marks to pass. more relevant and those who used these There was only one requirement Second, candidates must address all scored close to full marks in this part. for the question on the difficulties aspects of the question. This means Part (b) required candidates to of performance management and that candidates must be methodical illustrate how a specific method of measurement in such a complex in their approach. They must think implementing six sigma (DMAIC) business as Callisto. Candidates were about how they intend to satisfy the could be applied at Thebe. This part correct to split this into areas, such as requirements and identify the precise was usually done very well by the the general impact of such a complex tasks involved. For example: candidates who attempted it. Many structure on the business as a whole candidates scored full marks by and then the impact on employee Question 1(a) Candidates needed describing each of the steps and then management and strategic partner to consider the illustrating the step with a relevant management. The key to scoring well inheritance tax and comment for Thebe. was making relevant points for Callisto capital gains tax EXAMS 44 implications of both a example, it was clear from answers to to do before you do it; just get on with lifetime gift and a gift Question 1 that some candidates did it – only provide explanations when via a will in respect of not know the conditions regarding the you are asked to. both potential gifts. availability of reliefs for the purposes ¤ Think before you write. Then write Question 2(cii) Candidates needed of capital gains tax. Similarly, in whatever is necessary to satisfy to consider the Question 2, some candidates did the requirement. possibility of the not know the definitions of a group ¤ Apply your knowledge to the facts by shares being sold at for the purposes of group relief and reference to the requirement. a profit and at a loss, chargeable gains. with the substantial ¤ This knowledge must be up to 5. T hink before you start and manage shareholding exemption date. Candidates sitting the exam your time either applying or not in December must familiarise ¤ Ensure that you allow the correct applying in themselves with the changes amount of time for each question. both situations. introduced by the recent Finance ¤ Before you start writing, think about Question 3(b) Candidates needed to Acts as summarised in the Finance the issues and identify all of the consider the cost to Act articles published in Student points you intend to address and/or Jerome and to Tricycle Accountant magazine and on the any strategy you intend to adopt to Ltd of each of the ACCA website. solve the problem set. two alternatives. 2. P ractise questions from past exams If you are preparing to resit the exam, Third, candidates must avoid wasting with the aim of adopting the style of think about the number of additional time on matters that are not part of the the model answers marks you need and identify a strategy requirement or on providing too much to earn them. For example: detail. The amount of detail provided 3. Address the requirement ¤ identify those areas of the syllabus in a written answer should reflect the ¤ Read the requirement carefully – in where you are weakest and work number of marks on offer and, therefore, the Section A questions, the detailed to improve your knowledge in the number of minutes available. The tasks that you are to perform will be those areas first marks in any question are likely to set out in one of the documents. It ¤ ask yourself whether you could be easier to earn than later marks – ie may be helpful to tick off the tasks as improve the way you manage your candidates will find it easier to increase you address them. Marks are awarded time in the exam and whether you their mark in a 10-mark question for satisfying the requirements and address all of the parts of all four from zero to four marks as opposed not for other information, even if it is questions, or whether you waste time to from four marks to eight marks. technically correct. addressing issues which have not Therefore, they must attempt all parts ¤ The requirements of each question been asked for of all four questions and give each part are carefully worded in order to ¤ make sure that you earn the the appropriate amount of time. In provide you with guidance as regards professional skills marks and that you particular, many candidates provided too the style and content of your answers. are prepared to address the ethical much narrative in their answers to the You should note the command words issues that may be examined. following questions: (calculate, explain, etc), any matters which are not to be covered, and the markS availaBle in reSpect of Question 1 The basic mechanics precise issues you have been asked profeSSional SkillS of inheritance tax and to address. Marks were available for professional capital gains tax. ¤ You should also note any guidance skills in Question 1. In order to Question 2 The basics of given in the question or in any notes earn these marks, candidates had corporate losses and following the requirement regarding to provide clear explanations and the mechanics of the the approach you should take when coherent calculations in appropriately capital goods scheme. answering the question. formatted documents. Question 4 The conditions and ¤ Pay attention to the number of marks On the whole, the performance of rules relating to venture available – this provides you with candidates in this area was good, with capital trusts and a clear indication of the amount the majority of candidates producing pension contributions. of time you should spend on each correctly formatted documents in a style Question 5 The conditions and question part. that was easy to follow. rules relating to scientific research and 4. D on’t provide general explanations Specific commentS capital allowances. or long introductions QueStion 1 ¤ If you are asked to calculate, there is Question 1 was in two parts. Part (a) Candidates should pay particular no need to explain what you are going required candidates to prepare attention to the following in order to maximise their chances of success in the exam in the future. on the whole, the performance of candidateS in thiS area waS good, with the majority of 1. Know your stuff ¤ Successful candidates are able to candidateS producing correctly formatted demonstrate sufficient, precise documentS in a Style that waS eaSy to follow knowledge of the UK tax system. For Student