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Understanding the Angular Momentum Loss of Low-Mass Stars: The Case of V374 Peg PDF

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Preview Understanding the Angular Momentum Loss of Low-Mass Stars: The Case of V374 Peg

**VolumeTitle** ASPConferenceSeries,Vol.**VolumeNumber** **Author** c**CopyrightYear**AstronomicalSocietyofthePacific (cid:13) Understanding theAngularMomentum Loss ofLow-Mass Stars: The CaseofV374Peg 1 1 A.A.Vidotto1,M.Jardine1,M.Opher2,J.F.Donati3,andT.I.Gombosi4 0 2 1SUPA,U.StAndrews,NorthHaugh,StAndrews,KY169SS,UK n 2GeorgeMasonUniversity, 4400University Drive,Fairfax,VA,22030, USA a J 3LATT-CNRS/U.deToulouse, 14Av.E.Belin,Toulouse, F-31400,France 6 4U.Michigan, 1517SpaceResearchBuilding, AnnArbor,MI,48109, USA ] R S Abstract. Recently,surfacemagneticfieldmapshadbeenacquiredforasmallsam- . ple of active M dwarfs, showing that fully convectivestars (spectral types M4 and h ∼ later) host intense ( kG), mainly axi-symmetrical poloidal fields. In particular, the p ∼ rapidlyrotatingMdwarfV374Peg(M4),believedtolienearthetheoreticalfullconvec- - o tionthreshold,presentsastablemagnetictopologyonatime-scaleof 1yr. Therapid r rotationofV374Peg(P=0.44days)alongwithitsintensemagneticfi∼eldpointtoward t s amagneto-centrifugallyaccelerationofacoronalwind.Inthiswork,weaimatinvesti- a gatingthestructureofthecoronalmagneticfieldintheMdwarfV374Pegbymeansof [ three-dimensionalmagnetohydrodynamical(MHD)numericalsimulationsofthecoro- nal wind. For the first time, an observationallyderivedsurface magneticfield map is 1 v implementedinMHDmodelsofstellarwindsforalow-massstar. Weself-consistently 3 take into considerationthe interactionof the outflowingwind with the magneticfield 3 and vice versa. Hence, from the interplay between magnetic forcesand wind forces, 2 we are able to determine the configuration of the magnetic field and the structure of 1 thecoronalwinds. Ourresultsenableustoevaluatetheangularmomentumlossofthe . rapidlyrotatingMdwarfV374Peg. 1 0 1 1 : v i 1. Introduction X r a The rotational evolution of M dwarf (dM) stars can be inferred from observations of openclustersatdifferentages(Irwinetal.2006;Scholz&Eislo¨ffel2007;Hartmanetal. 2009; CollierCameronetal. 2009; Meibometal. 2009). In young (. 700 Myr) open clusters, dMstarsstillpresent highrotation rates, whichsuggests thatangular momen- tum losses at the early main-sequence phase are negligible for them (Irwin&Bouvier 2009). However, as the cluster ages (& 700 Myr), the number of rapidly rotating dM stars decreases, implying that there should exist a mechanism of angular momentum removal that acts on time-scales of a few hundred million years (Scholz&Eislo¨ffel 2007). For solar-like main sequence stars, the magnetised stellar wind is believed to spin down the star by carrying away stellar angular momentum. It has been obser- vationally established that the angular velocity rate Ω for solar-like stars varies as a 0 functionofagetasΩ t 1/2 (Skumanich1972). However,itseemsthattheempirical 0 − ∝ Skumanich’slawisnotvalidforlow-massstars,suggesting thatasolar-type wind(i.e., 1 2 Vidotto,Jardine,Opher,Donati,andGombosi with low velocities and mass-loss rates) cannot reproduce the rotational evolution of fully-convective stars. The existence of hot coronae, rapid rotation, and high levels of magnetic activity in dM stars suggests the presence of winds with an enhanced mass loss as compared to the solar wind. However, the low-density, optically thin winds of these stars pre- ventstheobservation oftraditional mass-loss signatures, suchasPCygniprofiles. The still unobserved high mass-loss rates from dM stars could be able to disperse debris discs, explaining why discs around dM stars older than & 10 Myr are scarcely found (Plavchanetal. 