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Understanding FACTS Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems Narain G. Hingoranl Hingorani Power Electronics Los Altos Hills, CA Laszlo Gyugyi Siemens Power Transmission & Distribution Orlando, FL Mohamed E. El-Hawary, Consulting Editor IEEE Power Engineering Society,Sponsor +IEEE IEEE PRESS ffiWILEY ~INTERSCIENCE AJOHN WILEY& SONS, INC., PUBLICATION This book and other books may be purchased at a discount from the publisherwhen ordered in bulk quantities. Contact: IEEE Press Marketing Attn: Special Sales 445 Hoes Lane P.O. Box 1331 Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 Fax: +17329819334 For more information about IEEE Press products, visit the IEEE Press Home Page: http://www.ieee.org/press No partofthis publication may be reproduced, storedinaretrieval systemor transmitted in any form or byany means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,recording, scanning or otherwise,exceptas permittedunderSections 107or 108ofthe 1976United States CopyrightAct, without eitherthe priorwritten permissionofthe Publisher, or authorization through paymentoftheappropriateper-copy fee tothe Copyright ClearanceCenter, 222 RosewoodDrive,Danvers, MA01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 750-4470. Requests tothe Publisher forpermission shouldbe addressedtothe PermissionsDepartment,John Wiley& Sons, Inc., III River Street, Hoboken, NJ07030, (201) 748-6011, fax (201) 748-6008. © 2000by the Institute ofElectrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. 3 Park Avenue, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10016-5997 Allrightsreserved.No part ofthisbookmay bereproduced in any form, nor may it bestored in a retrievalsystem ortransmittedin any form, without writtenpermissionfrom thepublisher. Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN0-7803-3455-8 IEEE OrderNo. peS'13 Library ofCongress Cataloging-in-PublicationData Hingorani, Narain G. UnderstandingFACTS: concepts and technology offlexible AC transmission systems / Narain G. Hingorani, Laszlo Gyugyi. p. em. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-7803-3455-8 1. Flexible AC transmissionsystems. I. Gyugyi, Laszlo. II. Title. TK3148.H54 1999 621.319'13-dc21 99-29340 CIP This book is dedicated to all the engineers who have participated in the pioneering development of FACTS technology. CONTENT PREFACE xiii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS xvii CHAPTER 1 FACTS Concept and General.System Considerations 1 1.1 Transmission Interconnections 1 1.1.1 Why We Need Transmission Interconnections 1 1.1.2 Opportunities for FACfS 2 1.2 Flow of Power in an AC System 3 1.2.1 Power Flow in Parallel Paths 4 1.2.2 Power Flow in Meshed System 4 1.3 What Limits the Loading Capability? 7 1.4 Power Flow and Dynamic Stability Considerations of a Transmission Interconnection 9 1.5 Relative Importance of Controllable Parameters 12 1.6 Basic Types of FACTS Controllers 13 1.6.1 Relative Importance of Different Types of Controllers 14 1.7 BriefDescription and Definitions of FACfS Controllers 16 1.7.1 Shunt Connected Controllers 18 1.7.2 Series Connected Controllers 20 1.7.3 Combined Shunt and Series Connected Controllers 23 1.7.4 Other Controllers 24 1.8 Checklist of Possible Benefits from FACfS Technology 25 1.9 In Perspective: HVDC or FACfS 26 vii viii Contents CHAPTER 2 PowerSemiconductor Devices 37 2.1 Perspective on Power Devices 37 2.1.1 Types of High-Power Devices 40 2.2 Principal High-Power Device Characteristics and Requirements 41 2.2.1 Voltage and Current Ratings 41 2.2.2 Lossesand Speed of Switching 42 2.2.3 ParameterTrade-Offof Devices 44 2.3 Power Device Material 45 2.4 Diode (Pn Junction) 46 2.5 Transistor 48 2.5.1 MOSFET 51 2.6 Thyristor (without Turn-Off Capability) 52 2.7 Gate Turn-OffThyristor (GTO) 54 2.7.1 Turn-On and Turn-OffProcess 56 2.8 MOS Turn-OffThyristor (MTO) 58 2.9 Emitter Turn-OffThyristor 60 2.10 Integrated Gate-Commutated Thyristor (GCT and IGCT) 61 2.11 Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) 63 2.12 MOS-Controlled Thyristor (MCT) 64 CHAPTER 3 Voltage-Sourced Converters 67 3.1 BasicConcept of Voltage-Sourced Converters 67 3.2 Single-Phase Full-Wave Bridge Converter Operation 69 3.3 SinglePhase-Leg Operation 72 3.4 Square-Wave Voltage Harmonics for a Single-Phase Bridge 73 3.5 Three-Phase Full-Wave Bridge Converter 74 3.5.1 Converter Operation 74 3.5.2 Fundamental and Harmonics for a Three-Phase Bridge Converter 77 3.6 Sequence of Valve Conduction Process in Each Phase-Leg 