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Preview Understanding Structure and Electronic Properties of Th4+ - Water Complexes

Page 1 of 37 d. r co Understanding Structure and Electronic Properties of Th4+ - Water Complexes e r of Christophe Gourlaouen1,2*, Carine Clavaguéra3, Aude Marjolin1,4, n o si Jean-Philip Piquemal4*, Jean-Pierre Dognon1*, r e v al 1) CEA/Saclay, UMR 3299 CEA/CNRS SIS2M, Laboratoire de Chimie de coordination ci ffi des éléments f, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France, o nal 2) Laboratoire de Chimie Quantique, ICS, UMR 7177, Université de Strasbourg, 4, rue fi e h Blaise Pascal, 67081 Strasbourg Cedex, France m t ro 3) Laboratoire des mécanismes réactionnels, Département de chimie, Ecole 3f 1r n 04/05/may diffe 4) UPMC, Univ. pPoalryiste 6c,h UniMquRe, 7C6N16R, SL, a9b1o1r2at8o Pirael adies eCahui mceidee Txh, éForarinqcuee,, case courrier o 165 n. It 137, 4 place Jussieu, F-75005 Paris, France, 0.o 21siti 236.mpo E-mail contacts : [email protected] (C. G., Strasbourg); 8.o y 7ge c [email protected] (J.-P. P, UPMC); ba om d p [email protected] (J.-P. D., CEA Saclay) cn ss.g a en hprditi Abstract ce ary w.nrcreseor to cop (Inn= t1h itso c1o0n)t rciobmutpiolenx, ews et op greasinen itn sai gshyts tienmtoa tthice iqr uealnectutrmon cich esmtruiscttruyr es taunddy porfo ptheert i[eTs:h (thHe2 Oef)fne]c4+t wri p of the ligand distribution on the valence shells of the Thorium(IV) ion is studied by means of om wcript the Electron Localization Function (ELF) topological analysis. Particular care is given to the rs d fnu ea study of the monoaqua complex both at its equilibrium geometry, using various tools such as dm oad wnlpte Energy Decomposition Analyses (EDA), and along its dissociation pathway. Indeed, as m. Doe acce several electronic states cross the Th4+-H2O0 ground state along the minimum energy path, we J. Chept is th dreefmeroennscter apteo ttehnatti atlh een edrigayb astuicr farecperse swehnitcahti owni lilm lepalde mtoe nttheed eivna lMuaOtiLonP RoOf d iisa baabtilce dtois sgoecniaetriaotne n. cri Caus curves. The calculated diabatic interaction energy curve will allow for a consistent n a m parameterization of new generation force fields dedicated to heavy metals based on quantum N I st- chemistry. u J s hi T y. nl Keyword: actinide, quantum chemistry, diabatic dissociation curve, Thorium, energy o e s u decomposition analysis, Electron Localization Function. al n o s r e p r o F 1 Page 2 of 37 d. r o c e r f o n o Introduction si r e v al ci The f-block comprises the lanthanide series from La (Z=57) to Lu (Z=71) and the actinide fi f al o series from Ac (Z=89) to Lr (Z=103). The use of the former elements has recently been n fi widely spread in a variety of industrial fields, such as catalysis, medical diagnosis (contrast e h m t agents for medical resonance imaging) or organic light emitting diode displays[1]0[3][4], while o 13r fr the main application of the latter mostly resides in the field of nuclear energy[5][6][7], i.e. as 5/fe 04/0y dif fuel for nuclear power plants. As such, the chemistry of actinide cations and their compounds on ma has to be investigated at the different stages of the nuclear cycle: from combustion to nuclear 165 n. It waste management. However, most of these cations are highly toxic either chemically or 0.o 21siti because of their radioactivity, and would therefore require devoted laboratories for their 236.mpo 8.o experimental study. by 7age c Consequently, computational chemistry can be of great help by allowing the in silico probing m p cond of the properties of actinide compounds and their environment, as well as the modeling of ss.g a hpreditin their response and behavior. However, new difficulties arise for the