2005). Estimates of mass-loss rates from dM stars vary considerably. It has been suggested that the coronal winds of dM stars, despite of being very tenu- ous, possess mass-loss rates (M˙) that can considerably exceed the solar value (M˙ 2 10 14 M yr 1) by factors of 10 to 104 (Mullanetal. 1992; Badalyan&Livs⊙hit≃s − − 19×92; Lim&⊙White 1996; vandenOord&Doyle 1997; Wargelin&Drake 2001), al- thoughWoodetal.(2001)claimanupperlimitof M˙ . 4 10 15 M yr 1 forProxima − − Centauri(dM5.5e),5timesbelowthevalueofthesolarw×indmass-l⊙ossrate. Inthiswork,weinvestigatethecoronalwindofaspecificfully-convectivedMstar, V374Peg,forwhichobservedsurfacemagneticmapshavebeenacquired(Donatietal. 2006; Morinetal. 2008). For this, we use three-dimensional (3D) magnetohydrody- namics(MHD)simulationsbasedonourpreviousmodelsdevelopedforsolar-likestars (Vidottoetal. 2009b) and weak-lined T Tauri stars (Vidottoetal. 2009a, 2010b). For the first time, an observationally derived surface magnetic field map is implemented in MHD models of stellar winds for a low-mass star. V374 Peg is a suitable case for modelling asafirststep, because itssurface magnetic distribution isclose topotential, which implies that the adopted boundary conditions match the observed map closely. Weself-consistently takeintoconsideration theinteractionoftheoutflowingwindwith the magnetic field and vice-versa. Hence, from the interplay between magnetic forces and wind forces, we are able to determine the configuration of the magnetic field and thestructureofitscoronalwind. MoredetailsofthisworkcanbefoundinVidottoetal. (2010a). 2. TheNumericalModelandResults V374 Peg has mass M = 0.28 M , radius R = 0.34 R and is rotating with negli- gible differential rotatio∗n (i.e., as a⊙solid body∗) with a per⊙iod of rotation P = 0.44 d 0 (Morinetal.2008). Weconsider thatitsaxis ofrotation liesinthez-direction. Toper- form the simulations, we use the 3D MHD numerical code BATS-R-US developed at University of Michigan (Powelletal. 1999), which solves the ideal MHD equations. The simulations are initialised with a 1D hydrodynamical wind for a fully ionised plasma of hydrogen. Immersed inthis wind weconsider amagnetic fieldanchored on the stellar surface that has a geometry derived from extrapolations from observed sur- facemagneticmapsusingthepotential-fieldsourcesurface(PFSS)method(Figure1a). TheMHDsolution isevolved intimefromthe initial magnetic fieldconfiguration toa fully self-consistent solution (Figure 1b). We do not adopt fixed topologies for either themagneticfieldorforthewind,asboththewindandmagneticfieldlinesareallowed tointeract witheachother. In the PFSS model, the stellar wind plasma is not included directly, but its ef- fects on the magnetic field (and vice-versa) are incorporated through the inclusion of the source surface. Such a surface, for instance, alters the number of open magnetic OntheAngularMomentumLossofLow-MassStars:V374Peg 3 Figure1. (a)Initialconfigurationofmagneticfieldlinesfortheextrapolationof thesurfacemapusingthepotential-fieldsourcesurface(PFSS)technique,wherethe greycircumferencerepresentsthepositionofthesourcesurface. (b)Finalconfigu- rationofthemagneticfieldlinesaftertheself-consistentinteractionwiththestellar wind. fieldlines, through whereastellar windcouldescape. Thesourcesurface (greysphere in Figure 1a) is chosen to lie at r = 5 R , where beyond that, the magnetic field is SS considered tobepurelyradial. PFSSmetho∗dsareusuallycriticised because theirbasic assumptions (the magnetic field is a potential field and the source surface is spheri- cal) may not always be met. However, the advantage of the PFSS method over the MHD models relies on its simplicity: it is simpler to implement and requires much less computer resources than MHD models. In our model, we use the magnetic field configuration derived bythe PFSSmethod asinitial condition and boundary condition atthesurface ofthestar. Wenote that thesurface ofthe starthat occupies co-latitudes & 120o is never in view as the star rotates and so the magnetic field there can not be reconstructed reliably. Our simulations require a set of input parameters for the wind. Unfortunately, some of them are poorly constrained by observations. For V374 Peg, the magnetic field is the better-constrained parameter. We have, therefore, implemented in our pre- vious models (Vidottoetal. 