80 3.7 Transformer Connections for 12-Pulse Operation 83 3.8 24-and 48-Pulse Operation 85 3.9 Three-Level Voltage-Sourced Converter 87 3.9.1 Operationof Three-Level Converter 87 3.9.2Fundamental and Harmonic Voltages for a Three-Level Converter 88 3.9.3Three-Level Converter with Parallel Legs 91 3.10 Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) Converter 91 3.11 Generalized Technique of Harmonic Elimination and Voltage Control 95 3.12 Converter Rating-General Comments 97 Contents Ix CHAPTER 4 Self- and Line-Commotated Current-Sourced Converters 103 4.1 Basic Concept of Current-Sourced Converters 103 4.2 Three-Phase Full-Wave Diode Rectifier 106 4.3 Thyristor-Based Converter (With Gate Turn-On but Without Gate Turn-Off) 110 4.3.1 Rectifier Operation 110 4.3.2 Inverter Operation 113 4.3.3 Valve Voltage 116 4.3.4 Commutation Failures 118 4.3.5 AC Current Harmonics 120 4.3.6 DC Voltage Harmonics 126 4.4 Current-Sourced Converter with Turn-Off Devices (Current Stiff Converter) 129 4.5 Current-Sourced Versus Voltage-Sourced Converters 132 CHAPTER 5 Static Shunt Compensators: SVC and STATCOM 135 5.1 Objectives of Shunt Compensation 135 5.1.1 Midpoint Voltage Regulation for Line Segmentation 135 5.1.2 End of Line Voltage Support to Prevent Voltage Instability 138 5.1.3 Improvement ofTransient Stability 138 5.1.4 Power Oscillation Damping 142 5.1.5 Summary of Compensator Requirements 143 5.2 Methods of Controllable Var Generation 144 5.2.1 Variable ImpedanceType Static Var Generators 145 5.2.2 Switching ConverterType Var Generators 164 5.2.3 Hybrid Var Generators: Switching Converter with TSC and TCR 177 5.2.4 Summaryof Static Var Generators 178 5.3 Static Var Compensators: SVC and STATCOM 179 5.3.1 The Regulation Slope 183 5.3.2 TransferFunction and Dynamic Performance 184 5.3.3 TransientStability Enhancement and Power Oscillation Damping 188 5.3.4 Var Reserve (OperatingPoint) Control 193 5.3.5 Summaryof Compensator Control 195 5.4 Comparison Between STATCOM and SVC 197 5.4.1 V-I and V-Q Characteristics 197 5.4.2 Transient Stability 199. 5.4.3 Response Time 201 5.4.4 Capability to Exchange Real Power 201 5.4.5 Operation With Unbalanced AC System 202 5.4.6 Loss Versus Var Output Characteristic 204 5.4.7 Physical Sizeand Installation 204 5.4.8 Merits of Hybrid Compensator 205 5.5 Static Var Systems 205 Contents CHAPTER 6 StaticSeries Compensators: GCSC, TSSC, TCSC, and SSSC 209 6.1 Objectives of Series Compensation 209 6.1.1 Concept of Series Capacitive Compensation 210 6.1.2 Voltage Stability 211 6.1.3 Improvement ofTransient Stability 212 6.1.4 Power Oscillation Damping 213 6.1.5 Subsynchronous Oscillation Damping 214 6.1.6 Summary of Functional Requirements 215 6.1.7 Approaches to Controlled Series Compensation 216 6.2 Variable Impedance Type Series Compensators 216 6.2.1 GTO Thyristor-Controlled Series Capacitor (GCSC) 216 6.2.2 Thyristor-Switched Series Capacitor (TSSC) 223 6.2.3 Thyristor-Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) 225 6.2.4 Subsynchronous Characteristics 236 6.2.5 BasicOperating Control Schemes for GCSC, TSSC, and TCSC 239 6.3 Switching Converter Type Series Compensators 243 6.3.1 The Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) 244 6.3.2 Transmitted Power Versus Transmission Angle Characteristic 245 6.3.3 Control Range and VA Rating 248 6.3.4 Capability to Provide Real Power Compensation 250 6.3.5 Immunity to Subsynchronous Resonance 254 6.3.6 Internal Control 257 6.4 External (System) Control for Series Reactive Compensators 259 6.5 Summary of Characteristics and Features 261 CHAPTER 7 Static Voltage and Phase Angle Regulators: TCVR and TCPAR 267 7.1 Objectives of Voltage and Phase Angle Regulators 267 7.1.1 Voltage and Phase Angle Regulation 269 7.1.2 Power Flow Control by Phase Angle Regulators 270 7.1.3 Real and Reactive Loop PowerFlow Control 272 7.1.4 Improvement ofTransient Stability with Phase Angle Regulators 274 7.1.5 Power Oscillation Dampingwith Phase Angle Regulators 276 7.1.6 Summary ofFunctional Requirements 277 7.2 Approaches to Thyristor-Controlled Voltage and Phase Angle Regulators (TCVRs and TCPARs) 277 7.2.1 Continuously Controllable Thyristor Tap Changers 280 7.2.2 ThyristorTap Changerwith Discrete Level Control 286 7.2.3 ThyristorTap Changer Valve Rating Considerations 289 7.3 Switching Converter-Based Voltage and Phase Angle Regulators 290 7.4 Hybrid Phase Angle Regulators 293 Contents CHAPTER 8 Combined Compensators: Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) and Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC) 