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Unequal Development An Essaoyn t he · Social Formoaftions PeripheCraapli talism by SamAmiinr TranslbaytB erdi aPne arce "-·.. -...;:,. .· ""-'·:)·:··.-.;:. .! -.-:�-.·...,.,�.� � �, :{;: ;· . ·,.\ '- t�..1.• ·l·_. ., · . y... ..· -� 0•, __., ;,· r • •'. · 't,;, ,·: I',(I jl, ·:J'.;. ·I ,!� ->• ·- •.i '� \I,!•- ... .- -�.J.� ·;.. • \..· f•: ' LI' :· - I•II ':. : -( ... iI ..,\ \\.__. i' -.. •,..-:• �.•:I ·'1:-::. :·· t' \ I _-.,-' _-:=Y -f·...;- l-•\..-.·, \ /}- :I.•: ; 1-·n-\.--/. ; -�- .. • ! .t-• --· -·· •-. ;.1 t 1l. .. . ·•. /--- � . ,� -"'- ..r'.. ----• -� ,l , .\ . .......I...._ �- ·. I. ..- -- .. jf•> . .··:;. ;r\. "..-1 "'·-t -·\.'··• .-I': :I, !-· � -_"" ,.·--..I- Ir-.'-' •/.·t I. . , f - '' �\lI" .�. ,!-,.• ._,·'-.. - .•.. ..,... .... .·. . '• . '..:. .- ' .. J •-;· . -_., ·-- ·-• 'i.. ........ .:.•-:=-. ..".. THEH ARVESTEPRR ESS 1375564 UnequaDle velopment TheH arvestPerre sLsi mited Publisher:S piJeorhsn 2 StanfoTredr racHea,s socks SusseExn,g land Copyrig©h t1 976b yM onthlRye viePwr ess ISBN0 9017594 65 Originaplulbyl ishaesLd e D eveloppemiennetg al byL esE ditiodnesM inuiPta,r iFsr,a nce, copyrigh©t 197b3y L esE ditiodnesM inuit Allr ighrtess erved Contents Introduction 9 1.T heP recapitFaolrimsatt ions 13 2.T heF undamentLaalw so ft he CapitaMloidseto fP roduction 59 3. FrSopme cializtaoDt eipoenn dence 133 4.T heO rigiann dD evelopment ofU nderedvelopment 198 :5. TbeC ontemporSaorcyi Faolr mations ofthPee riphery 293 Bibliography 387 Index 419 Introduction Onlya tt hee.n do ft hen ineeetntche nturdyi da worldwide civilizabteigointn o t akes hapeD.u rintgh ef irst sevenotfy years thet wentiectehn turhyo,w evewrh,i c.hh aveb eenm arkedb ya speedingo fut ph eh istoriprcoacle stsh,ed ivisioofnt hew orld int"od evelopaendd"t cunderdevelcoopuendt"rh iaessn otb ecome lessp ronouncoendt ;h ec ontratrhyeg, a pb etweetnh emc ontinues tog rowl arger anbdr ohuagsha tb outth efi rsctr isoefsa capital­ issty stetmh ahta do nljyu sbte gunt ob ea worlsdy stem. TheR ussiaRne volut·ioo1fn9 17t,h e Chinese Retvhoaltu tion 1930 1950, toopkf acbee tween and ther evolutiino. nVsi etnaanmd Cubaa rea lslo m anys tageisna proceosfsd evelopmbeenyto nd in capitalistmh,e n ameo fs ocialisTmh.e f eartsh atM arxe x­ pressiendt hem iddloef t hel ascte nturyt,o t hee ffectth ata socialEiusrto pe mifgihntid t seulpf a gainas tc apjtalsitsimol nl theu pgradien A siah,a ven otp rovejdu stifiTehde. opposite, indeehda,s o ccurreAdt. t hev ercye nteorft hes ystehmo,w ever, in thea dvancecda pitacloiusntt riaens a,U -rouncdh allengoifn g thissy stehma sb egunt,h rougah t housanidn direacntd unex­ pected channels. .9 10 UnequaDle velopment Thisc hall'teontg heef oundatoifot nh es ysteomf v alueusp on \\'htihcehw orlcda pitaslyisstte imsb asebdr ingisn tqou estiionn turnt hec onventisooncailsa cli enocfet he" establishmaenndt " theu