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Understanding Water Quality Management TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS W. Wesley Eckenfelder Brown & Caldwell, Inc. William Ney Hansard EMSI Solutions, Inc. Understanding Water Quality Management DEStechPublications, Inc. 1148 Elizabeth Avenue #2 Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17601 U.S.A. Copyright © 2004 by DEStechPublications, Inc. All Rights Reserved Chapter photographs from USEPA National Water Quality Inventory reports 1992–2000. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Entry under main title: Understanding Water Quality Management: Technology and Applications ADEStechPublications book Bibliography: p. 175 Includes index p. 177 ISBN: 1-932078-21-5 Foreword LAWYERSwhopracticeintheenvironmentalfieldfaceadoublechallenge. Notonlyarethelawsandrulesmind-bogglingintheircomplexity,butthe underlyingsubjectmatterisdominatedbyconceptsfrombiology,chemistry, statisticsandengineering.Whiletheenvironmentisaveryemotionalandeven moralissueformostofus,tobeeffectiveinthearea,asonepractitionerputit, you need a good engineer, not a poet. Andyetmanylawyers,andothers,whoworkonenvironmentalissuesspent more time in college studying poetry than science. To help bridge this gap, I developed and now edit the Environmental Science Deskbook, published by ThomsonWest.Thisbooktakesthebasicscientificandtechnicalconceptsthat aremostpervasiveinenvironmentallawandregulationandexplainsthemin plain English. (Seewww.westgroup.com). When I was looking for prospective authors to write sections on surface water quality and wastewater treatment, my first call went to my friend and colleagueBillHansard.NotonlydidIknowandrespecthiswork,Ialsoknew he could lead me to the acknowledged father of industrial wastewater treatment, Wes Eckenfelder. Thisbookisanexpandedversionofthosesections.Inadditiontoprovidinga clear and comprehensive overview of water quality issues and the various mechanismsforwastewatertreatment,thebookcontainsentirelynewsections onlandtreatmentandwasteminimization—theultimatesolutiontowastewater problems. It strikes a rare balance in being accessible to the non-technical reader and informative to technical audiences. I highly recommend this book. JAMESW. CONRAD, JR. Counsel American Chemistry Council xi Preface OVERthepastdecadetherehasbeenincreasedawarenessoftheimportance of water quality. Many municipalities and industrial facilities have upgraded or installed new technologies to meet the demand for clean water. Advancesinwaterqualityscienceshowthatfurtherimprovementsareneeded to ensure a plentiful water supply and to protect the natural environment. Waterqualitymanagementisacomplexfieldthatrequiresparticipationby manydiversedisciplines.Peoplefromallwalksoflife,includinggovernment workers, attorneys, engineers, scientists, business managers, educators, economists,politicians,environmentaladvocatesandthegeneralpublicneed to know more about water quality management. This volume has been prepared to provide an understanding of the basic concepts and principles of managing surface water and industrial wastewater quality. Many universities currently offer introductory courses in environmental management,primarilyforenvironmentalprofessionals.Thisbookrepresents a primary text for courses in water pollution. It is our hope that this volume will provide a greater understanding of the challenges facing, and the solutions to, effective water pollution control. xiii Table of Contents Foreword xi Preface xiii Acknowledgements xv CHAPTER 1: SURFACE WATER QUALITY AND AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1.1 Progress in Water Quality 1 1.2 Leading Sources of Water Quality Impairment 2 1.3 Pollutant Loadings to Receiving Streams: Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Program 3 1.4 General Characteristics of Aquatic Ecosystems 5 CHAPTER 2: POLLUTANT CATEGORIES AND EFFECTS ON SURFACE WATERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 2.1 Leading Causes of Water Quality Impairment 15 2.2 Pollution of Surface Waters 15 CHAPTER 3: CLASSIFICATION AND MEASUREMENT OF POLLUTANTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 3.1 Conventional Pollutants 31 3.2 Other