theoretical study of f- arcy e elements as compared namely to transition metals. For instance, the high nuclear charge of the ep w.nrcresor to co beloetmh ennetust riaml palnieds itoon itca kfeo rimntso oafc cthoeu nmt ertealla, tdivuies ttioc epfafretciatlsl[y8] ;o aclcsuop, itehde dp raensde nfc seh oefll so,p reenq ushireelsl st hine wri p om wcript use of accurate but expensive theoretical methods. Such approaches are possible for small d frnus systems but not for the chemically relevant ones, which generally include the cation, ea dm polydentate cryptants and an aqueous solvent. oad wnlpte Therefore, for these large systems, only long-time scale classical molecular dynamics (MD) Docce m. e a simulations can be used though recent studies on lanthanide and actinide compounds have n. J. Checript is th swhiothwonu tt haa tp oolnaer iczoabulled fnoortc ep efrifeoldrm[9] [s10ig][1n1i]f[1ic2]a[1n3t] [1M4].D I nsdimeeudla, tiino nas hoing hh-edaievlye cetlreicm menetds icuomm spuocuhn dass as Cu n water and/or with strongly charged ions, polarization affects the geometry of complexes as a m N well as intermolecular interactions. Polarizable force fields try to account for these many- I - ust body effects including an explicit term in the potential energy function to treat polarization of J s hi charge distributions by the environment[15] [16]. T y. nl As a polarizable force field with an optimized water model, the AMOEBA potential has o se proved to be particularly well suited to the modeling of lanthanide elements[9][10]. Furthermore, u al n being entirely parameterized on ab initio data, no experimental information is required, which, o s r e p r o F 2 Page 3 of 37 d. r o c in the case of lanthanide and actinide systems are rare or unavailable. The required ab initio e r f o data for the building of such a potential is the dissociation curve between the ion and a n o si reference molecule, which was chosen to be water. Additional information includes the r e v al electric dipole polarizability of the ion. Previous studies investigating the influence of ci ffi relativistic effects on the static electric dipole polarizability of La3+ to Lu3+ ions and An4+ o nal ions[18][19] have shown that accurate results are only obtained including scalar relativistic fi e h effects, core polarization and flexibility of the basis sets. m t o r The use of high level, though mono-reference methods, to compute the dissociation curves, of 3f 1r n 04/05/may diffe acplopsreoda-cshh.e lHl oowr evheigr,h -insp tihne leavnethnat noifd ec hiaorngse, trsauncshf era sb eGtwde3+e,n hthase iporno v–e dg entoe rablely aa crteinasyol[n20a]b oler o 165 n. It actinide cations - and the ligand, multi configurational approaches need to be considered. 210.sitio Indeed, the charge transfer phenomena was observed by Hagberg et al[21] between the high 236.mpo spin open shell Cm(III) ion and a water molecule along the dissociation pathway of the dimer, 8.o y 7ge c indicating that the system ionized to Cm2+ and H2O+. A means of reducing the charge transfer ba om d p phenomenon used by the authors was to introduce a second water molecule, which is kept cn ss.g a fixed during the dissociation. The interaction energy curve was computed at en hprditi CASSCF/CASPT2 level with an active space consisting of the outermost 7s, 6d and 5f ce ary w.nrcreseor to cop torrabnistafelsr owf atsh ea lcsaot ioonb,s ebruvte dn ebgeletwcteineng athney hoirgbhitlayl s cfhraormge thcelo lsiegda nsdh. eMll oTreh (rIeVc)e natnlyd, eal ewctartoenr wpri molecule by Réal et al.