niversiCtoinevse.n tiosnoacli olowghye,t hefru nctionoarl ist structurahlaivsitnd.ge velopaesda repltyo h istorirncaatle rial- l ismh,a st hes amei deo1ogfiocuanld atainodns eektso j ustitfhye j establiosrhdeedbr y d emonstra"tuinnigv erhsaarlm oniePso.l"i t­ .i caslc ienwcaev ersb etweejno urnaliasnmd formalismA.s for social psychtohliocsgo yn.t intuoee sv adiet rse aplr oble-mh ow tob uiltdh eb ridglei nkitnhge i ndividtuoat lh es oci-alw ·ith Wilhelm Reciocnhs titutthieen xgc eptiao np.i oneewrh om few havef ollowTehde.w eakneosfst hes o-cal"lfeudn damendtiasl­ ciplinecso:n·c eiivnem du tuails olatrieosnu,l itnts h ew eakneosfs theimru ltidiscipcloimnbairnya tiaosn g,e ograpahnyd history. Geographers aret �cj ounxtteanptof saec ts, twhheib·la es iqcu es� tioonf t heidri sciplihnoew-n aturcaoln ditiaocntus p ons ocial torrnaliornesm-ainasl mosutn answerHeids.t orcyo ntinuteos be anecdotiancl h aractiefir .t:c annobte everythiintig s,n oth­ . ing. And ifa,m idt higse nearli nsolvecnocnyv,e ntio�ncaoln om· - icss eemst hel easpto orleyq uippeodft hes ocidails cipliinte s, owest hiasd vantatgoe t wom ainr easonisn:t hefi rstp lace, becausteh ed ominanocfet hee conomiinc stanicnte h e capitalist modeo fp roductmiao�ne s".e conomistrnh'ed' o minanitd'e ology, and itnh es econpdl aceb,e causteh em anagemenotft hes ocial systeomf capitaliissp mr incipallyf,o rt ahnidsv eryr eason, econotmnainca gement. Itw as critoifcd iesvme lopmeecnotn omitchsa lte dm e top ut t'orwt,hnedf ollowing atchceosridsit,no wg h ichw,h ena systeims outgrown saunpde 1sedtehdip.sr ocetsask epsl acneQ ti,n t hefi rst places.t a•·tfirnogmi tsc entebru,t f romi tspe riphery.e xT­wo ampleasr eg ivetno i llusttrhaittseh es-ist heb irtohf c apitalism int hep eriphoefrt yh eg reaptr ecapitsaylsitsetma sn,dt hep resent crisoifsc apitalism. Theti rscth apter dweiatlths h eg enesoifsc apitaJiasnmdt, h e 1·emainfionugrw itht hato fs ocialiCshma.p te2r s etsf ortthh e Jawso ft hec entrcaalp italsiysstt em and Ch3a tphtoesroe f periphecraapli talAirsmme.d w itthh itsw ofoalnda lysIis sh,o wi n Introduction 11 Chapte4r t hem echanisomfs d ependenacned illumintahtee proceosfst he" developmoefnu tn derdevelop.m.be enfto,rd er aw· ingu p.i nC hapte5r,t heb alancseh eeotf t hep eriphesroacli al formatioofnt sh ec apitawloirsltd . · 1 TheP recapitalist Formations 1.M ODES OF PRODUCTION Thec onceopft" modeo fp roductiiosan n"a bstroanceti, m plying noh istoricalo fso erqdueern wciet h restpote hcete ntipreer ioodf theh istoorfcy i vilizatthiasottn rse tcfhreosmt hefi rsdti fferentiated I formatiroingshd to wnt oc apitalispmr.o posteod istingbuei�s h (1) tweenfiv em odeso fp roduction:t he" primitoimvmeu-nca.l. (2) mode,w hicihs a nteritooar l tlh eo thers;t he. t.r ibute-paying" mode·w.h icha ddst oa still-exviisJtliancggoe m munitay s ocial andp olitiacpapla ratfuosrt hee xploitaotfit ohni cso mmunity througthh