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Unexpected neutron/proton ratio and isospin effect in low-energy antiproton induced reactions PDF

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Preview Unexpected neutron/proton ratio and isospin effect in low-energy antiproton induced reactions

Unexpected neutron/proton ratio and isospin effect in low-energy antiproton induced reactions ∗ Zhao-Qing Feng Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, People’s Republic of China (Dated: January 24, 2017) Theinclusivespectraofpreequilibriumnucleonsproducedinlow-energyantiproton-nucleuscolli- sionsarethoroughlyinvestigatedwithintheframeworkoftheLanzhouquantummoleculardynamics modelforthefirsttime. Allpossiblereactionchannelssuchaselasticscattering,annihilation,charge exchangeandinelasticscatteringinantibaryon-baryon,baryon-baryonandmeson-baryoncollisions have been included in the transport model. The unexpected neutron/proton ratio in comparison to the pion and proton induced reactions is caused from the isospin effects of pion-nucleon colli- 7 sions and the density dependence of symmetry energy. It is found that the π−-neutron collisions 1 enhance the neutron emission in the antiproton annihilation in a nucleus. Different to heavy-ion 0 collisions, the isospin effects are pronounced at the low kinetic energies. A soft symmetry energy 2 withthestiffnessofγs =0.5at subsaturation densitiesisconstrained from theavailable dataof the neutron/proton spectra. n a PACS number(s): 25.43.+t, 24.10.-i, 21.65.Ef J 3 2 Since the first evidence of antiprotons was found in K etc) induced reactions and to heavy-ion collisions, in 1955 at Berkeley in collisions of protons on copper at which the particles produced in the annihilation of the ] the energy of 6.2 GeV by Chamberlain, Segr`e, Wiegand antiproton in a nucleus are coupled to the subsequent h t and Ypsilantis [1], the secondary beams of antiprotons collisions with surrounding nucleons. The dynamics of - l were produced at many laboratories, such as CERN, antiproton-nucleus collisions is complicated, which is as- c BNL, KEK etc [2–5]. The stochastic cooling method sociatedwith the mean-fieldpotentials ofhadronsin nu- u n provides the possibility for storing the antiprotons pro- clear medium, and also coupled to a number of reaction [ ducedinproton-nucleuscollisions. TheparticlesW±and channels,i.e.,theannihilationchannels,charge-exchange Z0 were found for the first time with the high energy reaction, elastic and inelastic collisions. There has been 1 v protons colliding the stored antiprotons at CERN [6]. several approaches for describing the nuclear dynamics 5 On the other hand, the antiproton-nucleus collisions are induced by antiprotons, e.g., the intranuclear cascade 0 motivated to many interesting issues, i.e., charmonium model [21], kinetic approach [22], Giessen Boltzmann- 3 physics, strangeness physics, antiprotonic atom, symme- Uehling-Uhlenbecktransportmodel[23],StatisticalMul- 6 try, in-medium properties of hadrons, cold quark-gluon tifragmentation Model [24] and the Lanzhou quantum 0 plasma, highly excited nucleus etc [7, 8]. Recently, the molecular dynamics (LQMD) approach [25]. Part of ex- . 1 antiproton-antiprotoninteractionwasinvestigatedbythe perimental data can be understood within these models. 0 STARcollaborationinrelativisticheavy-ioncollisions[9]. A more localized energy is deposited in the nucleus 7 1 In the past decades, the nuclear reactions induced by with an excitation energy of several hundreds of MeV. : antiprotons were investigated with the facilities of the Thehotnucleusproceedstotheexplosivedecayviamul- v low-energy antiproton ring (LEAR) at CERN [10], the tifragmentation process or the sequential particle evap- i X National Laboratory for High Energy Physics at KEK oration. On the other hand, the collisions of the an- r [11] and Brookhaven National Laboratory Alternating tiprotonandsecondaryparticleswithsurroundingnucle- a GradientSynchrotron(AGS) accelerator[12]. Anumber ons lead to the pre-equilibrium particle emissions, which ofinterestingphenomenawereobserved,e.g.,thedelayed are related to the scattering cross sections of each re- fission from the decay of hypernuclei in antiproton anni- actionchannels,antiproton-nucleoninteraction,particle- hilations on heavy nuclei [13], unexpected enhancement nucleonpotentials,density profile oftargetnucleus. The ofthe Λ/K0 ratio[14], decay mode of highly excited nu- unexpectedlargeneutronyieldsproducedbystoppedan- S cleus etc [15, 16]. The low-energy antiprotons usually tiprotons in nuclei were reported in the LEAR experi- annihilate atthe nucleus surfacebecauseofthe largeab- ments [26,27]. Thephenomena hasbeenpuzzling physi- sorption cross section. The huge annihilation energy are cists several decades [28]. availableforproducingthe 2-6pions[17,18]. Thesubse- In this