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European Commission ISSN 1018-5593 2&3feS*sv £2s&á Proceedings of the & SECOND EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON " UNDERWATER ACOUSTICS > 2nd EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON UNDERWATER ACOUSTICS EDITED BY L. BJØRNØ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF DENMARK EUROPEAN COMMISSION /JcJtßEL Ί 31 ft 9 9 PARL EUROP. Bíbíioifi. N.C.^'ßMW- Published by the EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General XIII Telecommunications, Information Market and Exploitation of Research L-2920 Luxembourg LEGAL NOTICE Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use which might be made of the following information Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1994 ISBN 92-826-8000-2 © ECSC-EC-EAEC, Brussels · Luxembourg, 1994 Printed in Belgium 2nd EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON UNDERWATER ACOUSTICS VOLUME II Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, held at the Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark, 4-8 July 1994, sponsored by the Commission of the European Communities in collaboration with the Federation of the Acoustical Societies of Europe, the Deutsche Akustische Gesellschaft, the Sociedad Española de Acústica, the Société Française d'Acoustique, the Associazione Italiana di Acustica and the Institute of Acoustics. Scientific Committee Professor L. Bjørnø Federation of Acoustical Societies of Europe, (Chairman) Lyngby, Denmark Dr. G.B. Cannelli Rome, Italy Dr. R. Carbó Madrid, Spain Dr. K. Kremer Bremen, Germany Dr. J.R. Nedwell Eastleigh, UK Professor J. Papadakis Heraklion, Greece Dr. M. Weydert CEC-DGXII/D, Brussels, Belgium Dr. M. Zakharia Lyon, France Local Organizing Committee Professor L. Bjørnø (Chairman) Dr. I. K. Bjørnø Mr. S. Engelbrecht Dr. P. Louring Nielsen Conference Secretariat 2nd European Conference on Underwater Acoustics Department of Industrial Acoustics Technical University of Denmark Building 425 DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark Phone: +45 42 88 25 22 Fax: +45 45 93 0190 Contents VOLUME I PLENARY PAPERS 1 Seismo­acoustics of the arctic ice cover 3 H. Schmidt Acoustic tomography of ocean climate 15 W H. Munk AMBIENT NOISE 17 INVITED PAPER: Determination of elastic sea floor parameters from shallow­ water ambient noise 19 M.J. Buckingham · G.B. Deane · JV.AÍ. Carbone INVITED PAPER: Recent developments in the passive detection of breaking surface waves 27 D.M. Farmer· L. Ding The Influence of swell, icebergs and grease ice on ambient noise 33 O.M. Johannessen · H. Sagen · S. Sandven · /. Engelsen An underwater acoustic study: From the concept to experiment of the SNECOW project 39 F. Grassia · L. Minna · S. Pagnan · G. Tacconi · A Tesei · A. Tiano A comparative H.O.S. estimation of class Β non­gaussian underwater acoustic noise 45 F. Borghini · G. Tacconi · A. Tiano Ambient noise database environment tool set: Conceptual method 51 J.L Espérandieu · M. Cezon · S. Bois Non­linear excitation of collective oscillations of fresh and salt water bubble plu­ mes 63 G.J. Orris · M. Nicholas · M. Querijero Linear pressure waves in bubbly fluids in the non­interacting regime 71 J.L. Leander Ship radiated noise measurements on sea: Separation of ambient traffic noise from the measured signatures 75 B. Gamier · J. Millet · J. Larcher · G. Goullet vi Con ten ts REVERBERATION 81 Deterministic reverberation from the Mid­Atlantic ridge 83 N.C. Makris · R. Menis · L. Avelino · J.M. Berkson Calculations of reverberation by applying back scattering functions 89 P.L. Nielsen · L. Bjørnø Backscatter reduction through single mode excitation 95 D.F. Gingras Far low frequency sound reverberation in the ocean 101 D.I. Abrosimov · V.S. Averbakh · E.I. Bolonicheva · L.S. Doiin · V.Yu. Goldbiut . V.N. Golubev . A.G. Nechaev . K.E. Pigalov · N.I. Sirotkina. Characteristic properties of bottom backscattering in the south Baltic sea 105 Z. Klusek · A. Sliwinski · J. Tegowski Sea bed roughness dependence on acoustic pulse length at normal incidence 111 G.J. Heald . N.G. Pace SCATTERING 117 INVITED PAPER: Benchmark solutions for backscattering in simple waveguide geometries 119 F.B. Jensen · P. Gerstoft INVITED PAPER: Resonance properties of sub­surface bubble clouds 125 I.K. Bjørnø » L. Bjørnø INVITED PAPER: Attenuation and scattering by bubbles and their influence on surface backscattering strength 133 H. Herwig · Β. Nützet INVITED PAPER: Modelling of acoustic volume reverberation to estimate ve­ locity, refraction index and turbulence profiles 141 S.D. Kamminga · A. Plaisant · C. Camporeale · D. Nijveldt · H.0. Madsen Acoustical scattering by a tube and observation of guided waves at large incidence angles 147 F. Léon · G'. Maze Experimental