[14]. The carried out MRCI+DC calculations, with an active space om wcript including the empty 6d and 5f orbitals of Thorium as well as the highest occupied molecular rs d fnu ea orbital of the ligand, i.e. the nonbonding O(π) orbital, showed that this charge transfer lead to dm wnloapted Th3+-H2O+ and Th2+-H2O2+ complexes at the dissociation limit. However, due to convergence Docce failure of the MRCI+DC calculations, the active space was redefined in such a way that m. e a J. Chept is th cohbatarginee tdr aant sdfiesrt aton ctehse w6dit hoirnb itthael sc orift iTcahl( IrVeg)i owna so ff othrbei dchdaerng. eC torannsesfqeure. ntly, no energy point was n. cri Canus In this contribution, we present the dissociation of the [Th(H2O)]4+ complex with accurate a m quantum chemistry methods, complete with a diabatization procedure which allows for the N I st- computation of the diabatized MRCI interaction energy curve for subsequent force field u J s building. Relativistic effects are also investigated in this model system. Furthermore, a hi T y. detailed study of the different [Th(H2O)n]4+ complexes (n = 1 to 10) is presented based on nl e o several theoretical chemistry tools to give an overview of their electronic and structural s u al properties. Energy Decomposition Analyses quantifies the electrostatic character of the Th-O n o rs bond due to the high positive charge of the ion while the Electron Localization Function e p r o F 3 Page 4 of 37 d. r o c topological analysis is used to better understand the electronic structures of the complexes. e r f o n o si Computational details r e v al ci fi In a first step, four-component (4c) all-electron calculations using a full Dirac-Coulomb f o al Hamiltonian at the Hartree-Fock level (DHF) were carried out using the DIRAC08[22] n fi e program to provide reference data for the [Th(H O)]4+ system. The geometry of the complex h 2 m t was fully optimized at three different levels of approximation: 4c Levy-Leblond[23] (non o r 3f 5/1fer relativistic, NR), 4c-spin-free Dirac-Coulomb[24] (scalar relativistic effects only, SF-DHF) and 04/0y dif 4c Dirac-Coulomb (including scalar relativistic effects and spin-orbit coupling, DHF). Dyall’s n ma 0.165 oon. It uDnucnonnitnrga’cst edu nctroinptlrea czteedta abuags-icsc -pseVt TZ[3 3bsa2s9isp 2s0edt1 3fof5r gt2hhe] owxaysg enu seadn d fohry dTrohgoerniu mat[o25m] sa[2n6d], 21siti 236.mpo DIRAC software and used basis set are thereafter referred as SET 1. The kinetic balance y 78.ge co requirement is fulfilled by deriving the small-component basis set from the basis functions of m bpa the large components. The reliability of the basis set was checked on the energy of the Th4+ od cn ss.g a ion with respect to numerical Multi-Configuration Dirac-Fock calculations obtained with the en hprditi MCDFGME v2005.10 program package[27]. However, the simultaneous treatment of the ce earpy relativistic effects and the electronic correlation in the fully relativistic four-component w.nrcresor to co framework is very computational demanding and cannot be used to derive a full dissociation wri curve. Keeping that in mind, the one-component framework was tested using Dolg et al. p om wcript quasi-relativistic effective core potential (ECP) for Thorium and associated ANO basis set[28]. rs d fnu The calculations were performed with the MOLPRO 2008.1[29] program package at RHF, ea dm oad MP2, CCSD(T), MCSCF, MRCI and DFT levels. MOLPRO software and basis set used are wnlpte Docce thereafter referred as SET 2. The CI binding energy are given with Davidson correction when m. e a specified. [30] J. Chept is th The whole Thorium aqua series was studied using the GAUSSIAN09[31] package. n. cri Calculations were performed at the HF, MP2 (all electrons correlated) and DFT levels using as Cu n a the small core pseudo potential and associated basis set[32] for Th and Pople’s 6-31+G(d,p) m N I basis for Oxygen and Hydrogen[33] (Software and basis thereafter referred as SET 