letter, the preequilibrium nucleon emissions quentprocessesarecomplicatedandalsoassociatedwith and the neutron/proton (n/p) spectra in antiproton themultiplepion-nucleoninteraction,whichresultinthe induced nuclear reactions are investigated within the fragmentation of target nucleus and the preequilibrium LQMD transport model. In the model, the dynam- emissions of complex particles [19, 20]. ics of resonances with the mass below 2 GeV, hyper- The dynamics of the antiproton-nucleus collisions is ons and mesons is coupled to the hadron-hadron colli- more complicated in comparison to hadron (proton, π, sions, antibaryon-baryon annihilations, decays of reso- 2 nances [25, 29]. The temporal evolutions of all particles centroidof resonancemass, e.g.,1.232 GeV for ∆(1232). are described by Hamilton’s equations of motion under Themaximumcrosssectionσ istakenfromfittingthe max theself-consistentlygeneratedmean-fieldpotentials. The availableexperimentaldataandsatisfiedtothesquareof Hamiltonianofnucleonsandnucleonicresonancesiscon- Clebsch-Gordan coefficients [34], i.e., 200 mb, 133.3 mb, structedfromtheSkyrmeenergy-densityfunctional. Dy- and 66.7 mb for π+ + p ∆++, π0 + p ∆+ and namicsofhyperons,anti-baryonsandmesonsisdescribed π−+p ∆0, respectively.→ → → with the effective interactions based on the relativistic The emission of fast nucleons produced in antiproton covariant theories. inducedreactionsissignificantobservableinunderstand- The interaction potential of nucleonic system is eval- ingtheenergydeposition,antiproton-nucleonandmeson- uated from the energy-density functional of Uloc = nucleon interactions in nuclear medium. Shown in Fig. R Vloc(ρ(r))dr with 1 is the kinetic energy distributions ofneutrons andpro- αρ2 β ρ1+γ tons produced in antiprotonannihilations on 12C, natCu Vloc(ρ)=2 ρ0 + 1+γ ργ0 +Esloycm(ρ)ρδ2 caonmdp2a38rUedawtitthhethineciadveanitlambloemdeanttaumatothfe20L0EMAeRVf/accialintdy +gsur( ρ)2+ gsisuor[ (ρ ρ )]2, (1) [27]. Overall,thespectracanbenicelyunderstoodwithin n p 2ρ0 ∇ 2ρ0 ∇ − the LQMD transport model. The free nucleons in the where the ρ , ρ and ρ = ρ + ρ are the neutron, model are constructed with a coalescence approach, in n p n p proton and total densities, respectively, and the δ = whichnucleonsatthe freeze-outstageinphasespaceare (ρ ρ )/(ρ +ρ )beingtheisospinasymmetryofbary- consideredto belong to one cluster with the relative mo- n p n p onic−matter. Theparametersα,β andγ aretakentobe- mentum smaller than P0 and with the relative distance 226.5MeV,173.7MeVand1.309,respectively. Thesetof smaller thanR0 (here P0 = 200 MeV/c and R0 = 3 fm). theparametersgivesthecompressionmodulusofK=230 The nucleon yields are weakly influenced by varying the MeV for isospin symmetric nuclear matter at the satu- coalescenceparameters. The antiproton-nucleussystems ration density (ρ0 =0.16 fm−3). The surface coefficients evolveto500fm/cforjudgingthefreenucleonformation. g and giso are taken to be 23 MeV fm2 and -2.7 MeV It should be noticed that the neutrons are preferable to sur sur fm2, respectively. The third term contributes the sym- be emitted in comparison to protons. The energy de- metry energy being of the form Esloycm = 12Csym(ρ/ρ0)γs. position in antiproton induced reactions is more explo- The parameter C is taken as the value of 38 MeV. sive than the case in Fermi-energy heavy-ion collisions sym The γ could be adjusted to get the suitable case from [35, 36], which leads to the energetic nucleon emission. s constraining the isospin observables, e.g., the values of In the annihilation of an antiproton in a nucleus, pions 0.5, 1 and 2 being the soft, linear and hard symme- are the dominant products. For example, the multiplic- try energy, respectively. Combined the kinetic energy ities of π− and π+ on the target of 12C are 1.5 and 0.6, fromtheisospindifferenceofnucleonicFermimotion,the respectively. On the other hand, the larger elastic scat- threekindscrossatthesaturationdensitywiththevalue tering cross sections in the π−n reactions (the maximal of 31.5 MeV. The mean-field potential of antinucleon is value being 200 mb at the ∆-resonance energy (E=0.19 constructedfromthe G-paritytransformationofnucleon GeV, p=0.298 GeV/c)) in comparison to the π−p colli- self-energieswithascalingapproach[25,30],whichleads sions (25 mb at the pion energy of 0.19 GeV), enhance to the strength of optical potential V = 164 MeV at the π−n collision probabilities and are favorable to neu- the normal nuclear density. N − tron emissions in the low-energy antiproton induced re- The annihilation reactions in antibaryon-baryon col- actions even on the isospin symmetric target of 12C. For lisions are described by a statistical model with SU(3) the neutron-rich target such as 238U, the difference of symmetry of pseudoscalarand vectormesons [31], which neutron and proton yields is more pronounced. considerspossible