Understanding Rick Jones CHICK PUBLICATIONS For a complete list of distributors nearest you call us at (909) 987-0771 or visit us on the world wide web at www.chick.com CHICK PUBLICATIONS P. O. Box 3500, Ontario, Calif. 91761-1019 USA Tel: (909) 987-0771 · Fax: (909) 941-8128 www.chick.com Email: [email protected] Printed in the United States of America © 1995 by Rick Jones [email protected] All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without permission in writing from the copyright owner. 160/C Seventh Printing ISBN: 0-937958-48-4 Library of Congress Card Catalog Number: 95-092609 Preface As a child growing up in a Roman Catholic home, I often wondered about the practices of the Catholic church. One example is 11eating meat on Fridays.” During my childhood years, this was a sin that would send you to hell. Then one day the church declared that it was now okay. Questions popped into my young mind like: “Did God change His mind?” “If so, why?” I asked myself, "Why was it sinful to eat meat on Fridays, but not on any other day?” I wondered, “How did God in heaven get word down to man that this practice no longer bothered Him?” I thought about the millions of people who had died and gone to hell for committing this sin, and asked myself: “Now that it’s no longer a sin, will God release them from hell and bring them to heaven and apologize?” Let me ask you... do you have questions about what your church teaches? If so, this book can help. Keep in mind, someday you will stand before God, and you wont be able to say, “See my priest... he takes care of my spiritual matters.” You will give an account of your own life. That’s why this book is so important. Using plain, easy- to-understand language, it will answer those nagging questions that have bothered you for so long. With your eternal destiny at stake, nothing is more crucial. May God richly bless you. Contents Introduction ..............................................................7 Who is The Final Authority? ............................. 10 37 Roman Catholic Doctrines 1 Salvation Through The Church................... 22 2 Salvation Through Good Works ...............29 3 The Church Forgives Sins ............................ 35 4 The One True C hurch...................................40 5 Baptism Saves ..................................................4^ 6 The Pope: Vicar of C hrist..............................53 7 The Pope: Infallible ....................................... 59 8 The Sacraments Save ..................................... 63 9 The Sin of Presumption ................................67 10 Infant Baptism ............................................. 75 11 Degrees of Sin..................................................79 12 Transubstantiation .......................................... 83 13 Eucharist: Preserves from Sin ........................89 14 Eucharist: Helps the Dead ............................ 93 15 Mary Saves ......................................................97 16 Mary: Saved from Birth ........................... 102 17 Mary: Perpetual Virgin ............................. 107 18 Mary: Source of Holiness ......................... 110 19 Mary: The Intercessor ............................... 114 20 Mary: Recipient of Prayer ...................... 119 21 Mary: Queen Over All Things................ 124 22 The M ass.................................................... 129 23 Purgatory ................................................... 133 24 Praying to Saints........................................ 137 25 Praying for the Dead ................................ 141 26 Statues......................................................... 146 27 Confirmation ............................................. 152 28 Confessing Sins to a Priest ....................... 156 29 Indulg ences ................................................ 161 30 Interpreting Gods Word ......................... 166 31 Catholic Prayer.......................................... 171 32 Penance ....................................................... 175 33 Are Catholics Christ?................................ 179 34 Could 850 Million Catholics be Wrong?... 183 35 Reconciliation ........................................... 187 36 Celibacy ...................................................... 191 37 Last Rites.................................................... 195 Appendix 1 Confusion .............................. 199 Appendix 2 An Invitation.........................203 Appendix3 Gods Plea ..............................209 Appendix 4 Liberty or Bondage? ............ 217 “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened...” Ephesians 1:17-18 Introduction In recent years, there has been a merging of Roman Catholicism with traditional Protestantism. Many on both sides now claim those in the other camp as their Christian brothers and sisters. This was unheard of several years ago, but today: • Roman Catholic clergy appear regularly on Christian television, promoting unity between Catholics and Protestants. • Christian radio stations broadcast Roman Catholic programs. • Christian bookstores carry a variety of material appealing to Roman Catholics. 7 8 Understanding Roman Catholicism Have the two sides, in fact, merged? Are they both now preaching the same message? Do both hold the same cardinal doctrines? fo discover the answer to these questions, I began an exhaustive study ot the 1994 Catechism of the Catholic Church. Using this particular Catechism was impor- tant for two reasons: 1. This catechism is the official source for all Roman Catholic doctrine. Xo one can deny that it contains the actual teachings of the Roman Catholic church. 2. Published in 1994, this is the first new catechism in over 400 years. Therefore you can be assured that you are reading the current teachings ot the Roman CCatholic church, not what it may have taught three hundred years ago. In this book, we will examine 3” ot the most critical Roman Catholic doctrines, then let the facts speak lor themselves. You will not find personal opinions or philosophies presented here. This is strictly a declaration of true Roman Catholic doctrine and how those doctrines compare with the Bible. You must draw your own conclusions and make your own decisions. Neither is this a book of judgment or condemnation. It’s sole purpose is to help you better understand Catholic doctrine so you will be prepared when you stand betore God tor judgment, as we all must do after death: