Understanding Social Psychology Across Cultures SAGE SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY PROGRAM Senior Consultant Editor Michael A. Hogg (University of Queensland, Australia) Consultant Editors Richard E. Petty (Ohio State University, USA) Marilynn B. Brewer (Ohio State University, USA) John M. Levine (University of Pittsburgh, USA) Stephen Reicher (St. Andrews University, UK) Vincent Yzerbyt (Universite Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium) SAGE Publications is pleased to announce the launch of a new program of titles in social psychology - both text and reference books - brought together by a team of consultant editors led by Michael Hogg: the Sage Social Psychology Program. Written or edited by leading scholars and infused with the latest research in the field, the program is intended to be a self-contained and comprehensive resource that meets all the educational needs of a social psychology program beyond introductory level. The Sage Social Psychology Program's remit has breadth and depth. Student textbooks are written by leading and experienced scholars in a style that is carefully crafted to be stimu lating, engaging and accessible. They are scholarly, comprehensive and up-to-date, and are furnished with the appropriate pedagogical devices and supplements - thus making them appropriate to build courses around at a variety of levels. Reference works, including Handbooks and Encyclopaedias, survey the landscape with an even broader sweep and should become benchmark volumes for many years to come. Forthcoming titles: Work & Organisations - Robin Martin (University of Queensland, Australia) The Social Psychology of Groups: Processes and Performance - Scott Tindale (Loyola University Chicago) & Christine Smith (Grand Valley State University, Michigan) Applying Social Psychology - Bram Buunk (University of Groningen, the Netherlands) & Mark Van Vugt (University of Kent, UK) Communication, Language and Society - Scott A. Reid and Howard Giles (both University of California, Santa Barbara) Understanding Social Psychology Across Cultures Living and Working in a Changing World Peter B. Smith, Michael Harris Bond and Qigdem Kagitgibasi USAGE Los Angeles | London | New Delhi Singapore | Washington DC © Peter B. Smith, Michael Harris Bond and Cigdem Kagitqibasi 2006 First published 2006 Reprinted 2006, 2007, 2011 Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form, or by any means, only with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction, in accordance with the terms of licences issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside those terms should be sent to the publishers. t SAGE Publications Ltd 1 Oliver's Yard 55 City Road London EC1Y ISP SAGE Publications Inc. 2455 Teller Road Thousand Oaks, California 91320 SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd B 1/11 Mohan Cooperative Industrial Area Mathura Road, New Delhi 110 044 India SAGE Publications Asia-Pacific Pte Ltd 33 Pekin Street #02-01 Far East Square Singapore 048763 British Library Cataloguing in Publication data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978-1-4129-0365-3 ISBN 978-1-4129-0366-0 (pbk) Library of Congress Control Number available Typeset by C&M Digitals (P) Ltd., Chennai, India Printed on paper from sustainable resources Printed in Great Britain by TJI Digital, Padstow, Cornwall Contents Acknowledgements viii Part One: Establishing the Framework 1 1 Some Pressing Questions for Cross-cultural Psychology 1 Summary 1Ί Further Reading 1Ί Study Questions 11 2 Improving the Validity of Cross-cultural Psychology 12 A Social-anthropological Perspective Based on Fieldwork 13 The Psychometric Perspective 14 The Experimental Perspective 19 Summary 28 Further Reading 29 Study Questions 29 3 Defining the Way Forward: Theories and Frameworks 30 Culture, Nations and Societies 30 Values, Beliefs and Behaviours 32 The Hofstede Project 33 Studying Individuals and Studying Cultures 38 Cultures as Systems of Shared Beliefs 47 Cultures as Patterns of Behaviour 49 Putting the Picture Together 49 Summary 54 Further Reading 54 Study Questions 54 4 Nations as Cultures and their Consequences for Social Psychology 56 Psychological Characterization of National Culture 58 The Eco-politico-socio-economic Context of Nations 63 An Integrative Model 73 Summary 77 Further Reading 77 Study Questions 78 vi Understanding Social Psychology Across Cultures Part Two: Core Issues 79 5 The Making and Remaking of Cultures: A Developmental Perspective 79 Why Do We Need a Developmental Perspective? 79 Life Stages and Culture 81 The Value of Children and Family Change 85 Three Models of the Family 87 Autonomous-relational Self-construal 91 Family Control 94 The Immigration Context 96 Self-construal, Autonomy and Developmental Pathways 98 Summary 100 Further Reading 101 Study Questions 101 6 Making Sense of One's World 102 Individual-level Self-representations 104 Slowing Down the Runaway Horse 108 Interdependence and Cognition 112 Interdependence and Emotion 116 Interdependence and Motivation 121 Culture as a Set of Persistent Primes 124 Summary 126 Further Reading 126 Study Questions 126 7 Personality in Cross-cultural Perspective 127 Mapping the Personality of Individuals and their Cultural Groups 128 Pan-cultural Similarity in the Organization of Personality? 130 Summary 147 Further Reading 148 Study Questions 149 8 Communicating and Relating with Others 150 Styles of Communication 150 Relating to Others 161 Summary 170 Further Reading 171 Study Questions 171 9 Working Together 172 Work Motivation 172 Theories of Justice 179 Conflict and Negotiation 183 Working in Teams 189 Leaders and Leadership 192 Organizations as Cultures 197 Contents vii Summary 199 Further Reading 199 Study Questions 199 Part Three: The World in Flux 201 10 Coping with Difference 201 Language Issues 205 Understanding Cross-cultural Interactions 209 Types of Contact 216 Summary 220 Further Reading 221 Study Questions 221 11 Cultural Aspects of Intergroup Relations 222 Social Identity Processes 222 National Stereotypes 224 Ethnic Stereotyping 229 Individualistic Groups versus Collectivistic Groups 233 Migration 236 Assessing Acculturation 237 Acculturation Processes 243 The Contact Hypothesis 245 Summary 246 Further Reading 246 Study Questions 247 12 Global Change 248 Convergence and Modernity 248 The Inglehart Project 252 Alternative Sources of Data on Cultural Change 257 Summary 263 Further Reading 264 Study Questions 264 13 The Unfinished Agenda 265 Topics for Discussion 265 Glossary of Key Constructs 275 References 280 Name Index 313 Subject Index 319 Acknowledgements This book supersedes our two earlier volumes, entitled, Social Psychology Across Cultures. Thirteen years have passed since the publication of its first edition, and during that time the study of cross-cultural aspects of psychology has been transformed. Consequently, the text of this book is almost entirely new. The overall structure remains, but our breadth of coverage is increased and we have endeavoured to include a clear account of those growth points in the field that are most relevant to the challenges posed by our ever-changing con temporary world. Just as the span of cross-cultural investigation has broadened, so has the cross-national collaboration involved in the production of this book. As a team of three, we have benefited from the diversity of our perspectives, and been stimulated to bring together aspects of the field that are too often considered in isolation. In discussing with others the content of this book, we are confident that you will have no difficulty in pro nouncing the names of Smith and Bond. You may appreciate a little help in pronouncing Cigdem Kagit9iba§i's name in a way that gives respect to the distinctive Turkish charac ters within it. Try saying it as chee-dam kut-cha-ba-sha. We appreciate the permission granted to us by Dianne van Hemert to reproduce unpublished material in Boxes 3.7 and 4.3, and by Michele Gelfand for Box 4.7. We are grateful to Pawel Boski, Joris de Bres, Mary Jiang Bresnahan, Rolando Diaz Loving, Ronald Fischer, Marta Fulop, Michele Gelfand, Gert Jan Hofstede, Heidi Keller, Mansur Lalljee, Elias Mpofu, Ype Poortinga, Floyd Rudmin, Shalom Schwartz, Andy Tamas, Nathalie van Meurs, Patricia Rodriguez Mosquera, Jim Nelson, Peter K. Smith, Evert Van de Vliert, Vivian Vignoles and Susumu Yamaguchi for their insightful com ments and generous contributions, and to Anne Cathcart for her patience and support. The enthusiasm of many colleagues who read and adopted the first two editions of this text has confirmed and sustained us in our effort to improve our own understanding of social psychology across cultures. Thank you one and all. Peter B. Smith Michael Harris Bond £igdem Κ3^ιίς^3§ι June, 2005 Part One Establishing the Framework Some Pressing Questions for Cross-cultural Psychology The only true exploration, the only true fountain of delight, would not be to visit foreign lands, but to possess others' eyes, to look at the world through the eyes of others (Marcel Proust, Remembrance of Things Past) In this book we seek to show how psychology can help us to understand and cope with the unparalleled processes of social change that are occurring in the world at the present time. This will not be an easy task, as it requires us to focus equally on two issues that are most often kept quite separate. Firstly, we shall need to show how psychologists can best address the diversity of the reality confronting the world's population. Psychology has most frequently been conducted by focusing on standardized and simplified set tings. This type of focus can yield a sharply delineated understanding of what occurs within the few types of setting that are sampled, but raises problems if one wishes to apply those understandings to settings that are located in different cultural contexts. Secondly, we shall need to focus on change as much as on stability. Research methods that sample events at a single point in time, as most do, can give us an illusion of stability, even though our individual experiences tell us that things are in flux. In this chapter, we commence our work by defining the problems with which we are concerned. The rest of the book will then develop a perspective on how cross-cultural psychology can best contribute to addressing these problems. Our focus can be defined in the following few sentences. Over the past 10,000 years, human evolution has differentiated a series of relatively small and relatively separate groups that we can describe as societies or cultures. These cultures were adapted to sustaining life in a wide variety of differing and hostile environments. Depending on how we might choose to define 'culture', several thousand cultures may be considered to have evolved. In the early part of the twentieth century, social anthropologists made detailed ethnographic studies of many of these groups. Their observations have been documented and