and theoretical study of the sound scattering by the axial ribbed cylindrical shell 153 A. Klauson · D. Décultot · G. Maze · J. Metsaveer Resonances of deformed cylindrical shells­experimental visualization and identi­ fication 159 P.A. Chinnery · V.F. Humphrey Diffraction of the acoustical fields by the elastic bodies in oceanic waveguides: Solution by the combine integral method 165 V.E. Belov . S.M. Gorsky · A.Yu. Zinov'ev . A.I. Khil'ko Scattering of plane waves from elastic spheres with surface roughnesses 171 S. Sun · L. Bjørnø Contents vii Experimental validation of a volume reverberation model 177 S.D. Kamminga · P.S. Griffioen Backscattered signal from propeller blades 183 M. Tran Van Nhieu Acoustic scatter from a dynamic rough surface and its influence on short-range, high-frequency signal propagation 189 C. Bjerrum-Niese · L. Bjørnø Can near-surface bubble clouds and plumes lead to anomalous perturbations in low-frequency sea-surface scattering? 195 R.A. Roy . J.A. Schindall . W.M. Carey . I.A. Crum Acoustic bubble sizing using two frequency excitation techniques 201 A.D. Phelps . T.G. Leighton The low-frequency radiation and scattering of sound from bubbly mixtures near the sea surface 207 W.M, Carey RA. Roy Wave scattering in an irregular elastic layer adjoining a fluid half-space 213 M. Spivack · J.D. Sheard Influence of the sea movement induced by swell on the scattering of an acoustic plane wave 219 F. Coulouvrat · M. Rousseau Scattered sound angular-frequency spectra of the ocean wind perturbed surface: Application and numerical investigation of the small-slope method 225 M. Galaktionov Sound scattering from gas bubbles in the sea-numerical consideration of coherence and interaction effects 231 J. Szczucka Reference measurements and estimator validation for acoustical volume rever beration measurements 237 D. Nijveldt Wideband waveforms for incoherent Doppler current profiling and related pro cessing 243 F. Andreucci · C. Camporeale Acoustic experiments to test estimators for velocity 249 S.D. Kamminga · R.F. van Unen · J.J. Bosman Acoustic backscattering by particles in turbulent flows: Space and time cross- correlation functions of backscattered pressures and powers 255 X. Cristol Theoretical and experimental analysis of scattering interactions between a cylin drical receiving array and neighbouring structures 261 A. Monsallier · F. Lantén · C. Audoly Limitations of spherical array performance due to scattering interactions with a neighbouring acoustic barrier 267 F. Lanieri · C. Audoly viii Contents Seasonal and diurnal changes of biological backscattering patterns in the southern Baltic sea 273 J. Szczucka · Z. Klusek · A. Sllwinski Measurement and calculation of the acoustic characteristics of fibre-reinforced panels-the influence of anisotropy 279 V.F. Humphrey · P.A. Chinnery Moments and angular distribution for wave scattering at low grazing angles from a rough surface 285 M. Spivack On the possibility of reconstructing the anisotropic wind wave spectrum by the method of double-position hydrolocation 291 L.S. Dolin · M.I. Kondratyeva Combined FEM-BEM approach for determination of the scattered or radiated field from an elastic shell 297 A. Kăes · A. Lahe · J. Metsaveer · U. Ross Sound scattering by a spherical lens with reflector 303 N.N. Makarchenko * V.N. Sakhno SOUND PROPAGATION MODELING AND MEASUREMENTS 309 INVITED PAPER: Shallow-water sound transmission measurements taken on the New Jersey continental shelf 311 W.M. Carey · J. Doutt · R. Evans · W.L. Siegmann · β. Cederberg INVITED PAPER: Characterizing parameter spaces 319 L. Fishman · M.D. Collins INVITED PAPER: Recent progress in parabolic equation modeling 325 M.D. Collins · W.A. Kuperman · W.L. Siegmann Modal attenuation due to fish 331 O. Diachok Parametric modelling of reflection and transmission experiments on viscoelastic layers 337 L. Peirlinckx · R. Pintelon · L. Van Biesen Propagation of Lamb waves in alternated solid-liquid media 345 O. Lenoir * H. Khelil · J.L. Izbicki · M. Rousseau · F. Coulouvrat A new simulation in underwater acoustic 351 G. Rabau · J. Piraux · J. Leandre · R. Holtzer A mixed variational FEM/BEM model for submerged elastic structures with thin appendages 357 J.P. Coyette· O. Bjorndahl An efficient finite element methode for the PE 363 V.A. Dougalis · N.A. Kampanis · E.A. Vavalis ADCP-measured fluxes through channels of the North Frisian sea and modelling results 369 M. Kolb . E. Rudolph . H. Schiller

Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1994. — 510 p.The European Conferences on Underwater Acoustics are held every second year and are designed to promote RTD and exchange results and ideas on both the European and international levels. They are normally combin
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