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Understanding Physics (Motion, Sound, and Heat / Light, Magnetism, and Electricity / The Electron, Proton, and Neutron) PDF

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Preview Understanding Physics (Motion, Sound, and Heat / Light, Magnetism, and Electricity / The Electron, Proton, and Neutron)

NDERSTANDING 1 ASIMOV 3 VOLUMES IN ONE: • Motion, Sound & Heat • Light, Magnetism & Electricity • The Electron, Proton & Neutro UNDERSTANDING PHYSICS VOLUMES 3 IN 1 ISAAC ASIMOV Mysterious objects like quarks and quasars, strange mathematical symbols and complex speculationsaboutthebeginningsoftheuni- verse—all these make the world of physics seemtobeanexotic,evenforbidding, realm. Yeteverydaythingswetakeforgranted,from bicyclestomicrowaveovens,aretheresultof the development of this central branch of modernscience. Renowned science authority Dr. Isaac Asi- movhastakenthebasicconceptsofphysics and grouped them logically into three best- sellingvolumes. • Motion, SoundandHeat • Light, MagnetismandElectricity • TheElectron, ProtonandNeutron. All three are presented in this edition com- pleteandunabridged, allowingthereaderto trace the fascinating story of modern phys- ics—the human search for rules that govern anddescribetheuniverse. From Galileo's refutation of Greek theories which, unchallenged, held sway for over 2,000 years, to modern conjectures about the creation of time, matter and space, this lively and entertaining history enables the general reader to understand the develop- mentofphysicsnotonlyasaseriesoflogical progressions butalsoasanexiting dramaof the human spirit's questfor knowledge. The solving ofonesetof problems leads inevita- blytothechallengeofnewquestions. In each ofthe volumes, Dr. Asimov concen- trates on the development of specific con- cepts and places them against the appropriate historical background. Volume One, Motion, Sound and Heat, traces the theoretical exploration of these concepts from an essentially Newtonian viewpoint. (continuedonbackflap) a Digitized by the Internet Archive 2012 in http://archive.org/details/understandingphyOOisaa UNDERSTANDING PHYSICS ISAAC ASIMOV UNDERSTANDING PHYSICS 3 Volumes in 1 Motion, Sound, andHeat Light, Magnetism, andElectricity The Electron, Proton, andNeutron Barnes SvNoble BOOKS NEW YORK Copyright © 1966 by Isaac Asimov All rights reserved. & This edition published by Barnes Noble, Inc., by arrangement with Walker and Company. 1993 Barnes & Noble Books ISBN0-88029-251-2 Printed and bound in the United States ofAmerica M 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 UNDERSTANDING PHYSICS VOLUME I Motion, Sound andHeat

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