Pollutants 33 CHAPTER 4: WASTEWATER PRE-TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 4.1 Wastewater Treatment Unit Operations 41 4.2 Screening and Grit Removal 43 4.3 Equalization 44 vii viii Table of Contents 4.4 Primary Clarification 47 4.5 Neutralization 48 4.6 Oil Removal 49 4.7 Flotation 54 CHAPTER 5: BIOLOGICAL TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57 5.1 Activated Sludge Treatment 60 5.2 Other Suspended Growth Biological Treatment Systems 70 5.3 Attached Growth Systems 75 5.4 Anaerobic Biological Treatment Systems 76 CHAPTER 6: PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87 6.1 Activated Carbon Adsorption 87 6.2 Ion Exchange Systems 92 6.3 Stripping 95 6.4 Coagulation and Flocculation 99 6.5 Heavy Metals Removal 104 6.6 Chemical Oxidation and Reduction 106 6.7 Hydrothermal Oxidation 108 CHAPTER 7: PHYSICAL SEPARATION TECHNOLOGIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111 7.1 Filtration 111 7.2 Membrane Technologies 113 CHAPTER 8: DISINFECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121 CHAPTER 9: NUTRIENT REMOVAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125 9.1 Phosphorus Removal 125 9.2 Nitrogen Removal 128 CHAPTER 10: SLUDGE HANDLING AND DISPOSAL . . . . . . . . .133 10.1 Types of Sludges 135 10.2 Sludge Thickening 135 10.3 Sludge Dewatering 137 10.4 Sludge Disposal 141 Table of Contents ix CHAPTER 11: LAND TREATMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .147 11.1 Spray Irrigation and Overland Flow Systems 147 11.2 Wastewater Characteristics and Design Considerations 149 CHAPTER 12: WASTE MINIMIZATION AND WATER REUSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153 12.1 Waste Minimization Techniques 153 12.2 Waste Minimization Assessment 154 12.3 Pollution Reduction Methods 154 12.4 Case Histories and Examples 157 12.5 Recycle/Reuse and Treatment Cost Considerations 161 CHAPTER 13: ECONOMICS OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .165 13.1 Capital Cost Estimates 165 13.2 Operation and Maintenance Cost Estimates 168 13.3 Present Value Cost Analysis 168 References 173 Bibliography 175 Index 177 About the Authors 192 CHAPTER 1 Surface Water Quality and Aquatic Ecosystems 1.1 PROGRESS IN WATER QUALITY INthe1970s,muchofLakeEriewaslittlemorethanaeutrophiedcesspool. Agricultural runoff and organic and nutrient loadings from untreated or partiallytreatedsewageandindustrialwastecauseddissolvedoxygenlevelsin thelaketodrop,introducedtoxiceffects,andstimulatedanexplosioninalgal growth, leading to eutrophication and strangulation of the lake’s aquatic ecosystems. In the early 1970s, anglers could only catch “trash” fish such as carp and eel in many sections of the lake, and much of the lake was posted against swimming due to the presence of pathogens and toxic chemicals. Around the same time, the Cuyahoga River in Ohio caught fire due to pollution from chemical plants and refineries. The Kanawha River at Charleston,WestVirginiawasessentiallyanopenchemicalsewerintheearly 1970s. Severely mutated fish and other aquatic organisms were frequently found.Polychlorinatedbiphenyls(PCBs)werefoundinpolarbearfleshinthe Arctic Circle and in mothers’ milk in the United States. The pesticide DDT weakenedeggshellsinthebrownpelican,baldeagle,andotherbirdsfeedingat the top of their food chain, and threatened them with extinction. Loss of habitat and the effects of pollution have significantly endangered America’saquaticwildlife.IntheIllinoisRiver,forexample,approximately66 percent of the indigenous fish species have vanished because of water pollution. In Muscle Shoals, Alabama, 30 of 63 mussel species disappeared aftertheconstructionofamajordam.IntheChesapeakeBay,fishandshellfish harvestshavebeenoffdramaticallysincethe1960s—a96percentdeclinefor hickory shad catches alone. As governmental regulation has clamped down on point sources of water pollution, significant progress towards recovery has been made. Yet, much remains to be done. Everytwoyears,EPAsubmitsitsNationalWaterQualityInventoryreportto 1 2 SURFACE WATER QUALITY AND AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS TABLE 1.1. Summary of Quality of Assessed Rivers, Lakes and Estuaries [1]. Good but Amount Good Threatened Polluted Assessed (% of (% of (% of Total Size (% of Total) Assessed) Assessed) Assessed) Rivers and 3,692,830 699,946 367,129 59.504 269,258 Streams (miles) (19%) (53%) (8%) (39%) Lakes, Ponds and 40,603,893 17,339,080 8,026,988 1,348,903 7,702,370 Reservoirs (acres) (43%) (47%) (8%) (45%) Estuaries (square 87,369 31,072 13,850 1,023 15,676 miles) (36%) (45%) (<4%) (51%) Congress.Thisreportsummarizeswaterqualitydatacollectedbyall50states, Interstate Water Commissions, American Indian Tribes, and the District of Columbia. By 2000, government agencies had surveyed approximately 700,000milesofriversandstreams(approximately19percentofthenation’s total);17,339,080acresoflakes(43%ofthetotal);and31,072squaremilesof estuaries (36% of the total). Table 1.1 summarizes some of the results of EPA’s 2000 National Water Quality Inventory [1], and indicates whether the surface waters surveyed supporttheirintendeduses.Ascanbeseenfromthistable,only53percentof the nation’s rivers and streams, 47 percent of lakes, and only 45 percent of estuariessurveyedareconsideredtobeofgoodquality,supportingmostorall of the water quality needs and objectives. 1.2 LEADING SOURCES OF WATER QUALITY IMPAIRMENT Table 1.2, reproduced from the 2000 National Water Quality Inventory, summarizestheleadingcausesandsourcesofwaterqualityimpairmentinthe United States today. The public has the general impression that industrial plants are the major cause of water pollution. Thus, many people are surprised to find that the current leading causes of surface water pollution are from agriculture, municipalwastewaterpointsources,hydrologicmodification(channelization, flowregulationanddredging),andurbanrunoff/stormsewers.Thisisbecause industrial wastewater point sources of pollution are now treated prior to discharge,dueprimarilytoenforcementoftheCleanWaterAct.Priortothat act, this was not the case. Laterchaptersofthisbookdescribethevarioustechnologiesthathavebeen drivenbytheCleanWaterAct’smassiveregulatoryregimeforpointsources. This regime will continue to impose more stringent limits as the technology Pollutant Loadings to Receiving Streams 3 TABLE 1.2. Leading Causes and Sources* of Impairment in Assessed Rivers, Lakes and Estuaries [1]. Lakes, Ponds, and Rivers and Streams Reservoirs Estuaries Causes Pathogens (Bacteria) Nutrients Metals (Primarily mercury) Siltation Metals (Primarily mercury) Pesticides (Sedimentation) Habitat Alterations Siltation (Sedimentation) Oxygen-Depleting Substances Sources Agriculture Agriculture Municipal Point Hydrologic Modification Hydrologic Modification Sources Urban Runoff/Storm Habitat Modification Urban Runoff/Storm Sewers Sewers Industrial Discharges *Excluding unknown, natural, and “other” sources. continuestoadvance.Buttheresultswillyielddecliningreturns,particularly compared to the significant problems currently caused by agricultural and urbannon-pointsourcerunoff.Manyofthetechniquesthatwillberequiredto remedythesechallengingproblemsaremuchsimpler,technicallyspeaking,but far more challenging politically to impose. Nonetheless, this difficult work mustbecontinuedtobringallofthenations’waterwaystothedesiredlevelof quality. 1.3 POLLUTANT LOADINGS TO RECEIVING STREAMS: TOTAL MAXIMUM DAILY LOAD (TMDL) PROGRAM Section303(d)oftheCleanWaterAct(CWA)requireseachstatetoidentify thesectionsoflakes,riversandstreamsthatareimpaired;i.e.,theydonotmeet atleastonewaterqualitystandardestablishedforthem.(Itdoesnotnecessarily meanthatthepollutionissobadthatitrepresentsathreattohumanhealthora serious threat to the environment.) The states are then required to establish a totalmaximumdailyload(TMDL)foreachpollutantaffectingeachimpaired aquatic ecosystem. ATMDListheamountofapollutantthatawaterbodycanreceiveinaday andstillmeetwaterqualitystandards.TheTMDLhasbeentermeda“pollution budget.” The TMDL is a calculated amount that must account for seasonal variability in water quality, and include a margin of safety to ensure that the waterbodycanmeetthewaterqualitystandardsthestatehasdesignated.By establishing TMDLs, it is believed, states and communities can identify the causesandsourcesofthespecificpollutantsimpairingeachwatersystem,and develop plans to stop the pollution.

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