ee xactioofnt ributthei;ts r ibute·pmaoydieno gf p ro­ I ductiiosnt hem ostw idesprfeoadr mo fp recapitcallaissstae nsd, distingbueitswhe e(na i)t esa rlayn d( b)i tdse velopfeodr mss,u ch ast he" feudamlo"d eo f producitniw ohni,c thh ev i11acgoem mu­ dominiuemm inens nitlyo seist s ovetrh es oitlo t hef eudalJo rds. (3) andt hicso mmunity conatsia n cuoemsm uniotfyf amiliest;h e "slaveownimnogd"eo fp roductiwohni,c hc onstitau tleessf sr e­ qu�ntelnyc ountefroerdmt ,h ougihti sf ounidn a numbeorf p laces; (4) the" simplpee ttym-mcooditym"o de of production, which the thougah t i·equefnotulnyfd o rmp racticnaelvleycr o nstitutes 13 14 llnequall?eveloptnent , dominanmto deo fa nys ocifaolr matiaonnd;( 5t)h e" capita.l ist modeo fp roduction. Thec ommunamlo deso fp roductcioonns tittuhtefie r smto des ofp roductionp rtohvaitad bea sifso ra ne mbryoncilca sdsi stinc­ tionT.h eyi nsurteh et ransitfiroonmp rimiticvoem munistmo full-flecdlgaessdso cietTiheissp. r imitciovmem unisims m arked by" primitnievgea tioans,G "u yD hoquopiust si t·,o tfh ed ivision ofJ aboarn d otfhe s urplpurso ducBte.c austeh itsr ansitfiroonm negati(vaeb senocfe clastsope oss)i t(icvlea ssosc ieist ys)l oawn d graduatlh,ec ommunamlo deso fp roductairoemn a nya ndv arious, beindge termibnyen da turcaoln ditiBountst .h em odes ofp roduc­ tioonf t hep rimitciovmem unitayr ea llc haracterbiyz:(e 1do )r ­ !ganizatoiflo anb opra rtloyn an·i ndividbuaasli_ �( thoaftt he .n.u clefaarm ilya"n)dp art'loyan collecbtaisvies (that of the "ex- . tendefda miltyh ec lano,rt hevi llawgiet)th,h ep rincimpeaaln so f ,u labotrh,e l andb,e ing collectivbeylt yh eco lwannae ndd iutsse freeglrya nttedoa 11t hec lanm'esm bersb,u ti na ccordawnicteh preciruslee s( utiliz·aothfio olnd indgiss tribtuotf eadm ilieetsc,. ); (2a)b senocfec ommodietxyc hangaen;d c,o rrelat(iv3de)il syt,r ibu­ tioonf t hep roduwcitt htinh ec ollectiinva ictcyo rdawnictehr ules . thaatr ec losebloyu ndu pw itkhi nshoirpg anization. · Accestsot hel anids n otn ecessaornia lnye qual-bfaosrei vse ry­ one tihnes ec ommunitiIetis ss. o i nt hem osptr imitoiftv hee mb,u t int heo thetrhsi asc ceisssh ierarchwiictashlo ,m ef amiloirec s-lans havintgh er ighttob ettheorl dingsm-orec onveniesnittluya ted, fore xamploer,l argeIrfi. s a tt hastt agteh aatn e mbryondiics ­ tinctbieotnw eecnl assiesos b served. pSruicvhi liesga,es a rule, closely conneca theide rawrioctfhhp y o litia�nadrl e ligiaouutsh or­ ityB.l acAkf rica oaf wfied�sesp ectroufmm odeso fp roductoifo n thiksi n-d somee,s peciianlt lhyeB antpua rth,a vinogn lay s light elemeonfth ierarcwhhyi,lo et hearrsee xtremely unegaiitarian, such ast hosfeo unadm ongt heT oucouleiunrt sh eS enegal ·vtahlel ey, AshantiinG hanat,h eR ausai nn ortheNring erieat,cI .n a ll of themh,o wevetrh,ep easaenntj oaycsc ets.s ot hel andb:y t hem ere facotf b elongitnoag clahne i se ntittloea d p arto ft