2010b) surface magnetic maps derived by data acquired in2005Aug(Donatietal. 2006). Theseobservations show thatV374Peghostsanin- tense,mainlyaxi-symmetricaldipolarmagneticfield,withmaximumintensityofabout 1660G,i.e.,3ordersofmagnitudelargerthantheSun. The wind temperature and density are less constrained for V374 Peg. We, there- fore, adopt values representative of dM stars. dM stars are believed to host coronae with a high-temperature plasma 107 K in conjunction with a low-temperature one 2 – 3 106 K (Schmittetal. 1990∼; Giampapaetal. 1996). In our models, we adopt a temp×erature atthebaseofthecoronalwindofT = 2 106 Kor107 K.Thesecoronal 0 × temperatures are about the same order of magnitude as the solar coronal temperatures of1.56 106 K. × Coronal densities inferred from X-ray observations of dM stars suggest densities rangingfrom1010cm 3to5 1012 cm 3(Nessetal.2002,2004). Therefore,weadopt, − − at the base of the coronal wi×nd, densities in the range 1010 – 1012 cm 3. Compared to − 4 Vidotto,Jardine,Opher,Donati,andGombosi the solar coronal density of about 2 108 cm 3, coronal densities inferred for dM − ∼ × starsareabout2–4ordersofmagnitudelargerthanforthesolarcorona. The density, along with the magnetic field, are key parameters in defining the magnetic field configuration of the stellar wind and its velocity profile (Vidottoetal. 2009b,a). Together, they define the plasma-β, defined by the ratio of thermal to mag- neticenergy densities. Therefore, atthebaseofthecoronalwindofV374Peg, n k T β = 0 B 0 2.5 10 5n T , (1) 0 B2/(8π) ≃ × − 10 6 0 where the index “0” means the variable is evaluated at the base of the coronal wind, n = n /(1010 cm 3) and T = T /(2 106 K). For n = 1 and T = 1, β is about 10 0 − 6 0 10 6 0 × 5 orders of magnitude smaller than for the solar wind (Pneuman&Kopp 1971). This implies that the winds of dM stars are highly magnetised and, therefore, are expected todifferfromsolar-type winds. Table1presents theparametersadopted forthesetofsimulations weperformed. Table1. Adoptedparametersforthesimulations. Thecolumnsare,respectively: the case name, the density n and temperature T at the base of the coronal wind 0 0 (r = R ),theplasma-βparameterevaluatedatR [Eq.1], themasslossrate M˙, the angular∗momentumlossrateJ˙,andthetime-scal∗eforrotationalbrakingτ. Case n T β M˙ J˙ τ 0 0 0 [cm 3] [MK] [10 11M yr 1] [1033ergs 1] [Myr] − − − − ⊙ 1Map 1010 2 2.52 10 5 4.2 3.4 180 − 2Map 1011 2 2.52×10 4 14 7.6 84 − 3Map 1012 2 2.52×10 3 50 32 17 − × 4Map 1011 10 1.26 10 3 26 9.1 48 − × Wewereable to findaMHDsolution forthe windfor allthe simulations weran, showing that itis possible todevelop coronal wind models witharealistic distribution of magnetic field. In general, MHD wind models are studied under the assumption of simplisticmagneticfieldconfigurations, especially wheninpursuitofananalytical so- lution. Therefore,thestudyofamagnetisedcoronalwindwhereanobservedmagnetic fielddistribution isconsidered haslong been awaited. Ourworkalso sheds somelight ontheyetunobserved windsfromdMstars. Bycomparing caseswhereonlythebasecoronal densityn wasvaried, wefound 0 thatthepoloidal velocityofthewindscalesapproximately as 1 u2 foragiven B . (2) p ∝ n 0 0 This qualitatively agrees with previous results (Vidottoetal. 2009b), where it was found that an increase in the density leads to winds with lower velocities. Simula- tions presented here are in a very low-β regime, where magnetic effects completely overridethermalandkinematiceffectsofthewind. Therefore,Eq.