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Understanding Motor Skills in Children with Dyspraxia, ADHD, Autism, and Other Learning Disabilities: A Guide to Improving Coordination (JKP Essentials Series) (Jkp Essentials) PDF

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Understanding Motor Skills in Children with Dyspraxia, ADHD, Autism, and Other Learning Disabilities otherbooksinthesameseries VisualPerceptionProblemsinChildrenwithAD/HD,AutismandOther LearningDisabilities AGuideforParentsandProfessionals LisaKurtz ISBN9781843108269 ofrelatedinterest IntegratedYoga YogawithaSensoryIntegrativeApproach NicoleCuomo ISBN9781843108627 Can’tPlayWon’tPlay SimplySizzlingIdeastogettheBallRollingforChildrenwithDyspraxia SharonDrewandElizabethAtter ISBN9781843106012 CagedinChaos ADyspraxicGuidetoBreakingFree VictoriaBiggs ISBN9781843103479 DevelopmentalCoordinationDisorder HintsandTipsfortheActivitiesofDailyLiving MorvenF.Ball ISBN9781843100904 LivingwithDyspraxia AGuideforAdultswithDevelopmentalDyspraxia:Revisededition MaryColley ForewordbyVictoriaBiggs IntroductionbyAmandaKirby ISBN9781843104520 TheAdolescentwithDevelopmentalCo-ordinationDisorder(DCD) AmandaKirby ISBN9781843101789 KidsintheSyndromeMixofADHD,LD,Asperger’s,Tourette’s,Bipolar,andMore! Theonestopguideforparents,teachers,andotherprofessionals MartinL.KutscherMD WithacontributionfromTonyAttwood WithacontributionfromRobertRWolffMD ISBN9781843108108hb ISBN9781843108115pb Understanding Motor Skills in Children with Dyspraxia, ADHD, Autism, and Other Learning Disabilities A Guide to Improving Coordination Lisa A. Kurtz Jessica Kingsley Publishers London and Philadelphia Firstpublishedin2008 byJessicaKingsleyPublishers 116PentonvilleRoad LondonN19JB,UK and 400MarketStreet,Suite400 Philadelphia,PA19106,USA www.jkp.com Copyright©LisaA.Kurtz2008 Allrightsreserved.Nopartof thispublicationmaybereproducedinanymaterialform(includingphotocopyingor storingitinanymediumbyelectronicmeansandwhetherornottransientlyorincidentallytosomeotheruseofthis publication)withoutthewrittenpermissionof thecopyrightownerexceptinaccordancewiththeprovisionsofthe Copyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988orunderthetermsof alicenceissuedbytheCopyrightLicensingAgencyLtd, SaffronHouse,6-10KirbyStreet,LondonEC1N8TS.Applicationsforthecopyrightowner’swrittenpermissionto reproduceanypartof thispublicationshouldbeaddressedtothepublisher. Warning:Thedoingof anunauthorisedactinrelationtoacopyrightworkmayresultinbothacivilclaimfordamages andcriminalprosecution. Libraryof CongressCataloginginPublicationData Kurtz,LisaA. VisualperceptionproblemsinchildrenwithAD/HD,autismandotherlearningdisabilities:aguideforparentsand professionals/LisaA.Kurtz.--1stAmericanpbk.ed. p.cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN-13:978-1-84310-826-9(pbk.) ISBN-10:1-84310-826-7(pbk.) 1. Attention-deficithyperactivitydisorder.2. Autism.3. Autisminchildren. I.Title. RJ506.H9K872006 616.85'89--dc22 2005037054 BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData ACIPcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary ISBN9781843108658 ISBNpdf eBook9781846426728 PrintedandboundintheUnitedStates byThomson-Shore,Inc. This book is inspired by the many, many special children who have brought sunshine into my life for more than three decades. Among them: Artie, Breanna, Christian, Dakota, Erik, Frankie, Graeme, Hannah, Iris, Jerome, Katherine, Leah, Max, Noah, Olivia, Payce, Quientan, Richie, Stephanie, Troy, Vincent, Willo, Xander, Yvette, and Zackery. Since I plan to continue working for at least another decade, I should still have time to meet a special child whose name begins with the letter “U!” In the meantime, thanks and extra treats for “Uncle George,” my special cat who kept me company during long hours of typing! CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 11 Part I: Understanding the Nature of Motor Skills 13 1. The Development of Motor Skills 15 Normal motor development 15 Delayed or impaired motor development 17 Related areas of concern 25 2. Finding Professional Help 30 3. General Principles for Intervention 42 Developmental readiness for learning motor skills 42 Sensory aspects of motor learning 45 The importance of motivation and practice 50 When to teach compensation 52 Managing problem behaviors 53 Specialized therapy approaches 56 Part II: Practical Strategies and Activities for Home and School 69 4. Promoting Basic Motor Skills 71 Body awareness 72 Motor planning 76 Bilateral motor integration 77 Balance skills 80 Fine motor coordination 82 Functional vision skills 84 Oral-motor skills 86 5. Teaching Independence in Daily Living Skills 87 Suggested strategies for dressing skills 88 Suggested strategies for mealtimes 90 Suggested strategies for personal hygiene 90 6. Addressing Problems with Classroom Skills 92 Seating and positioning 92 Learning to write 95 Scissor skills 106 Visual perception skills 109 Organizational skills 111 7. The Social Impact of Coordination Difficulties 113 Fostering self esteem 113 Coping with teasing and bullying 116 GLOSSARY 119 APPENDIXITESTSANDASSESSMENTTOOLS 124 APPENDIXII RECOMMENDEDREADING 133 APPENDIXIII HELPFULAGENCIESANDORGANIZATIONS 140 APPENDIXIVSUPPLIERSOFTOYS,TESTS,ANDOTHER EDUCATIONALMATERIALS 150 INDEX 156

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