hicsl an's terr�tCoornys.e quenptrloyl,e tarianitzhaatitis to,hn e�s eparation oft hep roducferro mt hem eanso fp roducticoan1;1,n otta kpel ace. }. Thet ribute-pmaoydieno gfp roductiisom na rkebdy t he sepa� PrecapitFaolrimsatt ions 15 ratioonfs ocieitnyt tow om ainc lasstehse:p easantry, orlg anized inc ommunitiaensdt, h er ulicnlga swsh,i cmho nopolitzheefs un c-\ tionosft heg ivesno cieptoyli'itcsa lo rganizaatnidoe nx acttsr iab u1t e I (noitn c ommodiftoyr m')f rotmh er uraclo mm�nitiTehsi.sm ode ofp roductiwohne,ni ta ssumeasn advancfeodr ma,l mosatl ways tendtso b ecomfee ud-alt haits t,h er ulicnlga sosu sttsh ec om· munitfyr omd ominiuemm ineonfst hes oil. Thef eudamlo deo fp roductiimopnl ie(sI:o )r ganizatoifo n socieitnytt ow oc lasstehsa,ot f t hel ordosf t he la(nwdh osper op­ ertiys i nalienaabnldte h)a otf t hes erf�ten(an2at)psp ;r opriation oft hes urplbuyst helo rdso ft hel anda,sa matteorfr ighct· dues") andn.o tt hruogh commodirteyla tiosn; (3a)b sencoefc ommodity exchanignesdi ethe" domai.n.w, h iccho nstittuhteep sr imarceyl l · oft hiksi ndo fs ocieTthyi.s m ode· ofp roductiiostn h reatened withd isintegriaftf ioroa nn yr easotnh ef eudal lord should rid himseolfsf o meo fh itse nant"sf,r eeihnigss.e r,s f -ino thewro rds, proletariatnhiezmiT.nh ge f undamenrtiaglh otf a ccestosu seo f thel andt hati sp ossessbeyd e verpye asanwth o belongtost he communituyn detrh et ribute·pmaoydieno gf p roductrieonnd ers thidsi sintegriamtpioosns ible. Thes laveownmiodneg ofp roudctiont urntsh ew orkera.s a slavien,t toh ee ssentmieaaln so fp roductiTohne.p roducotft his slavlea bomra ye nteirn to ctihrec uoiftn oncommodittrya nsfers .s pecitfoit ch ec ommunity (patsrliaavrecorhryai )ln tcoo mmodity circuits (Grecsol-aRvoemrayn) . Thes implceo mmoditmyo de· oprr oductiomna rkieds ini ts , .. pures tatbey, e quality bfertewpeee etnt pyr oducearnsd t heo r-l ganizatoifoc no mmodietxyc hanbgeet weethne m. No sociehtaysl evebre en baosnet dh ep redominaonfct eh imso deo fp roctdioun. j � Frequenthloyw.e vetrhe,re hasb eena sphergeo vernebdy s impel I commoditrye lationisn- particultahres. p heroef handicraft prodcutoin. whenth is habse ens ufficideinstsloyc ifartoemda gri- cultuprraold uction. · Thet ribute-pmaoydieno gf p roductiisot nh ef ormt hatm ost normalsluyc ceedsc otmhmeu namlo de;i ti st her uleC.h aracter­ istoifct himso dei st hec ontradibcettiwoene n ctohneti neuxeids tence oft hec ommuntyia ndt hen egatiooftn h ec ommunibtyyt hest ate; anda lsoa,sa resuolftt hist.h ec onfusiooftn h eh ighedra sst hat

is, a group defined by reference to the production process: the class of those peasants belonging to supply of money remains 'fixed. and if liquidity pr·eference remains unchanged. the increase in the Between 1800 and 1880, Britain,s terms of trade steadily worsened, passing from index 245 in
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