3). The - st Ju basis set superposition error (BSSE) was estimated by the counterpoise procedure[34]. Natural s hi T Population Analyses were performed on the optimized structures. The discussed Thorium y. nl complexes are all minima, checked by a frequency calculation, except when specified. The o e us ELF analysis was performed at HF level from the GAUSSIAN data using the DGRID[35] al n o package. s r e p r o F 4 Page 5 of 37 d. r o c The Thorium-water binding energies ∆E are computed in two different ways. For single- e r f o reference wave functions, this energy is expressed as the difference of the energy of the n o si complex and the energy of its fragments (equation 1). r e v al ci ffi (1) ∆E = E(Th4+-H O) – E(Th4+) – E(H O) o 2 2 al n fi e h For multi-reference calculations such a definition is no longer valid. In those cases, binding m t o r energies are estimated by the difference of the energy at a given Th-O distance and that at the 3f 1r n 04/05/may diffe Tfrho-mO dsitsatnadnacred o fs t5a0ti sÅti.c Zale roth Peorminot dEynnearmgiiecss (Z(iPdEe)a la ngda Gs ibasbssu fmreeed e) nearfgteier s c(a∆lGcu)l aatrieo ens tiomf attehde o 165 n. It harmonic vibrational frequencies. 210.sitio Energy Decomposition Analyses were performed using the GAMESS US[36] software with a 236.mpo CRENBL[37] large core pseudo potential (78 core electrons) (defining SET 4) following the 8.o y 7ge c Reduced Variational Space (RVS) procedure[38] at the Hartree-Fock level. In the RVS scheme, ba om d p the total binding energy (∆E) between the cation and the water molecules is decomposed in cn ss.g a several physical terms. The first two terms result from the frozen Molecular Orbitals of the en hprditi isolated fragments and represent the electrostatic interaction (E ) and the exchange- ce elec ary w.nrcreseor to cop rreeplauxlesido, nt h(eE pexorelpa)r iczoantitornib euntieorngsy. (TEhpe),n ,i .ea.s ththee d oisrtboirtatilosn o of ft hthee towrob itfaral gomf ae nftrsa gamree nptr oing rtehses ifvieellyd wri p generated by the “frozen” fragment is computed; followed by the charge transfer energy (E ), om wcript i.e. the contribution of electron transfer from occupied orbitals of one fragment to the vacacnt t rs d fnu ea orbitals of the other fragment. The last term (δE) accounts for some higher-order many-body dm oad wnlpte terms from different physical origins that are not detailed in the standard RVS decomposition; Docce they are expected to be negligible with respect to ∆E as in the RVS scheme the antisymmetry m. e a J. Chept is th poef rftohrem weda vsuefcuhn ccotimonp uitsa timonasin atta itnheed H F(s eleev erle,f neore dnicsep e[r3s9io]n fcoorn tdreibtauitliso)n. cNooutled bthe aitn csliundceed we n. cri Caus n a m N I - st u J s hi T y. nl o e s u al n o s r e p r o F 5 Page 6 of 37 d. r o c Results and discussion e r f o n o I. Study of [Th(H O)]4+ si 2 r e v al ci 1) General considerations fi f o al n To understand the relative importance of relativistic effects with respect to electronic fi e m th correlation effects both on interaction energies and geometries, a step-by-step comparison is o r proposed from non-relativistic calculations to a full 4-component framework. Full geometry 3f 1r 04/05/y diffe optimizations were performed on the [Th(H2O)]4+ system in the C2v symmetry at various n ma levels, and Table 1 presents the resulting geometries and bonding energies. When comparing o 165 n. It DHF and nonrelativistic results, relativity provides small modifications of the water molecule 0.o 21siti geometry but brings a significant decrease in the bonding energy. Also, the Th-O distance is 236.mpo lengthened. This behavior was already observed by Mochizuki et al.