combinationswith the finalstate from The ratio spectra of the isospin particles produced in two to six mesons [32]. Pions as the dominant products heavy-ion collisions are related to the isospin dependent in antibaryon-baryonannihilation contribute the energy crosssectionsandinteractionpotentials[29,37,38]. The deposition into the target nucleus via the pion-nucleon kinetic energy distributions of the n/p ratio and double collisions,whichleadstotheemissionsofpre-equilibrium n/pratioinisotopicnuclearreactionshavebeenusedfor particles, fission, evaporation of nucleons and light frag- constrainingthedensitydependenceofsymmetryenergy. ments etc. The cross section of pion-nucleon scattering Theyieldratiosofneutronsandprotonsarecomplicated is evaluated with the Breit-Wigner formula as the form in the low-energy antiproton induced reactions, which of [33] are related to the antiproton-nucleon scattering, annihi- lation in antinucleon-nucleoncollisions and pion-nucleon 0.25Γ2(p) σπN→R(√s)=σmax|p0/p|20.25Γ2(p)+(√s m0)2(,2) spcioantt-earinndg.proAtlotnh-onuugchleuthsecoelxlipsieornimswenetraelnnic/eplysepxepcltarianeind − where the p and p are the momenta of pions at the by the intranuclear cascade model [28]. The kinetic en- 0 energies of √s and m0, respectively, and m0 being the ergy spectra of the n/p ratio in antiproton induced re- 3 10-1 12C (a) 100 natCu (b) 100 238U (c) neutron (LEAR data) -1 -1 -2 pnreouttoron n ((LcaElA.)R data) 10 10 n10 proton (cal.) ki E -2 -2 10 10 d -3 N/ 10 -3 -3 d 10 10 -4 10 -4 -4 10 10 -5 -5 -5 10 10 10 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 E (MeV) kin FIG.1. (coloronline). Kineticenergyspectraofneutronsandprotonsproducedinantiprotonannihilationsoncarbon,copper and uranium at theincident momentum of 200 MeV/c and compared with theavailable data at theLEAR facility [27]. 150MeV.Thesymmetryenergyfurtherincreasesthen/p ratio because of its repulsive contribution to neutrons in theneutron-richmatter. Boththepion-nucleoncollisions and the symmetry energy dominate the n/p spectra. 2 p) The stiffness of symmetry energy impacts the isospin Y( dynamics in heavy-ion collisions. However, the nuclear n)/ density of isospin particle emissions varies in the evolu- Y( tion of nucleus-nucleus collisions. On the other hand, 1 the rotationofcolliding systemcomplicatesthe emission LEAR data w/o N coll. and w/o symm. angles of isospin particles. The low-energy antiproton is with N coll. and w/o symm. annihilatedonthesurfaceofthetargetnucleus,inwhich full cal. the nucleons are emitted around the density of 0.1 fm−3 0 after interacting with pions. The n/p ratio directly pro- 0 100 200 300 400 vides the symmetry energy informationatsubsaturation Ekin (MeV) densities. Shown in Fig. 3 is the kinetic energy spectra nat FIG. 2. (color online). Impacts of πN absorption and sym- in antiproton induced reactions on 12C, Cu, 197Au metryenergyontheyieldratiosofneutronstoprotonsinthe and 238U with the soft (γs =0.5) and hard (γs =2) sym- p+65Cu reaction at 200 MeV/c and the experimental data metry energies, respectively. The dashed lines represent nat with thestopped p on Cu [27]. the mean n/p values of target nuclei. Calculations are performedattheantiprotonmomentumof200MeV/c. I have checked that the spectra are insensitive to the inci- actions can not be understood by the model. The n/p dent energy. It is obvious that the difference of the stiff- ratio in antiproton-nucleus collisions is further investi- ness of symmetry energy is pronounced in the neutron- gated within the LQMD transport model, in which the richnuclei. Then/pratioisenhancedwithsofteningthe isospin effects associated with the pion and nucleon dy- symmetry energy. Overall, the available data at LEAR namics are treated self-consistently. The yield ratios of [27] are reproduced with the soft symmetry energy. Dif- neutrons and protons produced in the p+65Cu collisions ferentwiththeFermi-energyheavy-ioncollisions[36],the at the incident momentum of 200 MeV/c are strongly isospin effect appears at the kinetic energies below 200 constrained by the pion-nucleon collisions and symme- MeV. The kinetic energy spectra of the n/p ratio in the try energy as shown in Fig. 2. Here, the linear sym- antiproton induced reactions is expected to be further metry energy with γ =1 is chosen. Pions as the domi- measuredatPANDA(AntiprotonAnnihilationatDarm- s nantproductsintheantiprotonannihilationinanucleus, stadt, Germany) in the near future experiments. contribute the nucleon removal from the target nucleus Inconclusion,thekineticenergyspectraofthen/pra- [39]. Aflatn/pspectrumappearsonceremovedthepion- tioproducedintheantiprotonannihilationinthenucleus nucleon collisions and is close to the mean value (1.24) have been puzzling for several decades. The structure of targetnucleus. 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