AccountAnt | ESSENTIAL EXAM GUIDE | 10/12 a memorandum with supporting the main proBlemS experienced By candidateS calculations in relation to two proposed related to exam techniQue. there were three gifts of high value assets. Part (b) required candidates to write a letter particular proBlemS: failing to Sufficiently addressing the implications of the read the QueStion carefully, failing to addreSS non-declaration of taxable income. Part (a) concerned a proposed gift by all of the reQuirementS and running Una to her son of either some farmland over time situated in the UK or a villa situated overseas. Candidates were required to prepare calculations of the inheritance tax and capital gains tax payable in overseas villa from UK inheritance tax. Part (b) required a letter in relation respect of each of the possible gifts, This meant that, when dealing with the to the non-declaration of income and explanations, particularly in relation to villa, candidates needed only to consider was done reasonably well. There were the availability of reliefs and a concise the tax suffered overseas. Those two elements to a good answer: the summary of the calculations. candidates who failed to appreciate this penalties that could be levied on the This question was answered did not lose many marks but wasted taxpayer and the professional issues reasonably well. In particular, only a time calculating UK inheritance tax on relating to the firm of accountants. The minority of candidates confused the the villa. two elements were indicated clearly rules of inheritance tax and capital The question required calculations in the question, which stated that ‘the gains tax. Also, many candidates of the ‘possible reduction in the letter should explain the implications demonstrated strong technical inheritance tax payable as a result of for Una and our firm’. Those candidates knowledge of the mechanics of Una’s death’ in respect of each of the who failed to address both elements inheritance tax and agricultural property possible lifetime gifts. This required struggled to do well. relief. Now that inheritance tax has been candidates to compare the tax arising part of Paper F6 for a while, candidates on a lifetime gift with that arising if the QueStion 2 sitting Paper P6 can expect to see more asset passed via Una’s will for both of Question 2 concerned the Janus plc questions in this style – ie questions that the assets. There was then the need to group of companies and was in four work at the margin rather than requiring consider the capital gains tax on the main parts. It required candidates to complete tax computations. lifetime gift while remembering that have a broad knowledge of corporation The one common error in relation to there would be no capital gains tax if tax and VAT, together with the ability to inheritance tax was a failure to realise the assets were retained until death. move from one technical area to another that the earlier cash gift had no effect on Finally, candidates were asked to provide briskly. The first part of the question the nil band in respect of the later gift a concise summary of their calculations concerned losses and was done well. as it was made more than seven years ‘in order to assist Una in making Performance in the remaining parts prior to death. Other, less common, her decision’. varied considerably from candidate errors included deducting taper relief The problem was that many to candidate. from the value transferred rather than candidates were not sufficiently Part (a) concerned the relief available from the inheritance tax liability and methodical, such that they did not in respect of a trading loss made by deducting the annual exemptions from carry out all of the necessary tasks and Janus plc, a group holding company. the death estate. missed out on easy marks. In particular, Candidates needed to consider the The capital gains tax elements of many candidates did not provide the reliefs available in Janus plc itself, group the question were not handled as well final summary. companies and a consortium company. as inheritance tax. Many candidates The final problem in relation to exam The group companies were acquired part did not know the conditions relating technique related to time management: way through the loss-making period. to the availability of capital gains it was evident that some candidates did The majority of candidates identified tax reliefs and simply assumed, not have a sufficient sense of urgency most of the relevant information in the incorrectly, that gift relief would be when answering this question. This question and knew how to relieve the available. A substantial minority also resulted in lengthy explanations of how loss in order to maximise the tax saving. forgot the fundamental point that there inheritance tax and, to a lesser extent, Only a minority of candidates identified is no capital gains tax on death and capital gains tax is calculated together that there were only four associated calculated liabilities in respect of both with details of Una’s plans. companies in the period prior to the loss. lifetime gifts and gifts via Una’s will. The question asked for ‘explanations Some candidates spent too long However, the main problems where the calculations are not on this question and provided very experienced by candidates related self-explanatory, particularly in relation detailed explanations of group relief and to exam technique. There were to the availability of reliefs’. Candidates consortium relief; the amount of detail three particular problems: failing to need to think carefully before providing provided must relate to the number sufficiently read the question carefully, narrative as writing is very time of marks on offer. Also, there was a failing to address all of the requirements consuming. They should identify, in tendency to repeat things. For example, and running over time. advance, the points they are planning to stating that Janus plc is in a loss group When reading the question, many make and should then make each point with Seb Ltd and Viola Ltd followed by candidates failed to identify the in as concise a manner as possible. a statement that it was not in a loss relevance of the exemption clause in There is likely to be a mark for each group with Castor Ltd. Candidates should the Double Taxation Agreement. The relevant point, so each one should take identify the points they intend to make effect of the clause was to exempt the no more than two short sentences. and then make them as concisely as