(2)shouldbetreated withcaution, asunder different βregimes (forexample, whenitapproaches β 1),it 0 ∼ OntheAngularMomentumLossofLow-MassStars:V374Peg 5 becomesinvalid. Figure2apresentsthescaledwindvelocityprofileu¯ forcases1Map, p 2Map,and3Map, u¯ = u n1/2, (3) p p 12 where n = n /(1012 cm 3). We note that the wind terminal velocity is u [1300 12 0 − – 2100]n1−21/2 kms−1, where the range of velocities refers to different win∞d l≈atitudes (low-wind velocity near the equator, high-wind velocity around the poles). Because themagneticfieldinthelowerhemisphere ofthestarisnotreliably reconstructed (co- latitudes & 120o of the surface of the star are not observed), a high-velocity wind developsthere. Althoughthisfeatureislocalanddoesnotaffecttheremainingpartsof thegridotherthanradiallyawayfromthestellarsurface, itisanartifactofourmethod andshouldnotbetakenintoconsideration (e.g.,seetheaccumulationofmagneticfield linesnearthelow-hemisphere ofthestarinFigures2aand2b). Equation (2) also implies that the mass-loss rate of the wind (M˙ ρu ) should r ∝ scaleas M˙ ρu n1/2, (4) ∝ r ∝ 0 which means that, despite the fact that the wind velocity of case 3Map is 10 times smaller than case 1Map [Eq. (2)], its mass-loss rate is one order of magnitude larger than for case 1Map [Eq. (4)]. This has implications on the efficiency of angular mo- mentum loss, as will be shown later. The mass-loss rates for cases 1Map, 2Map, and 3Mapare M˙ 4 10 10n1/2 M yr 1. Figure 2≈b sh×ows−the12scale⊙d p−oloidal velocity profile u¯ for case 4Map. This p case considers a different temperature at the base of the corona (107 K as opposed to 2 106 K), and, because of that, has a larger β (Table 1). For this case, we did 0 × not find an analytical expression relating velocity and temperature. The Alfve´n sur- face location and configuration of magnetic field lines are similar to the other dipolar cases, but the scaled wind velocity u¯ issmaller than the previous cases: u [850 – p 1600]n 1/2 kms 1. The lower velocity observed in case 4Map happens be∞cau≈se of its 1−2 − higherβ . Themass-lossrateforcase4Mapis M˙ 2.6 10 10 M yr 1. 0 − − Overall, our solutions differ considerably fro≃m the×solar win⊙d solution, where a low-velocity wind (terminal velocities of u 400 – 800 km s 1) with low mass- , − loss rate (M˙ 2 10 14 M yr 1) is foun∞d.⊙W≃e note that, based on more simplistic − − wind models⊙, ≃such×as Weber⊙&Davis (1967), in the fast magnetic rotator limit, wind terminal velocities of 3320 kms 1 are expected for a wind mass-loss rate of about − 10 11 M yr 1. ≃ − − ⊙ 3. Discussion: AngularMomentumEvolution Observations of the rotation evolution of dM stars in open clusters at different ages provide a way to constrain the time-scale τ for the angular-momentum loss. It has been suggested that τ 200Myror, mostly likely 400 –800 Myr, (Scholz&Eislo¨ffel ∼ 2007)fordMstars. Angularmomentum ofthestariscarried awaybythestellarwind. Because in our simulations there is no axi-symmetry, the torque J˙ on the star has x, y andzcomponents. Here,weareinterestedonlyonthez-component,asitistheonlyone responsible fortherotationalbraking(becausetheangularvelocityofthestarpointsin the z-direction). The z-component of the angular momentum carried by the wind is 6 Vidotto,Jardine,Opher,Donati,andGombosi Figure2. Meridionalcutofscaled poloidalwindvelocityu¯ = u /√n profile p p 12 (a)forcaseswhereamagneticsurfacemapwasused1Map,2Map,and3Map,and (b)4Map. Black linesrepresentthemagneticfield configuration,andwhite line is thelocationoftheAlfve´nsurface. (Mestel&Selley1970) B2 J˙ = αzˆ r ρ(V+αzˆ r)dV + p+ (r nˆ) dS A z A " ×Z × × # Z 8π! × VA z SA + [r (αzˆ r)] ρV nˆdS , (5) z A Z × × · SA whereV = u αzˆ risthevelocityvectorintheframerotatingwithangularvelocityαzˆ, − × zˆ is the unit vector that points inthe z-direction, S isthe Alfve´n surface that delimits A thevolumeV ,andnˆ isthenormalunitvectortotheAlfve´nsurface. Thefirsttermon A therightofEq.