297 8.1 Introduction 297 8.2 The Unified Power Flow Controller 299 8.2.1 Basic Operating Principles 300 8.2.2 ConventionalTransmission Control Capabilities 301 8.2.3 Independent Real and Reactive Power Flow Control 305 8.2.4 Comparison of UPFC to Series Compensators and Phase Angle Regulators 308 8.2.5 Control Structure 315 8.2.6 Basic Control System for P and Q Control 319 8.2.7 Dynamic Performance 322 8.2.8 Hybrid Arrangements: UPFCwith a Phase Shifting Transformer 329 8.3 The Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC) 333 8.3.1 Basic Operating Principles and Characteristics 334 8.3.2 Control Structure 343 8.3.3 Computer Simulation 344 8.3.4 Practical and Application Considerations 346 8.4 Generalized and Multifunctional FACfS Controllers 348 CHAPTER 9 Special Purpose Facts Controllers: NGH-SSR Damping Scbeme and Thyristor-Controlled Braking Resistor 353 9.1 Subsynchronous Resonance 353 9.2 NGH-SSR Damping Scheme 358 9.2.1 Basic Concept 358 9.2.2. Design and Operation Aspects 361 9.3 Thyristor-Controlled Braking Resistor (TCBR) 362 9.3.1 Basic Concept 362 9.3.2 Design and Operation Aspects 364 CHAPTER 10 Application Examples 373 10.1 WAPA's Kayenta Advanced Series Capacitor (ASC) 373 10.1.1 Introduction and Planning Aspects 373 10.1.2 Functional Specification 376 10.1.3 Design and Operational Aspects 377 10.1.4 Results of the Project 380 10.2 BPA's Slatt Thyristor-Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) 382 10.2.1 Introduction and Planning Aspects 382 10.2.2 Functional Specifications 384 10.2.3 Design and Operational Aspects 387 10.2.4 Results of the Project 392 Contents 10.3 TVA's SullivanStatic Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) 394 10.3.1 Introduction and Planning Aspects 394 10.3.2STATCOM Design Summary 396 10.3.3Steady-State Performance 400 10.3.4Dynamic Performance 401 10.3.5Results of the Project 407 10.4 AEP's Inez Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) 407 10.4.1 Introduction and Planning Aspects 407 10.4.2Description of the UPFC 411 10.4.3OperatingPerformance 414 10.4.4 Results of the Project 423 INDEX 425 ABOUTTHE AUTHORS 431 Preface Both authors of this book, Hingorani and Gyugyi, have been deeply involved in pioneeringworkinthis new technologyofFlexibleACTransmissionSystem(FACfS). Hingorani pioneered the concept and managed a large R&D effort from EPRI, and GyugyiinventedandpioneeredseveralkeyFACfSControllerswhile leadingadevel opmentteamat Westinghouse.Infact,bothhavebeeninvolvedinpioneeringadvances in many other applications of power electronics. FACfS is one aspect ofthe power electronics revolution that is taking place in all areas of electric energy. A variety of powerful semiconductor devices not only offer the advantage of high speed and reliability of switchingbut, more importantly, the opportunity offered by a variety of innovative circuit concepts based on these powerdevicesenhancethevalueofelectricenergy. This introductionispartlydevoted to briefly conveyingthis perspectivebeforediscussingvariousspecifics of FlexibleAC Transmission,thesubjectmatterofthisbook. Afterall,technologiesfromthetransistor to microelectronics have revolutionized many aspects of our lives; there is no reason whypowerdevicesshouldn'thaveasignificantimpactonourlivesaswell,atleastwhere energyisconcerned.Thepowerelectronicsrevolutionishappening,andapplicationsof power electronics will continue to expand. In the generation area, the potential application of power electronics is largely in renewable generation. Photo voltaic generation and fuel cells require conversion of de to ac. Generation with variable speed isnecessary for the economic viability of wind andsmall hydrogenerators.Variable-speedwindgeneratorsandsmallhydrogen eratorsrequireconversionofvariablefrequency aeto powersystemfrequency. These applications of power electronics in the renewable generation area generally require converter sizes in the range of a few kilowatts to a few megawatts. Continuing breakthroughs will determine if these technologies will make a significant impact on electric power generation. In any case, they serve the vital needs of small, isolated loads where taking utility wires would be more expensive. In thermal power plants, considerable energy could be saved with the use of variable speed drives for pumps and compressors. In the coming decades, electrical energy storage is expected to be widely used in power systems as capacitor, battery, and superconducting magnet technologies xiii

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