[40] for the f0 monoaqua 8.o y 7ge c complexes of the La3+ and Ac3+ ions. One possible explanation is the relativistic ba m p od destabilization of the accepting d and f spinors of Thorium which weakens the Th-O bond. cn ss.g a Accordingly, the decrease in the bonding energy, about 7 % including relativity (DHF vs. en hprditi NR), is in line with the calculated elongation of the metal-oxygen distance. The Mulliken ce ary ep w.nrcresor to co cehffaercgtes. oIft cTahno arilusom bdeo oebs sneorvt evda trhya ts,i gunpiofinc atanktliyn ga ti ntthoe aHccFo ulenvt erle lwatiitvhi sotirc wefifthecotust, trheela tcihvaisrtgiec wri om wcript p tcrhaanrsafcetre rt oowf athrdess et hoer b5itfa alsn. dA 6s ds uocrhb,i toaulsr orefs Tulhtso rairuem i nd aegcrreeeamseesn dt uwei ttho tah olsoes so fo fM tohceh aizcucekpi tainngd rs ed fanu Tsushima[41] of a Th-O bond length of 2.23 Å and bonding energy of 152.0 kcal.mol−1 at DHF dm wnloapted level, and 2.21 Å and 166.3 kcal.mol−1 at MP2 level, though with a smaller basis set. The Docce comparison of DHF and SF-DHF results shows that the spin-orbit coupling has no effect both m. e a J. Chept is th oInn ath oen beo-cnodminpgo enneenrtg yH aarntdre oen-F tohcek g feroammeetwryo,r wk,i tthh er ersepseucltt st oo bthtaei nsceadl awr irtehl atthive isqtuica scia-rleclualtaitviiosntisc. n. cri Caus effective core potential are in very good agreement with the four-component ones. n a m Consequently, this one-component approach can be used to further explore the electronic N I st- correlation effects while decoupled from spin-orbit coupling effects. Computed MP2 and u J s CCSD(T) results for the [Th(H O)]4+ system are very similar: at both levels of theory, the Th- hi 2 T y. O distance is shortened and the bonding energy is increased as compared with HF/DHF nl o e results. DFT yields very similar geometries while still overestimating the bonding energy, s u al especially with the PBE functional. Calculations of the isolated cation show that this is related n o rs to the important stabilization of the 5f and 6d orbital. The HOMO-LUMO gap in Th4+ is e p r o F 6 Page 7 of 37 d. r o c reduced from 1.27 Hartree at RHF level to 0.70 Hartree with DFT/PBE (SET 3). This makes e r f o these empty orbital much more accepting and explain, the greater binding energies. n o si r e v 2) Population, EDA and topological analyses al ci fi f al o As expected for such a charged complex, the binding energy is mostly ensured by n fi electrostatic interactions between ligand and metal, as well as the polarization of the ligand e h m t (see Table 2). No back-donation is observed, with a charge transfer contribution from Th4+ to o r 13r f H2O (Ectth) close to zero and a negligible cation polarization energy. These statements are 5/fe 04/0y dif highlighted by the Natural Population Analyses (NPA) presented in Table 3 for the monoaqua on ma complex of Thorium. It can also be pointed out that the 5f orbitals contribute significantly and 165 n. It are active in this complex at B3LYP level and, to a lesser extent, at HF level. 0.o 21siti Specific structures appear in the ELF analysis performed on the HF wave function. In Figure 236.mpo by 78.age co a1t,o tmhes .v aTlhuee ocfe nthtrea lE LcoFr ef ubnacstiionn o ifs pTlhoottreiudm in itsh en oσtv paflafencet eodf tbhye mthoe leccouolred cinoanttiaoinn inogf tah ew faotuerr m p cond molecule. However, the external “subvalence” (see reference [42] for a detailed discussion ss.g a hpreditin about the notion of metals “subvalence basin”) of Thorium is strongly distorted compared to arcy e that of the isolated cation, resulting in the splitting into two separate basins. One is located at ep w.nrcresor to co oropupgohsliyte c tohrer ewspaotenrd m too ltehceu sleu man odf tthhee oftuhlel r6 os naen dis 6 apn ealnecnturlounss