(5)doesnotcontribute tothez-component torqueandistherefore null. Thesecond termdisappears inthecaseofaspherical Alfve´nsurface, butitisnon-null inthecaseswhereasurfacemagneticmapisconsideredanditbecomesrelativelymore important for the cases with larger adopted β . The third term is the dominant term in 0 oursimulations. We can estimate the time-scale for rotational braking as τ = J/J˙, where J is the angular momentum of the star. If we assume a spherical star with a uniform density, then J = 2/5M R2Ω andthetime-scaleis 0 ∗ ∗ 9 1036 M 1d R 2 τ × ∗ ∗ Myr, (6) ≃ J˙ M ! P ! R ! 0 ⊙ ⊙ where P = 2π/Ω istherotational periodofthestar. ForV374Peg,thisresultsin 0 0 6.45 1035 τ × Myr. (7) ≃ J˙ Because J˙dependsonthemassfluxcrossingagivensurface,i.e.,onthemass-loss rateofthewind M˙,fromEq.(4),wehavearoughscalingrelationbetween J˙and M˙ for cases1Map,2Map,and3Map J˙ M˙ n1/2, (8) ∝ ∝ 0 OntheAngularMomentumLossofLow-MassStars:V374Peg 7 whichimpliesinatime-scale[Eq.(7)]forrotational brakingthatscalesas τ n−1/2. (9) ∝ 0 For cases 1Map, 2Map, and 3Map, τ 18n−1/2 Myr, well below the estimated solar ≃ 12 spin-downtimeτ 7Gyr(Weber&Davis1967). Table 1 pres⊙en≃ts the mass and angular momentum loss rates, and the time-scale for rotational braking calculated for all simulations, where we verify the approximate scaling given by Eqs. (4), (8), and (9). Comparing to the observationally derived rota- tionalbrakingtime-scales ofacoupleofhundreds ofMyrfordMstarsisopenclusters (Scholz&Eislo¨ffel 2007), wetend to rule out cases with larger coronal base densities (i.e., n & 1011 cm 3). According tothiscomparison, themost plausible winddensity 0 − istheoneusedformodels1Map. Suchadensityisalsoabletoreproducetypicalemis- sion measures of dM stars (EM 1051 cm 3) and comparatively (with the remaining − ≈ cases) smaller mass-loss rates and higher wind velocities. Ultimately, when the star ages, the stellar rotation brakes, reducing the stellar surface magnetic field intensity, andtherefore thewindvelocity. With the inclusion of an observed distribution of surface magnetic field, wehead towards a more realistic modelling of magnetised coronal winds. Never the less, our model presents limitations, such as the neglect of a detailed energy balance. Instead, we consider a polytropic relation between pressure and density parametrised through γ in the derivation of the energy equation of the wind. Once the magnetic field dis- tribution is set, the thermal pressure adjusts itself in order to provide a distribution of heating/cooling that is able to support the MHD solution obtained (Low&Tsinganos 1986). IfthewindofV374Pegisabletocooldown,e.g.,byradiativecoolingnotcon- sideredinourmodels,theterminalvelocitiesofthewindcouldbeconsiderablysmaller. Depending on where in the wind energy deposition (or removal) occurs, the wind ve- locity may change, without affecting the mass-loss rates. For instance, if a substantial coolingoccursabovetheAlfve´nsurface,thevelocityprofileofthewindfromthatpoint outwards will be affected. As the information of what is happening above the Alfve´n point cannot be transmitted to the sub-Alfve´nic region, the wind density and velocity profiles in the proximity of the star will not be changed, and consequently neither the stellarmass-loss/angular momentum-lossrates. Acknowledgments. The simulations presented here were performed at Columbia (NASAAmes). References Badalyan,O.G.,&Livshits,M.A.1992,SovietAst.,36,70 CollierCameron,A.,Davidson,V.A.,Hebb,L.,Skinner,G.,Anderson,D.R.,Christian,D.J., Clarkson,W.I.,Enoch,B.,Irwin,J.,Joshi,Y.,Haswell,C.A.,Hellier,C.,Horne,K.D., Kane, S. R., Lister, T. A., Maxted, P. F. L., Norton, A. 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