calnodse trh teo d tohnea ltiigoann tdo. tThhee esme pbtays i6nds wri p om wcript and 5f orbitals, as shown by the electron population of the ELF basin (around 8.2 electrons) d frnus and the radius of the basin (around 1 Å) that can be compared to the radius of maximum ea dm radial density of the 6s (0.76 Å), 6p (0.82 Å and 0.92 Å) and 6d orbitals (1.27 Å and 1.32 Å) oad wnlpte (see data in reference [43]). This perturbation of the external shell of the cation is easily Docce m. e a explained by comparing the basins of the isolated fragments and those of the complex. Figure J. Chept is th 2 reports the evolution of the ELF function upon complexation along the C2 axis of the n. cri complex and the difference in electronic density between the complex and the fragments. The as Cu n curves show the extension of the ELF basins of the cation and the water molecule at the Th-O a m N equilibrium distance. Without perturbation, there is a superposition of the ELF basins I - ust corresponding to the water lone pair and to the Thorium external shells. Electronic repulsion J s hi leads to a deformation of these basins appearing along the molecular C symmetry axis. In T 2 y. nl line with the water polarization observed within EDA, a displacement of the oxygen o se electronic density towards the Thorium ion occurs. This is characterized by a decrease of the u nal electronic density near the oxygen core and an increase at intermediate distance. The Th4+ o s r e p r o F 7 Page 8 of 37 d. r o c cation itself is also affected since, despite a formal small polarizability, the external core shell e r f o of the cation splits into two distinct basins (Figure 1) due to the presence of the water n o si molecule. There is also a decrease of the electronic density close to the Thorium ion in the r e v al direction of the ligand with an increase in the opposite direction. The water molecule indeed ci ffi modifies the electronic distribution of the Th4+ cation. o al n fi e m th 3) Th-O dissociation o r 3f 5/1fer Preliminary considerations. With the aim being the building of a molecular mechanics 04/0y dif potential from ab initio reference results, the interaction energy curve of the [Th(H2O)]4+ n ma o 210.165 sition. It ceonmerpgyle xs uhrfaasc eto cbroes scionmgsp uotcecdu. r Itb ehtawse eanlr etahdey Abnexe+n - sHho2wOn s ttahtaet aunpdo nA dn(ixs-s1o)+c i-a tHio2nO, +p (oxte=n3t,i4a)l 236.mpo states for such highly charged cations as observed for Cm3+ and Th4+[12][14]. In both cases, the y 78.ge co authors circumvent the surface crossing through extra approximation[14] (i.e. not considering m bpa the involved 6d orbitals of Thorium) or by adding a second water molecule[12]. In this od cn ss.g a paragraph, we show that this problem can also be solved using a diabatization procedure as en hprditi implemented in MOLPRO[44]. ce w.nrcresearor to copy Pthaerotirayl guesoinmge tsriyn golpet-i moirz amtiuolntsi- rwefeerree npceerf owrmaveed fuusnincgti otnhse Can2dv sbyomthm eGtrGy Aa t avnadri ohuysb rleidv eDls FoTf wri functionals. The Th-O distance was optimized, whereas the O-H distance and H-O-H angle in p om wcript water were kept frozen in the gas phase experimental geometry[45] (i.e. 0.957 Å and 104.5°). rs d fnu Freezing of the geometry of the water molecule is required as the diabatization procedure can ea dm oad only be applied to one dimension of the potential energy surface. The evolution of the Th-O wnlpte Docce distance and bonding energy results at water frozen geometry are similar to the completely m. e a relaxed geometry one (see Table 1 and Table 4) whatever the level of theory. Adding the J. Chept is th constraints leads to an increase of the Th-O bond length of about 0.025 Å and a 5 kcal.mol-1 n. cri drop of the bonding energy. The effect of the methods on these characteristics is similar for as Cu n a both systems. m N I Also, whatever the level of theory, the BSSE is small and does not exceed 0.7 kcal/mol, i.e. - st u J 0.5% of the total interaction energy. It will therefore be neglected in further calculations. For s hi T multi-reference calculations, several active spaces were considered in order to find the best y. nl compromise between accuracy and computational resources usage (i.e. the smallest o e s u significant active space). Calculations were done in C group to take advantage of symmetry al 2v n o in such highly resource demanding calculations. The 2p lone pair of oxygen of b symmetry s 1 r e p r o F 8 Page 9 of 37 d. r o c being the highest occupied orbital of the complex, the active space was consequently e r f o restricted to orbitals of the b subgroup, since and due to symmetry conservation of the wave n 1 o si function, no single electron transfer is possible from other subgroup orbitals (a , b or a ). The r 1 2 2 e v al active space is then built upon the full 2p oxygen orbital, two 5f and one 6d empty orbitals of ci ffi Thorium exhibiting the proper symmetry and MRCI computations were performed using this o al n active space. In other word, the diabatization was performed using CASSCF[2,4] fi e h wavefunction. The MRCI level is thus taken as reference: the bonding energy between Th4+ m t ro and one water molecule is -160.4 kcal.mol−1 with an equilibrium Th-O distance of 2.217 Å. 3f 1r n 04/05/may diffe Tcohrer elcaotimonp airsa bplero vviadleude sb yw itthhe CdCynSaDm(iTc) cionrdreiclaattieosn tahnadt tahte thme aeinq uiplaibrtr iuomf tgheeo meeletrcytr, otnhiec o 165 n. It complex is mainly single-reference (90% weight). The other contributions are provided by 210.sitio some charge transfer between the water lone pair and the Th4+ orbitals (5f, 6d). 236.mpo 8.o y 7ge c Adiabatic dissociation curve. The [Th(H2O)]4+ adiabatic dissociation curves computed using ba om d p an MCSCF wave function are given in Figure 3. With the CASSCF[2,4] wavefunction, ten cn ess.ng a configurations are generated. At the equilibrium distance (2.217 Å) the ground state (S0) hprditi corresponds to the neutral water. Then three states (S -S ) are energetically close and above ce 1 3 ary w.nrcreseor to cop Str0a.n Tsfheer steo wstaartdess tchoer reemsppotnyd 5 ft oa nthde 6 sdi nogrlbei taiolsn iozfa ttihoen thoof rtihuem w caatteior nm. Aollel ctuhlee hwigithhe ra nst aetleesc t(rSo4n- wri p S ) correspond to the double ionization of the water molecule. rom wscript A9t about 2.6 Å, the S0 surface crosses a higher lying S1 surface. The crossing results in a net ed fanu charge transfer that leads to Th3+-H O+. The third state (S ) is very close to the first ones dm 2 2 wnloapted (about 10 kcal.mol−1) and could be involved in an avoided crossing, while the fourth state (S3) m. Doe acce is well separated. A large number of very close lying-states (S4 to S9) can also be seen in J. Chept is th pFriogcuerses 3re. sSuelvtse rianl ac rdoosusbinleg si owniitzha ttihoen So3f stthaete w oactceur rm ino ltehceu dlei.s sIot csihaotiuolnd pbaet hn obteeydo tnhda t6 d.0u eÅ t.o T thhee n. cri Caus relatively limited active space, the higher states might not be realistic. The analysis of the n a m wave function shows that the charge transfer occurs from the 2p(O) to the 5f(Th) orbitals for N I st- the first crossing, while the third state S2 is consistent with a charge transfer from the 2p(O) to u J s the 6d(Th) orbitals. To obtain accurate energies, MRCI calculations were performed from a hi T y. set of MCSCF configurations. The adiabatic MRCI wave function includes single and double nl e o excitations out of the active space. s u al All MRCI results are shown in Figure 4 and should be analyzed as follows. First, the n o rs crossings are shifted to larger distance, e.g., at about 3.0 Å for the first one. Then, the e p r o F 9 Page 10 of 37 d. r o c dynamic correlation strongly stabilizes the closed shell singlet state with respect to the excited e r f o states. The analysis of the MRCI wave function at the equilibrium geometry shows that the n o si ground state is not purely closed shell with a significant contribution of about 15% from r e v al single excitations terms. After the crossing, these contributions vanish leading to a now closed ci ffi shell state. The two next states are a mix of two configurations corresponding to one electron o al n in the 5f and one electron in the 6d orbitals of Thorium, the respective weights being 56/44 % fi e h for S and 44/56 % for S . After the surface crossing, the states become quasi-degenerated, m t 1 2 3fro and are transformed into pure configurations (5f1 configuration for S1 and 6d1 configuration 1r n 04/05/may diffe kfocra lS.m2)o. lA−1t wbiothth r eMspCeScCt tFo athned 6Md1R oCnIe .l eTvheels c, htahreg e5 ft1r acnosnfefirg furroamtio Tnh i4s+ -sHta2Obi loizcecdu rbs ye sasbeonutita l2l3y o 165 n. It from the 2p(O) water orbitals to the 5f(Th) orbitals leading to Th3+-H2O+. 210.sitio Due to the surface crossing, the dissociation cannot provide a correct path, i.e., [Th(H2O)]4+ 236.mpo → Th4+ + H2O, that is required to extract parameters for force field developments. For that 8.o y 7ge c purpose, it is necessary to apply diabatization methods. ba om d p cn ss.g a Diabatic dissociation curve. In this section, we discuss the general topology of the diabatic en hprditi MRCI dissociation curves for the [Th(H O)]4+ model system. In these calculations, the quasi- ce 2 ary w.nrcreseor to cop ddiiassboactiizaatitoionn pcruorcveedsu reb eptrwoepeons edt hbey Sgirmoauhn,d H aarntkde , eaxncdi tWede rnsetar twesa[4s4 ]u. seTdh teo oqbutaaisni -ddiiaabbaattiicc wri p wavefunctions (and the corresponding CI vectors) are established so that they vary as little as om wcript possible as a function of the geometry. The diabatization is carried out by maximizing the rs d fnu ea overlap for all the pairs of active orbitals at the reference geometry with those at dm oad wnlpte neighborhood geometry using a Jacobi rotation technique. Preferably, the adiabatic and Docce diabatic states should be identical at the reference geometry, e.g., due to symmetry. Indeed, it m. e a J. Chept is th ims ankeicnegs stahrey ctoh omicoen iotof r tthhee rmefoedriefniccaet iogneo omf etthrey naa tmuraej oorf tdhieff isctautletys . aFftoerr tihnes tsaunrcfea,c eta ckrionsgs inthge, n. cri Caus reference at the equilibrium distance gives a correct behavior before the surface crossing but n a m not after. On the contrary, taking the reference after the crossing produces an erroneous N I st- behavior before the crossing. In order to find a solution to this problem, we propose to modify u J s the reference wave function at the equilibrium geometry in the following procedure. If, in a hi T y. standard calculation, all the states have the same weight in the reference, here, the modified nl e o reference is built from the equilibrium geometry (Th-O distance equal to 2.217 Å) by s u al increasing the ground state weight with respect to the excited states. The reference curve is n o rs chosen in order to satisfy the rule above, i.e., the adiabatic and diabatic states should be e p r o F 10

As such, the chemistry of actinide cations and their compounds has to be simulations can be used though recent studies on lanthanide and actinide compounds have .. neighborhood geometry using a Jacobi rotation technique.
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